15231/Maximum Carnage - Start of the Afternoon
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Maximum Carnage - Start of the Afternoon | |
Date of Scene: | 01 July 2023 |
Location: | Midtown |
Synopsis: | The afternoon's first fight brings with it a semblance of success as Cyber-Spider and Balm send Demogoblin back to the hell from which he came. |
Cast of Characters: | Mary Jane Watson, Miguel O'Hara, Phoebe Beacon |
Tinyplot: | Maximum Carnage |
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Groups of supervillains have been seen scattering throughout Manhattan. Hours ago the symbiote known as Carnage escaped and has been swinging his way through the city. For now, what heroes were about have scattered along in pursuit of the villains, spreading out to keep up the chase.
Going through the air at high speed is a twisted thing of magic, leaving a haze of fire in his wake as he flew along on a demonic glider! "All the sinners will BURN. I'm just rushing the process!" DEMOGOBLIN
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
From where Miguel came from, Spider-Man was considered a legend. But what was EQUALLY legendary was the weirdness of his "rogue's gallery." It ranged from the victimized to victimizers, from the extremes of avengers to the most evil of entities.
And Demogoblin was one of the worst.
Miguel, as Cyber-Spider, was slinging almost parallel to Demogoblin, analyzing him and working out a good angle, while Lyla was working up the list of known abilities.
It was going to be a busy day...
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Manhattan isn't one of her usual haunts, but when it came to someone rushing around on weird equipment yelling about burning sinners, there's a pretty small section of the Super population that Phoebe knows of would be doing such things. Generally not in the daylight. And mostly on motorcycles -- or a customized 1969 Dodge Charger with a BTS intake -- and she would have been able to text at least two of them.
Speeding through traffic on the chase, cape flying behind her on a Batcycle, one of Gotham's usual defenders found it worth her time to armor up and make it out here. She catches the webslinger type on her HUD, and beneath her domino her eyebrows rise up.
"Oh, it's going to be an interesting day." she murmurs quietly.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Demogoblin goes to twist about, "My, what a thing we have here. A twisted nightmare. Something that spreads fear wherever they go." Demogoblin would be flying backwards, at speeds that Cyber-Spider could keep up while slinging, but not quite catch up wth.. "So, let me show you why yous hould be afraid." Laughing, it ringing out through the streets in a macabre shriek, he would go to launch a pair of pumpkin bombs through the air! They would if not caught or stopped detonate high up, making a wide blast radius of shrapnel shooting out in every direction! Fortunately high up enough to not put civilians at risk and focused enough to not do any collateral damage.. But still a large shrapnel cloud in the middle of the air!
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel looked up, then swung low, using the extra-sticky-but-short-lived stuff to catch the shrapnel after gravity would take over, so it would get caught by the net insteal of punch through it.
He needed to get closer.
He continued the swing, then let himself be carried higher to get close enough.
Demon, right? So handle it in typical Spider-Man Fashion.
"Hey, ugly! Yeah, you! Your mama was probably the ONLY succubus who had to wear a BAG over her head when you were conceived!"
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Swing low, sweet Cyberslinger?
There's a brief glow from beneath Demogoblin and Cyber Spider as a wide shield is formed with a lazily spinning eight-pointed star, surrounded by heiroglyphs as the shield rises up, making sure to catch anything that may fall on the streets below.
And The Oriole, hero from Gotham City, gives a slight smile as she braces herself.
"That's a pretty solid insult. But man, does New York ever get tired of all the Goblins hanging about? Don't you all have a department for that?" she asks, with the POOMF of her grappling gun as she latches onto a building.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a sneer from Demogoblin, even as he goes to fly backwards, "Why thank you! May she eternally burn in the pits of damnation." He would grin sadistically before going to hold up his hands to make a massive gust of flame through the air in an arc that would be a bit too low to quite catch Cyber-Spider in his dive!
"I can send you there to meet her so you can tell her yourself!" For now, the arrival of Balm and her shield protects anyone down on the city street! He's not attacking her yet - but Cyber-Spider /did/ just insult his mom!
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Geez, insulting and making fun of demons is trickier than it looks. Okay, time to ramp it up.
