16405/The Spider-SHIELD
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The Spider-SHIELD | |
Date of Scene: | 25 November 2023 |
Location: | R and D Labs: Triskelion |
Synopsis: | Miguel talks about shapeshifters in the lab. |
Cast of Characters: | Miguel O'Hara, Mary Jane Watson, Isabel Kane
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
It's...a little annoying, at times.
No hueristic Expert Systems, no 10-gigapixel rendering GPUs, and the mass spec can take a whole MINUTE to analyze substances. Maybe even TWO.
Might as well go back to optical microscopes and test strips, working with beans.
Miguel pressed the button on the mass spec, waited for that tiny little whine as the machine got to working. Right now he was working on some biological evidence collected from a SHIELD agent in the course of his duties. They needed someone accomplished in genetic forensics, and it was his turn in the barrel.
He didn't know if it was tedious. He rather liked it. It appealed to his thoughts of being like Spider-Man, being a detective.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is entering in a short time later. Miguel is someone she doesn't often talk to, but he's still a comrade. In the extended, disconnected way that her friends are. Something that a lot outside of the 'agency' probably don't necessarily note. "Hey MIguel, what's your current project?" She's wearing a normal SHIELD uniform.
Glancing over at the equipment the likes of which makes little sense to her.
- Isabel Kane has posed:
"Hey Doc, I got those samples from the mission last wee-... oh. Uhhhhhhhhhh, I probably have the wrong lab, huh?" Isabel was busy looking over the file that went with the sample collection she'd been tasked to unearth from the mission files and storage. When she glances up finally, there's a halt in both forward momentum and speech as she glances between Mary Jane and Miguel.
Offering an easygoing smile, she tilts her head back towards the door, "Need me to head out? I was told these samples were needed for testing, but I don't see the Doc here..." There's a curious glance towards what Miguel has cooking, though. She's not a geneticist, but she understands the very basics of it.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel looked up as MJ entered. "Oh, hello. Uhm, I'm working on a task for Agent McConnell. He got some genetic material and there were some physical changes while he was collecting the material. I was working off the theory of a chimera or shapeshifter. I..."
His voice trailed off as another person entered. "Uhm...hello? I'm...Dr. O'Hara, forensic geneticist. I'm currently working on McConnell's casefile?"
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over at Isabel, "Greetings." She's not quite sure -what- Isabel is. Her profile says she's human (at least what bits that Mary Jane has the access to see) but it also has her marked as off-planet alien. So, something to ask sometime. She definitely seems human with calling him 'Doc' and being just as confused as Mary Jane is.
"Isn't a chimera more a stitched together monster?" Pretty different than a shapeshifter.
- Isabel Kane has posed:
"Oh! Good, then these are for you. I guess they want to test more of the materials, in case there's more than one anomaly present." Isabel gives a relieved look and moves forward to set the file folder and the holder of test tubes near Miguel.
Stepping back, she assumes something akin to parade rest, wearing her SHIELD uniform and giving a nod to Mary Jane, "Hey there. Isabel Kane." A pause and then, "I thought chimera were, y'know, born that way?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel smiled wryly. "It is a reference to the creature. No, there are some cases of people having more than one DNA sequence - one sequence tested from saliva, a different sequence if blood is tested. It's why DNA is tested in three different methods when I come from to establish protection about that sort of thing." He smiles at the test tubes, then to Isabel. "Thanks. I figure I should be done by th end of the day, and I'll holo my report to McConnell right after."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would quirk her head over, "I see. And that something those of us that aren't directly involved have the authorization to hear the Reader's Digest version of?" Wait, did anyone even know what that was anymore? Mary Jane only knew from hearing her Aunt Anna talk about it.
- Isabel Kane has posed:
"Huh... so what's the third method? Bone marrow or somethin'?" Izzy is a curious one, and this is interesting! She might not understand all of it, but what she does has captured her scientific mind! She also gives a smart nod, "No problem, Doc. I've got a few reports to go over, but I'm supposed to stay nearby in case you need anything." She glances towards Mary Jane, fighting off a smile over the old school remark.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel ohs. "Urine, actually. There is another methid, but it's very dangerous to harvest cerebrospinal fluid for simple DNA tests." He chuckles. "There was a case of five murders, but the DNA recovered from the victims didn't match the primary suspect UNTIL...they requisitioned a BLOOD test instead of the standard saliva tests. The DNA from the blood matched what was on the victims - apparently the suspect knew and was willingly consenting to saliva tests knowing he would be exonerated by that method. He's currently in Riker's Island, and will probably be there until the heat death of the universe."
