Stefani Houston
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Quiet (Scenesys ID: 2911) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Quiet | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Occupation: | Mercenary | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | Mobile | ||
Education: | Military | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 59 | Actual Age: | 59 |
Date of Birth | 07 June 1962 | Played By | Stefanie Joosten |
Height: | 5'5 | Weight: | 123 |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | |
Character Info
A former assassin turned mercenary and occassional government agent, Quiet is a wandering former soldier enhanced with a variation of a super-serum to treat horrific injuries but at the whims of another became infected with a bio-weapon forcing her to remain effectively mute. Even with the weapon neutralized she remains almost entirely silent. Having disappeared for nearly a decade, she has been drawn out of hiding and retirement both, to lend her skills once again.
*1960's: Born at an classified date and time, the details of her birth and her family are hidden and records destroyed.
*1978: Joining the CIA at a young age, her talent and proficiency eventually led to her being selected for a Covert Intelligence outfit. Initially created as a support unit to the CIA led 'Weapon Plus' program. The unit would eventually become known for its unconventional warefare and 'Any means necessary' approach to ensuring success.
*Early March 1984: Having estabilished herself as one of the unit's elite, she is sent to eliminate a direct threat to Weapon Plus operations by its leader directly. The mission is unsuccessful and she is severly injured. Manging to survive she is given to the program as a test subject and recieve a treatment which gives hersuperhuman abilities. She is also infected with a bio-weapon known as 'The Curse of the Forked Tongue' designed to spread to and eventually kill anyone who speaks English, however for it to activate and begin spreading she herself would have to speak.
Adopting the name 'Quiet' given to her for her silence and terrifying sniper tactics alike, she continues to work for the Weapon Plus program and is eventually sent after the same target that resulted in her injury.
*March-May 1984: Once more unsucessful in her mission and captured by her target and their mercenary outfit known as the 'Diamond Dogs', Quiet's employers use her to track the location of their target and attempt to eliminate both them and Quiet with a fighter jet strike, forcing Quiet to work with her captors to defend themselves. Initially kept as a prisoner, Quiet would eventually join forces with the group she'd been sent against and working as a mercenary and in several humanitarian and peace keeping opperations throughout Afganistan and Africa.
The Diamond Dogs would eventually find a 'neutralizer' for the bioweapon, but after witnessing other language strains of the same weapon being deliberately mutated to spread once more Quiet chose to remain mute and would eventually choose to leave on her own to protect those she had grown close to.
*1990-2000: Having been mostly 'Inactive' and disappearing into obscurity for the previous decade, Quiet's healing factor prevents her from aging and several intelligence agencies begin to track down her wereabouts.
*2010-Currect: Officially 'Outed' after an attempted reprisal attack, Quiet is approached and offered American Citizenship and resources to operate securely in return for her services with certain government concerns.
IC Journal
Although only a trait eventually fostered through comradship and trust within the Diamond Dogs, Quiet has been shown to develop a more caring and sentimental side, risking herself for those she cares about and even non-combatants and civillians. While it's taken her decades to grown into and aknowledge, Quiet can be protective and sentimental with those she grows close to and is willing to put herself on the line for others.
Quiet Obersever:
Literally her namesake, but also true to a degree. Quiet tends to be an observer quite often, taking in detail and only really communicating when necessary or with those she is close to. Her mute nature may indeed lead some to thing her shy, but in truth her silence and experience has lead her to take the time assessing and acting with purpose rather than merely reacting.
Quiet has been shown to be extremely ruthless and efficient when operating as a trained killer, dispatching civillians without a second thought to eliminate her target or showing any remorse. She's very dedicated aand focused to her job and is willing to do anything to get her mission done, taking the horrific pain of being lit completely aflame for several seconds before finally succumbing to the agony. Even after her time among comrades lead to her becoming more humane and benevolent, she still has no qualms about killing targets or combatants when ordered.
