14721/SAVAGE LANDS: The Bridge to Hell!
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SAVAGE LANDS: The Bridge to Hell! | |
Date of Scene: | 30 April 2023 |
Location: | Dense Jungles |
Synopsis: | A SHIELD convoy carrying important ancient relics is attacked by the local wild life of infected mega-fauna. A group of heroic individuals are tasked with guarding the convoy as it hastily attempts a dangerous retreat from a particularly nasty area of the Savage Lands known as 'The Pit'. The Bridge to Hell is paved on good intentions! Or something. |
Cast of Characters: | Lara Croft, Natasha Romanoff, Sybil Tan, Valeria Richards, Steve Rogers, Logan Howlett
- Lara Croft has posed:
The Savage Lands are a treacherous and unforgiving region of the world, seemingly untouched by time. Located in the heart of Antarctica, the landscape is dominated by towering mountains, dense jungles, and raging rivers. The terrain is a chaotic mix of icy tundras and fiery volcanoes, with unpredictable weather patterns that can change in an instant. Despite the harsh conditions, the Savage Lands are teeming with life, from fierce predators like sabretooth tigers and giant snakes to ancient dinosaurs that roam the jungle floor. For those brave enough to venture into this savage wilderness, they will find a world that time forgot, filled with untold treasures and dangers beyond their wildest imaginations.
What's worse even still, is that a virus has been spreading through the Savage Lands. A virus with a deadly alien origin that has been infecting local wildlife, that will surely spread to the rest of the world if heroes cannot band together and find a way to end it before things get worse.
One such band of heroic adventurers have set out today to a deeply remote corner of the region known as 'The Pit'. A SHIELD expedition lead by renown archaeologist, and SHIELD acquisitions agent, Lara Croft.
Her time spent in the Savage lands over the past week had resulted in her research leading her to this area... a dangerous place, a place very had to reach with any conventional, or unconventional means. What's worse, is a ancient alien technology is dampening the powers of super heroic beings, likely to make everyone similarly powered for whatever strange purpose the Savage Lands was originally created for.
The X-Men and the Justice League had been investigating this power dampening field, and had some results, but the effects were still at-play, leaving people feeling waves of intermittent power losses.
Here and now...
The SHIELD expedition convoy rests at the bottom of the Pit on an old access road that had barely been traversible by their vehicles at all. Quinjets were out of the question due to the dense jungle, and the terrain of the Pit itself being a natural sinkhole, or chasm created by an old asteroid impact...
The SHIELD convoy is large with three heavy trucks, and several support vehicles. They were in the process of being loaded up by the archaeology team that had recovered many items to be taken back to the SHIELD Outpost for study.
Lara is overseeing the loading up of the crates, containers, bags and satchels of recovered items from nearby ruins that peak out mysteriously from the jungle foliage. Lara looks tired, but alert, wearing jungle appropriate attire as she helps with the last team loading a large wooden crate. She speaks to the group loading the container, before she turns toward the front of the convoy. "That should be everything! I think we're read---"
Lara cuts her words off as something makes itself known within the jungle. The very loud roar of an animal.
To those gathered around, who have been helping with the loading of cargo, Lara calls out. "Get everyone in the trucks, we need to go now!" and with no time wasted, she runs for one of the three lead cargo trucks, leaping up to the driver's window on the running board. "Go go go!" She calls in to the driver who had been listening to music on his phone. He quickly falls in line with all of the other vehicles, his engine rumbling to life. One by one the cargo trucks, and other assorted automobiles start to make haste down the muddy old road leading toward higher ground... leading to the old stone bridge.
Lara looks back over her right shoulder, as she clutches to the side of the cargo truck, she stares at the temple ruins hidden by the jungle...
- Lara Croft has posed:
Just as the jungle itself is broken apart by a towering T-Rex that starts heavily stomping its way toward the SHIELD Convoy, a strange look on its face, its face covered in rot and decay, with three massive horns sticking out of the top of its head!
It roars in anger at the SHIELD convoy, it splashes heavy feet in the wet earth, and it gives chase!
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Lovely! It's another one of hte infected. Natasha goes to speak calmly <<Convoy disengage. Abort mission.>> Conveying along what Lara had said along the tac nets. She'd had to adapt her loadout for the Savage Lands. Even AP rounds would'nt do much to a T-Rex. The weather of the Savage Land made heavy weaponry have maintenance issues if the strangeness of it didn't make them break.
