16923/Help!: I'm being chased!
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Help!: I'm being chased! | |
Date of Scene: | 15 January 2024 |
Location: | Midtown - Gotham City |
Synopsis: | Roxy Rocket and Flatline cause chaos with the Help! app. Available in the Play Store now. |
Cast of Characters: | Damian Wayne, Jinx, Austin Reese, Flatline
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Deep in the heart of Gotham City's financial district is the sound of gunfire and then a woman running out of the Jewelry Exchange, clutching a satchel full of jewels. Turning to toss a few of the jewels into the air to draw out civilians on the sidewalk to cause the local cops to become bogged down, she hops on her specialized rocket and takes off down the roadways, hoping to make a getaway...
But honestly, she wants it to be a messy getaway. Full of excitement! So when she only gets one person chasing after her, that being Robin, in close pursuit on a Batcycle, there's a frown on the woman's face as Roxy Rocket laughs outright. "What? You the only Batsy around? Couldn't they have sent someone older? Like Nightwing? Rrrrrowl." she purrs as she guns the engine.
She weaves dangerously in and out of traffic and realizes she may be able to get away. But again. Boring. How to make this more exciting for her? She pulls out her phone and opens the Help! App. "Oh, let's see if this works!" She presses a few buttons and sends out a request!
HELP Request: I am being chased by a guy on a motrcycle in Gotham that wants to rob me!
The location shows her on the move in Gotham, and when arriving on the scene, she's racing down the road, looking behind her, just to make sure that the colorful Robin is still in pursuit!
- Jinx has posed:
It's a short hyperloop trip from Metropolis to Gotham. Jinx has one hand in her jacket pocket and the other looking at the address on her phone. This is the place. A fan suggested she might want to 'check it out - if you know what I mean'. She did not know what they meant.
The building was brick in that Starbucks kind of way except there was no signage out front. No letter box. Just a door with a brass knocker in the shape of a dolphin. Jinx's expression is incredulous, but she steps up to the door.
Just as she's about to try and open it, it opens. A little bell on the inside jingles like this were a regular store front. A man in a suit steps out, turning sideways to squeeze past Jinx. He gives a small little nod of his head and says, "Howdy ma'am."
Jinx catches the open door but then feels a buzzing on her T-com. Lifting it up, one of the many linked in systems being Help!, she notes a disturbing alert. Her hand lets go of the door and it shuts with a satisfying clunk. "Hmm. I guess Robin would probably expect me to help. Nightwing certainly - I still owe him technically. And Donna does say to get real world experience doing 'good things'..."
The man in the suit pauses and turns back, "Sorry were you talking to me?"
Jinx shakes her head at the man, "Talking to myself."
"Ah." He looks conflicted for a moment like perhaps this were the perfect opening to strike up a conversation. But, choosing otherwise he turns and walks away.
Jinx admires his butt as he walks away, then starts to pick up pace in to a jog - then a run - then pink magical energy swirls about her hands and the wind coalesces behind it in to a burst that shoots her up in to the air and on to the top of the apartment building running along the side of the street.
- Austin Reese has posed:
Getting Help! integrated with the domino mask was easy enough, and anything they can use to get reports of crimes is always a good option. Osprey knew it would help eventually, but he was in the middle of wrapping up a drug deal, quite literally, when the alert came through, "Damn. You boys sit tight. GCPD'll be here eventually." He says to the pair that have been tied together with a grapple line. He uses Oracle to send a text to the GCPD line with the location, and then heads for his own Batcycle.
He was alredy in the area where the Help! alert was sent from, so he quickly pulls up a map and then sends the bike roaring off out of the alley and into the street, turning to head towards the location, the opposite direction the chase was headed in. He'd run into them head on in short order if the direction didn't change.
- Flatline has posed:
She probably SHOULDN'T be in Gotham. She *definitely* shouldn't be interfering with anything having to do with Robin.
She also probably wouldn't have the HELP! act on her phone as she sat, wearing a heavy jacket and sipping hot tea.
"Huh... wonder if one of the Bats will respond to that..." she looks at the alert, and then decides, heck, she should see for herself.
