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Latest revision as of 15:25, 21 June 2022

Take Your Mama Out
Date of Scene: 21 June 2022
Location: Agatha O'Neil's home
Synopsis: The threat has been carried out and some of Terry's team-mates visit his teenage-years bedroom to his enormous embarrassment, but slight relief that at least it was a small number that saw it. And then Raven chose violence.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Gar Logan, Kara Danvers, Madison Evans, Rachel Roth, Kian

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The last time that Agatha O'Neil visited the Titans Tower, she found out her son has been going to Wonderland /without/ telling her what was going on. That she didn't know about it until he got himself injured was only icing on the cake. The fact that she was displeased with her son could be gleaned by the words she told Kian:

"Of course, I remembered that Terry was supposed to come by later tonight and help me move things out of his room, I had to use it as a temporary storage when the attic sprung a leak. Of course, he is in no condition to come and help right now. But I do need to get things out of his room." Terry's childhood room. Kian and Gar have seen it, and no one else. Because it is full of posters and things Terry collected throughout his teen years. Including a lot of posters of Gar. Like, a lot of posters. And collectible cards. And memorabilia - action figures, bobbleheads. There's a lot that is other people's -Wonder Woman, Superman - but Gar could easily said to be the prime shareholder of Terry's room by how much surface space he occupied. "I was thinking that, perhaps, If your friends would like to come over and help put things in order, I'll gladly cook them some food by way of compensation."

So an invitation had been extended to whichever Titans were available to come and help Agatha out. And her famous Tiramisu was on the table, as well as several other baked goods, and pizza had been ordered. "Don't worry about Terry," Agatha had said in her message," He'll come by after he gets out of the Planet for the day.

And so Agatha waits for Terry's team-mates to arrive, sipping some peach tea and reading a novel by one Lydia Dietrich in the living room. Every once in a while the willow woman with the voluminous red hair arches an eyebrow, and flips the page.

Gar Logan has posed:
"One rabbit hole, coming up!" But it wasn't Vorpal offering. Instead, it was Garfield Logan, otherwise known as Beast Boy, and also otherwise known now as the part-time Cheshire Cat. A very green one, naturally. It's a long story, which the Titans themselves have been filled in on by now, but those gathered and ready to go have an offer toward how to get there. Or, they can go via other means.

He retains the dapper look with the black and purple motif, primarily the black dress shirt rolled up to the elbows, exposing green-furred forearms, and black dress pants. There's the purple vest and bowtie in a tiger-striped pattern, and the purple fingerless gloves and spats over bare feet. And, can't forget the pink flamingo cane. Or the grin. "If you guys haven't met Terry's mom before, she's a real one. Better tiramisu than you'll find in any restaurant, too."

Now, he has no idea how Agatha will react to seeing him like this, but that's part of why he's going: he just /has/ to know. The rabbit hole is opened up, his memory of the place good enough that it lets out right outside the front door. There's a contented swish of that green tail as he twirls the cane around a finger.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara may be new to this whole situation, but she's never one to turn down an opportunity to help. She doesn't need the help for transportation, though...she just opted for a more direct flight to the address she was told to be at. Of course, while she works with Terry, it's not common knowledge that Kara = Supergirl to the general public, so she's in her superheroine attire, as she soars down to land, red boots touching to ground a few feet away from where the rabbit hole opens up.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Look, Madison is still very much of the opinion that when rabbit holes are an option - you should go for rabbit holes. Teleporting is cool, mmkay?
    She steps out on Gar's heels, looking around at their surroundings before asking curiously, "This is where Terry grew up? I mean - I grew up in California - I still miss it sometimes- HEY! You think you can take out out for Salt and Straw ice cream sometimes?" Without pausing for an answer she adds, "I like Terry's mom. She seemed nice, didn't she?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The ring camera alerts Agatha that someone is standing at the door, so she sets down her tea and puts the book inside the book basket by her chair before she gets up to open the door.

"Hello!" Agatha says as she opens the door, once she had verified the image of the people outside, "You are just in time! Please come in, the cookies are ready to come out of the oven."

She is, actually, very friendly, although there is always an under-layer of steel to her. She is never ungracious, but her green eyes are always observing, never much of a passive observer.

"Garfield-" this is the hitch. There is clearly some surprise in seeing Gar like this, when it's usually her son who wears The Cat. "You look... different." And then a quick question, "Have you been able to get a hold of it? The impulsivity, yet?"

