Sunrise Aberdeen
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Sunrise Aberdeen (Scenesys ID: 3715) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Sunrise Aberdeen | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Hominus Nocturne | ||
Occupation: | Urchin Bloodsucker | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | Mobile (Gotham primary) | ||
Education: | High School Drop-Out | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | Dark World, Gothamites, Street Level | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 19 | Actual Age: | 19 |
Date of Birth | 17 Jun 2002 | Played By | Hunter Schafer |
Height: | 5'10" | Weight: | Skinny |
Hair Color: | Blonde | Eye Color: | Blue/Red |
Twitter: | Does not own a phone. | ||
Theme Song: | "Bloodletting" by Concrete Blonde |
Character Info
A young trans girl trying to make it on the streets. Living mostly in an old VW Bus, the girl goes from place to place, eeking out some kind of living. The fact that she's also absolutely a Vampire is besides the point.
A young vampire noble, struggling to find her place in the world.
June 17th, 2002: Sunrise is born under her deadname, Richard Aberdeen II. Her parents, Richard and Amanda, are struggling addicts in Gary, Indiana. Low-income criminals who are desperate and barely scraping by.
2007: Her father is arrested on a murder charge, and she is taken by the CPA and put into the Illinois foster system. She is not adopted, and spends much of her early youth in a cheap, underfunded and abusive group home.
2016 : She comes out as trans, finally finding herself, and gets hard push-back from the Home. She ends up finally running away, and falling in with a group of homeless queer kids like herself. Through them she acquires HRT meds to transition, and starts going as Sunrise, her new name. They steal, beg and busk to get by, but primarily the latter two. Life is hard, but...okay.
2019: Duncan Campbell, a ruthless, old vampire dating back to the 14th century of Scotland ends up exiled from the UK vampire society. He settles in Chicago and begins regularly hunting in Gary, where he discovers missing people are investigated much less often. He eats one of Sunrise' roomies, which is how he discovers her. He becomes somewhat smitten, and decides making a new vampire will cheer him up. He kidnaps and Turns her in an abandoned hotel in the city.
2019 - 2020: Sunrise is groomed and trained to join the 'Vampiric Nobility' of her older, more dangerous breed of Vampire, the Hominis Nocturne. She finds she is stronger, faster and tougher then any normal mortal. She is taught to speak with and command animals, and she can even climb walls and evade gravity to stick to ceilings and the like. She revels in what she is for awhile. Eventually their actions draw the attention of a well-equipped group of Vampire Hunters based out of Chicago, and they are ambushed while hunting. Her Maker is destroyed, and she is badly burned with silver, escaping only because of a fire the hunters accidentally start.
She begins to move east, taking an old van and sleeping in it during the day. Eventually, she hits Gotham.
IC Journal
Currently she is not a hero and she is not a villain. Sunrise is a survivor. She's taken lives before, though she tries not to. When she feeds she tries to only take enough to weaken, but sometimes bad things happen. She tries to help people when it doesn't conflict with her agenda or survival, too. If someone with bad or good intentions got ahold of her she could go fully one way or another.
She is so, so lonely. She fights the urge to seek companionship, but when it comes down to it she really needs it. It's hard for a person to survive on their own in this world, fangs or no.
Character Sheet
Animal Control:
As a Nocturne, she has a few extra powers. She's still very young, so she can only do the most basics with this unless REALLY pushed and in a dire situation. She can communicate with predatory and carrion eating animals with ease, sending mental commands and even making them long-term companions and servants. Smaller carrion eaters, like rats and the like, can even be controlled in swarms. Anything bigger then a really big dog is generally beyond her ability.
She can turn her nails into harder, longer claws at will. They grow about an inch and a half and become steel hard and sharp. She can carve through people easily, and even leave gashes in brick or steel.
She can pop fangs at will, as well as make them slide away to hide them. Her fangs have her full strength, allowing her to bite through brick or metal if she really needs to. Once locked onto a victim, she can drain them of blood in minutes. It is not a horrific feeling, and if setup properly can even be pleasant. However, when attacking some random person it usually comes with horrific feelings of pain and violation.
Many Nocturnes can fly, but she hasn't reached that ability yet. Instead, she can climb walls and along a ceiling as if gravity did not exist. Also, she can drop from any height without seeming to be hurt, almost floating when she reaches the bottom.
When she has a good supply of blood she can heal injuries well. Cuts and scratches heal in seconds to hours, depending on how bad they are. Broken bones usually need to be set, and then will heal in a few hours. Damage from her Banes take much, much, much longer to heal. She can have the painful wound from a silver bullet for weeks.
Older Nocturnes are known for bending the minds of mortals. She has discovered how to use her fledgling powers to nudge emotions in a certain direction if she focuses on someone. Base emotions like fear, anger, and jealousy are easier to manipulate. If she locks eyes with someone who is weak-willed they can be put into a highly suggestible state. This is a mystical ability. (Hypnotism is a consent power).
