1967/Bailing out a Guthrie

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Bailing out a Guthrie
Date of Scene: 03 June 2020
Location: NYPD 20th Precinct
Synopsis: Sam, Alex, and Alexis go to bail Paige out of jail.
Cast of Characters: Paige Guthrie, Alex Summers, Samuel Guthrie, Alexis Carr

Paige Guthrie has posed:
It's early evening in Manhattan. The traffic has died down to a reasonable crawl, the streets aren't too busy as the city starts to settle in for the night. Paige has found herself in a holding cell in the NYPD's 20th Precinct after a run in with a robber who was holding the store owner of a bodega at gunpoint. She had husked, but hadn't had time to change back into her clothes by the time the cops showed up, so they picked her up under the charge of public indecency and tossed her into the jail.

Paige had used her one phone call to call her brother, explaining to him that she was in jail and she needed to be bailed out. She was very vague on the phone as to /why/ though, having wanted to put it off as long as possible because it's just embarrassing. Now she waits for her brother, fretting about what exactly she's going to say to him once he gets here.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex has a car. More importantly, he badly needs to...just get way. From the current situation. From what he knows is happening to Emma. From the sense of helplessness. There's nothing he can do...but wait for a break the investigation.

    Luckily, when Sam mentioned he needed a ride to go bail out his sister (though probably didn't say why), Alex was happy to offer to drive. Which is why the two are pulling into the police station parkinglot as he parks. '...here we are. Never had to bail someone out from jail before." he murmurs ruefully.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie rides in with Alex. The young man is frowning most of the ride in. He did resist the urge to blast into town, barely. He will have made sure he brought all of his ID and paperwork for Paige. "She did not tell me what she was in for, I should probably have called the precinct and asked them," He admits to Alex. The young man looks over and says "Me either, but remember my pa having to for my uncle Luke."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
The precinct isn't all that busy, so it's easy for the pair of mutants to get seen by the NCO. Led back by the man staffing the front desk, Sargant Rivera stands to greet them. "You boys here for Paige Guthrie, I take it?" he asks. He's got a casual air about him, like this sort of thing is pretty routine for him. "This way. I'll take you to her."

"I tell you, them muties always surprise me whenever I come across one of them," he says conversationally, not realizing he's speaking to a pair of 'muties' himself. "Now, Ms. Guthrie seems like a good girl, went and stopped a robbery that could have gone wrong. I like that. Keeps one more thug off the street and nobody got hurt. I don't know what happened to get her naked like that, but my officers decided that they just couldn't leave her on the street so they picked her up.

"Here we are," he says, once he leads Sam and Alex to the holding cell to where Paige is currently housed. Right now she's wearing an NYPD t-shirt that's several sizes too big, and a pair of sweats that just scream 'borrowed.' She looks up when she hears Sargent Rivera's voice and upon seeing Sam and Alex she blushes furiously, cheeks going bright red. "Hi," she says meekly.

Alex Summers has posed:
    There's a faint 'twitch' to Alex at the word "muties", as the big man's eyes narrow slightly. "Wait, naked?" he says, blinking slightly. Hmm. Well, it's not like he's not aware of powers that would be hard on clothing....though he's not aware of exactly how Paige's power works. Maybe they just...blew off whens he went flying like Sam or something? "So what's the damage?" he says, turning slightly to put himself between the officer and the siblings and Alexis, so they can talk fo ra moment.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie frowns a bit at hearing the term mutie as well, but walks along. He hmms a bit listening to the officer telling them what happened. "Ah am sure she was trying to help people, she is a good kid." He looks at Paige and his first words for her will be "Are you ok?" He maybe tempted to tease or lecture, but first instincts seems to be to care for her. He will look to the officer and says "Ah want to get her out to Ah need to pay a bail or what?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Clad in not her casual clothes, but the smart business casual of her 'other life', Alexis stays nearer to Alex, hesitant to get too close to Paige out of fear of recognition, though her arms were crossed. Her heels had tapped against the tile floor of the holding area with impatience. She wore a bright red bolero jacket, her hair pulled up, wearing large sunglasses and giving her best 'bored rich kid' impression.

    "If it's bail that needs to be posted, do you accept debit cards or will a check do?" she asks, pursing her bright red lips as she regards the officer.

