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New Year, New Ire: Part One
Date of Scene: 25 January 2022
Location: Central Plaza - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: A rather snow filled day at Happy Harbor turns into a slight medical concern. A tingle is felt by some.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Madison Evans, Mark Grayson, Colette O'Connail, Molly Hayes, Keli Quintela

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
It was snowing in Happy Harbor so there had been the inevitable rush to get outside after the last class of the day ended. Teenagers are all over the main thoroughfare throwing snowballs at each other while some teachers and students try to flee to their cars to head home or to the building for protection. It was a nice feel to just be able to enjoy a bit of time before people had to depart for their homework and other duties.

Doctor MacIntyre is standing on the walkway with her coat and gloves on and watching things quietly. She'd not been very talkative since she'd came back from where she'd been. She's still healing physically and mentally, which might explain a lot. Her violet gaze catches sight of the Twins and then Tyler who are starting to stock pile snowballs to expand the war with snow.

Oh dear.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Oh, there's no chance Madison's missing out on this. She grew up in Southern California, so the chance to have an all out snowball war with her classmates is not an opportunity she's going to pass up. Doubly-so when it's a super-powered snowball fight.
    She's packing and tossing snowballs as quickly as she can, using a low wall for cover - but when she sees Tyler's snowball stockpile? Well. She just can't help herself. She holds out a hand, gesturing towards it in a lifting motion, causing one of them to lift up... Before she attempts to slap it onto the back of the other student's neck and reeeeeally grind it in with her telekinesis.

Mark Grayson has posed:
As a general rule Mark Grayson is as eager as anyone to get out of school at the end of day and rush home. It's not that he dislikes school or anything. He's a decent student, though not at the top of his class or anything elther. It's just that school doesn't quite compare to being Invincible. All things considered he puts a little bit more priority on the education he is getting by dressing up in costume and learning to utilize his powers to the best of his ability.

Brawn first. The brain can come later. Shortsighted? Probably. But he is a teenager.

Still, if he lets his grades slip too much he knows he's in for it. Neither of his parents will let him hear the end of it, though his father might be just a little more willing to cut him a little slack on that particular subject. Either way, however, the dark-haired teen stuck around a little later, spending time in the library to prep for the algebra quiz at the end of the week.

And so when he finally does exit the school it is smack dab into the beginnings of s snowball fight.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Snow! There's snow everywhere. It's a school. Therefore there are snowballs. This is a law of existence that cannot be overcome. You must accept it; embrace the warfare and join in, or find a way to avoid it - pretending it does not happen is a sure-fire way to get covered in snow.

    At least this year there are very few people getting underfoot by lying down in the snow to make snow angels. Maybe people think that's a bit too on the nose.

    One way to avoid being the target of snowballs is to be a teacher, though this is not an infallible method, by any means. Though most will avoid throwing a snowball at a teacher for fear of the revenge that may be wrought later, there are always a few students who will take the opportunity if they think your back is turned and they can get away with it. Students who's school records contain arcane hand-written notifications in obscure Teacher's Cant, initials like WBIJB4G (Will Be In Jail Before Graduating) or ADHO (Actually Did Homework Once).

    This is not strictly true -- these records are too closely monitored for such shenanigans to pass, but you can always scrawl it on a print-out for your own amusement.

    if you're a teacher hoping to avoid snowballs, it is therefore still essential to be on your guard. You can, like Colette, wear a long woolen coat with the collar turned up to avoid easy ingress of snow down the back, thus making yourself a less tempting target, but the most important thing is to cultivate that essential Teacher Skill of appearing to have eyes everywhere. No looking straight ahead and ignoring what's going on around her as Colette makes her way to her smart little black sports car -- the English teacher is making sure to make eye contact with as many snow-enthused students as possible. Nothing inherently warning nor threatening, nothing intended to imply anything other than 'I see you. I'm aware that you're there. I know that's a snowball in your hand.'

    Everything else is left to the imagination. Detentions, extra English homework, exceptionally boring reading assignments, being made to stand up in class and try to read Chaucer aloud, these are all options Colette is not implying with her watchful progress; she is content, however, for them to be inferred.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The Trio of Terror that is Tyler and the Twins have their stash of snowballs that are growing. Tyler is packing the snow as fast as he can and Delia has been complaining about the snow getting into her gloves. Declan rolls his eyes at the other two.

