16772/Totally social

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Totally social
Date of Scene: 04 January 2024
Location: Main Foyer
Synopsis: Talking in the main foyer.
Cast of Characters: Paige Guthrie, Jonothon Starsmore, Samuel Guthrie, Isabel Kane

Paige Guthrie has posed:
It's time to be social! Nope!! It's time for bed! Many kids rush past Paige in the living room as she ushers them to bed like a coach. She stands at the end of the living room waiting for the kids partying and carrying on, "Okay everybody! Imma is here to get ya'll to bed," she announces. She wears some puffy slippers and some other cute bedwear, and she waves her arm expediously as the kids suddenly run past, "Go go! Time for bed!" she lets out, "Ya'll have to get up! Enough talking! Ya'll can be social tomorrow!" she adds. She sighs and plays with her hair as the kids finally disappear, but she looks at the messy living room. The kids have apparently dropped everything to do as the babysitter wants, "Dang, where's that trash bag?" she wonders to herself, looking around for it, "Monet!!!" she lets out, "Where'd ya stash the trash bag?!" she says and hmms, maybe not remembering that everyone has gone to bed.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
As the unruly mob stampedes for the student dorms, the large doors to the front yard push inwards, allowing a blast of cold air to herald the entrance of a mopheaded shock of windswept auburn hair above a thick grey scarf, twisted up wide around half of the face of the arrival, obstensibly to protect from the cold. Jonothon pushes the door closed behind him, stomping heavy combat boots and shaking his arms to send the dusting of snowflakes from his shoulders down to the floors. Pulling the scarf from around his face to reveal the turtleneck tugged up under his nose, the young Brit glances about the Manor entryway to take stock of the situation this late at night.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie hunts around the room, poking at the messy coach until Starsmore finally comes in and she straightens up, putting hands on her hips, "Smore! You're not busy right?" she asks knowingly and she grins. She motions him further into the room, further into the living area to see what's going on around her, "Yeah, it was totally my turn to babysit---chaperone I mean," she explains, "Do you know if there's still trash bags in the kitchen?" she wonders. She looks down at the snow fluttering off of him, falling to the floor.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
The turtleneck-clad young man's right eye twitches at that nickname as Paige spots him, but doesn't comment further on it as he surveys the battlegrounds laid out before him. <~~'lo, Paige. Least it looks like none of the tots d'cided to try out their powers this time...~~> he notes as he looks over the general carnage. Stuffing the balled up scarf into a pocket of his jacket, he shrugs narrow shoulders under the leather. <~~...sure, there's bound to be some rubbish bags...~~> as he gestures off in the direction of the main kitchen. <~~..take it y'want me to `ave a look while you try t'police up the chaos?~~>

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie shakes her head, "All is well! No injuries and no major casualities---uhh except the floor---uh and the coach," she grumbles. She then motions to the kitchen hallway all dramatic like, as if it were a game show, "Wellllll," she says slowly and then smiles at him, "Please? Pretty please?" she asks, "I'll make you some ice cream? Not from a garbage bag?" she offers. She stumbles around some wrappers and paper plates then leans over to start organize all this crap, "Please please! Don't make me sing the please song!" she lets out, seemingly amused at this whole situation she's in.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
One dark brow lifts at the offer of ice cream, but the slender telepath gives a slight nod of acquiesence. <~~...s'alright gel I'll go find th'rubbish bag. Singin's not required.~~> he notes as he watches Paige move about the room and gather up all the refuse and whatnot. Then he disappears down the hallway towards the kitchen. off for a good five minutes or so someplace else. When he returns he has a large black bag in one hand, and a pint of chunky monkey ice cream in the other, spoon tucked under his thumb. <~~...found some ice cream f'th'responsible adult left in th'room.~~> he says as he offers up the contents of both hands to the slightly older blonde.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie rushes up to Starsmore, "Thanks! How ya been anyway?" she asks, and lets some junk topple out of her hands, down into the black void of the garbage bag, never to be seen again. She adds some of the paper plates the kids were eating off of, and other stuff, which takes her a few minutes, "Wait wait! Just hold on! Don't move now!" she calls out, letting him hold it there helpfully. She adds some other stuff and finally takes the bag off of his hands, "You didn't have ta bring ice cream," she comments, "Actually you did---I'm starving!" she adds and grins. She gazes at the ice cream longingly as she carts the garbage bag over to the coach and swipes some of the crumbs off of it into the void. She finally ties up the garbage bag, "Whew!"

