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X-MEN: Watching - Breathing - Smiling
Date of Scene: 27 May 2022
Location: SR-77 Blackbird
Synopsis: The X-MEN investigate the SMILE labs, and find a whole lot of teenagers in trouble! And bird poo.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Monet St. Croix, Megan Gwynn, Ororo Munroe, Tabitha Smith, Illyana Rasputina

Rogue has posed:
Professor X had called together a Veteran meeting about the SMILE group. The only lead that the team had was a old lab that used that acronym that shut down many years ago. The lab had been under X-Men drone surveilence for several weeks now... when something happened.

A call out to available team members was sent across the team com channels. Now a group was in-flight to the mysterious derelict lab building to check on what the drones had seen.

On the internal screens, Professor X's visage is seen as he briefs the team in-flight. "It would seem some young teenagers have found their way inside the building. We sent one of our drones to investigate, but it was spotted by the young explorers, and they seem to have smashed it out of fright. We need to send you inside and check to make sure the teenagers are safe. Something drew them in this building too, and we need to talk to them to find out what... There is more to this place than meets the eye, and it's time we get to the bottom of it."

MOments later the X-Jet begins its descent toward the edge of the old laboratory property. Tall grass waves in the early evening winds. The sun is on its way down on the western horizon, while the ocean looms not very far away to the east. It's visible in fact, beyond a long open field, some small cliffs, and a small rocky beach and shoreline.

Up ahead to the east is the old lab itself. A three story tall building that has some external damage to its facade. Some windows are visibly broken, and the front driveway is cracked, and broken pavement. The front doors are wide open too, with old boards thrown on to the ground... perhaps the teens broke in that way?

The X-Men have to get inside to figure these things out now!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is the telepath on hand and has her arms crossed in her lap as she goes to close her eyes as they approach. She's moving to start to focus and scan on ahead as the Blackbird goes in to take them down. Her telepathy isn't the strongest, particularly when she's not got line of sight so she's only going to try and pickup life signs. Surface thoughts.

Trying to tell if anyone is in the immedaite area adn what their state is. Terror? Anger? Power? Trying to get as much of an idea as she can if at all as to what they're about to run into. Or at least get a general idea of where things are.

She has her legs crossed and her eyes closed, and a hand up in the air to indicate 'quiet' if she can get it.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, clenching and unclenching her fists. Last time she tried to help gen active types, they were met with some hostility. "I really hope they're gonna be cooperative this time but somehow I doubt it.." she's a bit on edge, but ready to do whatever it takes to kick some sense into these kids.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Lead on the mission, in leu of Scott or Jean, falls upon Ororo. She is sitting in the front of the Jet with her blue eyes scanning the building as they approach, "I'll provide us some limited cover. Everyone be safe, try to stick to at least one other individual while we're inside. Keep comms clear and precise for Monet." She smiles over her shoulder at the young telepath, reassurance in her face.

The cover she spoke of comes in the form of a bank of fog rolling. A cloud film settles over her eyes as she takes control of the clouds, darkening the skies to nearly the point of rain, providing a clear path for the jet to settle down and the passangers to exit into the fields surrounding the Lab.

"For the time being, assume the kids are scared. You've all seen the reports of what these SMILE people are capable of. It is entirely possible they thought the Drone was linked to whomever they may have found inside." Ororo pushes up from her seat and begins to descend the ramp, wearing a uniform that definitely makes her stand out, and is almost certainly done so by design. Entirely white, she's a beacon, even in the darkness of the cloud cover she's created. With her hair tied into a high ponytail and her fingers free as she casts a glance towards the shattered windows.

"Be careful everyone."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Amazingly for the mission. Tabby seems to be using some of that foresight and intelligence she swear she doesn't have and had been rummaging about the science and med labs for a bit before they took off. Boartding with a duffle bag strapped to her shoulders.

