17938/Around the Hellhorn

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Around the Hellhorn
Date of Scene: 14 May 2024
Location: The Inner Sanctum - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: The Black Court schemes, as usual.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Selene Gallio, Tessa

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Leaning back deeply into the throne of the Black King, Sebastian glances over the assembled upper echelons of the Black Court. "So. Upheaval on the other side of the board." He does not really need to dive further into it. They all know what the topic is. Upheaval is putting it lightly. While there has always been cooperation within the Hellfire Club, it did not come without rivalry.

"Should we stay off to the side, let things sort themselves out, or should we see what kind of opportunity this might present to us?"

He waves his hand in the air. "I invite each of you to weigh in with any ideas. I trust that you have some."

Harry Leland has posed:
"My Lord, milady. Chaos, to be crass about things, is opportunity. When things are in flux, when things are unstable, the bold move quickly. Decisively. Take what is desired. And I believe that this should be our time to move decisively." he said, fingers tapping an impatient rhythm on the arm of his chair. "Should milord, milady, desire it, I have a range of potential opportunities drawn up that should prove favorable in the long term."

Selene Gallio has posed:
The Black Queen lets out a soft little laugh, murmuring low, right leg lifted for her fingers to lace together over her knee as she quirks an eyebrow. "Chaos does bring opportunity. But a wounded animal is always the most dangerous. Moving boldly and decisively is certainly imperative. But also smartly." Dark painted lips press into a thin line. "I recently met with my esteemed counterpart on the other side of the board and..." There's a longer pause before those dark lips split in a wide smile, "Oh, she is simply /delightfully/ capable. Of course, whether or not that makes her a dangerous enemy or fortuitous ally remains to be seen, no? I'm sure we can find some way to use one of your hypothetical opportunities to determine which, without... undue risk."

Tessa has posed:
Tessa was perched on a cushion at the foot of Sebastian's throne, largely here in her position as his assistant. Her ever-present tablet was in her lap with all of the recording functions off, but she checked it occasionally as updates on the more public happenings came in. She had been running over thoughts on the status of the respective courts during all of the upheaval. "I believe some meddling might be in order," she finally said as a gentle tap to her tablet pulled the profiles of the Court up. "It is only natural that we have the superior numbers, of course, but the game is not sporting when they are lacking so many of the pieces. It makes us more vulnerable in those times where we should be banding together, as well."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Tapping at his chin, Sebastian considers the suggestions from the 'team'. "I brought your counterpart in while her King was off..." Sebastian's hand spins his hand in the air. "...doing the government thing. So I would say that if you also suspect that her loyalty can be plied to our side..." His gaze lingers upon Selene. "That is something worth exploring. To be sure, having multiple connections there does not hurt. If you want to press your advantage to see where we are, I think that wise." He turns his attention back to Leland. "If we have some opportunities, or you have identified some, please, share them. Perhaps one would be, as the Queen suggests, a valid test."

He nods in agreement with Tessa. "I do agree. It is hardly sporting when they are in such disarray. As much as I appreciate the advantage, I am looking forward to the White King becoming more active so we have someone to play against."

Harry Leland has posed:
Leland cleared his throat. "Sport is one thing, Sebastian. Business is quite another. In unstable times, sport is a luxury. I've run some prelim scenarios through Tessa and her people and I believe we have some excellent opportunities to strengthen on grasp on critical sectors. Law. Finance. Politics. People are worried. Apprehensive. And, as I believe we all know, when people are unsettled, they look to strength. Leadership. _Command_. That, milord, is where our best opportunity lies. Let our brothers and sisters in the White Court play their games of oneupsmanship. Of deceit. We, the Black, should strive decisively." he said, then tried to force himself to relax. "And to those ends, we've identified some players we believe are ripe to either be influenced or replaced entirely with people entirely loyal to us."

Selene Gallio has posed:
Selene's head bobs as she locks that dark, intent gaze on Shaw, "Oh, I will be certain to meet her again. And include any... cross-board cooperation in our myriad subjects of discussion." Her head dips to Leland as she murmurs dryly, "Though our compatriot is correct that we are in unstable times, one cannot /only/ focus on business. After all, one must /live/ one's life, even in trying times. Sometimes especially then." She chews her lower lip for a moment and sighs out, "Though I do think with the upcoming political changes, we should of course ensure that we can speak words into the halls of power without the... audacity of simply occupying them ourselves. Though I'm sure the White King had his reasons for thinking that course of action was well-considered."

She's definitely not going to say outright that 'ego' was almost certainly at the top of those reasons. She flashes a little grin to Tessa and arches an eyebrow, "Should we perhaps offer them some of the more competent candidates for ascension? I suppose if we're going to stick to the concept of it being a game, there's /some/ reason for... sportsmanship."