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
<~~...Been alright...~~> Jonothon begins as he holds the bin bag open for Paige to dump the refuse into. <~~...`ad t'go back t'London deal with some family shite..~~> he explains, his mental tones definitely darkening on the last two words. Every so often he shakes the bag as he stands there, making sure all the junk descends to fill up the bottom, rather than bunch up at the top. <~~..But I'm back now obviously. Stayin' out'a trouble. For th'most part.~~> he finishes, following her over to the couch as she takes the bag, and then offering up the pint of icecream, spoon ontop, as she ties off the bag.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie wipes up the coach seat, fixes the pillows and plops the little throw rug back into the right place, "That's good, ah'm glad you're okay," she tells him as she finishes up her job. She jabs the garbage bag and flops it to one side out of the way. As she straightens up, she eyes the ice cream and grins knowingly, "Thanks Smore, have a sit down, as they say," she explains. Of course she takes the ice cream and plops down, "Ah'm tired," she adds.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
Jonothon does help at least a little bit beyond holding the bag and watching Paige work. He helps to sweep pillows and cushions up and passes them to Paige as she puts the couch back into sitting order. As the blonde takes the ice cream, the young man settles down at the other end of the couch. <~~..I bet after wranglin' the kiddos all night.~~> the telepath says in agreement as he settles down on the cushions. <~~..Glad they `aven't pegged me for chaperonin' duty yet.~~>