So, a few moments later, there's a sleek BMW R 12 in monochrome black with a hastily slapped on skull on the gas tank, and she takes off into the night in hot pursuit of the bats.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Jinx arrives on a rooftop that will eventually intersect with Roxy's path, able to have a front row seat to the chase going on down below. Roxy is trying to get as close to vehicles as she possibly can before swerving out of the way as she cackles in excitement. "Catch me if you can, little bird bird, but I'm probably way too much for you~" she calls out teasingly. Her red hair trails out from underneath her aviator helmet, tinted goggles pulled down and covered with a leather bomber jacket and tight body-suit beneath.
Osprey, as he arrives on scene, can see the flash of light from the Rocket that is barreling down on his position, the woman on it laughing to beat the devil as lagging slightly further behind, Robin is in pursuit, growling softly. He has not called for help yet because it's just Roxy, he should be able to handle her solo, right?
And Robin is totally unaware that behind him there is another motorcycle that has joined the chase, that of Flatline that decided she wanted to look for thrills of her own!
- Jinx has posed:
'Good at running' isn't exactly something most people associate with Jinx. Mostly because she never flaunts it. It was part of her regular training in H.I.V.E. - they wanted the members of the Five to be effective and have the staying power to finish the fight. Jinx thought she was fit - then she met Amazons and realised her definition of 'fit' was severely lacking.
This is resulted in Jinx doing a lot more jogging and running. Quiet solo training so that her insecurities about looking weak aren't advertised to her fellow team mates. Not that she really needs to worry about that kind of judgement from them. It's just ingrained in to her at this point.
She pushes herself hard as she runs across the roof tops to get to a timely intercept of whoever is chasing down this poor maiden in distress. A mighty leap from the roof top and a magically compelled gust of wind picks her up and thrusts her forward at high speed like a sugar glider straight at...
"Robin?!" she says as she crashes in to the boy wonder on batcycle. The perpendicular intercept sending the duo tumbling to the road. Jinx does not land gracefully. She bounces once - hard - before pink energy whips about her and she rights on to two feet with a slide along the pavement until she comes to a stop.
"...Shit!" she rushes over to Robin to make sure he's alright. So much for doing 'good things'. She just fucked this whole thing up. "Robin I'm so sorry!" Look before you leap.. that's one of those old adages right? Jinx never learnt that one.
- Austin Reese has posed:
There's a lot playing out in front of him as he races towards Roxy. He can see Robin behind her. Wait is that the guy who's chasing her? If Robin is chasing her then he knows something else is going on here. Of course a moment later he can also see someone take a flying leap and side-tackle Robin. An accomplice for the person he's chasing? He's sure Robin can handle it, but he's going to need to worry about Roxy, as he quickly formulates a plan in his head.
He turns his bike hard to the side and skids it to a stop, figuring he only has a few seconds before Roxy gets to where he is. Not a lot of options available, but he pulls out his grapple launcher and aims it for the front of the rocket. If he manages to land a hit, maybe he can put a piton into the ground before she gets past him. That should put a quick stop to her joyride. And if he doesn't have enough time, he might be the one going for a ride.
- Flatline has posed:
Flatline's bike comes to a skidding stop as she pulls up to the mess that Jinx has created with Robin. The skull-faced assassin leans over the front of her bike, she looks to Robin, she looks to Jinx, and asks "First motorcycle chase?" she asks to Jinx, purplish-pink eyes set on her before she revs her motorcycle again and takes off, this time applying a pair of sports goggles to her face, eyes narrowing as she weaves through Gotham Traffic.
Damian might notice a flash of steel come out as Flatline races towards Osprey, the roar of her bike's engine filling the street as she opens the throttle -- but is she going for the line to get Roxy escape -- or is she making an attempt at Osprey himself?
- Damian Wayne has posed:
And this is where Robin not having situational awareness works against him. He had the Batcycle near the redline to try to keep up with Roxy, but she was starting to increase the distance. Realizing that there was an issue there, he was queueing up his communicators, first on the local frequency to alert other Bats in the area of the situation and to ask for help.
That doesn't get to happen, however, as suddenly, there's a pink beauty crashing down on the fender of the cycle and the whole motorcycle is engulfed as he's sideswiped. The surprise is clear on his face as he's thrown from the bike and he has to twist and turn. While he does not have Nightwing's training in acrobatics, he is able to control most of his fall as he slides along the ground, smacking solidly into the wall.
