13373/Not Quite A Winter Wonderland

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Not Quite A Winter Wonderland
Date of Scene: 16 November 2022
Location: New Lots
Synopsis: A priest in Brooklyn floods a vacant parking lot turning it into an ice skating site. The community gathers and acts of charity take place, witnessed by reporter Clark Kent.
Cast of Characters: Maria Foster, Sunrise Aberdeen, Wendell Vaughn, Jamie Madrox, Kendall Vaillant, Tom McCarthy, Roberto da Costa, Clark Kent

Maria Foster has posed:
Winter has definitely come to New York City, including to the economically depressed sections of New Lots in Brooklyn. While the place has a number of businesses and some areas that are not in too bad of shape, it also has abandoned buildings where businesses failed. Some condemned buildings. Slum landlords have entrenched themselves in a few areas. Drug use is up, and there are corners where the dealers are fairly blatant.

This particular block isn't quite that bad, but the clothing is generally grubby, the people not the best fed. Trying to combat that is Father Theo of a local church. Both providing what charity he can scrounge up to those in the area, and other pursuits than street gangs and drug dealing.

With the freezing weather, he's run a long hose from the church over to the parking of an abandoned building next door. Several diligent hours of flooding the parking lot have turned it into an impromptu ice rink! Kids are out playing on it, most without skates, just sliding on tennis shoes. A game of broomball has started up. Broomball is hockey without skates, using brooms instead of hockey sticks, and a dodgeball sized ball instead of a puck. Father Theo is going in and out of the church, bringing out hot chocolate to those partaking of the positive civic opportunity.

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
Sunrise has been sleeping in her van just down the block. Well, slumbering away the daylight hours before prowling the evening ones. Tonight she's drawn to the sounds of laughter and conversation as she hugs her battered hoody about herself. Skinny jeans riddled with holes are worn with battered Hi-Tops, and a faded My Chemical Romance shirt from a decade back. Her hood is uop, with her blonde hair framing her pale face.

The tall teen stops at the edge of the lot, watching everyone skate about and have fun. She stands there, alone, for a long moment and simply watches, her eyes looking tired.

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    Wearing out of town colors is not the most popular thing in New York. It also can get you made fun of. Regardless of that, Wendell finds himself wearing a dark green winter coat with a big white G on it with yellow borders. He also has a scarf about his neck decorated in the same basic way.

    The scarf blows in the wind gusts, but he's not wearing gloves. When you grew up in Wisconsin, winter cold times, even in New York, feel mild to you. But the impromptu ice rink captured Wendell's attention. His hands go into his pockets and he slows in his walk to peer over towards the ice. He draws a bit closer, an amused smile on his otherwise ordinary face. He's not even wearing a hat over his short blonde hair.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
It's never a surprise when Jamie Madrox is around. There's so fucking many of him, after all, it would be weird if someone in New York _hadn't_ seen at least a dupe here or there at this point. It's impossible to know if the Jamie coming over towards the makeshift ice rink in a bundled jacket with a curious expression.

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
Kendall was not a stranger to this part of the city; something her parents had no idea about and she was intent on keeping it that way. Many of her friends and aquaintances actually frequented this area and because of such her face had become a bit of familiarity to many of the inhabitants; even those on the seedier side. It was cold, but that did not stop her from coasting down the street on her skateboard. She was going to ride until the snow on the sidewalks and sreets prevented her from doing so.

A winter had sat sideways on her head as she came up upon the gathering in her black hooded sweatshirt with a pink skull on it. She flipped the board up into her hand and paused on the outskirts of the skating rink to a voice calling out to her."

"Ken Ken. Got some good stuff for you. What do you say. Good price. Not going to get a better deal."

A shake of her head and a raised brow delivered her reply. "Roach. Yeah. Yiu keep tryin' and everytime I keep telling you no. But you know what. Tonight I will take you up on your offer." She reached into her sweatshirt pocket and pulled out a twenty, handing it to the teenage boy. "Go get yourself a burger. Maybe two."

Roach handed he a small bag and took the money, only to widened his eyes as the purchase was tossed into a sewer grate. "Why are you still standing here Roach? These kids don't want what your peddlin'" She patted him once on the shoulder and then softly added. "Seriously. Go find some dinner."

The boy slinked off into the shadows as Kendall continued her wat towards the rink, watching the children and resting her hands on her upright board.

Maria Foster has posed:
It might be that Father Theo has been pestered with questions three times this week already on when he would flood the parking lot this year. That the weather wasn't staying below freezing to where it wouldn't thaw overnight was always the answer given to the homeless teen who'd kept asking. Though finally the forecast should allow for a few days at least for the ice to be maintained.

When Maria King had seen the aged priest out front with the hose, she'd nearly jumped for joy. What she had done is run back to the abandoned building she's made her home. Her possessions are few, but one of those possessions is a pair of figure skates that she took with her when she set out on her own on the streets of New York. And had somehow managed to hang onto all this time, mainly by hiding them one place or another.