So Natasha has to go with something heavy and conventional. She goes to take out a large AT cannon from one of the storage spaces in the nearest truck, and goes to load it quickly. Moving to insert the shell to the small cannon, going to brace into it hard while lining up the iron sights over wtih the rampaging T-Rex. Not quite ready to shoot.. But, hopefully an AP round with a hollowpoint and a 15 mm shell would at least do -something-.
And break her shoulder like a twig.
- Sybil Tan has posed:
When the call to go rings out, Sybil launches herself into the air momentarily, gliding over to land and then sit on the top of the rear truck. With power access being a bit spotty, it seems smarter not to use her tech for simple travel. She does, however, prepare herself for combat, her left gauntlet reconfiguring as the helmet wraps around her head from her collar. She brings up the HUD and locks onto the Brood infected T-Rex, but holds off on firing.
<<I've got a lock on it. If it starts catching up we can do something about it, but better if we can just lose the thing.>>
Even with the T-Rex locked, she does look all around every thirty seconds or so, making sure they aren't fleeing one danger only to run into another.
- Valeria Richards has posed:
Having come in her Val Suit, her strength re-inforced about two thirds of her Uncle Ben and bringing a forcefield generator attached to her wirst computer so she can monitor it's integrity and funnel data from it's internal scanners to the holodisplay.
The most important bits of tech earned forcefield emitters attached to the roofs of the trucks as well. A chance to get at lemurian tech that wasn't hijacked from an underwater city is few and far between, it warrented some extra protection courtesy of the younger member of the Fantastic Four. The sight of the T-rex looking very much in a bad shape gets that weird gleefull look as she climbs out of the truck and starts scanning it.
There is so much science for her when she gets home she's looking like a kid in a toy store, <<So if reports are correct, these things will have spores dispersed explosively when suitably damages in order to spread. Immolation and incendiary attacks might be reccommended>> she suggests as an option. The power to her forcefields should keep the tech and herself safe but that doesn't help solve the Tyrannosaurus' problems.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Birds, some of them normal, others perhaps more reptilian looking, take flight as the infected T-Rex takes off after the convoy, head tilting back briefly to let out a challenging roar that scares smaller creatures away. Though the chase is barely underway before there is a different-sounding roar bellowing from the jungle beside the dirt roadway.
The trucks race past a jungle hillock, and as the T-Rex about draws even with it, a motorcycle with sidecar suddenly shoots over the top of the hillock, flying through the air to hit the road and race along the angry dinosaur.
Captain America grabs the shield affixed to the front of the motorcycle, hurling it with one hand and bouncing it off the side of the T-Rex's head. The motorcycle already steering a little wider and pulling ahead so Steve Rogers can catch the shield where it has caromed to after striking the beast.
"Nothing up there worth seeing!" Cap yells over, trying to distract the infected throwback away from the trucks that had its eye. He starts to pull ahead of the beast, hopefully out of biting range. "Private Howlett, this is the part where you keep us from getting eaten," he grinningly reminds Logan, who is riding in the motorcycle's sidecar.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Dinosaurs are a different kettle a' fish to a couple of krauts with machine guns, Cap'n," Logan calls out over the roar of engines, birds, dinosaurs, and just about every other thing that seems to be crawling out of the verge, "An' roll up yer flaps with the Howlett stuff ... Logan'll do just fine."
The stocky Canadian stands up in the side car, lifting one foot to balance it on the edge of it as he keeps his eyes locked on the massive prehistoric predator. He takes one last puff on the cigar he's been nursing, tossing it away in a shower of embers.
"Alright, bub. Let's dance."
And then he leaps!
Claws outstretched, teeth bared, clad in his gold and brown 'uniform' for the second time in as many weeks. As he springs through the air, he tries to dig those claws into the dinosaurs side, unlikely to do anything but irritate a creature that large and with skin that tough. But still, it ought to give him purchase enough to climb ...
- Lara Croft has posed:
The SHIELD convoy of vehicles is rolling along as fast as it can on this rugged terrain. Each vehicle having to pass through the same bumpy holes in the washed-out road, some of them filled with jungle rain water that splashes wetly across the flora lining the sides of the mucky causeway. On the side of the lead cargo truck, Lara grips on to the rung of a ladder that goes up the side of the driver's side cab. She watches the T-Rex get dangerously close to the rear vehicle before Steve and his friend's arrival draws the bulk of the Infected Dinosaur's attention!
