Baxter Stockman

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  Baxter Stockman  
Baxter Stockman (Scenesys ID: 2762)
Name: Baxter Stockman
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: CEO of StockGen
Citizenship: USA
Residence: New York City
Education: Multiple Ph.Ds
Theme: IDW (VFC)
Groups: Ninja Turtles
Apparent Age: 44 Actual Age: 44
Date of Birth 05 May 1977 Played By Blair Underwood
Height: 6'2" Weight: 190 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Beethoven - Symphyn No.7 in A major op.92 - II, Allegretto

Character Info


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He is the smartest in the room. Don't pretend to be smarter, you'll only embarrass yourself. How do you draw the line between confidence and arrogance? Well, if you're Baxter Stockman, it's not a necessary line to draw. If you're the best, then everyone will just have to learn to deal with it, or they won't deal with it, but that's their problem. He doesn't have time for their problems, he has more important things to do.


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*1977: Born the son of Robert Stockman
*1981: Taught to have a love of chess and strategy, instilling a desire to increase his intelligence.
*1991: At the age of 14, after extensive study and research, was able to emancipate himself, and find enough legal loopholes in order to execute a hostile takeover of StockGen, his father's company, making himself the new CEO.
*1997: Stockman Graduates with his first Ph.D. in Genetics and Bio-engineering from Harvard University, having forced his own admission through blackmailing the administration.
*2000: Earned his Ph.D in Robotics from California Institute of Technology.
*2001: Earned an MBA in Business Administration and another in Financial Accounting from NYU.
*2004: Received his Ph.D in Quantum Physics from Harvard University.
*2006: Published a groundbreaking paper on the introduction of quantum mechanics to robotic and genetic integration, opening possibilities for new medical and military applications.
*2008: Received his Ph.D in Neuroscience*2010: StockGen's footprint in the scientific community allows the takeover of several other smaller companies. Despite expectations, it remains a private company.
*2013: StockGen is awarded the permission to work on confiscated technology after the repelling of the Alien Alliance.
*2013: Following the Gene Bomb, Baxter takes up a personal project in understanding human mutation, looking for ways to control the process.
*2016: Stockman is given an award for humanitarian efforts benefiting the medical field in genetic research.
*2017: Stockman is given another award for benefiting the world in the area of medical robotics.
*2018: Stockman receives yet another award, this time for neuroscience research, and his triple award lands him on the cover of Time Magazine.
*2019: Stockman earns his Ph.D in Computer Science*2020: Following the destruction of Genosha, Stockman decides to take advantage of the chaos to begin secret experimentation on mutants.

IC Journal

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Baxter is a highly intelligent man, and able to contend with some of the other greatest minds in the world and even minds beyond the world. This doesn't mean he can't be outsmarted by an oversight, but don't tell him that. His arrogance tends to show easily, and often is critical and demeaning to others, even other highly intelligent people. He has a constant desire to have 'one up' on everyone around him.
At the same time, someone who does manage to outfox him, or manages to create a meaningful discovery or creation, might find themselves with a high, if not cold, level of praise. He does not give compliments lightly or commonly, so those who earn them and know him know full well that it is genuine. Unless he's on camera, then he'll say whatever might make him look good.

As arrogant and self-absorbed as he is, Stockman's biggest priority is to win. Win at all costs. That even includes the cost of his own dignity or reputation. He has no problem letting his fear show in order to manipulate a situation or person.
He also has no qualms about allying himself with his foes in order to accomplish something, for he is fully pragmatic and utilitarian.

It doesn't take a psychologist to know that Baxter Stockman is a complete narcissist of the first order. He always believes he's the priority for his tasks. Despite his ability to wax eloquent to the masses. Baxter Stockman is always Baxter Stockman's hero. Those who only see him on TV and in news articles may not be able to notice it, but those who meet him in person often have little doubt of his true nature.

He isn't likely to explode in rage, at least not outwardly. He's far more likely to insult those who disturb him. This can even go for people who have a great deal of power over him. He wouldn't hesitate to belittle someone holding him at gun point if he thought that he could get away with it, because anyone who puts him in a situation where he is losing, or threatened with potential loss, earns his full wrath. He will hunt them down, he will destroy them, sometimes even at the cost of his other objectives, throwing off his normally calculated strategies.

Character Sheet


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Baxter Stockman is one of the world's most advanced minds. Able to learn things at an incredible rate, he might be mistaken as someone with a superhuman intelligence. The wouldn't necessarily be wrong. But it's not through any serum or mutation, or physical augmentation. It's just a combination of the way his mind works, a photographic memory, and a highly intellectual capacity. There are few problems that he cannot wrap his head around to come up with a solution. And there are few solutions that he won't implement, if he feels them beneficial to him.


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Baxter has many degrees, and he doesn't pursue them for no reason. He seeks them out based on their usefulness to his current plans, and has found countless ways to interlace his knowledge to exponentially expand his capabilities.

Baxter always has a plan. He's always five steps ahead of what most people see on the surface. Whether it be his legitimate or criminal enterprises, one thing that his allies and enemies alike will know about him is that what is seen on the surface is rarely the endgame.

