17218/Barefoot in the Hall

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Barefoot in the Hall
Date of Scene: 18 February 2024
Location: City Spire Condominiums
Synopsis: Megan comes to visit Mike. Along the way, she meets Olivia, who has locked herself out of her own apartment. Liv escorts Megan to Mike's place and the two have a heart to heart while the performer retreats to deal with her key issue.
Cast of Characters: Olivia Gaudin, Megan Gwynn, Michael Hannigan

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    There are many things that Ms. Gaudin is good at. Singing, dancing, socializing, babysitting, especially babysitting, and knowing a whole bunch of super hero trivia! What she is not good at is... being lucky, honestly. This afternoon is no exception, as she stands outside her doorway, giving the very, very closed and unfortunately also locked door a most forlorn look.

    She tries the door. Again. She even knocks, though she couldn't say why. She lives alone, after all. So very alone! But the author digresses...

    "I fear I must once again make the walk of shame to the front desk," she says to the door. She looks down, noting that she's in bare feet.

    "Well, at least I'm dressed!" And she is, at that. She wears a mid-length white skirt and a one of those super soft turtlenecks. Nonetheless, she rather dislikes the idea of going to the front desk like this.

    So she looks under her doormat. She has hidden a key there before!

    "Oh, dang it. I forgot. I needed that key the last time I locked myself out and I forgot to put it back..."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn hadn't visited Mike at Shaw studios in a long while, perhaps she's just been busy between working with outsiders, Xmen, JLDark and pursuing her own studies. But lately money's been right, especially as she and Thomas recently parted ways. Which means she's looking for work again.

But it's a Sunday so visiting the studio is probably not gonna happen. So here she is, showing up at his condo instead, which is a bit awkward since she doesn't know him that well and never really visited him at home before, at least not often.

"Ummm I hope this is the right place.." she bites her lip, checking her phone and pressing the buzzer, waiting to be let in.

Fortunately a resident let's her in and she makes her way down the hallway headed to Mike's room. "Ummm, which room was it again?" she bites her lip, counting doors.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia's just setting down her doormat when she hears someone approach! She had hoped she might be able to reach the front desk and return without being observed. That hope is dashed. Megan is heading right in her direction.

    Embarrassed or not, Olivia is who she is. Seeing someone and not striking up a conversation is simply not something she'd entertain in this circumstance.

    "Hi there!" A pause for though. Even out of sight, she could 'see' where Megan was and the path she saw makes Olivia suspect something. "Do you need your help finding someone?"

    Thus asketh the blonde woman in barefoot.

    "Wait a minute, I know that face." She doesn't forget easily. "You were in a movie." Obviously Olivia sees just about everything that comes out. Well, aat least most everything in which music has a major role. "I'm Olivia Gaudin," she says, holding out a hand.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn pauses as she sees the unfamiliar yet maybe slightly familiar ish tall blonde, who stands a few spurs down from where she suspects Mike's room is.

"Oh, heey...Have we met before..?" she tries to figure that one out, maybe having met her in passing...hopefully not someone she got into trouble with...Because that would be embarrassing.

When she mentions that movie, Megan laughs. "Oh..Right! That, Soo you're an actress too? I mean to be fair, I only got in by knowing people, although I'd like to think I got some talent, really I shouldn't have stopped going for gigs but life got complicated..Ohh you're Olivia? Nice to meet you, I'm Megan..I guess you must know Mike personally, living on the same floor as him? that's cool!"

boy she can sure talk once she gets started.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia tilts her head slightly, grinning. It's always a bit amusing to her when she isn't recognized. Rather something of a relief, and way better than squeals of recognition. Which is how she reacts to super heroes. She's the only person who can make the Avengers retreat.

    She considers her words carefully. "Yes, I perform on Broadway," she opts to say. That her face (admittedly in green) was all over the media and billboards is a separate issue. She hates to spoil a normal first meeting with someone!

    "I think you did well. Did you enjoy being in the Count of Monte Cristo?" It took her a moment, but she knows faces and names on a super power level anyway. "Oh, and yes, you mean Michael Hannigan? We have crossed paths a few times, and as you can tell, I do enjoy talking to people."