Madison gets another smile, "Madison, it is very sweet of you to come, how are you doing?"

And then, of course, there's Supergirl. Agatha's smile encompasses the Kryptonian as well, "Please come in, Supergirl, make yourselves at home." The fact that Terry's identity is known to the public makes Supergirl showing up at her mother's house a non-issue, even if it doesn't diminish the rubbernecking from the surrounding neighbors.

The O'Neil house is very tastefully appointed, the living room sporting rich burgundies and blues, with wooden accents. She leads the kids right into the kitchen, where the fresh aroma of cookies, chocolate, tiramisu, biscotti, and even croquembouches waft out from an open door.

The tall woman gestures to the large kitchen table, "The first batch is ready! Have a few to wet your sweet tooth before we go up and move things out. Would you like anything to drink?" she says, walking towards refrigerator, "I've got soda, peach and mango tea, and apple juice."

Gar Logan has posed:
To Brooklyn they go. The rabbit hole is instantaneous, but Supergirl is remarkably fast as well. If she was given a jump on leaving, it's very possible she got to the O'Neil home about the same time Gar did with Madison. When the door opens, he flashes his best Cheshire smile for Agatha, hardly even deterred by her reaction.

"You could say I look even better than usual!" he exclaims, offering her /the/ most formal of bows, adding quite the flourish to it with one arm out, the other holding the cane with the tip against the ground, the end of his tail swishing in back of him. "Oh, that?" he asks her of the impulsive side, returning to an upright stance while tapping his chin, at the end of a very short feline muzzle. The ears are up, attentive.

He says, "It comes and goes. I'm just as likely to say something like, 'You look even better than the last time I saw you. The years have been very kind to you.' Oh, well, I guess I just did!" Gar advances ahead at the invite and rests his hands at Agatha's shoulders - the cane having been whisked away via portal - and gives her a greeting with a kiss to each cheek. "Something smells grrrrreat inside! For us? Have you any cream? Milk?"

It's like all the worst parts of Gar's own impulsive, mischievous nature, dialed up to 11 or beyond. He waves for the others to follow inside, directly to all the goodies. Perhaps later on he'll ask himself what the hell he was just doing.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Some cookies sound delicious." Supergirl says, at the welcome from Agatha. "And you have a lovely home." She'll move inside as well, and looks up towards the attic, X-ray vision taking a casual glance through the walls. "Does everything up there need to come out?" she asks.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    After the whole affair with Donna being replaced, there was an incredible need for Raven to speak to Terry. What's worse is, despite her misgivings about doing so, such a conversation needed to be public. It was important that what she had to say to him was not reserved for behind closed doors- it was a private thing, but it was one that was paradoxically best handled among friends.

    There appears upon the ground in the room a single, circular shadow. This small circle extends more or less about a foot and a half across, and before it is more than noticed, that shadow starts to push upwards swiftly. It is not a sudden, jarring movement- Rather, it is just swift, how it pushes upwards and then forms into the cloaked shape of the sorceress known as Raven.

    The cape of her cloak hides the whole of her features, clasped at the front by a single gold-trimmed ruby. The hood of it shadows the upper half of her face, save for some locks of midnight hair and those unsettling, piercing purple eyes.

    As if appearing from nothing was just normal procedure- which it is, really, but who the hell ever gets /used/ to that- Raven regards the others in the room. "Hello everyone." She begins, calmly sliding into the business tone. "Do we know how long it will take for Vorpal to arrive? I have to speak to him."

    Monotonous and devoid of emotional inflection, Raven has become as disquieting as she used to be."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh. Em. Gee, it smells good in here, Ms. O'Neil!" Madison says in a bright tone, as she bounces in on Gar's tone. The irrepressible Jedi's cheer has largely returned in force, though as she helps herself to a cookie, Agatha's question seems to catch her off guard, and the smile falters. "Oh, umm... I'm fine, ma'am. Just fine."
    And then as if nothing had just happened, "Milk! Yes. That sounds like a great idea. ...do you have any chocolate syrup? It's fine if you don't, It'd just- well. I //never// get stuff like that at home."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
As Gar walks by, there is a very gentle bapping on his head from her with the universal mother gesture: behave. Then, Milk, milk with chocolate syrup and cookies are promptly served. "Thank you, Supergirl, Terry helped me decorate some of it when he was younger. He has good taste." A pause. "For furniture, anyways. I do notice that his clothing choice is slightly on the garish side," she smiles, "All of the boxes have to be moved into the attic, yes. I had him move them when the attic sprung a leak. At least it isn't a long trip, so it should be done quickly-"

Raven's arrival startles her, because in one second her back was turned away, and when she turned around to hand out napkins, there was the sorceress. Not a lot of things startle Agatha, but this conjuring act definitely does.