Cy-Spi (really have to thank Honey Badger for that) hit the crane at the construction site and ran up and flank speed, jumping up to get closer to the flying demon. Let's start with the face!
Cyber-Spider fires two blasts of heavy-duty webbing at Demogoblin's head, hoping to cut his options down to Flying Blind.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Man, Gabby really *does* know everyone.
The Gotham heroine below secures her grappling gun to her belt and withdraws a pellet from her pouch, eyes narrowing from behind the domino as she slings the bellet up at Demogoblin's sled, trying to get one of the expanding-foam pellets in the works of the device.
"Really, you out to leave the 'sending people to Hell' thing to the professionals. It's a terribly dangerous hobby!" she calls out -- as Cy-Spi goes for the face, she's going for his ride.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The webbing goes to fly out to hit Demogoblin on the face! He goe sto reach his hands up and over towards it, moving to start to tear at it! THen his hands go to blast out with fire, charring it to ashes as it would fall away! The foam pellets simultaneously go up to his goblin glider, moving to anchor themselves into the mechanism! The goblin glider likewise goes to flare up with hellfire as it goes to burn away!
"Well, then you're playing with danger, stranger." Taunting - sled still flying backwards, but him being focused on freeing his face rather than attacking.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Crud. Apparently demonic equipment doesn't need air...
He is aware of Phoebe's actions, even if he doesn't understand them. But she seems to be having trouble, as well.
Okay...she is distracting him. Let's try this...
Cy-Spi fires a webline, a strong-but-short-duration one, climbing up towards Demo on his Demo-Glider. If it burns through, CS will fire another one and launch himself forward, using the momentary hold to send himself up and closer to the glider itself...
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Well. That was anticlimatic.
Phoebe didn't typically like to use her powers on 'Bat Time', but desperate times call for Desperate measures.
As CS launches himself airborne to get closer to the glider itself, The Oriole beneath, with her gray-and-orange armor braces herself against the window of an office skyscraper, and she brings her hands up. Theres the ringing of Light magic, for those who can sense such things, and she unleashes a small blast of energy, keep Demagorgon's attention on her!
"So what Wish-dot-Com version of Hell did *you* crawl out of that you get to imitate a /Ghost Rider/?" she inquires, trying her best to sound dismissive like he wasn't anything cool to be concerned about!
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's the daytime. It can't be Bat-Time. There's no gargoyles about either! No one is brooding (though Cyber-Spider definitely has the costume to pull it off). Cyber-Spider is able to accelerate himself towards Demogoblin as there'sa brutal CRACK over from the impact which sends him flying off his glider!
The taunt from Balm is just enough to keep him distracted on her, giving Cyb-Spid room to get the full blow in! And the light energy definitely has his attention as an actual threat. "You know when you use that where it's from? You steal from the essence of hte pure. You take away what is good from them and waste it! You create SIN! And I will PURGE!" Even as he's locked in mid-air combat over with Cyber-Spider..
His goblin glider goes to correct it's course.. Growing out a series of blades upon it and launching over at Balm at nearly 90 miles an hour! In the air, he goes to try and engage Cyber-Spider in fisticuffs! He's not particularly well trained, but he is on fire, punching with demonic energy.. And definitely stronger than base Ma Parker's Boy.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
You know, when you are REALLY strong, you tend to hold back. You keep from destroying doorknobs, pushing through walls by mistake...that sort of thing.
This is a demonic creature, ready and willing to kill.
So...all safeties are removed.
Demo swings, and swings hard, but he is dealing with something - his blows are glancing blows, if they connect at all. Demo's brain is broadcasting his thoughts, and Miguel can see the thrown blows coming almost before Demogoblin decides to throw them.
Cyber-Spider dodges, springs, feints, and even jumps, and every blow HE lands might as well be Truck-kun trying to Isekai DG into another universe.
Heh. He WISHES. He's staying in this world and he's getting full dollar value.
After one swing from DG, the talons snap out and Cy-Spi slashes at DG's face, above his eyes...
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"This guy's not only overdramatic, he unfortunately has the skills to back it up!" Phoebe, in her armor, yelps over to Cy-Spi as she releases her grapple line and falls, spreading her arms and her legs out and hoping that glider goes with her!
