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Latest revision as of 12:13, 30 April 2022

Time to Wake up and Smell the Trouble
Date of Scene: 29 April 2022
Location: Labs - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: The Titans check in on Crush, find her mostly recovered. Conversation leads toward the half-Czarnian planning to hang out at the Tower, learn to fight with a team, and other entertaining things... oh, and apparently she's going to learn how to paint miniatures... thanks Maddie.
Cast of Characters: Madison Evans, Xiomara Rojas, Victor Stone, Caitlin Fairchild, Colette O'Connail

Madison Evans has posed:
    "No, I swear, it's really fun!" Madison is saying eagerly, holding out her phone for Xiomara to scroll through a photo album featuring- ...tiny painted Jedi, and wookiees, and trandoshans? What? "And it's really calming too. I usually put on a movie in the background - or sometimes a book on tape, like, if the teachers asign you a reading book you can get the audible version and listen to it while you're painting! You put your elbows on the table, right? To keep your hands steady, and you can even press your wrists together- I'll teach you! Me and Irie do it all the time!"
    Oh, God, is the girl ever anything but Up?

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Whatever it was that had taken Crush down for the count, or rather had her staggering around like a drunken fool and laughing at wall paper patterns, had in fact taken a few days to go away. It didn't seem to wear off in that time, instead it just stop effecting her. One minute she went to sleep drunk as a skunk, then woke up the next morning herself again... and Madison was there. Oh gods, and she was talking, so much talking, always talking. And the cheerful, how could anyone be /that/ cheerful?!

The younger teen was walking about painting miniatures, which to Crushes puzzles mind was still a complete waste of time, but the pictures were right there, in her face, and didn't look half bad, kid had talent but the talking, so many words all at once, spilling out.

"Uh... sure," she finally manages to mutter, then realizes too late that she just agreed to let Madison teach her how to waste her time... with paint.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Cyborg's one of the only people around who could help Crush if she starts drunkenly staggering around again, not to mention if she decided to get violent for some reason. That, and a desire to hide from the Main Room of the Tower by ostensibly mapping the twisting corridors around it, has kept him in the labs and therefore near the medical area for a while now. So he's a little ways away, leaning against a wall, smirking at Madison and Xio's interaction.

    "That kind of thing's good for hand-eye coordination," he notes, "but I like to 3D print my minis. I have trouble with all the little pieces."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
There's a knock at the door, and Caitlin sticks her head in. Because it's polite to announce oneself, even if it's the big redhead coming to check on Xiomara recovering in the medical ward. "Hey," she greets the room, and flashes a smile. "Hope I'm not interrupting. Thought I heard Crush up and awake and wanted to check in."

The redhead is wearing grey-speckled yoga pants, bright pink trainers, and a plain purple t-shirt. All underneath a fairly immaculate looking white medical jacket with the sleeves rolled up her forearms. Victor's forearm is given a sisterly squeeze and she smiles at him before moving on.

Cait moves to the side of the bed and checks the IV drip feeding into Xiomara's veins, and jots down some notes in her notepad. She holds up a scanner of some sort near Crush's forehead and examines the results. "Alpha wave emissions look almost normal. I'm going to give you the last dose of Gambutrol," she tells Xiomara, and moves to key her access code into the medical cabinet. "Do you need anything to help your appetite? The nutrient drips aren't really a substitute for actual food," she advises Xiomara. Caitlin moves to the bed with a syringe handy and hooks it into an IV port to start injecting the purple-hued medicine into Xio's bloodstream. "I know you don't need to eat much, but it might help you recover more quickly."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette is not far behind Caitlin, though whether she has accompanied Caitlin to the medical room or has simply insinuated herself into the facility, using Caitlin's entrance for cover, is anyone's guess. It may not even be clear to Caitlin herself. While Colette has a guest pass, she's not a member of the team -- though she does seem to deem boundaries as only applicable to other people.

    She does have a good reason for being there, of course. Crush attends Happy Harbor, and since Caitlin has been too busy with the Titans to keep up her teaching at the school, Colette's the Titan's main staff contact at that establishment.

    "You're awake then Crush," she says. "Though I'm not sure even a chemically-induced coma would be proof against Madison's enthusiasm. You also appear to be in one piece. "

    "I've cleared things for you at the school. As far as everyone there is concerned, you were an entirely innocent victim of some kind of kidnapping plot, the Titans rescued you, and you are recovering from your experience under their care. It would probably be for the best if you don't say anything to undermine that story when you get back, but you've got nothing to worry about. In exchange, I would like to know why you've been hanging out in illegal fighting pits. Bit of a step up from punching the occasional school bully."