To her credit, the surprise on her face only lasts a few seconds before she collects herself. "You must be Rachel. Terry has told me a lot about you, it is good to finally meet you," she says, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. She brings out her phone and looks at it, particularly the family tracking option. "It looks like he is about ten minutes away, Raven. Would you like some coffee? Otherwise we can go upstairs and move the boxes. Terry should arrive shortly before we are done."

The room that awaits them is something they are probably not ready for. Terry being the sentimentalist that he is, never really got rid of many things throughout his teenaged years. There are Titan action figures stacked by edition years (the OG ones, then the Beast Boy addition), and there's even a significant corner of the room that is stored for the figures of Kole and Dove. Above, hanging from the ceiling, there is a figure of Superman posed in mid-flight, a Power Girl and a Supergirl. There's a Captain America by his working desk. There are posters of Gar- a /lot/ of posters of Gar... and in another section, a corkboard with articles by several Daily Planet reporters, Clark Kent and Lois Lane featuring prominently there. The center of the room, though, is occupied by about fifteen boxes of medium to large sizes, the displaced storage containers.

"Don't be concerned about eating in here," Agatha says, bringing the plate of cookies up with them, "I'll still need to vacuum afterwards."

Meanwhile, about three blocks away, Terry O'Neil approaches in his rental car.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan is behaving, thankyouverymuch. Just..not any one way in particular. The feline ears atop his head, splitting his mop of unruly hair, flex downward briefly, then his tail swishes near Terry's mom in passing but refrains from making contact. Huff!

He's more than ready to sample some of those treats, especially the cookies and tiramisu, and wash it all down with a nice cup (or saucer) of milk, except suddenly his tail goes just a little puffy, along with a few other areas that are visible.

"Raaaaaven!" he exclaims, turning around so quickly that the tail knocks a few napkins from the table. "I haven't seen you come in like that in..way too long! Right, guys?" The green Cheshire indicates Kara and Madison, and he fidgets with the bowtie for a moment. "I'll just be upstairs waiting for everyone!"

One rabbit hole later, he's there and gone, and they can hear an immediate yelp from above. "Rassumfrassum Legos!" There's a round of hopping around on one foot, but he's seated at the edge of the bed by the time they join in, rubbing at a heel. "Check it out. It's us. And a lot of me. I mean, the usual me. I don't even have a couple of these action figures!" Sure enough, there are those boxes waiting around for them.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl looks over in surprise as Raven makes her own teleport in. She nods in agreement to Gar, and then...he's gone. A soft sigh, and she starts up to the room after him. She blinks as she arrives, looking about at all the memorabilia. "Goodness. That's a lot of stuff." The fact that there's a figure of /her/ up there just makes her blush in a bit of embarassment, as she looks about for the boxes that have to be moved.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven lingers in silence for a time. That the woman offered coffee is... Tempting, but it isn't /her/ coffee. She has been down this road before, and it is one that leads only to the dead end of disappointment. She neither wants to be mean or rude, but seeing as accepting the coffee may result in the former, Raven opts for the latter, and responds with a simple: "No, thank you."

    When Gar notices her presence, Raven turns her head to face him, her expression drearily neutral. "Garfield." she responds, in cold, calculating greeting. She is still just that /little/ bit upset with him for the stunt he pulled during their Reject Titanity, Return to Donna ritual.

    She had not come here for manual labor. In truth, she had come here only to speak to Terry, but her powers would make quick work of what needs to be done, and save the other Titans any need to break a sweat- and, frankly, it'd be a nice gesture to simply teleport everything. She is considering it until they arrive.

    Her head swivels slowly, up and down, left and right, taking in the sight of how absolutely nigh-upon cringeworthy Terry's longstanding collection of figures is. Most amusing and upsetting are the posters of Gar, littering the walls like those of a boy band in a teenage girl's bedroom. She certainly was not ready for the mental image of Terry rolling around on his bed clutching a pillow and referring to Gar as 'Dreamy' while getting inexorably tied up in a phone cord. Not that the mental image was era-appropriate, but it was still there. Unbidden.

