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Suit up, Warriors
Date of Scene: 26 August 2021
Location: Madeira Island, Atlantic Ocean
Synopsis: An Inhuman on the loose in Madeira Island brings the Secret Warriors together for the first time to handle the crisis. Inferno awaits them but in the end they win the day! But now they need to figure out what was affecting him.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Bobbi Morse, Sara Pezzini, Blackagar Boltagon, Jemma Simmons, Jane Foster, Melinda May, Matthew Murdock

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It had started as a ping on SHIELD network about Hydra activity. Somewhat minor. Nearly not making it to even a bleep on the SHIELD algorithms for such events. But when an earthquake of a magnitude that had never felt on the small island registers, then the report of explosions is when there's the alert.

Mutant on the loose? Inhuman? Terrorist attack?

Many questions but what's important is that it needs to be stopped. And -fast-! It's also the perfect time to test the newly assembled team of the Secret Warriors and so once Daisy gets wind of it? Alerts are sent out to the specific communicators designated for that effect.

> Major alert. Join up at hangar door #4 at the Triskelion on the hour. And suit up - Daisy

It meant it was time to get into action. When the quinjet gets up in the air, again piloted by one Melinda May (much to Quake's chagrin), Daisy stands on the back, over a monitor and pointing at it.

"We got news of explosions, of .., someone .., in the middle of those, creating them apparently. People are calling it an inferno. And I do not like the reports of earthquakes either." she says.

There is a blur of images, most likely caught by some tourist in the area. A blazing inferno by the beach area, palm trees alight. Someone there in the middle that cannot be discerned, on it's knees. "There are reports of Hydra in the area. Are they controlling him? We don't know yet, but they may be another factor. So keep your wits up everyone."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It starts with a kiss and the magic words "Don't die". Bobbi bids Lance good bye, it's mission time. Also, the untested leadership of one Daisy Johnson. Today could be a very good - or very bad day. Off goes the business suit top and trousers, underneath she's wearing her custom SHIELD tac gear otherwise known as the Mockingbird suit.

    A combination of black on the edges and white down the middle. She kicks off the sneakers and dons her combat boots, shrugs on the split cloak that are actually alien anti-gravity wings, tugs on the gloves and finally the tactical Mockingbird glasses.

    A little user interface built in to the glasses, FalconOS, initialises and runs through the flight check with the wings. All good there. She catches sight of herself in the mirror. A cocky little smile, she tucks her wedding ring on a necklace into her suit and heads to the hanger.

    It's tricky to bite your tongue when a younger agent is learning out to be a leader. There are so so many questions she wants to ask, so much intelligence not known. They're walking in to a big question mark.

    "Burning Man better play nice," she says and checks on May for a moment, a hand patting her shoulder, then she takes a seat in the back because odds are Daisy will want to be co-pilot.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The New York Police Department, or more correctly one specific precinct, was getting used to the, 'Clocking out' phone calls from one Sara Pezzini. There used to be a lot of questions asked, and a lot of lame excuses given, but recently it had become to much easier when she explained to her Captain that she was also an Agent of SHIELD... now that she could actually tell him without getting sent to jail.

When the call came in, she had actually been at her desk, which made informing the Captain easier. Out the door and onto her motorcycle, she reaches the Triskelion in record time. Pays to know the roads of New York so well. Parking, she headed inside.

The act of 'suiting up' was a bit interesting. Unlike most people who put something on, she stripped down to just a long t-shirt, then activated the Witchblade. Long tendrils of almost liquid appearing metal expands out from the bracelet she wears and form ancient looking gauntlet around her right hand. From there the tendrils move with lightening speed, wrapping around her body, tearing through the t-shirt, to form gleaming armor over her entire body. The last of the tendrils wrap up over her head to form a helmet, as metal wings sprout from her back and a mask slides over the top part of her face.

Now she could head out to the hanger and meet the others, ready for action.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
/Epic Costume Moment!/

he beeping device he was given by Daisy began flashing. Turning it over and upside down, confusion grows on his face initially, Blackagar had been told what it meant. An Inhuman threat. One of his people. Responsibility.

Blackagar slowly crawls out of the infirmary bed he has been occupying since his return to SHIELD. The movements are slow and methodical, muscles aching every step of the way as he looks at the closet nearby. Opening it with a shaking hand he sees the 'costume' present and the frown on the Inhuman King's face grows but he pulls it out and begins slowly dragging it on. Each leg resulting in his sitting down until he stands up, attempting to hop to pull it up the rest of the way before falling to the ground with an extremely heavy thud. Laying on the ground, he squirms the rest of the way into the outfit.

Straightening, a slow climb up from where he was on the ground, he shrugs into the rest of the uniform and zips it up, wincing as the zipper clips at his skin. Looking down he sees the black leather with silver etched bolts up and down it. Ironic. Blackbolt. A smirk is on his face and he sets to work with the boots.

By time he makes it to the quinjet he is shuffling along with exhaustion on his features helped up to it by a kindly SHIELD agent that fortunately has no idea who he is. With the others, he looks around, blue eyes almost daring someone to say something to him. Turning that attention now instead to the screen, his brow etches and he signs slowly with his hands for those that know ASL to read: ~D-I-E-G-O~.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
It was a rather rushed text from Daisy to Jemma. Something along the lines of possibly needing Jemma's scientific accumen and to suit up, especially to bring her new toys with her. However, it was the last part that confused Jemma. 'Bring a mask' was all that it said. Bring a mask?! Just what did Daisy have in mind for the scientist?!?

There was really only one solution that Jemma could use. The only thing that was suitable for what apparently had to be a covert mission. The new tactical suit that Jemma was working on...one of her designs, using synthetic biological polymers to be stronger than Kevlar. It really was the only thing that had no SHIELD markings on it. The black ensemble (no time for any color accents yet) consisted mainly of synthetic spider silk, using recently discovered protein chains that promise to be practically as good as the real deal. The only problem? It wasn't tested yet.

Well, no time like the present, hmm?

The other equipment is easily gathered. Jemma's new toy, her mobile laboratory, packed away neatly within her tactical backpack, along with her usual arsenal. Spectrum glasses, nestled within her pack as well as an ICER. For a change, it is her white ceramic cryo-gun that sits upon her hip this time...the only splash of colour in the otherwise black ensemble.