Tessa has posed:
"That was my thought as well. Cross-training to help their depleted ranks learn what is expected of them and soften any particularly rough edges. If that happens to benefit our side all the better." The Herald's smile was small, but had a distinctly pointy edge to it. "Ms. Ireton is back, but I do not believe she is suited to the White. She has expressed interest in learning some subtlety to be of further use. Mr. Worthington could be a useful asset. I believe he could become a decent Herald. There are others as well. Ms. St. Croix, perhaps."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is a wrinkle of Sebastian's nose. "I think that we should tread carefully around too many that associate with the Westchester crew, as I am not quite sure I trust telepaths that I cannot control." Not that he controls the telepaths in the room, but they are at least on his side. Allegedly. "It was risky enough to bring in the Invisible Woman, but no one is prying into her brain as to our doings. The last thing we need are Xavier's brats coming pounding at our door, particularly if they are incensed enough by the President's doings."

He glances between Leland and Selene. "I think we can certainly do both. Place people where it suits us, influence those who would hold those seats, the power from the shadows was always the safest because then when any go outside of our intentions, we can prune and replace with others more pliable." He nods slowly, rubbing his chin as his gaze lands on Leland. "I would say provide the list, and those that are more suitable to cooercion financially, Tessa can arrange through intermediaries." He looks to Selene. "Those that require more...delicate...touch, perhaps you can see to it that our influence is extended."

Harry Leland has posed:
"Tessa already has the relevant portfolios, milord. All we wanted was your foreknowledge and agreement to proceed. Now that we have those things, I believe that we can begin making our desired maneuvers." he said. He did so love to see a Scheme (tm) come together. "As for our counterparts across the isle, them I leave to those more suited to the required machinations." he said graciously. "I certainly have no desire to stand in the sights of the Westchesterites or any of the more ... militant and reactionary ... groups out there." he said diplomatically and with great care. "Has there been any new progress on antipsi?" he asked curiously, keeping an eye on his Queen.

Selene Gallio has posed:
Selene bobs her head and sighs out softly, "Exactly. Reliable subordinates are difficult to find... which is, of course, why you are /so lucky/ to have us all, hm?" Eyebrows perk towards Shaw before the Black Queen is clicking her tongue softly. "But yes, I will focus internally. Reach out to our erstwhile shining Queen across the table and see what mischief we may agree to come to together." Her head tilts thoughtfully and she hums out. "Perhaps with... considerations to not be /too/ ambitious in such interesting times." She clicks her tongue and shrugs, "Or perhaps I will be /terribly/ ambitious because of them. Frankly, I don't care to decide yet."

Tessa has posed:
"Once I am done separating the most interesting ones, they will be forwarded to both of you for final approval," Tessa acknowledges. She has other thoughts, and plans for the ground network. "All of the pieces will fall into place in their correct time," she assures, considering reaching out to Ms. Colbert for another reading. "If it pleases you in the meantime, I'd like to have Ms. Ireton do some learning with our Bishops and Rooks. The endeavor appears fruitful."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Hmm." Sebastian nods towards Leland, with a glance at Tessa in confirmation. Suitable targets, indeed. "Then of course, please, proceed. You know that I trust Tessa's judgement more than I trust my own, and your eye for opportunity is exceeded by few alive, Leland." His gaze returns to Selene, and he is forced to utter a soft laugh. "Of course, My Queen, and perhaps you would find a way to manage both. As ever is your way."

He nods to himself and to the group as a whole. "I think that we have a solid plan to move forward now. Is there anything else that anyone wishes to bring forth?"

Harry Leland has posed:
Leland just leaned back and relaxed, mouthing the word "Flatterer" to Sebastian. The wild card here, as it was so often, was the position of Queen. Selene had her own agenda and considering that she pre-dated Christianity, she had had literal centuries to hone her craft. But with that great time also came a drifting of viewpoint, given how alien her experiences were and are to anyone born in the 20th or 21st centuries. "No further business, milord." he said formally to Sebastian. "Just the mundanities not worth tying up this august body's time with. Meet me for a drink later, Sebastian, and I'll share some most interesting financial developments. Our mole inside the Swiss banking structures is almost literally worth his weight in gold."

Selene Gallio has posed:
Selene sighs and shrugs her shoulders at Leland, "There are... considerations with antipsi shielding. From my side the main concern is that anything done to shield on a large scale would inevitably involve some level of magic... which then increases our exposure to hostile forces that are monitoring the sorcerous aspects of the world. And... well, I wouldn't want to trust some flash in the pan tech startup with some sort of technological endeavor in /my/ brain, so...."

There's a long /long/ pause. "...No. No concrete progress. Though I haven't been made aware of any active psionic threats, so... we may, hopefully, be safe for now. It seems most of our external sources of... friction... are busy with one another."

She perks her eyebrows up and hums, "Oh, nothing that can't be better served as an email here. We're due for another gala event of one sort or another. The Met just had theirs after all, and we really should remind everyone that there is a difference between the /famous/ gala and the... best gala."

Tessa has posed:
"I do believe the rest of it is hiding in your paperwork, My King." Tessa's chide is playful, a rarity for her outside of his office. "I will leave the magic to you, my queen, though I will set a meeting for Gala scheduling and theme. You, Ms. Richards... perhaps Ms. Frost as well? She has impeccable taste for the fineries." She stood gracefully, smoothing her skirt and resting her hand on Sebastian's shoulder. "I do apologize for the absolute mound of paperwork you have this month. We have contract renewals soon."