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Those To Whom the Future Belongs
Date of Scene: 03 April 2022
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: Thor has a small gathering to celebrate the visit of several Asgardian youths. And, of course, Diana tries to ruin it all.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Diana Prince, Natasha Romanoff, Morgan Finn, Rocket, Groot

Thor has posed:
    "It is by the stories we tell that we know ourselves,"
    The chairs in the library have been drawn around, a flame flickering in the fireplace as the chimney wards off the cold from Winter's last gasp. Spring beckons yet the chill remains, hazing the rain against the window as the night for now remains at peace.
    It is no bonfire, nor traditional camp as is so often seen. But for those in new lands one makes do when needs must. Which is why here and now in the Asgardian embassy the fireplace serves as the focal point for the noble worthies who now reside.
    "It is by this sharing that our tales join the fabric of the greater story. It is how we know the place we hold in the great scape of creation. So we," A pause as the tall blond man in the loose white shirt and black breeks smiles around the circle, "Value these tales, and the tellers."
    Then he straightens and gestures with one large hand to the side, presenting next to him the three youthful figures who stand near the fire, the traditional place of prominence for those who would speak of these stories. "And tonight we have three who would present themselves to the heroes of Midgard. Three strong souls who hail from Asgard. But I have said enough. Best they speak for themselves."
    And with that, Thor leans back allowing the trio of seemingly... twelve year olds? Early teens perhaps. To present themselves.

    At first there is jostling, as the raven-haired young man steps forward. Only for the taller redheaded girl to brush her shoulder past and ahead, shooting a glower at the first and then at the more relaxed young man who smiles a little at the antics of his comrades. They each, curiously enough, wear not the garb of Asgard. Instead they have brand new blue jeans, sneakers of varying colors, and t-shirts.
    "I am Hild Sarsdottir!" She speaks strongly, thumping a fist against the shoulder of her 'I <3 New York' t-shirt. "He is sworn to the service of the royal house and guards the gates of Asgard! My own legend grows with each passing day. Most known I have bested those who stood in my way in the royal contest of arms for those my age which is twelve Winters now passed. Of most recent I was crucial in the defense of your mortal hero's reputation, Ryan Seacrest who was defamed by no less than three rogues that I set upon in the grand Park of the Center."
    After that she sniffs affectedy, which is when the raven-haired youth muscles his way forward. His t-shirt is just of the Big Apple, clearly bought from a souvenir vendor. "And I am Ingnin Son of Ingnar, I have seen /thirteen/ Winters." And he pauses there, as if such were great to reflect on. Then he adds, "And I too was granted leave to come here for displaying my might at arms and overcoming my classmates. My greatest victory, however, was subduing a Jotun beast who threatened to charge our warband!"
    Which has the last young Asgardian clearing his throat with a feigned cough.
    Only for Ingnin to add, "Oh. And also these two were there at the time as well."
    Thus the turn falls to the third to make his own introduction. He's got a sly look and chestnut hair, though his t-shirt is a cartoonish thing. It has a caricature of an angry Thor thrusting a mug into the hands of a cartoon Iron Man's hands with the caption simply being, 'Holdeth Mine Ale!' His smile is easy as he murmurs, "I am Alfar Alfridason. I succeeded in the contest though I am of but fourteen Winters. I too had the honor to bask in the glory of my friend Ingnin's victory against the pack animal that peeked over the hill during our travels. I leant my voice to hollaring at it as well even as it turned away, though I suspect it more wandered off than fled out of fear."
    Which gets Ingnin to say quickly, "Heeey!"
    Then Alfar holds his hands up as if in surrender, "But my best exploits are yet ahead of me, good heroes. Perhaps one day you shall recall my name."
    Introductions over, Thor says. "Welcome then, young Asgardians. I present to you, these heroes of Midgard."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is wearing a loose fitting white shirt with diamond-shaped holes up the outside of her sleeves, the sleeves pushed up to her elbows. Her dark hair is tied back in a loose ponytail, and blue jeans are worn on her lower body. She's got a wrist watch on, and a bracelet upon the other, a pair of heeled shoes upon her feet. A casual look for this evening of introductions at the Embassy of Asgard.

