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Latest revision as of 10:31, 6 November 2021

Date of Scene: 05 November 2021
Location: Monitor Room
Synopsis: John, Zatanna, Phoebe, and Jessica Cruz meet with J'onn and Diana about the formation of Justice League Dark.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, John Constantine, J'onn J'onzz, Zatanna Zatara, Phoebe Beacon, Jessica Cruz

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had sent out invitations across the JLA membership to come and touch base with the group at its New Troy based headquarters. The meeting room was set within the monitoring station, where a large table rests within a circular glass walled in area.

Currently, Diana is standing as she'd just finished a meeting with some of the other team members. In her armor, Diana has a red shawl draped around her shoulders and hanging down in the front and back to provide a bit more cover for this social gathering.

She walks toward the meeting table and turns to settle herself down upon the edge of one of the chairs, as an assistant brings her a cup of tea that she had asked for.

In the center of the meeting table a holo projector is showing a spinning rendition of Earth that is 'live' and being monitored by JLA satellites and systems all around the globe. It's here that the Princess of Themyscira has her eyes as she raises her cup of tea to take a sip from it...

She waits the next members to arrive to begin their speaking, happily enjoying her steaming hot tea.

John Constantine has posed:
    Happily enjoying her hot tea... probably until the moment John Constatine walks into the room. His might be the last face Diana expects to see? He's really just an ally to the group, a consultant of sorts? Still yet, there was a call to 'arms' so to speak or a call to speak... ? So he's here to do that? At least he put the Silk out before he entered the building? His clothes are clean, rumpled but clean. He shaved at some point in the past seven to ten hours, so that's something.

    He's not here alone, however. He does have at least one *official* member accompanying him and a few others.

    "Diana," he greets, polite enough that. "You know, Zatanna," he states, not a question. He's pretty sure they've met. "...and this is my daughter, Phoebe." Note the little smile there, that quarter thing that curls one corner of his mouth just a touch. There's a father's pride in that smile for those that know how to spot it.

    Last, but certainly not least, "This is Jessica Cruz, my cook and..." Well, he's not entirely certain. Green Lantern doesn't seem right with what he's sensed about her ring in particular so he goes the safe route with, "She has a ring."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
    Shortly after the indicated time, J'onn drifts in through the door. He's cheating today, hovering just an inch or so above the floor rather than walking. He nods to Diana with a smile, then looks around at the other members in the room and greets them in his slow, deep voice, "Good day to all of you. We have not gotten together much lately, it seems." He glances over at the projected globe and continues "Which I suppose is not necessarily a bad thing, given the sort of things that usually bring us together."

    He moves over to his seat at the table and sits down, turning his attention back to Diana since she called this meeting. "It's always a pleasure to see you Diana. Your invite indicated more of a social gathering than our normal business, but is there anything going on that we should know about?"

    As he catches the end of John's introduction he looks over at the group near the magician, raising one eyebrow slightly at the finish of Jessica's introduction. "I take it that the ring in question is more than just jewelry? Because that was amazingly non-specific."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It's been much too long since Zatanna had walked the halls of the League. Walking next to John, the dark-haired woman nods to the men and women she recognizes seated at the various monitoring stations that line the room.

The magician wears no stage flash today, preferring her version of business casual - black pants with a discreet stripe of satin down the side, modified morning coat over a vest, and white tie.

Then, after John's introduction, the magician says with a warm smile for the princess, "Hello, Diana, it's been much too long! It's good to see you!"

She glances at the others in their magical delegation, catching the fond expression that lingers on John's face for Phoebe, before seating herself not too far from the Themysican woman. Hands folded on the table, she studies the revolving holo-globe hanging before her with interest.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had once been to the Halls of Justice before, for an emergency, Hail Mary attempt to wake a League member from a cursed sleep -- but this was the first time was wasn't coming as a representative of The Outsiders. She was not in the armor that alerted everyone to her presence as Balm -- however, she is known well to the princess.

    As she's introduced, Phoebe gives a bright smile -- and one of relief as well, it would be much harder for her if it was Batman who was sitting there, or Superman, or anyone else.