Character Sheet
Agility and Endurance:
As a result of her treatment Quiet's reflexes and speed are also enhanced, allowing her to run endlessly at nearly 25mph and about double that for a quick bursting sprint of several seconds.
When Quiet was given the treatment that saved her life, it also came with a variety of abilities as side effects. One such ability, when fed with exposure to sunlight, oxygen, or fresh water, is the ability for Quiet to cover her body, and clothing, in a cloak of near-invisibility. Quiet will remain in a corporeal state, but she will become almost entirely invisible to the naked eye. This ability will morph, and blur, should she make sudden movements, which may allow her to be seen more easily.
Ability features:
- If standing still, Quiet can cover her body and clothing in a light-bending cloak. The power is activated through her cellular structure, and includes items on her person.
- Quiet can extend this ability to include another person, should she be holding on to them, or embracing them against her body, but it will drain the supply of power quicker, should she not be in sunlight, or an adequate level of oxygen on her skin.
- this cloak makes it almost impossible to see Quiet, should she be standing still. If she moves, however, it will cause the effect to blur, and make her more easily identifiable by the average naked eye.
- This power does not mask her heat signature, and those with heat vision can still see her even if she is using it.
- This power will fail if Quiet is forced to suddenly move at quick speeds, i.e. if she is forced to run.
- Quiet can keep this ability active, if her power level is at full, for up to 30 minutes. If using it with another person included, it will fall to roughly 15 minutes before she is drained and must drop the cloak to recharge.
- A recharge requires adequate oxygen, or sunlight, touching her bare skin. Her full recharge only takes a matter of minutes. Within 5 minutes, she is fully recharged.
- Fresh water can recharge her as well, but takes twice as long from the same amount of exposure.
Limited Healing Factor:
Quiet has a degree of cellular regeneration, restoring her to her 'default' state free of injury or aging as long as she can still 'breathe'. Able to regenerate in minutes from explosions or gunshot wounds as long as they aren't immediately lethal, allowing her to 'get back in the fight'. A large enough calibre or direct headshot will kill her as readily as anyone else.
Photosynthesis: To compensate for her damaged organs, she is capable of breathing through her skin and feeding on water through her skin as well. She also needs periodic doses of sunlight or UV to nourish herself. The more well nourished she is with solar energy, the more power and endurance she has. Upon being suffocated to near-death, the moment she was exposed to enough sunlight and oxygen, her self-healing became strong enough to immediately revive her. This does not require her to be naked, or near-naked as long as -some- skin can be reached by air and sunlight, something easily achievable with modern fashion, materials and technology.
When Quiet was given the treatment that saved her life, it also came with a variety of abilities as side effects. One such ability, when fed with exposure to sunlight, oxygen, or fresh water, is the ability for Quiet to shift her corporeal body in to a black smoke, or mist, form. While in this non-corporeal form, Quiet can move distances much faster, and reappear back in to her natural state in this new location. This allows her to move through small spaces, such as cracks in doorways, or through fences with small gaps. She can also bring another person in to this form with her, but it drains her power supply much faster.
Ability features:
- Quiet can dematerialize her body on a cellular level, turning herself in to a black smoke, or mist, that extends to items directly on her person or up close against her bare skin.
- While in her smoke / mist form, Quiet can move around much faster than the average Human can move. She utilizes this power to travel quickly across short distances, and move through small spaces, such as gaps in doorways, or fences.
- Quiet can extend this ability to include another person, should she be holding on to them, or embracing them against her body, but it will drain the supply of power quicker, should she not be in sunlight, or an adequate level of oxygen on her skin.
- Quiet is effected by strong winds, while in this form, and is subject to be blown 'off course' if the wind is too strong. If the wind is not strong, she can manipulate her presence on a Z-axis, and gain the 'high ground' if needed. She would not call this ability 'flight' however, as it could pose a danger to get too much height, and be forced to fall out of this form, and risk a dangerous fall while low on power.