The American-flared round shield bounces off of the T-Rex's rot-covered face. He spins his huge head around, and down toward the motorbike as it speeds ahead!
That same huge dino head comes lunging down to snap at them as they roll up ahead of him, just as Logan leaps out!
The Wolverine's claws pierce the boney exo-skeleton that has grown over the T-Rex's natural flesh. It leaves Logan hanging from the giant beast that roars angrily as something attaches itself to it's side!
The convoy starts around a bend in the rising road, the vehicles having to go up an incline which slows them all down as they hit the steep uphill direction now... the bridge getting closer and closer.
Lara is atop the lead cargo truck now, crouched down with her communication device held up to her chin. "These dinosaurs are infected." She shouts in to the comm. "If they're covered in the exterior bone armor, then they're already lost. Do not hesitate to kill them!" She shouts to all who can hear the comms, each truck occupied by SHIELD Agents and employees trained for this... or at least something similar to this? Maybe not even that though!
With a roar, the giant T-Rex just shakes its head rapidly side to side, as it keeps running after the convoy, nearly catching up with Cap on his bike!
The noise collectively rings out through the jungle, and together it raises some alarms... amongst the native creatures, and some less than desirable mega-fauna.
Shadows sweep over the convoy, airborne creatures just as large as the trucks themselves, flapping wings of insect-variety...
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
This is why she's brought a varied loadout wiht her. Natasha goes to line up the AT cannon on her shoulder, goes to aim it over at the side of the dinosaur head as the convoy would race forwards.. And goes to fire. The fifteen millimeter hollowpoint AT round would blast through the air, hopefully along the head o fthe T-Rex, the AT shell carrying it through the armored carapace for the hollowpoint to detonate over inside the skull. The kickback would be brutal - it takes all of Natasha's considerable strength as she's braced to not be flung on her back an dout of the moving vehicle and her shoulder snaps like a twig out of place.
But, time to see if the old adage was 'if you can't make something explode, you're not using enough munitions' true or not.
- Sybil Tan has posed:
Once Steve and Logan start dealing with the Tyrannosaur, Sybil turns her attention to the other incoming threats. Raising her left arm, she opens a portal directly ahead of the first insect-winged flyer, then a second one at ground level in front of a large tree. The flyer vanishes into the portal, then reappears from the other to slam into the trunk of the tree at full speed. Depending on how tough it is, that probably takes it out of the immediate chase.
<<We're seeing more and more of these things. We need to start doing something soon, or they're going to overrun this place and start spreading out to the rest of the world. And I don't think we want to nuke it from orbit, which may be the only option of we don't figure out how to stop the spread.>>
She takes aim at another flyer, but nothing happens. <<And these power dampeners don't help.>> She whacks the cannon with her right hand a couple times, then reforms it into a gauntlet.
- Valeria Richards has posed:
Brainstorm keeps herself to the middle of the convoy, atop that truck where she can better remote monitor the status of the forcefields. And if need be expand them to provide cover for anyone shooting from inside vehicles or behind anything more visibly solid but probably shouldn't have claws or tentacles or spines slashiing and stabbing at them.
<<Make sure to incinerate anything that falls. Anything that pops and splats. The technical term, is only going to result in more Brood infections and we do not want this plague getting out of Antarctica.>> she reminds.
The forcefields can absorb a bunch of kinetic energy applied and keep the shields charged and running, benefits of mixing the tech of her Father replicating her Mother's powers, and her Godfathers.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers has a rifle slung across his back, which is a departure from the norm. At least as caught by television crews and splashed across the news. Logan for one would be more familiar with seeing Captain Rogers using a firearm than would most of the public or even the Avengers.
<<I've got some incendiary rounds and a few grenades, but if you have a flamethrower in there it might be called for,>> he sends back over comms.
And then has to swerve as the T-Rex lets out a howl as the round from Natasha hits it right as it was leaning forward to try to chomp on the motorcycle and its rider. The bike swerves, hitting a bump and bouncing the tires completely off the road for a moment before it lands again in a spray of dirt.
"How're you doing, Logan? I thought you'd have it taken care of by now. That thing isn't even armed!" he calls back towards Wolverine as Steve has to swerve again, the dinosaur even more enraged by the impact of the bullet, trying again to chomp him with the parts of its jaw that are still working.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"I don't know about you," Logan calls out, legs flailing in the air behind him as he struggles to gain purchase on the side of the dinosaur, "But at this point, I would've had no problem killin' this thing if it were gonna go on the road singin' show-tunes."