    Nevermind that she felt her temperature rise at 'muties'.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"I'm letting her go with a warning," Sargent Rivera says, pulling out a ring of keys. He nods to Sam in agreement, "She does seem like a good kid for a mutie, and she was very cooperative with us. Most of them folk will flee the scene of the crime like the other two did, but she stayed. Makes my life easier, as I said."

Unlocking the jail cell, he slides open the barred door. "C'mon, kid. Remember how kind I was in this, and don't let it happen again," he says sternly. "Now you can go pick up your stuff at the front desk."

"I won't," agrees Paige meekly, avoiding eye contact with her brother. "I'll be very careful to keep that in mind, sir." When she's finally out of the jail, she hesitates before hugging Sam. "Thanks for getting me," she says. "Let's get out of here. I can tell you what happened on the way back."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mmms, folding his arms over his chest. "...thanks for that, then." he says to the officer, nodding to him, then letting the two have a moment, as he steps over to Alexis. "Let's get her stuff, can talk on the drive back?" he offers, motioning up front.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hugs Paige tight and says "Lets get ya out of here, and see about getting ya a change of clothes." He releases her before looking back to the officer, and frowns a bit more, and says to him "Yea, some of us muties, are ok, even have thought about being police officers to try to help folks." He stresses the word Us watching the officer's reaction to it. He will look to the officer, and asks "Has her school or anyone else bene notified, that ah need to know?

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis gives a little bit of an angry pout. "Honestly," she replies to Alex, looking over to the tanned blond, "what's the point of being a rich girlfriend if I can't bail people out all willy-nilly?? the kind-hearted Brit replies with some measure of exasperation to Alex, and then she gives a smile, looking to Paige.

    "Hello, I'm Alexis." she introduces herself friendly-like to Paige.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Sargent Rivara scowls in distaste when Sam mentions that the entire gang are mutants, but only mutters, "Just get out of here." Paige shoots Sam a 'What are you /doing/?' glance but doesn't say anything herself, instead walking forward to the front desk to retrieve her things.

Once they've put some distance between themselves and the racist Sargent, Paige visibly starts to relax. "Thanks for getting me, guys," she says. "I really appreciate it." To Alexis, she turns and sticks out her hand, "Please to meet you. I'm Paige."

When they reach the front desk, they have all of Paiges things in a bag. Her clothes are torn up, but her bag is there and all its contents are accounted for. From there she walks silently to the waiting car.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Belatedly, Alexis' introduction jars some manners lose in Alex as the blonde man grunts. "Welcome. I'm Alex. Alex Summers. I'll be your chaffeur today." he says, unlocking the car for everyone to pile in, sliding into the driver's seat. "So you stopped a robber?" He buckles in, before closing the door, waiting until everyone else is ready.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie did not plan on outing all of them, just himself figuring the whole family thing might have been a give away. He will sign the paperwork that is needed to get his sister out. The young man does not back down from the officer. He does make a mental note to get the officer's badge number and name in case needed later. He will make sure he is in the rear of the group somewhat protective manner. He will look to Paige "Alex is Scott's kid brother, and well. you have heard a bit about Alexis." he does smile a bit at the last bit.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I've heard a lot about you from your brother." Alexis replies friendly-like to Paige as she tucks her skirt in a little bit to get in the car. "Should we go to Brooklyn to recoup? I could have a kettle on and I'm certain there's a tin of butter biscuits in the pantry? I admit I'm a little late on the... ah... rescue. I assumed there'd be more subterfuge involved."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige heaves a huge sigh once she's in the car and all buckled up. "I did!" she says to Alex. She sets the bag of her things in her lap and starts to pull them out one at a time to assess the damage. The blouse she was wearing is ripped clean in half as well as her pants. "I'm glad that they let me off the hook so easily, despite that jerk cop."

"I've got to figure out how to husk without getting my clothes are torn up," she mutters to herself. Louder she says, "I was doing some sightseeing after going to see an entrance councilor at NYU. I ran out of battery on my phone and found a couple of people to help me find a Starbucks.

She pulls out said phone, and a battery charger that was given to her by that harried looking medic. "That's when we all heard gunshots across the street. It was some guy trying to rob a bodega."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Ah am going to have to make you a pack to carry with ya, spare set of clothes and such it looks like." He will tell her. He listens to the others and says "Yea lets head out to Alexis and my place for a bit, and we will plan a stop at walmart before heading back to the school for some clothes." He turns to look to Paige "So, everyone come out ok?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Wherever you want to go..." Alex says, pulling out to drive. "Not like I can do anything while I"m...waiting." he says, a growl of frustration in his voice. "Where's the place we're going then? Address, I mean?" He pauses. "Actually, just direct me, I'd have to use GPS anyway probably to find it." He glances over to Sam. "And I don't know about 'kid' brother anymore." he says dryly.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "All you and your siblings." Alexis replies with dry humor, and leans over to the front seat, giving direction to Alex to the edge of Bushwick. Driving out there is pretty easy, finding a place to park might be a bit difficult.