As she joins up with Daisy, the only thing not presently on Jemma's form...is the mask itself. Apparently, she had to make a trip to grab something...anything...that would fit the bill, and the only thing she could get on such short notice was a neoprene sports face mask, with built in filters. Something normally reserved for in the laboratory, only less bulky. "Why do I need to have this, Daisy? I really don't understand how this is going to help me in..."

Then...a pause, as everyone shows up in some sort of specialized gear. It doesn't take much for Jemma to connect the dots.

"Oh. Nevermind."

Jane Foster has posed:
Henshin, yo! ...okay, not so much. At a hangar, a girl who could be a sleek shadow for the wrong HYDRA friends. Every group needs one! "It certainly wouldn't be my first choice to visit the Balearic Islands under these circumstances. They aren't of volcanic origin, so at least we have the going for us." Jane will look on the bright side! That pays somewhat for her keep for invariably on these missions, she is the soft and squishy scientific expert who stays back unless some kind of dangerous field gets involved. A go bag stuffed full of her favourite toys, notably those that conjure up vast sensory fields able to detect all sorts of trouble, gets put to work.

Suiting up where she is involved is utterly the least thrilling thing ever. Cue a tactical catsuit, hood pulled up and incorporated mask good for the whole lower face, and she very well might be mistaken for a Russian troublemaker of some variety. Good! Sadly, Daisy has probably confirmed that the hoodie and sunglasses combo that renders everyone essentially incognito was not allowed.

This week's results from Captain Rogers running her through a firing session to qualify after months of AWOLness proves she spent that time productively shooting targets in the neck with prejudice. /Clearly/ suitable for a mission. The ICER is stowed away.

Her complicated array needs the computer to go along with it, so she totes a small tablet in a case resilient against drops, toddlers, and general earthquakes. Tapping into the social media feed, courtesy of SHIELD satellites in geosynchronous orbit, imposes more images onto her screen. Immediately, the brunette starts coordinating locations against a map. "I'll compare the timestamps on these to see if we can get an idea of how long this went active and whether we can trace a path. They could be working on a specific target instead of causing mayhem." A brief, wan smile shows for Blackagar. "That's Diego, is it? Can we hope he might be swayed to stop all this, or another case of no choice about it? We might want to review the possibility of inhibitors on that." She looks up just enough to catch the Inhuman king's gestures. Another reason to bring her; ASL qualified!

Melinda May has posed:
Yeah. As fond as May is of Daisy, she doesn't willingly give up her pilot spot... pretty much ever. Not even to an expert like Bobbi, who can give her a genuine run for her money in the skies, nevermind a less experienced pilot like Daisy. And if they're talking unusual geo phenomena and firestorms, you can be darn certain the empath is going to be keeping her hands on the stick. That's just a given.

The fact she has anything -- ANYTHING! -- approaching a superhero costume is, frankly, pure fluke, at this point. Less than a week ago, the words 'Suit up' would have been met with an arched brow and a dry snirk. And she'd have turned up in an unmarked black SHIELD tacsuit and be done with it. It's not like she can afford to go out dressed like Blackbird, after all. That way, madness lies.

Today, however, those words are met with... Okay, yes, an arched brow and a dry snirk. The difference this time is that, instead being a dismissive scoff, it's much more of a self-mocking gesture. Oh, this just figures. She has *no idea* how most of the stuff she unexpectedly found herself wearing in Peggy's business works. Nevertheless, that self-mocking snirk turning into a resigned sigh, she conceded to Daisy's desire to have them appear less as a SHIELD STRIKE squad and more of a superhero team. Partly because it's Daisy. And partly because it's, apparently, the job.

Thus, sat behind the controls of the Quinjet, she looks more like she should be sat behind the controls of an M-Class space freighter, chasing around the galaxy with a Wookie at her side. Her hair is partially bound up to stay out of her eyes in a braid. Her body, however, is clad pretty much head to toe in padded black leather that, she's discovered, is very definitely armour of some sort. Her boots are heavy with quilted leather overlays, her trousers are thick with reinforced padding, and the coat she wears...

Well, okay, that's freakin' cool. Highly tailored, black leather trench with diagonally cut seams and padded shoulders -- accented with surprising orange slashes and a wide leather sash of a belt about her waist. Concealed within that belt are the hilts of two (yes, TWO) plasma blades. And on the front of her left shoulder is a small device whose utility she has yet to fully appreciate or understand. (Or even activate.) There's a helmet that goes with the get up, black face plate, orange casque, though it currently sits on the deck beside her with a pair of heavy leather gauntlets in it. Oh, and a very sweet sniper rifle worthy of the best space assassin is propped up behind her. Just sayin'.

The woman could be a bounty hunter straight out of Star Wars. And, yes. She knows it.

It's the job she's more interested in, though, than the toys. Like Bobbi, she has soooo many questions about what they're walking into. And just what role Daisy wants her to play -- aside from pilot. But she can wait until they've figured out the lay of the land before she asks. "Approaching target," she tells the young team lead. "Deployment?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
That Boltagon knows who it is shows as a dreadful confirmation on Daisy's expression. She nods slowly. "We have recently come across some sort of virus that may causing this. Kree origin." a gesture towards Jemma. "Dr. Simmons will know more." a look back to the screen. "If so it will be a priority to catch him alive. For that, we have a containment unit on the jet. So knocking him unconscious and then bringing him to it should work." a glance then to Blackagar, "What can you tell us about Diego? Weaknesses? What can he do?"

The quinjet cuts through the skies as it starts approaching the island, even from afar the tiny light of a blaze visible from the windows.

Daisy looks to the research Jane is doing and once info pops up she smiles faintly at what it shows. "Good work." she gestures to the screen as Jane's own screen pops up on the main one. It traces a path from a residential area towards the beach where it has stopped. Daisy points. "It started on the residential area, but he then came to the beach. Which tells there might still be some control, trying to get out of a populated area."

A look to Bobbi, "Mockingbird, we need eyes on the sky. Out and scout. Look for areas where residents may be in danger, signs of Hydra then report at the beach." she says. Then to Sara, "Witchblade, take point in defending us from Diego's blasts. Of us you are the one that can most likely survive them." a look then to Jane. "Jane, down to the residential area. Can you help the populace with your wormholes?" a glance to Blackagar, "Go with her." yes, she is taking Blackagar out of the main fight for some reason. Maybe because he looks like a walking corpse. The same goes for Daredevil apparently. "Join in with the rescue efforts too. Rendezvous at the beach once the area is safe."

