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On frigid Niffleheim, the ancient entity called Ymir creaked to life in the dusty remnants of the endless cycle that was Ragnarok. As had happened many times before, he was met by Gaea and from their union came the first Asgardian, Buri.

Buri married a Frost Giant and had three sons: Bor, Mimir, and Njord.

Buri ruled Asgard for thousands of years until he was challenged by his son, Bor. Bor had discovered that Buri was hoarding the power of the unoccupied other realms. Bor was unable to comprehend Bor's intentions, an ambition to end the Ragnarok cycle once and for all. Bor engaged his father in combat. Once Buri was defeated, he fled in exile to Niffleheim. Bor would father Odin, who in turn would father Thor.