At least he wore his helmet. "The hell?" he starts to ask, just as Jinx is there and checking him over, and confusion is showing on his face. "What were you doing?" he asks her in obvious confusion, reaching to yank his helmet off and toss it to the side. Glancing over to where the Batcycle has slid under a truck, it's crushed and ruined.
And then he's back to looking Jinx up in the eyes. "Living up to your name today?" he grouses in complaint as he pushes himself into a sitting position.
As Roxy races by Austin, the woman perks up. "Now that's what I'm talking about! Definetly a Gotham 7!" she cries out with a laugh as she blows a kiss towards as she swerves around him. Then comes the batline, which latches onto the front of her rocket and she calls out. "Hold on tight, baby!" And she guns the engine, causing the rocket to rise up and /yanks/ Osprey off his bike. He's hefted airborne and able to hold on - but now he's totally along for the ride as she continues to swerve through the traffic.
And then there's Flatline. Her comment reaches his ears and when he sees her face, he growls, eyes narrowing and anger. Rolling away from Jinx, he knows he won't be able to catch her. But. He aims his grapple line, and focuses -- firing a line towards that flash of steel that he recognizes on Flatline. He may not be able to snag her, but...
- Jinx has posed:
Jinx grimaces at the obvious and reasonable anger from Damian. She wants to get angry too - her blood boiling just a bit. But the training she got in Themyscira has helped her immensely. "There was an alert on the Help! app. A woman being chased by a guy on a motorcycle." The laughter from Roxy burns. She got played. Played good. The added salt in the wound from Flatline doesn't help at all.
"What the fuck is with this town..." With annoyance she whips her arm through the air and steps through a shimmer. Out the other side she is clad in her white flowing Amazonian Battlemage armour with golden gauntlets and boots. "I'll make it up to you..." She winces at the destroyed batcycle, "...somehow."
Her hand fishes in to her clothes and she pulls out a slingring. With practiced motion in a circle she rips open a portal between here and just ahead of Roxy. "Coming?," she asks as she shakes out a now very sore and bleeding leg and then steps through the portal.
- Flatline has posed:
The roar of the motorcycle fills the air as Flatline looks in the rear view mirror, and manages to turn around to blow Robin a kiss before she speeds forward.
The familiar steel of The Demon's Heir's sword is raised, the stolen sword from a different Bat, and she brings it down, slicing down at Osprey, as if going in for the kill by stabbing him in the back!
But the blow never comes.
Instead, the sword slices through the cable that was latched to the rocket, freeing Roxy from bat control and allowing her to escape Austin's clever plan.
And the brakes hit. A car roars by, blasting its horn as the smaller girl on the motorcycle drops the kickstand, and dismounts.
That bike, with its Gotham plate, is *definitely* stolen from some rich person who thought they were badass. Flatline brushes her hair out of her face, and looks to Osprey and Robin, her black lips pursing as she cracks bubblegum, and then blows an irreverant bubble, her eyebrows raising at the two of them before she slides Damian's own sword into a sheath on her back, and leans back on her heels a moment.
- Austin Reese has posed:
He can see past her where Flatline coming right for him. He can't exactly turn to deal with her when he's already launched the line at Roxy's rocket. So he prepares himself to get hit, though the sound of his grapple hitting the rocket rings out loud.
The line pulls tight and yanks Osprey off of his bike, just in time for Flatline's blade to make contact with it and send him sprawling out across the pavement, his armor thankfully absorbing most of the damage from it. He lets out a heavy grunt after rolling a couple of times, pushing himself back up to his feet in a hurry and facing off against Flatline, as he watches Roxy fly away, "Boy did you pick wrong."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin's grapple line misses, slamming into the back of a truck and he's forced to release it as Flatline continues the pursuit. His attention flicks back to Jinx in a momentary look of confusion as she lays out exactly how she got here and why.
"The Help! app?" Robin's face shows immediately disgust at the idea and shakes his head. "You got played. It'll be fine." he grumbles. "You're okay, I'm okay." He was about to brush off her offer to make it up to him when she opens the portal before him and he gets to his feet. "Alright, let's try this from the top again, Jinx." And with that, he moves to race through the portal to pop out on a building ahead of Roxy as she contines to race towards the pair.
"Got something that can disrupt her engine?" he asks the magical Titan as Robin for the first time realizes that Roxy no longer has a rider.
