16757/The Case of the Bunny Balloon
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The Case of the Bunny Balloon | |
Date of Scene: | 03 January 2024 |
Location: | Fred's Diner |
Synopsis: | We all float! |
Cast of Characters: | Bunny Macleod, Mark Grayson, Emiko Queen, Kate Bishop, Billy Kaplan
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
There was a time when she took gravity for granted. That like the floor, it would always be there to trip her up. That it would happily hold her to the surface of the Earth, that she wouldn't have to worry about things like 'floating out the bathroom window' and 'not coming down from a jump' and even 'oh man how do I explain to Bucky that I'm stuck upside-down on the ceiling?'
Did SUperman ever have trouble like this? Sunny? Mark? ANYONE ELSE WHO CAN FLY?!
So Bunny, who is wearing pink chucks since roller skates present even more problems, is currently being held like a balloon, slightly tilted to the side, a pink shoe string tethered through a belt loop as her pink hair hangs down. She is wearing a T-shirt with 'THIS IS MY' and a jar of strawberry jam on it, and an oversized sweatshirt (probably Mark's) as she's floating in place.
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"I keep telling you..." Mark responds, a gentle tug on Bunny's string to pull her back down to ground level and back under the door frame. "A Viltrumite's constant state is to float. Have you not seen Sunny and I in the apartment? We're not six inches off the ground because of affection, it's just how we are." he explains.
Mark is dressed in a warm sweater and jeans, a pair of good hiking boots on his feet. "You need to focus on being on the ground. It will take some time, but just remember what it's like to have your feet on the ground and solid to the ground. Like what Gabby said."
- Emiko Queen has posed:
And like all perfect comedic timing this would be where Emiko walks in entirely by happenstance. The ever diligent ex-assassin archer just stops at the sight. Looks at floating Bunny. Looks at Mark. Looks at Bunny again, as if confirming that it is what she actually saw. Then, having long since gotten use weird occurances over the years just takes it in stride. "I have definitely missed someone in the last few days while I was checking in on Phoenix Towers."
- Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate was waiting for thewhole arrival of the other two and is curled up in one of the super comfy chairs working on her classwork. She has to fit in college course work sometime, which turns into between all the superhero stuff anytime she can.
She looks up and archs an eyebrow. "Okay.... that is a bit of a side effect..." she shakes her head with utter bemusement. "So she .. like this all the time or just some of the time now..... and Bunny ate the wrong candy Emiko."
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy is somewhere. There's the tell-tale digital sounds of a video game being played nearby. Coins being collected. Jumps being made. Enemies being felled (possibly due to aforementioned jumping). Eventually his head pops up over the top of a sofa and he frowns.
"You know, it was the opposite for me. I had to learn to propel myself upwards, otherwise my feet stick to the floor. I think because of static electricity." He holds a hand up to demonstrate, lighting crackling between his fingertips, and it's a testament to his more recently found control that he *doesn't* fry the handheld gaming console in his other hand. He does, however, lay it aside so that he can lean over the back of the couch and look up at Mark and Bunny (really, at Bunny).
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"Mark's dad ended up being evil and attempted to Darth Vader him into joining an evil Empire with bad candy. I did everyone a favor and ate the candy... mostly so Mark's Dad couldn't eat the candy. Almost died. Now I float sometimes and left a dent in my fridge!" Bunny states as she teeters, and then rolls in the air.
"We're working through some stuff. Also, I'm *not* a viltrumite! It's like, what, point-sero-zero-zero-two percent DNA now?"
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"I'm just saying that's how it works for me. And why we're here." Mark responds, still battered and bruised, though not as badly as he was a couple of days ago after facing his dad.
"Because if the two Viltrumites at home cannot figure out why you can't stay on the ground, maybe someone here can assist." he points out as he slips his finger through her beltloop to hold her in place. "Hey Emiko." he greets.
"She took a formula of Viltrumite, Kyrptonian and other DNAs. Superwoman was able to clean out most of the other DNAs, but some stuck around and triggered a secondary mutation." he explains plainly. "At least that's what Alura said."
- Emiko Queen has posed:
By that point Emiko has started to circle around Mark and Bunny, though most of her attention is on Bunny while the pair is explaining. "I see. Maybe some of it intergrated into the genetics of the powers she already has so far it can't be extracted?" She finally stops, shrugs, and folds her arms. "You know what the sad part is?" A pause, and then she smirks a little. "That is not the strangest way I've heard of gaining powers."