Her X-suit in two pieces. Black and yellow, the top carrying extra padding across her chest Shoulders and back. The three quarter sleeves and leggings in black synthetic leather that looks very shiny and snug from the hips down. Yellow at her boots, a belt with pouches all around that would make a Bat proud. T

he only major change from normal is that massive thick and full mane of bnlonde hair she has been very happy about growing is pulled into a loose bun and stuffed under what is clearly a Magneto helmet spraypainted yellow and the rim and fahe gap hand painted bright neon pink. Sunglasses sit atop it. It might be keeping psychic scans and stuff out but it might just be keeping Tabby's own untrrained telepathic problems contained for now

"Sooo, last time I did the running into a lab blinde it was on fire with noxious polymer type chemicals and god I could smell and taste nothing but molten plastic for a week and a half. So in light of that!" Tabby drops the duffle bag and unzips it.

Breather masks, nice and freshly filtered. and some more mundane surgical masks that she's working over her ears and under the helment awkwardly. This probably is not so effective as gas masks but it's that or everyone gets a brain full of Tabby unfiiltered.

"Enough for everyone and the kids inside if they need it." she says with some slight mumbling and muffling of her voice.

Like Kenny McMormick was a Mandalorian.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
SMILE can only bode poorly. Five letters, a dubious acronym. Count Illyana in, since she wrapped up her semester to finish her program and defended a dissertation. All's well that ends in a mission, a chance to aid her people.

She keeps her thoughts to herself about young mutants smashing drones, though nothing like upset teenagers to rouse the X-Men to action. In flight, she reviews any blueprints or maps of the area where the building lies, revising her understanding of the landscape. Any points of exit or entry are particularly of interest. Details marked out in the mind or in the details acquired by the drones may be useful later.

"Beautiful place," she remarks, and probably not at all snarky about it. "Maybe after this, we clean this up and they can have somewhere nice, da?" To Monet, she is probably an incredibly unpleasant absence of person, no emotion or thought register to speak of. Eyes shut, there's no one where the blonde is. Which makes a good reason for her to stick near to Ororo so they can actually see her in the mists, since losing visuals is suits no one. "I will focus on knocking nicely. That work?"

A grin at Tabby when those masks appear is chill. Today is a relaxing day. She can deal.

Rogue has posed:
The trek through the tall grass front yard of the property was easy enough, aside from the recent rains that had the groudns fairly soggy with shallow mud pools here and there. Once the team got close enough to be on pavement, up near the building, they'd likely start stepping on broken glass, suggesting that the windows on the upper floor had been smashed out from inside the place..

The fog cover from Storm provides a nice eerie ambience with its western side in the sky still glowing with some setting sunlight, while the eastern side, out over the ocean, is dark and ominous... and the lab resting in the middle.

The lobby of the lab is a telling indication of what is to be expected. Once the team moves inside it, they'll find it in utter ruin. The sign that used to rest behind the main reception area is ripped to pieces, with letters from the lab logo tossed around, strewn all over the place. The reception desk itself has been smashed in half, with the remains of one office chair laying on its back near the front doors. Glass and shattered ceiling tiles are all over the floor, with one large light panel hanging down and gently swaying in the wind...

A foul stench is wafting out the front doors from the dark main hallway, so masks may not have been that bad of an idea!

Those who looked at the building's blueprints would know that there are several rooms branching off from that main dark hallway, with a courtyard at the end of it that branched out in to more offices, and labs further beyond, toward a docks area that serviced sea expeditions once upon a time...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix focuses a moment while they go in and land and Ororo goes to weave a fog about them. She speaks, "Useful." About as high a compliment as the Morrocan mutant and self-proclaimed perfect woman can give to anything. She would point gingerly in the direction of the building.

"Five minds. Scared. i can't exactly pinpoint them." It was a distance and she didn't have a great understanding of the building's layout. The team would approach the area and Monet would defer to Storm, the leader of this expedition.