"The rest, onto the beach. Fennec--" pause, "May, bring us in."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The final piece of Bobbi's uniform is put in place; a belt about her waist with a fancy M on the front of it. It comes from a different era of costume design. Bobbi's hand pauses on the touch as she looks May's uniform over. "Did we catch you at a bad time May, perhaps in the midst of filming the latest Star Wars movie?" That helmet though.. she decides to leave this.. whooole thing.. alone for now. So many questions.

    Bobbi raises an eyebrow as she sees Blackagar in a uniform. "Shouldn't those bolts be black? black on black.. like your name," she says with a raised teasing eyebrow. "First off, are you okay Blackagar? and second.. how do you know Diego?"

    Bobbi smiles at Sara and says, "Hey shiny." Because all that metal.. it was an obvious one. And a double take at Jemma. Jemma in a strange new suit. "Today is just FULL of surprises, Action Poppins." A pause as she notes Jane isn't in her usual hoodie. A small nod. "This is all your doing," she says to Daisy with a smirk. "I told you superheroes were a bad idea." Says the one who has had the superhero getup the longest (of the SHIELD agents.. Blackagar probably longer).

    Daisy has a plan. It is a curious plan but Bobbi nods her head and gives a small salute. As is her way when there's a job to be done, there's no more words. She approaches the side door, presses the open button.

    A sudden gust of wind for people in the back of the quinjet.. and then she drops out of it and in to the skies. The side door of the quinjet snaps back shut. The flappy split cloak snaps in to a fixed wing form and begins to glow purple as her descent slows and she starts to swoop down over the area looking for signs of HYDRA sticking their nose in to Deigo's very bad day.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The call reached Matt at the office, one moment he's there talking with Foggy, the next he's gone, a breeze blowing in from the open window.

A short time later Daredevil is at the rendevouz and after that in the air with the rest of the team looking a touch nervous with all these unfamiliar faces around, to say nothing of being currently wanted for questioning about murders in the Hell's Kitchen area, still, when ordered to join the rescue effort he nods "On it," he says quietly, hand brushing over the batons in their holsters as a quiet bit of inventory.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar considers the screen, brow furrowing a bit then shaking his head. His hands begin to flash quickly as he signs hopefully some can translate. Then again, those present have shown an affinity for understanding the sign langauge he uses to speak with them. ~No. Not Diego. Dante. Diego is his younger brother.~ The King knowing such details of the Inhumans. Looking at the screen with blue eyes, there is a growth of frown. A glance given to Daisy of measure. ~Luna is correct. This disease is dangerous to Inhumans. Dante is a kind person. To see him without control is troubling.~

But that wasn't what Blackagar was asked. He frowns and takes a moment to look at the rest on the quinjet. He recognizes all save for two, each of them get a steady look from him. Measuring eyes of a monarch falling upon them in thought before he finally resumes signing. ~Dante prefers to be called Inferno~, nothing ironic about that, ~And he holds a mastery of fire. He does not need oxygen to generate the flames, they are plasma based. Far more durable, more tangible. They have substance to them because of this along with the heat. And he is Inhuman.~ That part has him looking around once more.

~He is a genetic Inhuman.~ How does Blackagar explain this without being insulting? He shrugs and simply goes for it. ~He would be akin to an enhanced human being in strength. So be wary of him in that regard.~

Bobbi's expression of concern is then answered, a small smile. ~I am still recovering. I would gauge myself at perhaps 5 percent of my health. And I did not choose this outfit. It was chosen _for_ me.~ That warrants Daisy a look, ~You can ask Luna about her decisions regarding it.~

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Although Sara can control which kind of metal the armor looks like, the idea of standing out all nice and shiny, maybe blinding people with the sparkle and gleam, it just made sense. Unlike the others, she knew nothing about this Dante, or the situation beyond what has been shared on the way there. That was alright with her, she was trained to follow the orders of the one in command and if Daisy said absorb blasts, she'd absorb blasts, well technically Witchblade would.

"Haven't found an energy source yet that gets through the armor," she offers for encouragement, so people aren't too worried. "I'll do my best to make sure I'm between the blasts and anyone else. I don't have much in the way or ranged attacks, save for guns, so I'll get in nice and close with the primary concern once he's pointed out to me."

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane will /not/ laugh. Bobbi speaks to the elephant in the room, May dressed for a theatrical debut as a stunt-person in another life. Scientific and legal celebrities present already on the Quinjet have another luminary. One with some pretty impressive plasma swords? No, she is not staring, mostly because Melinda is flying. But still, Jane definitely breaks into a smile behind the mask in question concealing it, and the curse of excitement will not be directed to the woman with eyes in the back of her head. Their Stargazer approves of the choice, all the same. But then, she's dressed to kill.

Back to assessing the plotted paths on the tablet, pointing up with a pop and another pop. "Beachfront is going to trap people against the water. They could be every bit at risk of drowning." There goes the bright mood altogether, her gaze focused on the map that divides between waterfront and built-up shoreline, where hotels and clubs practically pile up atop one another. "Giving them a chance to escape through chokepoints will be important, minimizing the chance of losing anyone."

Time to map alternatives out on the streetmap, and she tilts the tablet to enable Black Bolt and Daredevil to see the layout of Madeira. Better to gauge their routes and exit points. "Move around the screen as you need, it's optical responsive and touch receptive."

Her eyes lift to Bobbi and she winks, giving Sara a quick nod. "The whole point will be to get him unconscious. Might open up more options. If nothing else, dropping something on him might be a last resort. We also have Poppins, who may be able to stabilize him better than some." Her fingertips shift lightly and she signs back to Blackagar, ~We will try to bring him as gently as possible.~

Jemma Simmons has posed:
There is just a shake of the head when Bobbi regards Jemma. Jemma herself isn't going to respond with a snide remark. After all, she isn't Mockingbird. Nor, in this prototype ensemble, would she look remotely like a magical British nanny. But that is besides the point.

A minor shift and Jemma extracts one more piece of equipment...a wrist mounted computer, strapping it to the left wrist. "You and Daisy had the same reaction." Yet...this is Daisy's first look at the new suit. Jemma doesn't really waste time. Instead, she flicks on the screen upon her wrist, pulling up a floating image of the contagion that Daisy was talking about. "What we are dealing with is a bio-metallic engineered virus. It is Kree in origin, as I was able to identify particular derivatives of Kree genomes within the composition. From as near as I can tell, it was created to specifically target Inhumans." A pause is given as Jemma shifts her attention to both May, then Bobbi. "Further research detailed that the virus contains neuro blockers, designed to target the frontal lobe of the brain. What this entails is that it suppresses reason and logic, while heightening base emotions...namely rage. In essence, it induces a berserker state, forcing the afflicted to attack indiscriminately." The screen image drops as Jemma concludes. "I do not know if it is a temporary regression or not. An individual with a strong immune system will recover..." Jemma indicates to Blackagar. "...but actual length of infection is unknown. It is, however, relatively harmless to humans, more akin to a minor irritant, and does not induce the rage-like state."