    There is, after a moment, the digitized sound of a camera's shutter clicking. The keen-eyed or swift of reaction will catch as Raven's phone and hand slide back into her cloak.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I've //never// seen her do that," Madison remarks brightly. "It great!"
    It would be easy to say that nothing gets the girl down - if they hadn't so recently seen something get the girl down.
    She tromps upstairs with the others, looking around with wide-eyes at all the superhero memorabilia before she exclaims, "OH. Em. Gee, this is GREAT!" She pounces across the room, carefully and reverently picking up a LEGO Millennum Falcon. "I always wanted this set! Terry is sooooooo lucky!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"He mowed lawns for a whole month to buy it, Madison," Agatha comments, "I don't know where. None of the houses on this street /have/ lawns."

Agatha's eyes slide over to Raven after the shutter sound, and the woman's green eyes almost positively glow with a subtle but detectable amusement. "Gar, help Supergirl with these boxes- you can peek at the Attic and then use your Rabbit holes to help. It should be good practice with your visualization, anyways."

Her hand goes over and pats Madison's head, "Do you want another cookie, Madison?"


A door downstairs. Click.

"Mom! We're here, where do you want the stuff?" That's Terry's voice. Terry, who has arrived with Kian after leaving his job at The Planet. On an errand for his mother.
"Up here is fine, Terry!" Agatha calls.

Soon, there is the sound of steps coming up the stairs.

Then, Terry's frame appears through the door, and the bags he was carrying fall to the side as he stops dead cold, probably causing Kian to bump into him.

And he stares.

At Gar- no big surprise, he's the only one he has allowed in here.

But there's also Madison.

And Supergirl, staring at the model of Supergirl hanging from the ceiling.

And Madison.

And /Raven/.

A little squeak comes out of him, and that is all.

Kian has posed:
    Kian *oof*s, bumping into Terry from behind.  "What?" he asks, pushing past him, "There's nothing we haven't seen before!  And you've seen my collection of holos of /qihar/ stars."
    He bows shortly to Agatha /Teri q'chal/ by way of greeting, and waves to his other teammates as if there's absolutely nothing embarrassing in her.  "Where does all this need to go?"

Gar Logan has posed:
"Yeah, I can do that. Happy to help." Gar is seeking to avoid Raven's gaze at this point, and making himself useful is the way to go with it. However, he's squarely in the photo she sneaks of the room, recording everything on display for whatever nefarious purposes she may have in mind. Blackmail, or simply just sharing it with the world without hesitation.

So, he withdraws his own phone and takes a picture for himself, too! Madison's fawning over the Lego Millennium Falcon is quite on-brand, as well. "C'mon, Superdupergirl," he says to Kara. "Let's get this show on the--Terry! And Kian! Hey! You made it!"

Ears perk up at their arrival, then he hops back to his feet after ensuring the offending Lego piece didn't cause any lasting damage. "I'm supposed to be getting a look at the attic so I don't say anything else I might be embarrassed by later on. Like telling your mother how pretty she still is. You're right. I can remember stuff from past Cheshires." Is he lying, here?

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Man, it was sooooo worth it," Madison says brightly to Terry's mother. She's just about ot nestle it back into place when she turns and, "Terry!" she greets the man. "This Falcon is great! I mean - with Luke, and Leia, and Han and everything. I love it!" she slips it back into tplace - before Terry's alost stricken look starts to seep through.
    "You alright?"

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven notes the look she gets from Terry's mother. She appreciates it, and understands. One must be vigilant for new ammunition, of course.

    In silence, the roles are doled out as Kara and BB get ready to take some of the crates upstairs, and Raven makes sure that she is out of the way, drifting ominously off to the side. It has suddenly become important that Terry find her here. Eminently, engrossingly important. Today is, of course, her lucky day- Terry was already on his way, and he stumbles upon them in his Fortress of Nerditude before any of the people who have already seen everything can leave. Were she still unable to fight the glee down, she would be grinning like some horrible Smug-Elemental at the moment.

    Instead, she just looks over to Terry. In her calm, unwavering voice, she speaks to him.

