18249/Who Is The U-Boat Commander

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Who Is The U-Boat Commander
Date of Scene: 09 June 2024
Location: New York Harbor Docks
Synopsis: A ferry strikes something in the water and begins sinking. Heroes respond to save the passengers and a few cars. Guy with the bitching vet watches it sink.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Mark Grayson, Monet St. Croix, Eve Wilkins, Kyle Rayner, Sunny Harlow

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The ferry is running from Midtown West, across the harbor and down to St. George on Staten Island. One of the larger ferry runs that New York has, but not the longest.

Kitty Pryde sits on a bench on the upper level of the ferry, tapping away on a laptop. She's checking out some dark web sites that are known for handling various unsavory items for sale. Hoping she'll spot something related to the exotic weapons that have been showing up on the streets of New York lately.

The ferry churns along through the water, loaded up with cars and passengers. Overhead the skies are grey and there's a smell of possible rain starting soon. Kitty is seated beneath an overhang, but might have to go inside if it does rain and the wind pushes it beneath the cover.

Unfortunately, there is a long waterlogged tree trunk which is floating almost below the water surface. The captain doesn't see it as the boat rolls along through the water, making good speed for Staten Island. The prow of the boat hits it just to the side of center, and the heavy log punches right through the hull. The ferry shudders from the impact and Kitty is knocked down the bench a little bit before she rights herself.

Below the waterline, the water is pouring in, quickly flooding the mechanical sections of the ship. The engines die, and the captain sends out a mayday.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Besides Kitty, there was a couple on the fairy. Sure, Mark and Sunny could fly everywhere, but sometimes, it's just nice to pretend to be normal and do a normal date thing. Up on the observation deck with Sunny, Mark is leaning against the rails, dressed casually with a short sleeve shirt and jeans as he looks out over the water. "So do you have a shopping budget this trip?" he teases the Viltrumite as he turns his attention to her. "And did we bring reinforced bags to carry it all in?"

The weather looks gross, but he's not bothered by that. He's out an about and it promises to be a fun day.

Until it's not.

The ship lurches and he stumbles a little, lifting off the ground a small float to keep himself stable. There's a glance down as he notices the water flowing into the ship and his expression narrows. "Did you bring your?" He untucks his shirt a little to show the blue cloth beneath as he drops his shirt to find a place to get out of his street clothes so that he can take to the skies.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She wasn't normally on this side of the city. The Harbor was oh so disgusting after all. But since teh SEntinel attack that had mostly been driven off by the Brotherhood with the damage no doubt repaired by Damage Control by the same evening at the most, she was trying to swing by here more often just in case there was something that the Xavier's group had missed in sweeping up the area. So she's not that far off when she picks up the alert coming from Katherine telepathically while sending back <<En route>>

Then she geos to put out an alert on comms which would be spread to any team members of any group in the general area, bouncing along the various teams' networks like a digital ping pong ball.

Eve Wilkins has posed:
Just this last weekend, the ferries had been hit by undersea creatures.

So they might have been on higher alert than normal - but...! It also meant that Samantha Eve Wilkins - otherwise known as Atom Eve - wanted to keep a closer eye on the comings and goings.

And with it going into summer, she didn't have the same number of studies to keep her busy that she otherwise did.

So what did this mean? With that tittering sound of her energy propelling her forward with the pink flares on her hands and feet, Eve was already flying high above the bay. Now, she didn't have a radio to hear the mayday, but the lurching ship and the odd angle it was taking was suspicious enough.

Eve narrows her eyes, deciding to angle that way for a better look.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle floats down from the Earth's atmosphere, actually by weird happenstance. Seeing one floating hero, he asks, "Situation? I can get the League or Titans here," he understands what it's like to float above a spot, assess the situation and go from there.

His gaze goes over the ferry from spot to spot. Yes, he's aware that the Ferry industry took one Hell of a hit this week. However, that could mean the thing is still an easy target. Plus, there are just some jerks that want to kick something while it's down.

The good thing, it looks like no one is asking to be saved. Nor are there any screams. That means everyone is okay...for now.

