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Latest revision as of 23:49, 16 June 2022

Is it early or late in Bushwick
Date of Scene: 06 January 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Magicy types do magicy things.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Heather Danielson, Blake Riviere, Piotr Rasputin, Illyana Rasputina, Stephen Strange

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a slow, possibly chaotic event as Manhattan is being evacuated by later in the day. For those in Manhattan, it involves getting out of there. for Mutants, it might be takig up the offers to teleport to Genosha or go elsewhere. Monet is helping as present. This means helping take cargo containers with refugee supplies, being on overwatch in case of some sort of looting, or just being available to help quickly coordinate and move. She looks slowly irritated. But doing what she can to help.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    The evacuation is well under way, and as not only a Titan, but a charitable volunteer for many causes, Heather finds herself in Bushwick, trying to be of use to anyone still lingering.

    She is clad in warm snow-boots, and warm yet stretchy leggings over her lower half, her uniform on her upper body being covered by a winter coat of the same royal blue color as her skintight outfit.

    She's wearing a stocking cap that does not match her overall color scheme by means of being a bright red and white St Louis Cardinals themed hat. She's currently holding up a kid bigger than she is by the scruff of his neck and the guy is doing as instructed and apologizing to the owner of the store he -was- trying to loot.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at Heather, trying to place her, and is not finding her in her memory. For whatever reason, M is jogging over towards the heroine and gives a wave, "Greetings. Thank you for your assistance. Do you have any particular thoughts on how this is conducting?" M is giving a quick telepathic sweep of the area; not at Knockout, but moreso over towards the other mutants.
    Looking for any signs of disruption or things that might be trouble. Looting, a scuffle.. Or anything that might disrupt the proceedings. She's going to glare over in the direction of anyone that to her isn't moving fast enough.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well Billy here..." begins Heather... only to be corrected by the six foot four bruiser she holds up like he was a bag of groceries.."Bobby.." he says meekly.

    "Right Bobby here was looting this nice woman's store. I think he has learned his lesson."

    She turns Bobby in her hand so she can look him in the eye, "He -has- learned, right? I mean he was pretending that he was here to help with the evacuation. His truck around back told a different tale. So, you're going to -actually- help now, yes?" She asks.

    Bobby nodsnods in a terrified way. I mean Heather isn't exactly a terror. But she is a Titan, and is holding the guy up like he weighed as much as a grapefruit. "Atta boy Bobby. Don't make me regret this.." she says as she drops him to his feet.

Blake Riviere has posed:
     Supposedly this was part of the 'hero' thing, and for all her agreement with the earnest spiderlings to finally try and intervene and assist as 'hero' rather than simply when something caught her eye or fancy, Blake still felt...like this was out of her depth.

    She was happy to fight monsters, exchange clawings with evil dinosaurs and terrify bank robbers...but evacuating civillians wasn't exactly something that most people were going to be looking for the 'draculina' to be helping them out with.

     But then again, she'd given her word and thus the woman who looked like she'd stepped out of a gothic-punk fantasy in her short black dress, red leggings and ribbon-ties stepped out of the shadows. A rather simple red 'domino' mask had been added to her attire to turn something of 'fun personal taste' into some sort of uniform, but still...she felt frankly, out of her depth for the first time in centuries.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at the man and narrow her eyes, "With what is happening we cannot make the situation worse for ourselves. The Brotherhood is assisting in evacuating this area. They helped establish this district and kept it safe. What do you think they'll -do- to you if you hurt others who live here?" her implication is 'other mutants'. And she has no remote idea of the Brotherhood nor what their actions are in this area. But it makes hopefully for a rather -effective- reminder to him, with luck.
    She would nod at Heather, "Thank you for handling the issue. You seem more familiar with here, would you care to direct me as to how I can help more effectively?"
    then she would catch note of Blake. There would be a light nod of her head towards the vampiress she had met a few times and a light wave of a hand to invite the other woman over.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Best way to help out is really to just hover, keep an eye out, and pitch in where you can." offers Heather with a shrug. "It's not about helping out any particular group. Everyone needs help." she halfway admonishes.

    "But.. oh here, for example." She turns and trots over to where a family seems to be loading a pickup truck and is about to drop some heavy items. "Here, let me help." she offers as she moves into position to help heft those things into the bed of the truck.