She's in a defensive posture for the moment, but not fully aggressiv eas she's carefully moving tos weep ahead as best she can telepathically.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
If there's something to be afraid of, Ororo doesn't seem to have found it yet. She walks purposefully through the tall grass, slogging through puddles with the quiet confidence of someone who has be deified, and an easy smile specifically to instill that same confidence in others. Even once they're inside the lobby and the stench hits them, she only wrinkles her nose, but waves off one of the masks with a flick of her hand.

"Save them for any others we come across."

Blue eyes scan down the hallway with its branching rooms, but her attention turns fully upon Monet. "Monet, you remain with me. Let me know as soon as you have some pinpoint to the teenagers location, I'll let the rest of the team know." Turning to the trio of Yana, Megan, and Tabby. "The rooms to the left, clear them as we head towards the courtyard. If we get seperated-" She points towards the shattered glass,

"-Listen for the thunder and teleport to my position."

She takes a breath and starts down towards the rooms, ready to push open doors with a flick of her hand that sends hard gusts of wind rolling down the hall around her from the broken windows.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks at Tabby, "Ooh you brought masks? Good thinking, cuz this place stinks!"Moshe wrinkles her nose as they step in, and she peers around, tensing fir anything. "Monet, are they still here? Which way?" she nods to Storm, peering around, heading left to take a look. "Got it.."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
While the others might get the benefits of proper masking. Tabby's one made of mostyly paper and cloth only helps for like a little of it. The smell making her wince and stifle a gag. "It was the smell and the gas or uncontrolled psychics. I stand by my decision" comes the slightly mufflke voice as she makes sure mundane comms are working under the bucket.

There's a double check of hert comms. "Got ya fearless lady leader!" she acknowledges and moves to more sneakily survey the rooms on the left. Making sure there's no mutated wolves or dope out people and pigs. The gunk and funk in the air really does stink as she does her best thief in the night impression. Well a call back to those times she nas but she's got a way better job now.

"Pixie, if we find any psychotic brainwashed super teens attacking let us know and Magik, umm could you port us back to the present day and not like a fortnight ago. Well wait till after I blow the lab up again! I kinda really need to do that again. Like really really. Better than all the weed in New York!" she says through that flimsy mask of hers she's breathing through.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The soft footfalls that mark Illyana's passage into the building aren't easy to trace. She doesn't look out and out like a warrior, having foregone the natural spiked pauldron and bits of her armour for something far more integrated and, of course, black. Ghosting behind Ororo and slightly to the side places her such to intercept anything coming for the woman's left flank until instructions lead otherwise. "Look for blue light if we run into trouble," she remarks quite easily.

Oh, to have the sheer arrogance of Monet St. Croix or the utter assurance of the Demon Queen. It would make life so different.

Off they turn to the left, and she nods to Megan and Tabitha. "Eyes sharp and hands light. I will take care of shielding for anything too frisky." The polished gleam of ruin around them is remarkably eerie, but she just heads through it pretty unbothered. A gas mask will only be used if it's clearly needful, since wearing them might be outright scary for whatever lives on the other side.

"Containing super teens is what we do," she reminds Tabby idly. "What else do you call Wednesday?"

Rogue has posed:
Crunching on broken glass, and other types of nasty detritus has the team progressing in to the main hallway. Some of the doorways on either sides of the group are open, while others are closed. One even has 'KEEP OUT: MY OFFICE' written in red spray paint on it. When searched, the rooms would mostly just be in ruin, what furniture left behind either ruined by time, looters, or who knows what else...

Of note is the company name still on the left hand side of the hallway though, 'Scientific Medical Institute for Latent Eugenics' in a burgandy hue font, with some of it sprayed over by various colors of grafitti, bad words, nasty imagery.