    It's only after this speech that she acknowledges the presence of everyone else there, with simple nods of greeting.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Great!" Madison says eagerly. "If Irie isn't busy - she could even run over to my place and grab my supplies and I can teach you while you're still recouperati- oh. Hello, Caitlin. Umm, hello Miss O'Connail." Madison's exhuberance actually seems a bit dimmed for a moment - after all, she had also been found at an illegal fighting pit. She was still expecting some sort of fallout from that.
    She can't help but lean towards Victor, though, to stage-whisper, "Can you 3D print me an ewok army?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
There were a lot of questions running through the half-Czarnian's head, but first being of course, where she was and how she got there. Crush was rubbing her head slightly, looking at those in the room, and taking a moment to just try and get a grip. She didn't remember anything after the fight, she'd won, of course she won, but where was her clothing? Where was the envelope with her money? How did she get here, and where was here.

Her head kept spinning slowly and then Caitlin entered. She recognized the hair, the red head and been there, what... yesterday? Wait... yesterday she was laughing at... oh. "I uh.... don't mean to be rude or nothing," she starts out, looking to each person in the room. "But uh... what the hell happened? Where am I? What's going on? Last thing I remember is fighting in the cage, next thing I know I'm awake in a strange room and Madi's a ball of cheer while I'm agreeing to paint miniatures." After a moment of just staring she adds, "I did say sorry about rude... I really don't remember much, just... bits."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic flashes Caitlin a smile, reassured to see her in her doctoring capacity. He desperately wants everything to go back to normal--not just for Donna to be back to herself, but Caitlin to be back as a fixture in the Tower where she hadn't been for a couple of months. All he says is, "Hey, Caitlin, Colette." while flashing them each a grin.

    That grin turns to Xio, and he says, "We came and pulled you out--specifically Irie and Madison here called for help, and some of the Titans came as backup. You were pretty out of it when we found you."

    He glances over at Madison, seems to consider that for a grave moment, then nods solemnly.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"The coma was my idea," Caitlin explains to Xio as gently as she can put it. "We don't have to get into the details of it right now. It was safer for you to be asleep." She smiles with wry amusement. "Turns out that even half asleep, you're a fighter. We had a couple pretty spirited discussions about keeping you in bed."

"You're in the Titan's Tower. This is the most secure medical facility on the planet," she promises Xiomara. "We figured it was the safest place for you to recover, and me an' Vic and Kara have been taking turns making sure you're comfortable and relaxed." Gone unsaid: keeping an addled Xiomara from walking out of the room via going through the walls. The Czarnian's strength is right up there with the Titan's heavyweights. "I know you're a little woozy-- that's normal. Just try to relax, it'll clear up soon," she promises, and offers Xiomara a sippy cup with a non-spill straw that smells like there's orange juice inside.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "See this is the problem with climbing into a cage to fight. If you do it too well, there's a chance that certain less than morally upright persons will think it's a good idea to keep you in that cage," Colette says.

    "However it seems that you were lucky, and by some strange coincidence Maddie and Irie just happened to be walking past the the highly illegal underground fighting pit, and just coincidentally happened to wander in, probably on the off-chance that it was in fact an entirely legal underground board-game playing pit. They saw that you were in trouble and called the Titans in to get you out of there."

    Her eyes travel to find Maddie's as she says this, hold there a moment, and then go slowly back to Xiomara. "Long and short of it, they drugged you and a few other of the fighters. They probably planned to sell you to someone. However you are now out of it, and they are in jail. This can be considered fortunate. For you at least, not so much for the organizers of said underground fighting pit. They are probably questioning their life-choices about now. Sometimes this is a healthy thing for someone to do, and events such as having the tar kicked out of you by a bunch of superheroes encourages it."

    One eyebrow raises slightly. "Perhaps being drugged and kidnapped by slavers might encourage some similar introspective consideration of life, the universe, and everything."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "YESSSSSSS," Madison hisses excitedly at Vic's reply. It bothered her that ewoks were never created for Imperial Assault. It bothered her //a lot.//
    Her attention then returns to Caitlyn and Colette as they explain the situation to Crush, her expression serious and solemn. "There was supposed to be an Imperial Assault tournament!" she volunteers hastily, and with no semblance of truth. Finding herself under Colette's gaze, though, her shoulders hunch, and she ends up looking down towards the floor.
    "Umm, actually, we followed her from the school 'cuz we were worried about where she was going so late... An Imperial Assault tournie would be cool, though."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
The sippy cup is accepted by Crush, small in her hands but orange juice was well worth the sip or two she takes, while her head slowly stops spinning. Everything said slowly sinks in, and with a deep breath in, she seems to relax a little.

"Did I hurt anyone?" she asks, looking to the red head and then big and metally... then something seems to flicker across her eyes. "You were carrying me... oh hell, I'm starting to remember now." She snorts, then finishes off the OJ.

"Those bastards!" She then nearly bellows. Clearing her throat, she shifts a little in the bed and starts wondering if she broke any beds as well. "Sorry," she then adds more calmly.

