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Latest revision as of 13:53, 23 July 2021

On a visit to Bushwick
Date of Scene: 21 July 2021
Location: Fred's Diner
Synopsis: The burgers were great, conversation was had, people came and went...
Cast of Characters: Albert Rothstein, Bando George, Maya Caldwell, Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Lydia Dietrich, John Constantine, Robert Marksman

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein had a errand here in Bushwish where one of the kids in his autoshop class needed some help with his parents minivan. So, Albert has came out and helped the kid for a few hours. He now has found time to grab food, and the diner is always a good spot. So Albert finds his way in and to one of the corners of the counter, making an order for food and some Dr. Pepper.

Bando George has posed:
    "Don't go far. Don't wander. I mean, I know where I'm going, so it's not wandering, not technically. And with the subway, it's really not that far, right? I mean, it's all connected. I'm in the same city." Bando bounces down the street, talking to himself outloud, and suddenly turns to a stranger that he passes. "It's not that far to you, is it?" The man gives him a strange look, but doesn't answer, and continues down the street, checking his wallet.
    "It's good to meet you!" the teen calls out, back to him, and then turns back to almost run into a middle aged woman. "Oh, sorry! And you too," he adds to the greeting. She doesn't respond either.
    "See this is why I liked Texas better. Nobody talks to each other here!" He freestyle walks up onto a trashcan, drawing...well, this is New York, he doesn't draw a lot of attention, really. He hops back down, and flops himself forward against the diner window. "Whoa, it's not even a chain store. I'm so hungry," he says aloud. Again, to himself. He spins on his heels in a 270 rotation and carries himself to the door, the bell ringing as he passes through. He immediately sees the imposing figure of Albert before him, and freezes.
    "Holy mother of macaroni. You are like, a giant. Do you play basketball? I don't watch basketball but I'm pretty sure you should play it even if you are bad. You'd like, just stand under the basket and that be literally your whole job." His hesitancy to speak to a stranger? Yeah, that's completely non-existent.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over to the kid, and chuckles a bit "Not since College." He offers in answer to the kid. He knows a few kids that ramble a bit at school, so it is not that unusual for him. He chuckles a bit and says "You new in town I take it?" He asks the kid from the way he is acting he does not seem your normal New Yorker. His drink is brought to him, and he tells the waitress "Thanks Mary."

Bando George has posed:
    "I mean, you should, like, just go call the Knicks. They could seriously use your help." Hopefully he's not a Knicks fan to be offended by that. "You know how much people get paid to do that? You'd be a millionaire. Just like, show up and get some tickets on the fifty yard line." Wrong sport, but he doesn't notice his own blunder. Is he going to order food? He seems to have forgotten that part of going into a diner, and Mary brings it to his attention.
    "Oh, yeah, um, Can I get like, whatever the biggest burger is that you have, and extra fries, and a Dr. Pepper." He doesn't sit, but just wanders to linger near his new acquaintance's table. "I like the hair, though, it's pretty intense. Do a lot of people get freaked out by it? You look like you could be a bodyguard for the hulk."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein chuckles a bit again, and says "Not to often, most places I hang around with people are somewhat used to me. I considered playing but it would not be fair." He comments about professional sports. "I don't make millions, but I enjoy what I do, split my time between teaching and working as a mechanic." He looks over and says "You might want to have a seat, so when people need to get by they can."

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh, yeah yeah," Bando agrees, and sits across from Albert, whether that was intended as an invite or not. His knee bounces rapidly once he sits, though it doesn't seem to be out of nervousness, just extra energy. "Teaching is a pretty cool thing. I bet students don't act up in your class," he grins. "I'd love to be a teacher, but I might have to become a superhero. I'm not sure if you can get paid for that, though. I might need like a day job for that." he scratches his ear briefly, "Oh, and I'm Bando, by the way. Bando George." He raises his hand above the table, offering it to shake.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will shake the hand and says "Albert Rothstein, and you might have to become a superhero? I Don't think anyone really has to become one it is more a choice. As for getting paid for it, maybe the Avengers or one of the bigger groups, but I think most do it more out of wanting to help people more than making money."

Bando George has posed:
    "Yeah yeah," Bando agrees quickly. "That's why I might need another job," he says. "I think though that I might have to. So, I'm a mutant," he comes out, saying it as if he was telling his eye color. "So I believe that if God gives you something--and I believe in God I believe in Jesus--So I believe if God gives you something, you should use it to give him glory. And so I mean, I might have something to do with my powers besides just being a superhero..." he pauses, "But that's probably the coolest thing to do with them. And I havent' figured out what else I would do with mine yet anyway." He shrugs, looking up as the orders arrive. He stares at the burger. "That is the absolute greasiest thing I've ever seen. It's like looking at the face of an angel. You know, if angels have greasy faces."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein has pretty much the same thing brought to him but more and with bacon. He chuckles a bit and says "I'm a mutant as well." He tells the kid." He hmmms and says "The school I work with is actually open to mutants and others with super powers."

Bando George has posed:
    Before answering, Bando pauses, bowing his head, and is silent for a moment, presumably praying for his food. The quietest he's been since walking in. Then he raises it again, and continues directly where he left off. "What?" He grabs his burger in disbelief, and takes a large bite, and then continues talking around the food in his mouth. "Thatsh awshum, the teash you tu be a shuperhero?" he asks. "Shine me up." He swallows the bite. Probably should have chewed a little more first, and then sips on his Dr. Pepper.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein chuckles and says "No, they don't teach you to be a superhero, but there are some classes that help with your powers, that and some of the teachers have experience with the whole super hero thing, and folks don't freak out about you haveing powers.