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie is talking to Starsmore while she sits on the couch after a long night. It is now SILENT in the darn house!. Except for her talking. She waves her spoon around as if pointing to a news bulletin, "Oh yeah! Don't worry, ya'll will know soon. There's a duty roster an' everything," she explains as kicks off her puffy slippers and puts her feet up on the coffee table in front of her, "Yeah ah was totally on duty aaaaaall night. Yah get to pick your duty at least---ah just thought this would be simple," she explains and chuckles, "Ever babysit a roomfull of kids?" she asks Starsmore, who sits on the couch with her, "Yeah that's why ah need this ice cream," she explains.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking in with his arm around Izzy's waist, the two just getting in it seems. He hears the last bit of Paige's comments, and says "You'r just spoiled, see Ah used to have to watch this whole passel of kids, and this little blonde haired girl was a real pain, always wanting a different story than everyone else." He says smiling as he teases his sister a bit with her behavior when she was a kid.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
Jonothon Starsmore is at the other end of the couch from Paige, having helped her clean up the mess left behind by the kids now sent off to bed. <~~Does raise th'question of my more nebulous place `ere...~~> the telepath muses as he puts one boot up agaisnt the edge of the coffee table. He gives his head a shake at the question of whether or not he's ever babysat a bushel of kids or not. <~~..Only child. An' none of my aunties or uncles `ad kids younger than me...~~> he explains. He does leave out the bits about having a nanny the first few years of his life; don't need to come off as spoiled.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy lets out a small laugh at the teasing and shakes her head, "Always that one kid that wants a diff'rent story. Though, come to think of it... pretty sure that was me when I was a kid." She flashes a grin towards Paige, "Don't let him getcha down. Ice cream is *always* deserved." Jonothon gets a wave and smile, "Hey again. I remember you from th' Christmas party, right?" Then to Sam, "THough I imagine babysitting a bunch of kids with powers is probably pretty stressful."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie gobbles at some ice cream and then points her spoon accusingly at Starsmore, "Oh mai gawd! So lucky! Yah don't have to deal with the lip!" she laughs and then grins sweetly at Sam as parades in the room. She then waves to Isabel, "That's right! That is so right! And ah deserve it. No more missile pillows, no more firebombing pencils at your pals---no more fart explosions!" she lets out, "Right right, c'mon in, ya'll pull up a cushion," she tells Isabel and maybe Sam, "It doesn't smell in here right...?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and sniffs the air a bit and shakes his head and says "At least nothing more than normal." He offers. He does find one of the large beanbags, and has a set, letting Izzy sit beside him or where ever she wants. "You know you would go insane if you spent to long alone." He might be the same way after all.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
Jonothon's head dips in acknowledgement that he didn't have to deal with any lip. <~~Mostly it was me givin' th'lip to m'minders.~~> the young Brit says, mental tone hushed like he was spoiling a secret. May well be, giving such insight into the childhood of the mysterious British man with only half a face. <~~Did mean I grew up pretty independent.~~> which would explain why it's so rare to see him out of his room, socializing with the rest of the people on campus.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel mimes tipping a hat towards Paige, girls gotta have each tohers' backs! She'll drop down next to Sam and lean in comfortably against him, looking towards Jonothon, "I was an only child, too. I know what that's like.. though... less with minders? Just me, mom, an' granddad. An' granddad was a badass, so I got to grow up with fun stories. But also lots of farm work." She chuckles and lifts a shrug, "And it doesn't smell like a chicken coop, so we're all good on my end."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie sighs, "Yeah I'm totally tired, I think ah'm gonna hit the sack," she tells them, "Luckily ah'm not on morning wake-up duty," she explains to them. She wiggles her toes and then slides them back into her puffy slippers to warm them up. She plops the lid back on the ice cream, "Thanks for the ice cream, Smore. Ah owe ya a dessert," She tells him.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hugs Izzy qith one arm. He does reach a hand up towards Paige offering her a fistbump since she is heading out "Want to come into New York and have lunch with me tomorrow kiddo? I have patrol, but can put an hour aside, we can hit Mootants."

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
The telepath gives Paige a nod as she says she's off to bed, and a <~~..G'night gel. Sleep well~~> Jonothon says, still not commenting on that nickname. His attention returns to Sam and Isabel. To Isabel's half a question, he offers a shake of his head. <~~No. Jus' me an' m'minders. Dif'rent set of circumstances I suspect.~~>

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie might be annoying Starsmore with a nickname but Sam is annoying her too so she eyes him in a sisterly way, "Sure but I got duty again Friday. Thank gawd not Saturday," she complains and then smiles at Isabel, "Sure! Call me," she says and meanders out of the room.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy flashes a smile towards Paige, "Good to see ya again, Paige." Looking over to Jonothon, she blinks, then shakes her head, "I wasn't... I was just agreein' that I know what it's like to be an only child. *I* had mom an' granddad. No minders. That was.. kinda..." Shaking her head, she smiles at Sam, "Thanks for th' fun afternoon, by th' way."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Well, Ah do know most of the places around to have fun, but Ah warn ya we hang out around here your going to see some odd stuff about. He looks to Jonothon "So, how you finding it being back around?"

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
Jonothon gives a bit of a shrug, not deigning to expand further on his childhood. <~~..Same as it ever was really. Teenagers sowin' chaos. Idiots gettin' int'trouble on th'internet...~~> there's a pause <~~...Reminds me. I need t'talk to the Professor `bout somethin' e'should prolly know about...~~>

Isabel Kane has posed:
Laughing lightly, Izzy drops a kiss on his cheek, "Start hangin' out around me more an' you'll probably start seein' some strange stuff too. I think I can handle it." Pushing up to her feet, she nods to Jonothon, "Yeah, kids'll do that." She glances to Sam and smiles, "Think I'll wait upstairs for ya. Maybe if I can catch Paige I can get some really good 'when we were kids' stories." Winking at him, she turns to head off.