None of them dare look at Colette as a target. No one wanted to sit in detention! Madison is pelted with a snowball that comes from another direction that is not from where the three other students are.

Mark has not been assaulted yet, but there is the feeling that eyes are on him, sizing him up.

Morrigan's gaze is amused as she looks over the small war that is about to break out, she does raise a hand to wave to Colette. Hopefully the snow didn't start coming down any harder!

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes is another kid who grew up in California and didn't get to see much snow when she was young. She saw plenty when she was on the run, sometimes hiding out in remote mountain towns in Colorado, but she didn't get much chance to actually enjoy. While she doesn't really need the protection from the cold, she's more than happy to wear adorable winter gear, with a puffy pink coat, mittens covered with Pokemon and a squished down hat on top of her head with googly eyes on it.

She blows plumes of frosted winter breath, "This is it. Don't get scared now." she says, pausing for a moment as she sees Morrigan observing them all from a distance and offering a cheerful wave with a mittened hand.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison crows in delight as she manages to rubs the snow all over the back of Tyler's neck as he's concentrating on his work - maybe not a good plan, as it draws attention to her, and perhaps allows Tyler to guess at the archetect of his misfortune.
    And perhaps it's that very crow which invites the snowball that pelts her in the shoulder, splashing cold snow across her face. She squeaks, ducking back down behind her wall to start building more snowballs of her own.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Maybe all that time in costume in costume is starting to bleed over into his non-costumed life because Mark's absent path through the courtyard comes to an abrupt halt as if he feels those same eyes on him. Eyes plotting no good -- at least if one dislikes taking a snowball in the side. The dark-haired teen stops messing with his backpack almost at once, letting it fall from where it was draped over one shoulder to dangle from his hand instead. Narrowed eyes sweep across the school grounds, seeing the most obvious source of that little bump of trouble in the twins and their friend. He casts a brief glance towards the collection of dumpsters that sit behind a wooden wall, perhaps a trifle longingly. His preferred changing area isn't quite as unobtrusive as it normally is. And while the cold doesn't really bother him much anymore getting caught stripping down would raise an awful lot of questions.

So Mark picks up the pace a little, starting to trot across that open expanse, keeping a wary eye out, hoping to make it to the sidewalk without getting sucked into the mischief going on here.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette veers from her path when she sees Morrigan waving, making a detour to see how the principal is getting on. She does not let up from her watchfulness on her way, making sure to give the Troublesome Trio an extra hard stare as she passes them and their ammo dump. She stops on the walkway close to Morrigan, giving her a nod. "How are you doing, Doctor Mo?" she asks.

    There have been, as there always are, rumors in the staff room. Doctor Macintyre has been ill; Doctor Macintyre broke a leg skiing; Doctor Macintyre was bitten by a zombie; Doctor Macintyre has been in R'lyeh trying to raise Great Cthulhu from his ageless slumber. The normal things. She was away a while, now she is back, but seems a little under the weather. Perhaps that's just because the weather is attempting to deposit a layer of crisp white snow on her.

    "Back to the wars," Colette adds with an amused smirk. "Perhaps rather literally today. Given the student body we have here, I'm expecting to see heat-seeking snowballs and animated snow goons. Do we have any cryokinetics? They're the ones you've got to watch out for. You doing okay?"

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli's from Bolivia, and it doesn't snow very often in La Paz. She came out to join the others in snowball fighting, hanging around the edges to watch quietly for a moment, making herself a few snowballs that she plans to start pelting at the other kids. Using her own hands, thanks, no hacked Green Lantern gauntlet. She doesn't even have it on, just now.

    Pretty much every teen around is fair game for getting a Teen Lantern snowball pelted at them, though, now that she's got a stash of ammunition.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Tyler gives a cry of indignation when he feels the snow touch his skin and then it slides down his spine under his shirt. Oh it was a horrible thing! The raven haired young man wiggles around, not wanting to hurt the person who dared to smash snow into the back of his neck. But there is a shift in the young man as something happens, "Mads...he's here." he manages to choke out before his eyes roll back in his head and he collapses to the ground.

Morrigan who was watching things silently had given a smile to Colette, "If they hit one of us we can make them shovel the parking lot." she tells her softly. "Animated snow goons sounds awesome though, even I have to admit that." she chuckles. The question of her being okay gives her pause, "Yeah, I think I'm getting better." she tells her.