Nevertheless, the Wolverine feels a little better about jamming his claws into the bony exoskeleton and working his way up the side of the terrible lizard beast. It isn't easy as it bounds and roars and takes the occasional sidelong snap at him, but he eventually finds a way to clamber up onto its spine. Throwing one leg over, he straddles it and puts one hand down to steady himself.
"Heh," Logan chuckles to himself, shouting down to Cap, "Y'know, this is almost fu-"
The sudden explosion that rocks the beast when Natasha fires the shell causes Logan to topple sideways, letting out a shout of protest as he does. His claws sink right back into the creature's flank, leaving him to dangle by one arm with teeth bared in a grimace.
"Jesus Christ! Blue on blue! BLUE ON FUGGIN' BLUE!"
Hearing Cap 'egging him on', though, Logan wheels back around to drive his claws in deeper. Trying to do damage from here for the time being with a serious of slashing cuts.
- Lara Croft has posed:
The Dinosaur has a massive hole in its jaw from where Natasha had fired that round from her weapon in to. A very near-kill shot, but not quite high enough to pull it off. The beast doesn't seemed phase by this, in fact, and as Logan hangs from the side of its face, he'll be face to eye with the T-Rex's right eye. It looks right at him, its pupil glowing a eerie yellow in hue as the reptillian pupil focuses on Loan's face..
And then it snaps its head down at Cap, trying to grab him off the bike, but ending up just biting the edge of the side-car rocking the bike around!
Sybil's efforts with her portals pay off, and she sends one of those giant flying bugs right in to a obstacle which drops it in to the foliage, but ... there's a lot more rising up out of the jungle now, coming up out of that chasm that the bridge they are headed toward spans...
So many bugs rise up in fact, they're wings start to eminate a chorus of humming in the humid jungle air all around the rumbling engines of the SHIELD convoy.
Ontop of the lead truck, Lara shouts something down in to a hatch on the ceiling of the cab. A second later and someone inside it feeds a large assault rifle up through it in to Lara's hands... She grabs the weapon, giving it a once over before she raises it up...
And the swarm of insects start to descend. They come down fast and hard around the convoy's cargo trucks, and smaller support vehicles, as people within the vehicles start to shout out barks of orders. 'Shoot them, shoot them!' and seconds later, gunfire erupts from all angles of the convoy!
To make matters worse yet... a noticeable wave of depowering washes over the area, making those with super human abilities feel a draining on their 'edge'. Perfect timing?
The convoy rolls up on to a more flat measure of ground, allowing the drivers to open up with speed, and one by one each vehicle starts to gain momentum as they come up on a plateau leading to the massive stone bridge across the chasm gorge!
Bugs are plentiful now, dive bombing the convoy and trying to latch on to the trucks from every angle!
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha inwardlys wears. She brought fragmentation weapons along for just such an eventuality. But if she fires them off at close close range to the group, they'll be caught up just as much in the blast radius of the low grade flak that she took just in case.. She goes to snap up and out now with her pistols, going to fire quick shots. She goes to try and aim for the 'neck' of each of teh insectiods as fast as she can. Quick three shots at each, trying to clear them in clusters. but they have far more bugs than she has ammo, even if she didn't have to reload and each bullet went to strike true.. So it's like trying to take out individual bees with a flyswatter when the entire hive is on a rampage!
Even as she's emptied her first magazines,s he goes to dart into the truck to grab out the next weapon on the menu of contingencies. A flamethrower. She goes to blast it in a wide streak through the air.. But at most she can just clear the bugs from one angle of swarming the truck. She has to limit her arcs so as to not catch it on fire after all.
- Sybil Tan has posed:
Rising to her feet, Sybil quietly curses the power dampers again, then snaps off a spinning kick, the adamantium blades on her foot ripping through the wings of the bug coming for the truck she stands on. With half of it's lifting ability removed, it spirals down to the road, where a second later it is crushed into the mud by the pursuing T-Rex. As the bugs start to close in, she shakes her head, mutters a little prayer under her breath and fires up her wing thrusters. Hopefully if the bugs are allowed to fly, so is she.
