17642/Back 2 School

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Back 2 School
Date of Scene: 14 April 2024
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Paperwork sucks, but the new school is ready to meet AJ.
Cast of Characters: Patty Sloan, Allen-James, Bishop, Megan Gwynn

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty pulls in to the estate and rolls up to the front of the Garage. The trip there had been largely quiet after the run in with Cain Marko. She just hasn't had a lot to say. Also She's been paying attention to the car, trying to make sure Its going to make it back to the school. It does of course. The old beater of a car is turned off and she opens her door. "We're here. Welcome to Xavier's."

Patty gets out of her car and goes up to the garage door and opens it. "I need to get this in there so my car doesn't leak all over the driveway." She giggles. "I really need to have a talk with Dr. McCoy about fixing this thing." She smiles and hops back in the car and starts it to pull into the Garage.

Allen-James has posed:
    AJ is happy enough with the way things turned out. No one got made into Mutant Pancakes, and he got out of there without a third 'public power' use so, there's that going for him. He's somewhat skittish about being a public hero without any sort of backing or support.

    But, he's quiet enough on the way to the school, making small talk with Bishop, and watching the road go by. He's familiar with part of it, headed north like they're going to turn right onto the highway to Connecticut, back to his home, back to his parents. An idle thought passes his mind that his parents would probably shit a brick if they knew he was going to go see a school for Mutants. Or maybe they'd be happy. From what he could find on the public library computers, Xavier's has a fairly upstanding public reputation, with little mention of mutants on their documentation online. His parents might have even tried to get him into it, had they found out about it way back when. But they hadn't, and he had read between the lines of the facilities they were looking at then.

    Which kind of explains how they got here. He slips out of the car with a smile, looking up at the imposing building. "You know, I used to perform places that wished they looked like this." he muses, with a fair bit of nostalgia. "They must have built this ages ago."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop gets out of the car, he is quiet since the run in with Cain that phone game is closed at least on the drive back as he watches the road. But when the small talk is started, he is not rude. One word or simple answers, from the large man. With a nod of his head at the boy. It seems social is not his skill set.

When they get back to the school, he opens the door climbing out of it with a nod at the other two. "Welcome to Xavier's home of the best education, anyone could ever want." He walks over slowly, to remove his coat throwing it over the back of a chair, now he is stands there with two very large blaster in his shoulder holsters, he is looks down the driveway. "So, tell me about yourself a bit AJ? Yeah it is a very old place and very famous, as well but we are always looking for the best to join the ranks of the students. Patty, thinks you have what it takes. I think so as well."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty pulls the car into the Garage. She puts it in its parking place and puts some cardboard under it to make sure the leaking power steering pump doesn't get all over the floor. She sighs and shakes her head. "I really gotta fix this thing." With that she walks out of the garage and closes the door once again.

"She listens to Bishop talking to AJ and she gives a smile. "We believe in ya!" She smiles again as she flutters her wings and flies upwards a few feet before landing back on the ground. "Trust me this place is amazing. I can't get over that I actually get to go to school here. Also, I totally raid the kitchen sometimes for ice cream!" She giggles playfully. "Some of the classes are kinda fun too. Dr. McCoy's impromptu Science class not too long ago was really challenging but really good too."

Allen-James has posed:
    AJ chuckles, as he eyes the blasters. He's not used to openly displayed hand cannons, much less ones that look like they were built by one of the better funded tech companies.

    "Well.. My name is Allen-James Vincent Ramses-Denholme. The Fourth." he gives a wry smile at the rather long name. "I'm not sure I entirely know what 'best' you're looking for. I'm a concert level violinist. I can play Piano, but not as well. I was looking at performing arts colleges when I was 15, until we had the accident. That's when I learned... well... this." He waves his hand, swiping a glowing stretch of orange light into existence with the palm of a glowing hand. His eyes glow a little too, a fact which is usually hidden by his hood. He moves his hand away, and a small round shield floats in the air in front of him. "Car crash, it should have, would have, killed myself, and the string quartet on the way to a performance. Instead, I surrounded us instinctively with a bubble of that. Faster and better than I've been able to do since. My parents were mortified. A Mutant in the Ramses-Denholme family? It would have been scandalous, so they paid a lot of money to cover it up." he explains.