She returns, the petite brunette wearing a hoodie beneath a jean jacket. The combination are not enough for true cold weather, even with gloves. But then skating around and moving will be more than enough to keep her warm. She sits down on the edge of the ice, removing her shoes and doing up the laces of the ancient looking skates.

She glances up, spotting the football logo on Wendell as he passes. "Giants are going to kill them," she says to the Packers fan.

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
The pink heart on a black hoodie draws Sunrise's attention. She cocks her head a bit to the side, using her inhuman senses to listen in on the conversation. She furrows her brow a bit when the interaction is over, and her bright eyes follow Kendall as she makes her way closer. She shifts her lanky weight from one shoe to the other as she glances back towards the gathering.

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    Tilting his head as he looks towards Maria. A single brow lifts, and Wendell grins, "I've nothing against the Giants winning. Long as it's not the Bears." he adds with a shrug of his shoulders..

    "Nice to see people turning a patch of ice into fun times." he adds with a grin.

    And then he looks out over the 'rink' and chuckles, "If I could do more than fall over on skates, I might be out there myself."

Maria Foster has posed:
Maria gets her feet situated in the skates and sets her shoes to the side where she can keep an eye on them. Not that they aren't so old and worn that they are probably fairly safe against walking off on their own as it were.

"Well, that's how you learn though," she says. "Have to fall over a bit before you learned how to walk, right?" the girl says. Her cheeks are already a bit red with the cold, words making little clouds with each exhalation.

She pushes off backwards and makes a fairly graceful rounded turn on the skates, skating backwards. Apparently she put in those falls herself some time back.

Father Theo walks out to check on things, moving to stand beside Wendell. "How's the ice, Maria?" he asks.

"It's wonderful, thank you so much!" she says, skating over to him and giving the priest a great big exuberant hug before the teen skates back off to do a small spin. "I need to find somewhere I can get these sharpened," she comments, stopping and sliding a blade across the ice, feeling how little it digs in.

The priest eyes Roach with a disapproving eye, though Kendall's act of charity is approved of more. He looks over to Wendell then. "I thought everyone in Wisconsin skated?" he asks. "Or, not from there?"

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    "Well... my Dad always said that the only ice skating that was acceptable for boys was Hockey, and since I didn't play hockey..." Wendell shrugs, "My dad's a piece of work to be sure. About as open minded as Hitler." he mutters with a shake of his head.

    "But, you -are- correct. The only way to get better at anything is to fail at it until you improve."

    That said, he looks about, "Anyone have size eleven men's skates available?" he asks with both brows lifting.

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
The glance from Sunrise is met with a head nod and a given smile of greeting. Her heas then turning to the conversation about football; a topic she really had no idea about. She really has no idea what the "G" on his jacket was for, but she safely assumed it was not his first intitial.

It is then that she notices a young girl shuffling along slower than slow. Clearly nervous about falling with her arms far out to the side to try and maintain balance. With some consideration she makes her way onto the ice herself, her balance actually pretty good from years of skateboarding. She sets the board down on the ice and softly states to the young girl. "Ever ridden on an ice board?" An ice board. Clearly she has just made this up. The girl shook her head, but seemed interested. "You sit on it. And I push you around. Do you want to try?"

There is a bit of trepidation at first, but the girl finds herself sitting on the skateboard, her friends now watching her. "Hold onto the sides. We won't go fast. Ready?" Kendall started pushing off on a slanted foot, moving the girl and the board across the ice. "See. Isn't this fun?"

She looks over to wear Sunrise is standing by herself, calling out. "You'll freeze your as..." she caught herself being in earshot of a child. "You'll freeze if you just stand there"

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
Sunrise blinks at Kendall and furrows her brow a bit as she's called out to. "Oh! Um. Right." She makes her way out onto the ice, then, without skates. She then kicks and glides along with ease., She's from Indiana, and grew up on ice like this. Plus, she's supernaturally dexterous. Still, she tries not to show that part. She slides in a circle around Kendall and the child.

"I like your hoody," she calls out to her, trying to offer a smile.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Jamie remains mostly quiet as he sees the interactions happening. He knows how to ice skate, of course; the guy knows how to do most things at this point. He even has a dupe out there that spends time just practicing extreme sports and other things o the sort just so he can stay informed and up to date with techniques and what not.

He glances over at the growing crowd and leans against the back of a bench, patting himself down and pulling out... a chocolate bar. Yum.

Maria Foster has posed:
Over at the broomball game, the boys are getting more boisterous as a goal is scored, resulting in argument over whether it was fairly achieved or not.

Father Theo looks thought at the question from Wendell. "You know, we had some really old skates. The kind from the 70s that slide on over your shoes. I wonder if I can find that box," he says, wandering off back towards the church to go look.