After her info dump, Jemma shifts to silence...if only to put on that silly mask that Daisy requested. She does look up to her friend, expecting to hear where exactly Daisy wants her resident biochemist to be.

Melinda May has posed:
"Copy that," May says, shooting Daisy a sidelong look at the name. Not her fault this is what Abcde's spell turned up. Besides, you totally know you're just jealous, Johnson. With her usual calm efficiency, she maneuvers the jet down toward the clearest deployment zone. "You want me flying fire suppression or support?" she asks, however. Or is she supposed to deploy with the rest of them? She's perfectly happy to fly. It wouldn't be the first time she's used the waterscoops on the thing to transfer ocean to inferno. Or the repulsors to create a sweeping wave. Won't be the last, either.

And it saves her joining a Star Wars convention anytime soon.

Regardless, as she touches down, engines still hot, she hits the remote on the back hatch. It's show time.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Really, Mockingbird?" A look down at the M belt and a questioning brow arching. A smile given and a thumbs up from Daisy. "Be safe out there." she finishes putting on her own pair of goggles. AR enhanced so as to keep in contact with the team. A click on the side and the HUD turns up. Spiffy!

And Daisy never did make the magical girl transformation suit up, did she? That's because she's dressed in an armored version of her suit. Black and blue. Is it of a similar making to Daredevil's suit? I can assure that any such similarities are pure coincidence! Really! The BIG change though? The haircut. Shorter, the tips juuuust below the shoulders and with a faint light color to contrast with the darker one. Because it's a new season. It means a new hair-do of course.

As Jane Blackagar and Matt start coordinating she nods approvingly, eyes then to May, "Come with the beach team. We need someone that can actually take him down." a wink before the hangar doors start opening up. She exhales. "Alright, lets go people. Poppins, support the beach team. And we will need you when we subdue him." wishful thinking.

Stepping out Daisy looks out, another quake. Oh this ain't good.

"Whatever he is doing he seems to be messing with the geologic equilibrium of the island. Go, I will need to stabilize this." she tells the beach team, focusing and reaching down to plant her hands on the grounds, the song enveloping her and extending outwards, starting to normalize the trembles.

Ahead on the beach there's their target, a burning maelstrom about him, unfocused as if he was shooting bursts up at the sky. He is envelopped in what seems to be magma, very much similar to how the Human Torch would be, his mouth open in agony. But there's still a long ways to go until they can reach him.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi flies along the path of destruction and circles back from the beach up in to the residential area. <<Looks like it started in a home. There are some people stuck on roof tops waving for help.>> She waves back to them but she's not going to stop just yet. There may be a threat still that isn't Dante.

    She lands near the house where it all started. Three melted metallic husks remain. HYDRA shock trooper armor. She narrows her eyes <<HYDRA was here>> and then jumps back in to the air and surveys the surrounds. There, a body that's still moving...

    Bobbi drops down in front of the dying HYDRA soldier. His leg is missing and he's bleeding out fast. Demonstrating her strength, she grabs the front of his slightly melted armor and lifts him up so she can look him eye to eye.

    "Are you ready to comply soldier. Tell me what happened here."

    The man is clearly in agony, he's charred all over, but Bobbi is more interested in the victims rather than the perpetrators at this point. Through shuddered breaths and rests a charred hand on Bobbi's shoulder for support and says, "We came in. Six of us. Strike team. For List's collection. Dude went nuts, flipped on us. Whole place went up in flames. Hail.. HY.." He coughs up sickly dark red blood and the light in his eyes fades away.

    Bobbi sets him back down and frowns <<There's three more HYDRA soldiers in the area, they're wearing their anti-Inhuman armor, the stuff they used against Afterlife>> She feels the shake of the ground and says, <<Starting my search, but they may already be near the beach.. we're juicy List targets too so be on the look out>>

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Thankfully for all involved, Sara is not an Inhuman, so whatever this Inhuman virus was, it couldn't effect her, well maybe not.

As the team moves out of the quinjet, Witchblade steps up beside Daisy to look out, just in time for another ground quake. The ground shaking wasn't her priority, that swirling vortex of fire was. Fire was one of the easier forms of energy to absorb actually, so with that knowledge secured, she jumps from the quinjet and into the the air, metal wings spreading out.

Time to get the the attention of the swirling vortex, which means flying straight at him as if she means to just slam into him. She has no idea what kind of damage that would do to the island, so she doesn't actually intend to do that, but she will do what she can to distract him and draw his fire.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
A wry smile crosses Daredevil's lips as Valk shows him and Black Bolt the holo map. Or that's what he guesses it is, it's all just a bit of heat and the humming of electronics to his senses. "I'm not much for maps but get me out there, I'll find the people who need to be found."

And when the ramp lower he puts his money where his mouth is, or well his nose and ears are, pausing a moment and seemingly homing in on the people Bobbi mentioned on comms. "I've got the rooftop folks," he calls before sprinting towards the town. Part way there a baton comes out and he shoots a line to the roof and follows it up, before running roof to roof ultimately landing with the trapped group at the top of the house. <<Hello I am here to help>.>> he rattles off in stilted Portugese before sending another line out to the roof and then dropping his baton over the side of the building. << Okay grab and ride down, I go first, catch >>

Then Daredevil is riding the line down and calling for the next person to follow.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Well, with the mask on, at least the others cannot see the pursed lips as Jemma shakes her head. Though the rolling of the eyes would make it apparent as to how exactly she feels about this unbidden codename she seems to be saddled with. Dipping once more into Jemma's magic bag (oh, the parallels are formulating), she extracts her own version of Bobbi's tactical goggles...only smaller, more fashioned to resemble safety glasses than tactical gear.

Hey, Jemma wasn't planning on traipsing around as a super hero.

A tap of the glasses and the lenses flicker into life with a green glow. A few taps of the wrist-com, and now Jemma has her own HUD. Though, at present it is only showing the research on the virus and a status bar as the computer betrays the fact that Jemma is working on something.

