16509/Just Passing By...

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Just Passing By...
Date of Scene: 07 December 2023
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Isabel and Scott meet at Harry's. Sam joins them. Scott departs, Sam and Izzy make plans!
Cast of Characters: Scott Summers, Isabel Kane, Samuel Guthrie

Scott Summers has posed:
Wednesday night at Harry's. A good night if you want space to move around, a not so great night if you are looking to meet people. But for Scott Summers, space to move is the main goal.

With two of the pool tables empty, Scott is under no pressure to actually /share/ a pool table, and so he is indulging himself in a rare bit of recreation. Moving slowly around the table, gazing at the balls through his ruby quartz, he calculates out the current dilemma. Five balls left, including the 8 ball. A good lay out.

He makes the circuit of the table twice before slowly lining up. Taking what seems to be an inordinate amount of time to line up the shot, carefully orienting the cue at a precise spot, he smacks it forward and then straigtens to watch the results.

As the balls spin, he watches first one, two, and then three balls sink down with a highly improbably array of bank shots.

He frowns, however, as the fourth ball is just barely missed, left atop the table.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel has been swinging by the Hideaway more often of late, usually checking to see if Sam is working the bar. Whether he is or not, she tends to stay for at least one beer, sometimes a burger.

Tonight's not much different, the brunette poking her head into the bar and glancing around hopefully before letting out a small sigh and stepping inside completely. Scott has some unusual 'sunglasses'. So does Isabel, though hers are perched on top of her head rather than on her nose. But it isn't the sunglasses that draw her attention.

A disbelieving expression crosses her face before it's followed by anger, bringing her striding across the floor to approach the pool table Scott is at. She pulls up close and hisses out, "What the HELL are you doin' here, Vulcan? If yer lookin' for a fight, ya got one.. but we take it away from th' people. They ain't done nothin' t' yer people, y aleave 'em alone."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott was /just/ starting to get ready to rerack the balls, not content with his prior trick shot falling just short, when he is approached by an angry Isabel.

Scott Summers is no stranger to angry people getting in his face. He is, however, used to being dressed as an X-Man at the time. And being called his actual name, because some people feel he is a polarizing personality. But Vulcan?

"Uh, hate to burst your bubble, but my ears are round," he says, reaching up with hand as if to check the accuracy of that statement. "And I bleed red, although I'd really rather avoid that as well."

He whirls the pool cue through the air for a moment as if it were a quarterstaff before stowing it standing straight up behind him.

"I'm just here to shoot some pool."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel frowns heavily when Scott reacts.. well, like any normal person would react. And while there are some similarities in the voice, it's clearly not Vulcan's. She could see him hiding his appearance, wanting to 'blend in', but it would be difficult for him to change his voice without sounding completely different.

"...Vulcan is a name, not th' species. But you.. are not him. The likeness is uncanny... you.. do you get out into space often?" Now that she's determine he *isn't* Vulcan, she's drawn into investigative mode to try and figure out how he can look SO similar. "Who *are* you?"

Izzy studies him carefully, noting the stance, the odd glasses, the difference in attitude. "This is *so* bizarre..."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Uh. Do you normally begin conversations this way?" Scott chuckles as if to play it all off as a joke, as if he had not literally been out in space mere weeks ago.

"No, I'm not Vulcan. I can't build anything, for one, and for two, I'm just..." He waves a hand in front of himself. "Just a guy who looks billiards." He studies her for a moment, tilting his head.

"YOU think this is bizarre? Try playing pool and have someone coming up asking if you're a Roman god or Mr. Spock." He sets the cue stick down, and turns to face her a bit more openly.

"Who are /you/, if I can ask, that you think people around here just go into space?"

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Only when I come across people that could pass as a doppelganger for someone real dangerous.." Izzy studies him carefully, arms folding loosely across her chest as she shakes her head. Looking back to him, she lifts a brow, "Who said anythin' about buildin'?" She flicks a finger towards his glasses, "An' those ain't exactly standard issue. So try th' whole 'I'm just a guy' thing with someone that don't know a ruby quartz compound when they see it."

