13722/Jenga from Space

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Jenga from Space
Date of Scene: 03 January 2023
Location: Downtown Metropolis
Synopsis: A piece of junk from space crashes in to a skyscraper in Metropolis. It's carrying a deadly plague of inky space monsters that eat everything and replicate when attacked or when they've eaten too much. A team of Titans, Avenger, and a mysterious new Kryptonian save the day. The world will never know how close it came to being nommed in to oblivion.
Cast of Characters: Alura In-Ze, Monet St. Croix, Bart Allen, Terry O'Neil, Kian, Bruce Banner, Kate Bishop

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura is smelling the roses. Literally. A flower shop on the corner of a busy street. The shop owner isn't quite sure if she's meant to be a customer or just some crazy person who wants to smell her flowers. But her new senses keep getting stronger and more potent. Earth flowers smell like nothing she's ever experienced before.

There is a strange distant whistling in her right ear. She turns and notices no one else is looking. Her eyes cast skywards and she leaps up in to the air as a piece of space junk whips past her and crashes in to the side of the Pontregard Building. A tall skyscraper of 450 feet packed full of office workers.

The explosion sends shards of glass falling down to the ground and the top of the building begins to list over, crumpled at the weak point. Alura flies toward it and presses in to the side of the building, stopping it from breaking further and collapsing.

"/ndol/," she says to herself as she spreads out her arms feeling the pressure mounting but finding herself equal to the task. But the chunk of space junk is stuck in there and she can see fires burning. The building alarm is sounding and people are rushing about - but so many are cut off from escape in the upper floors.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She had been in Metropolis enjoying the skyline. Spending the evening in New York enjoying a rare clear evening and the sundown. THen on to Metropolis for shopping. She's not expecting anything of particular trouble. As far as she is concerned, the chaotic meta-human affairs of Metropolis are far, far less intense than they are in New York. So she's here, going to mentally review over various locations that she knows she can purchase things at of acceptable quality (she alas is not fast enough to fly from one side of the world to the other in minutes lik some to indulge). So when things start to shake over and the skyscraper seems to shake.. Then it does more than seems to and goes to take out a tumble, M's blood goes cold.

She goes to yell into her communicator <<Patch into any members of Justice League, Avengers, or Titans nearby and request assistance!>> That's an alert sent out which hopefully can get for anyone over in the area to come and assist.

That building is something far, far beyond her capability to deal with. She can only try and focus on the nearest crisis at a time. She goes to launch hard up to the air, moving to grab fiber optic cables that are used for sending along data lines. This will cause a partial network outage for anyone in the area. But the fiber cables are not going to be electrified nor are they going to slice people through. She's flying up.. Up.. And up into the air towards the most populated part over of the skyscraper.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen happened to be in Metropolis to get his favorite ice cream float from a little hole in the wall place just down the street from the bugle. So he is walking out with his 12 scoop monstrosity and sees the stuff flying over head. He sigh a bit and superspeeds through his ice cream and then with a quick change he is off, and running towards the building. He heads to the highest floor that can be accessed by normal people and pauses to look around and almost drops to his knees. BRAINFREEZE, But with all things with speedsters it is over in micro seconds and he is back looking and directs people to the safer of the escape routes out and then over the com. "Impulse on scene, I am just under where there is a blockage between floors, working on getting folks out here." And with that, he starts getting those who can not get themselves out, carrying them out and putting them where they should be safe from falling debris and where the first responders will be able to get to them.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The structural integrity of the space junk, too, seems compromised. Chunks of it look like they've been eaten. This isn't helping keep the chunk of the skyscraper it just took out together. Worse still, the culprit of that damage makes itself known.

A wibbly little black creature with white spots slops out of one of the holes. Dazed, it seems, it turns in to a puddle, then draws itself back together and sprouts 7 legs. 9 legs? 3... 5, it settles on 7 again. Turning around in a circle as people are evacuating the area.

This spot seems as good as any to the creature, it opens a large maw filled with teeth and noms in to the floor, effortlessly cutting through the composite of materials - carpet, cement, metal, all of it get chewed and digested in to its inky black form.

Alura spies Monet flying up and calls out to her, "Monet. We have a situation. I can hold the building but we need to pull that hyper plane stabaliser and throw it back in to space. It is infested," she says having looked at just what's in there. She did not say 'crewed' because it's really clear these things don't belong on Earth.

Her eyes skitter a moment as she looks inside and sees a blur of a person. He moves so fast she has trouble tracking him until he suddenly stops. "/finud/," she murmurs to herself and calls through the groans of the building and the siren of alarms, "Fast one. Do you help? Can you evacuate people?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a quick mental series of calculations by Monet as she does the math of the purported weight of the thing, how much she can carry, an dher ability to fly high with it. "I am not strong enough to take it into orbit. I will do what I can." She forces herself and then goes to turn her head to watch at Alura and the speeding Bart and goes tos peak to the two telepathically if she can <<You two need ot coordinate in stabilizing the building and evacuating people. It's best if we stay in communication>> Rather than having to figure out how to setup three different communications frequencies on their comms to do so telepathically. If Bart and Alura insist.

