14320/Taco... Saturday

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Taco... Saturday
Date of Scene: 05 March 2023
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Kitty makes edible food will wonders never cease.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Emma Frost, Ororo Munroe, Samuel Guthrie, Roberto da Costa

Kitty Pryde has posed:
There is hamburger spiced with taco seasoning browning in a pan on the stove. Meanwhile Kitty Pryde is shredding lettuce and cheese by hand. Soft and hard taco shells are set out and ready for use. There are also some sliced tomatoes and other ingredients common to tacos.

It's already past dinner time, so Kitty isn't making enough for the whole school. But usually something like this will end up having people show up and want some, and so she's making enough to cover for that eventuality.

While Kitty is working on the other fixings, Lockheed is sitting right next to the stove, eyeing the frying pan very closely. While some might think he's about to eat some of the seasoned meat, in reality he's watching it to make sure Kitty doesn't burn it.

Because her cooking is atrocious, and that's about the only way it's going to come out well.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently entering in to the kitchen area. With Catseye having been left unattended in Emma's bathroom while bored, Emma's having her guest room at the Mansion remodeled. And since it's all to her 'personal' preferences it means that she's having it done custom rather than leaving it to whomever the Mansion haso n speed dial for repairs.

Which means she's spent more time at the Mansion lately than quite a few would appreciate, no doubt. she would enter and give a passing nod over to Lockheed and Kitty.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
The smell of cooking wafts its enticing fingers through the halls, reaching Ororo's attic perch. She puts down her book, places a bookmark in it then follows her nose. At the door, she slips on a pair of Alexandrian style sandals before rising in the air and floating down the stairs, one hand on her stomach. She is that hungry.

Ororo pauses in the doorway to the kitchen, "Is there room for more? It smells so good."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde glances up as the two women enter. Emma's entrance draws so little expression from Kitty's face that it's probably clear that is intentional. Especially if Emma picks up any thoughts or emotions from the younger woman who once was kidnapped at Emma's behest.

Ororo, on the other, gets a bright smile. "Of course, come on in," Kitty says, and sets down the cheese she was grating, wiping her hands before going and giving a hug to the African woman who has served as mother and big sister figure to Kitty at various times in the Jewish girl's life.

Lockheed lets out a little crooning noise. "Oh shoot, it's going to burn," Kitty says, letting go of Ororo and rushing over to stir the taco meat. Another thirty seconds or so and then she's taking it off the fire and putting it in a bowl. Then it's time to move everything over to a table where everyone can get at it easily.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give a nod to Ororo, "Hello." Then glancing over at Kitty and seeing all the amount of enthusiasm that Daria might give Quinn entering in. Going to leave it at that and not press the issue. Now wasn't the time to time to bring up the past - and the pain she'd brought quite a bit to others with.

Emma doesjn't know her way around a kitchen - her own attempts have ended up even more explosive than even the msot chaoitc students.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo returns the hug firmly with an indulgent smile that doesn't cover the warmth underneath. "I knew you'd say yes," she teases. "Besides I am -that- hungry."

Releasing Kitty to rescue the searing meat, she immediately starts to rapidly open cabinets, closing them as quickly as she tracks something down. Like many people brought up in Africa she likes peri peri, also known as hot sauce to the uninitiated.

While she looks she talks over her shoulder to Emma, "Hello! I haven't seen you for at least a week, Emma. How goes it?" She makes no effort to hide her feelings or thoughts from the woman. They have shared enough time with one another in dire straits that she no longer has any deep secrets to be kept. Besides, the weather witch knows how to cloak her thoughts when she wants.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks about at everything. "There, think that's all," she says as Ororo searches down some hot sauce. "Help yourself if you want, Emma," Kitty says, keeping her voice from sounding begrudging.

The brunette gets a plate, spooning some meat onto it without a shell, and then adding various toppings. The plate is brought over to Lockheed, who is practically prancing in anticipation of it. Kitty sets it down for him and he tucks into it, while she turns back to get a soft shell taco and start adding fixings to it herself. "Anything new and exciting been going on?" she asks.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost makes no attempt to read the minds of either woman. They're allowed their privacy and she has no particular reason to need to probe them. "Well enough. Sharon had an.. Incident over in my room that I'm having to do some repairs to." No, incident is too strong a word. Emma can only blame herself for not makings ure the door was locked and the window was shut.

