17282/To The Candle!
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To The Candle! | |
Date of Scene: | 25 February 2024 |
Location: | Candle, Booke and Belle |
Synopsis: | Surprise gathering at the Candle |
Cast of Characters: | Nettie Crowe, Blue GhostEyes, Belinda Gutierrez, Joshua Foley
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
The Candle, Booke and Belle Shoppe is more than a fancy metaphysical shop. Sure it sells hard-to-get reagents, Doctor Strange has a running tab (and Nettie does keep trying to catch it), and occasionally the fang-tastic and dangerous hang out upstairs in the lounge and sitting rooms, and on occasion the exhausted and supernatural room in the crash space, but the storefront is where the magic happens!
"I'm not arguing with you again, you raggedy old bat! Magic is a *tool*, it is neither fair nor foul, good nor evil, it just *is*. Which is *why* I let Jessica roll up a chaotic good necromancer in the last campaign I ran for you in 2007. I don't even know why you keep contacting me to complain about it, she 'fixed' your wolf companion, it was perfectly servicable as a ranger companion even if it was skeletal!"
A pause.
"Madam I was the Dungeon Master, my word *was the rules*." Nettie states into an earpiece, looking mildly concerned. "How'd you even get this number any-- *the back of a card*?"
- Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Having been brought along by Josh and Belinda after having a... small.. emotional outburst? Yeah, let's go with that, Blue hesitantly enters the store and looks around. She takes several deep breaths, her nostrils flaring. A sure sign of something other than human for those in the know as is maybe the tilting of her head as she listens carefully. Piercing two-toned eyes sweep the shop, irises half eboy and half glacier blue give the woman an otherwordly stare.
After a long moment she nods in satisfaction and relaxes. At least slightly. There is no outward appearance of her nerves at least. Just a mild amusement over what she overheard of the phone call. "I think she's busy." Blue says softly. If half of her is braced to run, well... it's turning out to be much harder to attempt doing what she knows she needs to do. Forge some true and lasting connections.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"Oh! Hey! We know you!" comes a teenage boy's voice, and down flits a hooded crow from the rafters. Torney, Nettie's secondary familiar, hops about on the floor, and then turns to Nettie, who gives a wave as she's talking about THAC0 and how kids past the 90's had it /so easy/ -- "Uh... she'll be done in a moment. This is the fifth or sixth time today that the lady's called to complain about something that happened when I was... uh... four. Before I... y'know what long story! Hi! I'm Torny, I'm one of Nettie's familiars. We kinda met at the big place with all the zombies." he explains, hopping up onto a railing. He's awkwardly flapping his left wing.
- Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue eyes the crow and her gaze turns inward and distant for a moment, going back to a time when the birds were messengers for.. well, Crow. How times have changed. Shaking herself, Bblue manages a smile. "Hyla." She murmurs softly. "I remember. Sorry I didn't stick around but it was confusing. I don't understand how my killshots, weren't. Or how those zombies became human. Didn't wanna answer any questions from the cops."
Going inside herself as she did to rid her mind of the foreign presence wasn't without cost either. "My name is Blue. Blue GhostEyes." She introduces herself quietly enough not to intrude on the phone call but loud enough to still be heard. Meanwhile she takes a few steps further into the shop and looks around. She can scent the smudge sticks. How great would it be to get them here rather than driving to one of the Rez's, that always leaves her depressed for days.
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"Have a seat at the teabar," comes the gentle voice from behind. Belinda gives a warm, gentle smile, coaxing the other woman further inside the Lair of the Crowe. "She is on la telefono, but will be with you in just a short moment. But first--tea." Gesturing to the polished counter-bar-serving desk to the side of the positively ancient (relatively) cash register, Belinda moves in behind with the practice of one well-versed in the vagaries of food service.
"Camomille," she announces without fanfair, rummaging back and beneath the counter. Humming to herself just barely within sight, she moves a few vessels with a clatter and a clink-- porcelain, glass, utensils --rising with a smooth, simple cup, banded with blue, a sleek line interspersed with dots of the same dark azure.
"She rises with a smile of satisfaction, humming as she sets the cup down on a saucer, turning back to count tea boxes (one, two, three, diagonal five--), opening the selected drawer before withdrawing a pouch from inside.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
Lair? oh no, Crowes nest.
Nettie does then exit her phone call, takes the earbud from her ear, and with rage in her expression she crushes it in her hand and then sets it on *fire*.
And then she takes a deep calming breath, lets it out, and takes off the black denim jacket that indicaates this had started outside and gradually moved to rage behind the (cash) machine.
"My apologies for that, duckies." she states. "Old gaming group, someone had a bit of a chip on their shoulder. Hello my Belinda!" Nettie greets Belinda with a bright grin as she pulls on a pair of black gloves. She's wearing a T-shirt from some tour of The Cure, and black jeans.