    Once that is finished, she turns to Monet, and then she spots Blake too. "It's literally as simple as being observant and doing whatever you can to help." And with that, she smiles, turning to look at a young girl staring up at the petite teenager who just hefted something heavier than -she- is, and then she whips off her stocking cap and puts it on the girl's head. "There ya go. Keep warm!" she offers.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Yes, M knows this. But it's considered polite to coordinate and to listen. The other woman is helping and has been here longer. So that makes it effective to subordinate herself. M gives a nod over to Knockout, and goes to move along, "Of course." And then she's moving to take another crate of supplies along to move it about. Not everyone is necessarily going to where the Brotherhood is taking them, so they'll need things to help ensure that they're supplied until they can get somewhere safe.
    She goes to pick up another couple, holding them easily in each hand, taking them to where the lines were and opening them for others to sort and help hand out.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Would that it were so much easier to offer aid, Blake couldn't help but muse she'd found it far easier in the past, without the costume. A vampire she was, but she'd passed wars working as a nurse in the past and she'd kept the information and knowledge up-to-date as best she could. Of course, this wasn't really the time for that either, so she simply moves towards where monet was lifting belongings alongside the tall redhead that, while eyecatching, was not a face she knew.

"I would offer aid," she speaks, her accent noticable on her tones, "but I am afraid this is not my forte. It does not look like security is needed and this is...far different to our last encounter in the city."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Having gifted her hat to the little girl, Heather grins and turns to regard the streets. A light snow is falling, and she is starting to get little bits of it in her blonde hair.

    Watching the other two starting with big heavy cargo containers, she shakes her head... a bit jealous. In the Titans, one of her real schticks is being super strong. But among super strong people, she feels like she is the weakest of them all. So she just grins and shrugs.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over at Blake, "A pleasure to see you again." She would remark to the vampiress that she had last seen in costume when they had fought an interdimensional invasion of cyborg dinosaurs. She would glance at Blake, "Best that we secure the perimeter and ensure there are no disruptions. You are.. The quickest of us to respond in case something is out of line." She would offer.
    Glancing from one Titan to another while seeing if the two happened to know one another.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Very much not a 'Titan' in the formal sense, after all Blake was only about two steps from being an urban legend or the inspiration for a novel (not counting that one Lydia had been writing), so Heather was indeed a stranger to her. Uncrossing her arms she reaches for one of the crates, but it's set down with relative ease before she turns back to the other woman. "I don't believe we have met," she offers, "but it is a pleasure none the less."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    One may take note of motion just down the street, perhaps a block away. A large metal man wearing a costume of red and yellow can be seen pulling a yellow school bus by a hefty chain. Within the bus are refugees of all ages. A woman sits in the driver's seat steering the broken down vehicle as the Colossus drags the vehicle. There is no front windshield. In the process, he pushes other vehicles out of the way that may serve to impede their progress. The metal monolith of a man wears a smile as he sings a song in Russian whose lyrics (if one understands the Russian) speak of how everyone in the community works together to change the community. Though, he seems happy on the outside, Colossus has anxiety on the inside (if someone is mentally aware). He's feeling the mental strain of getting the people out of the danger zone and is trying to lift their spirits by singing.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Having met Piotr in the past... though not in his metal form, Heather glances towards thee approaching bus. She grins and turns to trot that way. As Piotr approaches, she steps in his path and helps ease an abandoned car out of the way. "Bus. What a cool idea. We should see if there are other buses we could use for folks."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Piotr, impressed despite herself at the casual display of strength. "Do you require assistance with stabilizing it?" Taht's well beyond her strength, which might do a sedan with some effort.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Seeing the approach of Heather and her efforts to assist, "Is good to see you, Heather, spasibo. I saw other busses on way. Can be obtained, easily. Yet, other vehicles obstruct path." He glances down the way toward Monet and he responds, "We just need place for to offload refugees. Where might that be?" He's curious to know if there's airlift, boat, a transport - military or otherwise, and where that transport may be.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
What's that old saying, ask and you shall receive? Chaos in Brooklyn, so just another day in the city. Mutants waiting til the last minute to leave a troubled area add to the hubbub, maybe drowning out the sundering of reality along its multilinear axes. Space writhes in a frisson of cyanotic-blue flame, the nebulous ghostfire spreading out in a diagonal lens that might bespeak an early arrival of trouble predicted to land square atop Manhattan. Fashionably late evacuees clutching a Switch and their overstuffed luggage stumble back with a shriek.