Light up ahead is filtering in from outside, what ambient light remains outside as the group starts to get nearer to the courtyard. It is overgrown, and the windows that used to encase it on all sides are mostly all shattered and smashed out, with glass strewn all over the inside hallways around the courtyard, and out inside the overgrown plants and planters. Of note though are strange piles of white 'stuff' that seem to be anywhere from a foot high, to nearly seven feet high the closer to the middle of the courtyard area. Getting closer, the team might notice rafters up above on the 3rd floor area that used to house windows that have been smashed out, and piecing two and two together... those piles of stacked white 'stuff' is likely from birds, and the source of much of the stench!

There doesn't seem to be any power running to the building anymore, and as the sun dips further down outside, its' getting very dark inside!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look around and close her eyes, pointing towards the docks, "That way. Five of them. They're.. Underground. I think down a level. They're afraid. Not terrified. I don't think they're under immedaite threat." That sort of thing is hard to tell, admittedly. So she goes to keep ehr tone unsure. She would look over at Ororo.

"how should we approahc them?" If they want to try and get there quickly to help out but also not escalate? But also understanding there is likely some sort of a threat they have to deal with.

Monet edoesn't have her fists up and raised, and is trying to maintain her mental 'awareness'. It takes most of her focus, and she's still only able to give very vague statements. She's not Jean.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
While Ororo is very careful not to show it, but being in that hallway and especially when looking into those side rooms, makes her uncomfortable. It's impossible for her not to look a little tense as she peers into open doors, her usual smile faultering only a little as they continue towards the light from the yander windows broken. With the overwhelming stench starting to grow increasingly more potent the closer they get to the courtyard.

All of her apprehension subsides once they're back out into what is, mostly, open. Blue eyes look to Tabby's bag, then around the yard with an inspective curl of her brow. She cannot control the setting of the sun, so light was going to be come a problem once dusk set in properly. "Save any light you have until we need it." She murmurs with a nod to Illyana's quiet assurances.

Monet's intel draws Storm's attention, "We proceed carefully. They've already shown they'll get aggressive when startled, it wouldn't help anyone if we have to hurt them defending ourselves." She's very careful about picking her path around the piles of bird dropping and any particularly dangerous shards of fallen glass from the rafters. "I've seen plenty of abandoned buildings." She muses aloud, side glancing the tall droppings.

"But I've not see anything like that." There's no concern, but it certainly is curious. "Something, or someone, has been keeping the birds around. This was likely a Terrarium." Peering up at the high vaulted ceiling. That doesn't seem unlikely.

"They had pigs before, is that correct?" She asks of Tabby with a glance back.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, glancing over at Illy with a slight frown, but this is neither the time for barbs or pettiness..Still, Tabby may have struck a nerve and she rolls her eyes, "Yknow, I can just as easily port em out too, right?" she makes a face at her but continues to stride through rooms, peering this way and that.

The hallway on the left with the Eugenics sign gets more attention than the others, and she pauses to peer through those rooms with extra attention before joining the others in the courtyard. "Ewww, what is that white stuff?"

She makes a face, looking around and then it hits her. "Bird poop? Whyyy is there sooo much? Yuck!" But when Monet locates the teens she's all business again. "A level down? Okaay where's the stairs? Let's chop to it!" and she'll look quickly for the staircase, not trusting the elevators in this beaten up place., nodding to Storm. "Right. I'll dust em if need be.."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a wink back over her shoulder from the bucket headed blonde to the more fully armored Demon Queen as Tabby ewws at some of the stuff in white thaty's piled and splattered. The acronym on the wall gets a rap of a knuckle againts the last worde and abbreviation.

"Zig Heil much? So we find the kids, raid the data center then I can level the place right?" she says with a sigh at the finally revealed name. "So Much Intensely Lowered Expectations" she adds as she looks for stares down.

With the reduction in light from outside, Boomie picks up the slack and lets a few small but bright orbs of yellow plasma ignite and glow while orbiting around her like a beacon. Seeing a lay out on a floorplan is one thing but translating it to a first person perspective is not always easy for some people.

"Pixie! You're lucky the big masks work. This stuff is amlmost ad bad as pig poop! Trust me!" she states.

