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Allen-James (Scenesys ID: 5233) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Allen-James Vincent Ramses-Denholme IV | ||
Superalias: | Rebound | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Occupation: | Homeless/Scrounger | ||
Citizenship: | US | ||
Residence: | New York, New York | ||
Education: | Highschool, ish | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 20 | Actual Age: | 20 |
Date of Birth | 29 Feb 2004 | Played By | Darwin Gray |
Height: | 5'4" | Weight: | 125 lb |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
A young, homeless mutant, doing his best and busking around New York. Once a rich young overachiever, now struggling to get by on the streets, he has a mutation which allows him to produce forcefields that reflect force exerted against them. He's beginning to look for wys to improve his life, and perhaps become a hero.
*2004: Allen-James Vincent Ramses-Denholme IV born to AJVRD III and Juliet RD, in Connecticut.
*2008: Began elementary school at a private school, tutors for academics, chess, and general music.
*2009: Tutored in Piano, ballet, and gymnastics.
*2011: Punched another student for calling ballet 'sissy'. Father removed him from ballet, and he was placed in Horsemanship classes. Quit playing piano.
*2012: Began fencing, over the protests of his mother. Forced to also begin playing violin to keep her happy. Stopped taking Gymnastics.
*2015: Won first place in the 12 and under state fencing championship.
*2016: Won first place in a New England Regional violin concerto competition, and joined a quartet as lead violin. Won third place in a horsemanship competition.
*2017: Won second place in national fencing competition. Began attending North Hartford School of Science and Arts. Befriended by several of the Science crowd, Arts crowd hates him because of how competitive he is. Continues attending and winning state, regional and national level fencing, horsemanship, and violin competitions, and maintaining a high GPA. Headed for Harvard or a heart attack.
*2019: On the way to a string quartet competition, the van he is riding in is struck by a drunk driver. Forcefields manifest around him, protecting him and the other children in the car, but also exploding and ripping apart the vehicle as they collapse. He and the residents of his vehicle are fine, but the accident is captured on camera by a traffic camera, and makes the news.
*2020: Removed from school due to antimutant sentiment. Parents are unsupportive, and remove him from all classes and activities, hiring only a general education tutor to continue his education. Parents begin looking into 'cures' for mutant condition. AJ hears of plans to send him to a research facility. He runs away, and heads for NYC.
*2021: Living on the street in NYC, falls in with a small time street rat gang. Learns to steal, pick pockets, pick locks, and survive on the streets. Secretly experiments with his powers.
*2022: One of the gang members catches AJ experimenting with his powers, and AJ runs away rather than find out what the gang will do about him being a mutant.
*2023: AJ learns to 'Air Walk' and starts a brief career as a burglar. Finds it hard to fence things, and gives it up after nearly being caught by a small time hero.
*2024: Begins to attempt to be a hero instead, fighting muggers and other such street level criminals.
IC Journal
There are few things AJ knows better than the thrill of competition. His drive and curiosity are key components in his eternal drive to learn new skills and new things, but he also has a massive desire to prove those skills, to prove his knowledge, and even to prove his power. He wants to win, wants to be the best, wants people to recognize him. That competitive desire ran off many of his peers in highschool, but continues to pull him towards his desire to be a hero.
AJ is more than a little curious about... everything. Anything. He loves to learn new things, from mastering a new skill, to reading about a new discovery, or to seeing a place he's never seen before. He loves to explore parts of the urban landscape that are unseen by most. He adores secret knowledge as well, and often seeks out other people's secrets, just to know them.
Some would call it Overachieving. Others would call it Drive, or Focus. Regardless of what you call it, Allen-James grew up in a house that valued the process of gaining skills. AJ often practices long hours, at difficult and esoteric tasks. He may not be a genius, but he is driven, and willing to put in the thousands of repetitions to become a master at anything he sets his mind at. People who don't see the effort tend to assume that he's just 'naturally good' at things. The truth is, he's just willing to work hard.
Character Sheet
Air Walk:
AJ has developed a skill he calls 'air walking'. It involves placing a small forcefield under his foot, and /very carefully/ shifting his weight onto it. This means he moves slowly in midair, because while the shields won't easily break underfoot, they will reflect force directed at them, and if he moves too quickly, they can throw him off. This does have the downside of leaving glowing footprints in midair. AJ has dreams of leaping about in midair and bouncing off his shields to practically fly, but that skill, for now, is far beyond him.
*Air walking requires constant focus, and slow, steady movement.
*Airwalking tends to be fairly exhausting, limiting the distance that AJ can 'walk' to only 10 meters or so, before he needs to take a few minutes to 'breathe'.
Forcefield Generation:
AJ can generate forcefields from any spot that his body touches. The first occurrence of this was in an accident, and formed a bubble around himself, and several other people. He has never managed to duplicate this feat again.
*A forcefield begins the size and shape of the part of his body that AJ is using to project it, from hand or foot sized, up to a single limb sized. The forcefield appears as a glowing orange 'pane' of force.
