16927/That Hellion of a vehicle

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That Hellion of a vehicle
Date of Scene: 15 January 2024
Location: Garage and Stables
Synopsis: is really a Hellfire way to go.
Cast of Characters: Julian Keller, Douglas Ramsey, Roberto da Costa

Julian Keller has posed:
Fast cars and fast women. That's what Julian likes. Since he doesn't have a woman, he has a fast car. Pulling at speeds that exceed the speed limit the Orange McLaren screaches to a halt. The drivers side gull wings of the sports car flies open and there is a moment before the driver gets out.

"I think it could go faster." Julian says hoping out of the car and removing the sunglasses and haphazardly tossing them onto the seat. The fingerless racing gloves he wears are peeled off. He's decked out in McLaren gear, a bright orange polo and hat. His pants are even McLaren branded, but black with orange piping. "I think at least 10 more horses can be gotten from this bad boy." He grins as he shuts the door.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug enters the garage, thumping down the steps. "I know there's a can of compressed air out here somewhere," he says as he heads for the cabinet labled "Flammable". He's talking to somebody over his shoulder on the way down the steps. "So the reason I look down at crypto is in addition to it being the perfect vehicle for money laundering, the things it claims to do are itself an attempt to create a doubly-unreal copy of money, *itself* a social construct that only has meaning because we give it meaning--"

He shakes his head. "So no, I don't really approve of the guys out there trying to create MutantCoin." He clears his throat. "Anyway, let me tell you what I'm thinking. What if instead of trying to take over the old Hellfire Club... we just created a new one?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa follows Doug down the stairs. "Well, I mean that is why oligarchs love it and why it's got no value at all on the intergalatic markets. Don't start this again, we are not going back to barter and 'money' in some fashion is social construct across known space and most universes. It's a very convenient construct, even useful in a lot of ways" Berto grins, this is an old argument between frienemies, "It mine as well be gender. you love hacking at the underpinnings of civilization. Berto smirks as Julian roars in and looks over at Doug raising his eyebrows before he bursts out laughing. "Okay, a new Hellfire Club, I mean the old one is dead, what would that look like? Just a playgound for the posh and the fit like the last or are we talking real social justice? Radical change?

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller whistling as he goes, obviously pleased as punch for the new sports car, is strutting his stuff in the garage. His footfall light as he rides the high of going 120 on a straight away. Local cops aren't going to catch up to him. He nonetheless hears Doug coming down the steps. The first part is ignored, though he makes note to ask more about that later.

"What the actual? Why would you make something new? They would crush you in an instant or buy you out." The thought of taking over / create a copy cat has obviously caught Julian's interest. "It's not dead. I Was there last week. It's very much alive." Well the portion he was at was at least.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug shrugs. "Well, you start pulling at threads and all of a sudden you're sitting on a pile of yarn. I can't help it, it's just the way I'm wired." He looks through the cabinet. "No poet shirts." He says, as he rummages around, "For starters."

"You'd think that." Doug says, "But they can't crush what they can't see, and the Hellfire Club as it is now is wholly rooted in 20th century economic modalities..." He gestures with one hand.

"...Though being seen as noveau riche WOULD work against any new organization. There's a reason the Freemasons are a three hundred year old men's club, etc. But to take it over from within, you'd need the money and the influence to not only access the Inner Circle, but dominate it."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa frowns, "I do look good in victorian dress, but I mean what don't I look good in?" He flashes Doug a smile, "Yeah, old men in silly wigs terrify me. Yeah, if I couldn't tangle with the likes of them, I sure wouldn't have gone after AIM or Hydra. Right, which is where crypto comes in... wait are you saying, to shift the paradign?" Berto nods, "Yeah, freemason, templars, yeah, having some of that old money clout." Berto stops and smirks at Doug, "You realize I just bought a spaceship right? Money isn't really where we're lacking."

Julian Keller has posed:
"Why would you need to do that? That's to subtle. The power isn't with the money grubbing leaches. The power is in who runs the place." Julian says with a shake of his head. "Deal with those up top, and the money boys can be made to fall in line." He shrugs. "Especially if you can ensure there naughty times aren't going to go away."

