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Asgardian Gathering
Date of Scene: 25 May 2022
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: A small gathering was held for the Asgardians and company for after the incident in Trollheim.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Gunna Sijurvald, Caitlin Fairchild, Kaida Connolly, Sif

Thor has posed:
    It is a small gathering, somewhat subdued in tone.
    Though there were warm greetings to be sure. At times it was Hedla in her own quiet and precise way, perfect in protocol, excellent in grace. Or when she had to see to other matters it was in turn Bjarke's turn as Captain of the guard who would offer greetings, motioning or guiding those to where the gathering was to be held. And in between those moments Thor would be on hand, sparing a few words here and there, always quick with a warm hail and well-met.
    It was in the makeshift training hall where everyone had gathered, so often for celebration it was made over with tables and chairs and food and drink brought in. In the past for previous owners this had been a 'dance hall' but the Asgardians put it rightly to better use as a place for the use of arms and only occasionally celebration.
    Though tonight they are there, gathered in the light of what has passed with Trollheim. With Ulik. But what is more...

    "His name was Ragnar Ufdansen." Thor's voice is deep and stern as he stands before the trio of windows that look out onto the courtyard of the embassy. Aloft is held his goblet as he peers around the room. "He was a good man. A soldier true. His blade was sworn to the service of mine father and Asgard. And he fulfilled his duty, aye with much valor. For he dines now in the halls of Valhalla!"
    Which is the moment when drinks are lifted as others proclaim, "Valhalla!" As they guests enjoy their drinks.
    "Yet we are not here only to remember the fallen, and drink to their heroism. We are here to put what has passed to tale and story. To share our words and in so doing cement them into the history of our people."
    He gestures with his drink then nods, "So speak of these days, tell your stories, listen and learn. For what we have done, what we do here, echoes into the future."

Gunna Sijurvald has posed:
A warrior of the Guard strides in. He pauses, bowing as appropriate to the Prince, but he seems upset. In fact he has reason, but it may not be instantly obvious exactly why.

"My Lord," he says, rising and lifting his jaw. "I come bearing tidings of a sort. And a request."

He grins. He looks about, knowing that this is likely the least appropriate time to be...well, appropriate. But he has reason. "I know that this is your celebration, and you are relaxing." He pauses, then he kicks backward slightly. "I also know that you've given leave to several people not normally allowed free reign of the rooms. But, My Lord.."

He hefts his right leg, showing the young lady clamped onto his leg with her teeth, biting sharply. "Would you see it in your power to remove your guest from my person, and feed her something else?"

Gunna has apparently bitten one of the guards.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin is there for the sense of community, but not the celebration per se. The horn of mead is sipped from very sparingly and mostly serves to hoist in salute when another one of the fallen is celebrated. The Asgardians are dressed for relaxation so Caitlin's changed as well; yoga pants in a mottled grey and a brand-new pink hoodie that says 'Columbia Med' in bright white vinyl on the chest. Were it not for her size, built on a scale common to the Asgardians, one might wonder if she was just some college student who had wandered into a party well above their capacity.

And she's packing away food-- a lot of it. Even by Asgardian standards. The trip through Trollheim was a laborious one and unlike the godlings and their ilk, Caitlin must pay in calories for every minute of exertion. She's going through a healthy balance of carbs and protein just about as fast as manners allow and there's no end in sight as the redhead powers through her third (fourth?) helping of the rich Asgardian victuals.

Thor has posed:
    "Gunna," Thor says as he steps away from that point of focus at the front of the gathering. Moving into the crowd as conversations return to where they were before his interruption. But now he is before the guard and the troll-girl who has attached herself to his leg.
    "Release the man and behave yourself." He gestures to the side to the table with the many... many plates of food that Caitlin seems to have made an appreciable dent in them. "For there is much food that does not require hunting."
    And depending on her reaction he might well help her along to leave the poor bewildered guardsman alone and if needs be to turn her teeth elsewhere. Which, conveniently enough leads them in Caitlin's direction most likely.