The presence of another hero does put Kyle on guard.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sometimes normal was better anyway, after all, have you ever tried to eat an icecream at Mach 2? So she's grinning a little as he teases her about the shopping, a roll of her eyes. "Don't you start!" She teases, crossing her arms in a mock pout. "I mean, I like to keep my options open if we see something neat...and I'll make two trips if we have to!"

A little grin still on her lips, the blonde was actually leaning in to try can claim a peck of his cheek when the sudden surge has her bracing her hand to avoid an accidental headbutt.

Did she bring her costume? Well, one of them, the one easily worn under such an outfit. "Always!"

Her hand moves, making to take his and drag him along with her towards whatever privacy they might find.

Time to go to work!

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty closes up her laptop and slides it into a backpack as she rises to go over to the rail to see what's going on. After getting Monet's attention in more traditional forms of communication, she sends a telepathic update. <"I think the ferry hit something.">

And boy did it ever. The log managed to also hit one of the fuel tanks, and it is leaking. The fuel floating on top of the water that is flooding the engine room. Carrying it back towards a number of hot spots. All it takes is contact with the wrong spot, and ignition happens!

A fire breaks out throughout the engine room, and something down there explodes and blows another hole in the hull, and part of the deck above it too. People over there are thrown by the explosion, hurt by the blast or by the shattered wood from the deck that goes flying.

Kitty lets out a swear word that her mother would not appreciate, and phases in moments upon hearing the blast. She's too far to grab any other passengers, and a few are hit by flying debris.

The ship starts to list. The explosion blew off part of the ramp, and three cars go sliding off the ferry and into the water as it begins to list towards the front and left hand side of the boat. (That's the bow and port side, for you sailors.)

Mark Grayson has posed:
Coming out from underneath the passenger deck, Invincible takes flight, rising into the air, opposite of where the passengers are all gathering and gawking to look over the side at the hole. Some... okay, most of them have phones out and are shooting videos or making short clips set to 'My Heart Will Go On' complete with Rose saying, 'I'll never let go, Jack'.

She totally let go.

But time to put some of that 'potential' that Captain America claimed to see when they were in Mexico for the tsunami. "Indestructibelle, we're going to go under and try to keep the ship upright." As he notices Eve and Kyle, his eyes widen with relief under his mask, and he taps his comm, which had caught Monet's signal, to offer his idea. "Monet, it's Invincible. Indestructibelle and I are gonna try to keep the ship upright. Atom Eve, can you and Green Lantern come up with something to plug the hole and drain the water?" he suggests. "Maybe you can transmute some of the cars below decks into a patch? Sucks for their insurance, but better than drowning?"

It was a good plan. A great plan. But that plan was ruined the minute that the explosion rocks the ship. That is going to change things and the plan of attack. Flying down to where the deck had heaved up and splintered in explosion, Mark dives down into the fire, looking for anyone that might have gotten trapped below decks and starts to physically yank down bulkheads to try to seal off the fire's spread.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Lovely <<They must not have cleared the harbor thoroughly>> That comes from Monet and sent to Kitty. <<I can try and help steady it if you can identify areas of weakness>> THe fact they have multiple super strong types means that she can focus on stabilizing while the others who have a more varied powerset can help with evacuating them. Monet goes to close her eyes and rapidly starts sweeping mentally as she goes in to hold up one area of the ferry that's got a breach in it, just trying to anchor it in place, straining.

She goes to send the locations of each of the civilians on it that she can to the other minds rapidly coming to help out, moving to try and keep an updated, three dimensional map shoing what she can pickup of the damage.

Eve Wilkins has posed:
"I don't know if there's a situation yet," says Eve, nonchalant to the fact that a stranger just flew up to her. Usually, flying meant they were some sort of superhero, and when she glances his way, well, he was probably wearing something superheroic looking.

"It's moving a little weird down there, and..." she says. There was the explosion, and Eve grimaces. "Well, last time it was an undersea monster. Maybe there's more of them," she says.

Cars were important.

People needed transportation, although Eve would never prioritize lives over cars...