Maria glides past, one foot turned forward and one foot back as she raises her arms in a shrug towards Wendell. "All the better way to prove him wrong by skating now-" she says, though her words are cut off as one of the broomball players runs after the ball in front of her. Maria hits him and gets knocked off her feet, flying right at Jamie Madrox!

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
Kendall keeps some focus on pushing the skateboard. It works, but she is very careful to make sure the child is stable and balanced. "Faster!" The young girl calls out as her friends watch a bit jealous of her new ride. The speed is increased slightly, but Kendall is not exactly ready to dump a child on the ice; that never goes over well.

As Sunrise slides around them, she engages in conversation. "Oh thank you. Not my mother's favorite. But when have I ever listened to her." There is another pause and she quickly adds to the girl on the board. "All the time. You shouls always listen to your mother." She exhales slowly at the save, making a note that she needs to filter herself.

As Maria is struck by the broomball participant, Kendall's eyes go to her, seeing her path and hoping she ends up safe when she finally comes to a stop. Tho, words ecape her again. "Holy Shi...cago." This is why she seldom hangs aorund young childrenl despite liking them."

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    Smiling to the priest, Wendell laughs softly. He turns his head and catches sight of the girl getting onto the ice-board and he smiles warmly. It's good to see people treating others so well.

    And that is when the young woman gets struck by the ball. He lifts a brow and is about to reflexively do something attention-grabbing. But he stops himself when he realizes it's not an attack. It's just something accidental, but not life threatening.

    That is when Father Theo returns and holds out the strap-on-skates his way. And Wendell turns his attention to the priest, accepting the skates even as his eyes are drawn back to the fiasco.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Maria's sudden incoming isn't something that Jamie is entirely prepared for. He does drop his chocolate though and open his arms to catch her, but it's not fast enough to really prepare for the kinetic energy that hits him, and then gets pushed _out_ of him with a sharp, audible _POP_.

Now, Jamie is standing there, with Maria in his arms, while another Jamie is standing behind the first, brushing his clothes a bit and looking down a the fallen chocolate bar. "Aw, man."

The first Jamie, with Maria in his arms, looks down at her. "You okay, kiddo?"

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
"Moms are fallible," the skinny blonde adds to Kendall's words, glancing at the child. "Don't tell them you can't be yourself. Otherwise...yeah. Listen, I guess." She doesn't exactly sound certain about that bit, though. She skids to an easy stop on her Hi-Tops when Kendall stops, as if she were on skates. She blinks and follows the other girl's glance. "I'm Sunrise," she offers to her, as an aside.

Maria Foster has posed:
Father Theo hands out some more of the skates to locals who come over. Meaning he completely misses when one Jamie Madrox turns into two Jamie Madroxes. Madri?

A lot of the people miss it, but Maria doesn't. He catches the falling skater, the teen looking up at him, and then over at Jamie Two with widening eyes.

It takes her a few moments to remember her manners. "Thanks," she tells him. "Sorry about that." She turns to flash a glare at the broomball player who ran into her, but he's already run-sliding across the ice back to the game.

Maria turns back to Jamie and looks at the second Jamie. "How did you... where did he...?" she stammers.

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    Huh. Now ain't that just something. Wendell plops his blue jeans covered backside on a curb and begins to fasten the skates on over his shoes. He fastens them nice and tight, even as his neural link to his wristbands (which are obviously cloaked) picks up on a bit of an energy discharge in the area.

    His blue eyes flicker over to where there are now two Madrox looking people. His brow raises and he just stares for a moment without speaking. Without moving.

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
A few other kids have started to follow th young girl on the skateboard being pushed about the ice, thus a decision is made by the young skaterat. "You guys go ahead and take turns. Just make sure I get it back. It's my way home." The other kids ascend on the skateboard, skating off across the rink and begining to take turns on what could quite possibly been the worst decision Kendall has ever made. Nothing like a fast moving death board on the ice.

Her hand raises to ull her hat off her head as she shakes her hair out a bit in the cool air. "Sunrise? like the start of a new day? Your parents must have been on some heavy shit." Ah with the kids out of earshot the filter is off. "Kendall. I bascially skateboard and sling coffee for high-strung Karens and self-entitled college kids."

Her eyes do catch the collision and the multiple Jamies, a brow raising and then a quick head shake at the scene, sending her blond hair flailing. She has learned to not question a lot. "Holy fuck." Her eyes quickly go to the Father and she raises a hand. "Sorry. My bad."

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
"They were," the pale girl offers with a small smile. Anyways, I've grown to like the name, I guess. Kendall is a -cute- name," she says, then. She laughs, then. "A Barista? Cool. I...uh. Well, I busk. I paint on cast-off stuff and sell it. Keeps some gas in my tank..." The slender girl trails off and turns to follow Kendall's gaze again.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
It's been chilly outside, and Tom wasn't currently on assignment. That meant he had some time to spend, wandering through the city and seeing how the world was transitioning towards the winter holidays. A cup of coffee and doughnut in hand, the man was wandering around until he stumbled upon the impromptu skating rink. "Nice." He grinned, dressed nice and warm for the weather.