Leaning a hip against the edge of the pool table, she quirks a faint smile, "Gotta be honest, that's pretty low on my bizarre-o-meter. Mine tends t' rate more like... well.. like this. You." One brow lifts up as she straightens, "Isabel Kane.. SHIELD. An' yer name...."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott tilts his head again, studying Isabel from behind those ruby quartz glasses. "I /really/ think you have me confused with someone else." He laughs for a moment. "Vulcan, he builds things...Roman god of construction?" He waves his hand in the air. "Nevermind." His glasses, though, he tenses just a little bit. "They're prescription. I've got a rare condition, got to keep out this spectrum of light otherwise..." He puts his hand besides his head and goes boooosh. "Major headaches."

Scott watches her adopt a relaxed posture, but he remains at least slightly loose. "Ah, ok. That explains the paranoia." He extends a hand. "Scott Summers. I'm just a teacher."

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Hmmmmmmmm... probably.. though damned if it ain't just... ya look so much like him.. any siblings maybe? Possibly one ya ain't seen in a long time?" Isabel is like a dog with a bone, she's not willing to give up that her sense of deja vu is mere coincidence. Potentially something that makes her very good as a SHIELD agent. More annoying for him, though. "I'm sure that's completely plausible for most people..."

Reaching out, she takes his hand and shakes it, "Ah ha. Xavier's, am I right? That would explain the glasses. Though I have to ask.. do you see everything in shades of red?" Isabel doesn't keep hold of his hand for too long, withdrawing to hook her thumbs through her beltloops, "An' I wouldn't call it paranoia... Vulcan's a legit dangerous person."

Scott Summers has posed:
"I mean, it's been a couple of weeks, but my brother doesn't look that much like me, and he's not Vulcan, or dangerous, or..." Well, Alex is certainly dangerous, but Scott's not about to go into that. "If I do, I don't know about him," he says, finally.

"Xavier's," he confirms, adding a nod. "Yeah, some say it must suck, but I say it's great to only see the world through rose colored glasses." He taps the shades as he makes a grin.

As talk returns to Vulcan, Scott nods. "Tell me more about him, and what makes him dangerous, and I can keep a look out for him." He seems serious in tone.

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Mmmm, well.. this one is definitely dangerous, an' he goes by Vulcan. An' he looks pretty damn close t' yer own appearance. He's got black hair, not brown.. but height, build, face.. it's all pretty damn close." She looks him over again and shakes her head, "Bizarre."

Then he's cracking a joke and she chuckle, "Alright, yer definitely not him. Vulcan's got *no* sense of humor. But that's good, that you're with Xavier's, I mean. Good people there."

"Mmmmmmmmm.. how much d'ya know about what's goin' on with th' Shi'ar? That'll make a big difference in how much or lil I can say..." Izzy isn't sure how many people at Xavier's are mixed up with the internal issues of the Shi'ar Empire, and they certainly don't like 'outsiders' being made aware of it.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking into Harry's He does not have a shift today, but told Harry he would come in to help with the truck. So in walks the southern young man in jeans and a Lila Cheney tour t-shirt. He is hanging his coat up on the rack before he turns seeing who is here. He raises a brow as two people he know are talking, but did not know they had met yet.

Scott Summers has posed:
"Yeah, we try to be good people," echoes Scott, still watching Isabel with a bit of caution. He is always cautious, but the entire conversation has him a bit on edge. Especially when she brings up...

"The Sheer?" Some things are best left undiscussed in certain company, and Scott tries to really dial in on who she may be. "I mean, if this guy is a threat to the planet, does it matter how well briefed I am?"

Something catches at the edge of Scott's awareness, and the glances over to see Sam arrive. There is a subtle shake of his head, as if to ward off the fellow mutant from the current line of inquiry, before he looks back to Isabel. "I just worry when you say someone looks like me is a threat to anyone."

Isabel Kane has posed:
"It matters." Isabel won't budge on that point. She lifts a shrug, then follows the angle of Scott's glance. A smile breaks out when she sees Sam, lifting a hand to wave at him, "Hey! I came by t' see if ya were workin', night off?" She looks genuinely delighted to see Sam, even if Scott is trying to wave him off.