"So wanna take bets on Big Bird knowing how to get to Sesame Street from here?" joking while clearly dealing with stress. So much heavy breathing and tring to not taste the nasty air,

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Megan's frown isn't lost on Illyana. She may have the emotional range of a caryatid under most circumstances, but that does not preclude her from recognizing other emotional responses or even reading them. Hence that tilt of her head, though she doesn't press it. "I will give you a charm to teleport too so we all have options." Winking at Tabitha, she adds, "Then no one is left out."

The future in their grasp, she strides along the hallway, pausing only briefly to get her bearings in the dark. She touches her brow, blinking several times. Maybe seeing in the dark isn't a problem for her. The stairs open some distance, but rather than marching straight up them, she scoops out a little mirror attached to a powder compact. Easy to send it spinning softly along the hall to see what's -up- the stairs without actually looking.

Birds on hand are noted, and she idly says, "Droppings from birds, often flammable, da?" There's one person there who probably needs to know that. The powder keg they're in already proves troubling.

Rogue has posed:
Lots of bird droppings, but no signs of birds! The courtyard is filled with it though, and its quite horrible.

AS the group moves onward though, Illyana has a grasp on where the staircase can be found, and just as her little trick to get a glimpse of what's going on up ahead is enacted, something happens.


It rings out in the distance, down the staircase toward the large doors that open out on to the shore-level docks. The 'spyglass' that Illyana sends out is a precursor to what's happening though, and within its magic mirror, the view of all manner of dark feathered birds can be seen! They're cawing loudly, as they flutter from one rafter to another, some of them bomb diving the ground where the sight of tennis shoes under a large table can be seen, legs moving, people huddling and the view of a pistol revolver aiming at some of the birds that get too close!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The gunshot is from a small caliber handgun. The sort of thing that one could easily get on the streets of the city for a few hundred dollars if not even that by M's estimation. The shot probably being from the teenagers freaking out at the noise and firing at the birds. It does at least confirm where they are as far as M can track them. She would cock her head to the side, using the noise to calculate trajectories and positions, geometry, positioning, climate..

And it does hopefully give her a very good point of reference to determine exactly where they are visually, even if they're not already aware of that by the spyglass Illyana makes. Her looking at Storm, "That pistol holds roughly eight bullets in a standard clip." Presuming they want to just wait for the people with the gun to fire off all the shtos then go in. She is however pausing.

This is the time to leave to one of the others that has.. What are they called here?

Oh, yes, empathy.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
The gunshot changes things.

Ororo picks up her step as it rings out from the stairs leading in the direction they need to go to find the teens, "They're armed." Still calm despite the sound of firearms. "So it is important that we don't startle them any more than they already are." She waits for Illyana to confirm what she had already expected, the birds that had left the droppings were further down. "That's probably why they beat the drone. Thought it was one of the birds." She says as she steps out ahead to begin descending. There is a glance back at Tabby sending out balls of plasma. A glance that travels over to the droppings and back again, but it goes without saying:

Keep a wide berth from the shit.

"We are coming downstairs." She calls out to the teens, "And we intend to help you, but if you fire on us, it will make that a great deal more difficult to do." As calming as she appears calm herself, "If you are within cover, stay there. If it makes you feel comfortable to wield your pistol, do so, but do not aim it at any of us."

To Illyana and Pixie, "Try to take care of the birds." She would let Tabby loose on them, but she might blow them all to hell. "Monet, if they start to become aggressive towards us, could you distract them before they have a chance to actually fire?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"You always knew the best ways to charm me on Wednesday Date Nights! Le Sigh!" Tabby replies playfully back to Illyana as she circles about to find the kids.

The sound of the gunshot getting a quick double check as she makes sure that she hasn't been shot. But then she could have and is in shock and can't tell yet. This gets her scrambling down stairs a bit faster since that kind of sound bodes trouble. Occasionally she slips and skids on fresher poop but she keeps on her feet for now. "I am not being covered in this stuff. Nope. No way Itg stinks enough as it is and I am gonna need all the damn listerine iun Westchester!"

