15436/Just a night off
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Just a night off | |
Date of Scene: | 23 July 2023 |
Location: | Random bar in New York. |
Synopsis: | Three heroes meet at a bar, none of them aware of the others secrets. A few drinks and light conversation follows. |
Cast of Characters: | Jacen Knight, Samuel Guthrie, Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Local bars will start to get very busy on Saturday night. This one is picking up as more are arriving than leaving on a Saturday night. Jacen arrives and makes his way to the bar after a nod and showing two identifications at the door. The bouncer nods and waves him through.
He strides to a bar stool and settles onto one, looking a bit tired and ready for a drink or three. Leaning on the edge of the bar he nods to the bartender and when his turn comes he orders a longneck.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking into the bar after work. It has been an ok day and since Sam was working in plain clothes, he hit the first bar he came across, checking it out for the first time. HE walks in looking about and since it does not seem to much of a trouble spot he heads for the bar.
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora has disappeared from the shooting of Count of Monte Cristo, but the production team has more of less gotten used to her occasionally pulling a stunt like that. Besides, her role was relatively minor one, and easy to work around. More than enough time to finish her shots by the deadline.
Unclear what she was doing with her time since, but right now she walks into this bar, dressed as casual as can be, just blue jeans and a black tank top. She makes a bee line to the bar, not looking at any of the people within. "Gimme something strong, I don't care what," she says to the bartender, waving her hand to get his attention.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Glancing towards the new arrival at the bar, Jacen offers a nod to him. He considers the man for a moment like maybe he might recognize him. It doesn't hit him quickly so he shakes if off and thanks the bartender for the beer that arrives.
He turns his attention to Aurora as she arrives and lets his gaze settle there for a moment for a decidedly different reason. Again, he blinks it off before he can be considered a creepy sort. More so than usual anyway. He turns back to the beer and just tries to relax a little.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will wait till the lady had made her drink order and gotten something before he looks over and says "Can Ah get a beer, what ever is on tap." He offers for what type. His voice shows a southern accent, even though he has lived in NY for quite some time now. He does nod to the fellow and lady as well, if she looks his way.
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Anne gives a casual glance at Jacen, taking a brief note of the badge on his belt, before returning her attention to the bartender. When she's handed a drink, she takes a sip, before twisting her face. Doesn't look like she's accustomed to drinking strong stuff, despite her order, as she puts the glass down and looks over at Sam, attention drawn to his accent.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
The sound of Sam's accent is hard for anyone to miss and makes him stand out for sure. He studies the man and considers before he asks,"Not west midwest's me, Kentucky'r Tennesse?" he asks conversationaly. His own accent has a southern drawl to it, but not as pronounced as Sam's.
When she turns the glass back to the counter, Jacen smiles a little and shakes his head. No comment, just getting it. Sometimes folks get get in over their head after all.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Kentucky up near Harlen." He says naming an area of the state at least some know of and maybe more with the TV show based there a few years back. He looks over Jacen, and says "Oklahoma ?" HE asks not quite sure on the other man's accent.
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Look from one guy to the other, before quipping, "you really can tell with just hearing? I'd leave it at 'South' at best," she takes another sip from her drink, once more wrinkling her face.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Jacen nods and takes a drink of his longneck before setting the bottle down on the bar again,"Missouri. You're close." he tells Sam with a smile,"Oklahoma's a great place too. Used ta go there ta run sand dunes'n sand rail drags. Nice enough place."
He glances to her again and offers,"We got our own brand sure 'nough. Th' differences're easier th' longer ya hear it. Still...it's tricky even f'r th' pros." He rests his hand on the bottle, twisting it on the surface of the bar,"Yours's...hmm." he considers for a long moment and shrugs,"I'm guessin' somewhere's up north. Futhur north th'n here."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Plus if you hear a lot of different ones sometimes you can place others. Personally Brazilian, and Scottish I can pick out pretty well, mind you scottish is one of the easier ones." He admits.
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"I could probably pick on those too, and I'm not even good at this," Anne agrees, before forcing herself to drink somewhere. "Any of you guys do drugs?" She asks quietly, offering it as if it was a rather innocent question.
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Anne does point at Jacen when he guesses 'north', "that's the right direction, you called it."
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Nodding towards Sam, Jacen agrees,"Some of th' best ones ta listen to." He takes another drink and turns his attention back towards her,"Afraid not. Whiskey's 'bout as hot as I get. I cain' afford ta lose m' licensin'. Much's I loved th' old job, I ain' in that physical condition right now."
Two things to consider. He is in prime physical condition by a casual glance. The second thing, if you are observant enough to see his ID badge, it would be hard to miss the belt buckle next to it marking him as a former PRCA World Bull Riding Champion.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Well, Ah am not quite the person you would go to looking for them." He tells the lady. He could possibly keep her talking and maybe arrest her, but unless he is on duty, or looks like someone is going to hurt someone, he tries to live and let live.
