314/Miss Caradenza, I Presume

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Miss Caradenza, I Presume
Date of Scene: 06 March 2020
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Sam Guthrie and Roberto da Costa confront Alexis Carr after the Geonosha memorial. Alexis denies that she is also Allegra Caradenza, the poster child for Pro-HUMANA, but being pressed by Sam and Roberto admits not only that it is, but says she's intent on performing at the Gala on Saturday.
Cast of Characters: Alexis Carr, Samuel Guthrie, Roberto da Costa

Alexis Carr has posed:
    After the gathering had wrapped up, people left flowers at the impromptu memorial, decorated with pictures of the unfound. Alexis had removed a pair of violet roses and purple hyacinth and left them, before shouldering her bag and moving on, pulling her hood up over her hat to try and make a get-away from the scene, deftly slipping between mourners.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has kept an eye on Alexis. He made sure to start heading her way. He asked Berto to come with him, as 2 sets of eyes are better tha one for keeping up, but also to spot any trouble inbound "Ah knew her dad was an ass, but not that big of one."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Yeah, he's pretty much the king of the asses," Berto says as he goes along with Sam. "Way to pick em Sammy," he says before adding. "She's hot though, so I get it."

Then all joking aside he says, "We do need to find her though, she could be in a ton of trouble."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis has the feeling that she's being watched, and she sticks her hands in her pockets, her eyes narrowing a moment as her pace picks up. Her heart was thudding in her chest. She hadn't realized how late the time had gotten -- and she had to return home before her father found she was missing. This close to the Gala, it could be dangerous... did one of the crowd recognize her? Did anyone realize who she was and the sort of dangerous position she could have put them in?

    "Stupid... stupid... bollocks." she mutters to herself, and picks up the pace, going at a light jog.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie sees her pick up the pace, and sighs as he does as well. He will call out one "Alexis." He hopes calling her might that name might be heard and maybe let her realize who is back there. "Ah do not want to have to run her down dang it."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Me neither," Roberto says of running down Sam's girl. Though as it turns out it's not needed as she turns to face them.

"Your show buddy," Roberto says to Sam clapping the man on his shoulder before tunring to keep an eye out for any trouble headed there way.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    She pauses a moment, turning to face Sam and his friend, and she winces.

    "Hey, Sam... s-sorry I didn't come find you in the crowd afterwards... guess I had some retroactive stage fright.." she trails off. She's not a completely convincing liar -- but she was afraid. Tense. She looked between the two gentlemen following her, both just a bit older than she as she laces her finger sbehind her back. Her palms were getting itchy -- not a great sign.

    "Who's your friend?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will walk over and take her hands in his, his eye showing some worry. "This is Berto, he is my best friend in the world, heck in any world." He smiles a brief moment and says "Hon, you said your dad was anti mutant but you did not say how anti mutant he was, and you just sorta said "Hey dad screw you."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"And your dad is a massive, massive asshole, so, no telling what he's going to do about that. Trust us, Sam and I have known some bigots and they're at their worst when their own slaps them in the face like you just did," Roberto says jumping in on the tail end of Sam's comments. "And yeah, hi, like Sam said, I'm Berto, his besties."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... I don't know what you're talking about. I literally just said 'hey we're all in this together let's be nice to one another yeah?' and suddenly you're making wild assumptions that my father is going to seek revenge in a bloody way for *that*?" Alexis inquires, crossing her arms and she gives a small laugh. "You've not even met my father Sam, Berto, how can you make snap judgements like that?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "Alexis, Berto here runs in the same circles, he knows who you are." He looks to her, and says "And if you did not worry your dad would freak out why do you hide what you do, and take off running just now?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto nods, "Yeah, we know who you are Allegra, and who your dad is, I think he dragged you to some of the same parties as mine did when I was younger," he says. "So, knowing who he is and what you mean to his movement, you did something amazing speaking here tonight, but sometimes doing something amazing can get you amazingly dead. We need to make sure you're going to be okay."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "What, the street performers guild? The local chapter of Opera Singers An--"
    But Berto uses her real name.

    She stops short, and looks as if someone had just slapped her, her ears going reddish while the color drains out of her face, and she looks Roberto up and down a moment. The Jig, as they said, was up.

    She makes a nervous swallow, backing away from the two "I'm... I'm sorry, I've got to head home." she breathes out, holding her hands low and to her side. "I've got to set for dress rehearsal tomorrow."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "Alexis, he still uses the name he knows her by "You told me all the things you had been told about mutants, what was your dads reaction to Genosha, how has your dad ever reacted to you if you disagreed with him?

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"I don't think going home is a good idea," Roberto says. "My folks have a place in the city, I can put you and Sam up there tonight, see if you can talk to someone in the morning about finding something long term. You did something really brave Alexis, but now you have to do something smart too and trust Sam and me. You're not the first person we've helped out of problems like this."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    And Allegra turns right around, and spreads her arms out. "And where do you propose I go then? Two days before the Pro-Humana gala event the styled 'star of the show, pride of humanity's arts' goes missing and possibly last seen with a pair of young mutant men as she left counter-protest. Their Public Relations firm would spin that so hard that J Jonah Jamesons's head would pop right off and go flying about the city like a ghast on steriods. Ghost steroids. My father thinks I'm at home sick, and I need to get back before he realizes I'm out. And thanks, by the wya, now I can't go fundraising in the street for St Madge's home for mutants or the Geonoshan recovery because between Monkey Boy and you figuring out who I am my cover's not only bad but blown." she snaps defensiely.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "Alexis do you not think that your dad, and half the people in pro humana, would be watching this tonight? It was on TV, and they can go "Ok this person or that person is either a mutant if they showed their powers or at least a mutant lover." He looks to her, and says "What happened in the south when a white person dated an african american person in the 50-70s?" He looks at her and says "And as horrible as african americans were treated back then, there was not a million of them killed in one night. Even if your dad did not see that tonight someone he knows did. Tell me what would happen if your dad had another of the musicans who has a solo, come out the night before a concert and says "Mutants are ok?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto bristles, "Your cover was blown when you went up on stage, we didn't have anything to do with it," he says before calming. "Though good point about the spin, but we're willing to risk it, anyhow listen to Sam he's talking some sense right now."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "So instead they find me leaving the area in the company of two mutant men to parts unknown. They can spin it as they like. Shapeshifter. Kidnapping. And the people who love Pro-HUMANA will lap it up and beg for more while they rip apart Mutant Town looking for me." Allegra points out, and she leans her head back. "I didn't think it would be widely publicised. I'm a nobody A street performer. It's not like my face is emblazoned on the side of buildings." she points out, and she shrugs her bag higher.

    "So.. thank you, but really, at least until the Gala's done with, I'm fine. After... we'll talk."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "T'chala was there, it will be all over." He will step to her, and says "Let me give you my number and text me every 4 hours?" He looks her in the eye and says "There is a man I will be willing to bet is part of your father's group, who has tried to kill me and my friends. Your not going to believe the danger, just please give me a chance to at least come save you when things go bad."