Gaea was a refugee First God who discovered the proto-sapient Demiurge when fleeing the cataclysm that shattered the First Firmament. She carried with her the fragile essence of the Life Entity and used the nascent power of the Demiurge to create a world of stone and fire to protect it from harm. She became the matriach (and most influential) of the Elder Gods. She eventually nurtured a new generation of newly-spawned entities called the New Gods.
Gaea has become an ideologue as the avatar for the Demiurge and guardian of the Life Entity. She is one of the most potent and powerful entities in the universe and is the core ideologue for the concept of nurturing, creation, and motherhood. It is her insistence on stability and safety that has kept the Demiurge-- and many realms attached, real and conceptual alike-- from destabilizing into total chaos.
She resides in The Garden in the heart of Yggdrasil. It is in this place that the awareness of the Demiurge can be most keenly felt. Gaea is one of the few entities who can grasp the scope of the Demiurge's existence, and who can communicate with it regularly routinely.
Gaea is one-third of The Fates, also known as the Norns or the Morai.