I mean, they aren't clothes meant for the shenanigans of being out on the ice... but you never know.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa is dressed fashionably and for the weather, wearing a wool drivers coat. He arrives with a small group of middle school agard children from the mutant town neighborhhood. Volunteering himself to come with them when word of the impromptu ice rink hit the center. He anticipated hijinks but is pleasantly surprised. Roberto smiles as the kids join up with friends. He pulls out a phone and types a not to himself before making a call. Stores are still open right? He is talking on the phone as he cooly slides across this ice like Snoopy in a peanuts cartoon. He approaches the good padre. Finishing his call, "Ola, Padre? You run the parish in this neighborhood?"

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"Don't worry about it," the first Jamie says to Maria, propping her up a little bit and brushing her shoulders out, giving her a smile. "Happens. You all right?"

The other Jamie dusts off the chocolate, looks at it real close, and then just pops it into his mouth with a shrug. What's the worst that can happen? He'll feel a little ill? He'll just wait until after to re-absorb. It'll be fine.

"Bobby," Jamie says to Roberto when the Brazilian shows up, even as he releases Maria. It's not like he's going to try to keep her there.

He definitely doesn't answer 'how he did that'. That's private!

Maria Foster has posed:
Father Theo turns back to Wendell as he gets the skates on. "It's good to see the kids smiling and having fun. This looks like it might be a rough Christmas for a lot of the families here," he comments quietly to the man.

He looks over, seeing Maria who is no longer doing graceful turns and spins on her old figure skates, but is instead talking to Jamie. Who it seems has had a twin brother show up as well, thinks Father Theo. He comments to Wendell, "Good to see the girl smiling there. She's usually such a timid thing trying to go unnoticed by people. But when she forgets to be afraid there's a light of brightness in her."

As Roberto approaches, Father Theo turns to him. "Yes, I'm the pastor there," he says, indicating the church next door. "I see you brought some kids to enjoy the ice. Everyone's welcome here," he says.

Meanwhile, Maria gets propped up by Jamie. "Yes, I'm ok. Thanks, probably would have gotten some scrapes hitting the sidewalk," she says a little shyly. "I think in the winter the five second rule gets extended anyway," she says of the chocolate bar that got dropped.

The girl's eyes go from Jamie to Jamie, and back again. As no explanation is forth coming, she doesn't ask more. She slowly sculls backwards on the skates, moving again, but still eyes on the pair of men for the moment even as she starts curling her path about in a circle again.

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    It's not like Wendell is rich, or runs some charitable foundation. He is a private security consultant when it comes to telling the public what his job is. Protector of the Universe seems so damned pompous. No matter what his cosmic mentor says, he's not putting -that- on a resume.

    But then he levers himself up to his feet and steps out onto the ice. And as predicted, there is a moment where his balance seems to be as precarious as a cartoon character on a windowledge. His arms go out to his sides, rotating as he tries to stay vertical.

    Turns out, he manages it. And then turns slowly in the direction of center-ice... before trying to slowly push off and start skating that way. Awkward, but semi-balanced at least!

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
"A barista? I mean I guess that is my title. A little to fancy for my liking. I tend to like Mug-Slinger. Gives me a sense of..you know a superhero. The Mug-Slinger." Kendall shakes her head with a slight smile and then adds. "Yeah. Barista." Her eyes glance over a moment ot her skateboard, being used still as an ice glider. "For the record. If any of them get hurt. That skateboard is not mine."

She looks back to Sunrise, sliding a bit from side to side. "So a painter? What do you like to paint on most? I draw a lot. Mostly pencil sketches really. Nothing to fancy. I'll show you sometime if you want. I like to draw people on the subway and then give it to them. Sometimes I overshare."

She looks over to the now skating Wendell and cannot help but smile at his earnest effort and calls out to him. "Lean on on your ankles a bit. Push outwards." She gestures to Sunrise and starts to slide towards Wendell.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods shakes the man's hand, "That's good to hear Father. I'm working with some of people over in mutanttown. Seeing what's needed in these areas. I know they don't always get much." He takes off his gloves and rubs hishands before squatting down appearing to test the ice with his fingers but where he touches the impromptu rink the ice becomes firmer as the temperature of the ice itself drops several degrees in a widening circle around him unnoticed except in the subtlest of ways. He looks up at the multiple man and nods in recognition, "Hello, Jamie. Didn't know you were back in town. How have you been?"

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
"It's a good hero name," she replies with a playful grin. She glances to the board and laughs. "Don't worry. I didn't see -anything-. Man, I wish my skateboard. I had to pawn it in Westchester when I was passing through." She frowns a hint and then shrugs a shoulder.