    "Then they started looking for Cures. You know how that goes. Ways to hide the fact that when I got scared, I'd glow orange and leave trails in the air. Ways to prevent my power from activating. There were some doctors, some pills, and eventually, they started talking to a facility about genetic research. About then, I decided to leave. I spent five years in New York, trying to get by. I developed my power some over those years, learned a little control, learned a few tricks. I discovered I'm a moderately bad thief, and a worse burglar, and yes, there's a difference. I'm OK at cons though. I look younger than I am, and everyone gives me a pass because of it." he says with a wry grin. "I stopped a mugger a few months back, and decided I liked the way that felt. So, I started saving up, bought myself a violin, and I've been busking, trying to save up enough to get off the streets. Oddly, this has led to me being in a few places at the right place and the right time to stop some chaos. Wings here saw me a couple times, and, you know, from there to here we are."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at Aj and than back at Patty. He is quiet as he listens to the tale walking over to a chair to slump down into it with a loud crack, it wants to not have that mountain of a man on top of it, but it has no chance of escape. His fingers move into his jacket to produce a single wrapped up cigar, slowly he twirls it through his fingers working off the plastic, placing the cutter before he snips it off letting the bits fall to his lap. Than he places it in his mouth, lighting it with a flick of a match leaning into the flames taking a long inhale. "I see. Well, that seems like you need a home and a place to learn, sounds like morals are something your learning again. That is good, seems like you have learned a ton from wealth to streets, with the powers to boot." His eyes move to Patty, than back at AJ. "Now, I have never started the process of getting someone enrolled, you might want someone with knowledge of paperwork."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
It's been a somewhat pleasant and rather lazy Saturday afternoon for Megan - for the most part anyway. She's been taking a break from dropping off college applications and doing research on others, now it's time to enjoy the warm spring weather. Donning a swimsuit underneath loose black jogging pants and a simple green t-shirt,mages ready for a dip in the nearby lake and she flutters out the front doors, stretching her arms as she greets the early evening. "Alllllriiiight! Time to swim!"

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty looks between AJ and Bishop. "Want me to see if Either Rogue or Dr. Grey are around? I can run in and look around?" She smiles and looks toward the doors to the Mansion.

"I am sorry you went through all of that AJ. That must have been horrible." She frowns a little as she comments and thinks about how much that car accident must have sucked. Her car is mostly an accident waiting to happen, but has never been in an accident at least.

Then she spies someone flying by. "Oh Hey! Someone I haven't met yet! Hi!!" She waves to Megan. She notes that she is flying off toward the pool so, she doesn't follow.

Allen-James has posed:
    AJ chuckles at Patty a little, "Icecream hmm? I can't recall the last time I had icecream." he smiles at her and nods. "It certainly wasn't a picnic, but everyone's got their own life, you know? I didn't even have it the worst on the street. My parents cared for me, in their way, and pushed me to do well in things. I knew a lot of street rats who were... less well off at home."

    AJ smiles to Bishop and nods, "I'd like to know some more about the school. Obviously you accept mutants here. And teach them. I'm a little less used to the hand cannons though. Are you a teacher here? Head of security?" he asks with a chuckle, as if he's joking, as he leans against a column of the porch, and taps his shield idly with his fingers, making 'whummwhummwhumm' noises every time his fingers tap it, and bounce off with a little less energy than the tap imparts, the glow of the shield glowing ever so slightly brighter.

    "Is Heroics a required class here? Also, is the fact that I have negative 1 bits of identification going to be a problem? My parents have like, my birth certificate and everything... And I don't talk much to them any more."