Julian shrugs his shoulders his hand coming up to shift his cap a little. The movements feel off, they look like normal fingers but they don't quite move natural. "Why you guys wanting to take over the Club?"

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"And I was court bard for Robert the Bruce." Doug muses. "There's no compressed air in here." He closes the cabinet, and then looks back to Julian. "Well, the Hellfire Club runs on prestige - a place where even being listed on the membership rolls is a sign of eliteness, which is itself a kind of currency."

Doug crosses his arms and leans against the cabinet. "Dealing in -- hypotheticals. But short version, yes. Just thinking about the future and opportunities to take something that represents wasted potential and repurpose it."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa picks a can of compressed air up off the workbench and hands it Doug having learned from long experience never to throw something at the fair haired man. "Really, how did that work for you? I mean for someone who's gift is languages you suck at jokes... and your singing is mediocre at best." He raises his eyebrows, "I'm glad you still have your head. Yeah, it is overall pretty pointless. I mean I love a party but nothing ever happens and it's always the same people... <snappoint> Exactly, repurposing potential."

Julian Keller has posed:
"Huh. It does? I just go there to look at some tits and ass." Julian shrugs his shoulders at that. "Families been apart of it for generations, never really had a need to spend much time there other then to look at hot women."

Julian leans his ass against the car closest, crossing his arms across his chest. "Welp. You've got money there," he hitches a thumb towards Berto, "I've got the prestige," (according to sheet I do!) thumb points towards himself before he finger snaps to Doug "And apparently you have plans. So, when we doing this? Tomorrow?" Thursday good for you? If we wait till summer I'll probably lose interest."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"I don't suck at jokes!" Doug says, "It's just that my sense of humor is complex! Someone with a twenty-five second attention span like you wouldn't understand." Doug takes the can of air and hangs onto it, for some undefined nebulous purpose. "And I have perfect pitch... just no vocal training."

He glances back to Julian and quirks his mouth. "Warren's already a member..." He exhales, once. "Right, you're a Keller... no relation to that guy that hates Archie Andrews." Doug exhales. "The more I think about it the more feasible it sounds. It'd be easy enough to multiply some investor capital quickly."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa sighs, "That's why everybody goes there, either to gawk be gawked at. No one realizes the deals being mad in he back rooms, deals that affect actual things. Deals that keep people like Shaw and his ilk in power. But Shaw isn't happy with what he has he always wants more, that's why he made a play to be Lord Imperial, and from what I hear the home office is not happy about that.: Berto smirks at Doug, and pits his shoulder, "That's it buddy, your super funny. Wow, that's great. Also no rhythm." Berto rolls his eyes at the mention of Warren, "He is old money, super good at taking credit." Berto puts his arm around Doug, "See, I told you. This is a great plan, totally make this work."

Julian Keller has posed:
"Of course it will work. What exactly could go wrong?" Julian asks looking between the pair. "All great things come to an end, right? The Beatles, peanut butter twix, Gangnam Style." Julian shrug his shoulders. "Tell me whatcha need and I'll be there." He flashes the two a grin. "Well boys, I am going to go find some grub." He becomes serious for a moment, his eyes looking at the pair. "I'm serious. You do this thing. I Want in." And with that Julian turns and heads up the steps.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"...And then we were three." Doug says, glancing to Julian. "All right. We'll see who else we can recruit, and I'll let you know when we're going to make our next move." Doug turns back to Berto, "I'm a better dancer than you are!" He says, apparently somewhat affronted. He quirks his mouth at Berto after he puts his arm around Doug's shoulders, and then says "The only problem is, *I* am not old money. Which means I'm going to need one hell of a buy-in. Something a guy like Sebastian Shaw wouldn't be able to resist."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa musses Doug's hair playfully, "Sure, you are buddy. Stevie teamed me with Kitty because we're the same height." Berto considers, "I mean I can think of a few things, did I tell you I have a space yacht?" He grins, shit eattingly. "So, did you want that can for something or... Jenga?"

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"Yeah." Doug says, "Yeah I did." He takes the can of compressed air and blasts it into Berto's hair with a *tsssssssssssssssssssssssssst* - completely ruining his 'do.