    "Hello, Diana! How's the art centre?" Phoebe asks, giving a little wave of her fingers to the red-shawled Wonder Woman. The girl herself is wearing a gray jacket over a decent blouse and a pair of sensible, solid shoes.

    She looks to J'onn in quiet recognition -- after all, she works with M'gann. Martians are fascinating!

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Taking up a spot in the back, Jessica looks at all the amazing people here and then shifts her goodie more forward. She looks over briefly as her name is called and she looks at her ring before looking to J'onn.

"It is a powerful weapon and tool." She states simply and then shoves her ring hand into her hoodie and says nothing more, for now.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes rise up from the display and go to those slipping in to the room now. She has a reserved smile appear on her dark red hued lips. She lowers her cup of tea down to the glossy table surface where she sets it down upon a saucer set there by the assistant who has stepped away now.

After rising to her feet, Diana motions for everyone to sit. She gives a nod to J'onn at first. "Yes, we are looking to better reach out to one another to get a more solid foundation on what is happening for our members, and thusly offer better support. Or so we hope..."

As the others sit, Diana does again, she gives a warm smile to Zatanna, "It has been too long, yes. I wonder if you are still doing public shows? I should come to another if so." She says as she settles her hands upon her lap and then looks to John and Phoebe. This ... relationship has Diana tilting her head. "Phoebe. It's very good to see you again too. I had no idea you had come under the care of Mr. Constantine. The news is ... very good to hear." She seems UNSURE of this, but willing to hear it out! She gives a look to Jessica then and lets another smile sweep over her visage. "It is a honor to have another ring amongst us." She assumes what the ring must be... maybe she'll be corrected though!

"But yes." Diana says as she regards those who join her here now. "I am eager to hear what you all have been up to, and how, if at all... the Justice League can assist. So please, whatever might be on your mind, now is a perfect time to express it." The Princess says as she places her hands upon the table edge and then glances at her tea. "Oh, and if you would like anything to drink, just please say so and we can have it brought swiftly."

John Constantine has posed:
    Fascinating would not be the word John used in regards to Martians. Slightly terrifying would be closer to the mark in his book. But the wary glance he shoots in J'onn's direction is only wary for a beat, half a one really, before the Poker Face that John Constantine is known for slips into place. "What she said," he replies with a flick of those faded denim blues in Jessica's direction. It's not his to tell, truth be told...

    And what would he say anyway, 'it's evil, corrupt and reflects pompous asshole sorcerers in my mirrors?' Instead he goes with, "... we're still figuring it out," to finish up the discussion about the ring on his end.

    "It's John, please, Mister Constantine was a straight shite." It's a kneejerk reaction, that comment, but one he doesn't seem sorry about. By now he's lowered himself into a chair, sort of slouched, but in a comfortable way not a 'hiding' way. What all have they been up to...

    "Well, there's an evil necromancer trying to use my daughter as as a power supply for her army of undead monstrosities, there have been thinnings in the veil between us and all sorts of astral kind of realms that I think is the result of something that was once small and now isn't trying to break free from where it's imprisoned, still looking for the source of that. It's a little tough though, because... Well, do you know what a Tulpa is? It's kind of like that. We'll circle back, aye? I'm sure you heard about the Death Gods and their battle royale that woke the Demogorge? Phoebe and Zatanna both fought in that battle along with myself and others. Then there's the standard issue vampire nests, zombie risings, kids accidentally finding the right spell and summoning the wrong demons, little shite, day ending in Y kinda stuff. But... I've gathered a team of sorts and we're, mostly handling it."

    One eyebrow raises in Zatanna's direction to see if she's anything to add.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I sought out John so that I wouldn't put others in danger;" Phoebe pauses, her cheeks darkening in embarrassment as she explains her own stance on the goings on. "He's proven to be a great teacher, and decided to take me on as his apprentice and daughter. We're... working things." she states quietly, though she stays standing, a little behind JOhn. She's an Outsider, and a kid, she hasn't earned the right to sit at the table.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna looks down the table at J'onn and nods formally, smiling faintly. Martians interest her. She responds to Diana with a modest shrug and a nod, "Yes, still performing in New York, Paris, and Tokyo for the most part but other cities sometimes as a cover for work."

