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Latest revision as of 06:28, 16 March 2022

Xaviers: School Days
Date of Scene: 12 March 2022
Location: Main Foyer
Synopsis: It's a random School Day at Xaviers SCHOOL for shifty Mutants.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Tabitha Smith, Quentin Quire, Jean Grey, Samuel Guthrie, Maxwell Wave

Rogue has posed:
The school year is coming to a close in just over 2 months. Another school year down at the school for such gifted youngsters.

Every day is a new presentation of challenges, some days a little more than others, but overall the average school day goes by mostly without any serious hitches!

In a year that has seen vampire attacks, aliens from outer space trying to steal the Headmistress, and more... this one... 2021/22 will go down in the record books for the fairly small boarding school in Westchester, New York.

From teachers, to students, the halls of Xaviers School bustle every day of the year. Mutant kids zipping about, either by foot, by wheels, or by other ... perhaps X-related means, the school is ever, and always active.

On one such morning this past week, the school 'errand girl', Anna-Marie stands at the foot of the main foyer stairs, holding a tray in front of her and calling out names. "Howard." Rogue says.

A little lithe boy with sandy hued hair raises his hand from the crowd of kids, and Rogue eyes him. "Your ear medicine." She says, tossing him a bag, that hits him in the face with a paper crinkle. He says 'ow' quietly, and kneels down to pick it up.

"Hamilton." Rogue looks up to see Hambone, and his boys, at the back of the group. She tosses him a medication bag too. He catches it with both his hands, then peers inside. "Indigestion meds?! Awww, mom!" Hambone exclaims, as his friends all snicker, and then turn to march down the hallway with Hamilton leading them, ribbings being dished out.

Rogue sighs then, and looks at the next bag. "Nasal spray medication?" She says as she picks up another bag, and a small kid with shaggy hair approaches her and holds out his hand. "This yours?" Rogue asks the kid.

He nods his head rapidly, then slithers out a snake-like tongue at her.

Marie hands the bag over and the boy skitters off to class.

"So many nerds at this school..." Rogue sighs says softly under a heavy exhale.

"Okay, the rest of you call your parents about your meds!" She says, dispersing the remaining gaggle of kids toward class.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith - Boom-Boom among many, many a codename she's gone though. Long since given up on that whole school learning thing and mostly just lives on campus and occasionally offers snarky comments, keen fashion advice, and entertaining injuries via explosions in between that and actually help with all those kids breakfasts being served.

The entertainment part is usually done via the Danger Room but sometimes bookings gave to be made in advance for that when it's not team time and sadly.

Noone's cancelled yet.

"Ugnh so hate waking up this early!" the blonde woman says and trudges out the front door, a swiped box of froot loops in one arm from the kitches as she tries to dodge the stampede of kids coming and going through the doors.

"Ow, watch where you're running!" she shouts when someone steps on her feet and makes the handful of cereal that should have landed in her mouth go wild and mostly end up all over herself.

"That's it I'm taking them on another 'Urban Survival' course." tabby threatens and growls while waggling toes inside a yellow sneakered foot.

And byurban survival she means drop them in the north end of Nanhattan with no phone or money to hike back to Westchester like a hobo.

Quentin Quire has posed:
QUENTIN QUIRE, the greatest student to ever grace Xavier's School, is no longer a student. He graduated. Now he just makes YouTube videos and has a Patreon. And also does Cameo's.

It's a living.

Today, despite the mid-march chill, Kid Omega is sunbathing. ... On the front lawn. In a speedo. Hip-Hop beats rumble through his (probably very expensive) headphones. Next to his lawnchair is a tall boy of cheap beer with a very long crazy straw in it.

Luckily no parents are scheduled to visit today, right?

Jean Grey has posed:
Speaking of school administrators who occasionally get vaporized and shoved into a space crystal to power plans to conquer the universe...

In the Headmistress's office, it is a normal day. Jean takes calls, many of them on fairly banal subjects. Because the school is live-in and open year-round, they have all sorts of extra maintenance costs and requirements to keep the place running. While there is certainly a bit of a DIY philosophy (read: putting the kids, and also Rogue, to work!), there's still plenty that just outpaces the ability of the students and teachers to do on their own while also keeping up with their studies or teaching. For instance, currently, she's on the phone with 'Croton Marine Services,' listening to a charming fellow explain pricing structures. Because with spring approaching, the ice skating rivalry is off for another year and it's back to people puttering around the lake in all kinds of watercraft.

