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Brotherly Love
Date of Scene: 28 March 2020
Location: Main Foyer
Synopsis: Emma brings Alex back to Xaviers. Scott and Jean discuss with them what (rather, who) caused Alex's mental block; as several of the students swarm like sharks. Hope does NOT have a gun in her room, grandpa.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Alex Summers, Scott Summers, Laura Kinney, Jean Grey, Hope Summers, Joshua Foley, Gabby Kinney

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's arm is around Alex, her thin form supporting him only in the most technical of ways as she helps him from her SUV. More of a guide, really, than keeping him upright. Alex's presence got them past the front gate, and she guides him towards the front door of Xavier's, occasionally giving him little mental 'pinches' to keep him awake enough, at least, to get him inside where someone there might be able to be of better help. She leans against the doorframe with the shoulder not under Alex's, and jabs the doorbell.

"I hope Jean gets here quickly," she mutters. "I don't think this is going to go well, otherwise."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex, for his part, is more than a little wobbly on his feet, occasionally have to lean on Emma to keep his balance as he moves ike someone whose recently coming out of heavy sedation, or a minor concussion...or mental surgery, in this case. His brow is furrowed with concentration as he tries to keep himself going. "Mm...she'll...be here..." he mutters back. "I don't...uh...think, I don't think that....that they'll mind." He's having a hard time concentrating really, as his brain really just wants to go back to sleep.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott is waiting at the door of the large mansion, frowning the way older brothers from when they see little brothers in the kind of trouble which is probably -their- own fault.

Nevertheless, he steps forward to help Alex off Emma. "Miss Frost," he greets. "I am Scott Summers. Alex' older brother."

They look alike, although Scott is taller, dark-haired, and definitely lacks some of the younger man good looks. Maybe it is because of those odd red-tinted glasses that hide much of his face.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura's mental shielding isn't up to the level of someone with actual telepathic abilities, but her self control is enough that she doesn't leak. Emma's first clue that Scott wasn't the only one answering the door was what was best described as a focused... intensity following the signature that was Scott. She's not moving to the door herself, but instead remaining off to one side in such a way that she'll be able to see who enters before they could see her. There's an unknown here, and she needs to assess a potential threat. ...And check to see if this person was Mystique. Rogue had been very clear about that. Make sure Mystique didn't come back.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma lets out a small sigh of relief as Scott takes Alex's bulk off her shoulder, standing up straight. "Emma Frost." She glances at Alex. "Alex's girlfriend." The sender of cupcakes, Laura. Cupcakes. "He's had a rough go of it-- his powers were triggered uncontrolled, and there was some... mental damage. It's healed, mostly." She forces a half smile. "I called Jean to help. She... should be here soon."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex grunts a bit as he's transferred, swaying a bit. "Hey bro..." he says a bit blearily, peering at Scott, a little wince running through him at Emma's reminder of the night at the Dungeon. Still some nasty hallucinations swirling around in his memories over that...combined with more recent true memories recovered, meaning that the whole thing feels a lot like the worst fever dream combined with an LSD trip.

    Laura's presence draws a glance, then a point. "....d'you know she's got /knives/ for hands?" Alex comments, leaning against Scott heavily for a moment, then nods at Emma's explanation. "Girlfriend..." That draws a faint smile at least.

Scott Summers has posed:
All Scott knows about Laura is that she is supposed to be Logan's daughter. Someone cleared her to be here. That Logan has spawned is a worrisome thought he parked for later thinking.

Truth to be told Laura doesn't look anything like he expected. But that is probably good. That she has knifes for hands makes him look. No, she doesn't. Or maybe she doesn't now. One never knows. "Yes, Jean told me... things." He comments cautiously. For the both of them.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "No, Alex. I still have hands." Laura holds one up. See? Hands. Also claws are not knives. ...he apparently has brain damage though, so she's going to let this slide. "So you are the one who sent the cupcakes. They were very good." They were. They were, in fact, the best cupcakes Laura had ever eaten. ...But that doesn't mean she isn't still suspicious of Emma.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma chuckles at Laura, giving her a smile. "I did send the cupcakes, yes. I'm glad you liked them." She looks to Scott, then to Alex, then back to Scott. She considers dipping into the elder Summers' mind for a moment, but refrains. For now. "So..." This is awkward. "I wish Jean was here."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "And regenerating your skin is really painful. Hope said." Alex responds to Laura. Yes, his brain goes strange places apparently. And he got an explanation of how Laura and Gabby's abilities work from someone who absorbed something similar. "She had to...go poke some brains. 'r somethin'." He sways a bit. "Mebbee...sit down somewhere...?"