"Well, when I actually have canvas and decent stuff I like watercolor. I especially love painting urban scenes in watercolor. It's...well, looks fantastic when it goes right. But I normally have to settle for whatever UI can get my paws on." She beams, then, at the offer. "I'd like that. I can show you some of my stuff, too..."

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"I never left," Jamie shoots back at Roberto.

"But then again, I leave all the time," says the other Jamie, rubbing his chin.

"Ah, the dichotomies of being me. Dichoto-me? Oh. _Oh_." Jamie smacks himself on the forehead. "That would have been _so much cooler_ as a code-name than _Multiple-Man_, what the f--"

Maria Foster has posed:
A man comes down the sidewalk, glancing at the kids and teens playing on the ice. He gives a bit a sour look. Father Theo spots him and calls out, "Michael! Good to see everyone out, isn't it? I was just going to go make some hot chocolate for everyone. I bet some nice warm tacos or something like that would be really appreciated."

Michael looks from the ice to Father Theo, and back to the people on the ice. "Well then they can come buy them like everyone else," he says, stuffing his hands in his pockets and turning to cross the street towards the little restaurant that he owns.

Father Theo lets out a sigh, turning and heading back into the church for the hot chocolate.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
The be-suited man makes his way closer to the broomball and ice-skating area, sipping from his coffee. A glance about and he finds a place to settle and sit, people-watching appears to be on the docket for the evening. The fun being had does bring a smile to Tom's face, clearly enjoying the spirit of those brave enough to get on the ice.

The simple things in life are made to be enjoyed, after all.

<<Do not be too at ease. Our enemies can appear out of anywhere.>> Digi comments to Tom, in his mind.

"Yeah, yeah..." He responds to no one in particular.

Maria Foster has posed:
Maria is gliding past on her figure skates. She hears Tom's and chimes in with him. "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah... she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah." The girl does a little figure skating spin. She's not great, but better than average at least. "With a love like that, you know you should be glad..."

Maybe Tom wasn't singing a Beatles song aloud, but that's what it turns into as the teenage girl picks up on it. She continues to glide around the ice. But then tries a little jump. The jump part is great. The landing part, not so much. The teen ends up sprawling and sliding across the ice on her belly.

Clark Kent has posed:
    A taxi stops at the curb outside the flooded parking lot and Clark steps out. He's wearing a black quilted coat and khakis and carrying a small audio recorder. He pauses to look over the scene for a moment, then speaks into the recorder. "On a chilly November day, some New York citizens are making the most of the weather. With a simple hose, a parking lot has been transformed into a place for the people of this neighborhood to skate and enjoy themselves."

    He lowers the recorder and walks around the edge of the parking lot, looking for anyone who might be in charge to talk to. Seeing several people speaking with Father Theo, he heads over and introduces himself. "Hi there. Clark Kent, Daily Planet. When you have a moment, I'd like to talk to you about the activity here."

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
"You had to pawn your board. Screw that. I got one for you. Actually have a few. You can pick one. My parents keep buying them for me. That whole...sorry we were never around and at work all the time. Here is a new board to show you how much we love you." She rolls her eyes and runs her hand through her hair. "You can look when I show you my art. I would like to see some of yours too."

She slides around a bit more on the ice in her red converse shoes. "You know. We have sme mugs at the coffee shop that could use a cool paint job. I could ask...or not ask and just sneak them iout one at a time." She shrugs and looks back to Sunrise.

It is then that she sees "Lil Miss Dorthy Hamill" try her jump and sprawl herself out across the ice. There is a small wince and she starts to slide over to the young girl, murmuring. "Ooh that sucks." She reaches Maria and kneels down beside her. "Are you alright? That was awesome..I mean up until the part you decided to try and land."

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
"Ogh! YUh...you...don't need to do that...," the pale girl trails off. She is awkward now, clearly not used to people offering her gifts or help. The mention of paointing mugs makes her grin again, then. "Yeah, for sure. You should...you know...gimme your number. We can work all that out, then." She turns to watch her make her way over to Maria before she heads over as well, sliding smoothly along the ice in her Hi-tops.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Well, he had all but front-row tickets to see the spill. There's a wince from Tom, in sympathy for the fallen Maria. "Are you all right?" He asks, his medic instinct kicking in. His coffee is set on the bench he'd occupied as he got to his feet. Ice. Right.

He moved carefully, his shoes not the greatest for traction in any normal weather, let alone an impromptu ice rink. "Did you need a hand?"

Maria Foster has posed:
Father Theo has the hot chocolate in hand, calling over to various kids that he knows by name to come and get some. The broomball breaks up only long enough for them to come over and mostly clear off the tray of drinks.