Monet goes to launch herself up in the air, going to knot the fiber optic cable on either side of the office floor with the most people in it. It's hopefully enough for some of them to catch on to and to hold themselves at. Then she's going to look over at the thing of teeth, maws, and things that look like they crawledo ut from an MS Escher painting. She can only brace herself and go up towards it. She moves to to charge in to try and give a swing of her fist at the first face. Presuming it hits,s he goes to try and jab at the next one. Maybe she can ge tit distracted and avoid it from trying to eat people?

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's mind is a wild thing as even his thinking is at superspeeds, at first there is a bit of a weaseling, but as he places the telepathic voice with the voice he had just heard over the com calling for JLA, Avengers, ect, he will bring his thoughts into focus a bit to make it easier on the telepath. "I am getting folks out and to a safe distance, so if it does fall, those who can't move on their own should be out of it. I'm going floor by floor, but will needs to get these out here before I find my way past to the upper floors. " And with that. He is doing just thought, a couple of folks who got knocked out are put on a interoffice rolling table and taken out. Moving them might be dangerous but letting a building fall on them is generally more so.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
An office man stumbles against the window. The floor is at a 30 degree slope after all. He looks Alura in the eyes and presses a hand to the glass in fear. She can't focus on him for long though as there is suddenly a void in her head. The fast one's voice.

Alura looks at the space ship junk and takes in what Monet said, "If we can stabalise the top of the building - I can pull it free and throw it back in to space. I did the calculations on Themyscira, I'm quite sure I'm capable of generating that much force."

The building groans and she pushes back on it a little more to keep it in one piece. "But if I let go of the building, it's going to fall." This is a science problem. She needs something to keep it in place.

She looks across the city and spies a building under construction. "M," she says in the mind link sharing the location not too far away, "Bring me that big steel pylon please."

The little creature looks at Monet with interest. The fist lands because it didn't really know how to respond to that. It seems to rip in two. Two inky blobs with one flung away. The second one pushes out legs and noms on the ground.

The first one hits the wall, shakes itself out of a daze and grows legs too. The white dots on its back all center in to a single point looking at Monet. It blinks and there's something about its body posture, like a cat angry, it clearly is not happy with Monet.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
All right, this is soemthing that she can't handle so quickly. But one thing at a time. She calls to Bart along the mental link <<Work as best you can with us here!>> She goes to dart along over towards Alura, moving to pick up and grab the giant metal steel pylon and fly as fasta s she can. She has to get back as soon as possible to try and arrest that goo -thing- that's attacking people. She moves to link her mind over with Alura's and barts if the two let her to show her progress.

Even as she little creature is splitting sh can only internally shudder wiht whatever it can do that she doesn't know. but she can't hesitate. Lives are at risk here and she has to do what she can to save them.

She blitzing in with the metal pylon. Going to race over towards Alura. Then going to be ready to brace against the building. It's more for show than anything else. But if she can help stabilize that small section over at the top it might give a few more seconds to let Alura get to remove the spaceship as fast as possibe and hel stabilize things. but it's far, far more than she can removely hold for but a few moments.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen seeing what Monet is letting them see of the creature, he hmmms and says "It is acting more animalistic than intelligent, you might be able to lure it the rest of them to something where you can contain them. We would need like bottles." He says and as he comes back in he starts grabbing the water cooler bottles letting them empty and setting them down at the base of the build with each load of people he gets outside. "Might be able to bottle them in these, but they might be able to eat through them. "

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura will take it. A brief respite from holding the heavy building. She knows Monet won't be able to keep it up right for long but the bracing will help. She makes quick work of it even though she's not at all used to moving so fast. She almost shoots it as her hand punches through the decayed metal of the alien craft.

Her other hand scoops it up and grips it tightly. She pulls and it cracks, breaking in half. A dozen of the little ink blob critters spill out. Alura flings the first half up in to space without a second thought.

She moves in to the building and grabs the second half. Her face a mask of determination. Her eyes begin to glow red hot before her vision lances out and cuts away at the fused joint where the junk and the building merged. She pulls it free and tosses it out in to space behind her.

Her hands lifts up and she rises in to the air and grabs hold of the building again. "I have it M. We need a more permanent solution," she says because the missing bit of building is needed to keep things upright.

The one small creature watches Bart with curiosity. He's moving and therefore interesting. It skitters closer and looks at the water bottle. A nom at the wet ground, then a nom at the bottle, biting right through it.