Taking another sip of the juice, her eyes slowly make their way over to Colette. Introspective consideration of life, the universe and everything... she snorts. What did this teacher really know? Nothing at all, at least not about her.

"They couldn't of kidnapped me," she laughs, running her hand along the black chain wrapped around her body. "They could try, but they would of ended up leaving me cause she wasn't going to let them have me. That said," she turns her eyes back to Madison. "I'm grateful for the help in getting me out of there," and once again she starts looking to those in the room. "And for all the help afterwards... most wouldn't give a rats butt about me, so... yeah, thanks."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic flashes that grin at Madison, briefly, then shifts his gaze to Xiomara and says, more somberly, "Any friend of Irie's. Seriously. It's a good thing they /did/ follow you, because whatever was going on you were... /out/ of it."

    He frowns, looking over the chain wrapped around the woman. "What's that, anyway? We haven't been able to remove it."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin hesitates, sharing a quick look with Victor, then seats herself on one of the low stools in the medical ward. It's built for someone of her scale, and it helps to put her head on a level with Xiomara's so she's not towering over the woman. "We think someone might have been using telepathy on you," she says, as delicately as she can put it. "It's something we've run into before. The Titans, I mean," she clarifies. "The Gambutrol is a alpha-wave inhibitor, it helps weaken psychic intrusion. And this room has a Faraday cage built into it that can help nullify that sort of thing, too. Think of it like a safe room, or a detox chamber," she suggests. "The point is, you're safe, and no one's going to mess with you while you're in the Tower," she promises Xiomara.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette takes a turn at raising an eyebrow at Victor. "Why would you try removing it if you don't know what it is?" she asks, sounding more curious than anything else. "It was defending her when she was out of it. That would imply that either she was controlling it telekinetically despite being completely out of it, which would suggest a close subconscious familiarity, or it was doing so autonomously in which case it is either magical or alien technology of a rather advanced nature that probably shouldn't be casually tampered with."

    She turns back to Xiomara, looking at her curiously. "It would be interesting to know if the Gambutrol is in some part responsible for its currently inert state. That would imply the latent telekinetic explanation. Alien tech -- possible there's distributed processing and suspensors in the links, but no obvious sensory apparatus. Possibly embedded volumetric sensoria. It doesn't seem like an efficient use of the technology required though. I'd be inclined to go for the magic explanation, if I was to hazard a guess. Could be anything though."

    "All of which is beside the point. Crush, whether they succeeded or not is also besides the point. You put yourself in a position where they could try. Now Happy Harbor policy favors turning a blind eye to a lot of the kind of things kids with meta-abilities get up to off-campus, so long as it doesn't interfere with a safe and successful schooling. This is kind of... " hand wobble. "Borderline, you know? You're not going to get in trouble for this, but as long as you're attending the school, we'd like you to actually /benefit/ from doing so, and this isn't exactly the kind of situation which helps."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Scooting herself up in the bed, Crush sets the now empty cup down. "I don't talk about her," she replies harshly to Victor, her hand once again tracing along the chain, then she adds a little more softly, "Least... not to people I don't know. It's... personal. I'm just gonna say that she protects me, you don't get to touch her, and that's all that's being said about it."

For a moment she stares at a spot on the wall, there's nothing actually there, but the glare is... right at the wall, no one in the room. Better that she just take that moment rather than go off half cocked at one of the teachers. Take time, breath a few times, let the anger slip back into controlled areas. "I'm getting the book learning I didn't get before," she finally says as a more neutral expression comes to her face and she looks to Colette. "And a roof over my head, that's all the more benefit there is. I gotta make money to live, right? I don't have parents to buy my clothes, or feed me, so I gotta do what I can do to make money... it's that simple. Speaking of which, where's my clothes? My money should be with my clothes."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "It's not the Force," Madison opines. "I'd know if it were." She seems perfectly solemn and serious saying that.
    "Can I touch i- nevermind," she decides, cutting herself off - but just barely. She glances aside at Victor, giving a shrug, then looking back towards Xiomara with a concerned frown.
    "You missed a good fight, you know," she remarks. "You would've had fun - I'm sure there'll be more like that. And Iiiii... turned invisible."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic raises his hands almost defensively. "I didn't try to remove it, but that's because it /was/ pretty clear pretty quick it wasn't something we were gonna be able to remove."

    He eyes Xiomara for a long moment, a look of sympathy and maybe familiarity in his eyes. He had a lot of that anger and standoffishness when he first joined the Titans. He still does, in places. Add 'no parents' and 'no money' to the mix and he can guess at her mental state. He glances over at Caitlin, gives a kind of half-shrug. Do they take a chance on her?