"And you must be Blue, hello dear. Pleasure to meet you under less dire circumstances."
- Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue sits at the teabar and watches Belinda. The kid seems to know what she's doing and Blue recognizes that from having done similar jobs. She remembers the motions, the things to do, but not when or where or why she had such work. There's a whole host of skills like that for her although they tend to trail around the time computers became prevelent. Blue has a kid she's hired that does all her office work and computer stuff. He even made a cellphone so basic that someone with her completel lack of tech prowess can use it. It's a touch screen with only five buttons and he's constantly bitching about having to make more when she inevitably loses one.
"Thanks." Blue smiles and takes a deep sniff of the air in the shop and the various teas before settling a bit more and admiring the simple but beautiful cup.
After eyeing the fiery earbud for a second blue swiftly covers her mouth with one hand and feigns a sneeze to hide her amusement. Coughing, she sits up straighter and smiles. "Hullo. It is nice." For many reasons, no zombies, no fae, no cops and firefighters everywhere. Though she might owe a particular one a thank you.
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"De nada!" Belinda replies cheerfully, smiling to Nettie as she dips her head. "No worries at all. Mrs. Crowe, I present to you Ms. Blue Ghosteyes. We ran into her while in the park; also, we shared lunch. Gyros." Mischief sparkles in her gaze as she grins, eyes dancing. "Josh has it. We both agreed that you knew more than we did in these matters. Too 'dark' for us to consider alone."
She spares the smoldering earbud a glance, eyebrows rising as she looks back towarsd Nettie with a twitch of her lips. And return to the glasses, terrycloth retrieved from its holder with a swirl!
- Joshua Foley has posed:
"One lamb gyro. Extra sauce, extra fries. As requested." Joshua offers as he arrives, bringing the food over to Nettie to set down in it's brown paper bag. "And yeah, like Belinda said, while I'm a healer, I'm not really magic and this is totally a magic and fae thing, so I'm here to show off what I found one of the few positives from Josie's the other night."
That offered, he moves to take a seat and eyes the earbud. "...I've heard of heated conversation." he mutters. "Here, let me clean that up, Belinda, you stay!" he knows that Belinda may understand this more than him, after all.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"Thank you Joshua! Belinda said you had it." Nettie states, far more agreeable when she's not facing zombies, a lich, fae mice (never mind the mouse in the cold iron cage in the shop behind her) and Corvax flits down from the rafters with the mail from the post office box.
"So. Blue GhostEyes..." Nettie gives a small smile..
"What bring you into the shop of the Greywitch today?"
- Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue scowls a bit. "I ain't fae. Those useless mother-" 'No cursing in front of the kid, Blue' "truckers can go suck a.. bunch of eggs." Wow. Well. She tried. "'M not magic either, not really. Though I was tainna wa'ippe and a shaman in my very first life. That came later though. I could do what I do when I was first born. I.. think. I was told anyhow. It was a very long time ago." The world was a simpler place back then and so was her place in it.
Blue takes a calming couple of breaths and smiles a bit. "Your kids. Joshua told me about his past and I.. I've just, as far as I can remember, never met anyone who could come back from death like me. I got a lil emotional. They thought the two of us should meet all proper like."
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda glowers at Josh in mock-disapproval, twirling her towel again in a way that promises soooooooo much whip-snapping engagement! "'Stay'," she snorts, lips twitching in bemusement. "Really now..." Soft mutterings trail away quickly as Blue begins, her ear perked to listen as nonchalantly as she can. Which is 'not very': to the practiced eye, the tilt of her head pointing her ear in a singular direction catches every word as she turns the towel to its proper use, cleaning chosen cup and idly-placed saucer with studious care. Quietly, she nods in agreement, humming quietly to herself as she leaves the two to converse, Josh at his work.
Also, set out clean glass, fresh saucer beside the brown bag lunch. Just in case.
- Joshua Foley has posed:
"That's about the most of it." Joshua admits as he helps Belinda set things up and then as the explanations are set in, he shakes his head. "Okay, so you know..." he decides to explain to Blue. "I'm a biokenetic. I touch people, I get a feeling of what they are, what ailments they have, things like that. Magic... has a feel, but it's elusive. It's not like I can touch you and go 'boom, I know you're a mage'."
He settles into a set to continue. "What I can do, however, is compare the way people feel when I touch them. Baesline humans are all the same. Mutants, even with the same powers, have abnomalities." He bites on his lip for a moment, and continues. "Last night, when I touched your hand, I got a feedback. And it's one I associated with others. Like Mercy... and..." he doesn't glance over to Belinda, but they felt the same. "So, considering that usually gets checked out, I thought it best for Nettie to meet you. And figure out where we go. I just assumed we'll go hi, you have new friends, but that's about the gist of it?"