The more wary creature watches Bart, its one big eye following him as it remains tensed.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
That gets a firm nod from M, "We have to evacuate the building first. deal with the thing second." Their first priority has to be keeping people alive. She pauses, and then goes to think over to Alura and Bart <<We have the building temporarily stable for now. I'll keep the attention of thsoe things on me. If you can, get as many people out as posible, floor by floor.>> It's not the best plan.. but they work with things one at a time.

And M is going to fly in over towards those spreading goo things as she moves to yank out the long fiber optic wire she had tied off. A lash of her hands and a pull moves to pull the covering, insulating material off of it. She goes to twist it rapidly along one support beam. Then goes to slash through the building with it, looping through the floor on a high sweep. Like a garrote, the metal, hyper-thinw ire hopefully spikes through anything in the way and cuts clean through them! While it is (even if it hits) unlikely to do lasting damage (though it may cut some of those things to two with minimal effectiveness) it will keep their attention on her.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen sees the thing watching him, and will stop a moment, wave and reaches into his belt, and grabs a protein bar, and tosses it to the one eatting the bottle "Stay," He tells it, and then is back inside and out more people being taken away. Each time as he comes out though he drops an item down to feed the little critter, is he befriending it? Perhaps, but also if one pays attention each item he drops is made of a different material and he watches the creatures reaction to it.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
So far the creatures are having a feast on the floor and some are dropping down in to the floor below. The protein bar is nommed of course. There's a dozen of them eating everything from wood to plastics to metals. Finally Bart stumbles across a material that they don't seem to be able to eat. Tungsten.

The group wibbles over to it instantly and they all start biting at it. Even the wary one moves over to investigate the inedible. Sharp rows of teeth bite in to the material leaving behind little dents. Given time they will likely eat through it.

"You did it," Alura says with relief as their progression has been stalled. Even the ones that fell through to the lower floor skitter back up the walls to join in on the tungsten challenge. "Do you have more of that metal?"

The people from the upper levels are sidling along the edge of the room trying not to get the attention of the creatures that Bart has transfixed with his snacks. One of them slips and a computer monitor falls to the floor. Several of the creatures look up and jump at him and the monitor, devouring him in mere moments.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
This is wonderful. They're losing people quickly. Monet can only now start going to try and brawl with the creatures directly. She moves to try and charge at them now fist raised. Not the way she wants to handle them, but she has to try and save people as fast as possible. She moves to charge at the nearest one, fist outstretched. Moving to try and deal it a quick haymaker along the mouth. The thing is good, so kinetic force won't do much. But it will get attention.

Then she's going to do it to the next one. And the next. She's not remotely as fast as the others, particularly in close quarters. nor si she as strong. But she has to try. And that means just fighting a one woman delaying actionw hile others evacuate people and hold the skyscraper aloft.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will frown a bit at this and says "Yea we can get some, just not sure where to get alot, specially enough to make a box or something where is Firestorm when ya need him." He will call over the coms. "Anyone in bound, if you can bring tungston with you would be helpful, we got critters who are eatting through everything and only thing I have found slows them down so far." He is back to moving people out and tossing things still into the pile, trying to get as many creatures together as he can an away from the people.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The call over the comms did not go unheard, and there happened to be a group of Titans currently at the Tower. Vorpal had been on Monitor duty (they trust him to do that, imagine!) when the message came through.

"Titans! Gather in the main room for Rabbit Holing, we have a situation!"

The details had been explained on the way over comms. So by the time the Rabbit Hole opened, the Titan trio had been put au courant of the most recent crisis. The Cheshire cat is the first to step through, "ALright, I'm on crowd control to help with bystanders - Hawky, we'll follow your lead, let's kick some alien Butt!"

He pauses and glances over his shoulder, "... no offense meant, hon," he says to Kian, sheepishly.

Kian has posed:
    "Why?  That /is/ my clan," Kian replies, popping through the Rabbit Hole like a sparrow flitting through a chain link fence and immediately heading upwards.  Standard bird behavior.
    "I'll look for civilians that need to be evacuated," he radios down.  "And what are the dik-heds I should be looking out for?"
    No, no one has bothered to correct how Vic taught him to refer to the bad guys.  At least he hasn't picked up any further Vic-isms, take your victories where you can find them.

Bruce Banner has posed:
It is a sad state of affairs at Avengers Mansion when the distress call comes in, and there is no one really qualified to show up and lift a building or fight alien critters. There is only one, mild mannered scientist, Dr. Bruce Banner.

Bruce peers at the distress call, and sees the proliferation of alien critters show up. "Not good, not good at all." He hops onto comms to see if any less volatile Avengers are around to help, but it would seem that he is out of luck.

"I hope this isn't a bad idea," he murmurs to himself as he heads to snag a Quinjet. "Just to observe, offer some advice on dealing with the alien munchers." He punches in the coordinates for the distress call and settles back.

"Easy peasy."