    Out loud, he says, "For now, I'd say if Cait here thinks you oughta stay here while we make sure nobody can mess with you, then at least you've got a roof over your head while we figure things out." He raises his brows at Caitlin. /Does/ she think Xio ought to stay here? A glance toward Colette, then, and he adds, "Unless you think she ought to be back in the dorms."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Colette gets a flickering side-eye at her extended show of deduction. There's always been something a little... off about her, and the casual intuition the woman displays catches Caitlin's attention. But her train of thought is derailed by the shrug she gets from Victor, and she responds with small nod that seems to indicate agreement with him.

Caitlin lifts a soothing hand at Xiomara. She doesn't touch the girl, recognizing she's feeling a little vulnerable, but it's a calming gesture all the same. The redhead's bedside manner tends to go a long way with keeping people's emotions in check. "You're gonna find that a lot of us here have pretty similar stories," she tells Crush in a gentle tone. "I'm adopted. So is Nightwing. Kori's a refugee. Point is that... Happy Harbor's a good place," she reassures. "But if you want, the Titans have been through a lot. A lot of stuff that you might not feel anyone can relate to. I'm board certified to do tutoring through the collegiate level. If you think you'd be more comfortable here, we can help you find your footing and you won't have to give up your schooling," she offers.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "She did turn invisible," Colette confirms, looking slightly distracted. "And if she thinks that's a talent that will help her get away with mischief at school, she's going to have a nasty shock at some point. Crush, I understand that you need money, but it would be a better idea to find a source of money that is less likely to result in you missing days of class because you're being psychically drugged, or worse kidnapped and experimented on."

    "It may be possible to get some scholarship funding to help out. If you make an appointment to see Doctor MacIntyre she may be able to figure something out for you. If not, I think I could find some legal part-time employment for you. There are things your strength could be useful for that don't involve punching people so much as lifting things. I could arrange some work in construction for you."

    "As for campus versus tower..." she gives Vic a quick side-eye. "The dorms are pretty secure. I arranged for Kian to move here rather than staying at the school because at the time we were keeping things much more secretive at Happy Harbor and he wasn't exactly happy not being able to mingle with anyone else due to the whole /wings/ thing. It turned out well for him. Crush might not find the atmosphere here as compatible with her... energy... as Kian found it. And with all respect to Caitlin's abilities, she can't single-handedly provide the kind of full-time education the school can provide. "

    "On the other hand, Irie lives here and Madison's a regular visitor, so you'd have friends here, Crush. It's really up to you."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I never said any such thing!" Madison replies, in an affronted tone.
    She also hastily adds, "She's also have us as friends at Happy Harbor, though. So I mean - I don't see that that means- well. I mean- whatever's better for her, I guess, is the more important thing - and the folks here //are// awful nice. I mean, Victor's going to help me make a- ...ewok army." Not a lightsaber, nope. An ewok army - as just mentioned a few minutes before.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
That was a whole lot of nice all at once, and every bit of it was aimed at her... Crush had no idea how to handle it. Since her adoptive parents deaths five years ago, when she was only fourteen, she'd been on her own. Making due with what ever she could manage, sleeping in ruined buildings when she had to, and fighting to make money. She really didn't know anything else, and never once had considered that there was something else.

The honest truth about Happy Harbor was that Ms. MacIntrye had been willing to let her stay in the dorms while going to school, and she was going to school simply because it was something her adoptive parents had always wanted for her. A high school diploma. She wasn't even a legal citizen of the United States, but she could at least try to give her now dead parents that one last thing, right?

"I don't fit in at the school," she admits plainly. "But... that doesn't mean I hate it. I just don't make friends easy." As she says the last part, she looks toward Madison and almost smiles... almost. "Though 'pparently some friends make themselves."

Rubbing her face she looks back to Colette and Caitlin, between them really, then over to Victor. "I don't fit in most places. Those who know what I am, think I'm like my father... those who don't, just assume I'm a freak or something. But..." and now the pause is because her brain is trying to beat itself up, she needs that moment to shove part of it back into boxes. "I owe ya all, for savin my ass. Ms. O'Connail may be right though, I don't think I'd fit in here either. I'm not a nice person, don't watch my language, and tend to lose my temper and punch things. I think she's trying to protect all of you from me, smart move on her part. The only thing that really matters to me right now is the diploma, I made a promise to myself."

That all let out, perhaps more of her feelings involved then she really wanted, she lets her eyes land back on Colette. "I'm willing ta work construction, right up til something happens and I end up punching someone... but sure, I'd work for the money. I don't take charity, never have, never will."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic snorts. "Lots of people around here tend to lose their temper and punch things. I mean... you should meet Hank. He's the /king/ of 'losing his temper and punching things.' We've got a swear jar since Cait doesn't like the bad language. Whatever the, uhh, /appearance/ of the Titans... Caitlin's right. A lot of us have been through... a lot. A lot of us don't fit in a lot of places. I mean, I'm such a freak I can't bother with a secret identity. Who could hide this?" He gestures at his face. He's half-joking, there's still pain about his transformation. Even knowing his friends accept him doesn't make it all better.