She clears her throat loudly, covering a laugh at John's request for Diana to use his first name. More soberly, after returning a raised eyebrow to the other magician, she takes John's lead to add, "As well as helping as much as I can with Phoebe's predicament, I have two investigations in Gotham related to two different dangerous occult objects. One with Barbara Gordon that may involve the Asgardian Embassy and the other with the Drake family.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
    J'onn hmms, letting the question of the ring drop for now. He's certainly not about to poke into anyone's head for the information, he's far too polite for such things. Information about it will come when it does, he'll just keep an ear to the wind, as it were, in case anything unusual happens.

    Listening quietly to John's list of issues, he nods and simply says "It's good that someone will experience in such matters is dealing with them. But should you have need, do not hesitate to call on me. I am always available to deal with threats, be they villain or magical in nature. Since you speak of this necromancer as still trying, I assume she has not yet been stopped. Can I assist with the issue? I would not like to see the young woman harmed or armies of the undead in the streets, so it seems an important issue to address."

    He nods to Phoebe and Zatanna's additions to John's report, not feeling he needs to say "Call me if I can help" every time an issue is raised. It's really just a given for members of the League, it's why they _are_ a League. The problems of one are the problems of all, even if that does sound a touch musketeery.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
A simple nod is given to John as she listens to what is said. She looks from John to Phobe and then to Zatanna. She is kinda out of the loop, being stuck in her own inductive loop as of late given her problems, her ring, and her new pink (or is he purple?) friend. Things got real busy for the traumatized introvert.

"I am mostly along for the ride, helping where I can." Jessica nods and casually runs a finger over her ring in her pocket. Mentally, she can feel Cyprus looking at J'onn through her eyes. There's a wariness.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana keeps her hands poised on the edge of the table with the tea cup and saucer just in front of them. Her eyes go back to John then and she listens to what he says. A small smile and a nod follow his request for him to be called by his first name, showing a bit of amusement at how he calls for it too. The rest of what John says is carefully listened to as well before Phoebe speaks up.

Diana just smiles at the young woman. "Phoebe." She says. "You are one of the main reasons I am here today, and not lost in a state of unconsciousness... I trust your decisions to do what is best for your life. I am glad you have been doing just so, as well."

With J'onn replying to the group about the situations they are facing, Diana lowers her slim pointed chin down a bit to watch them and with J'onn's sentiment, Diana nods and chimes in further to add to it. "Yes." She says. "Please, do reach out to us if a challenge arises that you do need support with. Between the three of you, I know you can handle a lot, but... if the times have been telling us anything, it is that threats are growing greater and fiercer. But with that, so are our abilities to push back against the dark." The Princess shows a quick little smile then before it fades away once more.

"That being said, however..." She continues then. "My concern is admitedly growing for these shadowy threats that you're speaking of. These kind of threats lurk in places that the League does not readily monitor as well as I think we might wish to. For this... I am eager to hear any suggestions the three of you might have to improve this. Either thoughts you have now, or something to begin to consider to submit to us once you have more ideas. Really..." Diana just softly shakes her head side to side.

"We wish to improve, the League, and its reach across the world. In the light and in the dark."
The Princess finishes.

John Constantine has posed:
    John leans forward in his chair but scoots it back just a touch so he can put his elbows on his knees rather than on the table. He gives a little, barely there shake of his head, a side titled thing. His teeth catch the left corner of his bottom lip. It's a tell to those that know him well. He's either about to do something stupid, say something stupid or just isn't sure how to say what he wants to say. He pulls a Silk Cut cigarette from the pack in his pocket and...

    ...tucks it behind his ear like he meant to do that and didn't forget where he was and almost light up.

    "Well," he begins, the word all dragged out to buy a few more seconds. "Way I see it? You all... have your thing, giant robots, evil scientists, space shite, aliens..." Quick, almost apologetic glance at J'onn with that last. "Not in my wheelhouse. I mean, I can toss magic at all that shite and maybe help, but I can't tell you what any of it *is*."