He nods politely to Isabel. "I would appreciate the company, honestly. I didn't feel I could order pizza here, and I'd hate myself if I was the only one partaking..."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over and gesture, "Well, go ahead. I could stand to learn something." She would lean against the wall. "I'm just kind of clueless on these things so it's a good way for me to ick up somes." She would frown over at the mention ofthe personlockedup so long. And then nodding at the 'let out'. "Works for me."
- Isabel Kane has posed:
"Makes sense," Isabel nods along as she finds a spot to post up at, looking over another of the files that she brought along. Glancing up, there's a brief grin towards Miguel, then Mary Jane, "I'm game for pizza, all I ask is no olives." Then she's nodding to Mary Jane again, "I'm with her. I get some of the basics, but I'm in a whole other school of science, so this is new and interesting."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel looked a little bashful. Transverse Genetics is hardly tha kind of field that attracts the novahots in the advanced science fields, so it was kinda nice for a change.
"I'm okay with a meat-lover's version. I'm more towards a thin New York style crust than the marinara buckets that are Chicago-style."
Miguel paused, then added, "There's this pizza place that makes deep-fried macaroni and cheese. It's both scary and enticing..."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would look over at Miguel and shrugs, "Works for me. I already ate so I'll just be nibbling on it." Plus Sonja takes most thigs with massive alcohol and since she was 21 Mary Jane's ability to say 'no' to her on the matter when not on duty was less and less lately.
- Isabel Kane has posed:
"Meat lovers works. So does just a cheese pizza, classic New York style. Ain't really a fan of the deep dish stuff myself. It's just too much." Isabel lifts a shrug and glances up from the report she's scanning to flash a quick smile towards the pair. "Ahhhhhhhhh, the mac'n'cheese bites. Yeah, they're pretty good, pending on who makes 'em and what breading they used."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel grabs a tablet and starts tapping the screen. "Placing the order now. I think Sebastian is at the security station tonight."
As he punches in the order, he looks to the two of them. "I'm going to be running some tests to see what the trigger is to change DNA states. I could use some help."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Sure, just tell me what to do and remember I don't have the slightest clue on the technical aspects. I can pick up the stuff and put it where it needs to go, andif you need specific tools just ask. If you ever run into her, Jemma's by far the smartest person here when it comes to biotech."
- Isabel Kane has posed:
"He is, I passed him on my way through," Isabel confirms the security on duty at the desk tonight, then chuckles, "I take it he's better about food delivery than others?" She Looks to Mary Jane and nods agreement with her comment about Jemma. "I'm happy to help, just let me know what ya need."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel nods. "All right. Let's get set up..."
Miguel sets up three petri dishes, each with a small sample of the genetic material connected to a small spherical node, attached with a wire to a small terminal. Each person was given a list of 8-digit numbers.
We're working on the concept that the DNA states change from a cerebral electrical sequence. Those are the eight-digit numbers. Punching them in sends the equivalent of a 'thought.' We need to isolate which 'thoughts' trigger the DNA change. I figure we can run through all the sequences between the three of us by the time the pizza and sides arrive."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would rub at her temples, "So that thing can change at the speed of thought and can be changed by external stimulii that make it shift whenever there's the right jolt in it?" SHe would purse her lips. "Does that extend to something that you could use to target it? I don't know, maybe phermones or something electrical? That could mess with it?"
- Isabel Kane has posed:
Nodding at the instructions, Isabel takes her set up and gets it placed nearby, glancing up at Mary Jane's questions, then adding her own, "How long do we wait between each number before moving on to the next? Additionally, do we continue to punch in numbers after a change has occurred? See if another 'thought' will change it back?" SHe glances at the material in the petri dish, then looks back to the apir.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel smiles to MJ. "Perhaps there are other triggers. But most powers are controlled mentally, and we're trying to pinpoint that." He looked to Isabel. "If there is no reaction after a second, go to the next. If there is a reaction, it will be visible - apparently the person in question suddenly manifested alligator scales. It should look like that."
Miguel demonstrated by tapping in the first code in his list. A red light blinked, but nothing else happened. "The red light says no feedback, which means go on to the next. If it flashes green or the stuff reacts visibly, make a note of the code."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Fair enough. I just haven't heard of soething that can shift so rapidly that way." At least that wasn't something from magic. Magic kind of broke all the rules after all. Other than the onesit would deign to pretend existed from time to time.
Settling in to do her part and look down at things. "That's incredibly useful to have if you can do it at a fast enough speed to use it in combat."