Which takes us back to her, as Roxy turns to notice that Flatline is coming in. "HEY! That's mine!" she starts to call out, thinking that Flatline was going for the jewels, but instead, she goes after the line. "Oh, him? You can totally keep him! Thanks for the assist! Toodles!" And with that, she's racing towards where Jinx and Robin are preparing for their second attempt.
- Jinx has posed:
Jinx looks at her gravel burned elbows and winces. "A rocket engine? .. pssh easy." She smirks and takes a stance. Her eyes shut as she recenters herself. The pink energy around her hands seems to ignite in a woosh and whips up her body. "Elemental magic is my bread and butter honorary bounty babe. What? I like alliteration."
She draws back one hand and points the other at Roxy and her rocket, like drawing back a bow with arrow knocked. A squint of an eye to get her aim in - not that aim is strictly required - then she unleashes the magical spell.
A pulse of magical energy erupts from her. Like a wave it sweeps across every car between them and Roxy; each combustion engine of which most are suddenly goes dead. The 'fire' within evaporating. As for Roxy's rocket.. it doesn't even get the chance to splutter and die as its flame is extinguished. Even a guy standing on the side of the road looks confused as his cigar mysteriously goes out.
There is an instant ramification to the magic as a thunder clap echos through the darkening skies. All that energy had to go somewhere and it's going straight in to Gotham's famously wet weather system.
- Flatline has posed:
"Bold of you to assume--" Bubblegum pop "that I don't know exactly what I'm doing." Flatline gives a grin to Austin, and he draws out a couple of thin, sharp knives.
"I nearly killed Rook a couple weeks ago. Think you're going to fare any better, or are bats just a dime a dozen in this town?" she questions, her lips pursing as her eyebrows rise up. "After all, Pinky back there took out Robin with no effort." she gives a slight frown "... is The Batman just not giving you guys the good fights? Are you guys like... okay?" she questions, giving a toss of her knife and catching again as Roxy Rocket Rockets Off. Thunder rattles windows from Jinx's spellwork, and the pale Death-evocative girl just gives a smile.
"But really, there's no reason to be scared of me. I'm just a little girl after all."
- Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey does know she's dangerous, there's no doubt there. But he's not exactly a slouch himself either. Still, she hasn't made any moves, so he holds his ground, fists still in a defensive stance, as he considers his next move, "Everybody's got off days." He comments, shifting a bit to ensure that there's no civilians behind him in case she throws that knife.
With Roxy out of there now, at least he can keep his attention focused on her, "Look if you want to do this we can. What happens next is entirely up to you." He is, however, getting himself ready to move as soon as she does. It could almost come across as an old west gunfight at this point.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Honorary Bounty Babe? What? Robin clearly doesn't get the reference as he watches Jinx prepare and unleash her spell. "I'm fine with alliteration." he offers, because clearly that's what is important here, is the alliteration.
As the wave washes down the street, there is that sweeping almost EMP like pulse that extinguishes all forms of heat or something. "Did you just snuff out everything that uses heat?" comes his question, "That's pretty neat." He's only got the basic grasp on how it worked, because magic is confusing, yet he mentions. "Remind me to introduce you to Balm." comes his comment as he steps to the edge of the rooftop. "She'd love to learn something like that."
Gauging where Roxy is coming to a halt, he leaps from the rooftop in a dive downwards...
Down below, as the engine just goes out on her rocket and all the gauges die, Roxy looks around in confusion as she tries to start it back up again and it only sputter. "Hey now, don't give up on me yet!" she cries out. "I'm not gotten clean away yet!" There's frustration in her voice as she suddenly notices a shadow above her and looks up. "Oh shi..."
...Robin's cape, which was opened to allow him to glide towards Roxy is suddenly snapped closed as he slams into her with a boot to the gut, knocking her off the bike and sending the would be robber spiralling onto the sidewalk. Her satchel of jewels slides off of her and lands nearby.
And while Robin is taking a moment to recover from that high dive, Roxy is getting to her feet. "You ain't man enough to catch me, look me up when you grow up!" she calls out with a wink and a blown kiss at Robin. She's totally unaware of Jinx up above.