Once Ororo warns the scared kids with the gun she does ger own best to try anbd ward off the birds.

By letting those bombs boom in bright loud flashbangs that could really do a number on a human's eyesight anbd hearing possibley genetically.

"Shoo! Almost as bad as those magpies in Australia!" she yells and does her best to distract the winged bastards. "You kids, Run to the pretty ladies with armor and wings. They'll get you out of here!" she states and just to be efta safe outs her sunglasses on her helmet on backwards. "Knew I shouldn't have removed the Googly Eyes! Hans Moleman has a seed bell outside. Go nuts!" she states and keeps throwing bright and loud little bombs. Trying to herd or possibly air fry as many as possible. While also making sure if she does fall over it is not in poop.

This is more difficult than you think.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"A murder of ravens frightening people? How droll." Illyana speaks in a way to imply it's anything but. Black birds out to cause mayhem and damage defies literary and historical convention (says no one).

No reason to get close to the bird crap, especially for someone dressed like a raven herself in spirit. The compact lies on the ground, betraying the avian shapes, and that may be all she needs to rain fire and brimstone.

Or possibly just pluck them and set them free on the other side of a portal somewhere over New Jersey. If any place can use more ravens, it's probably Gotham.

Tabitha's statements might hold true as salvation if the kids run to the cute pink-haired girl and the icy blonde lady. Understandable if they prefer Pixie. Illyana holds out her hand to flick one bird here, one bird there, two with one portal. The other side tosses the flying hellions above the Gotham skyline. To anyone who think this might not be a particularly effective process or a slow one, they haven't seen a teleporter moving at the speed of thought. Look, intent, eat.

"You corner them, I move them away. Unlucky us without any sauces!"

Rogue has posed:
"What?!" A teenage male voice calls out from under the table that the bodies are huddled together beneath. "Who the hell are you people?!" He calls out again, being the one holding the handgun, it looks like!

"Help us!" A female voice cries out in a panic then! "I'm not getting out from under this table until those damn things are gone!" She adds.

The bombs from Tabi has little squeaking screams coming from the teens under the table, sounding like more than one girl being down there, while a couple of 'bro dudes' can be heard questioning who these would-be-heroes are. "We're not gonna shoot you unless you're with this fuckin' creepy place!" One of the guys shouts out from under the teen cover.

Illyana's birds are being rapidly teleported as Tabi gets some of them to take to the skies to avoid the explosive warning shots! Lines of them are going through the portals, and vanishing rapidly.

All while something else can be heard amongst the bit of chaos being summoned here.

Laughter? A man's laughter. Not overly loud, just a soft chuckling amusement, along with a deep voice. "Oh, great... this is just... great. I love it. It's so lovely. Don't stop. Keep going. Save them. Save the little buggers." The deep male voice rumbles out, causing the entire lab, and the derelict docks to vibrate with the baratone timber!

Illyana's portals start to suck up the bulk of the black feathered menaces, enough that a path to the teens is clear and they are peaking out to look up toward the darkened skies.

"Shut the hell up!" The teen with the gun says as he aims it upward, above the X-Men's places! Toward the back of the SMILE Lab building!

He fires the handgun again!

But it just keeps laughing. A giant projected image of a smiling mouth, huge white teeth, massive grinning lips. It's flickering in the dark against the old white siding of the rundown labs...