- Quiet can keep this ability active, if her power level is at full, for up to 5 minutes. If using it with another person included, it will fall to roughly 2minutes before she is drained and must re-materialize, to her corporeal state, to recharge her power supply.
- A recharge requires adequate oxygen, or sunlight, touching her bare skin. Her full recharge only takes a matter of minutes. Within 5 minutes, she is fully recharged.
- Fresh water can recharge her as well, but takes twice as long from the same amount of exposure.
- This is Quiet's most draining ability, and can wear her out the quickest. She thusly uses this ability very sparingly when in places with short supply of oxygen, sunlight, and fresh water, with sunlight being the best at recharging her the quickest.
Superhuman Strength:
Similar to most with variations of super soldier serums, Quiet has a lifting strength of approximately 2 tons. With this she's easily able to throw a full-grown man, cripple armored foes with a single strike of blunt force trauma or shoulder weaponry that would be impossible for a normal human without injury. She's also shown to leap up to 20 feet into the air from a standing start and land without injury or pause.
Quiet is trained in specialized hand to hand combat, combining with her enhanced abilities to make her a more than a match for all but the most skilled and superhuman foes.
Superhuman Sniper:
Quiet's skill with a sniper rifle borders on the impossible, her enhanced senses allowing for her to instantly detect and calculate the variables that go into a shot and her perception allowing her to hit almost imperceptable targets at extreme range. Her unique respiration prevents breathing from affecting stability and her enhanced strength allows her to compensate for even high-calibre weaponry.
Quiet is extremely proficient in surviving hostile environments for extended periods of time.
With her new abilities enabling her to sustain herself on sunlight, this survivability has only increased.
Trained Operative:
Thanks to her training and years of experience, Quiet is skilled in infiltration and assassination tactics as well as affording her the technical proficency to get around most alarm and security systems. This skillset has only been further complemented by her treatment enabling her superhuman abilities.
Weapon Expert:
Despite having a preference for particular weapons, Quiet is an expert with all conventional firearms and explosive weapons, having both the training a superhuman perception to perform inhuman feats of accuracy. She is also proficient with bladed weaponry when it is called for, but usually prefers to work unarmed in close combat.
Breathable Materials:
Modern technology and materials have allowed Quiet to adapt and blend in better, with her new employers providing some literally 'breathable' materials and UV emiter lined body armor, allowing her to operate with slightly more protection than her older outfits would allow.
The Butterflies:
While Quiet may be outfitted for a specific mission by her contractor, she generally operates with a sniper rifle or less-than-lethal alternative and a sidearm, prefering to 'travel light'.
The 'Wicked Butterfly' is a modified bolt action precision sniper rifle used for most operations.
The 'Guilty Butterfly' is a customized dart rifle with a fast-acting sedative that can usually render an average human asleep almost instantly. Lastly, the 'Sinful Butterfly' is a heavy calibre sniper rifle used for anti-armor or the occasional superhuman threat.
Cloaked In Silence:
Quiet's namesake is quite literal, she does not speak. While she can understand multiple languages including English, she does not speak team for fear of unleashing the bioweapon inflicted upon her decades ago. While the weapon has been rendered inert, fear of it mutating and becoming live once more has lead to her remaining effectively mute.
Healing Limitations:
Quiet's healing can help her recover from devestating injury extremely quickly, but it doesn't render her invincible. An immediately lethal damage for her is just as dangerous as it would be for a normal person, meaning that she cannot be careless. A bullet to the brain would put her down as easily as anyone else.
Light Deprivation:
While night is perfectly fine for her, should Quiet be locked in an environment with no sunlight or UV rays for an extended period she will begin to sicken and eventually die much like a plant.
Skin Suffocation:
Due to Quiet being able to 'breathe' by photosynthesis much like a plant, should the majority of her entire body be submerged in an oxygen-deprived atmosphere she will begin to weaken and her healing factor deminish. Total emersion or significant burns be inflicted on the majority of her skin will cause her to begin rapidly suffocating.