"Atom Eve," she says, before swooping into action, entering a nosedive and reaching out her hands, pink energy enveloping the cars as she hovers them in the air, her eyes searching for signs of the source of the danger.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle listens to Eve talk about how the ship's moving weird. Then in a flash, everything starts to go sideways. "Green Lantern," he says firmly zooming with her. Eve's snagging cars. His gazes goes over the ferry. The level with the most cars is his choice. A construct takes shape as he points the right hand forward.

A green energy bridge stretches outward heading toward the nearest mass of land that looks like can hold a bunch of cars real quick. The thing is as wide as the Ferry.

"One at a time! Orderly, orderly!" he says firmly to the vehicles knowing a few want to haul ass. So, Kyle's trying to harness that fear along with some direction to the constructs. Plus, it can give people more time to grab any cars, if vehicles make it to his construct bridge.

Kyle's just trying to add more time to the clock.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It wasn't her grander, more dramatic costume with the cape. Instead Indestructibelle was wrapped in the figure-hugging leotard-like version, her belt retrieved from her handbag and clipped into place. Following Invincible up, her eyes sweep the scene before she too spots the shifts of green and pink that signals backup is here. Amazing, but it didn't give them an excuse not to act.

"Alright! I'll keep an eye out for anyone swept beneath!" she calls, the last spoken words before the psychic connection has her blinking. That was a new one for her!

Disappearing beneath the waves, she moves to join Mark, running the civillians she'll find while he takes the lead on bulkhead adjustment.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Part of the deck is weakened by the explosion, and Monet catches it and holds it up, keeping the upper level from caving in. The ship is starting to list further to that side, passengers running for the other side as they see the heroes approaching. "They are coming to save us!" one little girl yells, waving at the railing until her mother pulls her away from it.

As Invincible heads down into the engine room, the water is rolling a few feet deep across the bottom, with flaming fuel oil on top of it. He can hear people shouting. There are men who were working the engine room further at the back having clambered up on top of machinery to get away from the flames floating atop the water. It also puts them up high in the room where all the smoke is.

One of the cars that Eve lifts is a 25 year old Honda Civic. There are two people inside of it who were frantically trying to roll down the windows to bail out of it. They gasp as the car suddenly levitates up out of the water.

Meanwhile there's a really bitching 'vette that's sinking beside the Civic. "My car! You have to save my car!" a man with slicked back hair and a thousand dollar suit yells towards Atom Eve. "Do you know how much it costs!?" he yells at her. Meanwhile a woman loses her footing and tumbles into the water over where the railing was blown off in the explosion.

It's a long way from the ferry to land, but Green Lantern makes the bridge that starts spanning the gap. It is definitely going to be some strain and a strong Will for him to hold it as cars see the escape path made for them. The first adventurous soul starts up their vehicle and pulls forward. An old VW van, it putters slowly at first, but once it's on the green span and rolls for a bit, they gain confidence and start to drive a little faster. Another car pulls forward, but after that there are two unoccupied vehicles blocking the way for the rest.

Sunny finds some bulkhead doors that no one had a chance to get closed. Against the weight of water it would be tough for a normal person to close them. But not someone who is...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Going to brace her position, Monet closes her eyes while rapidly switching about information and sharing where people are, and the state of the ship as she takes in thoghts from civilians, from the other heroes, and works at keeping them all coordinated as she can as it ends up looking like a flashing three dimensional display over of the ship, wtih dots for where each of the people were, the damage to the ship, and the general status of the evacuation, as well as when she could get a sense of it panic levels from the crowd, holding herself in place.

<<Do we have another location to put them at given our distance out?>> They probably couldn't fly them all back to the mainland with the state that the boat was in.

Mark Grayson has posed:
As he yanks down another bulkhead, Invincible hears the cries, and he taps his comm. "Indestructibelle, I got some survivors down here, going to help them find a way out! Be careful, babe." With that, he makes his way down the hallway to the engine room. His hand presses against the door and feeling that it's not completely hot, he yanks it off of it's hinges with a squelch of metal on metal.

Making his way within, while he has no way to fight the fire itself, but... he comes upon the survivors, coughing a couple of times from the smoke inhalation. "I'm going to make you a way out!" he promises, and rises into the air. As he presses against the cieling of the compartment, he raps on the steel a couple of times, just to make sure there's noone above him.