Supernatural Physique:
H. Nocturne are creatures of mythic power. Even as young as she is, she is stronger and faster than many lesser vampires. She can lift a motorcycle or flip a car over. Her fists and claws can smash easily through bone and brick. Physical trauma, from bullets and blades, is rarely more than an inconvenience as long as she is well-fed. Wounds that would be fatal to a human rarely do more than make her flinch.
She's a very good artist. Really. It's one of the things she is best at. She can do both realistic and more cartoonish art, and either one is skilled enough to get her a professional gig. She has rarely shown anyone her work, however. Drawing and painting passes the time for a new immortal.
She is a pretty good driver. She's driven her way across the eastern half of the country, even. She is no NASCAR driver by any means, but she could hold her own in a street race if she had to.
Her Maker gave her a guitar not long after he made her. He figured a noble of blood should be a skilled musician, as art shapes the soul. She's...okay. She can play some decent songs and could even end up in a garage band, but it's VERY unlikely she'll be recognized as an icnredible musician anytime soon. Still, she's decent.
She loves to read and always has. While she's absolutely behind on a lot of normal education, she is advanced when it comes to reading. She's read many of the classics and a lot of big western lit titles, from the Beat Generation to the Romantic era, to more modern writers.
Long before she was a Vampire she learned to sneak about. Her parents were often using, and if she got in the way she's get hurt. So, she learned to be quiet. Now that she survives off of stolen life, the ability comes in quite handily.
She's been on the street for a good portion of her formative years, and she's learned how to survive. She's good at scoping out safe and unsafe areas, as well as figuring out various forms of urban predators...from dealers to muggers to whatever. She understand urban spelunking very well, and knows how to get in and out of abandoned buildings. She can generally spot a narc in most given situations, in addition, and she knows where to find various down and out subcultures and how to interact with them.
She learned how to throw a punch when she was a homeless girl. One of the people that let her crash on their couch every now and again was a retired boxer, and he was adamant that she know how to protect herself. So, when it comes to hang-to-hand she tends towards a boxing style when not using her claws. She's decent, honestly. She'd be hard pressed to win an actual match, but when she can mix in vampiric abilities and dirty fighting she can often hold her own.
Vw Bus:
She drives an old, battered VW bus with the windows covered over and a coffin in the back, buried under blankets. The windows are secured against sunlight, and it lets her get around at a decent pace when she needs to. Her home is mobile.
She needs to feed. She requires blood, though it can be from animals. Human blood is the tastiest and the most filling, and keeps her sated for longer. Nothing sates like taking the last heartbeat of blood from a human. She needs blood to fuel her various abilities, and the more she uses the hungrier she will find herself,
Holy Ground:
Blessed Ground covers areas seen as purified by an outside force. She cannot enter a church grounds, or a mosque, for instance. If a pagan consecrated their ritual area she would be barred from entering it, as well.
Holy Symbols:
These are based on their importance. If someone ran to a store and bought a crucifix in fear of her, it would do nothing. However, a cross given to a human at their christening, or a rosary prayed to nightly, could send her stumbling back and crying blood tears. The same goes for other symbols of faith, such as stars of David, etc.
Silver Metals:
Silver is purifying, and it burns away at the corrupting essence that grants her power. A silver item pressed to her skin will sizzle and burn. It won't start a fire, but it will leave a painful scar until it can heal. Silver cuts her skin with ease, and the wounds are incredibly painful. It is a quick way to end her existance.
She's Nocturne, which means she is extra sensitive to fire and sunlight. Mere moments in the sun can outright destroy her. Sunlight causes immense pain and within a few seconds will catch the touched part of her on fire. She will go up rather quickly if she doesn't get out of the sunlight, or put herself out. Fire is similar.
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Sunrise Aberdeen has
9 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Meanwhile, on the other side of the tracks... | June 17th, 2023 | Zinda and Sunrise cross paths in a bar. |
The Cruelty of Kulan Gath | June 9th, 2023 | The Justice League Dark and the Sorcerorors Supreme face Kulan Gath in an underground castle. |
A Meeting Of Leeches | March 13th, 2023 | No description |
Social Worker Visit | February 19th, 2023 | Jen goes to check up on Sunny |
Not Quite A Winter Wonderland | November 16th, 2022 | A priest in Brooklyn floods a vacant parking lot turning it into an ice skating site. The community gathers and acts of charity take place, witnessed by reporter Clark Kent. |
Two Monsters Meet | July 4th, 2022 | No description |
Interview with a Vampire, Part 2 | February 9th, 2022 | Jennifer tracks down Sunny to check in. And to catch up. |
Requiem for a Reactor | December 26th, 2021 | Peter crosses paths with Tigra and Nughtcrawler, and temporarily sees a Sunrise at night. |
It Started at this Club... | December 24th, 2021 | Jennifer and Sunny meet in a not-so-nice bar in Gotham. |
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Sunrise Aberdeen has
9 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Sunrise Aberdeen has been credited in
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Sunrise Aberdeen has been credited in
0 albums.
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Sunrise Aberdeen has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
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Group Memberships
Sunrise Aberdeen has been listed in 1 groups.