The priest turns to Clark Kent as the large man approaches him. "Oh, hello," he says, not having expected anyone from the press to stop by. It's not the kind of neighborhood that gets attention. Or city funds. "Sure thing, Mr. Kent," Father Theo offers. "We do this each winter. For the last, what, four years now I think, ever since the hardware store closed down," he says, motioning towards the derelict building that the parking lot serviced. A lot of good people here, not a lot of room for the kids to play though. So this is a nice way of reclaiming some space. While the weather holds."

Maria Foster has posed:
The brunette teen catches her breath as Kendall and Tom come over to help her. "Sure, just hurt my ego," she tells them. She moves to get up, moving first o her hands and knees. "Ok, ego and knee. That's gonna leave a mark," the teen says. If one of them offers a hand to help her get up she'll take it, otherwise manages to clamber back to her feet herself.

She dusts herself off, though there's only faint amounts of ice scraped free by skates that cling to her. She rubs her knee and says, "It'll be ok, just a bruise." Focusing more clearly on Kendall and Tom, really looking at them for the first time, she gets just a touch shy. "Um, thank you," she says. "Very nice of you both." She gingerly tries out her knee, giving some doubt as to whether she's sure it's just a minor bruise.

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    And yeah... Wendell is moving slowly. He did ice skate a bit. But that was fifteen years ago. He hasn't been on the ice since middle school. Since then he has had Army, SHIELD.... space adventures, etc.

    And none of those things helped with his balance on ice skates.

    But the directions called out his way get a smile and a nod from him. "Sounds like good advice." he says before he does as suggested... and his performance immediately improves. More speed -and- better balance seem to be his reward. But then... he is going, going.... oh look, there's a wall. Um... turn.. turn...... not turning.

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
"No it is not a problem at all. You can have whichever one you want. Seriously. It's not an issue. I am not going to sleep at night if I know you cannot skate when you want to. SO really this is all about me. I'll make sure you have my number before we leave."

Her eyes go to Maria as she stands and tries out her knee, looking to the young woman and asking. "Could I see it?" An odd request for sure, so Kendall quickly tries to justify it. "My father is a Doctor and I have foced myself to listen to a few things he had to say." She tilts her head to the sid,e her long hair falling almost to the ice from her kneeling position. "Can you pull up your pants a bit?"

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom nods to Maria, then Kendall. "Was a bit of a spill, yeah?" He chuckles. "Egos take the longest to heal, really." His doughnut is tossed, rather cleanly, into one of the trash recepticals. Dusting his hands off, he kneels as well once he sees how Maria is testing out her knee. "Looks like it might be a bit more problematic than just a bruise."

A grin to Kendall. "I did some time as a combat medic." He explains, letting her take the lead. Looking up to Maria, he cants his head. "Did you want to sit down a moment? Just to be sure?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles, "Hindsight is 20/20. Excuse me." He slides across the ice with that same effortless grace. Entering the small diner owned by Michael. Words are exchanged, followed by cash and Roberto re-emerges with a large pot of stew and a full sleeve of styrofoam cups.

Maria Foster has posed:
The jeans won't really let Maria roll them up to her knee. "I don't think so," she says, looking down at the leg as she answers Kendall. "I think it's maybe ok," she says to both the young woman and Tom.

Maria gives a little push with the other leg, gliding and putting her weight on the leg with the knee that hit hard. Then she takes a few tentative strides with that leg. There's a little bit of a wince as she does.

She isn't really paying attention to Wendell on the aged ice skates. But a second or two before he gets locked into that collision course with the wall, Maria looks up suddenly and over to him. If she even bothered to think about it later, she'll write of the feeling she has to just having seen his posture on the skates or something to know that he was going to have an issue.

She pushes off hard, despite the little flare of pain from her knee. She reaches Wendell but the teen is petite and the man is much larger. She grabs hold but only manages to slow him so the contact with the wall isn't as hard as it might have been.

And then she loses her balance and ends up on her butt. "Ok, I'm not noticing my knee anymore," she says.

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    And... down goes Frazier! Er... Vaughn. Down goes Vaughn. Wendell hits the wall and bounces off, dropping onto his own backside right beside Maria.

    "Oof. Thanks." he says as he lets himself fall back slowly to lie with his face skyward. "Maybe I should stick to roller skates from now on." he mutters.

    "People still use roller skates, right? Not like those weird roller blade things..."

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark nods, recording the conversation so he can write it up later. "I'm doing a series of human interest stories for the holiday season, and this seems like a great place to start. It's always nice to see something wholesome for the kids and even adults to do. Can you tell me how this all came about? You said it was four years ago that this started up, was it you that came up with the idea?"

    While he talks to the priest he looks around the area, looking over the skaters on the frozen parking lot. No major disasters seem to be in progress, just the normal small spills and slides into the walls. He turns his attention back to Father Theo to continue the interview.