- Jinx has posed:
"Yeah.. basically. Fire technically." Jinx ponders a moment. "I know Balm." A flashback to a couple of very strange encounters involving the supernatural. She lowers her hands and watches as Robin gets to work. She wonders if Roxy has a bounty and if she'd be allowed to cash it in if they do catch her. That'd be an interesting conversation.
With a run and a jump off the building she drops down. There's a *wompf* of air behind Roxy as the wind picks up in a rush to slow her fall to nothing. She smirks at Roxy and says, "If it's a woman you want, I know an excellent lesbian bar in the downs. You can call me when you get out of prison in 15-20 years."
Her hands raise up and with an almost delicate motion of a twist, she telekinetically sweeps Roxy's legs out from underneath her. "Robin, ever thought of a Batrocket instead of a Batcycle? I don't think she's going to be needing it for a while. Also, what's the sitch on claiming bounties in this town?"
- Flatline has posed:
Bubblegum... Pop.
"Yeah, everyone does." Flatline replies to Osprey, and she tilts her head. "Why don't *you* have a Batmeal toy?" she questions, spinning her knife so she can grip it in her palm, and she comes in low and fast, using her smaller stature to her advantages as she begins to poke at Osprey's defenses.
"Not enough budget in the Batplan?" she asks, with actual curiosity in her voice. "How did Rook survive? I think I should *know* if he didn't."
- Austin Reese has posed:
As soon as she starts towards him, Osprey moves and grabs a pair of the throwing knives off his bandolier, whipping them towards her as he actually moves in to try and close the distance. The best defense is a good offense, after all. He's not one to not quip while trying to close in though.
"Going to shadow drop them, just you wait." He responds, his plan was to make her either evade or block the knives and enable him to try and grab hold of her arm and make an attempt to disarm that knife from her. Hopefully he doesn't get himself stabbed for his trouble.
As for how Rook survived?
"Trade secret!"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
If Jinx were to run a bounty check on Roxy, she will quickly get a hit.
Roxy Rocket, wanted for bail jumping and larceny - $2,000.
It's small change, but it helps pay the bills?
Roxy turns her attention to Jinx for a moment, and she grins crookedly. "A thrill's a thrill, sweetheart, doesn't matter if it has the gear or doesn't if you know what I meeeeeanoof!" she yelps as she's knocked onto her back by the blast of air from Jinx. "At least catch me if you're going to knock me off my feet!" she calls out to Jinx in complaint.
Because a moment later, there's a bolo flying in, wrapping around Roxy's waist and pinning her arms to her side as Robin moves to secure her - and to keep her from getting up and running again.
Though that brings up the question of bounties. Robin considers for a moment. He looks to Jinx and considers her. Yeah, she really screwed things up at the start. But she's more than made up for it. And they did have a nice heart to heart a while back.
But Batman would be miffed if he knew. There would be a lecture. All about how we don't work with bounty hunters and we don't fight crime for money and fame and the whole thing about we're fighting the good fight.
But that's only if he knew.
"I'm going to find Osprey." he offers to Jinx. "As long as she ends up in custody, does it matter how?" And he leaves it - and her - to that.
- Jinx has posed:
"Adrenaline junkie," Jinx says with a nod, "I can respect that." She approaches the now bolo'd bounty and helps her to her feet. "Holler if you need me," she says to Robin as he heads off to the other problem. The skull mask problem. Jinx patpats Roxy on the shoulders. "Here's hoping you're worth a lot of money flyjacketgirl."
Jinx takes out her t-com and puts the piece in her ear. A taptap to call it in to the GCPD. "..and hey you've made Harley Quinn very happy. She gets paid and didn't even have to do any work. You can't imagine how upset she'd be with you if you'd made her miss her roller derby practice."
- Flatline has posed:
eFlatline easily moves around, dancing with Osprey with efficiency as she gives a grin. "Think they ship overseas?" she questions, "I wanna get the whole team, but you all look so freaking *grumpy* except Nightbutt." she comments, drawing one arm down to block his knife, gently setting her blade against his before she turns and tries to deliver a strike to Osprey's adam's apple, aiming nice and high.
"Not even a hint for the curious?" she questions, "And you're not angry, so he's *probably* not dead." she comments brightly. "Which means I can ask him how he got Talia al Ghul's son's sword!"