She then brings up her grapple gun, and with a POOMF! and the tightening of her line she feels her back give a CRACK as her weight and inertia shifts, swinging out over the traffic of Manhattan, and then coming back up.
She turns in the air, watching everything come closer and closer when --
She full-stops in the air, raising her shield again, and encourages the glider to smash into the LIght-energy she forms it out of.
"Purge this!"
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The glider goes to fly through the air, going to smash hard over into the shield and being deflected away! There's a crack along the frame of it even as it withdraws, stalking like a preator! IT goes to then try to change tactics - blasting around with several pumpkin bombs that would fire like rockets! They all swoop in and swerve to try and hit her from several directions, detonating if they can some seconds after one another! Trying to force her to spread her shield thin to protect herself from attacks in various directions, including above and below!
The brutal fighting in midair of Demogoblin and Cyber-Spider continues as they rend into one another with strength that could shatter tanks and small buildings! The slash of Miguel's claw goes through the face of Demogoblin! The demon is able to duck just enough it doesn't take off his head - just a streak through that removes part of his ear! "Willing to kill? naughty naughty.." Taunting back and going to try and swing in with a brutal strike of his own! He was likely stronger and more durable - but had no real training and telegraphed his moves, purely brawling. But he was -very- strong so a hit would still hurt if he got in a clean one! But Miguel is gradually overpowering him just through sheer speed!
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider chuckles. "Kill? You?" Shot to where the left kidney would be. "Not planning on - " Feint left, punch right, landing in the "breadbasket." "No, I'm just -" SLICE, right above both eyebrows, deep enough to draw blood. He doesn't know demon physiology, but he knows head wounds tend to bleed a lot.
And someone with blood in his eyes doesn't fight well if it didn't START in his eyes.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Well that's a problem.
Phoebe cuts her line again, tumbling out of the air as the glider continues to hunt her down. Pumpkin bombs and demonic blades, fired like rockets at the woman before finally she decides she's had enough, she grasps her left hand tightly, and with a hissed word of power she unleashes the full extent of her magic, becoming a literal Beacon of the Light. IT might be very distracting, but this gives her some options.
Wings rpout from her caped back, looking like they are made of golden pink glass, and with a visible flap she flies faster than the sled, and curling those wings around her, decorated with the same eight-pointed star, she braces herself and allows those bombs to crash against her, sending her tumbling into the sandstone fascade of another building and leaving a dent in the stone.
And that's when she grasps her hands together, and with a long phrase in Latin unleashes an arc of golden light and fire, snapping it towards the glider of the Demagoblin!
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
What happens is as Cyber-Spider goes to slash over at the front of Demogoblin's face and skewers through it.. Whatever exctly -he- is, he still has enough of a face left that it bleeds. And is reliant enough on his eyes so that when he's blinded by blood he has to instinctively lash out to try and get some room to wipe it away. A head wound does bleed a lot.
Right in time over as the Demonic Glider that's going on another strafing run to try and hit her while she's down and on the ground to simply be full on disintegrated over with a solid BLAST to it, turning over to ashes as every explosive it had thrown at her had vanished!
Even the blinded Demogoblin can -feel- that one as he goes to howl out in pain from being in the same general area!
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider ducks under the lashing arm like he ready about it in a cheat website, then comes back up.
The fist had some momentum with a swing with enough power to jangle the inner ear and loosen a few teeth, followed by a wide right cross, to try and ring ALL the bells in DG's skull.
Because the alternative is to knock the thing down, then go to town on the guy's jaw as if losing teeth was going to be his new CAREER.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
This was Bad, with a capital B.
She never liked to unleash anything close to her full powers. And it's still awkward trying to fly. The Gotham hero grits her teeth as she draws her gaze up to the Demogoblin.
"Per virtutem lucis redi ad inferos, unde surrexisti, et hanc urbem non turbas amplius!" she calls out.
That eight-pointed star forms behind the Demagoblin then, Phoebe's wings spreading and glittering in the light of the afternoon, as she reaches up with her left hand, the circle around her left wrist glowing brilliantly as she seeks to banish the creature from New York City!