Do you know what a huge money sink boats are?

The next call is, at least, not so terrible. "Hey its me. Yeah, no, I'm still planning on coming up this weekend. Well, if nothing unexpected pops up. No, well, I wasn't planning on bringing- Mmmmhmm. How's dad? Yeah?" It goes on a little while, ending with a "love ya," before she hangs up, leaving 'Sara' blinking on her phone screen a few seconds before it turns off.

More minutiae passes, while the sunny day shines outside her window... sunbathing students and all. Until a notification sounds and she checks her phone again, and hauls herself up from her desk, grabbing a large yellow notepad on the way. Soon, she's traversing the hallways, headed toward the classrooms. They're on the other side of the building, though. And so she must pass... the foyer!

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has came out to the school early, he did not stay here last night. The back seat of the truck seems to be full of stuff, and the bed has folding chairs and tables in it. Sam is heading towards the garage. He parks the F150 outside the garage pulling out his phone for a quick test to Xavier Staff group. "Hey guys going to store some stuff in the garage for a few days Sam."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is holding the receipts for the medication she had to pick up. Her green eyes are surveying them as she casually steps down to the ground of the main foyer hardwood floor. "God, medicine is expensive..." She mutters before rolling them up and stuffing them in to the bag hanging on her hip.

She looks up to see Tabitha in the front doors, and a smirk shows to her. "You're lookin' busy t'day." She tells the Boom Boom one before spying the man in his underoos out on the lawn.

"Who the hell is that out there?" Rogue asks as some students rush past her.

She follows the kids as they run by. "Careful!" She says as Jean emerges from the faculty hall. Rogue smiles down the distance at her, upnodding in her direction.

"Hey, Jean, check this out." Rogue says, pointing outside. "Someone's basically naked out there!" She states, pointing at the distant Quentin.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde woman dusts off any stray fruitloops from her clothes, picking some off the red racing styled leather jacket on her shoulders left unzipped to allow a cropped Xavier Institute tank top to be seen and her abdomen to get some air.

"I got roped into brearkfast service for the kids, danger room was in use. May try again later this afternoon after lunch. Despite my reputation I really, really hate free time. Especially while I'm sober." she says and shrugs her shoulders and weakly smiles as she just barely dodges out of the way of the headmistress.

Not that many folks would actually complain about being bumbed about by Jean.

Sam gets a waggle of fingers while he's having stuff hauled into storage. "Rogue, hon. How does Space TIjuana sound for our spring break Vacay?" she ponders as the darker haired woman head off to follow the kids.

Curiosity piqued even Tabby follows and then immediately regrets it. "Naked, why is he? OH CHRIST! Puts some damn clothes on. I hope you get shrinkage so bad it becomes an innie!" she says and lights some very bright looking balls of plasma in her hands. Luckily her red frames and matching lensed cateye sunglasses deal with the glare if not the other inapprpriate sight.

Maxwell Wave has posed:
Maxwell's day had partially been spent down in McCoy's lab in pursuit of advancing his knowledge of material sciences and partially performing a few hours worth as a STEM tutor helping alleviate the burden on the faculty. He steps out of a room reserved for math lab wearing his usual goggles over his head. Less these days to play down that he's a mutant and more that the constant glow can be a distraction for students.

Glancing down at his tablet, he swipes to close Wolfram Alpha then quickly scans the hall. About at that time, he hears Rogue's familiar voice sounding off 'basically naked out there'. This followed by the exclamations of Tabitha and the conjuring of plasma, he's startled enough to almost drop his tablet. There's a moment of desperate flailing before he remembers he's a mutant and uses a little physics manipulation to leave the tablet floating in the air.

Jean Grey has posed:
A warning when she walks out causes Jean to look around- perhaps in great surprise, concern, ready to spring into action?!

Not quite. While just about anything CAN happen during a typical day at Xaviers, she knows the difference between a 'Rogue yelling at kids' yell and the more urgent kind. Even WITHOUT reading her mind!