Then he draws back, fist clenched and throws a massive punch against the metal, rending it and ripping through the deck. Hole created, he flies up and grabs a rope, lowering it down. "Those that can climb, one at a time!"

But he's not waiting for them to orderly climb up. Grabbing men by the back of their shirts, he hefts them up and into the hole so that they can climb up onto the next deck up and make their way to the escape corridor.

<<Eve? Can you make like a giant... floatie? Or air mattress or something to put people on until the Coast Guard arrives?>> he asks over the old Teen Team frequency. Maybe she has it on still?

Eve Wilkins has posed:
Eve obviously prioritizes the cars with people in it.

After that, it was the beat up vehicles, leaving said bitching 'vette to start to sink beneath the waves. Eve was straining to lift the vehicles with her energy, her brow furrowed, her teeth clenched. "Do you know how hard it is to lift a car?!" she snaps out.

She usually liked to utilize momentum to make it easier. With this, though? It was basically a deadlift. She chooses the Civic and lifts it up, both hands fluttering in front of herself as she keeps herself aloft with the spurts of energy from her boots.

...and now people are falling into the water. Dammit.

Multitasking was dangerous with powers like hers, although she was good at it. Letting the hovering Civic linger there a minute, Eve creates a thin rope of energy and lashes it out like a lasso at the woman who fell, her right eye twitching as she tries to entice it to whip around, to seize her firmly around the torso. "Is there anyone in your 'vette?!" she calls out, her voice a bit strained.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
*Title card Indestructibelle?*

Well, they were swapping jobs on the fly, but Sunny wasn't exactly lacking in the strength department either. She moves as Invincible makes for the workers, unphazed by the smoke or flames alike as she works her way towards the bulkhead, deceptively delicate hands grabbing and working the steel effortlessly to close them over and seal them once everyone was accounted for.

<<Telepathy talking? This is uh...new. But I think I have this one sealed up.>>

Poor Monet, dealing with psychic amatuers!

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle feels the strain as one car gets on the bridge. Now he has to maintain the bridge with the weight of one car, account for the motion, and everything else. A second car only doubles that load.

Everyone starts to prioritize the good cars and normally Kyle would be all for that. The ring can only do so much.

"BURN EM'! STEAL EM! KEEP EM'! DON'T CARE, MOVE THOSE TWO!" Kyle points to the two empty cars that are blocking a lot of others in. Right now, he's trying to make sure the cars on the bridge stay dry.

If he tries to divert energy to that degree, those cars might become new vehicles to snag out of the water. And he's trying to brace for the weight of others.

Just focusing with the ring, tonight's going to be a long night.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The men in the engine room give a cheer as Invincible crashes through to resuce them. "Wow!" one yells before coughing, as Mark knocks a hole in the metal of the ceiling. As he starts tossing the engineers out, one of them laughs and calls to the man who just got tossed upwards, "Hey, you got picked up by a guy, Rick!" But he doesn't have any qualms about being the next one that Invincible saves.

Meanwhile Sunny is getting the bulkhead doors closed, at least slowing the ferry's taking on water below decks. Monet's telepathy shows a lot of people crowing over to the right side of the boat, and towards the back. Though some have seen Green Lantern's roadway out and are heading down for their cars, pushing and shoving on othe stairs.

The man with the slicked back hair yells back to Eve, "No, but it's a -Vet-! I'm sure those in the junker Honda can swim ok!"

The woman who went in the water couldn't swim ok though, and Eve's pink ropelike construct is seized hold of, the woman clutching the rope part in a death grip even as it settles about her body and she's kept from floundering and sinking.

Kitty Pryde meanwhile has run along the deck, pulling open cabinet doors behind which life preservers can be found. "Grab those, give them to people who can't swim first," she says before moving to the next and opening it.

That's when she sees Green Lantern's roadway, and peers down through a window at the parking space below and the two cars blocking the way. "I got it, Green Lantern!" the brown haired young woman in jeans and a blouse says. Kitty sinks through the deck, grabs one of the cars and then car and girl disappear below deck like they were ghosts. A moment later her head sticks up and she grabs the other car's bumper and it too sinks through the deck to disappear.