A moment later, a delicate stiletto heel strikes the pavement, followed by another, light wreathing the pale blonde in a belted, shimmering blue robe. She enters the street with almost careless aplomb. Bubbles hiss in the slender glass flute in her left hand while she surveys the back-scrambling trio, the buildings behind them. "Nyet, save the screams for when they matter, little doves," she warns, making a little gesture for them to hurry on. "Places to go, things to do." The portal surrounding Illyana allows a glimpse of trembling aspens and silver birches threaded by golden and fiery foliage, framing the far more impressive man who follows her.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Illyana gets a very cautious glance over from Monet St. Croix, even as she was going towards the bus to assist with it if needed. And she would glance at Piotr, "THere are a number of evacuation locations being made. The Brotherhood is using here as an evacuation point and.. I believe rotating teleporters and shuttles to take those where they are needed. At least, that is what I was told." And that seems to do for now.
    The portal that Illyana is making and coming out of has Monet's eyes widen analytically. Her mind is analysing it, and she very much wants to ask about it. But common sense tells her thanks to those screams she really doesn't wnat to..

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    There is no caution or fear when Colossus spots the arrival of his sister. Instead, it is relief that crosses his metallic face. He knows the horrors within Limbo, but he also knows that his sister is in control of those horrors and her teleportation is the best way for anyone to leave en masse.

    Colossus' attention is pulled from Monet's remarks and he calls out, "Sistra! You are here!". His smile displays the joy and love he has for his little snowflake and a wash of peace flows over his psyche knowing that she will be the answer to the crisis.

Stephen Strange has posed:
And that male form that followed Illyana? While not dressed in a similar robe, he does match with blue, though it is the red cloak, billowing behind him, that eyes may first be drawn to. "Calm yourselves. We are just passing through." A foot steps out onto the road, a solid thud as the rest of the form emerges from the portal, the window to the gold and fire closing as the lights from the streets take over in illumination.

There is no glass in his hand. Though, that hand does reach over to place gently upon the be-robed shoulder of Illyana. "It is alright. They were just startled." A slight pat, then the hand drops as Stephen Strange shifts his attention towards the scene they have arrived in...and in particular to the outcry of a certain brother. Strange speaks, to Illy, while those grey eyes shift to take in everything. "Oh...how interesting. Did you intend to stop here?"

Apparently, the little visitation may not have been the first stop expected...

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
This special occasion doesn't find Illyana in the antithesis of her brother's armoured skin: jagged black pauldron and sleeve, midnight oil-slick everything else. She brings the flute to her cherry-black lips, a sip of the bubbly silencing her from Piotr picking her out from among a surreal cityscape of boarded-up windows and festively decorated doors and balconies. At his call, she turns her glowing eyes his way and upnods, pale hair swaying around back-curved black horns. "Da, Colossus." Both a greeting and explanation for Stephen reduced to a terse phrase serve. In the thick of it, Monet paused in her orchestrating the evacuation inevitably draws notice.

"How much time we spent to keep this place intact," she muses. The slender heel clicks on the ground to an irregular cadence. Champagne swirls in the glass, and the Hell-Lord smiles. "Let's spite the servants by taking pieces from the board. Something borrowed. Where do you put them?" This last to M seems to pick up on bits of the conversation.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a stare over from Monet as she would look over at Doctor Strange wide-eyed. She's perhaps seen pictures of the man or read about him (if there is in fact any such things) but her eyes are wide as she would just manage to avoid falling down flat on her ass. Her first encounter, likely with anything so -magical- and to her senses it's like nothing she's ever seen or felt. There is a moment where she would shake the cobwebs away before glancing over at him and reorienting hereslf.

WIth Heather working on other modes of transportation, Blake being on the perimeter, that leaves her over with the Rasputins and the Sorceror Supreme.

"Ah, welcome." She would bow her head to Illyana and once more try (and fail) to look at Doctor Strange once more. "Is there something the matter in the immedaite area that we should be on alert for?" PErtinent question. It lets her focus.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    There was a flash of concern as Colossus took note of the man emerging from the teleportation disk behind his sister. His initial thought was 'Belasco' and his fists tightened as his metallic eyes narrowed. Yet, the affirmation from Illyana captures his attention and he assumes things are good (for now). He drops the chain and sees that the bus driver has applied the brake. He does not engage in the speculative conversation, instead, he states to the driver, "Keep everyone on bus. My sistra can teleport everyone and bus in tact."