"Nice shot, young man. I love it... so... so much!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And as the children go back to being freaked and that laughing -thing- is there, Monet St. Croix goes to furrow her brows, "Your attempts at vaudevillian intimidation are pathetic. This reeks of ridiculously, desperation, and insipidness. This level of theatrics is unworthy of being described in the same term. End this idiotic charade and get out of here so that something that has a level of coherence to it be present. This is all very, very pathetic and hardly worth our time. Come on, we'll be going." A dismissive wave is given voer towards the shining thing of the laughing man.
    While at the same time she's further trying to see if sh can track anything telepathically while she goes to send to the rest of the team telepathically <<If that thing is broadcasting from somewhere there should be electronic power signatures that can be tracked>> Also taking a moment to speak into her comm for the benefit of Illyana.
    <<If we can track where it's broadcasting fro mand where the energy is being generated>>

Ororo Munroe has posed:
The laughter is disconcerting to be sure, but in a world that has Queens of Limbo visiting mansions full of mutant Teenagers? Ororo's attention remains on the teens, waving her white gloved hand for some of the visible teens beneath the table to come towards her, "Ignore him." Cutting through the cawing of ravens, the snap of gunfire, and the laughter of an unseen man. "We'll get you out of here. All of you, but we have to go now."

Rather than get into an argument with a disembodied voice, Go Monet, Storm focuses on the things she can control. Not saying that the man laughing is beneath her, but showing how beneath her it is by not even acknowledging it. "They want your attention, just don't give it to them. It's rather quite simple."

Showing how much trust she has in her team by stepping fully out into the hallway, headed in the direction of the tables should the teens not start running towards them. A bright white beacon in the gloom. Hard to miss.

Rogue has posed:
The kid with the gun lowers it down, after seeing his bullet just leave another hole in the wall of the lab. He snarls but just lets it go as he looks to the women of the X-Men team. "What the hell is this?" The big dude says to the arriving heroes.

One of the teen girls gets up from under the table and runs toward Storm, and Illyana. "Oh my god, I'm so happy to see yo... woah... damn... nice clothes." She tells both of the women as she looks between them.

The other three teens start to get out from under the table to rush toward the helping X-Men...

All while those lips and teeth just laugh and smile from the visage being projected on to the building's side wall.

The big teen with the gun just stands there, like he's not ready to go, like he's not ready to join the heroes and his friends.

"I'm not going anywhere." He says, in fact, raising his chin. "Chelsea came to this place, and she was never seen again. I"m not leaving until I get some god damn answers!"

This exclaimation from the armed teenager, gets another taunting series of chuckling laughs from the giant mouth on the side of the laboratory, which garners a glaring scowl from the gun toting fellow.

Another black feathered bird flies down toward the man then, but he raises his gun and fires again!

The bird drops dead, and slides over toward Tabitha's feet, where it comes to a stop.

"This son of a bitch has my girlfriend." He says then to the X-Men.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Over the comms Tabby can be heard swearing and making a lot of expletives as the birds fly and trhe gunshot rings out. The booms herd birds and they do diuappear to wherever it is on the other side.

Maybe it's hot wing night in Limbo.

"Oh look we have a mastermind!" she calls out to the voice being projected. Another gunshot has Tabby squatting down to see the kids under the table. "Hey, heroes here. You got room, now run your damn asses off. Find a kegger or something and calm yo shizzle right! GO!" she yells and looks to the way back through the bulding.

"Lets just make fun of him, seriously. Remote conferencing. Gloating. I've had better from random dates I've had. Really. And animal minions. I bet he's really just some weird ass dude that PETA thought was too much. And that's saying something even though they'd hate what he's doing. Or get off on it. Those assholes are weird." she says and is distracted a moment when one of the boys says there's a girlfriend. "

"Where? Stop goddamn shooting! M wanna poke and deep dive. We might just have less time than we'd like and this idiot's gonna get him and his friends kiilled by the other idiot!"

Rogue has posed:
"Oh,k I do... I dooo.... have her." The voice on the projection says. His black and white hued visage just shaking his head back and forth, his mouth all that is visible of his face. He seems to almost be happily dancing to the very idea of having this young brute's girlfriend too.

The kid with the gun shakes his head as he looks up to watch this. "I'm gonna kill you. Whoever the fuck you are."