    "... you're going to be all right though, Alex." Alexis states, and she clasps the Summers lad on the shoulder.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige picks at the NYPD t-shirt that's three sizes too big on her. "What, you don't like police department chic?" she teases Sam. But she nods. "Yeah. Nobody got hurt, except the robber. I left some bruises on him from holding onto him so tight. It would have been worse if the two that I had been talking to wasn't there, though. They were metahuman, too."

"They were fast. I mean /fast/. One of the ladies went and crushed up his gun like it was cardboard, too." She pulls out the portable charger, and plugs her phone into it. "I feel silly, now. I didn't have to do anything and it would have taken care of itself. But... It's not like I can sit back and not do anything when something like that happens."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to Alex, and says "Hate to break it to you, but even when ya a hundred and three your the kid brother, just like Paige is one of my kid sisters, luckily Ah can think of her as not one of the little ones these days." He smiles as Alexis gives the directions and to Paige he says "Figure might be best to keep the others from the school, and ma out of the loop on this one, and Ah would have done the same, but stayed dressed." He teases

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex's nostrils flare slightly as Alexis rests a hand on his shoulder. Boy is on edge, apparently. He takes a deep breath, then lets it out. "Whatever." he rumbles, turning to follow the directions. "Well. Glad you didn't get hurt, at least." he says to Paige, focusing on driving somewhat. "Not a safe time to be out wandering alone though." Though he doesn't elaborate. He's not even sure if Alexis or Paige know about the whole disappearance thing.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Yep. He's on edge.

    "No, it's not." Alexis agrees quietly, and she leans back quietly, turning to look out the window a moment. "But, as my papa would say, 'keep a stiff upper lip, and a strong right hook just in case."

    Her fingers curl against her skirt, and then she gives a soft 'hmm'. "I might have a couple of dresses handy that may fit. I'm afraid all of my trousers mightbe a little indecent on the 'low rise'." the much shorter woman states, drawing her fingers up a moment.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige has been kind of oblivious to the disappearances. She's had her nose in all her textbooks, and filled her time with schoolwork. "I haven't been 'little' for a long time, now," she chides. "And you /know/ how my powers work! I couldn't help it!" She sits back in her seat sullenly, "Still. Thank you for not telling Ma. I'd never hear the end of it."

She's silent watching the interplay between Alex and Alexis, noting the tension there. At Alexis' offer for a dress that she can wear, Paige shakes her head. "You don't have to go out of your way to do that," she says. "These clothes are decent enough and I've got a full wardrobe that I can use once we get back to the school."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie points to a parking spot once they get to the building they are going to. He looks to the group, and says "Well lets head inside, food and something to drink will help us all some." He climbs out once they are parked holding the door for the others. He looks to Alex if there is anything we can do you know we are all with ya."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex grunts a bit. "I'm saving the right hook for the right chin." he notes, a bit darkly as he pulls into the parking lot, then shuts off the car, before stepping out of it, waiting for everyone to get it as he studies Sam. "...nothing you can do. Just waiting. Waiting and not much I fucking do either." The air seems to haze a bit around him for a moment, before he takes another deep breath, focusing his attention better. "...I need to let off some...steam. I'm full up. Give me a moment, I'll head up afterwards?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Paige, I could not live with myself with you wearing random-issue clothing from who knows where, previously worn by God-only-knows-who. I have clothing, it will fit you. Just until you get something different." the bolero-wearing Brit steps out of the car, and looks to Alex a moment before giving a nod. "Just... ring the buzzer when you're ready." she states gently, and goes to lead the group up.