Looking back to Scott, she shrugs, "Sorry. If ya ain't dialed in, I ain't got th' clearance t' do it. Y'all will have t' talk to Miss Grey at th' School. There's rules in play here an' it ain't my call t' break 'em." Izzy glances back to Sam, then to Scott, "Scuse me, I need t' go kiss that man."

And that's exactly what she does! Izzy strides up to Sam, leaning up to plant a good smooch on him before winking, "How ya doin'?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's arms wrap around Isabel as she kisses him, a bit surprised at first she is going for the kiss right off, but not seeming to object at all. At the end of the kiss, he keeps his arms around her for a bit "Doing pretty good, night off, but offered to help Harry some." He is blushing a bit as he remembers Scott is here "Hey Mr. Summers, see you have met Izzy." He falls into the old habit of calling the senior X-men by last names. He has gotten better at calling folks by their first name most times, but the moment has him reverting a bit back to older habits.

Scott Summers has posed:
This is a new wrinkle, to be certain. Scott looks between the two of them, and then looks back to Isabel. "You're telling me that Jean knows about a threat to Earth that looks exactly like me?"

He sighs deeply, and just shakes his head at that, before turning his gaze back towards Sam. "Yeah, she and I were just introduced. I convinced her I wasn't a humorless stiff set out to wreck people."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Slipping an arm around his waist, Isabel seems content to stay at Sam's side, though she nods to Scott, "Not sure if she knows bout Vulcan in particualr, but she's dialed in on th' Shi'ar. Vulcan's.. mm.. he's a whole Thing." Turning a smile up to Sam, she shrugs, "He looks a LOT like Vulcan.. s'damned uncanny. Bizarre, even."

Looking back to Scott, she chuckles, "Not a bad way t' describe him. Also kinda... angry. Really angry. Like, all th' time. But that's just him." Izzy tips her head back against Sam's shoulder to glance up at him, "So.. night off but still workin'? Guess that means I shouldn't be buyin' ya a burger'n'a beer?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Well, it is volunteer work, so Ah can have something to eat and drink. As for Scott here, he is probably the one you should be talking about any threats to. Ah am sure if ya ask Jean she would tell you, you can tell him anything. He is one of the most strategic thinkers, Ah have met." He hmms and says "Seems to be a bit of a family trait." He is thinking more of Nathan than the others, but it holds up. "So, hope things have went well over all with you two talking.""

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy grins at Sam and gives a nod, "Well then, lets get that before ya start workin'.. make sure yer fortified for whatever work ya got goin' on." Nudging him towards one of the little tables, she seats herself next to him and smiles, "Well, outside of mistakin' him for someone else, I think we're doin' alright. He seems like a nice enough guy. Lil cagey, but lots of people are." Izzy flags down one of the barstaff to put in the order for burgers and beers, then looks to Sam again, "So, I was thinkin'... maybe next date.. I could do ya a homecooked meal? Could watch a movie or somethin'? Not that I don't like goin' out with ya, of course.. but it might be nice t' have a quiet night in?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie watches as Scott excuses himself for a moment for a phone call. He nods and follows Izzy to sit with her, "That sounds pretty nice." He hmmms and says "There is something Ah should probably tell ya before ya find out on your own. One of my exs works here as a waitress some of the time as well."