Then her violet gaze looks over to Madison creaming Tyler in the back of the neck before he collapses. It's a little unnerving to see from so far away and she didn't know if he was playing. "Tyler!" she calls out as she starts to run across the grass to get to the snow covered ground to get to the group.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes starts to gather up snow incrementally, piling it together. Instead of making a bunch of snowballs, it looks like she's going to make a snowman. She bites her bottom lip as she keeps scooping, the base of the snowman getting bigger and bigger until it's a ball almost as big as her.

Which she then lifts up over her head, turning around with narrowed eyes and a fierce expression on her face.

"All right! Who wants to snowball fight me now?!?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    From her cover, Madison looks up towards the sky when she notices something rather tempting - a heavily ladden branch just over Keli's head. With a grin of anticipation, she reaches out with her hand, giving a good firm //tug// with her 'Force' ability, hoping to knock cold, wet snow down onto the unsuspecting teen.
    Of course that's just when Tyler seems to.... collapse? "I didn't do nothing!" she exclaims defensively. "Err. I mean..."
    She rises up from behind her cover to peer at him. "Is he okay? //Who's// he-" Of course, that's about when she gets pelted from a dozen different directions. "HEY! HEY! Timeout, guys!"
    Pft. As if there's 'timeout' in snowball wars.

Mark Grayson has posed:
He was so close.

For a moment it actually looked that Mark was going to escape both unscathed and uninvolved in the snowy hijinx. A year ago this all would have seemed like great fun, perhaps a chance to make sure that his best friend William got well and truly snowed in. Maybe he's growing up? Or maybe he is just taking himself a liiiiittle bit too seriously these days.

Before he can hightail it off the school grounds and onto the snow-covered sidewalks leading home -- at least until he can find some place to get out of sight and take to the skies -- that call sounds behind him. It doesn't sound like someone getting pelted with a snowball and whining about it. It sounds distinctly more serious. And so Mark glances back over his shoulder, his pace slowing as he seeks out just what is going on, gaze focusing on Tyler and Madison as she calls for help.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Animated snow goons would be awesome. Animated snow goons should assault the school. It would make a change from mystical ninjas. Colette knows a guy, maybe it could be arranged. Just for fun. Said guy Colette knows is probably too moral for things like that though. On the other hand, he's easily lead astray, and it would be awesome. Morrigan said so herself. That's practically the same as /insisting/ that Colette arrange for a snow goon invasion, right? Nobody would actually get hurt. They would only be snow goon illusions. It would be /fine/.

    Tyler's collapse and the sudden departure of Mo is more mundane and less awesome, but it's something that can't be ignored. Colette does not sprint along behind Morrigan, but she makes her way towards Tyler after her at a more reasonable pace in case some help is actually required. She doesn't put it past Tyler to simply be dramatic about getting a neck full of snow. Tyler likes being dramatic. Nonetheless you have to make sure, and just in case it's something more serious than over-dramatic Tyler, she gets her phone out ready to call for medical assistance.

    And despite the distraction, she keeps her eyes out for incoming snowballs as she goes, because she's not stupid.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli is too busy spluttering beneath the snow that falls off the branch to notice what's going on with Tyler at first, and lobs snowballs blindly--mostly toward Madison--for a moment before hearing all the rest of the ruckus. She frowns and starts out from behind her little pile of snowballs, waving her hands in the air.

    "Truce! Truce!" she shouts as she runs over toward the people gathering around the fallen boy. "Dios mia, Tyler, are you okay...?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan doesn't see Tyler as dramatic. His entire family got murdered followed by him being kidnapped, so she gives him a little leeway. She gives a look to Madison, "What did he say?" she asks as she kneels down not to Tyler and tries to right him. "Tyler?" she states as she checks his pulse, it was strong. That was good. With all the commotion and the cold of the snow the teen starts coming too. Morrigan gives a look to Madison, "Are you okay?" she asks her. Since that's sometimes a bit weird to have a friend just collapse.

"You're going to give us a heart attack." she tells him. He seems to be fine, but there is a paleness to him, like he'd seen a ghost. "Sorry, sorry. Just...I don't really know what happened." he looks a bit sheepish as he looks to those that have gathered around. "I think I'm going to head in." he tells them.