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
The small girl has some fire in her. However, as she skates off, Kendall is not convinced that her knee is as good as thr young girl thinks it is. And then the collision. And once again Maria is back on her butt upon the ice. Kendall slides her way back over to the young girl, gesturing to Tom and Sunrise. Once more she kneels down beside her and states. "Let's see if we can help you before your ass freezes." She rises to her feet and offers a hand to the young girl. "You are going to want to rest that. Let us try and get you to the edge of the rink. Okay?"

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom is fine with Maria declining the help - he knows how that goes. "Ice it when you get home, for certain. And if you have an Ace bandage, wrap it for the evening." He offers, before getting to his feet on the ice. Even so, he offers to help Kendall up - but then Maria and Wendell wind up crashing, and on their respective backsides. And Kendall is scoot-sliding over there.

"There goes that ego getting hurt again." He offers, in friendly jest. Even so, he starts in that direction - very carefully.

Maria Foster has posed:
As Roberto brings over the hot stew and people realize it is there for the giving, they start to wander over again. Kids getting cups and spooning it into themselves, warming up as it hits their bellies, and for some gives them a better meal than they would have the rest of the day combined.

Father Theo smiles over to Roberto as he does. "Bless you son," he tells the Catholic, before his attention turns back to Clark. "Oh, I suppose I was the first to flood the lot, yes. Though there had been an old skating rink that had hung on for years before finally closing. One of the kids praying for it to reopen was what actually gave me the idea. So I'd give the credit to the kids, and to Him of course," the priest says.

Maria manages to get back up, the teen taking Kendall's hand for help in doing so. She offers a hand to Wendell then. "So proud of you though. Now's time to get back on that horse and... rub some dirt on it or..." she says, mixing up her sayings.

She nods to Tom's advice about some ice on it. "Ice is something I can manage," she says, glancing at the cold night around them. "Ooo, is that stew?" she says, seeing the steam rising from the cups on the tray that Roberto brought out.

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    Nose wrinkling up as he sniffs the air, Wendell inclines his head. "Is that stew?" he asks as he sits back up, before placing hands on the ice to push himself back up. Which does not go well. His hands slide on the ice, his whole braced self flopping down and his backside hitting the ice once more.

    "Oof." he mutters before getting up more carefully and trying to re-balance on his skates... And his head turns about, nose sniffing before he zeroes in visually on the stew. His stomach grumbles, and he looks down, "Shush you. That's for others. you can afford to feed yourself."

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
Tyhe pale girl has remained quiet and to herself for the most part. Until she's called over to help, of course. She moves over and grips Maria's oither side to help guide her. She's fairly cold to the touch, but that could easily be because she isn't wearing gloves or anything like that! Once Maria is delivered she steps back, flashing a smile to the others.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Michael comes out sheepishly with plastic spoonsfor those eatting the stew. Roberto nods to the man gratefully, "Obrigado, my friend." He smiles and offers him a place in the distribution line. conveniently next to the priest, "De Nada, Padre. We do what we can as we can. He smiles taking notes of the story of the rink and the history. He notes the reporter with a raised eyebrow, "Clark Kent? Are you thinking of transferring tothe Times? Or is James Olsen just busy tonight?" His tone is teasing but good natured.

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark nods, "Well it looks like your idea has turned into a tradition for this area. It's nice to see folks having fun while not having to lay out a bunch of money they may not have. This is the sort of thing it would be great to see in more places." He looks around again, then says "Would you mind if I spent a little time talking to the folks taking advantage of your impromptu skating rink? I'd like to talk to some of the people enjoying themselves here."

    As Roberto calls over to him, he chuckles and walks over to him, "Hey, good news is good news no matter which city it's in. And yes, Jimmy actually is busy today, so I'm flying solo, as the saying goes. What brings you here, and have you been coming here in previous years, or is this your first time?" Yeah, he's solidly into reporter mode right now.

Maria Foster has posed:
Maria King offers her arm to Wendell to help him steady himself. She gives a shy grin to Tom McCarthy, saying of her ego, "Oh, it's used to taking quite a beating, anyway." Looking back to Wendell," she says, "If you're hungry you should have something."

She definitely plans to. If Wendell accepts the help, she helps him over there way. If not she goes on her own. Either way she reaches Roberto and waits her turn to take a cup of stew. "Thank you sir," she tells him, even if he's only a couple of years older than Maria is.

Father Theo nods to Clark and says, "Of course, and thank you. There are a lot of good people here. I hope that can shine through in whatever you write. People tend to focus on the negatives. Which, are issues that need addressing. But there's a lot of hope and love in New Lots too."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa shakes his head, "Not previously, no." He shrugs easily, "I was in the neighborhood. I started an organization in MutantTown. So, I have been looking around for ways to help around the area. A rising tide lifts all boats as they say." Berto smiles, "That's good, he deserves a day off from time to time."