A big smile is worn upon her red painted lips as Thor makes the young ones announce themselves, their exploits, and so forth. She seems entirely pleased by this. When it comes a chance for her to speak, Diana stands.

"Hello to each of you. I am Diana, of the island of Themyscira. I am the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, and the proud Princess of the Amazon warriors of said island." She presses one loose fist to her chest and gently bows to them an inch or two before lowering her fist again. "Welcome to Midgard. Should you need anything, you are welcome at the Themysciran Embassy, and are encouraged to visit, to learn more of our people." She glances to Morgan with a smile, since these Asgardian youth are not that much younger than him.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance on in over as she would sweep about. Seeing the discussion going on she would cock her head to the side. Listening to the Asgardians over with a twitch and a smile. Are the children from Asgard? Or are they of Earth and simply enjoying themselves? It does take her a few moments over to figure out which is which and then her smile would grow brighter.
    "And here you have them sharing stories without Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral here to tell you all how to do a proper one." Apparently having spent a bit of time with the self-proclaimed Warriors Three and all tha tentailed.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan wasn't really told what to expect, so he is dressed in very casual clothes: jeans, an Atlanta Falcons jersey, sneakers, and a black leather jacket. And he looks about as uncomfortable as a pig in a bacon factory right now. He looks up at Diana and murmurs, "I'm supposed to...supposed to introduce myself?"

He steps forward a bit and lifts one hand briefly in a quick wave. "Hi, I'm...I'm Morgan Finn. From, I guess, Hell's Kitchen. It's cool t'meet you all. Thanks for...thanks for letting me come along." Then he steps back again, next to Diana but back a step or two.

But then he re-steps forward and clears his throat. "Also I'm in training at the Themysciran Embassy as Won...Wonder Boy."

Thor has posed:
    The trio of Asgardians are strong with the bravado, the youths maintaining their composure now that they've explained themselves. So when Diana rises they look on with that stern manner so cultivated by those who follow the warrior's path. But when she introduces herself...
    Three sets of eyes widen. Quickly they murmur silent words to each other. Hild's emerald gaze gleaming with admiration, and poor Ingnin's mouth opens with surprise and Diana can already see. Instant crush born in his blue irises. But they remember themselves quick enough to offer bows, though Ingnin is the last, as if remembering that is what he should do. Three sets of, 'Your highness' are uttered, all within a second of each other.
    And when it's Morgan's turn the Asgardians all look to him, four of them to be fair for Thor has not met this young man before him. His eyebrows raise as he perhaps shoots a glance toward Diana, one eyebrow quirking as he asks a silent question. But then his smile broadens when he introduces himself.
    "Well met, Morganfin! The Kitchen of Hel has its own reputation in this land assuredly. Warrior and Wonder." Young Hild seems the most enthusiastic.
    Yet when Natasha appears and offers her comment, that is when Thor arises from his seat and laughs, "Natasha!" For she was not initially part of the gathering, but she is instantly accepted even as the Thunderer gestures, "Join us, I am sure what tale you would offer of your exploits would wow these worthy travelers. Do."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would turn to them, "And remember over that a story must be given for a story. One is obligated then to hear one from a compatriot after all. And remember that not all stories may be as spectactular or grand. Some are personal. Others thoughtful. A story is one that merely has meaning to the one telling it, not necessarily of the audience." SHe would grin over. "So do remember when old ones tell them and you don't have the slightest idea why."
    SHe would walk over twoarsd Thor. "And it's good to see you. I take it that these ones have not been to midgard before? Or do you have something in particular you plant o regale them with?" G iving a nod to Morgan.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana just holds smiles for each of the young ones before she looks to the one she brought with her. Morgan, of course. She smiles warmly at his own introduction, before she reaches out to put a hand on his back. She then looks back to Thor. "Yes, Morgan has reached a place in his life where I felt it would do him a lot of good to prepare his training. I will tell you more about it later." She tells Thor with a little grin before she glances then to Nat before back to the young Asgardians.