- Austin Reese has posed:
Austin manages to turn his head enough that she catches him in the side of the throat instead of in the adam's apple. Still doesn't feel great and he gets knocked back, coughing and resetting his stance before he goes in again, "I mean we live in a world where there's people flying around in super suits and aliens and the like. So I'll say space magic."
He goes in again this time, aiming a feint punch to try to get her to defend, before he continues the strike with his knee, trying to strike her in the abdomen if she falls for the feint.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"Oh honey, there's nothing like a good thrill." Roxy is offering. "I could show you a few if you just loosen these restraints~" she comments coyly, offering a bright smile. It works on some people after all!
Robin polices up the satchel of jewels so that it can be given over to the police as he pauses for a moment and considers Jinx's words. "Heard she made the last person that did that take her place on the team. I am not interested." he offers to her. "And it was not done for her benefit." And with that, he fires off a grapple line to head towards Osprey's position, leaving Roxy and the jewels with Jinx as the police start to arrive on the scene from her call.
- Flatline has posed:
"Space magic just doesn't do it for me. I work with a *yoga instructor* who learned how to cheat Death repeatedly." Flatline gives a grin, and then catches the knee with her stomach. She's tensed her muscle to catch, and that leaves her in a good position.
Knees are notoriously hard to defend against, after all.
She brings her daggers about in a pincer motion, looking to pull the knee armor away with one, and strike with the other to lame the Bat temporarily.
"Thing is with you Bats? You're not allowed to *Kill*."
The light flashes about, giving her pink eyes an almost luminous quality, like the reflection of a cat's -- except, well. Pink.
"And lucky for you, you're not on my to-done list."
- Austin Reese has posed:
Well he supposes he could come up with a better excuse, but when he makes contact he starts to follow up, only to realizes she had baited him in. Those knives are quick, too quick as his armor over his knee gets pried open and the other blade sinks in. That gets a grunt of pain out of him as he ends up going down to the ground after the strike.
He knows he's not going to be able to chase after her now, and that last line sounds like she has no plans on killing him, but he's at least going to leave her with something to remember him by.
His right fist clenches, "Yeah we don't kill. But we don't need to." There's a sudden crackling sound as his gauntlet lights up, electricity arcing across the knuckles as he swings an uppercut for Flatline, aiming to hit her in the chin and discharge that massive electrical blast into her. Maybe he'll get lucky and it'll knock her out. Either way he's not going to be running after her.
- Flatline has posed:
He's lucky, and it lands.
Flatline for a brief second gets a jolt to her system, she's slung back and with a loud ka-THONK! she's slung into the back o a box truck, leaving a dent in the door.
She slides down, gasping a moment, and then gives a bark of a laugh.
HEr chin's beeding, and so is her nose, but she wobbily comes to a stand and eyeballs Osprey.
"Ha! I like you --" she trails of, and she goes to assume a fighting stance when there's a crackle on her.
"FLATLINE! What are you doing in Gotham City?!"
Flatline's face flatlines.
"You're supposed to stay out of there unless you are ordered young lady or do you want to have to return HERE and get a thorough spanking?! You're not too old to be taught a less--"
She reaches down to her hip, and clicks something off.
"Ugh. Mentors, am I right?" she asks, and gives a small wave. "Nice meeting you! <3" she states, and goes to get back on her motorcycle. "Sometimes, Lord Death Man is a pain int he ass."
- Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey had been pushing himself back up to his feet, or well at least his one good foot, ready to keep going, though when her expression changes and then she turns off something on her hip, he does get a quizzical look for a moment. But then when the waves at him and leaves, he brings his middle and index finger up to the side of his head and gives her a salute of sorts. She's definitely one of the hardest fights he's had in recent memory. He thinks he can see how she would have beat Rook.
After she's out of sight he collapses back down to the ground, pulling himself over to his cycle and digging out the medkit, sticking himself in the knee with something to numb the pain and stop the bleeding, <"Robin, please tell me you at least got Roxy, because Flatline got away."> He'll get himself back to the cave once the painkillers kick in enough for him to ride back. It's going to be a rough night for sure.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
<<Jinx has Roxy. I'm on my way.>>
That from Robin as he arrives about thirty seconds after Flatline has left and he slides to a halt near him. He kneels down to check over the injuries and shakes his head. "We'll get her next time." he promises, before he makes sure the wounds are treated - and then get him back to the cave for further rest and help.