    He settles back a bit. "Really though, not like you have to choose. Irie's a Titan and she goes to Happy Harbor. Madison's a Happy Harbor student and... uhh... well, Cait, I'm thinking we should consider her as a prospect. She's got the right stuff. If her mother approves, of course." He winks at Madison. "He...ck, you can just come by and hang out with Irie and Madison if you want, maybe get in some punching sessions with people. We've got all sorts around here."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin snorts in an undignified way. "Nightwing and Kara are the only ones who -bother- with a secret identity," she points out to Victor. "Between you, me, Kori, and Gar, we don't exactly 'blend' out in public." The Titans have been media darlings for most of a decade; with that comes a wry resignation towards being outed in public settings.

But she's nodding agreement with Victor's assessment, and focuses back on Xiomara and includes Madison in the expression. "You don't have to make a decision right now. Colette's right; Happy Harbor is a good place to be. But you're welcome to train here and meet the rest of the family, and if you decide maybe this is a good fit... we'd be pleased to have you here," she assures Xiomara.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Make sure you only punch people who are particularly annoying and you don't punch them /too/ hard, and you've got a deal," Colette tells Crush. "I've got family in the construction trade. I'll arrange a weekend job for you. It won't be the most interesting work but I think you'd be good at it, you'll have your weekdays free, you'll be treated well, and you'll get a fair wage for your time. All I ask in exchange is you do your best and don't fuck around, because I'll be calling in a favor to arrange this."

    What? She's not at school. Swearing is /fine/ here, and that swear jar is in a completely different room. Besides, Colette drops a fifty in it from time to time to make sure she's well paid up in advance and nobody can complain when she swears. Pre-paid swearing is definitely fine. If you pay in advance, that means you're /owed/.

    "Look though. These guys are good people. I'm not saying you /shouldn't/ stay here. You could do that and still attend the school and not miss out on anything if you want to. It's really up to you. If you do choose to, we'll be keeping an eye on things and make sure there's no pressure you to put a cape on, make questionable fashion choices with regards to the order of putting on underpants and tights, and pretend you're Superman. Kian ended up signing on full time with these lunatics, but that's optional. I would suggest that you'd be better off at the school though. Fitting in isn't something that happens straight away anywhere, it's something you kind of just have to take the time to do. There are a lot of people at the school and you'll find you'll like some of them. Then you've got something to fit into."

    Colette casually leans back against some expensive piece of medical equipment, but to be fair to her she does look before leaning and makes sure she's not about to break anything or press any vital buttons by doing so. "On the other hand, since you like fighting, maybe you could benefit from spending some time here and seeing how they do things here. If Caitlin's going to offer you training I'd suggest you accept. They know what they're doing -- some of them, anyway. You could learn a lot."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I'm the welcome wagon!" Madison informs Crush brightly. I mean - it's no an official title or job, but she takes it seriously. She knows how important it was to her to make friends when she moved to the other side of the country, away from everyone she knew (except for her mom).
    Victor's words get a worried look from the young teen, who pushes off from sitting on the edge of Crush's bed - where she's been all this time - to going to stand beside him, surprising him with a brief, friendly hug if he makes no moves to avoid it. "You want to paint with Crush and me?" she invites. "You'd be welcome!"
    She looks almost relieved when the issue of talking to her mother about joining the Titans gets dropped. That's a whoooooole can of worms.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Swear jar? Crush had no idea what that was, but was likely going to learn the hard way... she never held her tongue, and choice of words were what ever came to mind. Yeah, she was going to need a job alright, just to pay into that jar, once she learned what it was that is.

"I love ta fight," she admits readily, grinning mischievously. "And I'm good at it. Maddie saw that herself, three against me, they lost... and they weren't pansy assed people either. Two mutants and a meta-human brick that took /forever/ to go down." She seems to revel in remembering that, rubbing her hands together for a moment.

"I been at Happy Harbor for a couple years now," she finally says, changing subjects back to the topics that were more important. "Got no friends, just other students who go there as well. I can be... uh... intimidating." She says this last part without shame, in fact she seems to like the idea that she scares others. "But... you get me a job and I won't fuck around. I'll work for my pay, just no one ever been willing to hire me."

Now it was time to look between Vic and Caitlin, they seemed the ones most interested in her actually sticking at the Tower, though for the life of her she couldn't figure out why. Each one is studied for a moment, then her eyes shift to Madison. "What you think Maddie? Think I should give these Titans a chance? See how long it takes before one of em throws me off the roof?" She grins. "I'm liking the idea of learning more about fighting, and you..." she points to Vic as her red eyes shift to him. "You're fucking perfect the way you are, don't let anyone tell you other wise. Different don't mean bad or wrong, if someone don't like you the way they are, they can go hang themselves."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Cyborg blinks and returns the hug, happily. He's gotten pretty used to exuberance, with Kori and Gar around. He grins at Xio over the girl's head and says, "Everyone here in the Tower thinks I'm just great. My issues with the chrome, well... they're /my/ issues. I wasn't /born/ this way, and the accident that made it necessary was painful. I used to get 'freak'... not as much anymore. Outside, maybe that's because people are afraid to mess with a Titan, but in here, well... I know it's because everyone cares. We're a family, y'know?"