Bando George has posed:
    "I don't get the whole freaking out thing anyway," Bando says. "I mean, I guess if some people have like, poison skin that kills you or explode stuff, but most mutants don't got that. It's like...it's like bein' scared of getting some rare disease that are like lottery odds. We mutants are super rare, dangerous powers are even more rare, and dangerous powers with people who are imbalanced enough to go be supervillains? That's like...math. And I don't like math." He shrugs. "Guess it's one of those things where those rare events make it on the news and stuff. Hey wait, what's your power?" he asks. "You said you're a mutant. Sorry, I didn't even ask, I'm rude." He takes a handful of his fries, biting them down to nubs in a few chomps.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein smirks a bit and says "I get bigger." He tells the kid. "It is the whole bad folks get more press, plus there are all kinds of other reasons people get freaked out about people with powers. Some fear, some are jealous, and a whole list of thing. " He hmms a bit and says "You might not like math, but it is something you should work on, as you never know when you need it." He hmms and says "Whats your powers?"

Bando George has posed:
    The youth licks the salt off his right thumb, and arches his brow. "Bigger?" he echoes. "Wow, talk about doubling down," he gives a laugh. "Nah, I mean, I get it, if I'm honest. They aren't really scared that we're different. They are scared that we're the same, really. Most people got a real hot button, you know? Not like get mad, but really snap. A button that if it's pressed, they snap. People see the powers that are beyond them? They say to themselves, 'You know, if someone presses that guy's button, I can't stop him.' And that's their button. It's just what people are, mutant or not."
    He takes another bite of the burger. "This thin ish amazshing," he adds. "My powersh," he swallows his bite. "I um...I think it's quantum stuff. It's weird. I can teleport stuff to places. Like, whatever I want. Works most of the time as well!"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein hmms and says "Stuff but not people?" He is sitting at a booth near the end of the counter. The large man has a couple large burgers and fries in front of him, the kid at the other side, has something similar just not quite as much. He hmms and says "If your interested in the school, I work at, I can give you a card to call someone and so you and your parents can look up info on it online.

Maya Caldwell has posed:
Maya Caldwell suddenly opens the door and shuffles through. She's still got her blankets wrapped around her, but her head is exposed, breath coming out in frigid clouds, weather be damned. She glances around for a second, before stepping up to the counter and quietly ordering something. She's definitely a new face in Bushwick, for sure.

Bando George has posed:
    "I'm pretty sure I could," Bando says with confidence. "But it's like the Jurassic Park thing, you know? Doesn't mean I should. I've teleported myself, so I don't see why I couldn't. Just...things don't always arrive the way they left. And I don't really wanna end up hurting someone. Or turning their skin blue or something like that. Usually if something gets altered, it kinda fixes itself? You know? But there's been a few exceptions, and I'm not sure why. Check it out." He looks at the salt and pepper shakers on the other side of the table, and holds his hand /just so/. Suddenly, it's as if they were sucked into an invisible hole, and they reappear in front of him on the table. They look fairly normal, except...it looks like the salt and pepper are now both intermingled in both shakers. "And that sometimes happens. Can't figure out why, though."
    He glances past Albert, craning his neck to the side as he sees the sight of Maya enter. "Whoa," he says. "She really likes blankets." It may not be polite to stare, but...hey, sometimes you just gotta, okay?

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein watches the salt and pepper shakers and will fish out a card from his wallet offering it to the kid. He looks over to the woman, and hmms "I would guess, more, her powers keep her cold." He says to the younger man "She does not look distressed, so I would guess it is something she has had to get used to." He looks back to the kid "Thats the thing about Bushwick, you will see lots of different type of folks about here, so you know some people might get ticked off if you point out their differences, or even upset if they have not come to terms with it.

Maya Caldwell has posed:
Maya Caldwell steps over toward a booth not too far from the pair already chatting and shuffles into it. She takes another quick glance around the diner, her eyes meeting Bando's rather quickly. "Um. H-Hi," she says aloud. After a long, awkward pause, "I'm...new here." Clearly.

Bando George has posed:
    "You think she is?" Bando asks, and he doesn't even look at the card, his attention now fully focused on the eclectic appearance of Maya. He's about to call out to her to ask when she shuffles over. "Hey, are you a mutant?" he throws the question out before even asking her name. I'm Bando, this is Albert who I just met. I'm a mutant so it's okay if you are too, don't worry about it." He speaks quite a bit faster than Maya, vomiting words out at a rather quick pace.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over to Maya, and says "Hello, Bando here is new around here as well, I am here off and on. If you want you can join us, Bando will probably ask you a lot of questions but he seems sincere, and a nice enough kid."

Maya Caldwell has posed:
Maya Caldwell stammers briefly, before replying. "I-I, ah...Yes, I'm...a mutant. Maya." Silence, then, "Uh, sure?" She moves over to the other two and shuffles in beside Albert. Even with the blankets wrapped around her, there's still a very slight chill in the air. "God, this place is...s-so different from Gotham. There's actual -color- for once." She chuckles weakly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Obviously the three woman who just entered Fred's Diner are either going to some place with water or just coming back from it, as Clarice, Lydia and Raven are all wearing bikini's.

Raven is a medium height red haired woman with pale ivory skin and an athletic build. She presently sports a bright emerald green bikini that is not doing very well at concealing things, but the important bits are covered. Over the bikini is a see-through white gauze beach dress and on her feed a pair of sandals, nothing fancy really. Her arm is around Lydia and she appears to be finishing a sentence, "... and got my toes nibbled!" Then she laughs.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice enters alongside Lydia and Raven - her bright magenta-colored skin in contrast to the simple white bikini she wears - with a light, white coverup thrown over it - open in front - and with a pair of simple sandals on her feet. "That's nothing compared to the time this octopus wouldn't let go of me until I started to get out of the water. I don't know what his problem was," she counters, as her gaze starts scanning the diner - looking for familiar faces, open seats, and even any signs of trouble.
    "That booth of there?" she suggests - nodding to a spot near Maya, Bando and Albert.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Note to self: nibble Raven's toes," laughs Lydia, as they walk into the diner. Lydia, herself is wearing a lavender bikini, that's rather more modest than that of her partner. Around her waist is a matching lavender floral print sarong. As always, there's a bioluminescent green mist that constantly surrounds her.

"I've never gone anywhere tropical in my life," Lydia says, with a grin showing her excitement. "There was a turtle! And it swam up to me! It was neat!"