It's always easy peasy, isn't it?

Kate Bishop has posed:
    To be fair. Monitoring Duty is supplemented with some of Vic's programs and watch dog functions so it isn't like any Titan is purely alone with it.

    Kate does show up in the main room though, pulling on her gear, checking it over to make sure everything is buckled and right as she finally gets to the Rabbit Hole. "Jesus wept... why is it always aliens and also Metropolis."

    Yeah she knows it is all so often also New York or DC or ... "ok honestly why is it always earth and aliens..." she corrects herself before someone else points out that it isn't always Metroplis. "and yes I know it could be demons.. angels.. other dimensions... but aliens does seem to happen to us a lot... statistically."

    She taps her own comm as she looks around even as the other two Titans go on civvie rescue. <<Titans on site, can someone tell me a real fast 411 on the problem and where you might need us to focus?>>

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura calls out, "M no!" But it's too late. She's going in throwing fists again. Each time she strikes one of the creatures, she feels just how gentle and jello like they are. The little ink sacks from space split. There are now 19 of the things.

This is likely how the space ship came to its untimely end. Surely, too, this could be the end of Earth itself if they can't find a way to contain them.

Alura watches in horror as they devour a person right before her eyes. Worst case scenario confirmed. What a weird situation for her to be in. She's a scientist dammit, not a skyscraper pillar of strength. But here she is, stuck holding a building up while the chaos erupts around her.

Her eyes begin to glow red hot again and she calls out, "Careful." A burst of heat energy whips out of her eyes and strikes one of the inky space creatures and it erupts in to flames. It does not, however, burn. Instead it runs about wildly setting other things on fire. It merely hurt.

"Oh.. bad. Very bad," she remarks at her failed attempt to find a more fatal solution to the problem that is rapidly getting out of control. "We must find something they cannot eat," she says as one of them leaps on to her leg and bites. Right through her Themysciran clothing but stopped by her skin. She winces expecting it to hurt. It does not thankfully. The creature loses interest and drops back down. It's starry white eyes flow about on its black exterior looking for its next meal.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
reinforcements were on the way. That's good. Monet is quite happy to have backup for. <<Do you have any idea what this is?>> THe fact that the Titans are arriving in larger numbers means there are too many over for what she can possibly keep a mental link up with. She's not sure if Alura has a communicator either. So M goes to try and quickly get in touch with Alura <<I'll be feeding along whatever you say to the communication network>>

She doesn't know what these things -are- but they're eating people fast. All right, all right. Things they can't consume. She goes to sweep around, seeing a fire extinguisher. She goes to hurl it towards one of the things, and then goes to along the mid-hrul try to pop it with a small rock that would have the fire extinguisher hopefully blow up at close range. Maybe compressed foam and carbon dioxide detonating it it's gooey face might work some! Fire might not be the best.. Maybe something colder would?

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and starts going through his mind things that are tougher than Tungsten, sadly most of them are not of earth origin, or have not been created yet. He will speak over the com "Ship well to earth with these little blobs that split when ya hit them. Seems they like things that are harder for them to eat." He hmmms and says "You able to wormhole them out to an asteroid or something?" He asks Terry before adding "Super Lady can they survive without air?" He does not want to kill them even if they are eating folks, but he is trying to prevent that. "Bottom floors mostly cleared after about the middle of the scraper It is blocked though so people up there still need saved.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Roger, then- I could start Rabbit Hole-ing them to a desert island I know... but right now saving civilians is the most important thing, then we can figure out what we do with these." Vorpal hasn't been properly introduced to Superwoman, but right now is not the time for tea and cookies. Now it's the time to start savin' people!

"Kian, top floor, carry some peeps out, I'll join you in a second. Once we get them out we can start getting these blobs into the Rabbit Hole-" he eyes the creatures wariily, just in case they develop a taste for ca, too. He opens the Rabbit Hole and sets his destination up, up and away (no, wait, that's someone else's thing-) to one of the top floors.

"Alright, everybody!" he shouts, "Cheshire Express! Just step into the Rabbit Hole and you'll arrive at the TItan Tower parking lot, where you will be safe!"

A glowing flamingo croquet bat appears in his hands to attack the nearest blob that might try to snap at civilians. Maybe they can't eat chaos magic?5r

Kian has posed:
    "Already on my way up," Kian radios back, performing an unnecessary but quite well executed spiral on his climb through the air.
    Only one surprise along the way: the unexpected awareness of another active mind.  In the interests of speed, he flicks only a quick message that any civilians she can safely route to the roof can get a rescue from there.  He really has gotten out of the habit of even looking for other active minds anymore.  They're just too uncommon on Earth.
    His voice floats over the radio again.  "Also, does anyone know whether the dik-heds are affected by... well, anything?"
    He crests the roof -- yes, there are some awaiting rescue.  "One at a time, please," he says in what he hopes is a soothing manner.  "It does no one any good if I sprain a wing."  Ever reasonable Kian... also, you'd think he'd know better than to not expect a certain amount of panic from bystanders... but then, he figures he's gotten used to it and it's not even his planet, they should be able to as well.