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The brutal SMASH along the jaw of Demogoblin courtesy of the smash from Cyber-Spider sends fangs flying over as part of Demogoblin's lower jaw doesn't so much as pop out a tooth as pops off entirely, leaving Miguel with a bleeding set of teeth over nearly stuck on his hand unless he goes to hurl it away, a lot of blood dropping off of it.. Fortunately then being instantly seared over in fire as the holy burst from Balm goes up and over into the air..
And Demogoblin, flung through is caught within the burst of containment and thanks to his missing lower and upper chunks of face can't so much as SCREAM as he's sent back over into hell.. And to be stuck with his needing to wear a bag on her head mother.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi grimaced. This was ALWAYS the risk when punching someone with fangs, but he was able to pull back right before more that three were stuck in his hand. Ever had a splinter? This was WORSE.
He gingerly slid the pointed teeth out of his fist, placing them to the side, then looks at them. "I am going to ANALYZE the LIVING SHOCK out of you!"
He looked at his bleeding hand, then sighed and looked over to Phoebe, blinking at the sight of the wings. *Okay...no 'did you fall from heaven' lines, pendejo,* he thought quickly.
"Wow...thanks, whoever you are," Cy-Spi said as he gets to his feet, sticking the teeth in a pouch to be checked out later. "Who are you?"
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
With a flap of her wings, the armored girl lands on the side of a building's roof, gives a breath out, and the winds disappear. Her armor also changes -- because wearing the Gotham armor really shouldn't be done while she's using magic. Batman gets a little bit miffed. No one likes a miffed bat.
So instead she's in black tac pants, a dark gray compression top and a bolero-style jacket with a domino mask with blue lenses, and she tilts her head back a moment as she looks to Cy-Spi.
"Hello! I'm Balm. Nice to meet a Spider-person." she gives a wave. "Used to work with Scarlet Spider sometimes." she introduces herself.
"You going to be all right? Looks like you got bit up pretty badly."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi looks down. "Ah, I'll be fine. The costume will repair in about ten minutes, and the lacerations will close up at about the same time. I'll be back in top condition in an hour, tops."
He raised a hand (the OTHER hand), and gave her a polite, "You can call me Cyber-Spider. Or Cy-Spi for short. Wish I could make a claim to that one. I thought about using Spider-Man, but all the good names are taken." He looks around. "Do you...think we should probably high-step it, or is there anything we should clean up or throw away first?"
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"Ah... luckily I don't leave much behind? And if I remember right -- most webbing tends to dissipate on its own." Balm states with a little smile. "Cy-Spi. That sounds like something one of my friends would make up on the fly. Well -- I'd offer a patch-up job but it sounds like you're going to take care of yourself quite nicely."
She cracks a small smile on her matte black-cherry lips.
"Nice working with you. If I'm ever in New York battling demons in the sky, I'll keep an eye out." she states, offering a fist-bumo.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
It takes Miguel a moment, but he makes the connection and he lightly fistbumps the young woman's fist. "Well, Balm, if you ever need any help, I can give you my deets."
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"Always happy to work with the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Heroes. You're like, the nicer side of my kinda folks in Gotham." she gives a nod, and flicks her gloved hand out, presenting Miguel with a card. It has a Gotham City phone number on it, a Rod with a single snake wrapped around it, and just the word "BALM".
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi nodded. "Aesclepius? Good choice." He pauses, then adds, "You're very kind. Spider-Man has a destiny to fulfill. Lyla?"
"Yes?" a dulcet woman's voice purrs.
"Deets to Miss Balm, and NO peeking."
A soft sigh. "You're no fun at all sometimes. Done."
In the same moment, a contact (CYBER-SPIDER) appears in Phoebe's contact list.
"Thanks again. Maybe I should check out this Gotham place. Never seen or heard of it before."
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"Just make sure you give us a call before you come over. Batman gets a little protective when new people show up." Balm gives a little smile, and then squeaks out:
"Is that an AI built into your suit that can just drop contacts via open transmission because that is *so cool*..."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider chuckles. "Well, maybe next supervillian, I can give you a proper introduction to Lyla. But until then, I should get going. I'll be in touch, Balm." He pauses again, then adds, "Take care of yourself."
And with that, he fires a webline and launches into the air to swing away into the skyline.
He would get something with his current influx of cash, but May's Meatloaf is just that good...