    He glances to Colette and nods, adding, "That's kind of what I'm thinking, to be honest, about... well... even if it's just coming around to get some sparring in. Unless you guys have that over at HH and I hadn't heard?" He smirks. "Maybe you should, actually. Put together a boxing club or something?" A shrug. He's not an educator, that's not really his area of expertise.

    He looks toward Maddie, raising his eyebrows. Up to her, evidently.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "I think it's probably more important to try to discourage fighting at the school than encourage it," Colette replies to Victor, smirking slightly. "We had a teacher with the bright idea of running a fencing club a while back. Give the kids pointy bits of metal and encourage them to stab at each other with them. I can't say I thought that was the smartest idea anyone has ever had."

    "The main problem we have is the nature of the school. I mean we do have quite a few students who are uh... gifted. Sports is an issue. I mean if we were to go purely on merit, the school track team is Irie, and no other school in the country would bother even turning up for a track meet. Boxing club?" She gestures in Xiomara's direction, shaking her head. "After the first day Crush came along, how many other attendees wouldn't decide that chess club wasn't entirely physical enough for them, thank you very much?"

    "Honestly..." Her eyes go back to Xiomara, and she gives a nod. "You guys here are far better equipped at giving that kind of an outlet to some of the more... unusual students we have. Except for that little psychopath Sam. Funny thing, when he first showed up at the school I had my eye on him as Titans material. By the time he decided to come look for you guys himself, I had him down as 'no fucking way.' Still, he seems to have discovered that all himself, eventually."

    Colette bumps herself away from the expensive medical equipment she was leaning on, thankfully doing no (visible) damage. "So, what's it to be, Maddie? Think Crush should come here to join Vic and Caitlin's boxing club?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "They haven't tossed me off the roof yet," Madison points out in a cheerful tone. "I mean - they're nice here. And they like board games. And the most //interesting// stuff happens here. Did you know there's a portal to Wonderland in the living room and also the living is also kiiiiinda on a moon in another part of the galaxy and the window has no window it's just an empty portal out into space? Oh, and it's on a ruined moon with domed gardens. It's wild here. You'll have fun, and you'll probably learn stuff too, but I don't thihnk you should leave Happy Harbor. Umm... I think you should do both."
    While she's talking, she's pulling up a video on her phone - and it shows a splash of colored water going out through a seemingly empty gap in a stone wall. Once out the window, the water forms into a sphere - then abruptly boils away. Just when you think that's it - there's a sudden haze of sparkling ice crystals that forms in the space where the water just boiled away.
    She doesn't make it through the end of watching the video herself, as her attention shifts to Colette - while still holding the phone up for Xiomara to finish watching. "What? Why not? Fencing has all sorts of safety rules and equipment and stuff. It's a really safe sport! I'd //love// to join a fencing club!" Madison says immediately - and then lets out a heavy sigh. She missed out on a fencing club? Maaaaaan.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
At the comment for a boxing club, Crush starts laughing. "I'm not allowed to play football, so I'm thinking boxing is right out. Only have to punch one mortal through a wall to get that option removed."

Her attention shifts to Madison and all the words, so many words, and all that cheer and enthusiasm. She manages however, to get through it all without exploding and nods, "Lots of schools have fencing," she offers her support to Madison's statement. "Stupid sport involving touching, but still... it's out there, all over, many schools."

It seemed a fair offer, it seemed that there was actually people who cared, but that nagging doubt always plagued her thinking. Was it worth the risk? That's what it came down to. Take a risk, maybe open herself up, maybe get hurt, maybe not. Face value, they'd come to help when they didn't have to. They could have just left her to be almost kidnapped, but they didn't.

"I think... staying at the school is the best idea for now, but..." Was she really going to do it? "I'd like to come hang out, learn a little more about fighting, not learn any more about that," she gestures toward Madison's phone. "I... don't think I even remember what fun is any more, other than fighting. That can be a major kick ass time."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic snorts. "There ought to be a super sports league. Speedsters against speedsters! People like us playing football! Ahh, well." He shrugs. "It is what it is, I guess."

    He grins at Xio, then. "Fighting /is/ fun. Fighting with a team is even better. You're definitely welcome to come hang out as much as you like, no pressure." A pause. "I mean, look, it's not like we're actively recruiting. It's just... what I said before. Any friend of Irie's is a friend of ours. So you're definitely welcome."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "You can all play football together," Colette suggests. "The main problem will be finding a field nobody minds you all destroying. I heard you guys were thinking of putting together a roller derby team? That would be something. Mind you the only time I've watched roller derby, Harley Quinn was playing. She doesn't have the kind of strength you guys have, but I suspect that a lot of players would honestly feel more comfortable having half a ton of Caitlin bearing down on them that a reformed murder-clown. Harley's a psycho."