Gunna Sijurvald has posed:
Gunna snarls once. She does not wish to admit that anyone in this place can give her orders. That's what started this entire fiasco in the first place: the guard DARED to tell her what to do! The absolute nerve!

She lifts her jaw, giving part of that snarl to Thor himself, the unspoken message being clearly, I'll stop when I'm ready.

She then detatches, licking her jaws, and removes the troll helm off of her head. She is apparently ready. She sniffs the air, glaring at any Asgardian who gets too close, and then lopes toward the food tables.

And climbs up onto one of them. Right in front of Caitlin.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin lifts her plate off the table just in time to prevent anything from being scattered by Gunna's crouch /on/ the table. "You know, they've got chairs here," she tells the troll, one eyebrow lofted. "It's a little more sanitary than standing on the food." Gunna's snarling demeanour doesn't seem to be intimidating Caitlin overmuch; then again, she weathered some hard hits from the dragon they subdued and did it with relatively little injury beyond some bruises. Seated as she is, and dressed in her casual way, Caitlins' entire demeanour is shifted quite a bit from the warrior's personality she had been projecting in Trollheim.

Thor has posed:
    In the wake of Gunna comes the Thunder. For Thor is there a moment later, slipping around another Asgardian, turning his shoulders and stepping near. "Lady Caitlin. Every time you visit Helda brightens visibly."
    Those words given with a warmth even as he turns as if to espy the head of the household here at the embassy. But she is not to be found, likely handling many of her duties during such a gathering. Yet the Thunderer's blue eyes return to her and Gunna even as he lifts his goblet companionably. "For she knows you appreciate the efforts she goes to, particularly in the food so offered."
    And, to be fair, the food is good though simple. Roast meat and vegetables are in prominence, freshly baked bread, some fruits that have become something enjoyed by the embassy as a farmer's market is just down the street several blocks. All in all good offerings on hand, though as with much Asgardian cooking the seasoning is restrained.
    "Have you given thought to what tale you would share about what has passed?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
One person in attendance was not at all at the battle that this celebration. She had simply heard there was a celebration and offered out of pure kindness to come along because she is always trying to help her friends to celebrate, especially when food might sound like it's involved. However, on the way there, Kaida had actually passed out. She had been dealing with a great deal of things as of late and probably hasn't really kept up her calories as she should have so...she fell asleep in Cait's hoodie. Specifically in the hood part. So, after a moment, Cait's hood starts to movie a little and then out pops a head.

"Oh, whoa. We're here." She calls out to no one in particular as she stretches both arms up and yawns super large before pullling herself up and out and leaping on to the table and looking around. She yawns again, shaking her head a couple of times before looking to Cait.

"Sorry I fell asleep, hurting racist pricks is tiring work." She nods her head and then looks around at the spread and grins.

"Whoa! Look at all this food!"

Gunna Sijurvald has posed:
Gunna's attitude is why she's limited in her actions. She knows this, but she chooses to act in this fashion anyway. Because Asgardians should not be allowed to limit her. She does not recognize their authority. Also she's a bitch.

So she looks at Caitlin and takes a bite of something badly overcooked (not bleeding) and then gets down from the table. Largely because if she were to snarl at this point they might take away her food. And then she'd have to kill someone, and it'd become a big scene, and blah, blah, blah.

Saving herself the hassle, she flops on the floor while Kaida shows up, her back to the table.

For all that though, there's something that sticks out about her. One of the Asgardian matrons apparently managed to get her to wash her hair. It's curly, long, and a deep reddish-brown. Lovely!

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin smiles gratefully at Thor for his kind words. "Lady Helda's always very nice to me and lets me help her in the kitchens," she points out. "Most cooks would start throwing knives before letting a stranger in there. She's given me a lot of leeway, and she always makes me extra food."