Diana steps back to her chair then where she seats herself with her palms pressed flat together, her fingers interlacing together.

She sweeps her eyes from face to face as they speak to one another.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan...is not the flashy warrior type and it's clear he feels very out of place here in this room. His gaze wanders over the three younger teenagers and his body language and expression seem to indicate that he feels inferior to them: a slight averting of the eyes, slumped shoulder, hands in his front pants pockets.

But he's no coward, not by a long shot. He offers Thor, the God of Frickin' Thunder, a bright smile and a nod when Morgan is addressed by him. "Thank you for welcoming us here, sir. My lineage is from Olympus where my father, Asclepius, resides among his fellows. But I'm honored...honored to meet you and I've...um...heard good things."

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed you would be right, good Natasha." Thor stands as the Widow arrives and extends an arm toward her to offer a light thump-thump on the shoulder even as he turns back. Brow furrowing as he motions to the three adolescent Asgardians. "Aye, these three were the best in their efforts, training and honing themselves to be warriors. They have been here some..." A look to the youngsters as he asks, "Two days hence?"
    Which gets him a series of nods in return.
    Then back to Natasha, "They have seen some sights."
    "Very exciting!" says Ingnin, "Rustic!"
    Though when Diana speaks to the issue of this new Wonder Boy, Thor's attention falls heavily upon the young man with all the weight of several hammers. Enchanted or otherwise. "Ah." He starts, "A Greek." As if it were a horrible admission he just made. Though it earns Diana a wink.
    "Tis good then, Morgan Finn. I will enjoy hearing your tale when it is gifted me."
    Though the young Asgardians perk up, "An Olympian?!" The cavalcade of expressions they gain is a curious assortment. There's a quick bit of wariness and curiousity all mixed there with judgment as only tweens and teens can manage. But likely none of them are being as harsh upon Morgan as he is being to himself.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would turn her attention to Thor over, "And stories are stories. They're made not to entertain, but to have meaning, even if just for the one telling them. I see. Where have you taken them?" She would inquire over while turning to Morgan, dipping her head. Then to Diana. "Princess. A pleasure." The spy would offer over.
    The light thump from Thor has her needing to brace herself, even on the 'light' end it still means she's having to dig her ankles into the ground to avoid sutmbling.

Diana Prince has posed:
A quick smile is afforded to the Super Spy from Diana before she looks back to Thor who gets a faint smirk at his 'A Greek' comment. She stands up then and walks over to where she'd set her drink prior to the young ones enterting. Gathered up now, Diana raises it up to sip from it before she walks back to a chair, choosing a new one to seat herself. "In fact. If the young three here would like to visit the Themysciran Arts Center, we can offer them personal training amongst the Amazons. It could be 'fun' to share what each other have learned. I would imagine that Morgan would like to participate in that too." She says with a sidelong look toward Wonder Boy himself!

"It is always good to learn a diverse measure of combat tactics, training, and so on, for the betterment of our own breadth of available skill." She comments before looking back to Natasha.

"To be honest, I imagine I would very much enjoy hearing some of your tales too, Miss Romanoff. What little I do know, suggests you have had a life unlike most others." She tells the Avenger veteran with a soft smile.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Not really being much of a book-learning type, there isn't much that Morgan likes more than physical activity including his daily morning combat training, and pretty much excelling at every sport that Happy Harbor High School offers. He nods enthusiastically, starting to shed a bit of his natural social anxiety. "Yeah that would be great! Galatea and I train every morning at 5:00. You guys can help me gang up on her because she's kind of a badass." His brown eyes glitter with playfulness now.