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Stefani Houston has
66 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Through A Mirror Darkly: A Sinister Wind In Madripoor | August 24th, 2024 | Cable and his team attempt to rescue a number of mutant hostages on Madripoor from the Mutant Liberation Front. Things get more complicated when both Sinister's Marauders and the Juggernaut make an appearance creating a four-way fight. |
Entry into Sin | August 22nd, 2024 | The Agents of SHIELD and allies are given a briefing on Sinthia Schmidt, the heir apparent of Hydra, and seemingly the daughter of it's founder, the Red Skull! |
SHIELD: Operation Retrieval | August 16th, 2024 | A group of SHIELD Agents and heroes go to rescue a deep cover operative from Hydra. They get him out, but not all things have happy endings. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Madripoor Will Fall | August 7th, 2024 | Madripoor has fallen to Stryfe and the MLF. Cable and his allies fight a rearguard action to evacuate as many people as possible while trying to deny Stryfe any tangible gains for his efforts. |
Lizard League: Helicarrier Hunt | August 6th, 2024 | The Lizard League attacks the Helicarrier with shocking results! |
Diary of a Madman | August 1st, 2024 | In the middle of Lake Superior, SHIELD and a rogue Logan find the things of nightmares. But more importantly, they found the trail left by the head of the snake. |
GNATION: Trouble at Oscorp | July 22nd, 2024 | In a daring rescue at Oscorp Tower, SHIELD agents and heroes battled the Goblin Nation. Despite intense combat, hostages were saved, and the Elite Goblin Knight was defeated. The mysterious stolen device remains under investigation, leaving many questions unanswered. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Scavenger Hunt | July 20th, 2024 | Cable and his team seek out two of the missing primary cores from the ruins of Greymalkin. But they have competition. |
In Search Of Beach | December 27th, 2023 | Stefani is seeking warmer weather in tropical Genosha. She buys jewelry from Old Ned then Kiana shows her to a waterfall and pool. Friends are made. |
The Path of Progress: Hightown Rumble | December 11th, 2023 | Cable and his team hunt down their next lead on John Sublime's location at a Madripoor night club. |
Interference with Intergang | December 8th, 2023 | Quiet and Smasher team up to take down an Intergang outpost with Shi'Ar weapons. It goes boomingly. |
Rooftop Shenanigans With Sniper Rifle | November 28th, 2023 | Quiet is tracking some critters and Matt offers to help, so long as she doesn't shoot at him. |
Meanwhile... | November 17th, 2023 | Now Bear With Me. I play the character straight. But they're a cokehead! |
Hell of a boy | November 14th, 2023 | Hellboy shows the BPRD to Stefani |
The People You Meet | November 6th, 2023 | Quiet meets up with a flying Belle. |
SHIELD - Urban Conflict | October 24th, 2023 | A SHIELD team of recruits and veterans goes for urban combat training in Eastern Europe. There, they get a taste of the real thing as they have to fight their way out of a brutal concrete kill zone and get away. |
Hide Awaaaaay | October 16th, 2023 | Quiet meets another pair of Xaviers School's cult members. She's really building quite a dossier on them... for very innocent reasons! Entirely innocent! Drinks and pretzels! |
Hello Hideaway | October 10th, 2023 | Stefani and Jimmy Hudson play pool and darts, and chat it up in the Hideaway. |
SHIELD: It Came in Pieces | September 28th, 2023 | Members of SHIELD open up their proverbial alien loot box and begin to roll need vs greed on the various items that fall out of it. |
Hello Fresh | September 27th, 2023 | Quiet picks the Punisher up from a punishing job! She then takes him to a quiet place to quietly explain to him all the quiet details of how Quiet quiets. Puff puff. |
Return to Hell | September 23rd, 2023 | Frank meets Quiet and they grab a drin, then head to the Foxhole for some heart to heart talk. |