    He glances down at the floor, studies his shoes a minute and then back up again. "Those places? That dark things lurk in? I've lived in those places near my entire life, Diana. That's my wheelhouse, aye? But yeah, there's times when I could maybe use help beyond just the three of us and our team." Man, that almost physically *hurt* him to say. John Constantine doesn't *ask for help*. "So, how about this? You guys play in your corner. We'll play in ours. Every once in a while we cross streams when we need to. Kind of like a wedding. One big happy family, but the bride's family is on one side, groom's on the other... until the bloody reception starts. Two separate parts of one whole?"

    Is he making a lick of sense? Hell if he knows. He's not *good* at this, at all.

    Then, finally, in regards to J'onn he adds, "I'll let you know if I need you on that. But *she's* mine." Vengeance may not have a place in the Justice League. Unless you're John Constantine and someone is trying to hurt your *kid*.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a quiet smile, her ears growing dark and her cheeks darkening in embarrassment as she quietly fights to not rub the back of her head and just simply comments "Anything for a friend."

    And she remains standing behind John, listening carefully to him and almost -- almost reaching out to touch his shoulder to remind him that smoking isn't allowed. But he sets the silk cut behind his ear, and she settles back on her heels.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna glances at Phoebe with a fond smile while the Princess expresses her thanks. Then straightening and folding her hands in front of her, briefly glances at J'onn to see his reaction to John laying claim to his field of action.

"We are your magical resources for finding those dark places. I'm using the plural because those among us who deal with darkness sometimes on a daily basis exist to regulate it and keep it at bay. So, when /you/ encounter darkness of an occult or supernatural basis, call on us. We will respond as best we can and that," she lifts her chin with pride, "is a force to be reckoned with"

"I will also add for my part, the Zatana library of arcana is open to other magic users approved by the League, or by John and myself to do research. In other words, using John's metaphor, we will be at the wedding and will dance at the reception if we're asked."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
    As John explains his thoughts on how his group and the League can work together, which is expanded on by Zatanna, he nods in agreement, "It makes sense for everyone to deal with those issues that they know best, but knowing the backup is there if needed is always a good thing. Expanding the League's sphere of influence can only be a good thing, that way we can help with many more problems." Looking at John as he claims the necromancer, he replies, "Do try and capture her, will you? We tend to try and avoid fatal responses to issues here. It's usually not necessary to kill to end a threat, at least most of the time."

    He sits back in his chair, glancing over at Diana, then back to the magical contingent. "I imagine that sort of thing is an issue for you and the leadership to sort out." He nods to Diana, then gestures at the chairs that would normally have Superman and Batman in them. "I will accept whatever you all work out as far as methods are concerned, though I personally will not kill an opponent unless it is absolutely needed."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
"John, I'm a big girl. I can handle things." Jessica glances over at John and looks at him before looking back to Diana and J'onn. She considers them both before shifting in her seat. She isn't comfortable here but she's not about to be treated like a child. She idly pulls out her ring and looks at it carefully before she looks up to Diana.

"So, you want a Dark Justice League then?" She asks before looking back to her ring and idly covering it with one finger.

<Be wary of the martian, Jessica.> The man says softly in her head and goes on, <He could hear me, potentially mistake my help for hinderance.>

"I sometimes do the same." Jessica whispers and eyes the ring carefully before clenching her fist and then looking to John a moment. She looks then to J'onn and eyes him, "You must live in a very pretty world." She states to him and then looks down at her ring, "Because for all that flowery talk, people still die. Bad people still kill them and heroes aren't always there."

Diana Prince has posed:
The relationship between John and Phoebe is observed by Diana, the bit with the cigarette getting a very faint smile from the Princess, but she doesn't react to it beyond that. Instead she just looks to Zatanna and dips her chin a little in understanding and acknowledgement.

"Yes." Diana says after J'onn speaks. "We very much strive for non lethal uses of our power at all cost. It can be difficult, I understand that, but using lethal methods can quite often lead to far greater issues in the long run, far greater sorrow for many that we may not see in the moment."