Kaida doesn't need the help getting down per se but Caitlin offers her a ride from shoulder to table on the back of her hand, and starts pulling some food together for Kaida and stacking it on a little saucer so she's not dashing around trying to see what is available for dinner.

"I'm not much of a storyteller to be honest," she tells Thor with an apologetic expression. "I mean, everyone was there, it's not like you didn't all see it happen," she points out. "Really I'm just glad that I got to be along for the adventure."

Once Kaida's plate is completed, Caitlin loads up a (much larger) dish with a variety of meats and slides it clear across the table with a noisy scrape across the tabletop-- hopefully to get Gunna's attention for when she's finished eating her current course!

Thor has posed:
    Noting the appearance of a tiny talking mouse emerging from said hoodie, Thor is taken aback only slightly and only for a moment, surprise registering with the raised eyebrows given before he shoots a glance at Caitlin as if expecting an explanation. Or perhaps more apt, an introduction though for now he settles on, "Well hello there."
    The Asgardian prince seems put together well for the evening, though perhaps not too formally garbed. A black and silver tunic cover his chest and part of his upper arms, while a heavy leather belt is around his waist. Grey breeks cover his legs and are tucked into a pair of fine black leather boots. Though his hair, however, seems as if it's received a bit of attention for it's been braided and drawn back with his beard trimmed precisely. Yet it's more his manner that makes things more at their ease.
    "Indeed, we were, but we all see events through our own eyes. You may well have noticed something that I did not. However if you feel not the bard's call to offer your tale none will think ill of you." He then touches a hand very briefly to Gunna's shoulder, sparing an instant to look to her as if to make sure she is settled and perhaps enjoying herself as she does.
    Or perhaps just to head off any chance of more leg-biting.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Really, Kaida was just about to do just that. Find her own food is what she's used to but then Cait starts gathering a saucer for her and she huffs. Kaida just plants herself lightly before the saucer, smirking up at Caitlin.

"Well, that's just the most boring way to get all the food." She grins, "Not that I don't appreciate it but exploring the food is part of the culinary delight!" She declares before blinking over at Thor and then raising a tiny hand to wave.

"Yes, it is I, Kaida of the Titans. The legendary mouse warrior who has bested many a foe and is feared by many." She shakes her head and gestures to the food, "No autographs right now, I'm about to eat but if you wish to after I would be more than happy to oblige." She nods her head and then grabs up a piece of meat and takes it down with gusto and incredible speed for her size.

Gunna Sijurvald has posed:
The girl dressed in furs, sitting on the floor, looks up as Thor touches her. She looks at him, then at the hand on her shoulder. Then back up at him. There is no smile on her face.

"Troll eat mouse?" she asks, considering that to be a reasonable thing. She picks her teeth with a fingernail for a moment, showing the sharpened places she's filed them down to better chew an enemy or a meal.

But she hasn't gotten up or tried to act out yet. The guard that bothered her has wandered off, and Caitlin's given her more than enough food.

<Eat when you can, you may not eat tomorrow.> Gunna growls it, an old Troll saying that she's lived by most of her life. After all, not all of the young maws got to taste until after the strongest had fed.

Also these Asgardians do set a good table.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I wouldn't try it, she's tougher than she looks," Caitlin advises Gunna with a small laugh. Kaida is indeed a lot more of a handful than she seems at first glance! The mouse's boisterous introduction to Thor provokes a smile and Caitlin shrugs up at him ruefully. "I mentioned going to a party and she was all on board for it," she tells him. "I hope you don't mind that she's here; she's a valued team member. I'll vouch for her," Caitlin assures the Prince with a firm nod!