Strange Things Are Afoot at the Circle-K | September 17th, 2023 | SHIELD has to get in to a hostile area and secure it for the recovery teams to make it in. It gets pretty nasty with some really pesky creatures slinging plasma around! Ya'll gotta be careful when strange things are afoot at the Circle-K. |
The Path of Progress: Back to the Start | September 9th, 2023 | Cable and his team storm the evil law offices of evil to try and dig up information on John Sublime's whereabouts. Afterwards there may be a trip to the Waffle House. |
Hanging at the gym | August 26th, 2023 | Jacen showed his complete lack of baseball ability and got schooled some by Quiet. |
Wayward Banner...sort of. | August 20th, 2023 | Bruce slipped out of the Mansion and SHIELD sent someone to find him. Fortunately for everyone it was Agent Houston. They had a good conversation as she escorted him back to Avenger's Mansion. |
The Path of Progress: We're Down At The Bottom Of A Hole | August 7th, 2023 | Cable and his team need to escape the hole they find themselves in after Sublime tried to blow them up. He might have a few more surprises for them too. Fortunately the good guys might have some backup of their own... |
AVENGERS FOREVER: Battlefield '44 | July 19th, 2023 | The heroic Agents of SHIELD travel through time to capture a moment in an alternate D-Day Landing! |
One, 1, 12 Pack of 8-Track tape recordings of Earth Wind and Fire's Album: I Am | July 17th, 2023 | Quiet steals all the things whlie Alex does inventory. |
This Is My Axe! | July 7th, 2023 | Thor brings Stormbreaker to the Triskelion and gives out an autograph. |
AVENGERS FOREVER: Sword of Damocles | July 1st, 2023 | The SHIELD Contingent brave the mysterious interior of Kang the Conqueror's Starship Damocles. |
Intercepting Intergang | June 29th, 2023 | A SHIELD raid on an Intergang base goes well for once without extrensive damage or injury to anyone! Even the base! |
Maximum Carnage - Late Monday Morning | June 24th, 2023 | Later Monday Morning. Bad guys are starting to run about. Doppelganger and Shriek are caught by Quiet and Cyber-Spider. But it just seems a rough start as a whole bunch of bad guys are sweeping through the town and ready to make it to a gorefest as the heroes go to split up and chase them down. |
Hush Hush | June 16th, 2023 | Quiet and Hawkeye share some words on a very special birthday. |
SHIELDs and Spies | June 15th, 2023 | A group of SHIELD operatives rescue a deep cover agent from Intergang! |
S.H.I.E.L.D.'y Snacks! | May 18th, 2022 | S.H.I.E.L.D. cafeteria gossip amongst the gaggle of agents. |
This is my house! | May 9th, 2022 | Quiet leaves more of her junk at Alex's house and then abuses his hospitality! |
Cutting Off the Heads | May 4th, 2022 | S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents engage in a tense interrogation of Armin Zola and 'Baron' Strucker. From Zola they dig out Peggy Carter's location. |
An Odd Discovery | May 2nd, 2022 | A night at Coney Island is ruined by the discovery of a dead body...but how did it get there? |
Command and Conquer: Saving the Chief | April 22nd, 2022 | A SHIELD Strike team hits a Hydra base to free the captured Peggy Carter. Fighting through the worst Hydra has to offer to give the infiltration team a chance to rescue her. The frontal attack works as a distraction. But Peggy's not there. She will be found. And Hydra's hurt badly. |
Hunting the Hydra | April 11th, 2022 | SHIELD Agents undertake a daring strike to capture a Hydra VIP right from their own base! |
Destruction and Deviants | April 11th, 2022 | DV8 goes in for the kill with gleeful orders from Ivana to leave a trail of bodies behind as a message. With a plan of attack and assets in place, the Deviants go to hit some heroes in Hell's Kitchen. They give a brutal gut punch.. But take some hard hits back as they have to flee. They have several pissed off heroes now.. And worst of all for DV8, a very pissed off Ivana. More to come as the freaky lady's plans haven't been toppled, just set back.