Potentially, something to prevent a hot time in the old town tonight.

The scientist/field agent/supposed superhero takes up position on the beach...more in the rear. A hand reaches down to the ceramic railgun at her side. And, for not the last time this evening, there is a silent affirmation. It was a good idea to bring the cold gun...

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Everyone springs forth from the quinjet, setting out on their assignments, scattering and doing this and the other. Blackagar lifts an eyebrow when he finds himself on the rescue team. Helping people from buildings. Maybe he can just go explain the situation to a few of the civilians.

The thought actually makes his lip curl just barely in a smirk but he does start down the street, stopping to help someone up who has fallen as they are fleeing rather rapidly. A softly held hand and guidance to their feet to get them running once more. Why someone would stop to harm another during a crisis is beyond him, but low and behold, there is a young man holding a gun on a woman, apparently seeking her money. Stepping up, Blackbolt calmly places a hand on his shoulder. He turns, startled fires a shot into the Inhuman King who looks down, looks back up with a _are you serious_ expression and calmly takes the young man's gun, bends it, lifts his hand and points in the direction of the evacuation procession.

Looking over at a companion, he shrugs.

Melinda May has posed:
"You know you're supposed to save the fashonable mocking for the badguys, right, Morse?" May says dryly into comms as she and Jemma get picked on. There's no reproach to it, however. She's just sayin'.

Then, however, she's hearing Bobbi speak the compliance trigger phrase and feeling her stomach tighten briefly. Her lips press together in a white line. She swivels out of her seat and gives Daisy a brief nod just before everyone else is out of the plane and moving. A couple of switches get flipped. The engines move into standby and the cloak engages.

May bends to scoop up the helmet, figuring the filters on it will help against the smoke and maybe filter out whatever anti-inhuman plague HYDRA is spreading... providing it's airborn and not some foul injection. (Though, hey. That's what the padded leather armour is for.) She slings the rifle over her back, but there are ICERS on her hips. At least, she left the rage staff at home.

Bobbi's intel gives her something to search for, though it doesn't take long. Helmet jammed down on her head, she is surprised at the wealth of information that pours into its HUD, much like the others. That surprise registers as a brief, "huh!" on comms. It's not the HUD, though, that gives her the keenest information.

As she gets closer to the epicenter, she slows and frowns behind her mask. "He's angry," she tells the others. "But it's not a natural anger. He's panicky and his anger is out of control." Which is probably why his powers are out of control.

But while that rage clearly pinpoints Dante and gives a reason for why he's so far out of control, it's the sense of someone else -- a tight and subtle tension that suggests someone really doesn't want any attention paid to them. Which, yes, means May is definitely going to start paying attention.

She turns her head in the direction of that emotional 'ping', watching and infrared and thermal sensors on her HUD start overlaying the real world through the darkened glass.

"I really wish I knew where I got this stuff..."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With Matt getting those people out of the roof there are many <<Obrigados>> heard, along with <<Deus o abencoe>>. All good stuff apparently, as step by step the people are being taken down from the building before it fully collapses. By his senses? Might not take long, but there are also no more forms inside. What there are is a couple of armored men approaching both Blackagar and Daredevil. And what do they want? Shoot them down of course. Shots start to ring, very similar to the ones heard during Afterlife. Matt will know them. The ones they were using to capture Inhumans alive to bring for their experiments. They are aimed at the duo while they go through their rescues.

Witchblade's valiant run ahead has the benefit of focusing Inferno's attention on her. He's pretty much an animal now, reacting by instinct. Attacking whatever is deemed a menace. So those blasts that were going to the sky are turned to Witchblade as she starts taking what are melting blasts of plasma against her shield. And not exactly weak! Of course that such a diversion also allows for other plans to be used.

"Poppins, blast him." Oh yes, Daisy knows she has a cryo gun. Know your team! Or so she hopes. "Mockingbird and Fennec, move in after and take him out." Nope, not even at this point she dares call May the Cavalry. So Fennec it is! For now.

As May starts peering out for another figure there it is. Coming out of the waves. Best place to hide! In the water. And yes, very much like the strike force armored guys that attacked Afterlife. He engages right as they are going for Dante, his weapon up and pointing towards Quake...

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The trick to taking molten blasts is ensuring that no two hit the same location on the armor, allowing time for the armor to regenerate and strengthen in the places hit and heal any damage that might get through. Sara had learned this trick the hard way of course, and remembered all too well the level of pain that comes with forgetting to dip, dodge, dive, dance, and position the new location to be hit.

Non-lethal was difficult for the Witchblade however, so for the time being she was the sparkly distraction offered. She could use a club or other blunt weapon, but that would require she get in far closer than she wanted to get.

Dip, dodge, dice, dance and reposition.

"That all you go loser?!" She taunts loudly, mostly to add to the distraction, because honestly what he's got is bad enough and already painful, but Witchblade was holding up. "Come on, you gotta try harder than that!"

Jemma Simmons has posed:

The word is flat in tone, with just a hint of accent to signify that the source was Jemma. And...seemingly emotionless, though there is another that would attest to just a tinge of good-natured annoyance before the emotion is swallowed up in that particular way that Simmons has. The white gun slide free of Jemma's holster, as she shifts her stance to allow herself clear shots towards the walking volcano.

Pfft. Pfft, pfft, pfft...

Four shots in rapid succession are fired from the gun. Given the fact that it is just a modified ICER, the sound is familiar to anyone in SHIELD. For Jemma, considering that she was part of the duo that created the ICER technology in the first place, the weapon acts almost as an extension of herself. The cryogenic rounds strike...one in the chest, another in the upper left thigh, another in the right shoulder. And....one in the ground, right underneath the unfortunate soul. And...already it is apparent that Jemma's technology is sound, as the living magna starts to solidify, harden and cool to allow to be handled. And...that round to the dirt does not seem to be an accident. Perhaps the intention is to provide a slick surface to lose traction, though it is not a sure bet that it will work.

It is, however, a classic Simmons ploy...used in past engagements. So to see it here should be of no surprise.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Is this Hydra? Blackagar considers when the armored personnel come walking forward and raise weapons at him. The look he gives is studious rather than concerned and a glance is spared for this Daredevil individual. Shots begin to ring out and the first icer hits Blackbolt in the shoulder which causes him to look at it, lift his hand and knock it away. The next shots coming run into a shield of particles just around his body, filtering as if slapped down.