    She tries not to announce that she's locked herself out of her apartment. First impression and all that. This reminds her of Ghostbusters, somehow... and she does not like playing the Rick Moranis role.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Oh the perils of not calling ahead and relying on the kindness of strangers to be let into the building. This does lead to the predicament of Mike not being aware that he should even be expecting a visitor. But there is something about the cadence of Pixie's nervous chatter nearing his door that makes the musician glance over that direction. He pauses, one arm extended, holding a towel to his hair. A few moments click by as he listens to the sound increasing in volume. Lowering his arm, he moves over to grab a shirt off of a chair and tugging it on. The towel ends up getting draped upon his shoulders as he goes back to the bathroom to at least comb out his hair.

Eh it sounds like she's talking with someone. He's got a few minutes.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs. "Oh yeah..Did I see your face on some billboards somewhere? I guess you're a pretty big deal huh.." she bites her lip, "So sorry, I've literally been in like, a cave or something the past few months. Well not literally but you know, a lot of...Stuff gas Happened.."

She laughs and tries to shrug it off but obviously something is bothering her. It doesn't seem to bug her that they're chatting outside a hallway, mostly because it'd be awkward to mention she forgets which room he's in but...

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    This all gives Olivia a chance to walk towards Mike's place. She already suspected that Megan wasn't quite sure where she was going. When one can see through walls they notice things. And she can hear things in Mike's place, too. But she's trying not to 'look'. It's rude.

    "Oh please do not apologize. Big deal one moment, small fry the next. The second my vocal endurance starts to slip or my waistline changes, I'll be in the breadlines with the rest of the former stars."

    Olivia grins despite this. "That all is hopefully years away, though! As for being in a cave, well. Are you okay? Maybe after you meet your friend we could talk about it. If you like. I can invite you in for tea!" After she runs off to get her keys. She wishes she knew how to pick locks...

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, "Yeaah that's what bugs me about show biz, I mean it's exciting and all but short lived. Dunno how Mike survived this long.." she glances down the hall and grins sheepishly. "Ummm well the thing is, I didn't call ahead, I don't really know him as well as I knew his friend..And..I've never actually visited him at his home before." at least not often. "He might be busy.."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia pauses to think a moment, but that is little more than a break in her stride. "I'm sure it will be fine. He's gotten to see me in a pretty terrible position, so we're practically friends now." Everyone is her friend! As long as they are not trying to shoot her.

    She will stop and rap very firmly on Michael's door. Is there a bell? She doesn't care. She's the Wicked Witch of the West seven shows a week. She might just blow this door down!

    "Mr. Hannigan! It's Olivia bringing a VIP guest for you!"

    She gives Megan a cheeky grin. "It's all about delivery and confidence, dear. You never question if they want to see you or not. You /know/ they do."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hair combed, Mike just makes do with the hair being somewhat damp. Stepping out of the bathroom, he gets the general sense of the conversation coming even closer which leads to him being near the door as it is knocked upon.

"One sec." Mike calls back before udoing the locks upon his door.

Yes Locks.


Because he lives in New York City, that's why.


No that's not paranoid at all!

Either way the symphony of clunks and rattles are short-lived and the door creaks open, granting the view of the rock star sporting a general look like he just popped out of quick dive into the waters outside the Chateau d'If.

Mike looks to the same heighted performer and then the much smaller Pixie. "Thank you Olivia." Mike replies, giving a small smile, "Hey Megan. Truth be told I heard your voices through the door. But, not enough time to dry the hair I'm afraid."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at the 'terrible position' comment, and then blinks some more at the vip statement. "Oh heh, not exactly vip but.." and then there's the sound of multiple locks being undone and she blinks even more. "Woah...I guess being a famous rockstar requires extra security. Surprised he doesn't have security guards."

The door finally opens and she grins sheepishly. "Ohh...Heey Mike, how's it going? Its been a while.." she bites her lip feeling ashamed. Really she should have kept in touch but after Thomas pretty much vanished....

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia makes no comment on the late rising nature of the star. If she didn't have the weekend off, her schedule would be its normal insanity. Well. It would be if she actually slept these days.

    "You're welcome, Mike!"

    She turns to smiles at Megan, "I think you have found your destination now, and all safe and sound. If he's not nice to you just let me know, I know where he lives." Comedy! She should not quit her day job.

    "Unfortunately, I'm in need of fixing a little problem. I'm just down the hall, if you want that tea. I have to run and check something at the front desk."