    Colette gives this a little thought. "The good kind, though. She's fun. That was a good evening."

    Colette thinks about this a little more. "Aaaaanyway, moving on. Look. Crush -- there you go." She waves a hand in Vic's direction. "Come here, have your fighting fun in the relative safety of their amusingly-named danger room. Learn how to be a better and more controlled fighter rather than being content with just being a really strong brawler. It's worth a try, right? I mean at the very least the Tower smells better than the average underground cage fighting venue, and they'll probably offer to feed you afterwards."

    "But more importantly Crush -- you being a student at the school means we're here for you. If things are tough, go speak to Doctor MacIntyre, or come speak to me. Life can be tough sometimes, but the whole point of the school is to give you a secure environment for learning and development. Now because it's a really /weird/ school, sometimes that gets more complicated than it might in a more normal school. We're used to it. 'I'm short of cash so I got involved in an underground fight ring' isn't going to get you expelled. We've dealt with far worse and far stranger before. "

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I don't know if I like fighting - but I do like my sword practice. It's fun. Which is why I'd like to learn //fencing// too." The look the teen gives Colette is not subtle in the least. Bring back the fencing team!
    "The school's pretty cool - I mean, considering I didn't get in trouble either for um- I mean. We were just trying help out, after all. Actually - some of the fights were pretty... freaky. I was worried in a few of them that people wouldn't be okey," Madison admits in a worried tone.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
"You keep talking like I trust you or Ms. MacIntyre," Crush mutters toward Colette, then her hand instinctively caresses along the chain wrapped around her. The comfort of it being there, reminding her she's only sort of alone most of the time. "I don't.... don't be insulted, it's just facts. I don't know you, I don't trust you, simple as that."

She shifts in the bed again, it's not comfortable or she's antsy, perhaps both. "I also am not good at the whole 'sharing' thing," she adds. "Been alone a while, not used to the idea of people listening or wanting to listen or caring, but I'm trying..." shit, more feels. "I am trying to be less... well, of a bitch."

Her eyes shift slightly to look at Madison, realizing the kid had seen all the fights night as well as realizing... shit, she liked her. "They got healer," she offers to Madison then. "Some also heal real quick, but uh... I think... I'm trying to make friends." Did Madison get the hint? Probably not.

"Anyway... yeah, I'll come hang. Learn better fighting, never fought with a team before might be fun," she shrugs her shoulders again, then looks up and over at Vic.

"Trust, right? Have to take the risks, right, to earn it and get it?" Her hand caresses the chain once more. "Her name is Obelus, an... she's my protector and friend." There, she opened up about the chain, it was going to bite her in the ass later, she knew it, but oh well.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Huh. Curious about that, I'll admit, but in your own time." Vic nods to Xio, eyeing the chain with, yes, curiosity. He's curious about most things, admittedly.

    "Anyway, I'll make sure the Tower's systems recognize you as a guest... attach you to Irie's profile." He's already doing that, eyes darting back and forth as he looks over readouts nobody else can see. "Whatever had you all loopy and weird, you might want to double-check that it's cleared out before you leave. Or uhh, have the school check with Cait or something? Just in case."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "No," Colette says, pointing at Crush. "No, you don't get it. You don't have to trust me or Doc. Mo. That's not the point. The point is we've got a job that involves making sure our students do okay, and we take our jobs seriously, and /you can take advantage of that fact/. "

    "I'm not asking you to trust me, or open up to me, or any of that. I'm not going to give you any off that touchy-feely bullcrap. But you were stuck in a fighting pit with a bunch of scumballs who wanted to kidnap you. And you're our student, so that isn't happening. See what I mean?"

    "Last time someone tried to kidnap one of our students, well... Doctor MacIntyre had a word with a few people. That was a lunatic militant cult called 'The Knights of Saint Dumbass" or something like that. You might not have heard of them. Well that's because they /don't exist any more./"

    "So that's why I'm saying come to me, or to the Doc. Not because we'll give you hugs and unicorn farts, but because nobody fucks with our students."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I was carried to that meeting by a giant ant," Madison recalls. "I have it on film. I posted it to the internet!" She cut the vieo short just before she showed all the superheroes in the room she was carried into. What a wild night.
    "I'm glad they got a healer - some of that stuff was pretty- ugh. I mean, why would someone //want// to- uhm." Belatedly she realizes that Crush is one of those people who 'wants to- um,' and she cuts herself off abruptly. "...sorry. Anyways, friends are good! I wouldn't manage without my friends. I'll be alright - you'll see. Things'll just keep getting better."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Sitting quietly on the bed, Crushes red eyes remain focused on Colette while she speaks. The last time anyone talked like that about her, even if this time was merely as a student, had been her adoptive parents. The way they protected her, kept her happy and company when the rest of the world couldn't accept how different their adopted daughter was. They had been so loving, given everything they could to raise her, even if they had had to move around a lot due to being chased down by drug dealers who were owed money.