Step, step, jump. The jump catapults the Inhuman into the air and he lands next to the Hydra agent who was shooting at him. Grabbing the weapon, Blackbolt rips it free from the agent's hand and throws it away, a good 2 miles out to do it as it flies into the sky and off.

The first punch hits Blackbolt in the face without reaction, others starting to follow as the foray switches to hand to hand combat. The tingling of the icer shot does cause a momentary lapse, the third kick to him makes his head turn some. Frown groes, and a solid punch from him sends the Hydra man into a wall behind him, thudding with a heavy impact.

Turning, he looks to see how Murdock is fairing.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
<<Don't mention it>> Daredevil replies with a smile when the people on the roof offer thanks. << Hurry though >> he says as he hears the structure creaking.

Then there's bigger fish to fry. Ones in armour.

Blackbolt's handling of the first one distracts the second and Daredevil takes advantage of it. His second baton line is cracked like a whip around the trooper's weapon yanking it free of his grip and sending it flying then, Matt snaps the line back around the man's legs to slow him down.

Feeling Blackbolt turning his way, Matt calls, "Be my guest," inviting the king to punch out the bound trooper.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The 'huh' from May gets a raised eyebrow from Bobbi. She rightly guesses May is using equipment of unknown origin and discovering interesting things. "Roger." She can't help but smile though at the reaction she got from all the different names she threw out at the team. It was too good an opportunity not to. It seems like Poppins is sticking.

    The wings curl and then snap back in to position as she rises up in to the air once more. She starts to circle around and warns, <<Two of HYDRA spotted - they're going after Daredeevil and Blackbolt>> They're on mission, it's all code names for now.

    <<Moving in, May be ready to calm him..>> because if he's raging right now imagine how he'll feel when she dials down his powers. She swoops in as soon as Jemma applies the freeze ray, or whatever cool nickname that cryo-gun has, and lands behind him. A hand is placed on his shoulder and she shuts her eyes to feel his abilities in her minds eye.

    Coming from a place of compassion, it's how she has learnt to use her ability, she winds his powers down. The flame inside him is not extinguished, but he's not going to go pompei on them any time soon. It's not just his Inhuman abilities she can sense in there. There's something more. Something primal, something Inhumans were made for.. made to do. Be weapons. Bobbi's passive expression begins to frown as the virus flows right in to her too.

    May can feel another growing intense ball of rage suddenly. It's from Morse and it's not entirely logical or reasonable. Her nostrils flare a moment and she brings her hands to her forehead. She draws her weapons and aims one at Jemma and the other at Daisy. Her hands shake a moment as the rage starts to clear just as fast as it came on... then she starts to feel weak all over.

    Bobbi stumbles back and flops on to the sand, staring up at the beautiful blue skies above and hearing the sounds of chaos around her. She was not exactly infected with the virus, but it passed through her mind, just as the Inhuman abilities do, and for the briefest moments she felt the echos of its purpose take hold of her.

Jane Foster has posed:
In her support role, Jane is purposefully out of the Quinjet to shadows her more capable companions. In hand, she carries small metal tubes that otherwise don't look like much, half the size of a selfie stick. Packing for light travel requires modifications, and Jemma isn't the only one. Arming each of them with the twist of the shaft or pressure to the sensors midway up from the base, she plants them in the ground, in someone's garden, away from a flaming barrel used to capture rain in better weather. A gauntlet needs to gain some triangulation, and on the way, she calls to the residents to urge them on.

Her Portuguese is somewhat minimal, supplanted by Latin. <<Vamos!>> proves the quickest warning, pointing fleeing people behind her. Clear paths are in short supply, but redirecting someone headed to one of the blazes proves fairly easy. Daredevil works above, Blackagar on the ground until he leaps into the fray. And the Red Widow? Note, work on codename... is exclusively limited to raiding gardens and roads. Here a sensor, there a stake, everywhere a spatial distortion, eh!

Losing sight of her behind a bush, in a doorway to avoid someone being shot at is totally normal. HYDRA surely has no reason to pull shots for her. The feeling is mutual.

Jane Foster has posed:
In another self...
On the beach, someone goes out of their way to be trouble. Lining up to shoot Quake puts a target on their back. The shot will simply come from an energy pulse discharged from a slender golden rifle of sorts. Future tech via a figure lying flat on her stomach on a rooftop, having zero qualms about striking someone from behind. Twinkling bronze-copper sparks come smartly one after the other, spaced out to account for having to aim carefully. But that aim is good and the ammunition? Damn well hurts, either way.

Melinda May has posed:
As the figure rises from the ocean, May draws the ICERs at her hips and fires a pair of double taps at him -- four shots in all. They ring out as stronger rapports than what Jemma fires with her cryogun, but familiar, yes, to be sure. Her goal is to drop that assailant as quickly as possible, and at range. Normally, yes, dashing in for a hand to hand combat is her typical M.O. But her current outfit lends itself to range. And she needs to be able to move. So, ICERs it is.

Then, however, she's sensing the rage coming from Dante and how it spikes in Bobbi in turn. Her head snaps around. With a smooth motion, the ICERs are reholstered and she's sprinting across the sand. A hand reaches out ahead of her as she goes, palm empty and open. She's not, she thinks, close enough to affect them.

Except both Dante and Bobbi will probably beg to differ as a wave of calm washes out from within May, across twenty-five feet of space. There's a subtle urgency behind it, the evidence of May's own concern. But otherwise, the emotional encouragement is swift, strong, confident, and oddly reassuring.

And it surprises the bloody hell out of May herself.

She knew Bobbi had loosened her power's pathways. But she has absolutely no idea how she's able to focus like that so clearly. For a moment, she wonders if she's channelling Lily Chen the way the timewalker, apparently, often channels her.

Damn, she hasn't felt this off-balance in a fight since she was a probie. Unfamiliar equipment, surprising new abilities. She and Abcde are going to have a serious chat when May gets home...

Daisy Johnson has posed:
So unfair. The Hydra troopers were hoping Daredevil and the King to be easy pickings while busy rescuing people. Afterlife had been easy after all. But now here they are being knocked about. One gets thrown into a wall and flops down unconscious. The other? He's lasso'ed up. Such humiliation! "Filthy Inhuman." the metallic voice heard under the helmet. "You will serve soon." yes, someone deserves a punch or something to shut them up...