She soars upwards, kicking out to shred the wing of one of the bugs as she passes it. Dropping in above another she rotates to bring the plasma exhaust of her thrusters burning across it's body, then banks away to head for another.
It's what optimists would call a target rich environment up here.
- Valeria Richards has posed:
There's a ping on herv wrist computer as a wave of evergy washes across the field and might possibly affect anyone with enhancemenmts or powers.
Luckily this was something Valeria had taken into account.
What it means though is that she still has access to her own suits abilities and with the swarming Brood bugs getting larger in numbers. She's going to have to do something rather silly.
A pair of wrings on her fingers gets pressed together. "Val Rings, such good bling!" she activates the strength enhancements that were once used to replace her Uncle Ben's abilities those rare times he was de-powered and couldn't keep himself out of the hero life.
At least Valeria had the style points to keep her uniform looking closer to something the rest of her family would wear. <<Okay, everyone with guns and powers fritzing out, get under the forcefields at the middle truck.>> Valeria makes sure they're still offering as much protection as possible. But the numbers of Brood wailing on things might decrease the time it hold.
She just has to get out there and make some more. "Looks like I need to step on a few bugs. CLOBBERIN' TIME!" so she steels the catchphrase.
And starts jumping to deck the first bugs she can get too with nearly two thirds of what Ben Grimm could throw around.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
The motorcycle lurches as the T-rex's teeth scrape across the sidecar. Steve turns into the resulting slide, fishtailing once before straightening the motorcycle out. The bike is slowed enough the T-rex leans down again to chomp. Captain America grabs the shield off the front of the bike and swings it up just in time to bash the dinosaur in the nose and divert the bite.
He guns the engine to pull ahead. "You're doing great, Logan! At your age it's not unusual for it to take longer than when you were young. No judgment here, soldier," Steve calls back to the Howling Commando in a voice that sounds full of encouragement. If also just egging Logan on a little in a way that Cap knows is likely to provide the right amount of disgruntlement that brings Logan to his natural best. Some people just fight better annoyed.
Up ahead one of the insects is diving at the last truck in line. A SHIELD agent leans out, firing a gun up at it as it closes on him!
Cap opens up the throttle and stands up in the motorcycle's stirrups to throw his shield, clipping the insects wings and bouncing off the truck body and back towards Cap's hand. Meanwhile the insect crashes onto the road, the motorcycle racing past, and the T-rex trampling the bug without slowing.
The SHIELD agent lets out a breath of relief. "Thanks Cap, it almost go-" he gets out before another bug swoops down, grabbing him and starting to fly up into the sky again with what should prove a tasty human treat.
<<Man overboard, above the third truck!>> Cap sends over his comms as he's still catching the rebounding shield.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, junior," Logan calls back, one of the few people who can truthfully call Captain America a whippersnapper even if he won't quite admit just how old he is.
The Wolverine is performing a feat of acrobatic combat the likes of which are rarely seen (since they involve a dinosaur)! He dangles off the side of the t-rex, letting out a shout as it's head darts out towards Cap. Then he rears back, driving one clawed fist into that same staring pupil with a grunt.
As the giant bugs swoop, he uses his now-free hand to swing at them. They zip past, slashing at him with pincers and manidbles. His bare arms bleed from minor scrapes and cuts which, to his surprise, don't immediately begin to seal themselves closed.
"Ah, shit ... "
- Lara Croft has posed:
The problem with mixed team operations is a lack of unity between the way things get done. Without synergy earned through team practices, things can easily go haywire! Case in point, Valaria calls for a combined effort to get under the shields she can summon to the fight, but the convoy is coming up on the stone bridge, and the lead vehicles are putting pedal to metal to get their faster with all the chaos going on!
Heavy engines roar, tires splash mud in waves off of the old road, and the swarm of infected creatures just keeps coming!
Lara is on one knee with her rifle aimed up, firing off bursts of bullets in to the carapaces of some of the rampaging wild life! She hears one of the men inside the cab call out to her, and as she turns a massive bug swoops in behind her, causing her to drop down on her back, as it spears the roof of the truck all around her! She plants her rifle up in to its stomach, and squeezes the trigger! Bug guts rain down upon her, around her, and all over the truck as she pours lead in to the creature above her!
The rest of the convoy is fairing about the same, with men and women firing all manner of weapons... even ICERs out at the creatures laying siege to their line of trucks.
to make matters worse, members of the convoy that are leaning out too far are getting plucked up in to the air by the bugs, some of them even getting carried off if no one is able to act to protect them!