    Oliva will not lie, but she's not going to broadcast her stupidity, either! She's just.. going to check for any packages that may have arrived. Or maybe a message. People still leave those at the front desk, right? Like they did at hotels. A century ago.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike tilts his head to the inquiry, considering the times they've run into each other while responding to something. But...technically- Ok yes. Off the clock it's been awhile. "Ah yes. It's been awhile since we've had a sit down outside of work. How are you and Thomas doing?"

As Olivia excuses herself, Mike looks over to her. "Good luck with the problem." He responds back, acknowledging the reason for her departure. "Good seeing you."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to Olivia. "Of course. Thanks for your help..See you around!" she gives her a cheerful wave before turning back to Mike, smiling sheepishly. "Heh, I guess we fought alongside each other quite a few times they JLDark..But I guess we rarely have a social visit." when he mentions Thomas, her smile quickly fades. "I...Eh...Well I dunno where he is, honestly. One day I dropped by his house and it was all locked and empty.." her voice wavers a bit. "My best guess is he got arrested for illegal smuggling, or..Some other past crime caught up with him and he didn't want me caught up in the mess..Or.." she sighs, shoulders slumping. Trying hard not to cry.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the answer, Mike frowns slightly. There's a glance down the hallway before he opens the door further, showing the studio condo as he backs away. "Come on in. I'll make you some tea or something."

Is this a City Spire Resident thing?

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn's lower lip trembles as she steps into his condo. She's never really talked about it to anyone before, never really processed it all until now. Now tears trickle down her eyes, sniffling a bit. "Last I heard from him was a text message saying he had to leave for my own safety...Then nothing..I just knew he would do this, sooner or later..I was so stupid, pretending like everything would be okay!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
When Megan decides to come inside, Mike closes the door, but leaves the door unlocked. Walking over to the wall near the kitchen table, he pulls off a piece of colorful artwork, unfolding it to reveal it to be a chair for the table. Setting it down on the floor with a thunk, he moves over to another piece to do the same.

"Would you like tea, coffee, water, beer, or whiskey?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at the colorful artwork turned chair and bites her lip in wonder, briefly distracted from her tears before she nods and takes a seat. "Oh, this is really cool...Ummm some herbal tea please, if you have something relaxing like camomile..?" she asks.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a nod as he moves to the stove first, shifting the kettle to a burner and turning it on. With a turn he opens up a cabinet door. His other hand moves immediately to catch an orange bottle before setting it upright on the shelf with a rattle. Shifting the hand over, he grabs on to a tin and tugs it out.

The tin clunks upon the counter as he pops off the lid, taking a couple packets of the requested tea from the large supply.

Mike's motions are focused on the tea making leading to a bit of an awkward silence coming from his side of the condo. That is until a pair of mugs are set up with bags inside, waiting for the water to heat up.

"...I wish I could give you more information about Thomas but we decided awhile ago not to share information about certain work related things with each other." He glances over to the stove top, "But...I don't think he'd have texted that to you if there wasn't some truth to it. But, if he had the ability to text that message to you, it's probably him having to lay low."

Htere's a slight quirk of the lips. "That cat'll come back some other day."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn just stares quietly at her hands, not paying any attention to anything else. Usually a chipper girl, this hit her hard and fast and she's only now feeling the effects of it.

"I just wish he gave me a choice instead of making my decision for me. That's not fair, it's not right." she says simply.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Yeah. It's not fun when people just force their decisions on you." Mike leans back against the counter, crossing his arms, "Although...there are times when waiting for a response may cause more harm than good. A life or death situation perhaps. Is it possible this would be one of those cases?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs and shakes her head. "I'm not a child, I could have helped him. He wanted to protect me but I'm not helpless.." she frowns, "I just wish he could have seen that in me."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks over to Megan, drifting into a silence. "...This might be where our choices explain decisions. He's...got a thing about not wanting to pull people he considers to be 'good' down with him when he's doing certain things. There's the possibility you helping him with whatever he's dealing with could get you labeled a certain way. You're not the only one he's done that to."

There's a soft hiss coming from the stovetop, causing for Mike to look towards it.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods solemnly, he's got some wise advice of course, Mike always thought more while Thomas was more action. They balanced each other out, maybe that's why they were such good friends. She glances towards the kettle, towards the tea cups and seems to calm down. "I get it, maybe in time he'll come to his senses." she smiles quietly, "Thanks, Mike, I guess I should come visit you more often."