- Kate Bishop has posed:
"Bunny ate the bottle marked Eat Me, which was a choice." she shakes her head and turns the page in her textbook. "I for one am mostly just irriated that my mode of transport is a motorcycle. Has always been a motorcycle. I can't seem to get Wasp to make me a jetpack or someone in the Avengers to give me Falcon wings... also no magic portals." she looks up from her reading. "Seriously though count yourself lucky you got some good effects and didn't just turn to goop taking an advanced DNA altering medication not meant for your genetics Bunbun..... and you are right Emiko... it is pretty par for the course."
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy flops back down onto the couch, half-sprawled so that his limbs (and frankly, most of the rest of him) are falling off of it, onto the floor. "I could try to make magic portals," he supposes.
Then he pops back up. "Maybe try deep breathing? Centering yourself?" he suggests, to Bunny. "I still have some of the books I used when I was first trying to master my powers, if you want."
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"Oh, no, Cecil said my insides looked like Bollognaise and my heart stopped a couple of times, but the Viltrumite DNA probably is what kept me going enough to hold on. And y'know. Power of Love and Mark's Mom glaring at the doctors. And I was happy with roller skates and using my sheilds as planes like a platformer but noooooo-" Bunny complains quietly, and then motions, somewhat behind marks head to Kate and mouths 'he's totally traumacated! help him first!'
But she floats a little bit, then breathes out.
"I dunno, it seems to come and go. I can't get it to come when I want it. Almost went out the bathroom window and I panicked and called Gabby. Pretty sure Mark would have broken the door off."
- Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen does glance sidelong at Mark for a moment, but the matter of parential issues is not something she wants to broach this soon or so publicly, even if it is a matter she has some familiarity with.
For now, we'll focus on Bunny's matter. "Your body is still adjusting. YOU are still adjusting. It will likely take time and practice to make the new powers 'work properly'." To which all she can really do is shrug again herself. "Granted, I'm not the foremost on dealing with having powers. But between the groups I've been involved with, I've seen the effort that goes into harnessing such things."
She then turns her head to look at Kate with a smirk. "What's wrong with a motorcycle? They're fast, agile, and can get through places a chonky ol' car or truck can't."
- Kate Bishop has posed:
"When the disaster is metropolis or somewhere else and I am in New York. Excuse me let me ride m bike to the hyperlook I'll be on scene in an hour or so kind of sucks Emiko.." a shrug.
"Also yes I know I can call on my portal making teammates for a pickup and transport, but it takes them away from the response too. Tis a curse all of us power challenged deal with tho so I know .. first hero world problems or something." she sips a soda tucked down by her hip, then closes it up and tucks it away.
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
There's nothing Billy can offer up up that he hasn't already; unfortunately his method of learning to use his powers really was based in self-help books about manifesting your dreams and, frankly, a lot of meditation that he never really could get the hang of. So he just stares up at the ceiling, the 'Game Over' screen flashing on repeat on his console.
"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it eventually," he says, though he sounds a bit deflated.
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"A self help book might be helpful? I mean if it's one of those 'believe in yourself' type things?" Bunny questions as she's tethered off, and Mark excuses himself to grab coffee for everyone.
Bunny exhales. "Obviously the answer is we should get a jet! Everyone else has one!" she points out. "The Titans, the Justice League, the Avengers have like, six don't they?" she questions thoughtfully. "Teleporter wristwatches." she tacks on, "those would be neat!"
- Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen mmhmms, nodding to Kate. "Fair point, in such circumstances. Long distance response is going to be an issue, and we can't drag teammates away from other important tasks." She was considering getting a drink but see's Mark going to do so and leaves it to him. "I think it would be good to loan her some of your books Billy. It certainly can't hurt any more than the situation she's already in."
- Kate Bishop has posed:
"Maybe we can steal an older quinjet from the mansion..." she muses then shakes her head. "Teleport rings would be fantastic though. We need whatever that Cecil guy is using."
She turns the page of her textbook. "Self help and meditation books would probablyt be really good for Bunbun."
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"I like that everyone is calling me BunBun." BunBun states, and she fidgits a bit in the air.
"They're teleporter bracelets. He slapped one on me in Hawai'i before Mark went off to face Omni-Man. It tingled and was REALLY disorientating!" Bunny explains, and then taking her breath in slowly and letting it out, she's slowly eased down to the floor.
"Omigod hello floor I missed yoooou."
- Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen points at Kate, playfully wagging her finger. "Borrow for an extended period of time. It doesn't sound good for aspiring heroes to use to the ess-tee-word."
"BunBun is officially your nickname then." Not that everyone wasn't already using it. At least Bun finally got herself down to the floor again. For the time being. "Yes, I think some of those books would do you good. Especially if harnessing this new ability is tied into maintaining a composure like that."