She has far more screws to twist to bring people to the depths of despair and darkness. So be ready for the next time we plunge.. Into Deviancy and what dwells in the depths of sinister minds. |
Sunshine | April 5th, 2022 | Quiet has to leave her giant tank killing sniper rifle somewhere! Might as well be with the bean pole guy who is grumpy but has a nice apartment! |
Deviants Into the Depths | April 2nd, 2022 | Quiet and Grifter sneak into a base of Ivana's in the Appalachian mountains. They find and fight Ivana, and fall back. Having found one of her bases of operations, the heroes have the chance to hit her where it hurts.. IF they can muster in time before she gets away to darken the sky another day. Will she inflict something more depraved and deviously Deviant? Only time will tell. |
Park HOppin | April 1st, 2022 | Evan meets a strange, possibly homeless, lady in the busy Washington Sqr Park. |
Silence Before Sirens | March 11th, 2022 | No description |
A Little Well-Armed Robbery | February 20th, 2022 | Cybernary and Quiet ambush a convoy in Prague and manage to pull off a relatively stress free theft of a payroll shipment while destroying several transport trucks. Most importantly, they get paid! |
Quiet in the Coffee Shop | February 19th, 2022 | Emma Frost goes to hire a group of reputable killers for hire to find some cloners who made Divine to be dealt with. |
Thoughts and Gardens | January 31st, 2022 | Emma hires Quiet to find some Kryptonian cloners and deal with them. Permanently |
Be very Quiet.. | January 16th, 2022 | Emma talks to Quiet on hiring her for future freelance work |
A Moment of Quiet | December 30th, 2021 | Cybernary and Quiet establish a mercenary partnership. |
A hunt in the City | December 4th, 2021 | A game turns into a hunt, Quite and Alex are ambushed! |
Running Rematch | November 30th, 2021 | Quiet and Alexander have a rematch, this time with an obstacle course! |
Shadows and Fog In a Night of Silence | November 28th, 2021 | Alexander meets Quiet and they don't really have much to say. |
A quiet coffee break | November 25th, 2021 | Quiet gets a snack, Billy helps! |
Gotham Night out | November 6th, 2021 | Ollie asks Quiet: |
Quiet Night at the Gym | October 20th, 2021 | Catman meets Quiet. Surprisingly no one gets killed. |
Silence Discourse | October 6th, 2021 | Demona is tasked with fixing a thing for Quiet and Bando fails to catch a squirrel. |
Work Meeting | September 6th, 2021 | While on the job in Cambodia, Ty and Quiet find themselves having a meeting. At least they didn't shoot each other! |
Silent Shadows | September 2nd, 2021 | A silent assassin and an urban legend investigate a company named Lerna Shipping. What they find has more than one head... |
Bikers, Booze, and Blasting Music | August 7th, 2021 | Leg 2 of the concert tour has gone by without a demon in sig- Wait. Ghost Rider showed up? Crap. |
Even Gunslingers need a day off! | August 1st, 2021 | Lara and Quiet meet poolside and share some stories...or at least, one of them does! |
A Bad Day to Be a Drug Dealer | July 11th, 2021 | A drugs-for-guns deal gets interrupted by two Spiders, one Sentinel, and a very Quiet killer. |
Shh. Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet... | July 3rd, 2021 | No description |
Training | June 27th, 2021 | Jovian begins training with Quiet, it goes well. |
This is a high steaks get together... | June 22nd, 2021 | Hey, they didnt burn the Hellfire Club down. Or even get kicked out. Steak might even be had. Hallelujah! |
Low Volume Look Around! | June 18th, 2021 | No description |
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