He has never met Natasha and has no idea who she is. But his expression and body language suggest he thinks she's probably someone important. He offers her a brief wave at some point when their eyes naturally meet.

Thor has posed:
    "They are here for but..." Thor moves back across the room, settling into his seat near the fireplace, looking to the youngsters as they look on with hopeful eyes. "I believe, a fortnight?"
    Hild's head bobs rapidly as she agrees, though she doesn't speak. Then Alfar rests a hand on Ingnin's arm and gives him a /look/ as if to tell his comrade not to mess this up.
    Which is when Thor looks back to Diana and adds, "I see no harm in it," He looks to the trio. Not quite the warriors three, but with a certain aspect of similarity to them. And for a moment the Thunderer's lip twists up as they do remind him of another trio.
    "You know enough of this city to get there on your own?"
    "Yes, your highness!" says Alfar.
    "Very well then," A lift of his hand, "Off with you for now, go pack your gear and your booty from your trip into the city. And thank the princess." All said with a quick gruff expression.
    "Thank you, your highness."
    "Thank you!"
    "Thank you, my lady!"
    And that is enough to send them all off in a /rush/ of activity, hurtling out of the room but remembering to bow as they depart, backing out and lowering their eyes as Thor gives a wave. His smile is wry for a time.
    Then he glances toward Diana and Natasha. "Ah to be that young again," Though he nods toward Morgan, "You shall have your hands full with them, Morgan Finn. Though you have my gratitude for granting them welcome."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana watches the three exuberant yongsters clatter out of the room together before she looks back to Thor, who gets a grin from her. She's judging him, he'd likely know that look on her face too.

"So how many more young acolytes do you plan to bring to the world of Midgard?' Diana then asks him before she raises her drink up for another sip, only to lower it back down to rest its base upon the palm of her opposite hand.

"We shall have to give them a tour of the city, perhaps even more. I would imagine they would enjoy a ride in the Invisible Jet, no less." She states with a glance toward Morgan. "Morgan here, has become quite the adept pilot of it too. Oh, and, he spent the whole ride over here asking if he could sample some Asgardian Mead. I told him I would leave that up to you." She says then back to Thor, still grinning some.

Rocket has posed:
Speaking of sights...

Guards escort a pair of visitors inside, and they are considerably abnormal in comparison to the typical human. In fact, they do not look human at all. One is under four feet tall, looking more or less like a bipedal raccoon in an orange jumpsuit. The other is primarily wood-like, much taller than the first.

"..yeah, yeah. I didn't hide any guns on me anywhere else, and I sure as scut ain't letting you flarkin' check further." His griping over being forced to leave all forms of weaponry - aside from himself, of course - behind is only interrupted by his triangular ears perking at Diana's voice. "Did I just hear 'Asgardian Mead?' Because that's what we're here for. Well, I dunno about Groot, but I am."

They are announced as Rocket and Groot, Guardians of the Galaxy.

Groot has posed:
    The ten foot perambulatory tree-like alien saunters as only a flora colossus can. "I am Groot?" he asks the bipedal, upright 'coon-skin adventurer with him. Looking around the crowd, he stands tall enough to be able to see just about everyone's faces like they're a swarm of kindergarteners in comparison. First impressions might be a bit wooden, but upon seeing Thor, he smiles and raises a branch to wave at the asgardian. "I am Groot!" he retorts at the god of thunder.

Morgan Finn has posed:
The young man's ears redden a bit in embarrassment when Diana mentions the mead. He murmurs to himself, "Oh my god" as he sinks down in his chair.

But then Morgan turns his head when the two new arrivals enter with such a clatter. A smile blooms over his youthful features. He's been living as a "normie" until fairly recently, so this is a sight to behold for the teen demigod. He pat-pat-pats Diana's arm then nods his head in their direction, still smiling broadly.