- Isabel Kane has posed:
"I've heard rumors some shapeshifters can change forms completely in the time it takes to blink.. scary thought, really," Isabel shakes her head and starts on her list of numbers. Punching in a number, glancing to the lights for red or green, to the petri dish for visual. Then on to the next!
She has to agree with MJ, though, "Would be pretty handy ability to have, though."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel settles in, then says, "Since this is kind of a spontaneous design, I can't automate it. So take your time, and if nothing happens, then we try something else."
For the first eight minutes, nothing much happens. It is a little tedious...
...right up to the point of Isabel's 34th entry.
When she taps it in, the red light stays off. The green light comes on for a full second, and the small half-inch of tissue suddenly morphs from plain pale pink to a square covered with coarse brown scales. There is even a series of small cracking sounds as it changes...
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance over at the readouts, "Yeah. I mean.. Possibilities. Armor yourself up, grow blades, enhance your muscles, turn your hands and feet into claws to climb.. Improve your legs so you can run faster and jump.. Blast out poison.. If you can alter your mass and volume then there are no limits beyond if you're limited to what you have as a base organic."
- Isabel Kane has posed:
"And those are just the directly combative options. The infiltration and espionage possibilities... makes you wonder if you could ever trust anyone ever again. Y'know, when anyone could be a shapeshifted spy," Isabel glances up from her list to look at Mary Jane, then Miguel. She offers a quick grin, then goes back to punching in numbers...
"Whoa! Doc, I think I got one! That looks like gator scales to me, anyways." Isabel leans back fromt he petri dish and quickly marks the number sequence with an asterisk.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel doesn't jumps up from his chair, but he can see it after moving his attention away from his own dish. "Wow. That works better than it had any right to."
He's smiling, which is a good thing...well, maybe it's not a good thing, because the fangs are showing. Couple that with the red irisies in his eyes, and he looks like a vampire out of a B-level horror movie. Great practical FX, zero plot to speak of.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
And Mary Jane notices them ever so subtly. She's heard some of what Miguel's been through. Her expression shifts enough that the hyper-sighted metahuman can make it out in the refletion of the machine in a 'you okay' expression as her back is to Isabel. "Oh, don't get me started on that. Hope they can't be good enough to pass biometrics scans."
- Isabel Kane has posed:
Thankfully, Isabel has seen weirder things than fangs and red irises. It gives her a momentary start, but then she's jumping right back into the science of it. "You were right, it was an almost immediate change. That sample went from pink to brown and scaly in a snap." She reaches up for the sunglasses that are perpetually perched on her head, settling them onto the bridge of her nose. She's immediately 'suited up' into a black and white bodysuit with red highlights, the lenses of those sunglasses flashing briefly as she peers more closely at the sample. "I don't know, the changes are running pretty deep from what I can tell. It's definitely more than just a 'skin deep' sort of change."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
"Yes it exactly WHAT THE SHOCK?!"
Miguel turned and suddenly she was in costume. Like, split-second costume.
His Spider-Sense didn't kick in, so no jumpe backwards to land on the wall. It was more like a step back into the chair with too much inertia and the chair falling over backwards. With him in it.
He clocks his head on the floor, then just lays back for a few moments, before saying weakly, "Anyone help? I think my Decorum shattered and it's all around me..."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would whirl around, surprised but not to the level that Miguel was. It was something she had seen before, even if she thought it was a bit ridiculous. "Uh.. First of all, can you let us know when you do that again? Next.. If you do that you really need some music for it. You should shop around a bit."
- Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy looks up suddenly, tensing as if in expectation of some new threat appearing before she realizes... she's caused the commotion. Glancing down at the costume, she looks back to the both of them and offers a wry grin, "Oh, yeah... sorry bout that. I'm so used ot it I don't even think about it anymore." Standing, she wanders over to Miguel and offers him a hand to help him back to his feet. Stepping back once he's upright, she looks between the both of them and taps one lens lightly with a gloved finger. "Shi'ar Exospex. Standard issue for all Shi'ar Imperial Guardians. Can't be helped, when the glases go on, so does the uniform."
TUrning towards Mary Jane, she grins, "Thought about that.. but it would cost me too much to Steve Miller's Space Cowboy."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel sighs. "Just when I think I'm ahead of the curve, I'm behind someone else's curve." He does take the hand to get up, but winces slightly. "I think I'll be standing up for the next few hours. I bruised my tailbone and dislocated my pride."
Then the tone from the intercom is heard and Sebastian said, "Pizza's here."
"Well...shall we eat?"