In the end, its the level of conviction in Colette's voice that makes the half-Czarnian nod once. "Alright then," she says calmly, no attitude. "I don't need unicorn farts and hugs, but... I need help, in other ways." It didn't occur to her that Victor and Madison were still there, at that moment it was just her and Colette. "I'm not good at admitting that, but... I know it's the truth. So I'll talk to you, another time, and we'll see what we can figure out. Deal?"

Now she looks over at Madison and finally, a real honest to gods smile lands on her face. "Nah, you're good Mads... it takes a type to like that kind of thing, and I'm that type. I don't really feel the pain like others do, but the fights... they may mostly be for money, but they also remind me I'm alive. It's okay you don't like it, or get it... don't change that you're kinda... addictive, your personality I mean. I ain't planning to snort or smoke you or nothing."

Too many feels, abort! ABORT!

"So I can just come by, any time," she asks Victor, aborting the liking of Madison as quickly as she can manage.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic glances at Colette and nods thoughtfully, seeming to file the statements away. Good to know. But to Xio he says, "Yep. Just be aware the Main Room is kind of weird right now. The hallways twist and turn oddly and you might wind up in the right room or you might wind up in the one Madison was talking about. We're... working on it."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette responds to Xiomara with a simple "Deal." She gives a short, sharp nod of her head. That's it? Apparently so.

    "Speaking of which, I've got another student to see to, and I should probably get started because of..." she waves her hand vaguely in Victor's direction. "It may take some time to actually locate the bird-man. Just because he's got himself a automated translator does not mean the Kian gets to shirk his lessons. People rely too much on translator devices. You wouldn't want to find yourself stuck trying to explain fourteen thousand bottles of Khund wine to a Nova border patrol with a faulty translator device, after all. "

    "Maddie, Crush may be off sick, but you're not, don't stay up to late. And you're fine, nobody's going to say anything about any illegal fight dens you may have been visiting. You were looking out for your friend. Crush, see you at school when you're feeling better. Vic, Caitlin -- later."

    With a nonchalant nod of farewell that doesn't seem to be aimed at anyone in particular, she strides off out of the room to find a bird to help English better.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Yes ma'am, Miss O'Connail," Madison says promptly and respectfully - remaining on alert until the woman is gone, and then relaxing with an abrupt slump of her shoulders. "Oh. Em. Gee, I cannot //believe// I'm not in trouble for the fight club thing and- OH! Guess what! Victor's going ot help me make a lightsaber, isn't that great?!" She says with enthusiasm, beaming at Crush.
    Then she adds, "I should get a pin 'Please do not smoke me: may cause bodily harm.' 'cuz I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be GOOD for you."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Colette gets another nod from Crush, a deal was a deal. She might be a mean bitch at times, but she never broke her word. If she says she'll be there, she will. If she says she'll punch you in the face, she will.

Watching Colette depart she looks back toward Victor and aaand Madison is all words again, but this time she just grins and bears it.

"A real lightsaber?" she asks, latching onto that instead of the smoking part. She'd tried smoking a few things, none of them did anything... what a waste. "You'll have to show me how it works, maybe we can dual or something. I mean I won't use a lightsaber, but I'll be keen to know if it'll hurt me."

She's not willing to admit it, but she's more tired than she should be. Didn't she just sleep like, what, two days? She won't admit it, but it's likely obvious looking at her.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic reaches out to ruffle Madison's hair. Hey, she hugged him, it's fair game. "Lightsabers are pretty cool, yeah. But... Madison, let's let her have a minute? She's got things to think over, probably."

    A pause. "Anyway, you can come run the 3D printer to make the Ewok army." He grins.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Uhhh... I'm really not comfortable testing a real lightsaber out on //people,//" Madison says seriously - just staring at Crush. "I really don't want to cut off your arm or something. That'd be pretty awful." That's as solemn a comment as Crush had ever heard from the girl - and her voice has dropped several pitches, lowered in volume, and slowed down significantly.
    But then Victor is ruffling her hair, and she lets out a squeak of protest. "You don't //do// that to Jedi! We have our dignity!" Madison. Dignity. Sure.
    Dignity she immediately throws out the window a moment later. "Ewok army? YES!" She bounces up onto her toes - then looks for a moment like she's about to ambush Crush with one of her hugs. She seems to think better of this just in time - and settles for giving Crush a pat on the shoulder, before following Victor out. "Okay! Let me show you the downloadable files I found!"