As it turns out, it's not a disaster. Or, well, it's just Tabitha, who is only occasionally disasterous!

"Hey, what's up, you two?" she echoes back at the pair of them collectively, as she pauses in her always-busy trek toward her next task. And then, a warning in case it's one of those two supposed quasi-adults who's planning mischief and wants an accomplice: "I've got class in twenty." So busy! So professional!

As it turns out, aside from kids running hither and yonder, the most interesting thing going on is someone sunbathing. She looks where she's directed to look. "Hmm. Just a swimsuit, looks like?" She gives the otherer women an odd look. Is she somehow the least prudish of the bunch?!

"As long as no one is actually streaking across the lawn..." That was last tuesday. And there was still snow on the ground!

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will start to unload stuff from his truck into the garage storage area. He scans about and shakes his head at someone sunbathing on the front lawn. He can't saw much though Doug still gives him grief about showing up to recruit him to help the guys at the mansion, while wearing a towel. It takes him a few minutes to unload, some of the boxes seem to have sparkly stuff, and even some party hats. Once he has it all put away he heads towards the mansion proper.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances at her phone when Sam's school-faculty-whatever text hits everyone's phones. She taps back. <Better not be bodies.> before sending it. Her phone is then put in to the pocket of her grey and white Xaviers School hoodie. She smiles at Jean, then looks to Tabi and laughs a little.

"I think that's Quire." She tells Tabi before nodding to Jean.

"Banana hammock, ya mean." She corrects with a big silly smile, and her hips swaying side to side, hands pushing out the pockets of her hoodie as she is being silly.

"Oh! Here." She says then, taking out the medication receipts for Jean, stuffing them at the Headmistress. "Three hundred and seventy five dollars for three different prescriptions. Bill the parents, I assume?" She asks then before looking back to Tabi.

"What are ya gonna do down in the Danger Room? I might join ya..."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby probably would not complain right now if Sam did actually sunbathe. Even Remy could probably get away with going shirtless. But Quire is not on the list of males Boom-Boom doesn't mind ogling.

Instead the almost naked man gets those plasma bombs lobbed ar him. They're small and when they go off either sside where he sists the booms are as loud as firecrackers and about as bright as a camera flash. Even the impact is about as much as someone going upside the back of the head.

"Kids are around dude. dammit. Even I'm not that weird." there's a suprising amoung of selfconsiousness about her appearance in the back of her brain as she states and shakes her head before she shrugs to Rogue about the danger room. "Was thinking something high impact. Sentinel Horde Mode is getting stale so I was gonna flip through recent sims and then pick one and crank the difficulty. Either I get worn out, or I get knocked out. Whatever lets me sleepquietly at night." she says and smiles a bit more warmly.

Even max gets a wave when he ends up in visual range. "But generally something with a huge margin for failure."

Maxwell Wave has posed:
Max fetches his tablet out of the air and returns it to its normal relationship with gravity. Head tilting to the side, he glances from Jean in the general direction of Quite then shrugs before giving Tabitha a more wary look, since she was the one sporting potential lethal energy weapons.

He lets out a low whistle at the prescription bill and shakes his head, "Got to love our 'pay to live' medical system. I wonder if we could compound any of that in-house to drive down the cost."

Unslinging a back pack from over his shoulder, he puts away his electronics before he breaks something and tugs out a green jacket, tugging it on and zipping up. Tabitha gets a curious glance at the prospect of the danger room, it'd been awhile since he practiced. Hunting sentinels in South America had scared a little bit of the adventure out of him. He'd become more a 'lab-body'

Max winces as the bombs are lobbed but seems relieved when they are more 'loud' then 'pow'. He offers a friendly wave back to her. "Opposing mutant force with a random collection of powers makes for a good challenge. I tried that a few times when prepping for vigilante work in Bushwick. Not knowing what your opponents can do is... tricky."

Jean Grey has posed:
Ah the time-honored tradition of passing Jean the bill.