Colette would be able to feel the tingle of magic fading. It's not from Morrigan and no one in the immediate vacinity is magical...

So who is it?

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Umm - he said 'he's here' - but who's here? I mean, there's a lot of people here - and I really didn't do anything, honest, I mean - I kinda put some snow on his neck, but that was just- I mean - it's a snowball fight so I didn't think there was anything wrong with that and- umm, he's okay, right? I didn't do anything wrong! ...did I?" Madison babbles out anxiously, rocking back and forth from heel to toe and back again.
    "I'm fine," she adds a bit belatedly. "Just... you know. All... snowed and stuff."

Mark Grayson has posed:
It would seem that things are in hand afterall and Mark pauses on his way back into the school courtyard, watching the crowd gather around the fallen boy for the moment. Even teachers are on the scene which only adds to the impression that things are in hand for the moment. Still, he heard those shouted words too and the dutiful teen furrows his brow, glancing over the courtyard for something out of place. He's gotten a lot better at spotting that sort of thing in the past few months, as he's honed his abilities. But it all just looks like school to him and while there might be an unfamiliar face or two, no one who looks entirely out of place.

Weird. With a shrug of his shoulders, Mark takes a step back once more, hefting his backpack over one shoulder once more. Looks like the show's over.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette is no sorcerer. She has no talent for scrying. She doesn't know magic. Just because other people are made from meat and bones and organs doesn't mean they are biologists. She is however made from magic, and when there's a ripple in the skein of magic that suffuses the world, she can often feel it. Particularly if it's the right types of magic. Particularly if it's something dark.

    She puts her phone away again as she takes the last few steps to where Morrigan is checking Tyler over, eyes not on the afflicted boy but scanning the area around, looking for anything out of place. Anything that casts a magical 'shadow' darker than it should. Anyone who looks suspicious (or more suspicious than is normal for Happy Harbor, anyway).

    Anyone who might be the source of... whatever that was.

    "It's okay Madison," she says. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault. Probably something brought on by a bit too much excitement. Doctor MacIntyre, it might be a good idea to get his blood pressure checked. Want me to take him inside and get him to the nurse's office?"

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli frowns down at the boy, biting her lip for a moment, then reaches over to pat Madison on the arm. "Yeah, it's not your fault. It's snow, it's cold, maybe that was just surprising or something? Shocking. I know /I/ was shocked when you dumped that branch of snow on me." She grins, to show she's joking. Mostly.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Colette and there's a nod as she helps Tyler get up from the ground, "Go with Miss O'Connail and have the nurse check you over." she tells the teen. Then she gives a look to Madison, "Absolutely not your fault." she tells her. "If you guys want to head in with them and get warm or you can stay out here and pepper more unsuspecting targets." she smiles.

"I'm going to give the school a once over. Just to see if anything sticks out. If it's just a random weird spot I don't want to spook anyone." she tells Colette quietly.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "What? I have //no idea// what you're talking about," Madison answers Keli - while grinning in such a way to show that, yes, she knows //exactly// what she's talking about.
    She shifts her attention to Morrigan and Colette next, giving a nod of her head, her expression immediately more solemn. "Okay. I guess I won't be too hard on myself, then."
    But maybe she will head in - she doesn't quite feel like a snowball fight anymore. "Maybe I'll head home and get some hot chocolate."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette puts a hand on Tyler's shoulder, and gestures towards the school building. "Probably not been eating right. Too much candy, not enough protein, poor circulation from spending too much time with snow in your hands," she suggests. "But we better get you checked out before you go home, just in case."

    She has no faith in that diagnosis, but it's a reason to ensure someone's keeping an eye on Tyler for a little while, just in case whatever it was hasn't entirely gone away yet.

    "Okay, show's over, nothing more to see here," she calls out as she walks Tyler to the nurse's office. "That means the truce is over. Keli, that means you can get revenge. Just don't risk keeping Maddie from her hot chocolate or she may swear eternal vengeance on you."

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "Nah, I'm good," Keli says easily. "I kinda want hot chocolate now. Ohh, can it have little marshmallows? That's how you do it here, right? Little floaty sugar bits."

    She does steal a glance at Tyler, frowning slightly, but she'll be easy enough to lead away. Hot drinks call.