Jane's work helping on the rescue means those in the most danger of dying are being carefully selected. Give it to that augury vision of knowing when people are about to die! And people don't need to be told twice to follow along from the more dangerous areas to safer places, away from buildings.

The metallic one rising from the depths speaks up, "Inhuman scum!" and then gets blasted by ICER shots. That's what you get for talking instead of starting to blast right away. The shots from May make him stumble and drop to his knees before that last beam from NOWHERE just knocks him out fully. Apparently they have some kind of mysterious benefactor. How curious... Or maybe it's a Valkyrie.

Dante continues with those powerful blasts. And if only Witchblade kept still so he could let his rage BUUURN. He does try the most he can to take her out but then he gets hit by that cryo shot. One time, two. Ordinarily he would try to dodge, but while raging? Who cares? But those cryo shots are clearly interfering with that whole Human Torch schtick he has going. So his feet start rising off the ground. Yes, he flies. So he wants to be unfair and shoot his prey from above.

Of course that's right when May's soothing power hits the man, followed by Bobbi's touch. It has him falter, stumble back down. Some moment of clarity returning to his eyes. Still, May will feel something *pushing* back at that wave, unnatural. As if the virus was wanting to 'eat' at her empathy. Yet as both Combiner and Caretaker work together the man falls to his knees, looking at his hands. A moment later he is retching, the flames having died out.

He starts spitting something dark and foul to the ground, something that seems to burn through the sand.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
As the man falls to his knees it means all the shaking stops too. Quake gets up to her feet and looks over, a frown. "That's the virus leaving the body. Don't touch it."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackbolt looks almost surprised at Daredevil's offer. The expression on his face is one of appreciation but he shakes his head no and motions towards the other with the classic, 'No you go ahead' gesture. That is of course until the Hydra agent says /filthy Inhuman/. That he will /serve/. That is just uncalled for and the memories of his people he saw, refugees. The stories they told him of Afterlife. Blue eyes start to flare and with a step, Blackbolt grabs the Hydra agent from the lasso of Daredevil, picks him up and tilts his head staring at the soldier with a look of hatred in his eyes. Raw emotion floods from Blackbolt.

No one is around to see his hands, no one to speak to. No one to help him think through this. There is a moment, his hand tightens on the Hydra agent's cloak. Squish. Like an insect. Yeet him into the ocean. Simply rip him to shreds. All of the options are flashing but instead he grits his teeth and throws him at Murdock's feet, turning to step away.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
With the primary target of her concern down, Witchblade looks to the black gunk in the sand then says over the comms, "I can contain it away from the Inhumans."

Now, in the past she has said what she could do and just done it, and sometimes that has worked out and other times it has not. So this time she will wait for confirmation. If it is given, she will use the tendrils of metal from the gauntlet to dig into the sand around the black gunk and create a solid metal sphere around it, along with the sand it is in, then pick it up and move away from the Inhumans with it, to protect her team and others from it.

If confirmation is not given, she will look toward a new task, see if there is anyone left standing that might need to be body slammed from the air by a heavy metal armored Witchblade.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Smiling at Black Bolt's response Daredevil is about to lay into the HYDRA agent before that Agent speaks and nearly signs his own death warrant. "Don't," he warns Blackbolt as the king lifts the HYDRA agent into the air, he can feel the visceral signs of Black Bolt's anger, has some understanding of the rage he must feel.

In the end though it's doubtful the king heard his words, but he makes the right call all the same. As the HYDRA agent lands at Daredevil's feet, Daredevil jumps up and brings his heel down hard on the man's armoured helmet. Knocking his head sideways and dropping him unconcious. No words from the vigilante, just a nod of understanding to the king.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The calm flows over her, the slight urgency filters through it too especially when Inferno pukes up weird black stuff. She shuffles back on the sand from it and flops down again. She feels so utterly drained. She can see it in her head, burning like a neon light. The virus. It demanded her rage and if it were actually in her it would have had it.

    She lifts up a thumbs up to May and adds a dash of insult to fashion injury, "Nice work Obi May Kenobi." Everyone is fair game right now.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane's spatial fluctuations don't make for fast work without serious dangers. Possibly sucking an entire volcano into space, reversing a flow of molecular matter from the wrong side of the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, or plain not working at all. Setting down sensors and triangulating through her tablet sets up the network, the app taking over to run through precautionary readings while also taking rapid measurements. She keeps a low profile and gives the computations time to be run. For the most part, she is quiet and still, prepared to speak with anyone rushing by or trying to hasten her aside. Think nothing of the hooded woman in a catsuit, it's safer that way.

About that alter ego... Uncanny insights direct where the imminent risk of death might spike among the unbranded SHIELD agents, Inhuman king, and Defender. From that rooftop -- and technically a brunette sneakily crouched further along -- the Valkyrie takes careful stock of any lingering risks. HYDRA might be responsible for other timebombs as backup, wired vehicles or almost certainly something more complex.

Flat gilded tendrils weave in lazy undulations against the rooftop, probably more than a little pleased by the silver variation of something quite similar adorning Sara. <<Stop preening. You can go greet one another in a mighty clash of arms later. Yes, I am most certain we have work to do, but for certes, not by making a spectacle of ourselves.>>

Melinda May has posed:
May watches as a weird stream of data crosses her HUD as Dante spews up the darkness. It highlights biological details of the stuff -- none of it making the least amount of sense to her. "Jemma..." she says uncertainly into comms, backing away from that tarry substance without even realizing she is. "You need to see what I'm seeing..." And she needs to figure out how to transfer that data. Maybe she'll just give Jemma the helmet later. And hope there's some sort of recording function.

Or... She pulls off the helmet and actually tosses it toward the scientist. "Just... look."

Then, she's moving to try to collect Bobbi. "You're lucky I like you," she tells her friend as she's insulted for her efforts. "I have the lightsabers too, you know." Just sayin'. "And they work."

But so does her empathic senses, and she's already finding herself sweeping for more senses of hostility aimed at them. "We need to find out who's directing this mess."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma catches the helmet, then tosses it back to May. "I know..." There is a tap on her own glasses, plus an indication to her technological bauble on her arm. "It matches the same initial chemical composition as the substance I have previously analyzed."

That's right. Jemma has seen this before. "same consistency. Same acidic nature."

There is a nod of thanks to Sara as Jemma approaches the volatile vomit. She already is taking measures to contain it. So quick and already there is a protocol for containment. As expected from the scientist.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Bobbi is talking at least. Good. "Shameless. You are going to Star Wars prison for that pun." Quake exhales in relief though, "Go ahead." this to Witchblade, the gunk being held safely inside the armored box she creates for the effect.