Multiple Degrees:
Baxter has the following degrees:

Ph.D Robotic Engineering
Ph.D Genetic Engineering
Ph.D Computer Science/Programming
Ph.D Neuroscience
Ph.D Quantum Physics

MBA Business Administration
MBA Financial Accounting


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Stockman's extensive research and experimentation with genetics has yielded quite a bit of fruit. His most popular are his flyborgs. They are cybernetically enhanced mutant flies. Massively reproducable, they have cybernetic mental controls, which he or another assigned user can utilize. They can lift fifty times their body weight, or about 500 pounds (227 kg). They are small, making them often a surprise to their foes, for they have strong enough exoskeletons that anything less than an assault round will have trouble penetrating their natural armor.
Because they have limited mental capacity, if the cybernetics are removed or disabled, they could be fodder for a psychic, for they have almost no ability to resist. If they have no controller, and are given their free will, they are primalistic, acting in a basic primalistic mode with a minimal ability to speak.
They can fly about 40 mph, and given that they have gossamer wings, it is the weakest part of their body.

As someone who is constantly pushing the envelope of discovery, Stockman is frequently seen with a new robotic or genetic creation. Some of these are legitimate, and some of them are not, but he can keep his enemies on their toes due to the radical creations that he may come up with to counter his enemies.

Minefield Ordinance Unarming System Enhanced Robots. The mousers were designed by TCRI, the military contract branch of StockGen. They can be set to automatic, filling a predetermined function, or they can be remote controlled by a user. The advanced wireless connection makes them able to even receive signals through large amounts of interference such as stone and metal.

Most mousers stand about one foot in heigh, and have jaws capable of producing over 3500 psi. They were designed for the purpose of disposing of mines, and as such are incredibly durable. The interior of their mouths can withstand that same amount of PSI, making them not only able to contain the blast of most anti-personell mines, but also that of a shape charge or directional explosive.
They are not invincible, as they can be more easily damaged and destroyed from the outside, particularly at the neck and leg joints. They weigh approximately 9 lbs.
Mega Mousers: Mega Mousers are designed to contain significantly stronger amounts of explosives, and are designed for situations where more significant threats may exist. Standing 9 feet in height and weighing 1200 lbs, Their jaws have a psi of 90,000 PSI, able to contain significant C4 charge explosions, though such might still destroy the mouser, it will protect anyone outside it's maw. In addition, Megamousers are a remote arsenal, a dual purpose of being able to assist a military operation with low yield seeker missiles, .50 caliber machine guns, and infrared sweepers.

Military Contracts:
Through his business with StockGen, Baxter has access to some military sensitive info, but of course only as far as his contracts permit.

What Stockman lacks in personality, he makes up for in paychecks. His staff often will stay with him despite his lack of interpersonal skills because he offers solid benefits and very competitive pay. Not to mention he usually has some sort of blackmail that can be enacted if they ever tried to rat him out. That doesn't mean they are loyal to a person, but it means that he definitely has manpower to carry out his plans.

StockGen is a multi-national private enterprise that Baxter owns himself. There's no board of directors to answer to. Just him. StockGen Tower is located in Midtown NYC, the headquarters for all of Stockgen's business, and it also houses a good portion of the robotic engineering facilities. In addition, there are laboratories scattered across the USA and the globe, with the highest concentration of them being in the USA and in Europe. StockGen has several departments:

Genetic Research
Reverse Engineering
Robotic Engineering and Design
Medical Robotic Design
Pharmaceutical Science
Military Research

Techno Cosmic Research Institute is a large technology firm that is a child company of StockGen. It's focus is on Electronic and Robotic research, and is the birthplace of the MOUSERS and much of the technology used in the Flyborgs. It has access to select government sensitive information (as approved by staff for RP/TP purposes) as it usually the part of Stockman's resources taking part in government research contracts for the military.


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Baxter's arrogance is often his downfall. He has very little concept that he could be outsmarted in virtually any situation. Even if he is thwarted, he often will attribute it to an unknown incidental rather than being outclassed mentally.

While he's brilliant, Baxter has very bad interpersonal skills. He can perform on a level of interacting professionally and even speak well in front of other people, but he has the congeniality of a brick. Many people tend not to like him due to his tendency to insult others casually. Though, this tendency also means they know if he's complimenting them, it's genuine.

Only Human:
Yes, Stockman has incredible technology, the sharpest of minds, and he's even in pretty good physical shape. But he's not a trained combatant, and he only has a very ordinary human body. Given that he tangles with characters often who have significant physical skills, powers, or physique, it puts him at a great disadvantage if it comes to blows.



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Baxter Stockman has 6 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Shi'ar: We Come in Peace, Part I July 19th, 2021 The Shi'ar arrive around Earth, announcing their hunt for the world-destroying Phoenix, and are met by its many heroes, who draw some firm boundaries around their beloved homeworld. Tense diplomacy ensues, while the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive bearing their own Shi'ar refugee, Lilandra. Ultimately, Superman and the Shi'ar ambassador agree to a formal meeting on the moon, while Terry O'Neil communicates with Rocket to teleport his passenger off the Milano and past the Shi'ar blockade to Earth.
Creating the Monster July 8th, 2021 No description
Just a little sample July 2nd, 2021 Saeko thwarts the attempt of a few flyborgs to get some DNA from a mutant.
But nobody would miss them! June 7th, 2021 No description
I Ain't Groot June 3rd, 2021 Baxter has created an unstable 'clone' of Groot that is driven to destroy itself and anything around it.
The Future is Now! May 20th, 2021 Baxter detects a quantum anamoly, and upon investigation, Vance arrives from the future!


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Entertainment Credits

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Baxter Stockman has been credited in 0 shows.

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Baxter Stockman has been credited in 0 albums.

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Baxter Stockman has authored 0 books.

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