Thor has posed:
    "Just those three this year, a reward..." Thor says sidelong toward Diana as he's watching the rush of limbs and feet that are the three other Asgardians rushing out of the room. They disappear down the hallway though the sound of their voices can be heard as their excitement is clear.
    Then he looks back toward Diana and his smile slips amused, "I am sure you will treat them well." He looks again to Morgan and the suggestion of Mead he laughs.
    "Then you know that young Master Finn here shall be free to make his own decision." He pushes himself back up and out of his seat over toward the drink cart that seems to be in /every/ room in the embassy. "How many glasses? Four? Natasha are you joining us?"
    But then, of course, he's distracted by the new arrivals.
    The appearance of guards, then newcomers it is surprising. And in this case welcome for Thor laughs, "Six glasses then!" As he turns and carries the bottle under one arm and then the six glasses in his hands. Notably, not mugs nor large glasses. Decidedly... mortal sized vessels. There's the clink-ca-clink of glass as he sets them down and then he moves to meet the newcomers.
    "Rabbit! Groot! You damned pirates!" Which is a curious way to greet friends. "Good to see you, what passes?" That said to Rabbit, but then he's turning to Groot and lifting his fists as if boxing with the tall plantman though it's with a smile on his face as he lightly /thumps/ the alien's arm with one hand. "You have met Diana of Themyscira? This is her ward Morgan Finn. And this is good Natasha."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would twitch her lips upwards at Diana, "Perhaps, Princess. Not all the stories I would tell might be to your liking, but I could set aside some time to speak wthi you if you might wish. Just let me knwo when's good with you and I'll go through the ones that aren't classified."
    Anything further she might say would be cut off by Rocket and Groot coming in. Oh, thsoe two. She had read files. Numerous, numerous files. Murmuring.. "Brand must be having a hissy fit."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana affords Thor and Morgan a bold smile. "I am sure it is fine for him to indulge some while we are here. There could not be a safer environment, after all." She notes before the glasses are gathered up, and the newcomers make their entrance.

Diana rises up, a smile for them upon her ruby red lips. "I believe we have met, yes. At the Titans New Years celebration a little over a year ago. A pool party on their tower roof, as I recall..." She says then. "Welcome. It is ever so good to see you both again." She says with a warmth and sincerity behind her words before she does notice the arm-arm-arm-arm hitting from Morgan. She looks over to him and cracks a grin. "Travelers, from another world, Morgan. They are very kind." Mostly. Okay, well, Groot is kind!

Rocket has posed:
"Yeah, yeah. I guess we came to see Thor, too," Rocket says to Groot, stopping as he takes a look around at everyone here, whiskers twitching. Diana, he squints at. Searching those memories inside, he shrugs. "I don't remember any celebration," he states. Of course, he was drunker than drunk at the time and it culminated with a brief appearance, a bunch of words, and a sudden leap off the roof of the tower itself. In tightie whities.

He adds, "Anyway, we--" His words are interrupted by Thor referring to him as 'Rabbit,' a hint of confusion showing in his expression. Might not be the first time he's heard that from Thor, but no matter what the count is on that, it leaves him uncharacteristically silent for a spell. "Pirates? Don't know what you're talking about, big guy. We're sort of stuck on this planet because Quill was being Quill again, so we figured we'd pay a little visit and at least get into some stuff."

Morgan, Natasha, both are given a closer look as they're named, beady, intelligent eyes scrutinizing them. "Hey, kid," he says to him. "Hey, Red," he says to her.

Groot has posed:
    Groot smiles as Thor comes close. The flora colossus doesn't respond in kind with the fake boxing, but reaches out and ruffles the Asgardian's blond locks like he's a six foot something dog. "I am Groot," Groot groots, raising an hand to greet the people Thor introduces. He turns to Thor and furrows his wooden brow. "I am Groot?" he asks, looking a little concerned.