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"That's a shame," Anne sighs when Jacen proves to have no drugs, and her hopes aren't high about Sam, he actually sounds like he's a good guy. "I figured, I'm sorry, I just...mmm, nevermind," she sighs again and takes a few more sips of her drink. "What are you guys doing up north anyways?"
- Jacen Knight has posed:
"Came along one promise too late." Jacen offers oddly,"I come up here a few years back b'cause they were short on medics. Mosta th' hospitals would hire anyone with any state's certifications so I d'cided ta see th' Atlantic'n take a bite outa th' big apple's it were."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Got a scholarship to a school up here, made some friends and stayed." He tells them. Which is the truth, there maybe some more to it but thats it "Figured if Ah am going to live around here should find a way to help folks about here."
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Cool, cool, at least you all are making smart decisions," Anne remarks, before finally managing to empty her glass and trying to signal the bartender over to order another one.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
"Reckon that'd be th' first person ta tell me I made smart d'cisions." Jacen laughs softly and indicates another beer after he downs the last of his first. He waves the bartender to others before him as he is in no real hurry tonight and wants to enjoy a few before going home.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is still working on his first one and says "Well, it can be a good thing to try to make good ones, something driving you towards bad ones?"
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"I'm not the one making bad ones, it's another idiot who is doing it...what do you think of modelling? Is that a smart choice to do with your life?" Anne asks Sam out of the blue, before making her order for a second glass.
To Jacen she offers, "I'm an expert, trust me, you look like you're making pretty good ones."
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Once his beer arrives, Jacen thanks the bartender and takes a draw from the new one,"Good d'cisions're smarter, but some of th' best memories come fr'm th' bad ones. Harder lessons too."
His eyes move to Jeanne and nods,"Ahh. Yeah. I cain' help ya with th' drugs." He laughs softly and adds,"I cain' say nothin' bad 'bout modelin' given I done did m' own share o' that too." he admits. He raises the bottle towards her and adds,"I'm doin' th' best I can with what I got."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Well, Ah never modeled myself, but known a few folks who have, and they seem to like it. Does seem a bit stressful at times to be honest, but then again most things are going to be. Used to think when Ah was young just the poor folks get the stress, but have met a few on the opposite end of the spectrum who get there share as well."
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Anne rolls her eyes at the 'best memories' comments, clearly not approving of the thought, though the modelling bit has her grumble. "Oh, seriously? You did modelling? Well, glad you got out of it and took on a real job." She notes with a look at his badge. "I think modelling is dumb, you're like a glorified mannequin, doesn't take any talent at all...it's a joke. Only a loser would go to modelling."
- Jacen Knight has posed:
"I didn' have any intention of ever modelling." Jacen admits with a little shrug. It doesn't embarass him by any means, but it isn't his world either,"Wrangler jeans showed up on m' doorstep'n offered me a ridiculous 'mount o' money ta let a camera take pictures of me, particularly th' parta me where th' Wrangler patch sets." Of course he is wearing a pair of the jeans and the patch on the right cheek of his backside.
He shrugs and admits,"Made's much doin' that f'r a few weeks's I'd ever made b'fore. Still. One go 'round w's 'nuff f'r me. Took th' money'n run."
He looks at Sam and replies,"It's ridiculous how stressful it c'n be'n I really didn' have that much ta do. Walk 'round a few sets'n take pictures'n videos. Glad when it w's over."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Did ya have to sign some kind of contract you would not wear anything but Wrangler brand for a few years or something? Ah know in Nascar while they aint models, some of them have had issues using a product that is a rival of one on their car and figure it is the same idea." He looks over to Jeanne-Marie and says "Well, it might not take any talent, but Ah would wager it is a whole different type of pain than say Working in a coal mine."
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Yeah...it's kinda silly, you're offered money to have your picture taken in some outfit or other, you're pretty much a mannequin." Anne seems to insist on her view of the whole profession. "Standing there like an idiot, photographers telling you what to do, and you can't say no even if it's stupid or embarrassing."
Anne seems to accept Sam's words, "nobody deserves working in a coal mine, except some people maybe...but only as punishment."
- Jacen Knight has posed:
He looks at Sam and shrugs,"I wore Wranglers pertty much all th' time anyway, that ain' no big deal. Gotta keep tha' cowboy image right?" he thinks for a second,"What w's th' old pitch? Oh yeah, Wrangler butts drive women nuts." He laughs softly and glances back to Aurora.
He stage whispers,"You seem ta be pertty stable so I think they got ahead themselves." he comments about the Wrangler add,"You're right though. Did pertty much feel like a giant mannequin. Only too glad ta take their money'n run."