Bruce Banner has posed:
As an Avengers Quinjet flies into the scene, Bruce flips a switch to transmit on all known channels used by the various hero groups with which they have partnered in the past.

"Avengers responding to the distress call, Dr. Bruce Banner present. What are we looking at, and how can we help?"

He frowns immediately after saying the we. It is not really a we. He is not even really sure technically if he counts as an Avenger. Does the Hulk? Maybe. He's a guest of the Avengers, at best. But sometimes, you just roll with what you have.

He punches up a scan of the alient critters on the Quinjet sensors and stares at them. This earns another frown. "This doesn't look good," he says as he sees the resilience they display to physical damage as well as heat.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Do not rabbit hole them onto earth... if they are from space and from what I can see immune to fire... well they would probably just ooze into the ocean and eat ... everything reproducing out of sight until they emerge like a black tidal wave and devour the other twenty nine percent of the planet..."

    She selects an arrow carefully and nocks it before firing it right at one of the creatures quite a ways away from where she is observing. She does not have invulnerable skin and doesn't want to end up like any of the civilians they are rescuing.

    That arrow though is an ice bomb or an ingenous piece of technology. Basically a flash freeze device lifted from some cold based villains technologies and turned into arrow form. Fire didn't do anything but make it worse, what does freezing the blobs of hunger do.

    "So focus on getting all the civvies out ... do not let the blobs spread from here... and then we need to get them back off planet or contained ASAP.... does anyone know what might contain them safely yet... can you make a chaos construct aquarium to house them in for now Vorp?" she wasn't onsite for Bart's discovery earlier.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura hms at Bart's question. "They survived space. So that's near absolute zero and no atmosphere. They also didn't evaporate from my heat vision. I'd say they're very hearty creatures. What we need is something big, interesting, and slightly edible that they can't resist all biting on - then we take that up in to space and dust them off safely away from the planet."

"But I can't help with that until someone brings more girders so we can prop up this building safely. M, see if you can get more girders from that construction site. No one punch or strike or cut the creatures. They multiply by some form of blunt force trauma mitosis."

She thinks for a moment as she considers the ridiculousness of the situation she's found herself in. She really wants to grab one and put it under a quantum-scope to see how they tick but instead she's holding up a building. Now she understands how it is Kara put down the tools of science and became a warrior on this world.

A name from a prior incident when she was hanging out with Kon-El comes back to her from a person whose life they changed. "Superwoman," she finally replies to Bart's use of the name 'Super Lady'. Secret identity. That's how you do it right? She'll check with Kal and Kara later.

More creatures jump at the people to be knocked back by Terry's magical flamingo. They certain'y can't eat it, but they do get split in to two. They shake it off, the split creatures, and sprout legs. There's now 26 of them.

Thuck, Kate adds to their total as it too splits. 27. Though 25 unfrozen, 2 frozen. They seem to be quivering inside the ice. Alura watches with amazement and horror, "How are they still moving?" It becomes clear that they are somehow nibbling at the ice.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet is rapidly looking about. Interesitng things, interesitng things.. She's not sure how -much- of a consciousness these things have. Or if there's any higher thought rocess at all. Aliens are always very difficult, if not impossible to read. But what she can do is play off emotional chords. Emotions on a primal level are still constant. Even if they're firing based on different pathways than carbon and silicon. Even if it's in balls of alien protoplasm like these.

So Monet howevers several dozen feet away from the building and goes to focus. She tries to think of the emotion of -want-, of NEED. Of TASTE. Of appeal. Then she tries to work it into what she knows of the midnscape of these things. Alien. But still wanting. Sitll needing. S he goes to try and pick somewhere at the far end of the building away from everything else. She tries to give them all the sensation that something DELISCIOUS is over this way. Best thing ever. Spreading that emotion of WANT and LOVE. If these things are single-minded husks of protoplasm, she can hopefully override them with a group push.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will look up and calls out "Can you pull the quinjet close to the building,t hen Kian can ferry folks from the building to it much quicker than bringing them down to the ground." He suggests. He then pulls out his phone and makes a quick mass text message "Be right back," He offers and is off. He will say over the com "Tungston slowly them down but they seem to be able to eat through it still." He is gone a moment, but then is back, with bags of fast food big belly burgers and pizzas. Bart called in the titan's normal food order and is now bringing it in to try to tempt the crittiers with the tasty goodness. He will pause long enough to eat a burger and fries where the critters can see him "Come get the num nums," He tries

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Hey! They're just like the slime monsters from Ultima Online! You hit them and they sub-divide..." Vrp frowns, "And man, do I /hate/ those annoying little shits." He got the message about blunt force trauma mitosis. He aves civilians through, making sure that they don't panic. It isn't easy, with the hungry hungry aliens. "Alright, back, you philistines!" Bonking them won't work, so instead he tries to create magic construct walls, to try and delay them. At least a little.