Diana lowers her hands from the table once more, her back straight as she sits on the edge of her chair. "Within the League we try to remain united too, but I agree that this is a field best suited for you and those you entrust within your circle. That being said... I wish to help allocate funds and resources from the League's coffers to help you with these matters. So... along these lines, should you need financial support, or any other Justice League resources, please requisition them within our system. We can have JLA assistants assigned to oversee whatever it is that you and yours need."

Diana shows then a soft smile for them. "We just... wish to help. We have worked hard to make this group be a boon to the safety of Earth, in all ways possible after all. Be it from threats from the stars, or threats from the depths of shadow."

The question from Jessica has the Princess' eyes moving over to her. She watches the young woman for a moment before she smiles again. "I do not know if I would ... personally... call it that. But yes, it initially serves the purpose, I suppose." She replies in kind.

John Constantine has posed:
    Faded denim blues turn to J'onn. "No can do on this one, mate. Phoebe's entire bloodline is dead save her and this evil bitch of a cousin and they're all *trapped*, unable to move on, stuck as a power source for..." John pauses and sucks in a deep breath through his nose that comes back out in a sort of snort of disgust? Something unpleasant, in regards to the situation, not the Martian's take on killing. The further explanation is aimed at Diana and J'onn. "They will never be at rest if that woman is still this side of six feet under. So, she's being sent to Hell where she belongs."

    Make no mistake, John Constantine would have no issue killing the woman even if that weren't the case, but it is so... it gives him leeway to do so with the 'do betters'. Tickles him in his happy place, it does.

    Ngggggg... Sometimes John makes that sound, this time he only thinks it when Jessica speaks up. Not that he's not proud of the girl for doing so, because he kind of is. How far she's come in just a few short weeks? But now is not the time to potentially draw attention to the evil in one's head, child!

    Rather than address the issue that's screaming in his head and draw *more* attention to it, he just shoots Jessica a both eyebrows raised 'not now' look, but his words are simply, "It works, fits..." in response to her suggestion.

    His attention shifts back to Diana. "...and our resources will be available to you as well," he adds. John isn't, or he never has been, a team player. It's not hard for one to see it, the conflict this brings him. It all goes against everything he's ever said or done. It feels a little like betraying a part of himself. "A'ight then, Justice League Dark. Could be worse. Has a better ring than Justice League Magical Misfits, aye?" he quips "So, that all out of the way... anything you're dealing with that needs our attention?"

    The question is posed in such a way that it's clear he's having to *think* about what he says. That's the right thing to say now, innit? Teams do that, right?

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"None of us wish to ignore the death of the innocent. Sometimes there is no recourse. /Really/ no recourse because leaving someone like Phoebe's adversary alive invites more death. Need I say: dealing death has a moral price for us all." Zatanna's eyes move to each of them, lingering on J'onn then Jessica. She pauses before continuing, her gaze fixing on John, adding what those who deal in the occult know.

"And a blood price for most magic users, as John Donne said, for no man is an island entire ofitself, any man's death diminishes me. It is our reality."

"I can't speak for John and others but having access to some of the Justice League's tech will be of great use."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn shrugs as John explains the situation with Phoebe. "Well, that would be one of the situations where is is needed then. So be it, it was her choice to do this horrid thing, so do what you must to end it. I don't think any of us have a problem with that. It's the ones that don't _have_ to die that we prefer using non-lethal methods on."

    He looks to Jessica, "I don't know that I'd call it a pretty world, given the things we have to deal with. Perhaps you can call it a hopeful world instead - we try and make the world a better place, and it's rare for killing people to manage that. It usually just leads to more killing as that person's family or friends comes looking for revenge, and so on. That is what we try to avoid, because those revenge seekers can hurt or kill more innocents, and that is something to be avoided." He looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs and adds, "Almost my entire race has died, it may have made me a bit sensitive to the cost of killing. I know all too well the streets out there sometimes call for fast, ugly choices, but I will continue to at least try to improve things."