    It's a long, narrow stairway up a couple of floors, but when they get to the top and Alexis opens the door, the classy loft apartment with its gray parquet flooring, its gauzy privacy curtains and the comforting mixed smell of someone's cooking mingled with tea and muscle ointment makes for an odd combonation. The livingroom area is defined with a rug and a coffee table, a chaise and a couch and an overly large beanbag. The kitchen has a round table with four chairs. The bed, tucked away on the other side and guarded by some heavy drapes and book cases to 'define' the area has a lavender-gray cover on it. There are pictures of various operatic events hanging on the wall -- along with, perhaps oddly, a PRO-HUMANA poster, showcasing its star performer in dramatic make-up and crystal laced hair, with all the announcements in French.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige's eyes dart between Alex and her brother, watching them. She's silent as three of them head upstairs to leave Alex behind. "Sam?" she asks tentatively. "What's going on?" As for Alexis' insistence, well, she knows better to argue. "I appreciate it."

Once they've ascended the stairs and are in the apartment proper, she looks around in wonder. "Wow. You've got a really nice place, here."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over with a frown and says "Some of our friends have been taken, we are trying to find who has them before they hurt them more. Emma is one of them." He does not go through the list but he is worried about them as well. Waiting to be called in to help can be... well hell."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Meanwhile, outside, Alex walks a bit away from the complex, to where he's hidden somewhat behind from easy view, taking a deep breath, before the air around him starts to grow more and more hazy, before rings begin flowing out from him as he raises his hands, concentrating. A moment there's there's a *KRAKBOOM* like thunder as a blaze of plasma shoots upwards into the air as Alex vents a portion of his stored energy.

    A few seconds later the power show fades, the rings with it as Alex pants softly, lower his arms. A small swirl of burning paper spins through the air around him, before he steps through them, rubbing his forehead, then starts making his way up to the apartment.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "It's... a home." Alexis replies a moment, looking over the room a moment before she explains as she putters about, taking off her jacket and slipping out of her heels, and then into a comfy pair of flats. Down to her really short 5'2 self. She puts a kettle on, turns on the gas, and lights the burner with a finger tip, before she putters.

    "My mum purchased the building with the intent of helping me 'find myself' after an argument with my father regarding my choice in relationships. This particular floor used to be a dance school, though they took the barre with them when they left."

    She reaches into a cupboard -- up on her tip-toes, and takes out a package of butter-based shortbread cookies and a pack of oreos, and sets them on the table before she leans bac kon her heel a moment, and narrowing her eyes a moment, she murmurs a few things in Italian, and then walks into the bedroom area, towards the closet.

    Thunder shakes the apartment, rattling the plates and mugs. Somewhere, a car alarm goes off.

    "... must be quite the storm rolling in." she states, conversationally.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige scowls at the news. "I hope we can find them," she says. "No wonder you were worried about me being out on my own." She follows Alexis into the kitchen area and her eyes light up at the sight of the cookies. "Ooh! Oreos!"

She's got one hand in the Oreo package when *KABOOM* thunder rattles the apartment. Paige nearly jumps out of her skin at the sudden sound. "Goodness! What was /that/?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks out the windows, and hmms "A pressure release Ah think." He will look over to the kitchen and says "Just a warning, Paige is a heathen like me." He warns of the tea, but knows his sister might be a bit more ok with hot tea than he is. He adds in "Ah am always gonna worry about ya, it is sorta in the job description, even when things are normal.

Alex Summers has posed:
    After a moment there's a knock at the door, before Alex opens it, pausing to make sure he's in the right place, then steps inside, letting it shut behind him. He looks a bit tired as he rolls his neck. He's..holding in a lot more power than he usually allows himself. Way more power. Normally, he's too nervous about it...releasing it whenever it starts building up too much. Too concerned about his control to risk it.

    Then Emma was taken.

    Now, he's holding on to all the power he can. For when he needs it when he goes to get her back. "Sorry about that..."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Ugh. You and your sugar-water." Alexis shouts back, and she returns with a sun dress over one arm, along with a pair of socks in one hand and presumably other needs tucked beneath the dress, where she ducks into the 'loo to tuck them away for when Paige needs them, and then follows up with a denim jacket, hanging over the back of the door.

    She then comes back, and gives a wan smile to Alex. "Spot of proper tea, or would you prefer sweet? Have a biscuit."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Oh sweet, please," Paige says, taking up her hostess' offer. She laughs quietly at Sam. "I know. Heathens, but when you grow up in the south, you grow up on sweet tea."

Paige starts scratching at a shoulder and scowls. "This is starting to itch." Her eyes go wide. "It could be fleas. Do you think it could be fleas?" With that she hurries on back to change into clothes that she /knows/ are clean. When she returns she falls in with chatting with the other three mutants until it's time to say their goodbyes and to take Paige home.