The leader of the convoy itself, a male SHIELD Agent speaks over comms. "We're not slowing down here, folks. We're almost out of the Pit. We just have to get back across that Hell bridge, and then we'll be back in the main jungle itself... these things aren't gonna follow us up there!"
How could he be sure of that?
The power dampening 'storm' continues, the wave of energy absorption making it that much harder on the powered heroes here today, though it's said that the waves generally don't last too long unless something has changed!
Up ahead, the first vehicle reaches the edge of the stone bridge, and starts gaining speed upon it, as the rest of the convoy starts to join it. In the distance a massive waterfall from the upper levels of the Savage Lands pour down in to the chasm of the Pit that the bridge spans above, the roaring white waters adding that much more chaos to the situation engulfing the SHIELD convoy.
From the back of one of the trucks, a man throws a grenade right at the feet of the T-Rex that Logan is on, which explodes almost instantly, rocking the dinosaur AND Captain America's motorcycle. The T-Rex sweeps to the side, its head bashing in to the side of the truck that threw the grenade as it clamps its injured eye shut now!
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
They can only charge ahead and be picked off one by one as they tumble. They're in no hsape to try and recover anyone falling - they can just try and fight as best they can. Anyone who goes off is unlikely to survive. Natasha hates these things. Her own failures - she should have done better. She should have prepared better..
She goes to call out to Logan and yells at him in Russian, "Detonator!" There she goes to flip out one of the very large HE shells for one of the small flak weapons she had brought with her that were useless.. Popping it up and over to Logan to use and fuse. Of course, he would have to figure out how to make it explode himself, but one thing at a time.
Click. Pistols out of ammo. Fragmentation grenades would be useless unless they could be rigged to detonate agaisnt the swarmign insects. And then there's that smashing waterfall.. That, at least,s he might be able to do something small about.
She goes to flip out a cryo grenade over to the rapid blasting water, hopefully it dropping and freezing for just a few seconds before the water rushes and likely breaks it again..
At the cost of leaving her vulnerable to one of the bugs, which rapidly spikes into her shoulder and injects her with the heavy venom!
- Sybil Tan has posed:
So far, flight seems to have been allowed, so Kestrel spends most of her time zipping around and shredding as many wings as possible. Blades always work, so she's sticking with the simplest tech she can. She makes an effort to down any bugs that have hold of SHIELD personnel, but even those she gets away from the bugs tend to drop into the foliage to the sides of the road, where they'll have to try and take care of themselves. There's just too many to spend time fully rescuing any one of them. Hopefully they'll band up and try to make it out together.
Spotting the bug attacking Nat, she swoops down and digs the claws on both feet into it, firing her jets on full to pull it away from the Black Widow.
<<Agent Romanoff has been stung, someone in her truck get her some first aid and watch her, we don't know for sure how fast this stuff works.>>
She is knocked into a spin as one of the bugs dives at her but barely misses. Recovering a few feet above the ground, she blasts forward and continues to cover the convoy as best she can.
- Valeria Richards has posed:
Just about everyone covered in bug buts and other Brood gunk are likely going to need quaranteine and decontamination. If it wasn't for her personal forcefield as she stepped, jumped and sometimes rocket booted her way from bug to bug, infected dino, to dino.
She does try to intercept a few attempts to capture SHIELD agents but some still get taken. The few she can save she has to jump Hulk Style to the convoy so it doesn't get too far away. <<Mental note, bring Fantasticar outfitted with heat based weaponry for next Savage Land recovery outing>> she says alloud over comms. <<Drivers, don't slow down for anything. If somem of us need to walk back to the rendezevous we'll be fine. I most mean myself Wolverine and Captain America.>> the most likely to do the last minute emerge from the jungle safe appearance at the end of the show.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Cap flips his shield back towards the front of the bike where the magnetic mount catches it in place. He pulls the rifle off his back, aiming it one handed up towards the bug that is flying off with the SHIELD agent from the third truck.
The grenade bursts just behind him before Steve can pull the trigger. He almost loses the rifle as he has to swerve and lean hard, the sidecar coming off the ground as the motorcycle looks about to tip.
Somehow he pulls it out though, the sidecar's wheels hitting the ground. Without hesitating, Captain America points the gun up at the insect and fires without taking time to aim. The single shot hits the back of the insect, the incendiary round resulting in a burst of fire that makes the bug drop the man.