He looks back down to the X-Women then. "I'm not leaving with you. Get them outta here, if you can." He upnods to his friends. "This psychopath said I could take the---"

The projected face butts in then, talking over the kid with the gun. "Take the submarine! Yes, oh yes! I sent it just for you! Hop inside, and it'll bring you right to your lovely, lovely, delicious... young lady friend." The Face taunts, as his tongue runs over his huge lips, that are still just smiling, and laughing again.

Off at the end of the docks, a peak of a submarine can be seen, with a hatch even open, and a single bird standing on the top of it, watching the survivors and the X-Women.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at the submarine in the distance and then slowly hiss at the others. "We can teleport the rest of them somewhere safe and then if we must go to help him find his girlfriend." She does not particularly like to play laong to the whims of the Smiling Man. But from reports if left to it the girl is as good as dead. They are X-Men. They have to take the chance of being able to save someone.
    Speaking to Storm mentally <<is there any way of tracking where that thing is being remotely piloted from? It would need some sort of guidance mechanism to control it>> She tries to keep up a brave face. And being M, she smug-sedes at it.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's blue eyes look to the visage of the laughing man who is delightfully taunting the brute who has dispatched his friends into their care and is willing to forfeit his own. Her arm closes around one of the teens that comes running towards her and she pulls them behind her and points them in the direction of either Pixie or Illyana to teleport away. "Thank you." To the compliment of her clothes, but she's staring at the end of the dock.

<"Monet, Tabby, Illyana... get them to safety. When you get back to the mansion, find Jean, tell her when she finds me, she'll find their lab."> Storm says to the telepath and steps up beside the young man, "Well.. I said I was here to save you and I meant it. I can't no more leave you behind than I can let your girlfriend be kept hostage." She extends a white gloved hand out and starts towards the submarine.

"I suppose we should go get her."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The gun is eyed and Tabby just shakes her head at the kid. "Dude, bro. We've been trained for this. Just get the hell out of here. We got this!" Tabby states to the boy probably closer to her own age she'd guess.

"I'm sure Pixie and Magik got this. But I ain't letting you do submarines and enclosed spaces with clearly trap designs in the idiot bad guys plans alone Storm." Tabby states and gets her indignant I'm nbot following that order cause it's silly mood.

The next bomb Tabby flies is small and enough to knock the gun outy of the kid's hand. "Go! We'll bring her back. Hero stuff!" she states and turns to follow Ororo instead of the magical girls. "M. is this kid on the level? Like are we just gonna get in a sub and find out there's no extra girl and he's really the mastermind like some awful Scream slash Saw slash Hitchcock plot?" she states and keeps her voice hushed under the helmet and surgical mask.

Another bird is bombed by the submarine and Tabby shrugs.

"Squishy in there I bet but I'm not letting you go alone Storm. Not in there and if yoiu have a friend with you it'll make it easier!" Phobias are a serious thing.

Rogue has posed:
The bomb from the Boomer pops next to the teen's hand and burns the skin enough to make him drop the weapon. He looks over at Tabi with a glare before looking to Storm then. He raises his hand up and rubs at the burned skin before looking to his friends going with the two odd looking women with the portals.

"Fine." He says then before he starts to walk away, crouching to pick up his gun again he stuffs it in to a holster inside his jacket, and starts to catch up with his friends, sparing a look over his shoulder then at the X-Women, then up at the smiling face. He seems furiously restrained as he moves to depart.

The smiling man just starts chuckling lowly. "Oh yes. Come on over. The tea is hot and ready for visitors. It's going to be soooo delicious!" He adds with another laugh.

The bird flies away from Tabitha's bomb, taking to the skies again, as a dark swarm is visible out over the water. They're coming, a whole host of more avian creatures...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod at Storm, "We're not leaving you on your own. The rest of us are going with you or my first instructions to Jean will be for her to simply scan the entire area to locate where this individual is and for us to contact one of the Avengers to go in and deal with it quickly. I'm sure that if you're at risk and she feels that you're putting yourself at such a state that she will of course do so immediately."

Now it's time for them to go once more into the abyss..