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Good. Pick a day that works for ya, an' I'll set it all up?" Izzy smiles at him with a nod, looking pleased. His 'confession' draws a small laugh as she nods, "Alright. Is she gonna get feisty cause we're datin'? I could understand if she were gonna be jealous.. but I'd rather not start a fight in here."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head and says "Ah doubt it, her tastes have changed a bit since we dated." He offers in explanation. "You want to try for a week day or weekend? Ah can probably work either one into fitting."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Giving a small nod, Isabel smiles at him, "I see... so good that breakin' up with ya ruins a girl for other men, huh? Good t'know.. looks like I gotta keep ya, Sam Guthrie." CHuckling, she lifts a shrug, Either works for me, weekday just means I maybe gotta get goin' a lil earlier th' next mornin' so maybe not up as late? Otherwise, I'm pretty free."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmmms and says "Well, how about a Friday night, that way if we want to hang out later we can, but can call it a night if you get tired from the previous day." He offers as a suggestion.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy smiles at him, "Friday sounds great. Bring yer appetite, I cook like th' farm girl I am. Oh, an' let me know if there's anythin' ya can't have." She nudges him lightly and chuckles, "Also, what sorta movies ya like."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head a bit and says "Na, nothing Ah can think of Ah don't eat. Ah have probably tried a lot more stuff than your average country boy, but Ah put that on the fact, my best friends are pretty much from around the world."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Nodding, she grins at him, "Gonna have t' start introducin' me t' your friends. I haven't hosted a party in awhile, might be fun. Have a whole gaggle of folks over, different types of food an' drink.. lots of people havin' fun." Isabel pokes him gently in the shoulder, "An' I'd like t' meet yer friends."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Well with you around the mansion on occasion you may have met some of them already to be honest. The first two Ah would probably try to introduce you two would be my buddies Berto, and Doug. Ah would add Rahne and Dani into that but they are both out and about right now, aint been hanging at the mansion much."

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Only person I met at th' school was Miss Grey. But I'd be happy t' meet Berto an' Doug.. an' Rahne an' Dani when they're about." Isabel smiles at him and gives a nod, "I want t' know ya, yer friends, yer hangouts.. y'know, be part of it all. If that don't sound too weird, anyways. I think I mentioned it's been a long ass time since I dated, right?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Been a while for me to, and Ah am looking forward to meeting some of your friends as well." He offers with a smile.

Isabel Kane has posed:
"I.. well, I could introduce ya t' some of th' people from work, I spose.. haven't really been in place long 'nough t' really make friends.. but I'm startin' t' get there again," Izzy offers a wry smile and a light shrug. "But y'all will be th' first t' meet 'em when I do."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and reaches to touch her hand softly and says "Yea, Ah wager you will be making them by the buttload as you get to know folks. Your a good person and fun to hang out with,

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Thanks, Sam. I'm workin' on it, for sure, I miss goin' out for beers with friends," Izzy offers a quick grin, then turns her hand over to take his, giving a small squeeze. "Anyways... lets eat up so ya can do yet thing.. an' maybe after you can walk me home? Or.. drive me home?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well, Ah got another way of getting you home if your interested in it, when Ah finish up.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Laughing lightly, Izzy gives a nod and grins at him, "I'm game for whatever ya got planned. You know me, love a good adventure." She pauses when their food and drinks are brought, making sure that they have ketchup before turning back to Sam, "I don't mind hangin' out for a bit."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will finish eating and gets the side work done he told Harry he would do. After the bill is paid and a tip is left, he will lead Izzy out to his truck where he pulls a pair of goggles from his glove compartment and offers them to her and seems to have a set for himself "You may want to wear these."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy eats up her own food, playing a game of pool and fiddling around on her phone while Sam gets his work done. Then she's being lead outside and offered a pair of goggles. Grinning at him, she pulls the 'sunglasses' down over her eyes and the uniform of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard covers her from head to foot, leaving her lower face clear, but also with the glasses now forming protective goggles. "This work?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit to this and says "Neat trick, mine just hang around my neck when Ah aint using them if Ah keep em on." He will pocket the extra pair and puts his own and scoops her up into his arms and says "You ready?"

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Yeah, th' uniform comes with mine..." Izzy shrugs lightly, then wraps her arms around him and gives a nod and grin, "Ready!" She's not entirely sure what to expect, but she's imagining a flight of some kind!

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie Does give her flight, but it is Sam style flight, loud and fast with a protective aura around them. He will put on a bit of a show, and though he is tempted to fly through something, he does not do that at least not this time. As he takes her home to her place.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Laughing as they shoot up into the sky, Isabel holds tight to Sam, looking all around them as they fly. The booming nature of his powers has her grinning at him, "Just full of surprises, you are!" Once they land, she tugs him in for another lingering kiss, then smiles, "Bring an overnight bag Friday.. just in case." Then she's releasing him with a wink and starting for her door, glancing back at him with a smile, "G'night Sam. Thanks for gettin' me home safe.. an' in style."