<<Okay, we eed to get them to space pronto. Hawky, you're the tactical genius, can we somehow use Impulse's speed and my Rabbit Holes and other stuff to toss them out? I can't quite think on my feet trying to keep civilians from getting turned into entrees..."

Kian has posed:
    "Good idea, B... Impulse!" Kian radios back, although he's already begun ferrying Earthers to the ground.  No point in wasting any time, after all.  He didn't finish his name, so he doesn't need to put a dollar in the jar.
    "They survive the vacuum of space, they split if you hit them, and they eat everything... this world needs better planetary defenses!  Is there anything they don't eat?"  When he alights on the roof again, he checks the door and any vents for blobby infiltrators... and picks up another passenger.

Bruce Banner has posed:
A look of concentration appears on Bruce Banner's face as he watches the scene in progress. "Where is Tony when you need him, I don't know how any of this works."

As if on cue, J.A.R.V.I.S. pipes up from the a small speaker on the dash. "I can assist with any emergency needs Dr. Banner, you have authorization if I can determine that the results would not be catastrophic."

Bruce stabs his finger at the display window where the building is leaning precariously just above the grip of Superwoman. "Does not that not look like a catastrophic situation in the works?" He demands. Then he pauses and takes a breath. "That would be a _more_ catastrophic result," he reminds himself. No need to add fuel to this fire. "Jarvis, is there anything we can do to support the building?"

There is a pause, and then the AI pipes up. "Structural repair nanobots could galvanize the building and produce enough support to keep it from crashing with a 98.4% chance of success."

Bruce looks over at Superwoman on the display and everything else going on, and sighs. "Better odds than doing nothing. Engage the nanobots."

And on command, what looks like a gray fog is belched out of the front of the Quinjet. It passes along in the air until it runs along the side of the building, rapidly forming structural support and providing some repairs to the existing building.

Bruce pushes the button to broadcast again. "This is the Avengers again, that may provide enough support for the building. If so, we can make sure it does not collapse so you can focus on the ... invaders? Whatever those things are. Banner out." He flicks the switch again.

"Yeah, easy peasy alright."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Actually that is an excellent idea Vorp." she mutters to herself considering everything going on.

    Then over the comms <<Okay what I need is a big rabbit hole to somewhere desolate which won't fall back down to earth Vorpal.>> and then her attention turns to Bart and everyone else. <<Then I need Impulse and the Kryptonian>> she feels bad she doesn't know Alura yet. <<You need to do the tornado trick I've seen the Flash do... superbreath.. Superspeed... create a big old vacume and suck them all out and shoot them through Vorpal's rabbithole the hell out of here. It shouldn't matter if they divide during the process but you need to be very sure you get all of them sucked up and through... because they will be splitting all over the place due to the concusive slams... but it should work. They don't seem to have locomotion like TK... but they may be able to goo themselves wings or rudders .. so make sure they don't fling themselves out of it.>>

    She then mutters "Wish I had a green lantern on this too." and keys another channel to the Justice League <<Repeating the call for assistance, any green lanterns or hard light wielders please get to scene as soon as possible>> always good to have a backup plan.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The inky creatures are torn between the human foods, the big belly burger, and whatever it is Monet is promising them. So much food. The big belly burgers are pounced on by one group of them. Several of the inky creatures bulge once gorged on the high carb foods. They flop to their side and shudder. It seems they're dead.

Another group breaks off to follow after Monet. Though the desire for food along the way means they stop and start eating the walls and floors and furniture again. The 'dead' ones quiver again and suddenly explode. Four little blobs pop out of each and consume the remains of their parent before looking around hungrily for food.

The ones that meet Terry's wall do indeed seem to stop coming forward. They try to nom it but it's not nom-able, so they get bored and starts to look for other things to nom - such as all these heroes about the place.

"Oh that's.. that's bad," she says watching as the creatures, gorged, reproduce at an even faster rate. The little ones expose their mouth and point it straight up at the sky letting out the most horrible screech possible, worse than nails on a chalkboard horrible.

Alura tilts her head slightly in the direction of the quinjet. Can she hear the conversion going on between Bruce and the AI? Yep. It's still a surprise when a cloud of nanites descents on the building and reforms in to strong metal rods that prop up the side of teh building.

Carefully, Alura lets off the pressure to make sure it holds with its new struts. One of the creatures scampers over to bite at them and Alura scoops it up. It bites her hand and fails to get anywhere. She tosses it gently back in to the pack of the creatures.