Emma does have a soft spot for Catseye after all that seems very uncharacteristic of her and very tolerant. "I do hope that nothing further has come afield from Lykos. He was transferred to SHIELD custody hopefully?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking into the kitchen. He has a good dozen or so grocery bags on a cart he is pushing. It seems he went to the store and picked up a few things, but when your picking up a few things for the mansion, it can be a gull fledge shopping trip for others. He looks over and says "Hey whats cooking?" He asks, seeing it is Kitty cooking, his face shows a bit more caution

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo finds the bottle she was looking for with a little ahah of triumph. "There. So glad not many people here can take the heat. Holding the bottle up, she examines it with a critical eye. "Though, I can see I'm going to have to bring some back with me next time I'm in Kenya."

"Well, hi Sam. Need help? A Costco trip? I can never get out of there without buying too much. I'll give you a hand in a minute. First, food!"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty finishes making her taco, closing the soft shell and then seeing Sam bringing in the groceries. She sets her plate aside to go and help him as well. "Tacos. I got a craving and didn't want to go out," she says, glancing at the windows and the cold March winds that are moving some of the leafless branches of the trees. Kitty reaches up, brushing of Sam's hair back into place from said winds.

"Help yourself, I made enough that even when Hambone and company finish their current round of Call of Duty there should be enough," she tells him. "And Lockheed made sure I didn't burn it." The purple space dragon looks up from his plate of taco salad as he hears his name, looking to Sam but then digging back into the food.

"How is she doing, Sharon?" Kitty asks. "Haven't had a chance to meet with her yet." Kitty's only working one day a week most weeks as guidance counselor, at present.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lgance over at Sam, "Ah, yes. You can have the first batch then. Please do appreciate it, she's putting a lot of effort into it." Emma's making no move over towards the kitchen or the cooking. Because her own attempts are catastrophic even by the standards of Xavier's. It was likely she had al ifetime ban from the Home Ec class for a reason after all.

"I'm sure that they'll appreciate it." Hambone getting more ham on his bones, after all. Emma would turn over to Kitty.

"She's doing well as near as I can tell. She spent.. Most of her life feral. Integration is a slow process for her. Sorting through her memories has been.. DIfficult. My impression is that as a small child she was abandoned and spent. . Most of her life in her other form."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit as his hair is fixed, and says "Well, Ah made the mistake of letting folks know Ah was going by on the school chat, and someone commented "Hey you have a truck right? Rest is history. " He does put the groceries up before food, but does give Lockheed a shoulder scratch when near by "Thanks Atticus" He says to the dragon in a bit of an in joke. "If your low on hot sauce, ah think Laura has some in the back of the fridge but may want to be careful heard it is extreme."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Seated now, Ororo makes herself up a quick taco splashed with a liberal amount of peri peri. She smiles around the first mouthful as her eyes water.

A few quick bites and she has demolished the first. "We have so many students from difficult backgrounds. I haven't spent much time with her. It's good to hear she is adjusting to life with us." Ororo knows something of difficult starts, having lived on the streets of Alexandria until her teens. Not fitting into society is common among many of the students.

"Well, thank you, Sam. Extreme is my beat. I like smoke coming out my ears. She rises and grabs a bag to unpack.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Once Sam's groceries are accounted for, Kitty returns to her plate she'd said aside.

Her now-empty plate.

She turns and casts a suspicious eye at Lockheed. Who is sitting on the counter near where the plate was, looking anywhere but meeting Kitty's eye, doing his best to look innocent.

"Et tu, Brutae?" Kitty says to the dragon with narrowed eyes. She goes to begin making another soft taco. "Yeah, there's no shortage of special requests around here," she agrees. "I'm back to thinking I should probably get a place in the city so I'm not having to commute every night. Unless you think the Professor would let me fly the Blackbird into work each day." There is a landing pad after all.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Kitty, "Oh, there are simpler things. They're doing some rather lovely things with fully automated vehicles. I believe that Stark has a rather reputable line." Emma giving praise to one of her competitors? Perish the thought. "Kord has a rather excellent algorithm for driving protocols. Just ensure you review the package very, very carefuly before you install it."

She would glance over at Lockheed with a 'well done' expression on her face for the alien cat-dragon.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Days Ah have to go into the precinct Ah could give ya a lift if ya want." He offers. He waits his turn before making himself a rather large taco salad as well. "I am surprised Berto aint got one of the flying cars in the garage, heck he might have and I just missed it.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"More a matter of the time. Self-driving or not you're stuck in traffic during it, and rush hour the worst," she says. Kitty sets down her plate and starts to move to the fridge. But then pauses, looking at Lockheed with open suspicion and picking up her plate to take it with her to the fridge. While Lockheed just continues the innocent air.