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh wow, you're from Gotham?" Bando asks Maya now that she's joined. "Is it true that they just mug people in broad daylight there? Have you ever met Batman? Do all the villains really look as goofy as they sound from their names? Are your powers why you keep the blankets around you? Is it because you have cold...wait, it'd probably be heat powers, right? If your body temperature is high it'd feel cold." At some point she might even be given the opportunity to answer. Albert was certainly right about one thing. He asks a lot of questions.

    And there it is, he takes a bite of his burger, there might be a moment that he stops talking. Use it wisely. He is distracted again, though as Clarice, Raven, and Lydia enter. Two of them are wearing bikinis. He glances about to see if anyone else is noticing this. He tries not to stare, but just as with Maya, he doesn't do a very good job. Whether it's because they have odd colors about them, or because they are wearing very little clothing, or both, Bando finds his gaze torn as he looks back at Maya, then back to the newcomer ladies, and back to Maya again, back to the ladies...No, look at Maya!

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will look to Maya, and says "I live pretty near Gotham, but came into town here to help some folks." He looks to Bando fixing to say something but then the women come in and he has to work not to stare a bit himself. He does give them a look over, but then forces his attention back to Bando. "Ok kid, new helpful rule, four questions then give the person a chance to answer. They may answer some of the other questions while answering them.

Maya Caldwell has posed:
Maya Caldwell perks up as three others enter the diner, all of them wearing bikinis. She's quick to avert her gaze. "Huh? Oh, I mean, s-sometimes? It depends on what part of Gotham you go to. And...ah, yeah, some of them can look a little...e-eccentric, but...I mean, there's nobody more eccentric than the Joker, and he's just about the most well-known villain in Gotham. Standing out in Gotham is a quick way to get people to think you're some kind o-of...weirdo."

She takes a deep breath before answering the other question. "Frost powers. Again, I don't really like to stand out, and...uh, I...t-tend to make places cold."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Keeping her arm around Lydia, Raven makes her way to the table Clarice indicated because one table was as good as another and she really didn't care. What mattered right now to her, in this order in her head, Lydia was super hot, she wanted a burger, Clarice seemed to be feeling better, and yep, someone was looking at them. The order shifted slightly, her green eyes narrow just a touch as she looked at Bando. She was trying to decide if he was staring because they were in bikini's or if it was because they were mutants.

"Lydia dear, if you want to know my real kinks, we'll have to hold a seminar in private regarding them," she teases, then offers Lydia the chance to slide into the booth first. It may not seem like anything more than letting her sit first, but Clarice might recognize the very protective mode of putting Lydia inside and away from the edge where first attacks might take place. "You should all try the swiss and mushroom burgers, ask for extra swiss."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice also notices the eyes on them - and the way Mystique slides in so her eyes are turned towards the potential threat. None of this is surprising but- great. Just great. Without comment, she slides into the otherside of the booth, hoping there's no telling signs of tension in her shoulders.
    "I don't know - that sounds a little rich for my stomach today. I might stick to a... soup or something like that, for now. Maybe next time though?" She has indeed been in better spirits - a trip to her favorite retreat has done wonders to restore her mood. Even if she might be sitting without powers - and with her back to a potential threat.
    But she can trust Mystique to keep them safe. Right? ... right.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I'll be sure to bring a notebook," Lydia says, sliding into the booth when offered. "Then I can put sticky notes on the headboard for pointers." She picks up the menu and starts reading over it. "I'm partial to their blu cheese burger. Comes with sautéed onion, which I love." She sets the menu down, "But I'll try your suggestion. Got to change it up every once in a while."

She notices that she's being gawped at by a teenager and her cheeks flush. She's not used to wearing such revealing clothing in public and as such is not used to getting that kind of attention. Still, she manages to overcome the urge to duck and hide behind Raven.

Lydia nods to Clarice. "You had a rough night last night so it's probably be best if you don't overdo it. I recommend the minestrone. It's good and hearty and should sit well."

Maya Caldwell has posed:
A waiter comes by the table Maya, Albert, and Bando are at, and sets a salad in front of the girl. She shuffles her arms out of her blankets, cooling the table down another few degrees, before grabbing her fork and digging in. She's being polite and not staring at the other girls!

Bando George has posed:
    "Frost, okay," Bando says, nodding to Albert as if there was some sort of lesson learned from her revelation. "That's pretty cool. I mean, not that you have to wear blankets. Maybe you could get a thermal suit or something," he suggests, as if a homeless person would have money for a suit that would probably have to be custom designed and cost several hundred dollars.
    He glances back and forth, and then looks chastened when he gets a glare from Raven. "Sorry," he says, grimacing, but not blushing. "It might be rude to ask, but...why are you wearing bikinis in the middle of a diner?" It was because of the bikinis it turns out, but not in the way that most teenage boys might have their stares turned. "I know it's none of my business, but I have a bad habit of just asking things and then being like "ahhh! I shouldn't say stuff like that!" He makes a mock horror face, and smiles. He does have a certain naive innocence about him, and definite awkwardness. "Like, I thought maybe it's a mutant pride thing or something, but then maybe it's because you were at the beach, but we aren't anywhere near the beach right now." He glances at Albert, as if to confirm whether he's saying something true. "Right?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods his head a bit to this and says "Well considering the one lady mentioned swimming with a turtle, I would guess they were somewhere near a beach not long ago. " He is not sure on teleporters, flyers, time travelers, this is Bushwick you never now. He eats a bit of his burger, and says "If you have an issue with your powers keeping you cold, there is a clinic in town might be able to help you or that neighborhood watch seems to be trying to help folks they may know someone who can help you find something that helps you stay more comfortable. " he hmms looking over at the ladies "In fact, I believe the lady in the white over there is actually a member of the watch even."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven slides into the booth once Lydia has settled in. On arm goes back around Lydia's shoulder the other hand picks up the menu. "Now see, I've never tried that burger. How about we go half and half? I get to try a new burger, you get to try a new burger and we still have our old stand bys?"