Stephen Strange has posed:
"Ah....your brother, I presume?" Well, for Stephen, he already knew that. It was a little obvious when the armored individual kept calling Illyana sister. So, really, Strange is being polite. He gives a nod of greeting towards Piotr, then turns his attentions elsewhere.

Elsewhere...meaning to Monet. The reaction that she gives as Stephen arrives isn't the first time the Sorcerer Supreme has seen such. However, given Stephen's own pride, it still amuses him each and every time he sees it. More so when she continues to look away.

Still...there is some help to be had. And Strange sees no reason to not offer it. "You are attempting to transport refugees?" No, he does not wait for an answer. Instead, he offers a solution. "I might be of assistance with that. While yes, Illyana is more than capable of teleporting everyone, the experience for some might be a bit...unsettling." Going through Limbo will do that to people. "For the sake of everyone involved, I offer to move them via a more direct approach. Where are you attempting to relocate these people? Surely you would want to go a little further than New York, yes?"

Oh look. The sorcerer is offering to help. So kind of him. Or, rather, it is more a mere trivial task for him...just a way to help while the two mystical pair move on to more urgent locales.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And as Piotr is sounding an alert, Monet is not sure what is going on. But she trusts the more experienced X-Man. And she's going to rapidly lift herself up and into the air to make herself a bigger target, if necessary to draw fire away from the civilians so that they can get away and to stall for Illyana to start to teleport them. She's balling up her fists over and go for an attack..

Then at the offer from the man she would relax, and move to hold her hands up, "And who would you be?" She would inquire over with a 'not quite sure' expression on her face, as if trying to confirm something. "And I believe that would be.. Helpful. It saves logistically having to take them out in groups and frees up teleporters for other areas to keep them ahead of schedule."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    The query of Strange draws the attention of Colossus once again. His silvery eyes peer toward the sorcerer and then over to Monet - as she should have the answer. When she redirects the conversation toward introductions, Colossus looks to Strange, still unsure as to who the stranger with his sister is. He intones, "Da, that is good question. Who?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"The most powerful sorcerer in this dimension, as I am to mine," the Hell-Lord answers crisply after finishing the last of her champagne and examining the glass as if it just insulted her father. At least that's better than the reflection of a tractor in the heat-fogged glass, for such things might be problematic. She tosses the flute over her shoulder askew, the better not to hit Strange by accident. A minute pinpoint blooms open for the glass to fall through, an entirely excited shrill keen and a blur of violet suggesting someone -- or something -- very much delights in a fresh toy. "He comes with me, bratan. Is that not good enough?"

Another shake of her head and her pointed teeth sink into her lower lip. "Faster to take this neighbourhood up to Bed-Stuy or Williamsburg. The ironic breweries, you know?" Her fingertips flicker, incandescent flames wreathing the Demon Queen's vacant eyes again. "Put them altogether, it will be faster. How many, a thousand?"

Stephen Strange has posed:

Illyana already offers an answer. However, for judgy brothers and questioning X-persons, Stephen offers a more precise answer. "Doctor Stephen Strange. As Illyana states, the Sorcerer Supreme of this realm." Explains the major mystical mojo that M was making out. "And I really would advise you take my offer. Unless you wish to scar the psyche of each and every person that you wish to transport out with Illyana's stepping discs. Not everyone has had the training to brush off passing through demonic realms on their way to safety."

Yes, those finals words slipped from casual conversation and amusement to a more forceful tone. Nothing nearly to the point where it would seem threatening...but enough there to provide a warning, should one be attentive enough to pick up on it. "It would really be no trouble at all." Already, a pair of fingers are held at the ready, just on the verge of spinning eldritch forces to his whim...all for the sake of a quick exit for all involved.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would take a moment to glance over at Piotr in confirmation of this. "Ah, I have no issues over with it myself." She would glance at Piotr and give him a nod. He was still the senior member of the team present here, she knew little about Illyana, and she did not know the circumstances or what was going on.

"I believe so. If you can also take the supplies with them it will make things more efficient as well as we will not have to reroute things there." Presuming Piotr has no issuew ith this. M has none.. But still, she will defer over to the senior team member present.