Kendall Vaillant has posed:
After helping Maria, there is a vibration in the pocket of Kendall's pants and she reached down to pull her phone out, answering it and having a small conversation in the middle of the ice. "Ya? No..no. I understand. No No, I am not upset. I'll make sure I am there. No, don't worry I can figure out dinner...like always. No...I am not mad. I'll see you in the morning...maybe." She rolls her eyes and then adds. "Or when this trial is over. Yeah..love you too. Bye.",

The phone is hung up and slid back into her poecket with a small sigh and a shake of her head, murmuring to herself. "Parents of the year..."

She smiles over ot Sunrise and states. "It was really nice to meet you. I have to go make my visiting grandmother has someone to welcome her as her own daughter cannot do that herself. Here is my number." The humber is stated for Sunrise to make not of. "I look forward to seeing your art."

She eyes her skateboard being enjoyed still on the ice by the children and shakes her head once more. "Looks like I am walking." Even the no filter Kendall is not going to ruin a child's fun.

She places her hat back on her head and gives a nod to the others, looking ot Maria. "Take it easy on that. It may be worse than you think." She does not elaborate any more."

Thomas is given a nod and a word himself. "Oh by the way. Kendall. Apparently I left home without my manners this evening."

She then places her hands in her pockets and walks by the Padre as she deprats, pulling out another twenty dollar bill and offering it to him. "We even now?" Perhaps a reference to her yelling Holy F*ck a bit earlier." It is only then that the SkateRat makes her way home on foot.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
There's a smile and a wave offered to Maria. "Just... try to go easy on your ego, yeah? And your knees and... yeah." A chuckle from Tom. "Have fun, but don't regret the fun." A nod of his head as he makes his way back to the bench where his coffee is. It might /still/ be warm. Unlikely, but hope springs eternal.

As Kendall offers over an introduction. "Tom. Nice to meet you, Kendall. Keep warm!"

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    Indeed, Captain Wisconsin accepts the help. "Thanks." he says sheepishly, smiling as he gets guided towards the stew. "If you are sure about the stew." he says as he gets closer.

    He actually pauses then and crouches down to unfasten the blades from his shoes. Then he steps out of the blades, picks them up and stands up straight.

    "Thank you Father." he says to Theo as he hands them back.

    That done, he steps over to accept a bowl of stew. "Thank you very much." he says with true gratitude in voice and posture.

Maria Foster has posed:
Maria King tries to be helpful, waving Sunrise over to where the stew is being given out. Not realize that that might put the woman with the cold hands and the unusual dietary requirements into an awkward position.

Maria starts digging into the stew. Though the skating has kept her warm despite the inadequateness of her jacket for such weather, the stew is still quite welcome. Thick and hearty, and so warming inside.

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
Sunrise Aberdeen takes the number from Kendall and grins as she watches her leave. She glances over as Maria calls to her, then, and she makes her way over. The willowy teen stares at the stew for a moment before she offers the girl a thankful smile.

"Thanks, but...I ate just before I got here. Smells delicious, though!"

Clark Kent has posed:
    Nodding, Clark follows up his question with another, "What sort of organization is it? Maybe I could get another article out of your group and get you some recognition as well. I'll get together with you in a bit, I'd just like to get some further interviews from people about this event first."

    He wanders through the small crowd recording statements from the people assembled there. Moving over to the food area, he offers, "If anyone would like to talk about this event, I'd be happy to get some more opinions."

Wendell Vaughn has posed:
    Bowl of stew in hand, Wendell turns to regard the journalist with the impressively broad shoulders. He smiles as he takes a bite, chews thoughtfully and then swallows. "Well, I came upon it late. But I think this is one of the things that speaks to the heart and soul of the people of the city. I just moved to New York recently..." His Green Bay coat and scarf tell his origins well enough. "But I am proud to be a New York resident if people like Father Theo and whomever it was that provided this stew are examples of the kind of people I can expect to meet here."

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
Sunrise's gaze lands on the priest, and she shifts a bit as if something makes her a bit uncomfortable. She withdraws, then, tugging the hood of her hoody back up. Soon enough she is out of sight. Once down a dark alleyway in this dangerous neighborhood, she erupts into a cloud of bats. They take to the sky, vansihing amidst the evening clouds and light pollution.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles, "Social Justice." He nods, "We can make time, tonight is about them." Roberto slips away to mess with the kids, sliding on the ice using his feet to manipulate the ball, keeping it away as he slides around the rink,

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark nods, "Well, for starters, I hope you enjoy it here in New York. And I have to agree with your statement about the people. It's always great to see something like this, an event run by the people instead of some big corporate event. When the people come together for their neighborhood it just goes to show you that there are still decent people out there."

    He continues interviewing people for another half hour or so before thanking Father Theo again, waving to the crowd and waving down a taxi as he slips the recorder into his jacket pocket.