The fine art of watching something and yet not appearing in any way to watch it, these are skills that Raven obtained a long time ago. So while is looking at the menu and at Lydia, at Lydia a lot, she is keeping her head in a position that allows her to watch the other table in her peripherals.

"They have a wonderful chicken mushroom soup Clarice, and if they made it today, their beef broth, try to be matzo balls, soup is good too."

She gets it, obvious mutants stand out, they can't help it, but instead of staring try engaging in conversation, ask them about it, get over the fact that they were born different? She had no idea if the two gentlemen were mutants, but the cold radiating off the girl made it clear she was.

Lifting her eyes to look at the teenager she is pleased to hear it's the bikini's, so she offers a reply of, "Because we'd been out swimming, made no sense to change before coming in to eat considering we're covered. Might as well ask why you are wearing pants, unless of course there is something wrong with bikinis aside from them being distracting." She won't go into the fact that yes, they'd teleported some place to do that swimming or that they'd teleported back, that's more information that people needed to know. "Got it in one," she comments to Albert, then looks back to the menu.

Maya Caldwell has posed:
Maya Caldwell shakes her head, her long hair flying about haphazardly. "No, I'm comfortable, unless it gets really hot. I-I just don't want to make others cold. And in Gotham, I really don't want people knowing I'm a mutant." A pause, then, "Or, I didn't. I-I mean, I still don't, but I...don't live there now."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "So, Lydia, would it blow your mind if I told you that turtle... was a //small// turtle?" Clarice asks with an amused smile. "They get bigger than this table," she remarks - tapping the table in front of them.
    Her attention shifts to Raven next - curiosity and puzzlement both showing in her expression. "What matzo balls?" she asks without any comprehension. "Should I try that?" she asks - looking between the both of them. There are just so many different kinds of food in the world - she feels like she'll never get a chance to actually try all of them.
    And then someone is talking about the Watch - and- someone in white? She checks her own clothes - yup, she's wearing white - before turning around to look at the booth behind them with a friendly, but puzzled look. "You need the help of the Watch?" she asks. "I'm Clarice - or Blink. I've been organizing the Neighborhood Watch. I hope there hasn't been any trouble that we've managed to overlook?"

John Constantine has posed:
    John Constantine walks into the bar... That's the way it's supposed to happen. But not today. Even the Laughing Magician has to eat /sometimes/. The door swings open, the little bell rings... and he trips over the door frame. Not enough to go sprawling, mind, just enough for a little stagger. "Bollucks," he mutters under his breath as he gets himself to rights again.

    Of course he's wearing his standard fare, he must own a million of the same shirts, pants, ties and shoes, but only one of that infamous trench coat. Today that coat is splattered with black - it looks like tar? No, a little drippier than that, not quite so sticky, more gooey. He still has a smudge or three of it on his left cheek too, whatever it is. His dry cleaning bill on that damned trench most be astronomical, really.

Bando George has posed:
    "Bando nods, "It's not like they aren't distracting, they show a lot of skin--Not that I'm being a perv!" he says that second part loudly, just to make sure he's clear to everyone in the room. "But sorry, and it's okay that you're a mutant. This place is amazing. We got five mutants in one place," he declares, "It's just nuts." He isn't aware that Raven is a mutant, and seems to lack the discretion that some people might not want their status announced. Suddenly, the Super Mario theme starts to play in the room, and Bando stands up so he can access his phone in his pocket. "Yeah? No I'm just grabbing food. No in Bushwick. I know you said not far, that's not far!" Clearly, he's justifying his presence to someone. "Well you weren't really specific, and It's not that long for me to get back on the subway. Yeah I know there's people who pick pocket on the subway, mom, I'm not stupid. It's not a tone!" He glances about, realizing everyone can hear at least his side of the argument. He takes a deep breath. "Yes ma'am. Mmhmm. Yes ma'am. Okay, I'm coming now." He hangs up. "Uh, so it looks like I gotta go. Albert, Maya, ladies." He looks back and forth between the tables. "Oh man, I gotta..." he looks at the last half of his burger, and squeezes his way by everyone to go get a styrofoam container. He hops back, bumping into Lydia on the way, "Sorry," he apologizes, and carelessly plops his burger and the remainder of his fries into his to-go. He slaps it closed, and grabs his Dr. Pepper, taking a long drag of the soda through the straw, and wincing as he overloads on how much to take in at once.
    He puts the drink back down, and starts to leave. Oh, he has to pay! He changes course, heading back to the counter to pay his bill. Now he can leave. He starts to walk by John, and gives a mildly disgusted look at the...what is that on his clothes? He's in a hurry, can't ask now! Out the door.

    Thirty seconds later, he's back in the door! He rushes back to the table, slapping his hand down and picking up the business card that Albert had offered him. "Sorry! Almost forgot this. Bye everybody!" And he's gone again.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Ooh!" Lydia exclaims. "That sounds like a wonderful idea!" She snuggles in a little bit closer to Raven when she asks, "Do you want to get some extra french fries?"

Clarice gets her attention though. Her eyes grow wide as saucers. "That was /small/? Wow." She shakes her head. "You hear about these things on the nature channel, but you never really get know until you see it up close."

"Matzo balls are little balls of dough that you plop into soup. Kind of like a dumpling but unleavened and smaller," Lydia explains. "They're really good! Give it a try!"

The mention of the watch causes Lydia to perk up too. "I'm a member of the watch as well. Please let us know if you have any problems." Her attention is pulled away, however, by Constantine's near fall. "Isn't he a little hot in that?" she asks quietly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven offers Lydia a bright smile, then sets her menu down. "Extra fries are a much of course, with ranch dressing to dip in, and a coke... must have a coke, none of that pepsi crap for me."

Then she notices the man fall into the diner, well almost fall, and the state of his trench. "Apparently we're under dressed for summer, but he's /way/ over dressed. He's got to be roasting."