*The forcefield can be 'painted' into the air by moving the source, while focusing. This can increase the size significantly. When the focus on the forcefield is released, it remains in the air where it is placed, and can no longer be moved. It takes no effort to maintain a forcefield, but he can only generate about ten square feet of forcefield, before he gets a significant headache.
*Forcefields which are released fade slowly, and vanish over the course of an hour if not interacted with.
*The forcefield resists all force and energy exerted against it, and reflects that energy back at the attacker.
*A moderate amount of damage, about the amount generated by a gunshot or a super powered punch, can crack the forcefield, and cause it to explode, with about the same force as the attack that broke it, reflected 'outward' in the direction of the incoming damage, usually slowing or stopping whatever force impacted the shield significantly.
*A shield which does not destabilized, firms up when struck, and takes longer to dissipate.
Repulsion Field:
While attempting to replicate the forcefield bubble which originally saved his life, AJ has discovered a related ability, to release his power in a large sphere around his body. This lacks the subtlety and control of his forcefields, and is an explosive wave of force, rather than a shield.
*The repulsion field appears as a sphere of rippling orange energy, centered on AJ's chest, and including a radius of about 5 feet in every direction, including down.
*This force is roughly equivalent to the explosion of a grenade, and pulses and pushes in waves that expand from AJ as long as AJ maintains focus. Currently, AJ can maintain focus for a few minutes at most.
*This force affects most matter and energies which can be affected by his force fields.
*This force will push AJ several feet into the air, and hold him there, until he stops maintaining focus on the repulsion field.
*AJ cannot currently 'aim' the direction of this force, and it just flows outward from him.
While AJ was too young to ever attend, he was on track for becoming an Olympic Fencer before the accident that outed him as a mutant. He had won many competitions and tournaments for his age bracket in Fencing, and some of his teachers taught traditional HEMA fencing as well as modern sport fencing. AJ studied several different fencing styles, including Saber, foil, epee, HEMA rapier, and even a little HEMA Longsword. He's best with Rapier, Saber, and Foil.
AJ has done a lot of riding, both competitive and for relaxation. His family owned several horses, and he learned care, feeding, training, riding, and even watched some farriers work on shoeing and such. He's won several competitions for horesmanship, and even though he hasn't done it for a few years, is confident that he could ride again, if he ever had the opportunity.
AJ is a classically trained concert violinist, and has won and placed highly in many violin and stringed instrument competitions. He also has general music theory grounding, and a couple years of playing piano. He's played around with a wide variety of other instruments, but primarily does violin and other bowed string instruments. He's very good at classical, but also dabbles in jazz and improv music.
Street Rat:
Pick Pocketing. Larceny. Lock picking. Small cons. AJ never expected to be a criminal when he ran away from home, but three hundred dollars cash doesn't last long in New York. He learned these skills from a group of homeless kids he squatted with for a few months, and they taught him well how to do the petty skills of petty crime. He still uses lock picking and some sleight of hand, from time to time, for urban exploration, but he's given up most theft and cons.
The Hole:
AJ squats in a place in the subway that time forgot. Even other homeless folk don't know it's there, as it involves a duck through a utility pipe, and through a broken piece of wall, into a ladder leading down to a station that was once decorated in art deco tiles.. and now has a little tent, and AJ's few worldly possessions.
It's cheap. It's battered. He got it for fifty bucks at a pawn shop, and it was probably stolen before he bought it. But, he has it, and it earns him a little money through busking. He'll play anything from Lindsay Sterling, on up to classical concertos, in various parts of the subway, or in Central Park when the cops aren't paying too much attention. It's his only real source of income right now.
While AJ isn't a coward, he has some things he's afraid of. He's afraid of people finding out about his mutant powers, mostly, fearful of how they'd react, and what they might do. His parents went from caring, if pushing, to fearful and disdainful nearly overnight, and he fears that if the people that he thought lvoed him reacted that way, that everyone might view him in a similar manner. Or, worse, seek to exploit him somehow.
AJ doesn't have a drivers license. He doesn't have a home address, or phone number. He doesn't have a social security card. He doesn't have a birth certificate. Sure, he could go home and get his parents to get them, but his family would not be plussed to have him appear after all this time.