He makes a face and adds,"Yeah. Coal minin's honest enough work, but what I've seen fr'm long exposure in some patients...it ain' good." he mutters,"She migh' be right 'bout criminals bein' forced ta do it."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "In some places there aint a whole lot more to do. Luckily Ah only did it for a bit, but yea long time can be an issue, my Pa passed from working in one, had breathing issues."
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Is that what they say...?" Anne snorts, almost sounding offended, "like a piece of clothing is all it takes to sway women, that's sexist." But she's quick to turn her attention to Sam, looking quite sad to hear about his dad. "I'm so sorry...I wish your dad could have gotten a better lot in life...it's tragic, dying from something like that..."
- Jacen Knight has posed:
"Plenty o' women completely ignore me on th' reg. I ain' seen nobody throw themselves at m' jeans'n if I did, I'd be pertty confused." Jacen admit with a shrug. He takes a drink of his beer and adds,"Just happens I like th' jeans. They're tougher th' most in their construction'n tend ta last longer when workin'."
He winces as he looks to Sam,"Sorry ta hear that man. It's bad conditions ta say th' least. Th' hospital trips're terrible. I did some clinical time'n y'r backyard early'n my trainin'."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Yea it is not a pretty way to go, but then again back home it is not an uncommon way. It is part of why Ah make sure Ah work hard here to send money home to my family."
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"I'm not surprised," Anne laughs at Jacen relating the failure of the jeans to keep to the promise of the manufacturer, but her attention was quick to draw back to Sam. "Glad I got to meet you, Sam, you're a good man...unlike some. Never lost that, ok?" She reached into her purse, and took out a few crumpled bills, handing them to Sam, "here, send this to your family too." A good look will show a few rolled up and crumpled up 50s.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
A smirk and Jacen shakes his head,"Yeah. Me neither." He takes another drink of his beer and listens to the other two talk for the moment. Noting her take out bills and hand them to Sam, he nods with a smile. Always good to see folks taking care of one another.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will smile and shakes his head and says "Thank ya ma'am but no thank you. If your wanting to help someone there are folks who have it a lot worse around here. My Ma, and brothers and sisters have a roof over their head, and food in the fridge. There are folks here in the city who aint got neither. If your looking to help some folks, there is a couple shelters, Ah can suggest that could use it."
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"You really are a good man, aren't you?" Anne grumbled, putting the money back in her purse, "just figured I'd use it right here and now before it goes to waste on some stupid makeup, or perfume, or god knows what..."
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Jacen looks a little surprised as well. Not that he really knows Sam so he shrugs. Finishing off another beer, he indicates to the bartender,"Last round." The bartender nods and goes to take up one more long neck for him as well as a bill for his tab.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "Ah just try to do what is right, and what my Ah think my Pa would do. Besides, Ah see a lot of folks who can use help on a regular bases." He will look over and says "Well the closest place that can use it is " He names a local shelter. "But to be honest some of the ones in Bushwich get less funding and could use some help too."
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Well, it was nice to meet you gentlemen, but I have some business to attend to," Anne informed them as she paid for her drinks, before turning to leave, not looking the most sober in the world, her steps just a bit off, while she could still retain her balance quite well enough.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Turning towards Jeanne and raises his bottle her direction,"Pleasure. Y'all be careful out there. Reckon find ya someone ta drive ya. Hate ta hafta pick ya up'n th' ambulance." He turns back to his beer and takes another draw from it.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to the other man and says "So a EMT? Will have to keep that in mind if Ah ever see ya out in the field." He reaches into his shirt and pulls out his badge on a necklace for a moment to show the other guy before putting it away.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
There is a smirk when he sees that badge come out,"Yeah. I thought I done seen ya somewhere." he admits,"Kinda why my eyebrows shot up wh'n she mentioned lookin' f'r drugs. First it w's out there ta ask strangers anyway, but still." He nods as he replies,"EMT-P yes. Like I said, thinkin' I mighta seen ya out'n th' field." He takes another drink and offers a smirk,"You're m' witness I done had three o' these, I cain' be called in if somebody don' make their shift."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and nods his head to the other man and says "Sounds legit Ah'm Sam Guthrie by the way."
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Taking the beer to hand and draining the last of it, he sets the bottle down and hands the bartender his card to pay his tab. He nods to the man and holds up two fingers. Odd. Then he turns to Sam and replies,"Jacen Masters. Good ta meecha Sam. Reckon we're be more 'ware if we run inta each other'n field." The bartender hands his card back and the receipt. Signing his name and tipping the bartender well, Jacen stands up and settles his hat on his head again,"I reckon I'd better go sleep't off though. Have a shift day after t'morrow so gotta take care o' things at home. Cain' do that'f I'm drunk."