Quake finally steps out onto the sand to join the rest, "Good work. King Boltagar, Daredevil. Finish sweeping for people and join at the jet." which means it may take a few more minutes. But at this point it will mostly be a quick formality, meaning in no time they will be done.

"Jane, can you join us at the jet? To observe Mockingbird." while Jemma is busy playing with a new helmet and making sure the gunk is secure. They will have a lot to research later.

Quake goes to help the fallen Dante now, who has fallen sideways once the gunk was done being retched. Weak just like Bobbi. Reaching down to help him up.

"You are safe now, Dante. I am Quake, and we are the Secret Warriors. We are here to help you."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi is happy for May's help and chuckles as she teases right back, "Two? Now you're just showing off. Fury will be jealous if he finds out..." Because they all know that he has a lightsaber in his office _somewhere_. Right? that actor from the Star Wars movie looked too much like him for agents not to make the joke.

    "How about a jetpack?," she says walking in an almost stumble with May's help back to the quinjet. "You know, it's a weird experience going on a mission and not having a cardiac event," she masks her worry over her weakened state with some deflection to her previous issues. "Yes, let's all sit around on the jet observing Mockingbird" she says with a small smirk.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Whatever it is that Jemma needs done with the icky black gunk, Sara will ensure it happens. New container, no problem? Carry it some place as it, no problem? Let her peak at it, no problem. Sara is pretty easy going when no one's life was at risk.

"I'm good to hold it as long as needed, just tell me where you want it and we'll be good," she offers to Jemma.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackbolt casts a momentary look at Daredevil, he heard the words, he didn't discard them but there was definitely an internal struggle taking place for the King. Looking up towards the sky and into the distance, he begins to walk his way back towards the quinjet, taking time to aid those who seem a bit lost. Lifting some objects that have fallen and making sure the return is orderly. All the while though, the distracted look in his blue eyes remains. Serious contemplations brewing in his mind.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Daredevil catches the look from Blackbolt, taking some of the meaning from it as he leaves the HYDRA agent on the street and hurries off to do one final sweep for people before making a sweep for more people in need of help.

Returning to the jet, he nods to the others, before grabbing a seat. His first mission as a Secret Warrior behind him.

Melinda May has posed:
May snatches the returning helmet out of the air, making a mental note to thoroughly check all this stupid equipment when they get home. She still doesn't know what the little blocky device on the front of her shoulder does. "Yeah, see, I didn't get to meet Boba Fett and steal one." she tells Bobbi with a dry snirk, positioning herself beneath Bobbi's arm and shoulder to help steady her. It's not hard, given how much taller Bobbi is. "Next time."

She snirks at the comment about no cardiac events. "And yet," she says dryly, smirking slightly, "I'm still dragging your ass off the field..." At least there's humour in her tone, this time. She can tell by the fact Bobbi isn't projecting pain that the other woman is likely in far less danger now than she's been in the past.

Nevertheless, once they're safely back at the jet, she leaves Bobbi on one of the seats in the rear compartment and moves back to the cockpit. The helmet hits the deck with a hard thump and her goves get peeled off to land inside the upended casque. She slings the rifle off and leans it back in the corner before loosening the collar of the coat and bringing the engines out of standby. The cloak ripples and she runs through a quick pre-flight check, preparing for their eventual evacuation.

It's definitely time to go home.

Jane Foster has posed:
Undrjarn's wishes for a playdate with another terrestrial relic must wait for the meantime. The helmed Aesir on her stomach slinks back across the tar-shingled rooftop until she can practically roll back onto her heels, still crouched terribly low. Giving one last survey of her surroundings, she springs silently to catch the lip of the building and drop over the edge in a smooth, low arc. A glaring cat stares out the window, and she wiggles her fingers in passing. Judgmental cats are a stock in trade.

No Valkyrie hits the ground after three stories thanks to an exemplary demonstration of a traceur's art. Kicking off the white-washed facade propels her springing back and twisting around, making an impossible bound over the street to the next tourist villa. Hardly a knock resonates up the building's exterior as she breaks into a run with fair disregard for physics or using the street as a flat surface. A different kind of flight required until she comes to land by a sensor buried in a happy patch of red geraniums. All that proved unnecessary, but it's cause to smile anyway. Bending pluck the sensor tube free, she pets the fragrant leaf and vibrant, cheerful flowers.

The girl on the steps gets up and walks into a leafy lane, moving on a path to intercept Blackagar or Matt. She won't reach it, dissipating into thin air among the byway emptied of people.

"Let me grab the main tubes," Jane says by way of the comm link, "unless you want me to keep the array here to collect data. I don't want to ask some agent out here to clean up after me. Keep Bobbi from any really good jokes until I get there?" Retreat to the Quinjet may take a little longer, but she believes in leaving things better than she found them. Which is why a copper-winged woman moves among the city to greet those who were not so fortunate as the Secret Warriors on their mission, carrying them to the disordered ruin at the end of the line.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
As far as what Jemma intends to do with the biological contaminants? That is a relative easy answer to give. The tactical backpack is shrugged off as Jemma reaches for the middle. The distinct sound of a zipper is heard as Jemma opens the largest compartment, extracting a case from within. Then, with little fanfare, the case is opened, revealing a rather complex series of technology that those with lab experience would recognize as essentially state-of-the-art laboratory fabrication and analysis equipment. Essentially, a grown up chemistry set, only with technology that few have even seen. And that was only the bottom of the case. The top contains countless vials...some with substances, some without. It is from here that Jemma claims an empty vial, then steps over towards Sara. "If you would be so kind as to open the container, only slightly, to allow a sample to be added here."

Not that Jemma actually intends to perform a full spectral analysis here. However, judging from what she has shown, Jemma fully could should she wanted.

However, it is unnecessary. As previously stated, she has seen this before.

The vial is returned to its appointed spot, before Jemma closes up her case. "We will properly dispose of the rest once we return. Keep it sealed, for the safety of all." Or, more likely, for the safety of a few. The case is returned to the back shortly.

Jemma stands, replacing the pack upon her person in one fluid motion. Then, she follows the rest to the quinjet. Surely, there will be questions from higher ups on just how her little kit came into being...but first, the team is to return back.

Followed shortly thereafter with a small protest over their obvious lack of proper naming skills.