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"You didn't strike me as a fae. Though there were a few at the encounter at the Garden, thought it best to deal with the lich rather than contend with the wee fair folk." Nettie recounts, and she gives a smile at Blue.
"I would enjoy hearing you talk about your powers and what you feel comfortable sharing. M'Self? From a long line of witches and spiritualists. I was a naturally gifted necromancer and far too big for my britches in my youth. And did some things, did some traveling, won a couple of card games and now I manage my own shop and also help with a group called the Justice League Dark. Which just means we're not as marketable as the spandex set. We also tend to be a bit more varied in our moralities." she admits, but gives an eye roll upwards.
"Alas, Death somewhat rejects me every time I pay her mind."
- Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Oh. Sorry. I can be.. touchy about some things I guess." She smiles at Josh. Then considers Nettie and nods slightly. "That's a useful ability he has. I can sort of do the same with scents. So I understand." Blue looks at her cup and takes a sip of tea. She seems to be thinking really hard. No, she didn't miss Josh's glance at Belinda but Blue already knows that secret is and sure Belinda can scent her. "I've met shifters before and werewolves. Never met anyone that changes like me though. Or that survives through death."
"I do.. I.. it's hard to admit. I need friends, a family group. My otherself is dying from being lonely. When I go mad I tend to take a lot of people with me. I don't want that to happen again. It's hard to open up and trust people. It's hard to care about them when I remember the pain of losing those most important in some of my lives. Plus, knowing me can be a burden and I hate that." That being said, she stands up from the stool and moves a few feet away. Blue takes a deep breath and in an instant she's gone and in her place is a very large coyote. The typical greyish kind from the central States only she's larger than any wolf in existence. The bright purple collar with tags around her neck stands out. She waits a few moments to be sure they get a good look and then shifts back. This time her shirt is a grey t shirt, the collar still visible, and her shorts are replaced by faded denim jeans, her tennis shoes by black leather cowboy boots.
Quietly she awaits their reactions before taking her seat again.
Her own set of morals tends to put her at odds with fold once they learn more about her. These Justice League Dark guys so far sound more like her kind of people.
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda watches Blue curiously, excitement as she catches an inkling of the intent-- eyes widening as she breathes quickly, deep. She tosses a quick glance throw towards the door, gaze curving back to Nettie before she nods at the great coyote.
"To be alone is no fun, no bueno," she says quietly, leaning down across the counter, hands clasped together before her. She closes her eyes, debating before she draws a thoughtful breath, glancing again in hesitation. "If I had a choice-- cocoa. Cocoa for everyone." She nods gravely, apparently utterly, firmly serious. "There exists no trouble that a warm taza de chocolate, a cup of cocoa cannot go partway to resolve. Marshmallows optional."
She smiles to Blue, gesturing towards the stool once again. "Please, por favor, be welcome. And finish tea before it gets cold!"
- Joshua Foley has posed:
"When Nettie first took me in, I came with my own cyborg task force that was trying to hunt me down to vivasect me and see if my abilities could make their cyborgness work better. So, yeah. That's not going to be an issue. But I think if you could elaborate on that, it would be appreciated?" he asks.
And then a look at Belinda. "Cocoa is way better with marshmallows. So many marshmallows. You just don't like them because they're sticky." he teases her, as he sips on his tea, closing his eyes tio enjoy the taste.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" Torney bellows as much as his little crow body can.
Corvax laughs at Torney's apologies.
"Ah, right, my rabble -- Corvax. 17th Century pirate, brought back from the dead as a project when I was eight. Primary familiar."
"How d'y'do, Miss Blue?" the larger crow states.
"And Torney, recent adoption, making up for some poor decisions."
- Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Eyeing the crows with interest, Blue listens to the introductions and then grins a little before turning serious and answering Josh's question. "Sometimes there are beings or even humans, I've pissed off and don't remember and they come looking for me. Like vampires. They have very long memories, yeah? That at least I always understand. The others, usually not so much. And I die, sometimes a lot. Even though I come back, it takes time to adjust and I might never regain the memories leading up to my death and even people who can deal with what I am for the most part, don't want to deal with that. Who wants to be around someone that might consistently forget the important moments in their relationship?"
Blue sighs heavily. "I can't just stay out of trouble. I am, at my core, a predator. I try to prey on the evils of the world but that bothers some people anyway. There are those who hold all life sacred." She thinks of the conversation with the firefighters. "I'm not one of them. Certain types of creatures, certain types of people.. I'd always end if I have the chance, the world is a safer and better place without them."