She doesn't add anything regarding the watch, whether she's a part or not, because right now she wasn't... she would be if it was needed of course. Right now she was just a woman having a burger with her girlfriend and friend in a mutant prominent area.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and says "Nothing wrong, just telling the lady here, if she had some issues the watch might be someone who could help or point her towards someone." He looks to Maya and the others and says "I'm Albert by the way." in introduction of himself.

John Constantine has posed:
    They're black, so it's hard to tell that the bottoms of John's pants are a little singed. As fate would dictate, his path to the counter leads him past the bikini clad trio and to a seat not too terribly far from them.

    Whatever cologne that is that he's wearing, he should take it back for a refund. It's an odd, slightly unpleasant, mix of something burning, a dash of sulphur maybe, some sage and is that... frankincense?

    "The usual, luv," he tells the waitress behind the counter when she approaches. "Leave the pot." Most Brits? Well, they love their tea. John? He needs his caffeine. But his coffee? It's always Irish. He pulls a little silver flask from an inside pocket of that trench while he waits on his coffee delivery. It's a delivery that will take place with a wary side-eye from the waitress. He's obviously been in here before and... it might not have gone well.

    "Not yet! Not until they decide which of them gets me," he replies with a wink in Mystique's direction.

    ...whatever that means.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks adoringly up at Raven. "I knew I loved you for a reason. No Pepsi, only Coke." She tears her gaze away to look at Albert. "Lydia," she says, introducing herself with a wave.

Her nose wrinkles at some familiar scents that's coming off of John. There have been times when her living room has smelled much like this in her studies. She looks over at raven and says, in sotto voce, "Keep an eye on that one. There's something odd about him."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's gaze flicks towards Constantine for a moment - her gaze tracking over him, and the trench coat, doing a quiet mental calculation of just what he could be hiding under the thing. She didn't trust it - wearing that much clothes in weather like this. Her gaze flicks towards Raven next next - silent acknowledgement there, that she'd help keep an eye on the man.
    "Well. I'll try the matzo ball, then," she decides. "And steal french fries."
    Then she's looking over her shoulder again as she adds, "Of course - the Neighborhood Watch are always happy to help, or point people towards the right resources. I mean, we have the Clinic, Hope House, and new housing opportunities going up in the neighborhood. Things are looking up."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven places a kiss on Lydia's cheek, adoring her all the more at that moment. It was a small thing, the war between coke and pepsi, but it was a war none the less and Lydia was on the right side.

"Raven," she offers, giving a slight wave to Albert. That felt strange, very strange, she just used her real name in a social setting outside of the Brotherhood and it almost felt... right. Ew. "Is your friend in some kind of trouble, need some help? We have an apartment she could crash at if she needs a place to stay here in Bushwick."

John Constantine has posed:
    John Constantine is no stranger to an appraising gaze. In response to Clarise's he opens his coat as if to say, 'nothing here'. Only a fool would believe that. When his coffee arrives, the pot and an empty cup, he fills that cup up with half coffee and tops the rest of it off with the contents of that flask. It won't be the last time he does the same either, it probably won't take long for someone to wonder why the hell that tiny flask isn't empty yet.

    "Name's Constanine, luv, John Constantine, but you can call me John," he adds to his little show for Clarice." He holds his bare, empty hands out to his sides and adds, "Just a bloke drinkin' some coffee, no need t'worry that pretty little head. Hope, by the way, springs eternal misery."

    What a ray of sunshine?

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and says "I thought the lady here might need some help." He nods to Maya as she excuses herself for the restroom "But seems she has things in hand. A new person in town, I figured from what I heard you guys could either help her or direct her to those who can.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia gets a goofy kind of smile at the kiss. She's still not used to public displays of affection but she's quickly learning to enjoy them. Soon after the waitress comes by to take their orders. Once done she gives Albert a nod. "We've got places that can help her, sure. I think just being in Bushwick where she can be herself is going to be a huge help.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's gaze follows the woman in question for a moment, then turns to Constantine at his dramatic demonstration of his 'nonthreatening' nature. "I'm Clarice," she remarks. "Why not just take the thing off, huh? It's way too hot for that sort of thing."
    Her attention shifts back to the people at her own table, amusement showing briefly on her lips as Mystique willingly introduces herself as 'Raven' in public. Though - that's hardly hiding. Didn't the NYPD know her by //that// name as well? She places her order - adding a request for a cup of ice water, and relaxes back into the booth. "I hope I sleep better tonight than last night," she remarks wryly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The police know her as Raven Darkholme, but they have no idea which face is actually Raven. It would take a DNA test to figure that out, so she's going with it for now, for a change. When the order is taken she also asks for some onion rings because at this point she's got an exercise routine in mind to work off the calories... if Lydia is willing.

"Wearing a trench in New York, in the middle of Summer... ordering coffee and adding whiskey in a diner... nothing suspicious about any of that John, not a thing." She looks back toward the direction the girl when, before looking to Albert again.

"If she comes out and doesn't climb out a window, we'll talk to her, see if she needs a place to stay. We've got apartments all over Bushwick."

John Constantine has posed:
    Is there a No-Smoking sign in here? Does John care if there is? No. Does any of the hired help that's side-eyeing him like he might be hiding a bomb under that coat try to stop him when he lights up a Silk pulled from behind his ear? Probably not. They make minimum wage plus tips, maybe... dealing with the Devil that is John Constantine is so above their paygrade. Does he use a lighter? Not not today. He's feeling particularly disinterested in giving two shits today.

    Flames dance on his fingertips as he raises them to the end of that Silk Cut.

    "Nope, not a thing," he repeats Mystique's assessment as the reflection of those flames dances in his blue eyes before he extinguishes the fire as simply as he brought it to life.

    "Bushwick, huh? What's this I'm hearing on the wind about a Golem over there?" He asks the question along with an exhale of the lung-full of smoke he just inhaled a moment ago. The stuff clings to him, obscuring his features for a moment before it starts to dissipate, "Not something that's going to go on a rampage and start killing people is it? Because that would bloody well ruin my week."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein finishes his burger and fries. He looks to the others and says "If you will excuse me, I need to get back home, I have a lesson plan to work on." He will stand and offers the ladies and the new odd fellow as well a nod, and the big man heads out.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia is, of course, oblivious to Raven's evil machinations for her. "You probably will. I know I slept like a baby last night," she says to Clarice. "I'm sure you would too.