    AJ blinks as another winged person comes out. "Oh, Hey. Nice to meet you. Swimming, huh? Have fun!" he greets cheerfully, as he waves his hand to greet her.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn pauses as she spies some unfamiliar faces although Bishop is no stranger around these parts. She smiles and raises a hand in greeting to the battle hardened warrior. "Hiii, Mister Bishop.." Ah she is familiar with some of his training lessons, and grimaces. He's not as brutal,as Logan but still pretty tough.

Tilting her head, she peers curiously at the other two unfamiliar faces. "Oooh, are these new recruits? Hiii, I'm Pixie!" she gives a cheerful wave, her glittery butterfly wings fluttering slowly behind her before she lands.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smiles and nods. "I'll bet." She is definitely not familiar with the upper class life. This is the closest she's gotten to it. "Okay I am going to go see who I can find. Hopefully someone will be around. If not, there is a guest room for a reason. "She smiles happily."

She turns her attention to Megan. Her own dragonfly-esque wings perking up behind her. "Nice to meet you Pixie. I'm Patty. Or Sylph. Whatever. Or Wings if you're AJ here." She giggles. "How are you tonight?" She asks as she looks to the door. "If you will pardon me. I need to see if I can find someone to start enrollment for AJ here." With that she makes her way to the front door and disappears into the mansion.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at Megan with a nod of his head and than he looks back at AJ. "I'm Bishop, teacher of defense, shooting, history of the future." His hand is moves slowly to remove that cigar as he exhales the smoke high into the air with a little chuckle. "Yeah, that might be best, also I have no idea what the process is and I doubt you not having that well effect anything, I mean I would no I have zero things to prove I exist." He watches her flying off toward the pool with a wave of his hand. "Now than, heroics is not a class, it's something we want though. Doing right is a good thing you know."

He watches as Patty makes her move towards the school, than he looks over at Megan. "Hello again Megan, have you been keeping up on your flying and dodging of laser practice as we talked about in that room?"

Allen-James has posed:
    AJ smiles. "Nice to meet you, Pixie. I'm Allen-James... Vincent... Ramses-Denhome... The Fourth." he says, grinning as he keeps pausing, then tacking on more of his tongue twister of a name. "Please, call me AJ." he says with a chuckle.

    "Teacher of Defense, hmmm? You know anything about fencing? HEMA or Olympic, I'm not fussy." he says with a chuckle. "I haven't trained in.. merde, forever." he mutters the curse in French, like his mother used to, so as not to curse in a way that everyone knew.

    'If you're going to curse, curse in French. That way, you at least sound classy', said AJ's mother, more than once.

    "Dodging.. of lasers?" AJ asks, raising an eyebrow at Pixie. "Isn't that, you know, dangerous? Though, I guess dodging them is less dangerous than /not/ dodging them, but still."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn makes a face at Bishop. "Uhhh, sure, I've *totally* been practicing, but...Y'know, this isn't your apocalyptic future or whatever.." she inwardly groans, knowing she is still a newer, younger generation of Xmen and more New Mutant at that. But still. "Heeey but you know I'm one of the most agile flyers so I don't need to practice as much!"

She nods and smiles to AJ. "Nice to meet you! Have you had a tour of the grounds yet? It's a pretty cool place!" she peers thoughtfully at him as he talks of fencing and other stuff..

But it's Patty's wings that draw her attention more right now. "Oooh, are you a faerie too..?" but as she heads into the school, Megan blinks and starts to follow after her, "Hey wait up!"

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at AJ with a little chuckle, his hand is moves to tap against the blasters with a solid little hit of the metal. "Yeah, I can fence if needed, but no that is not what I teach. I teach ways to harm and to escape, to fight back against others. How to kill, if you need to you know useful things in this world." His hand is moves slowly, to remove one of the blaster with a loud sound of the leather leaving it, his hand is wrapped around the handle as he spins it firing off a blast of purple laser into the sky.