The other cars start driving off. Kitty eventually rises up to stand on the deck, one car driving right through her before she steps out of the way.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It takes a lot of focus. Monet goes to brace her part, even as she goes to keep the link continuously updated. It's much easier for her to stay still while doing so. Coordinating several dozen minds, picking up sensory information, and passing it along and routing it is difficult stuff. It might come simple to Jean, but it's at her limits. At least these people aren't panicking and the situation is stable, and there's enough heroes around to help with it.

And there's not a fight going on and it's not mid melee. That makes it far, far simpler than many other times this sort of thing has come up. So with a slow count in her head, she goes to update the situationas people move, as the cars drive across, and the slow evacuation of the mostly stabilized ship goes on.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Once the engine room is cleared, Invincible makes his way back to where Indestructibelle is. "You good?" he asks her as they stand amongst the flames and wreckage as if it's a normal day for the pair of them. "We should get back above decks and see where we can help." he comments, gesturing up from their relative positions.

<<Sorry, she's a tele-virgin.>> Invincible teases Indestructibelle over the telepathic link. <<I think we have everyone cleared out down here! Anywhere you can use a pair of heroes?>>

Eve Wilkins has posed:
"I'll get it when everyone is safe!" Eve snaps out.

She might then proceed to ignore the man at that point, her eyes twitching still as she applies force carefully and precisely to the vehicle, hoping to deposit it on a solid surface of the ferry, next in line to meet the vehicles leaving on Green Lantern's roadway.

The woman on the water was easy. She lifts her up, shortening the rope construct to bring her into the air, and then... release her!

But far from being an evil turn from Eve, with the car out of her mental strain, she was making a giant platform in the water. A people platform construct that floated. "Everyone who can, climb down onto this until we can figure it out!" she calls.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle looks toward those two cars, that he wished could just be flung into the ocean. He sees a Brunette run up. Suddenly she vanishes through the floor -with- the car. "So cool!" This might be his first time seeing someone with phasing. Well, a human with phasing. There are two green individuals that could also phase. They just weren't human, so it's almost weird to him that humans can do this too. Well, either human adjacent or the next step in humanity, but that's just semantics in his mind.

"I'm buying Ghost Girl a pizza," he strains and sess that second car vanish.

"Fun part's coming," and then he waits for more cars to join. Hopefully, this just buys more time for everyone involved.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The next figure would find themselves housted by 'Belle, but she was drawing the next engineer skywards and likely out towards the offer of Eve's construct.

Amdist the madness, Invincible's comment on her Telepathic-Virgin...-ness earns a light roll of her eyes before she lifts off again.

<<Okay, I'll pick up people as I see them, direct me to those in most need!>>

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The cars are driving off along Green Lanterns roadway which is going to save both a number of vehicles and lives. But the ferry is continuing to sink lower in the water, and it's continuing to take on a list that is going to eventually make it so the cars can't drive off anymore. For now though over a dozen cars are driving along his roadway, increasing their speed in their desire to reach land. That lead vehicle is finally making it to the short of St. George on Staten Island. The rest just need another few minutes.

Though Atom Eve provides a second option as she makes the big pink energy platform floating in the water. Kitty starts pointing people towards it, and people are clambering over each other to get to it. "Don't rush, don't hurt people. We've got superheroes here, they'll save everyone. Just stay calm," Kitty yells.

She waves over to Atom Eve and Green Lantern, a look of gratitude on her face. "I heard that, and it's a deal!" she yells to the Green Lantern about the pizza.

Invincible flies up and Kitty finally spots him. She flashes a quick grin, but then realizes that in her civilian attire he isn't likely to recognize the pilot of the black stealth jet he once helped to a safe landing. She waves to him though and points towards the people clambering towards Eve's raft. "If you can help people get down to that!" she calls over to him. Kitty waves over to Indestructibelle as well, then moves over to try to help people and keep them from clambering over each other as best they can.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix takes her breath and braces over, finally going to release the section of the boat she was on as it was no longer necessary to keep braced with the cars gonig off and that section of the boat no longer in contact with anything that needed to be propped up. There are scratches over her back from wood and metal but nothing that won't heal in a few hours.