"Thank you," she says with a small wave to the quinjet. Her feet touch the floor and she looks at the unfolding disaster. More and more of the monsters are falling down to lower levels as they eat their way through the floor.

Alura's eyes fall upon Kate, the one wearing the small mask over her eyes. Stylish. "Make a tornado and freeze them." She nods her head at the plan. It's elaborate but she reminds herself these people are used to working with her daughter. They must have set schemes that work.

She looks over to the fast one, "Impulse," she repeats his name now knowing it and touches a hand to her chest, "Let's be fast." Her feet rise up from the ground again and she moves to join him for their part of this crazy plan.

There are now 71 of the creatures.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
This is just a stalling mechanism here. She's only at most delaying them by seconds. And then she's aware over of the Hulk and can be heard to mutter, i fonly likely to within Alura's enhanced hearing 'Throw the wretched things into the sun'. Not that having the esteemed Doctor Banner in that particular form at the moment might not make things any better, of course. All M can do is go to try and support the others and then goes along to try and help corral the creatures. Looking about for more things that might be on hand to try and slow them down. Eyeing them with wide eyes as they kept on getting bigger and bigger, seeming to replicate fastera nd faster.

Where was all of that extra biomass coming from? All taht energy? Never mind the particulars. Figure it out and neutralize them later! She moves to start to throw things back over towarsd the mess, grabbing up another fire extinquisher in a hand and moving to hurl it again. Anything that she can over to try and just stall them. Even if it's just decreasing their incrementally increasing growth by a few percentage points to let the otehrs handle it!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen starts running in circles around the ones he has on the grounds, making it the ground zero for where the tornado should form, and that should also keep the ones he just made all together at least. He would like to study these things to, but now is not the time for Dr. Impulse but the time for the Fastest College student in the world. With as Many flashes as they are these days have to get more and more specific with your the fastest this or that.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, now you think /I'm/ tasty?" Vorpal quips, as the blobs try to get a bite out of him. This is a good thing, though, because he can lure them through his Rabbit Hole and towards a good gathering place where the Flashnado will happen-

Hey, that's actually a good name for a movie! He's going to have to talk to Bart about it at a later date. They might make a bundle if they could get Gar's movie people on bard.

But first things first.

"Okay... the moon. We'll send them to the moon for now, and our Super-friend can take care of them while they're over there... before the eat the moon, right? One Rabbit Hole to the moon ready to go when you are!" He doesn't want to open it immediately until the tornado is ready to deposit the load, because it will still create a suction event due to the fact that the moon has no atmosphere.

Kian has posed:
    "Someone tell me we're near a solution?" Kian asks, still shuttling people to safety, "and whatever you're up to, where do I need to keep people away from?"
    He shakes his head, commenting absently to his current passenger, "Never a dull moment on this planet, is there?"
    He looks blankly at Kian.  "You realize you're talking to someone who did *not* have being rescued from hungry blobs by an angel on his bingo card for today."
    Kian blinks at him.  "Uh... fair enough."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Eventually the Quinjet patches through some of the audio from the feed. Or so Bruce Banner figures. Whether they can hear him or not is another story, but he gets the first whiff of the plan, and immediately starts calling through the Comm.

"No no, the moon isn't just a place to dump these things!" He starts looking for a way to amplify his voice as he broadcasts. "The moon is responsible for significant gravitational forces upon the earth, and any significant change in the mass of the moon is going to have catastrophic impacts upon the Earth from both a temporary weather or tidal shift to a total climactic change! We're actually better off letting them eat a sizeable portion of the crust than ..."

He sighs. No one is listening. He can just already tell. "Don't make me come out there, kids. You won't like me if I have to come out there."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate's eyes go very very wide. <<For the love of all the gods Terry no do not feed our moon to these blobs of hunger. It is within our gravitational pull and we have no reason to believe they won't just multiply exponationally and devour the whole moon and slowly fall into our gravity and eventually rain back down on earth....>>

    Deep breath Kate, cause she did say she did say somewhere desolate but the whole back to earth business ... she was explicitly thinking no to the moon but didn't say it. <<Drop them on one of the old warzoon invasion titan hulks out by Jupiter or something Terry, just not in near Earth space please. I mean if there is some planet that really pissed you off go for that if you want.>> she tilts her head popping her neck to get rid of the sheer amount of sudden onset tension. "Fuck sake.. the impact on earth if something ate our moon... the tides and ..everything..." which isn't muttered into comms but just to herself as she watches everything.

    A second ice arrow fired at a blob that actually starts her way adding two where one was, but again at least temporarily frozen.

    <<What the Avenger said, do not throw it on the moon.>>

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura is nervous that they're arguing last minute at the destination of these little terrors but she has a part to play. She scoops up several of the ones that are trying to evade the Impulsenado. She drops them in to the vortex then watches as the man runs in a blur.