Lydia scowls when John lights his cigarette. "Could you not..?" she asks, her tone on the verge of politeness. When he mentions her Golam she sighs. "It's not going to go on a rampage," she reassures. "Everybody thinks that they're about to go around and start killing everybody, when it was that /one/ time, and even then that was because Rabbi Loew forgot to deactivate it during the Sabbath. All the other ones have worked perfectly." She can't help but sound tired about this. So far the Golem has worked perfectly and has harmed nobody.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The cigarette means nothing to Raven, lots of people are stupid enough to poison their bodies with that sort of thing... and worse really. The fact that is bother Lydia is noted, so she picks up the 'specials' flyer off the table and starts fanning the smoke back toward John.

What was just casual conversation and joking around got serious real quick. Raven sits up a little more in the booth after John puts two words out there she's not okay with him talking about when she doesn't know him. Bushwick and golem. The week wasn't up, but so far the golem had been doing exactly what Lydia said it would do.

"You're not from around here, are you John..." she comments slowly, still making the smoke go back toward the smoker. "Probably not best to wander into the area and start asking questions about something that doesn't concern you."

Her eyes shift to Lydia for a moment, then slowly go back to John, "The golem hasn't done anything more than it was designed to do, so go poke your nose in someone elses business, thanks."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Deactivate it during the Sabbath?" Clarice repeats, uncertainty in her voice. She looks between Lydia and Raven for a moment, then back to Lydia as she remarks, "I mean - not that I want to look for trouble or anything but - do we need a list of instructions on what to do about the golem in case you're incapacitated for any reason? Do we we just- I don't know, pull the paper out of its mouth and wait for you to turn it back on again?" Is that how it even works?
    She turns towards the server as they return with the drinks - cokes, and water, perfect. She pulls her water towards herself, taking a sip, and smirking with amusement as Raven immediately jumps to Lydia's defense. "It has been doing rather well, hasn't it?" she agrees easily.

John Constantine has posed:
    "I could not, but I choose to, so..." John drags again from that cigarette, but he's at least not feeling asshole-ish enough to exhale the cloud of smoke in Lydia's direction. He angles it toward the ceiling. "So it's yours then?" He barks out a little laugh that turns to a tickle in his throat and then to a brief moment of coughing before he continues, "Did you allow for the possibility of someone else taking control? Include a fail safe in the spell work in the event that happens?"

    ... he seem to have more to say on the matter, but Mystique gets his attention quick. "If it's mystical? It's my business." His expression and tone have both gone from relatively friendly, for John, to cold and hard and leaving no room for debate. "Because I'm the one that will, ultimately, end up cleaning up the mess if a mess happens."

    His hand slips into his pocket to retrieve a business card that he flicks in Lydia's direction.

    "When it goes to hell in a hand basket, call me. I might even answer." That card is simple, white, nothing but 'Constantine' and a phone number.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman comes walking into the diner. The dark haired man, is looking down at a tablet in his hand. He steps into the place and to the side of the door for a moment. He frowns a bit, but taps on the screen for a moment, before he looks up, and heading deeper into the diner. As he sees the ladies here, his brow raises behind his glasses, but he smiles a bit and will head towards them. "Hey got room for one more?" He asks looking to Clarice first, nodding to the other ladies, and then looking to the fan, smoke, and smoker. He may have asked similar questions but he feels he at least did it friendlier when he did. He looks back to Clarice to see if she is cool with him joining them.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia watches as Raven gets all protective over her. On the one hand she wants to protest, because she can take care of herself. On the other hand it's kind of sweet. She turns to Clarice. "The Sabbath is every Saturday," Lydia explains, "but you only need to do that if you base your work off of Rabbi Loew's model. Mine is based off of Rabbi Eliyahu's model which worked perfectly until the Rabbi didn't need it any longer and deactivated it. I needed it to be able to work 24/7 instead of coming here on a weekly basis and giving it scheduled time off."

Her eyes narrow at Constantine, her opinion of him having just bottomed out. "Okay, first of all, if you know it all about magic, then you know that the only way to take control over a golem would be to rewrite the shem. We have a camera mounted on it so if anybody actually /tried/ that there would be a response team sent there within a matter of minutes. Second of all it is /not/ your business. You don't belong here. This isn't your community. And unless you're some kind of mystical cop, you don't have any authority over this. Lastly, if it 'goes to hell in a handbasket' it is /my/ responsibility and /I/ will be the one to deactivate it."

Lydia looks relieved when Robert shows up. His presence is a welcome distraction, and his demeanor is much preferable to Johns. "If it's okay with her," she says nodding to Clarice, "Then sure."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Green eyes flash amber as Raven catches the card before it can reach Lydia, since Lydia is in the booth beyond her. As her hand touches the card however, her flesh starts an impressive chain reaction from pale ivory to cobalt blue the effect like watching magnetic sand reacting to a magnet passing over it. In a matter of seconds her entire body is the beautiful cobalt mutant that she has always been beneath the emerald green bikini she had been wearing before.

"No one asked for your help Mister Constantine, and no one needs it," she states coldly, wrinkling the card up in her hand. "We take care of our own here, including the mystical as you aren't the only one with the knowledge of such things. Where as I appreciate your concern, and your taking your time to come all the way down to Bushwick to poke your nose into our business, if... and that's a big if... there is any problems, we look to our own first."

The card gets tucked into her own bikini top as she looks to Robert, offering the man a charming smile, "It's good to see you again Robert, please feel free to join us."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh. Well... Still might be better if we deactivate it if you're unavailable for a while," Clarice suggests - giving Lydia a smile that's almost apologetic. "I mean, just as a precaution, since none of us are very well versed in golems." Or anything mystical, really. She lets Mystique and Lydia deal with the strange man in the trench coat as she tilts her head up to look at Robert, greeting him with a smile, and pulling the front of her cover up closer together. "Oh, Robert, hi. Yeah, please join us. You know Lydia, and this is-" ... right. "And you know Mystique as well," she corrects herself, giving the blue skinned woman an amused look. "We already ordered - but I'm sure we can flag down the server."