The falling SHIELD agent screams as he plummets forty feet towards the ground below. Just before he's going to hit, a blue-gloved hand snags him out of the air, the motorcycle sliding past and Cap catching him by the uniform which somehow manages to hold together without tearing.
The agent is swung over into the side car, and Cap hands him his rifle. "The fight's still going, soldier," he says, pointing out a bug diving towards Valeria's back with the SHIELD agent manages to hit with a shot despite his surging adrenaline.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan's claws sing viciously through the air, slicing the stinger from a bug before it can get close enough to him. Hearing the shout to him in Russian, he turns his attention to the Black Widow in time to grab the explosive from the air. He holds it at the ready when the grenade goes off at the beast's feet and it rams its head into the truck, causing him to swing low enough with it that the toes of his boots briefly scrape across the dirt track that serves as a road.
Using his new vantage point, he swings forward with the explosives to jam them against the creature's throat. Sticking them there, he eyes them for a moment. He can't help but feel those million little cuts up and down his arms, stinging and letting him know that he's not quite as invincible as he usually is.
"Cap," he calls out to the man on the motorbike, "Tell Rogue I'm the one who ate the last slice of that pie, not the dog ... "
He draws his claws free, bringing both hands together so metal contacts metal. The spark is all the explosive needs to ignite, and the boom that follows after throws Logan free and smouldering into the back of the truck.
- Lara Croft has posed:
The Black Widow really has an arm on her. She wings that ice grenade right at the waterfall beyond the bridge, and it is soon to detonate within the rapidly descending water! The falls become a block of ice, spreading downward toward the chasm below... freezing in place. Of course, this has a secondary effect, an unknown one that Natasha could not have seen coming.
Creatures begin to burst out from behind the waterfall of frozen ice. Some of them just smash the ice, as fresh water continues to pour down from above. Giant... massive... winged BIRDS break out from behind their disturbed home behind the falls! Their huge white wings flap loudly as they take to the sky too, rushing out toward the bridge, toward the convoy of fleeing trucks that are all now on the old stone connection between the lower, and upper parts of the Savage Lands jungle!
The insects attacking the convoy suddenly let up as a result of this, they pull back from the convoy of trucks, releasing the SHIELD agents that some of them had in mortal clutches! Almost as if they are afraid of the avian creatures that are now entering the playfield...
Lara throws off what is left of the bug that had landed atop her. She rolls back up on to her knees, then crawls up on to the covered back of the cargo truck, clutching her gun in her hands as she watches the bugs making their retreat. "What on Earth..." Lara utters, as the shadows of the massive avians flying over head cross over the convoy. Lara looks up at the sight... it is beautiful in a way, what with how the gleaming sunlight glitters off of their utterly enormous wings...
And then...
"Oh god..." Lara states, spinning around on to her stomach and covering her head!
Down at the back of the convoy, the Infected T-Rex just explodes. The efforts of everyone back there, and the man who is rumored to be the Best at what he Does, causes the lumbering giant to suddenly burst above his stomach, guts going every which way as a lower body is left to just topple over with a heavy thud of huge legs, and a long tail of mutated spiky armor...
They did it, they fought off the T-Rex, and the Bugs...
But soon everyone is looking up, up at the bird creatures.
Because from above, startled birds that were forced out of their home behind the waterfalls, suddenly begin to drop ... droppings down upon the convoy and everyone exposed within it! Giant globs of white, warm, goop starts to splash down across the stone bridge, across the trucks, support vehicles, and everyone there-in!
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
WHAM! Her arm is out of sync and there's a massive amount of poison in her system. Fortunately, the Russian version of the super soldier serum that she was blessed with (or cursed, depending on one's point of view) made her extremely resistant to toxins. So it meant that she was still conscious with all of the poison going through her veins. She would take a few mometns to control her heartbeat to slow it, arm dead at her side before she would look back to the truck to ready with the next weapon..
Right in time for her world to go white. Literally, with all of it blasting down and everything spraying. It seemed like a solid finale for the day.
THe convoy scattered but withdrawins, several losses of personnel.. And a smattering of spread out injuries. It did not make for a particularly successful post mission AAR.