He looks over at Megan. "Yeah it's not my future yet, it's coming Megan and we will all be ready for it. I will try and make it brighter and happier for you kids, but if not we need you to be ready for it dammit!"

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty pokes her head out of the door and shakes her head. "Doesn't look like anyone is about. Ideal time for ice cream really..." She snickers. Her attention goes to Megan who had followed her. "Oh umm. No I don't think I'm a Faerie. I think I'm an air elemental type." She blushes a little bit. "At least that's what it seems. I'm still getting used to flying. I spent a few years with my wings belted down so they wouldn't be seen. It feels better now that I don't have to do that. I like the feeling of the air on them." She blushes a little bit. "So you are Pixie! I was told about you a little bit. Not a lot just that you are another flyer."

Patty steps out of the mansion and back out into the evening air. "Your wings are really pretty by the way. I really like them. Mine aren't all that glamourous." She smiles.

Allen-James has posed:
    AJ nods slightly, frowning at the mention of killing. "So. Future. Apocalyptic, and dark, I take it? I thought heroes didn't do this whole.. Killing thing." he says softly, considering the shape of that in his mind. "Still, my powers don't lend themselves to attack, so, I'll probably need a weapon if I'm supposed to hurt someone. Though, I suppose I could always hope they hit a shield hard enough to pop it. I've seen them go off like grenades when they break."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a bit at Bishop, shaking her head slowly, "But we can still change your future..Right?" she offers hopefully as she pauses by the front doors, pondering something. "Still, it's been a while, I should really get in more practice sessions, maybe then people will take me more setiously.." she bites her lip, an unreadable expression crossing her face.

She blinks as Patty pops her head out again, "Oooh a Sylph? That's cool, I mean, I don't even know what that is exactly but it sounds cool...Oooh and I could do with ice cream.lWas gonna go for a swim but now Icecream sounds pretty good!" she grins impishly. "Thanks! So are yours! Wanna go for a flight sometime?"

She bites he4 lip, nodding slowly to AJ and sighs, "Yeah...I guess being a hero isn't all sparkly sunshine and rainbows, although, it can still be rewarding...So what kinda powers do you have?"

Bishop has posed:
Bishop walks over towards his chair again sinking into it placing that blaster back into his holster as he looks between Patty, Megan and than at AJ. "I'll get the paperwork started, it seems it is on me after all. After I finish this cigar, I'll get it started with him. You will find your way AJ, just telling you what I do you know."

He looks over at Patty with a wink. "So good find you happy, that you got your way this time Patty?" He winks at her, as he exhales the rest of the smoke, dropping down the cigar crushing it under his right boot, twisting it till the smoking cigar is out, and died in the grass.

He looks over at Megan with a nod of his head. "We will see, maybe we can, that is goal and why I'm here you know." His hand is moves slowly, to brush along his dreads as he moves towards the school, to get the paperwork. Once he has he returns, to start to fill it out, having AJ sign and dot, and fill out what he needs to as well.

Patty Sloan has posed:
"I will totally take you up on that Pixie! I need to get better at flying. I've been running around the lake to build up endurance but that changed when Sam suggested I run half the way and fly back." Patty smiles softly before responding. "Oh a Sylph? In Greek History, a Sylph was an air elemental." She gestures putting a finger up into the air and the wind blows on cue. "Its fun but I have a lot to learn."

She looks at AJ and then at Megan. "Oh ice cream is definitely going to happen. Maybe I can scrounge some dinner. Our trip to New York City got cut short by a run in with a very big guy named Cain." She smiles. "Maybe we can find some leftovers from dinner? Or just have ice cream for dinner. That is an adult thing to do right?"

Patty looks to Bishop, "I am ready for another shooting class anytime." She snickers. "Hey I am good at finding good people!" She winks playfully and stretches. "I really need to work on my car!"