John Constantine has posed:
    He barks out another laugh, it leads to another coughing fit. It passes and Constantine just shakes his head, maybe even a little sadly. When he speaks, his command of the Hebrew language is perfect, "And if someone fools your camera, little one? If there is power enough to animate a golem, do you not think there is power enough to fool a camera twenty times over?" He raises one eyebrow in question, but continues, still in Hebrew, "If something happens, blaming it on the ignorance of youth will not quell your guilt. It didn't mine. Remember that."

    He nods toward the crumpled card. In English, "I would keep that if I were you. Maybe your golem doesn't turn into a Trojan horse against those you try to protect, but I still have a feeling you'll need that eventually, your arrogance almost guarantees it. ... and I might answer if you call."

    He slides off is stool and downs his, by now cool enough, coffee and tosses enough money on the counter to pay for it and a modest tip.

    John mutters a few words under his breath, incomprehensible, maybe Sanskrit? A swirling portal opens in the middle of the damned diner. He's so far beyond giving two shits about appearances tonight. The portal, for the brief moment that it's open, shows the entrance parlor of a very old, Gothic manor. For the first time in weeks, the House of Mystery doesn't actively assault him in any way. It must know he's had a shite day.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over towards the man and the cough. He will tell him. "May want to get that checked out, does not sound wet, but that's not a good cough." He offers in a professional sounding voice. He then slides in beside Clarice, and says "I hope I am not interrupting things. " He sets the tablet face down on the table, and does motion to the waitress, and a drink will be brought over when they take his order shortly.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods to Clarice. "Oh, definitely. There's no way I'd leave it running if I wasn't going to be around to deal with it should anything happen.' John's laughter gets a roll of the eyes from Lydia. "What if somebody came in with a rocket launcher?" she says in Hebrew, "What if a telepath wanders in and mind controls mutants to start to attack each other? You can't possibly predict every scenario that /might/ happen. That's madness."

She switches back to English, "You're the kind of guy who wants things to go wrong just so you can lord it over other people to feel superior to them. I don't know you from a hole in the wall, so why would I call you?" Then John buggers off in a rather spectacular manner that causes her to blink. "He did that just to show off," she mutters.

She sighs, and slumps back into the seat. "I'm sorry," She says to Robert. "I just..." she shakes her head. "I have no idea who he is and he was very rude."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique slips her arm back around Lydia, and another soft kiss is placed on her cheek. "You have nothing to apologize for Lydia, he's the ass, not you.... but your right, that departure was all for show. Sometimes these mystical types like to think they know it all, can plan for it all, and need to poke their know-it-all into everyone else's business."

She picks up the coke with her other hand for a sip. "But he's gone, your golem is working as intended, you can bet no one's going to be calling him... let's just have lunch and pretend he didn't just piss everyone at the table off. I get it, he wants to help if it's needed, but man did he go around the approach all wrong."

Shifting her eyes to Robert now, she offers another smile, "How you doing? Anything fun to talk about to change the subject?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I mean - granted, I do that just to show off sometimes," Clarice remarks, before taking a drink from her glass of water - hopefully that covers any longing or frustration her temporary lack of powers manages to ellicit from her. "What was he saying, anyways?" she asks with some puzzlement before muttering, "I really should pick up a few languages."
    Right. In all the free time she has between working, training, working out, studying...
    "There really isn't anything for you to interrupt, Robert. Though - earlier we were talking about just how large sea turtles can grow. Lydia had no idea. We were snorkeling earlier, you see." Which, at least, explained their attire.
    "How are things at the clinic?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and says "Well, considering two others at the table can make the same exit, I doubt many here will be impressed." He says of John's exit. Doing pretty good, I have been busy, but not so much with the clinic, but some other interests in the area. I have been trying to make sure no one trys stepping in to buy up Bushwick and make life harder on folks here.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's ruffled feathers smooth at the kiss. She turns and returns it with one of her own. "Thank you. I just... ugh. You know how frustrated I get about this." Still, now that she's back in Mystique's arms she seems to be significantly less frustrated.

She shakes her head at Clarice. "He didn't say anything important. He was just showing off again, and trying to get under my skin." Which, admittedly, kind of worked.

She turns to Robert. "I heard that Miss Frost just dumped all of her projects that she was working on in Bushwick. I take it that you're picking up the pieces?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique doesn't give on that she understood every word he said. Hebrew was one of many languages she had learned, you never knew when it would come in handy, like today. When the food arrives, she makes sure to switch half her burger with Lydia for half of hers, everyone was getting new stuff today, but it was a fry she ate first.

"I heard about Emma leaving, no idea why and didn't bother to hunt her down to find out. If you're taking over her places Robert, let me know... the Brotherhood had some deals made with her regarding the hotel, we may have to discuss them if you take over."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. Far better that it's one of our own people," Clarice agrees, giving Robert a curious look as she asks, "So that does mean you own the hotel, now?" She gets a thoughtful, musing look on her features. That could be useful, certainly. It would probably be more convenient for hosting events - rather than having Emma Frost in control of it. "...to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what all she actually owned and controlled in the neighborhood, beyond the hotel." She looks curiously between Robert and Mystique at her unspoken question - assuming they would both have a fair bit of knowledge on the subject.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman says, "I am working to make sure I get it all, I heard about her selling, and stepped in as soon as I did. " He tells the ladies. He does look to Clarice, and says "You may end up with reporters trying to talk to you, if they find out we have went out a few times. I am considering coming out as a mutant, but until I do they will be looking into why I am so concerned with here."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Both of Mystique's brows lift rather high. Here she is being blue, and Lydia is glowing... green, but still. Clarice is purple, mutants all around him.

"Wait... you're a closet mutant?" She almost laughs at this, but stops herself, this was serious to Robert so she would try to stay serious about it.