- Sybil Tan has posed:
Kestrel spins and barrel rolls above the convoy, trying to avoid the newest flying threat. Watching them bomb the convoy she gives quiet thanks that she's up here, even if it does involve dodging huge birds. At least they scared the bugs away. She opens a comm channel to the base and starts giving some orders. <<Incoming convoy is going to need medics and severe decontamination. Break out the firehoses kids, this one's messy. I also want an S&R team ready to go, we've left a number people behind along the way. It's not likely to help, but we can't just abandon them.>>
She dives down to fly above the convoy as it rolls through the gates of the SHIELD compound, then lands and waits for the base personnel to begin decontaminating the convoy and people, pointing the medics at the worst wounded. "Move people, we have no idea what kind of window we have before they start to be affected."
- Valeria Richards has posed:
Smaller fights at larger scall powers, Valeria can usually deal. Having pointy spiky alien insectoids that treat you as either food, or the means to make more insectoids all around you and a large battle. That's not something she does all that often.
There's a reason her parents tend to not want their youngest daughter in 'The Shit'. But when Cap points out a bug flying at her back, she quickly adjusts her forcefield shape and the bug impales itself when Val braces her feet in the ground. having created a spiky triangulat shape that even manages to avoid getting Cap covered in gunk. Which is around the same time all the other mess from exploding dinosaurs and bug poop starts dropping. The mess conforming to the shape untill Valeria dials the shape back to something closer to human dimensions around her. The gunk then splattering to the ground around her feet.
"Thanks Captain. Umm, don't tell my parents. They'd get all parental disappointment on me for being here."
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Cap and the agent in the sidecar swerve rapidly away from the T-rex as Steve sees the explosive fly overhead and be caught by Logan. "Logan, be careful, people's powers-" he manages to get off, before the blast takes out the dinosaur. Its body slides to a halt in the mud while the motorcycle races on, Cap spotting Logan's body flying past and into the back of the truck.
He drops back a little bit, looking behind them to make sure their six is clear. <<I think that's it,>> he radios to the rest of the convoy. <<The insects are departing and I don't see any more dinosaur threats back here.>>
He turns back to look ahead just in time to see a gigantic mass of white liquid falling right towards himself and the agent. There's no time for the motorcycle to dodge, no chance even to grab his shield for cover.
<<Oh shi->>
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan strikes the muddy road, hitting it hard with his shoulder in a way that might break bone if they weren't coated in that most unbreakable of metals. When he finally skids to a halt, he's alying at the side of the road half-buried in bent and broken greenery. He's bloodied, bruised, and a great deal of skin is missing from his right arm and side. Not to mention his hair is slihgtly burnt and smoking, leading to a hacking cough.
Then, with a god-awful sploosh, the awful goop lands on him in a piling heap. He simply lays there on his back beneath it, eyes closed. After a moment, he speaks - his voice muffled.
"Fuckin' government work."
- Lara Croft has posed:
The SHIELD convoy of cargo trucks and support vehicles races across the ancient stone bridge that spans the massive canyon chasm. The dense foliage and treacherous terrain of 'The Pit' makes it nearly impossible to navigate, and they're being pursued by a horde of giant bugs attracted by the commotion of their escape.
Suddenly, the ground shakes beneath their wheels as the bridge begins to crumble behind them. The convoy accelerates, narrowly avoiding falling into the canyon below as the bridge continues to disintegrate.
Pandemonium erupts as the convoy reaches the other side of the bridge, with debris falling all around them as the bridge continues to crumble into the abyss. The support vehicles swerve and dodge the falling rocks, desperately trying to keep up with the cargo trucks. The entire convoy covered in the dripping bird droppings now, with just about everyone complaining about it at the same time...
Those not hit, those who had been safely inside the vehicles are more focused on the birds, and the bugs... The commander of the convoy speaks out. "Looks like I was right, the big damn birds are awake and looking for food. Lets hope they eat those damn flies up one by one."
Atop the first truck, Lara is back on her knees, covered on her back by the disgusting goop, but she doesn't care, she just watches the creatures all fly away with the gun laying across her lap. The bridge crumbles before her eyes too, and with a soft exhale, she looks across the convoy, then to the motorcycle with Steve and another Agent inside it. "Well done, everyone." Lara's British voice speaks over the team comms.
In their wake, the 'Bridge to Hell' collapses down in to the river far below within the Pit's basin, only a few support rocks still standing on the middle mesa that had been the mid-way support structure, and on the far side of the bridge where the convoy had fled from, a pack of viscious raptors start to tear in to what is left of the T-Rex...
And the infection spreads...