With a breath he begins to slow back to a normal speed for her as the rest of the world around her slows down to a crawl. Even at this speed he's very fast. She begins to fly with him and moves in. Drawing in a deep breath she blows in to the center of the mess and freezes the now over 100 ink monsters. Dangerous little shards of ice chittering and screeching as the portal to who-knows-where opens up and they are sucked through.

Alura lands and lets speed return to normal around her. "Let me know where you sent them and I'll go make sure they don't come back here." Fly in to space. Sure, why not. Kara said she need only hold her breath. Who hasn't wanted to fly through space like it were the sky - she smiles at the people here. Together they stopped the end of the world. Very few people will ever know just how close they came to complete annilation by horrible little replicating space jellos.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would hover in place and listen over to Bruce Banner, and then go to add her voice along the comm lines <<Yes, do listen to him>> That's added in agreement over with Kate. M is hovering, taking a few moments to catch her breath. Using her telepathy like that is straining, and something that she's rather glad that she doesn't have to keep up at it. And very glad that the reinforcements came.
    Her face is as always inexpressive, but there is awareness that if the Titans had not arrived ther ecould have been far greater risk amongst the civilians.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Although it is tempting, Warworld is too far away- wherever it is, Terry could find it, but anything past the solar system would leave him drained for days. So, the husk of the Warworld vessel it is. "Alright, one way trip to the abandoned husk, incoming!"

The Rabbit Hole opens then, and the airlock effect begins, air rushing towards the open portal that leads to the vessel and the void.

"Hold on to something!" he says, bearing down and finding something to fnd purchase on, "And don't worry, I wouldn't have actually sent them to the moon-" he says, "I may be the Cheshire Cat, but I'm not /mad/."

"Mostly just loopy."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will continue to run around and around and he is hitting speeds where most just see a blur, but he keeps it up till they are all gone and the hole is closed, and then he is off, but back seconds later with a tray with ice cream for everyone offering it to the different people new and old friends alike "This is from that place you told me about Vorpal." He explains. when he holds out the treat.

Kian has posed:
    The roof cleared, Kian stays on the ground to keep the bystanders merely standing by, and not moving closer to get selfies with the building.  He *is* familiar with the sound of a Rabbit Hole opening into vacuum, and reflexively draws his wings in tight.
    "Are you sure you have them all?"

Bruce Banner has posed:
Crisis averted. And without causing any more of a crisis!

"Thanks team. Good work. Avengers out." Bruce pulls up the navigational controls and plugs in for the Avengers mansion. "Back to the doghouse," he mutters to himself, without realizing that he has not actually turned off his access to the comms. He settles back into his seat and takes a long, deep breath as the Quinjet slowly shifts from hover mode to flight.

"Good job, Bruce. Kept it calm there. We helped." And with that, he prepares for the Quinjet to rocket him back to the safe refuge of the Avengers mansion.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate just to be extra sure hooks a tether to her belt and fires an arrow right off the hip into the ground by her so she has a very firm grip on the planet she would much prefer to stay on. She isn't worried about her gear, it is all secure down to her arrows in that very fancy quiver her techie friends built for her.

    She shifts and watches the plan be executed now, keeping a grip on the tether with one hand her bow with the other. "Okay." she mutters.

    <<Impulse quick look around make sure none were missed... if the Kryptonian can use their special vision and do a sweep too that would be swell. One of these things could turn into ... well unlimited all over again it looks like...>>

Alura In-Ze has posed:
"Thank you all for coming when you did," Alura says who has so far only identified herself as Superwoman. No doubt Kara will have questions to answer. "Things would have gotten very out of hand. Very quickly. It takes a team to save a world."

Though Kian's question has her looking around the building and through the walls and floors just to make sure they got them all. She nods to Kian, "Yes. All of them."

Her eyes turn to follow after Bruce who swept in with nanites that secured the building. Workers will have to repair this place however that's done on Earth. The nanites, though, surprised her. More things Jor left out of his report.

Alura moves to the edge of the building and leaps up in to the sky. As she approaches the stratosphere she draws in a deep breath and pushes through the atmosphere and out in to space. She keeps her eyes closed for a while before she dares to open them - but then she realises she really is flying through space.

Keeping her breath she flies to the coordinates and there she begins to yeet the frozens ink balls on a path out of the solar system. It takes a while to make sure she's sent them all on their way before she returns back to Earth.

She lands back on the corner and catches her breath. The shop keeper of the flower store presents her with a bouquet of all the different flowers. She has no words for Alura, but she saw her fly up in to the sky and moments later stop a building from crashing down. Alura places a hand to her chest and smiles to the shop keeper, "Thank you."

With her assortment of different flowers she begins to walk, sniffing them each. What a strange day. Whoever they were on that spaceship, they met an untimely death and were likely flying to Earth - hopefully they weren't on some mission of vital importance.