Morgan Finn has posed:
When the rabbit-raccoon and the tree come in to make their introductions, the teen's eyebrows furrow. In response to Groot saying the same thing over and over, Morgan leans in closer to Diana and murmurs, "Is he like special needs or somethin'?"

Morgan doesn't have very much to contribute to this meeting, so he kind of sits there just observing. He has an amused expression on his face as he is exposed to all of these new sights and experiences. Not too long ago he was just a teenager in private school funded by Diana Prince after his mother was murdered by the League of Assassin. Same ole story.

Thor has posed:
    A laugh and then a shake of his head as Thor is ruffled, then another pat on the tall plantman's shoulder is given before he turns away but answers. "You are not interrupting, my friend. You are well come and both are free to stay the evening should you so wish."
    That said the Thunderer steps away.
    For now, Thor busies himself with the preparation of drinks. A good slosh of the mead is given to each glass as he presents it in turn to its recipient. Diana is first and she gets a fair amount for it is likely it won't affect her terribly. Then Natasha and she is given half a finger's pour just enough in case she might dare to risk! Then Groot is offered one with a good slosh of it, a similar quantity for Rocket.
    Morgan, however?
    He is given a tiny... tiny amount. Barely enough to color the base of the glass. But still. The first taste of such a drink it is best to gauge how much someone his age can handle.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would look to Rocket, "I do hope that you've had luck with not having any of those bounties put on you collected. Or have they gone up enough you're considering turning yourself in so you can escape and keep the payout?" She would inquire, as tha tseemed the sort of thing that Rocket might take as a compliment.
    Waving off a hand on the offer of mead. "Some of us have to work unfortunately later today, so I'll have to decline." She might have a strong, well conditioned liver but asgardian mead was a bit much even for her when she was braced. Plus, this meant she could enjoy all the others making fools of themselves.

Diana Prince has posed:
Morgan's question about Groot, has Diana leaning back over to him. "It is his own language. There is nuance to it. I believe it is in the inflection of his words, the tones and enunciation of it. Very complex. I am still learning it, when lucky enough to hear it spoken." It's a long whisper!

When she leans back, she's accepting the full glass of watered down apple juice from Thor, and raising it up now to sip from it while handing him back the actual water glass that she'd been drinking.

"Delicious. As ever. Thank you kindly." She says to the Prince of Asgard before she hears Nat speaking to Rocket, which has her smiling in his direction.

"Actually, if your Captain Quill is around Earth as of now, I would be interested in speaking with him, as there are plans in the works that I would like to bring up to him. In so far as to say that Earth is preparing to spread its wings, in to space, and I would like his feedback on the matter."

Rocket has posed:
Rocket's attention shifts toward Morgan, his eyes narrowing. The 'special needs' comment is what it is. "Because I'm in such a great mood, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you just flarkin' say that about my pal. I also want more than one serving of this." He holds up his mead, then he downs it swiftly. It's enough that he wavers for only a moment, then he stabilizes whatever the initial effects are. "Ahh, that hits the spot."

There's something Natasha asks him that results in a chortle, a snicker that never fails to look more sinister than it is. It's the sight of a raccoon-like being laughing that does it. "What? Who told you? That's a great way to make a few credits or units. Find a mark, someone who's good with a little kickback in exchange for letting him live, pretend to catch me, then I bust out? Might have to do that again soon."

He grimaces Diana's way, however. "Just what we need, more Humies in space." Waving a small hand at it, he says, "Quill's been around SHIELD while they're working on the ship. I can't be bothered to hang out around those dumbscuts."

Holding up his cup, he waves it around in Thor's direction. "Gonna need more of this, blondie."

Groot has posed:
    Groot focuses on Diana for a moment. He speaks out some corrections to Diana's preconceptions. "I am Groot," he says. He speaks it gently, so as not to make her feel ignorant. He truly is kind, even if she doesn't really grasp the tenaments of his language just yet. He politely accepts the mead and apologetically says toward Thor, "I am Groot."