Kitty gets a cherry Dr. Pepper from the fridge and opens it, taking a sip and sighing at the pleasant burn of the carbonated beverage. "I was facing this before when I was working at Fisk and JVD. But then, ah, well, Warren and all," she says, of having moved into Warren's penthouse. For that matter, it was working late on a blizzard-like New Years that first got her together with the winged CEO.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Very well. I suppose we all can't have our own private jets for short range hops. And there are ways to bypass traffic expediently but they require some preparation in advance." Because being rich has many, many side benefits beyond just having your own private jet.

"I can lend you a helicopter if you need it though I'll jus task you return it in mostly one piece."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Reseated at the table, Ororo occupies herself with the important business of composing a taco which she does under Lockheeds scrutiny. "I will only share if Kitty says I may, Lockheed. Besides, can you stomach spicy food?"

After a test bite, she adds more hot sauce and whimsically observes, "If only we could all learn to portal. Flying takes time."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Ah like flying, Ah mean portal or teleport over long distances is great and all, but if Ah can blast there in under an hour or so Ah would rather go under my own power." He admits. He gets a cheerwine from the fridge, a soft drink he has shipped up to him, before finding a seat.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Oh, he loves spicy food. But it gives him gas. Room-clearing gas," Kitty says with a small groan. "Sam, do they have any complaints about you flying in? Or do they know about your powers at the precinct?" she asks him.

Kitty takes a bite of her taco and lets out a sigh. "Oh this hits the spot," she says, taking a sip from the soda after. "I have to say it was nice having Blink around. And Illyana when she was in the mansion full time. Not that you can't call her up for a lift when needed. Not fair to burden her with daily work commutes though."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would watch over at Sam, "I'd also wonder if they can actually look fast enough to notice him. If you're at full speed in a straight line, I don't think that most normal eyes can keep pace for you. All that's needed is a relatively secluded landing area.." She would muse over.

"Or if it's that much of a tribulation ask Raven if you can be teleported to and fro."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's pale eyes move from Emma to Kitty to Sam in turn. "Well, I like flying. Does your precinct know, Sam?" she asks leaning forward to see his face. There are seldom happy results when someone with mutations works with 'normals'.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "A few, the captain of the unit and a couple others who have been there when needed to use powers, but have tried to keep it on the down low. Ah usually land in an alley way a couple blocks away and walk in. The blastfield helps not get the best of looks at me from a distance too. Ah don't think Ah have talked to Mystique much since Rahne recovered and came back tot he mansion.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty digs into her taco as she listens. She gives a nod. "I've kept it quiet at work as well. I mean Pepper knows, and Tony Stark. I don't know that anyone does outside of them," she tells them. "Getting to work on some pretty interesting stuff too," she says, getting a big grin as she reminds herself of the tech she gets to play with.

The first taco is finished off, and Kitty moves over to make another one for herself. About then one of the students sticks his head in. "Oh boy, tacos!? Can we have some?" he asks. Kitty gets a faint grin and nods. "Sure, there's enough to go around," she says. The student runs off back to the Rec Room to spread the world. "Prepare for the rush," Kitty says.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Sam, "Well, Raven at least seems trying to be on the mend." Charles at least seemed to welcome her. And Emma was hardly the one who got to judge in any case by experience and reputation.
    As the studetns would come on in Emma would glance at them. "Your attendants await." SHe would qiup over to the group.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"More like get what you'd like to eat now!" she says with laughter in her voice. Ororo has begun on her third taco so can make no complaints about students having a share.

She gestures with her fork at the cat-dragon, "And you! I understand we have a secret weapon in our midst. How long does it take to turn him into a threat Kitty?"

"Good thinking, Kitty?" I mean keeping it to yourself. But really no different than keeping your private life to yourself. Don't you think?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Lockheed is a threat to anyone who pisses him off in the blink of an eye." He offers, and over to Emma he says "Ah worked with her and some of the brotherhood in Bushwick, they all mostly seem to be trying and Ah spent some time on the asteroid when Rahne was hurt." He lets them know. He looks over to Kitty, "Having someone who could stepping disk us to big belly burger may have spoiled us a bit.""

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods in agreement with Sam. "As many an alien invader, whether Brood of Sidra hunter, have found out," she says, reaching over to gently ruffle her fingers where Lockheed's neck and head meet. "Plus you wouldn't believe how many of their eggs he can eat in one go."