Allen-James has posed:
    AJ chuckles, "Ice cream sounds great." he says with a chuckle, and then eyes the paperwork as it's brought back. "But I guess we're doing.. paperwork first." he chuckles. He takes a seat as well, and grabs the papers and the pen provided, and starts to work through the sign, initial, sign, fill in, and sign..

    While he types, without looking, he points at the glowing orange disk in the air near the collumn. "That." he says with a chuckle. "Feel free to hit it, be gentle, it reflects force, and don't shoot it, it explodes if you manage to, yanno, push it hard enough. It'll fade eventually, if no one messes with it. If you /do/, it strengthens itself. Also, *I* can explode, but it's hard on the clothes, and isn't, yanno, huge." he says with a chuckle, flipping a page.

    Suddenly, at something Patty says, AJ freezes, pen hovering over the page.

    "Merde. I'm an adult." he laughs, amused. "I mean.. I'm twenty, of course I'm an adult." He doesn't look twenty, as small as he is. "It's just.. I've been on the streets, and it felt like time stopped for a while, and now..." he motions at the mansion. "I'm back in the real world, and it feels like I never left." He slows down the initial and sign, reading better what the paperwork entails.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins at Bishop and nods, "Sounds good, anytime!" to Patty she just beams, "Mmm, can't say no to ice cream with cherries and chocolate syrup! Heey, it takes a lot of energy to operate these things!" she flutters her wing as she indicates them. "Air elemental huh? Wow that's cool, sounds a bit like a faerie, maybe..?" well they're both magical mythical creatures right?

She peers at the glowing disk, tilting her head curiously and is about to say something when a name is mentioned."Wait, you had a run in with Cain..? I hope he didn't give you any trouble..?" she seems..Concerned.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop nods slowly at Megan. "Yeah it went fine, he was into this bloke's music." His eyes on AJ, as he keeps on working him through the pages of the paperwork. "Yeah, ice cream is good stuff, it's why the future is worth saving. We will all have ice cream once we finish this stuff, to welcome him to the school. I mean, there is more to do but this is the start of it, he can stay in the guest house till it's all final, you know and we will have to have him speak with Jean."

He looks over at the orange disk with a nod of his head. "Cool, good to know." He turns to Patty with a nod of his head. "Sure, we can do that and we will get one going next week."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smirks, "And hopefully I won't Misfire and shoot a Villain in the groin again!" She states to Bishop. Her attention goes to Pixie and she nods. "It does doesn't it?" She hadn't noticed but when she flies she actually eats more. "I think I've been too tired to notice but its true! I eat more on days when I really fly." She smiles a little bit.

"Well today I did fly and tonight I am thinking Ice cream!" She laughs a little bit. Then back to Pixie she nods. "Yeah they are! So that means we are friends Right?!" She laughs happily. Her wings flutter and she rises off the ground a few feet before landing again. "Welcome to Xaviers AJ!"

Allen-James has posed:
    AJ shakes his head at Megan. "No trouble, from Cain though everything got kinda tense. He was just there enjoying the music. Didn't seem keen on the school, but.." he shrugs as he continues to work his way through the paperwork.

    "And that's it, I think?" he says as he begins to go back through it, like a test taker making sure they hadn't missed a question.

    "Are there any.. you know.. rules here that I should know about?" he asks with a smile. "I guess I should probably learn to shoot..." he muses.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly to Bishop, smiling weakly to Patty. Something is on her mind, something she said earlier. "Y-yeah, that would be nice..." she bites her lip, distracted. "Uh..Heey, I'm gonna go ahead and get something from my room that I forgot, see y'all in the kitchen later!" and with that she vanishes in a puff of pink smoke without another word..

Bishop has posed:
Bishop takes the paper work in his right hand as he looks over at the others. "I'm get this filed and sorted it out, enjoy your ice cream." With that he is walking off into the teacher bit of the world, with a sigh of displeasure. He is not wanting to do this, he hates this bit.