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan looks down in his glass and blinks. But again, he's not going to embarrass Diana while on official business. So instead he drinks the little siplet that Thor poured him without complaint. It probably was never going to affect him much anyway, but in that small of an amount his demigod super self-healing metabolizes it before his body even really knows its there.

His gaze shifts up (up-ish?) to Rocket when he goes on his rant. He just watches the raccoon impassively and doesn't react.

Thor has posed:
    As Natasha declines Thor simply nods and... downs it himself, setting her glass down on the coffee table as he wanders back over toward his chair. He sweeps one hand before him and nods toward Rocket and Groot, offering them their choice of seats in that conversational half-circle around the fireplace. Likely the remaining ones are comfortable and over-stuffed.
    Then as Diana speaks he finds himself nodding along with her words. And once she's done he offers his own take. "And well it should. It has been thrust onto the galactic stage, it has much to concern itself with for its future."
    As he says that he's beckoned by Rocket and replies with a nod as he leans over taking up the bottle and tilting it on its side to refill Rocket's glass with a gurgle of liquor. Then he sets the bottle down within arm's reach of the space-faring mammal and uncurls a hand in Groot's direction as if accepting what the man says or waving off an apology, "Very important for Midgard to establish a stronger presence."
    Then Morgan's reaction catches his attention and his brows rise. "Morgan Finn, avail yourself of more if you so wish." And there, permission given. He has passed the test.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Thor and just smile at Morgan, "He's showing an immense level of self restraint, so please do respect him for it. He's one of the.. Most well armed individuals on this side of Shi'Ar space." Whether or not that had much meaning or was a bit of an exaggeration.
    Grinning at Rocket, "Yes, it's a classic for a reason. Effective so long as you plan it well. Just a few too many get cocky and sloppy and end up failing on the most important part of the routine." She would dip her head over to Diana. "And I'm up for having some.. Story trading sometime, just my life experiences are different htan your's."

Diana Prince has posed:
Rocket gets a light smirk from Diana, as she remembers him to be just-so. Groot speaking to her slowly has her grinning to him. "I will learn the ins and outs of it some day. I promise." She tells the big kind tree man. "And yes, well, if you do see Quill, let him know that I would be most pleased to speak with him." She does offer them both too before sipping her own full glass of mead.

Natasha's words have Diana showing her a soft smile also. She dips her head in a nod toward her. "As all our lives should be different. But yes, that would be interesting to hear." She replies to her also.

Thor gets a slight grin then. "Morgan has a healing factor greater than the average person. Close to yours, or mine, even." She informs the Prince. "Though I have caught him over drinking from time to time..." She says with a smirk toward the young man. "But generally speaking, most toxins will work through his system in short order. Which is why I'm further okay with him having a bit here and there, especially while on Embassy grounds. Our nations... have a bit laxer of rules, than the United States does on such matters. Rightly so too. There are not very many youth on Themyscira after all." She offers, smirking some more before another sip of her own glass is taken.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan stands and sets the empty glass down. To Thor he says, "Sir, I'm going to go help those guys get ready to come to the Themysciran Embassy. Thank you for the mead and for welcoming me into your Embassy." Natasha, Rocket, and Groot all get a friendly smile and a wave. "Nice meeting you guys." And the teen demigod, who is probably bored sitting here while the grown-ups talk, trots off to hand with the Asgardians who are closer to his age.

Rocket has posed:
"I do not respond to everybody when I'm drunk, and I'm not even drunk," Rocket replies to Groot. Yet. For the youthful one getting his own taste of mead, he points to his own eyes, then Morgan's, then his one more time. "I'm watching you."

He boasts to Natasha, "There's still no jail or prison that's been able to hold me, and that ain't violating any terms of any bounties. I got captured. They got paid out. Ain't anyone else's fault if a place can't keep me there."