Lockheed leans into the touch. The little fire-breathing space dragon seems content to just hang now that he's had his food.

The kids come rushing in, about seven of them. They are noisy enough to at least momentarily drown out conversation, though quiet down enough as they start loading up tacos on plates. Kitty grins and shakes her head. "SOmetimes I think I missed out that I was the only student that age," she says.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Kitty, "Things progress. You go from a student to a teacher.. And then help others take their own future in their hands. Perhpas some years down the line they'll repeat the process. And the world will cycle and improve a bit upon itself."

Was Emma Frost, eternal cynic being almost hopeful?

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's eyes widen in mild surprise at Emma waxing philosophical and hopeful, she nods once at Emma, a smile quirking the edge of her lips. "How many students will we have next term, I wonder? There is room for more."

She throws a side long glance at the hungry students, saying with sly humor, "Though will we have enough food to feed them, I wonder?

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Well still got some of my family to come up so Ah am sure we will have plenty, and if we need more room, Ah wager we got enough folks around here who can help. Ah wager the DeCosta Men's Dorm would be funded near instantly."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty nods to Storm and comments, "The Professor's always looking for new students. Hard to say how many more he'll find by next year that need our help." She looks back to the table, which is being raided of taco fixings by the students on a break from video games. Though it clears out enough she can go over and get another taco shell and start filling it up.

A soft laugh is given at Sam mentioning a DeCosta Men's dorm. "Come on now, you know Roberto wouldn't fund it unless it was the women's dorm, and he got a copy of the keys," she says in the same teasing voice she'd use to tell him that if he Roberto was here right now.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
The student hoard clearing out also gives Ororo the chance to make herself a to-go plate. She assembles it quickly. At the door, the plate in hand, "Good catching up with you all. Bye Sam, Emma. I have some reading to do for next week and I want to get back to it. See you, Kitty. Bye, Lockheed." On those words she leaves the kitchen.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "No he pays for the mens, he offers to build the females." HE tells Kitty, joking about his friend as he finishes his own taco salad.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa leans on the door frame into the Kitchen giving the room a patented smirk, "I don't know the Sandoval memorial Women's Dorm has a ring. Are we talking more capitol expansion? I didn't get the fundraising letter." He wanders over towards the tacos looking them over with a skeptical eye, "Any other news?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles abit and says "Na, just talking about and wondering how many more students next year." He offers to his friend "Kitty made the tacos, and turned out pretty good." He tells Berto, knowing he knows of some of Kitty's cooking as well. "Just got in with groceries a bit a go and catching up."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa raises an incredulous eyebrow at Sam, "... Kitty you say?" He nods sagely and wanders over to the refrigerator grabbing some milk and then a bowl with one of the myriad selections of of cereal from the cubbard. He chooses a raison bran variant and even grabs a banana and a knife. He sits at the counter and considers, "Are we expecting more students?" He peels and slices the banana. "There's so much going on I'm not sure what to expect anymore."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "It is pretty good, it tastes like real food." He tells his friend before he can get to into the cereal. He holds up his own bowl proving in he ate some. "Not sure I know Melody maybe coming up this fall, but other than that I aint fully sure."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa snorts, "Real food you say?" He looks over at the taco fixings and considers, then sighs, "I know she's going to ask." He pauses and goes over to make a single taco, "Is it strange I never had tacos or quesadillas before I came here? Melody? oh, right the little one." He sighs, "X-Corps has been making a major international push so I've been seeing a lot of information coming in from other countries. Too many missing mutants, mainly children."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit answering the first question "She flys and had an field around her but is light not solid, she knocked the snot out of herself trying to fly through a tree." He tells his friend and hmms a bit at the news and says "Think trafficing ring?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa blinks and then chuckles, "It's tough growing up in the shadow of the Kentucky Fried Cannonball." He eats the taco, munching and considering, "Not bad, better than her early forays." He nods, "Yeah, that's a chunk of it. I'm looking at Warpath's old mission logs, think it might be Hydra up to their old tricks but some if it is different. Trask Industries introduced a biomedical group. They've been opening branches in similar locations to ours, places where mutants need support. Seems innocuous but you know whenever I hear Trask... " Berto shivers, "And they've got a new guy running the show, Cameron Hodge. We're tracking his socials and... somethings off."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Get me some names and info, and I will see what the PD has on them probably nothing but you never know, might be something they missed.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods, "Appreciate it Sam, anything you have on them would help."