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Allen-James has
35 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Trouble with Interdimensional Travel | July 10th, 2024 | Traversing the multiverse is a dangerous affair. Eventually they get lucky and find something passing for civilisation once more. |
Smash and Lab | July 6th, 2024 | The heroes find evidence of a targeted theft. Cliffhanger. Cut to credits. |
The glowstick gang | July 6th, 2024 | Color coded for your convenience, the glowstick gang is defeated by Rebound, Robin, Kid Devil, and Talia. |
Toxic Countdown | July 4th, 2024 | Plantman tries to blow up the Riverside Chemical Refinery during the Macy's 4th of July Spectacular, but his plans are thwarted at the last possible second by a group of grave heroes that all unite under a common cause! |
Too Much Drake | July 3rd, 2024 | A name from Carrie's past pops up.. and pops up again.. and again.. and again. There's a multiversal incursion happening and things are not okay. |
Business Dealings in District X | June 22nd, 2024 | A chance encounter in mutnat town leads to a discussion of training, parents and - fighting vampires alongside The Batman?! |
A phone call home | June 22nd, 2024 | AJ talks to his mother again. |
Trying new things | June 22nd, 2024 | AJ shows off his powers to Damian. |
All about Family | June 19th, 2024 | AJ talks to Damian and Talia about maybe talking to his family. |
Heat Wave in Gotham | June 17th, 2024 | Rebound and Robin do a short patrol of the Narrows. Rebound's heart of gold almost gets him killed but manages to win the night anyway! |
All work and no play | June 15th, 2024 | AJ and Damian meet, and Damian talks AJ out of training himself to death. |
So... you brought a boy home, huh | June 8th, 2024 | Sometimes an expensive lamp is made in Taiwon. Sometimes a father is intimidating for more reasons than being a father. Sometimes training comes in more forms than anyone can imagine. Sometimes mistakes are the catalyst for a lesson. Sometimes Bruce gives spoilers. |
The Room of Recreation | June 7th, 2024 | Shield Mutant meets Shield Mutant. A bit of hijinx ensues, and root beer is discovered. |
Another Day For Observation | June 6th, 2024 | Bishop and Kurt come by to check on Vanessa in the X-men med bay. Beast and AJ stop in for Henry to do some medical work with AJ. |
Gotham by Night | June 6th, 2024 | A build up to a finale. Batman has brought together a group of heroes to push the remaining vampires out of Gotham. Their victory is Pyrrhic, but the undead are largely gone from the city. Vampires have long memories, afterall. |
Damian Shows Off His Animals | June 5th, 2024 | AJ and Damian learn some more about each other. Bat-cow is there. Ace is there! |
Summer Fencing: Lesson One | June 3rd, 2024 | Morrigan is teaching some students and others the basics of fencing! |
The man behind the bird | June 2nd, 2024 | AJ meets Damian Wayne, and goes to dinner with him. |
Conflict of Interest | June 2nd, 2024 | AJ talks to Patty about this guy he met. |
A Fateful Meeting | June 2nd, 2024 | AJ and Robin have a serious talk out on a rooftop. What better place to meet a Bat? Tune in tomorrow, same Bat time, same Bat channel to see if AJ takes the red pill, and other miscellaneous mixed metaphors! |
Bulk Up, Kid. War's Coming. | June 1st, 2024 | AJ puts the fruits of his recent training to the test in a face off of against The Mighty Sylph!! - With a little bit of interference from Bishop and The White Queen |
A return to the past | May 28th, 2024 | AJ meets Robin, and discusses... Video Games. |
Finders Keepers | May 13th, 2024 | Kitty, Doug, and Noriko disassemble some power armor, and show AJ, Patty, and other students how an investigation works. Some information is found out about how the weapon systems are being distributed. |
Elements of Confusion (All in the Messaging, scene 2) | May 11th, 2024 | Four men with elemental weaponry and armor attempted to rob a club. They were stopped by Miguel, Dagger, Cyblade, and Shadowcat. Two of them escaped, but three of their sets of gear remained at the scene, and were seized by police. |
Moonwalk Eat your Heart Out | May 11th, 2024 | A meeting of minds beside the pool, where Allen-James' powers and condition are discussed. Bouncey castles are promised too, and pizza is eventually enjoyed. |
Second Annual Xavier's Talent Show | May 4th, 2024 | Xavier's holds another sometimes annual talent show for gifted youngsters. Like last time, there were lots of amazing acts. The judges were split, but the tie was broken in the final moments and Patty Sloan was declared the winner! Against all odds, the school will be getting its deposit back for the Dip N Dots machine rental. |
Ask for the moon | April 30th, 2024 | In which AJ pesters Bishop to train him to be a hero. |
A Wing and a Prayer | April 28th, 2024 | AJ and Patty meet up with Dr. McCoy Fun was had with bouncy shields! |
A Shocking Situation (AitM Scene 1) | April 20th, 2024 | The Shadow and Domino stop a high tech robbery. |
A fiddler on the porch | April 19th, 2024 | AJ meets Rogue and talks about who he is. |
Back 2 School | April 14th, 2024 | Paperwork sucks, but the new school is ready to meet AJ. |
Blasters set to destory | April 14th, 2024 | A city is burning, it is open season on the mutants. Good thing it's in the danger room! |
A meeting of mutants | April 13th, 2024 | AJ met a surprise guest, while waiting to meet Patty and Bishop. |
Hydra vs UN: Zoo Animals Loosed | April 4th, 2024 | Hydra operatives release large and dangerous animals from their pens in the Central Park Zoo, drawing heroes and first responders just before Hydra assaults the UN. |
Busking Beginnings | March 16th, 2024 | In which, AJ met MJ and Patty, and their attempt at getting coffee was interrupted. |
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Allen-James has
35 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Allen-James has been credited in
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Allen-James has been credited in
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Allen-James has authored
0 books.
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Group Memberships
Allen-James has been listed in 0 groups.