17103/When you move furniture, call your superstrong solar powered friend.

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When you move furniture, call your superstrong solar powered friend.
Date of Scene: 05 February 2024
Location: Guthrie Residence
Synopsis: Scene wrapped cause of change of player
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Roberto da Costa, Isabel Kane

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has decided to redo the apartment that he and Alexis had, now that it is his. He has told Berto he could use some help moving furniture, getting some new stuff up in the apartment, and donating some of the old stuff. Pizza and beer are promised, plus the chance to meet Izzy.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa offers to throw money at the problem, hiring movers and a designer, and paying for a hotel for the duration or the renovation. This idea does not go over well, so it is with good natured ribbing that berto has arrived to help with the adjustment, mainly glad his friend is moving on but not wanting to cause hurt by bringing it up.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel is present to help with the moving and painting and cleaning! Because she already told Sam she would. And because this is her first chance to meet the mysterious Roberto! She has her hair up in a ponytail, and she's in an old University of Colorado t-shirt, a pair of worn jeans, and some nice-looking sneakers that are probably fairly new. WHen Berto arrives, she's teasing Sam about a smudge of something on his forehead, laughing and smiling easily.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie reaches up wiping his head trying to get what ever it is off "How long have Ah had something there? Was it there when they dropped the stuff off?" He shakes his head and resists the urge to lean in and press his forehead to hers. As he hears the door opening he smiles "Hey Berto." He calls out and leads Izzy over. "Izzy, this is Roberto DeCosta, Berto to his friends. Berto, this is Isabel Kane, Izzy to her friends." He offers in introduction.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa is dressed casually, he is wearing a pair of custom broken in Cascada raw denim jeans, a pair of trainers and an Xavier's sweatshirt. He looks tired as he almost always does these days. He walks over to Sam and pulls out a handkerchief, wiping Sam's forehead with it getting the smudge off and then placing the handkerchief in Sam's hand, "I know we worked on grooming at school but I feel like you've gone feral living on your own. Maybe you could use a refresher?" He gives Sam a pat on the shoulder, then turns to Izzy, "Berto, Beto, Rob, it's all fine. It is lovely to meet you at last. Sam has said so many wonderful things about you." He offers his hand and inclines his body in a half bow.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Laughing softly, Izzy shakes her head and smiles at him, "Not sure, I just noticed it a few seconds ago. I wouldn't worry too much, though. I bet those guys get covered in so much dust and dirt and stuff..." Then Berto is stepping up to clean his forehead and get in a little teasing of his own. Laughing again, Izzy takes the offered hand and gives it a shake, "Izzy. It's great to finally meet you, too! Sam talks about you alot." Glancing back to Sam, she smiles, "So I think I got the room all cleaned and prepped for painting." Then to Berto, with a grin, "Do you want the roller, or the fine work brush?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie wipes his head a bit with the handkerchief, and frowns a moment but is smiling after a moment at the two. "Hey your already making a better impression than Doug, you aint pelted us with snowballs." He grins and says "And, some of us have to do our own cleaning and such." He says to the whole feral comment.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa blinks and looks around, then placing his hands on his hips, "Are sure you don't want me to get a designer in here? OKay, Doug is seven, he even has the hair for it. It's part of his charm. Though I don't think that big house in Maine is doing him any favors. I mean I remember painting the garage at school and ... that turned into a mess. Tabs paint bomb was an epic fail and I spent most of the afternoon convincing Doug he could talk the paint on to the walls. You and Dani were fine but..." Berto sighs and says, "Roller."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel laughs softly and tucks her hands into her pockets, "Hey, I like to think I made a good showing in that snowball fight. Played softball for years... mostly because us *girls* weren't allowed to play baseball." She rolls her eyes there for a moment, then looks to Berto with a grin, "Roller it is. No paint bombs here, just us three, some paint, some trays, and some roller brushes. I've got tape down over the moulding and door jamb, the windows are covered... I think we're good."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says ""Yea, no worries about explosions. Furniture juggling is the biggest worry today." He say to his friend leading them into the spare room. "Going to set this room up pretty calm. Set up so it can be used by anyone who is staying over. If ma, or some of the little ones come up to visit or what not."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa nods sagely, "Sam has tried to get me interested in baseball. It is a game of inches, by which I mean that it progresses slowly liking watching grass grow or paint dry. It is nothing like the beautiful game." He gives Sam a wink, "Futball is life and we let girls play. They have excellent fundamentals. Aren't most of the 'little ones' at the mansion now? And if Ma comes up have her stay with me." He shakes her head, "You still haven't been to my place, I have a spectacular guest room. Had the closet re done to make a space for the armory." He nods, "Very AD, architectural digest." He follows with the roller and once things are set up begins studiously applying the paint wth the roller. "Ahh, moving funiture, I know you invited mr for a reason." He gives Sam a wink.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy lifts a brow at Roberto, chuckling, "Are we about to have our first fight, Berto? I ain't knocking your game, don't knock mine." Winking at him, she bumps her hips against Sam's and heads for the guest room, calling out, "Why not let the lady pick where she wants to stay?" Laughing as she gets the paint poured into the trays and makes sure there are fresh rollers on the painters. Getting things moving, she grins at Sam, "Well, not just moving furniture. Also a good excuse for us to mee!"