Collecting the receipt, she eyes them over. "Mm, yeah. Well, when they have coverage from their parents." Or when they have parents at all. Not a safe assumption at Xaviers, home of many tragic orphan origin story backgrounds. "Otherwise it's-" And she looks over at Max, who has joined the absolutely fascinating fiscal discussion, "on the school insurance." Apparently a thing! Because America! "Which, yeah, we actually do purchase a group plan. Saves a fair bit." Plus, in the end they have the best form of insurance possible: an old rich white guy bankrolling the place! Also a sci-fi med bay in the basement, a furry blue doctor, various mutants with truly miraculous abilities...

And yet, when Jean's finished reading the receipts, she sighs before tucking them away. It still all manages to add up!

This leaves her to listen as the two discuss some Danger Room time, although with one half of that equation clearly being a bit more enthusiastic than the other. "Wouldn't hurt to get some time in," she encourages, before glancing at Tabitha with a frown. "You know, approaching the simulations like that will teach you some bad habits. Sure, you can just keep cranking it till you lose... but in real life, it's a bit more than a 'YOU DIED' screen and a reboot at the end. Learning how to deal with unwinnable situations is important, too."

She pauses as if to think about it a moment, and then suggests. "I'll talk to Scott about the programming. See if we can't switch it up a bit." Uh oh!

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will shake his head at the fireworks, he has been on the receiving end of those a time, or a dozen times. He looks to the ladies as his phone beeps, and he looks at it and chuckles "Na, it is supplies for Alexi's Birthday party, I can't just put them in the storage at home, she would come across them, and start asking questions. That or find them figure it out and not be surprised.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shoots her eyes over to Maxwell when he appears, her gaze going up and down the man that she only has ever seen here and there. "Max'o." Rogue says with a big smile. "You know a thing or two about makin' drugs?" She inquires then, tipping her chin up. She stares down her nose at him then, sizing him up. "We gonna have'ta start callin' you Heisenberg?" She asks then, before cracking a grin at him.

When she looks back between Jean, then to Tabi, Rogue reaches her right gloved hand up to stroke her white bangs back behind her right ear. She smirks at Tabi getting a Jean-lecture about the Danger Room.

"Spell that place for me, for Spring Break, I'll check it out when I get back t'my room, and if you want the best Danger Room sims, look up the Jumanji sims. Those are fun, and freakin' a non stop train ride of CGI madness. Monkeys, and dance fightin'." The Belle states with a big grin as she rocks forward and back on her feet.

"Did anyone hear that Sam Guthrie is storin' dead bodies in the garage? Cause... that's the rumor I'm gonna start passin' around t'doay, I think... Ya know, gotta keep it fresh around here."

Quentin Quire has posed:
BELATEDLY, Quentin is MINDING HIS OWN BUSINESS when Tabby hucks literal bombs at his head. They snap, crackle and pop, throwing their little shockwaves at his head. He seems to rattle around on his lounger, but not much else.

Well, beyond lifting one hand to flip the bird. And the voice in Tabby's head, which is unmistakably Quire's.

<Can't a guy enjoy the sunshine without being assaulted? Besides, you know what I'm wearing. Do you want me to get up?>

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I swear it's cheaper to self medicate." Tabby states with a shake of her head. If anyone could do with pharmaceutical psychiatric aid it's her. "But while I'm in graduation testing I gotta try and stay sober. It probably explains some of the questionable tactics she's been throwing herself around with when in action.

"You gonna have to gift like a madman too if you're also planning a stealthy party Sam!" she calls out to her ex with a grin.

"I know there's not meant to be any coming back after the big splash screen Jean. But after Doug, Genosha. It kinda weighs on you. But that's probably more shrink and couch time for later. For now. If I can get away with what I've been doing. Might as well keep on ramblin'" she says and chuckles at her own expense.

"Well regular Tijuana is an option Rogue. But I figure space has something like that for us twenty something X-People. It would be nice to go out and about out there and not have to deal with fate of the galaxy stuff. They don't card in space either I bet!" she suggests and ponders research.

"Quentin, if you didn't want your things and thingies under threat you'd have worn trunks like a sane person and not a dumb ass troll." she points out and flips him off.

To Sam, Tabby adds another grin. "Friends help you move, Best friends help you move bodies!" she reassures.