<<Good job, is everyone all right?>> She would query over while moving to rapidly scan the area, looking for anyone in the water or in life vests that needed picking up.

Mark Grayson has posed:
As Kitty gives directions, Invincible starts to help load people onto the raft, a grin at Eve. "What, not a rubber duck?" he teases her, and then ohs. "Don't know if you two met yet! Green Lantern, Atom Eve. Atom Eve, Green Lantern. He does what you do, except in green." Which is totally not correct in the least, but Mark is keeping it simple for the moment as they work to offload the ferry onto Eve's launch, or over Kyle's bridge.

Off in the distance, the first appearance of the Port Authority boats and NYFD are making their way over to assist with the rescue, and at least tow the launch back to shore when it's filled up. "Great work everyone!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Belle leaps floats over, jumping close enough to scoop up people alongside Mark's own efforts. Reassuring words and careful manuevering, one person after another was set down by the blonde.

Eve Wilkins has posed:
It was less of a strain to hold up the raft, such as it was.

Although she did feel that tickling strain at the back of her mind from flinging the cars around, she had done much worse, heavier, and harder in her life. "Maybe I just don't have the same sense of humor, Invincible," she says, with a smile for Kitty as she approaches, her eyes nonetheless tracking the water for any passengers that were missed.

"Hello, Green Lantern," she says. "I don't know if anyone does *exactly* what I do, but we'll go with it," she says.

She would still look for the guy's waterlogged Vette. But after there was no one on her magic raft. "Nice work, by the way. What happened?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Green Lantern chuckles at Ghost Girl calling him out about pizza. Fair. He would do the same. Respect.

Once the last car on his group is there, Kyle smiles because before he has to keep stretching the construct. Now, it could become more like a treadmill. Working on enough space to keep the ones far ahead going, while removing unneeded spots left behind. In a weird way, it's almost like a moving treadmill.

Invincible does the introduction. Kyle doesn't try correcting Invicible. However, he just sees Eve's powers as his own, but cranked up to an eleven.

"Hello, Atom Eve. Your powers are cooler. I make Holograms. You make...reality?" Kyle thinks it works on the atomic structure, but all of her creations look a lot more realistic. So, Kyle doesn't think of them as holograms or illusions.

Kyle will just keep the bridge going.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde makes her way over to the raft as well once most of the other people are off the ferry. If anyone is paying attention, she seems to run down the air to it like she were descending steps. The little girl from earlier stares at her, and Kitty gives the girl a wink back and makes a shush gesture with her finger and lips. The girl grins at her.

The police boat is pulling up, and other ships in the area that heard the mayday. "Thanks for your help," Kitty yells up to the heroes. She's echoed by plenty of people. Invincible, Indestructibelle, Monet, Green Lantern and Atom Eve have made some fans today.

<"Thanks for the assist, Monet. Hope this didn't pull you away from anything else.">

Mark Grayson has posed:
"It's the same concept. You make different things." Invincible is probably rolling his eyes under his mask. But of course, that's like him saying he can do the same thing that Superman can - but Kal-El is way way out of Mark's league.

When he hears someone call out to Ghost Girl, Mark's eyes for a moment fall on the pretty brunette, and he tries to figure out where he met her before. Not enough tight fitting X-Uniform to make him realize it's the Blackbird girl. "Thanks for the help!" He waves to Kitty as he drops off the last people he had with him.

As he finishes getting the last people off, he turns to Sunny as she finishes helping and realizes -- their civilian clothes are still on board. "Be right back!" And off into the ship he goes to get the gym bag with their civilian stuff in it.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shake her head mentally andg o to send back to Kitty <<saving lives always takes precedence over anything else.>> M might be full of herself, incredibly egoisstical and arrognat.. But she wasn't selfish. At least, not to the degree she would leave people to die when she could have helped in any case.

That's sent to Kitty and Kitty alone as she goes to head out.