Then for Diana, he shrugs. "We'll let him know. He'll probably embarrass himself in front of you, but that won't be anything new. And it took me a while to learn Grootspeak, too. Sometimes he gets extra chatty and I wish I could just mute him." Oh, what a tease.

Finally, he places himself near Thor again for the refill, then downs it and tosses the cup over his shoulder. Hopefully it isn't glass! He didn't check all that closely. The bottle offered to him, or at least placed close by - as good as offering it as it gets - ends up in both hands for him to guzzle.

Groot might be needing to carry Rocket off later, unless he sleeps it off here instead.

Morgan's disappearance leads to him chuffing. "That's what I thought."

Groot has posed:
    Groot takes in a breath and sighs out a belabored, "I am Groot," at Rocket. He hands Rocket his own ale. "I am Groot." He then moves to a seat near Diana. He gestures toward it and smiles at her. "I am Groot?" he asks, politely.

Thor has posed:
    Thor's lips part as he looks to Diana, "Ah!" He says succinctly, then adds. "That explains it then. Good on you, Morgan Finn." He gives a nod to the young man of Olympian descent even as he's saying his goodbyes. He holds up a hand and offers a farewell, "Til the next time."
    Of course that's when the sound of Rocket's glass shattering is heard, but not really noticed. Since, to be fair, they go through so many drink vessels in this household.
    "So you are here..." Thor looks toward the two space-travelers, lifting his chin a little as he finally imbibes some of his own drink. One eyebrow quirks, "Because your ship has suffered? Are you taking this time off to relax, or is there somewhere you must find yourself soon?" Since the Asgardians have their own ways of travel. Of course.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smirk at Rocket, "Of course there isn't. At least, not that you've found yet. Maybe there isn't. but it's a large galaxy. And you would get bored if the same con kept working all the timew ithout issues. Where's life without having a challenge or some surprises? You do need something to use all those guns and detonators on. It's not hte same if they just keep piling up in a storage crate."
    As Diana would talk about Themyscira, Natasha would 'ah'. "So is the island still primarily.. Cloistered? Forgive me if that's not the appropriate term."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana offers Morgan a quick smile as he makes his way out. She then sees Groot approach, and motion to the chair beside her that the boy had been occupying. She uses her free hand to motion to it as well. "Please." She says back up to him, giving him a sweet smile too.

She's about to say something else when the glass breaking has her eyes go over to Rocket, which earns another smirk from the Princess. "It is a good thing that Prince Thor is such an accomodating host, I should say." She lightly teases the furrier of the space-origined guests.

Diana's gaze then goes to Natasha, which is recieved by a single nod from the Princess. "Somewhat. We are inviting people to the island to experience it now. I extended such an invite to members of the Avengers, that which would let them bring a guest of their own choosing also. So, if this is intriguing to you, you are more than welcome to take the chance." She relays to the deadly assassin-spy-venger!

Thor gets a small smile from Diana then. "You as well, obviously. I know you have been most eager to see my homeland for some time. My people would enjoy swapping stories with your own, to be sure."

Rocket has posed:
Between unhealthy sips of mead, Rocket grins at Groot. "I was trying to be polite for once. If it matters that much, I can start with ignoring you while I finish this off." Then there's more mead before him, and...this is unlikely to end without him being drunk as flark.

Thor has posed:
    A slight crinkle is there to Thor's nose as he waves off whatever umbrage Diana might think he should take, encouraging Rocket. "Bah, there are glasses aplenty for times such as this. It is not often we have visitors and friends."
    That said Thor rises to his feet and heads off to gather another bottle and more glasses. For assuredly the evening is likely to go on for a good while into the night. There will be more to drink, perhaps even a late request of the chef to finagle something to eat. There might be some hint of music even brought into the mix before the hammer is set out and a certain furry mammal tries his hand at moving it.
    But such are tales for another time.