There's a pleasurable hum as she sips her tea. "And then there are the moments like with my job. If I take a case and then find that the person I'm looking for is the one in danger or being persecuted rather than the one that hired me, I instantly switch sides. I follow my heart and instincts above all else." When she isn't ignoring everything and attempting to just hide from the world anyway. Something that becomes less palatable with each passing week. "And cocoa is always good. Marshmellows or no. Unless you make it with water instead of milk." Blue looks horrified by that thought.
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"And get all over the fingers!" Belinda complains bitterly, chuffing in a most unladylike way as she grumbles. "And in the hair, down one's shirt, and in the rafters--" She glowers at the two crows (birds!), eyes brooding. "The rafters! Just out of reach with stepladders!" She shakes her finger mock-threateningly, a faint smile of mirth on her features. Refocusing back to Ms. Blue, she nods evenly. "Only milk, cold or warm as suits and pleases. Water is saved for teas."
For the rest of the declaration... she bows her head demurely, ducking away. Humming quieted, returning to work at the next cup on the rack. Already dry, already clean.
Emotions clamped *tight*.
- Joshua Foley has posed:
"I'm not going to speak for my mom, but I will say that... there is not many problems we can't handle." Joshua offers with confidence. "At least when it comes to the supernatural." There's a glance at Torney. "I said I forgive you. I just don't forget." he points out. Two fingers at his eyes, and they at the crow.
"As for vampires? I mean, I get that. They'd probably see me as a helluva snack."
And then to Belinda. "That's because you. Are. Messy." he retorts, shots fired in their little sibling relationship. "You don't have to /stick/ your face in the cocoa!"
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"If you are to act like children I have no problem making you in the appearance of six year olds and then introducing you to more chores. We'll see how Sara likes *that*." Nettie snorts, and then she takes a breath, and lets it out as she turns to Blue.
"Dying does take a lot out of someone. Coming back is a most stressful experience. There are a number in the Justice League Dark who have done so. Some of us... without warning --"
"Without knowledge, and some perish without the knowledge that they would return... or... how much it changes them."
Like Johnny Blaze, Daniel Ketch, Robbie Reyes...
She peers out over the shop a moment.
"My shop and the League itself are refuges for people who need that extra support. Something I didn't have when I was younger. I've aged without my face changing, though do these eyes get tired some days!" she protests, and she gives a soft sound.
"The Justice League Dark does what the Justice League cannot, whether because of the appearance of morality, because they cannot handle what needs to be done... or because we're the best for what we do. If you'd like to join, I do have to check with Lydia and Sara -- the other two who help lead, but there is room for you here if you so wish." Nettie gives a smile.
"We also have an open bar."
- Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Listening to Belinda, Blue looks up at the rafters with a baffled expression. How? And while she is often a messy eater, she doesn't think she's ever gotten marshmallow in her hair or on her shirt. Maybe the birds? Do they have cocoa? Are they that messy?
Blue discards her runaway thoughts and focuses on Josha. "They are abominations. The very earth cries out against their descration." She huffs a sigh. "That makes me sound like some religious nut and I am not. I'm just a part of the earth in a way most humans, even among the tribes, have forgotten or don't understand. They have grown blind and deaf. I can hear her, or rather, feel her."
Oooooh. Her lips quirk as Josh teases Belinda. Suddenly she understands better about the cocoa. It's actually pretty funny but she doesn't laugh, not wanting to hurt Belinda's feelings. She can't ever remember being that young but she is certain she had no siblings.
Then Blue's full focus is turned on Nettie and as the woman keeps talking she stills completely. For several seconds that for her at least, seem an eternity, the Native woman says nothing. Her pride warring against her lonliness and rapidly losing the battle. "...Please." She husks softly, unable to resist. So lonely. For so long. The last family she remembers was in another time, another life and yet their loss and the actions taken due to that loss still echo within her today. It is time, far past time, to silence those echoes and move on. "I do like to drink." Blue manages, proud her voice is barely shaking.
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"It was in a /bowl!/" Belinda counters, complains, raising her arms to the roof in despair. "And I slipped. And that was after I totally bombed that matematica test that day! And SOMEONE had said that there were bacon bits in the bowl, mixed with the cocoa, and they should be tried because surely that would be better than malvaviscos-- marshmallows!" Leveling her glower Josh's way, she relents with Nettie's promise, mumbling quietly before she drags herself to herself. Further engagement in the Eternity Sibling War shall wait; a glance rises to Ms. Blue before she sets the cup aside, ducking back behind the counter for a few moment's shuffling.
Rising, container of cocoa mix, milk. Stir, prepare, serve.
- Joshua Foley has posed:
"You've met Sara." Joshua says in an offer. "Girl with all the blades from the other night." Though when Nettie threatens the pair of them, he turns his attention to Belinda and when Nettie looks away, sticks out his tongue at her. Nyeah.
"But yeah, if they say no, I'd be really really surprised. But they may want to talk to you some more."