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor says as his smile spreads over his features, expression warming as he holds up a hand at the words so offered him by Kaida. "Have no fear, such an esteemed figure owes me naught. Kaida of the Titans, indeed." Which has him tilting his head sidelong towards Caitlin as the Asgardian prince's smie seems nothing less than... charmed.
    Though his expression shifts when Gunna proposes mousicide and he holds up that hand near her shoulder as if to stay her from that course of action as he shakes his head and his mouth silently forms the word 'noooooo.'
    Then his eyes return to Caitlin as he lifts his mug, "Any you choose so to call friend is welcome, Lady Farchild." Though his smile is a little wry as he steps back and to the side, "I am going to get a refill, can I get anyone anything?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Lucky for the room, Caitlin speaks up before Kaida can because Kaida's small hand goes to her sword fairly fast at the threat and her eyes narrow at Troll. She grabs a piece of food easily as big as her own head and then proceeds to down it in several small and fast bites. She then looks back to her plate though she does turn her eyes one more time on Troll.

"Just lucky Cait is here." She mutters and shakes her head, "I'll growl about eating when I can, too." She states to no one in particular but then Thor speaks and she focuses on him. She sucks in a deep breath before nodding to him.

"I appreciate your welcome, Odinson!" She nods her head, "And your mead as well! I have heard good things about Asgardian Mead!"

Gunna Sijurvald has posed:
Gunna blinks, then frowns. She gets up and lifts her chin, stepping past the hand on her shoulder. Then she looks at Kaida, directly.

"Troll no eat warriors," she says bluntly. "Eat food. If you not food, you not be eat."

Apparently she speaks Trollish, Bad English, and Worse Asgardian. But she's trying to say something here. Her pride is involved as well.

"Troll no threaten. But when dead, Kaida Titan eat of Troll's flesh. Great honor."

It wasn't a threat, it's a problem in differences of upbringing. Gunna is a cannibal, but only after you're dead. Unless you're a prey animal, which she wasnt clear on yet!

Sif has posed:
The party was in full swing when Sif finally crossed the threshold. She was wearing the garb of an Asgardian lady, in a soft gray color. Her hair was down though normally she might have had it in a fancier coif. She paused upon entering to glance around then greeted a few of the attendees she knew well before continuing into the room.

Directly for the mead.

Once she had that in hand, she approached the table which held a lot of food options but also had two of her compatriots from the adventure into Trollheim.

"Caitlin Fairchild. " A nod to the woman along with a smile. Then a glance over to Gunna. "Gunna Troll." Because that was all she knew her by. "I apologize for my tardiness. Life sometimes interferes. I hope you both fare well?"

Which is when her eyes fell on the diminutive figure of Kaida by the saucer of food. "And a new friend? Greetings. I am Sif." She didn't bother with all the titles which went with it.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Gunna gets another squint followed by an appraising look. She hmms and stands up by her saucer of food and nods her head to Gunna. She rests her hand lightly on the hilt of her blade, resting there as if it were an armrest and she nods again.

"I don't know about all that but I appreciate the honor." She states and nods her head, "I hope that it won't come up." She shakes her head and Kaida then nods again before blinking as Sif comes in. She turns to look over at her, once more giving her appraising look. She is and isn't used to being in a room full of warriors. She has been to Themyscira and that was one thing, she is also a Titan but there's a far cry difference between the Titan's main room and the Asgardian Embassy.

"I am Kaida." She states simply enough and nods her head again, "Good to meet ya." She then casually picks up a grape and quickly rips it apart.

Gunna Sijurvald has posed:
Gunna shrugs, nodding to herself. "I wish not be meat for many years myself," she admits. It's not what she was hoping for this week at least.

She turns, seeing another Asgardian, and lifts her jaw toward Sif. She's got to be no more than five foot tall, probably less. Why does she have so much stature in her? IT's something that Kaida might also hold.

She grunts at Sif, having not yet decided if she's a person or not. She fought well though, so that's something.

Sif does not yet get offered part of her flesh if she dies, but perhaps in time. Instead she simply shows her teeth.

In many cultures, smiling is not what we think it is. Trolls are one of those.