"Okay, here's my suggestion Robert. Get an LLC going, some small company, put Clarice's name on it and have it own the things here in Bushwick. All that said, I'm behind you coming out of the closet, but if you aren't ready, we'll help maintain your secret."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I mean - honestly, your own status as a mutant aside... Are you ready for the press to come at //you// for being seen around key members of the Brotherhood?" Clarice asks, her smile falling away as her expression grows more seriously. "I mean - the NYPD called in a SWAT team to try to arrest her the other day," she nods towards Mystique. "And I'm known to be seen often in her company, and in Magnetos. There are plenty of people who won't do business with you for that alone, if it breaks."
    She takes her attention away from Robert long enough to try cutting away a small piece of the matzo balls in her soup, and try it with a little bit of the broth letting out an appreciative sound. It's not that bad.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to them, and says "Well, I am still considering a few things. My brother and I were unsure about things when our powers kicked in. The accident where our dad was killed kick started the gene in us. From my research, I honestly doubt the gene with have became active in us for a couple generations. My brother has no real obvious showing, me it is just the eyes, which have kept hidden well." He hmms a bit and says "The business issues are a possibility. I have another idea, about what I can do. If I come out as a mutant, I am considering having my brother buy me out. Will give the money to handle things here easily, and me working on patens and selling them to him will be a way to get money to me if needed.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Keeping her arm around Lydia while she munches her food, Mystique now offers another choice, "Clarice, you keep forgetting that I have about a hundred and fifty three legal IDs. He doesn't have to be connected to the Brotherhood in any way. Hell, it's obvious she doesn't want to be, if he's still a closet mutant, but I could give you any number of people to run the LLC, in name alone of course. The Brotherhood has no interest in taking over anything."

She goes quiet, taking a bite of her burger, she might have been a little harsher about the mutant thing than she meant to be so after she swallows she looks back up and says, "Listen, not my place to judge you over your choices, but you should know that you have this communities support no matter what you decide."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I simply mean - if Robert and I continue going out, to movies, or... what have you, and the news gets wind of it, it'll come out," Clarice replies, shrugging her shoulders. "Someone could walk by," she adds, gesturing to the window beside their booth, "and snap a photo of him sitting with Mystique, the leader of the Brotherhood, and publish it in the business section of the paper tomorrow. Whether he comes out as a mutant or not - hanging out with either of us, let alone both of us, opens him up to those sorts of stories."
    She enjoys another spoonful of her soup - before reaching over to steal one of the fries.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over and says "Well, I have been a bit more open with things while working at the clinic even without you two, I feel it may come out with people looking for what my interest here is. I mean, I could throw folks through windows even if I was not a mutant, and pretty sure people here won't say anything about me, but it will probably come out. I think it maybe time, and just coming out as a mutant does not mean I have to come out with my hero id." He tells them, letting them know he does the hero thing.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique blinks, looks out the window, then the same effect washes over her and she's back to being Raven sitting there in the green bikini. "Sorry Clarice, you're right. I don't want to get him in any trouble."

Picking up her coke she sits back with it. "Hero IDs are for heroes, is that what you want to be? Or are you a business man who happens to be a doctor and mutant? Nothing is set in stone, you don't have to go about it any way other than the way you want."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I don't think there's any point in trying to pretend that Blink is not Clarice, and Clarice is not Blink," she remarks in an amused voice. "But... I wouldn't exactly call it a 'hero ID.' I mean..." Clarice shrugs her shoulders. "I help people, but- well. Some people have a very narrow definition of what a hero is, and how they should behave."
    And she knows she doesn't fit that definition.
    Towards Mystique she adds, "You know I didn't mean that as a criticism. He chose to sit - he's taking the risk."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and says "She is right, even if I don't decide to come out, you do not need to change what you look like for me. As long as I am publicly putting my support here people will connect us. I can spin doctor it some if I need to. I figure I will have my decision made within the next week or so.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A nod is offered to Clarice, "I know that's not what you meant, but even still, I don't need anyone else fucked over because of me." She shifts her eyes to Robert again, "No, you don't get it. Mutants in this community don't need to be linked to Mystique, to what I did in the past, to the police raiding a public event in an attempt to arrest me for that past. Right now, you don't know what direction your going, so you don't need that link either."

She sits back crossing one leg over the other before sliding the plate of fries and onion rings to the middle of the table so everyone can reach them.

"You don't know all the facts to make that decision. I'm willing to share my police record with you, but you could also get arrested for sitting with me, for talking to me, if one person called the police and said they saw you with me, that's all it would take and you're life is fucked. You aren't part the Brotherhood, so I should not and will not inflict that on you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "And honestly, everything she just said, but to a lesser degree of hysteria, for being around me. I've got my own set of legal troubles - probably gives Lorna no end of headaches dealing with it. It helps that I'm part of her Royal Guard, gives me some degree of diplomatic cover, but... Laws are a mess. And I'm a member of what has been rightly called a terrorist organization. Honestly, I'm surprised I don't get hasseled more," Clarice admits wryly.
    She picks up another french fry, and nibbles on it for a moment before adding, "I haven't really told you much about my past, Robert, and maybe we should have a serious conversation about that. But you should know I've //earned// my place in the Brotherhood, and I've done it fighting beside people like Mystique, and Magneto - and Sabretooth."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods a bit and is about to say something, but then his phone buzzes. He flips the tablet over and frowns a bit "I want to have this conversation, and I maybe able to help with some not all the legal matters, but it seems, if I am going to put the time and money into the area here, I have to take this call. Someone is wanting to make a deal about selling me some properties, they had hoped to scoop up some more, but when I stepped in they are stuck with the few they got. I will call you tomorrow, and we can find time to talk?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Once the food is properly devoured, the fries and onion rings the last to go, Mystique gets a couple of pieces of chocolate cream pie to go, pays for everything before Lydia can, then prepares to head out.

"I think we should check on the golem before we had back to the asteroid, I don't trust that guy to have not gone looking."