    "I know how this looks, but I will be the first to say that it is far, far worse than you have ever feared. For one, I am well aware of Beast Boy's career, and I think that it is important that everyone in this room be advised that the posters are not often for sale outside of conventions or, specifically, being made expensively at a print shop. I will let everyone consider those questions on their own, and draw their own conclusions."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Agatha chooses that moment to say, "I'll bring up some more cookies," in that tone of voice that mothers have that is perfectly pleasant, but which also indicates that Someone Has Been Taught A Lesson And Don't You Forget It. It's worse than getting Middle-Named. The woman gives Madison the last cookie on the tray so she can have something for the road, and goes down. There's also the tiramisu to bring out.

Terry's cheeks are as red as his hair. His hand goes to rub the back of his neck, which feels like it's burning, and not even Gar's comment can get him to speak up above a whisper from the sheer weight of crushing embarrassment that is currently pressing down upon him. Maybe later, Gar will get what's coming to him. But now? All Terry can muster to say is:

"... I ... went to Hero-Con... a few times."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan is all smiles as Raven points out a few things about the posters. "Yeah, I've autographed a bunch of those. All special con posters." He whistles while he works, but first he steps out into the hallway to go up to the attic for a look-see.

In passing, he says to Terry, "I know you're already plotting your revenge, so let me give you a little more motivation." He ruffles at Terry's hair, and upon drawing his hand away he wiggles his fingers and a mild amount of glitter descends, making for a very sparkly redhead who can't do anything right now to get /his/ Cheshire back.

"We'll be down for dessert in no time!" he calls after Agatha, giving Madison a brief look, or at least toward the cookie.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven neither nods, nor acknowledges that statement. Instead, she allows Terry to wallow in his embarrassment and let that emotion fuel whether or not the others consider his statements genuine. Regardless, she has a true, genuine message to deliver, and she should do that.

    As the others prepare to move the boxes from the room, Raven approaches Terry and for a spare moment halts the egress of anyone preparing to depart- as she sort of locks Terry in the door. It's not impossible to push past- not even in the slightest- but you'd have to push past. It'd be rude.

    "Terry. Recently, there were some things that I expressed to you that were not entirely true. I do feel that you could have done more to learn about, and control, your abilities. That there were and are people who could have helped you in ways that the Titans cannot. While I do feel that it was your responsibility to have sought them out, placing the onus of that on you was not my intention. It is and was still their responsibility to have sought you out as much as it was yours to seek them. The Titans are honored that you chose to come to us. We are happy to have you here, and we value your presence. More than all of the very important things that we have all learned and seen today, that we will inevitably share, this is the most important thing. You belong with the Titans. You are trying your best. Nobody can ask for anything more than that."

    With that, she slips off to the side, and allows for the others to start doing the job they actually came here to do: And for reasons and with a reaction speed tuned to the hugging speed of Starfire, Raven begins to quietly teleport away, leaving the others to their gathering, and definitely not helping move any boxes.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Awwww!" Madison says - around a mouthful of cookie. "If that isn't time for a group hug-!" But Raven is already starting to fade as the chipper Jedi bounds across the room, and wraps Terry up into a sudden, and enthusiastic hug. "Wait! Group hug!" she calls after Raven - managing to sound mildly affronted. "I mean, really..."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry blinks a couple of times, being speechless as he was from the get-go, he doesn't quite know what to say. When he eventually finds his voice, he does manage to squeak out "T-thank you, Rae... that means a lot. I said some things in anger that night, and I'm sorry. I hope you can forgi-"

And that's when the dusting of glitter falls from his hair and onto his face, causing him to sneeze momentarily and look away from Rae as he grabs the nearest thing to wipe his face- a towel. A Wonder Woman towel. When he has managed to rid his face of glitter, Rae has managed to do her exit number.

To Madison's disappointment, he smiles, "That's Rae for you. She won't do group hugs. She also probably doesn't want to be around Gar while he's still not successful in taming the..." right. The Cheshire. Gar had something coming to him, alright.

"Let's... let's go down to get some dessert, okay? Supergirl and Gar have almost got this done".

And he stops at the door, and looks back at his room. With all of the multicolored, garish memorabilia a sentimental teenage boy with his head in the clouds could accumulate. With the people he admired, some of them actually managed to know.

It was easy to be embarrassed by where he came from, but he couldn't hide it. It was who he was, and that informed who he came to be. And then on an impulse he walks over to one of the Titans sets and picks up the Troia figure and moves her right next to the Raven one. Then he walks out of his room and closes the door behind him when there are no more boxes.

It's only when he starts making his way down the stairs that suddenly he stops, and says, "Wait, what did she mean with 'that we will inevitably share'?"