Why is her previous standard of 'dinosaur aliens from another dimension wtih cybernetics' now being topped? Why?

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Relieved by the answer that Strange gives, Colossus looks to the affirmation given by Monet and then back to Strange. "Then make it so, doctor." He looks back to the bus filled with refugees as they all look on for answers to their safety. They also discuss things amongst themselves.

    Colossus then looks down to his sister and back to the man, he adds, "Their safety is paramount."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Colossus also notes, "Genosha would be the preferred destination. I am led to believe."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"<Finally.>" The Russian cracks on her tongue, and the Demon Queen eases her way into the street. "The supplies do not fear." Any pile of goods, heap of boxes, or neatly packaged pallet no matter the size that's in her line of sight becomes a target. "The grounds at Hammer Bay then." Her vacant, empty eyes glint that faded ice blue from corner to corner for a moment before she starts opening portals. Not one or two, but several of them to swallow up the goods in a go.

The Darkchilde takes care of the materiel. "Go on, be the Shepherd of Souls. Borrow a view if you need?" Any of those portals can be used to look through and attain some kind of sense of direction to lock onto, as needed. Stephen's talents shall save the living, whereas she punts food and supplies out of reality to one space.

"What next, Piotr? You go with them or fight here?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Colossus only considers the fight (with angels) for a moment. "Nyet, that is not a battle I can be effective in. I will travel with refugees to ensure they are properly relocated." He glances back to the bus and lifts the chain, expecting to have to tow the broken down vehicle through some portal that Strange makes.

Stephen Strange has posed:
"Ah, yes. Thank you, my dear." The sight of Hammer Bay does certainly help to give Stephen a sense of where to open his own portal. And...yes, it really is no trouble for him to open a way to Genosha. Those fingers start spinning in a lazy circle and sparks begin to fly in front of the bus. Though...these golden sparks are not threatening. The shower of mystical energy coalesces into a solid circle. Within, a more temperate climate....Hammer Bay itself. Even the warm breeze from the island drifts through, warming the cool New York air in the immediate area..

And...as Piotr lifts the chain, Stephen calls out. "Here, let me get that." With that, Stephen shifts his hands, the fingers carving arcane runes into the air as the bus just....lifts up into the air. Not high, by any means...but enough to leave the ground and make pulling very simple. If the poor frightened tot with that Switch wanted to, a simple push with a trembling finger would be able to guide the bus. "There. Feel free to take them over and place the bus where ever you wish. Would there be any more needing access to Genosha while we are here?"

Helpful, yes. A bit showy? Oh, most definitely.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The Demon Queen is too busy calculating size on a warehouse to be properly helpful. The cavernous interior probably doesn't contain much by way of foodstuffs, and so she shrugs, stalking along to peer down an alleyway in that shimmery robe while the other two men transport the bus and whatever strays choose to run in to the portal or through it. "Come out, come out wherever you are," she sings, sibilant and probably more horrifying than any inquisitor marching down the street. "Time to go. Follow the nice shiny man, he will keep you safe enough."

Safe from what or who, they may have reason to question from the long, horned shadow slashing across their silhouettes, outlined by a fitful glow. The dark isn't safe where they rest, peering through windows or hastily packing bags, the very brimming darkness rapturous in its adoration of its prodigal daughter.

Strange weaves his apt spells and Colossus remains near the refugees in their bus. Eventually she heads back his way, nodding to the sigil work. In Russian, she notes, "<It's well crafted, you see? Solid as your paintings.>" Her smile is a slash of pomegranate, a wept line of nightfall. "<Your brother-in-law does good work.>"

Gliding right on will eventually put her facing the Sorcerer Supreme, and gesturing. She's done all she can.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Colossus sees all the mystical magical stuff going on and he is quite impressed, if not amazed with the overt power that Strange has on Earth. Looking through to Hammer Bay and seeing that the bus will be easier to move, he states in response, "There are still many within Mutant Town that need evacuation. Yet, they hide in the dark recesses in fear. Should you be able to coax them out, that would be helpful." Then he looks to Illyana and reverts to Russian, "<Brother-in-law?>" and looks to Strange with a skeptical gaze. He then states, "<No, that is for another day to speak. Sistra, take care of yourself. We will see each other soon.>" and he begins pulling the bus through the opened portal.