    He shrugs, "I know, for someone who hasn't had the opportunity to sit here with Diana and Superman and the others it's a lot harder to hope for a better world sometimes, but all I can say is.. try. Sometimes the world is dark because that's all we see around us, and we let ourselves sink into it. Trust me, I have extensive experience with just that, it took me a long time and a lot of help to come back."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Looking briefly to John, Jessica turns her gaze to Diana and then to J'onn. She stands up and puts her hands in her hoodie pockets and shakes her head, "Things are easier said then done. I have pretty solid experience in feeling helpless and the like." She turns and starts toward the exit, "I know what it is like to know that no one is coming. Know that you're going to die and there's nothing you can do about it. Luck was all I had. I won't leave people with luck and a pretty thing called hope. If I'm to help, they get something real." She looks back to J'onn specifically and then looks to John.

"I'll be back at the bar setting up for tonight." She then starts out and shakes her head as she leaves.

Diana Prince has posed:
The name that John comments has the Princess showing a light grin for a second before she glances then to Zatanna who responds as well. She nods her head softly once more before her hands come up again to rest palm-flat against the table surface now, her bracers shining under the lights that glow down from above. "I will see to it that this new element of the League becomes a group wide awareness. Others may seek you both out to ask further about it as well, but I wouldn't expect anything beyond surface level inquiries..."

When J'onn speaks, Diana looks to him and regards him calmly before she shows the Martian a light smile. "You do a lot for us to push toward that better world too." She tells her friend.

Jessica's words draw Diana's gaze next, watching her go she just lingers her stare for a moment before she looks to John. "I like her." Diana comments after she'd already left the room, following her words with a light smile.

"As for what the League is doing, we are maintaining our usual goals. I am pushing for a personal project, but it is yet still in the early phases of planning. I am not sure it is something that will appeal to either of you." She says to Zatanna and John. "But, I might be surprised. We will see in the near future, I hope. In the mean time, thank you both for coming to this. I feel it was a good start, and will hopefully bring good results. You two are doing more than we can express, I look forward to seeing how this all plays out."

John Constantine has posed:
    Blood price, it's something John's intimately familiar with. At Zatanna's mention of such, he rubs a little at his left palm with his right thumb; the feel of the scarred tissue there is just the tiniest reminder of the smallest of prices paid. A dagger across the palm to spill demon tainted blood to add power to a spell, that's next to nothing, *is* nothing compared to prices sometimes paid. Magic's messy and sometimes painful.

    When he realizes what he's doing, John forces himself to stop, flexes his left hand and rests it on his knee.

    He's mostly paying attention, even though his gaze is fixed a bit on that knee resting hand. But then something J'onn says has him looking up, maybe a little too quickly. Blue eyes narrow, not in anything but thought and only for a blink before that impassive poker face is back in place. Jessica provides him with a blessed distraction and somewhere else to focus his attention while thoughts unspoken rattle about in his head. "Make sure you check the dates on the chicken, luv!" he calls out just to have something to actually say.

    Back to Diana, thoughts a little more clear. The praise seems to make him a little... uncomfortable. He pushes himself to his feet, plucks that Silk from behind his ear and tucks it between his lips. He doesn't light it, but he's making sure it's ready for the second that he can. "She's a'ight, good kid... little rabbit-ish sometimes, but lots better than when she came looking for a job." That unlit cigarette bobs up and down as he speaks.

    "As far as this arrangement, tell them I'm registered for wedding gifts at Costco, man can never have enough bulk toilet paper, aye?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna scratches her forehead, hiding the smile behind her palm at John's discomfort. There is nothing condescending about the smile or the glance she sends him. They both understand blood price.

She rises from her place, "Yes, sign us up. Thank you, Diana, J'onn. We'll likely be seeing each other soon enough."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn listens to Jessica's statement and watches her leave without comment. However, he does nod when Diana says she likes the young woman. He'll have to keep an eye out for her in the future, it sounds like she's had too little help in a life that needed it. For some reason though, he main attention is on John, with a somewhat surprised look on usually placid green features as he gazes at the magician.

    He may need to find some time for a talk with the man.