Maxwell Wave has posed:
Max offers a shrug toward Jean. "I imagine DIY medicine is probably something to be wary of anyway, even with the good Doctor in residence, and his time is probably worth more then the money saved."

"Still would be neat to know something about pharmaceuticals." He mentally logs that away as a potential mid-life crisis field of study.

He shakes his head at Rogue offering her a grin. "Not so cool, but some things do wear off on you when you are hanging around the doc. I -do- hang around Bushwick though, and there definitely are a few... uh... Scratch that, not a topic for school grounds."

Max shudders when Scott is mentioned. The same individual who through him right into the 'frying pan', probably for the purposes of scaring him off from combat.

"Maaaybe. I'll disappear into a lab after all." He grins sheepishly. With the conversation turning to space Tijuana, he starts heading in the general direction of elevator to make good on his lab bound intentions.

Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin, still with beats blasting into his head, leans over to suck beer through the crazy straw. He almost opens his eyes at Tabby's reply.

<Have you met me, Tabitha? I am All That Is Troll. Besides, I hate tan lines and this is the best I can get without going,> The eyebrow waggle is beyond implied. Somehow he inserts it into a telepathic message.

<Au naturale>

Jean Grey has posed:
"When there's a nice, safe, well-tested method that will work and no time-pressure, we still prefer to go that way, yeah," Jean agrees, on that home mutant medicine front. "As opposed to, say, when someone comes down with a bad case of alien mutagenic parasite." Not even a made-up example, that time! "Although having a few people on staff who are qualified to prescribe is certainly a bit of help, papework wise."

As for Tabitha... yep. She gets a quiet, and definitely mildly concerned sounding 'mmmhmm,' in response, but not a lot more. It's not like Jean is an actual psychologist on top of being a mind reader... so this is definitely getting filed away! However, for the time being, it's all fun and spring break and Quentin being harassed for his lifestyle choices. All of which she has opinions on:

"I don't know how the Spring Break planning moved on to literal Star Wars cantinas, but... veto. Let's try and keep it not just in budget, but on planet. I'm sure Earth has PLENTY of nice places to choose from."

"Anyway, tell me later. I gotta go!" Without much further warning, she turns off and starts strolling for the classrooms. Because, as she warned early on, she's due to teach a class. Yet this doesn't stop her from shouting back, over her shoulder: "And stop hassling poor Quentin. What kind of equality are we promoting when hot tub bikini parties are fine but you're giving him a hard time? I think he looks perfectly fine." And off she goes!

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Rogue, and says "You don't hide bodies in the garage, you hide them in the abandon mines shafts about 13 miles that away." He motions up north from where they are. "Though hiding them here might make some interesting explanation next time the mansion gets part of it blown up.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is just standing there with her hands in her white and grey hoodie pockets. She's sweeping her gaze from one of them, to the other, and finally settles on Sam... She quickly then looks toward the 'north' and then back to him with a grin.


Her eyes then shoot back over to Max, and Jean as they are making their exit. "Fiiiiine. Oh, and Jean, remind me t'tell ya about my speedin' ticket I got today." She calls out to the redhead with a small smile.

Rogue looks back out the front doors then, and calls out. "Lookin' good, Quire Boy!" She shouts out the doors before she nods to Tabi. "Come on, I'll Danger Room it up with ya, Sugah." She tells the pink haired lady boomer. "We gotta pick a place with some fancy beaches and hot tubs. Space... sucks." Poor Michael, wherever he is.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Fine. Mexico. The Parasites are only slightly more invasive if you don't cook the pork through properly." Tabby says and pouts as Jean puts the stop on outer space. "So back to waiting for our next abductions.

Tabby clutches her head and groans as Quire keeps talking and trolling in her head. And then throws back her own mental image of all the bruises cuts and scars in varring states of healing under all her clothes. And the memory of the pain thought at Querntin as well The life of an active and self destructive X-Woman in training. Not fun for anyone too see.

"I'll get us fitted for the gold bikini's anyway Rogue. But Florida might also be better off an idea. No passports. More mosquitos and alligators." she points out and grins.

At least when Rogue offers to tag team the Danger Room tabby bounces a bit more and seems happy. "Fort Lauderdale might also have plenty of racists to beat up. So extra bonus." she adds