Scott Summers has posed:
"You are rambling," points out Scott, taking Alex to the reception room and dumping him on a couch. "Jean should be here in a few minutes," he offers, leaning forward to examine Alex eyes, then taking his wrist to check pulse speed. Boy scout first aid basics. Of little use since he has not taken drugs or hit his head, but he goes through the routine because he knows he is going to be asked about it later.

Jean Grey has posed:
Speak of the Devil... er, Phoenix... Jean steps in at that moment, and looks a bit relieved, "Oh, good, you're all here." She smiles a bit, though she seems a bit tense from what she's discovered. Plus, well, the type of telepathic work she did is... well, draining, to put it mildly. Her eyes flicker around, though she does focus a bit on Laura, before her gaze settles on Scott, "What did I miss?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"Well, no one has exploded, or stabbed anyone," Emma replies to Jean dryly, "So a success so far." She also looks drained, for much the same reasons as Jean, as well as fitful sleep the night before. She moves up beside the other telepath, peering down haughtily at the Summers boys. "In Alex's defense for his rambling, he just had a bit of psychic surgery done. Frankly, I'm surprised he's as coherent as he is," she says coolly.

Alex Summers has posed:
    The blonde Summers glances over as Jean makes her appearance. 'See, there she is..." he murmurs, then quiets as Emma brings up the surgery, before looking at Scott soberly. "I...I killed him...I didn't mean to..." His voice has an echo of old horror in it, as he shakes his head. "Didn't mean to...the club, I didn't...I didn't mean to either..."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "This is true." Very painul. Honestly, pretty much everything to do with Laura's powers is painful. But that's not relevant right now. "...Why did he need surgery?" This is a rather relevant question. How does she know that Emma hasn't mind whammied Alex and is using him as a trojan horse to get inside the mansion? But... She's had to deal with those feelings before. "You are not the only person who has killed someone who they did not want to. It is not your fault." Alex gets one, then two shoulder pats. This is establishing an emotional connection through physical contact!

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott frowns behind his synthetic quartz glasses. But then he sighs and responds, "relax, Alex. Whatever happened can wait a few hours." He looks at Jean, looking relieved. "Something telepathic. No drugs, but his pulse is irregular. I think he might be going into shock, but I am not completely sure."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean gives Emma a dry look back, "It's early. Give it time." She looks at Alex and Scott with concern, then mmms, "It was... well, a lot of damage done to Alex. Mentally. Not by Emma, mind you, but by how that block was set up." She glances over at Emma, "How much did you tell them?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"Not much," Emma replies to Jean. "I didn't want Alex's brother to blast me back to the city." No clue why she might have that impression. "Not sure he still might not," she muses. She gives Alex a bit of wry smile. "Alex... it's okay. I promise. That's why I brought you.." she glances around, her tone quieting. "Home, I guess."

Hope Summers has posed:
There is a visitor. Which is probably the one reason Hope isn't coming down the stairs with a partially deconstructed and definitely oversized laser gun under her arm. What she does have is a scrap of paper with hastiy scribbled notes, a couple of small screwdrivers and a wrench in the other hand, and a look of raw determination.

"Hey, do we have any-" She pauses when she sees that the visitor is //here//...and recognizable. "Uh, hi. Everyone...okay?" Because she could run back upstairs for that gun...

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex inhales deeply, furrowing his brow as he eyes flutter a bit, before he opens them wider. "Maybe...gotta sit down..." he mutters. He nods slightly to Laura, swaying a little. "Hope...hi..." he says, turning to look at her, being...well, a little unsteady.

    His head lolls back a bit against the back of the couch as he just sort of bonelessly sprawls there for the moment, his chest rising and falling.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura is still confused. Did psychic surgery usually leave someone acting like they're high? Not that she really has any baseline. "Hello Hope." Hope makes sense. Unlike what's going on right now.. "...So if Emma Frost is allowed to be here and does not smell like Mystique, do you need me for anything else?"

Scott Summers has posed:
It is probably a good thing Hope is not carrying an oversized laser gun anywhere on her person. Those are not allowed in the upper floors of the school unless it is an emergency. It saves her from being grounded by her grandfather, which is always awkward.

Instead he gets a nod and a "hello, Hope. Have you met my brother Alex already. I am afraid he is not feeling himself today."

Then to Emma. "I am not going to blast you anywhere, Ms. Frost, no worries," not without due trial first! "I am quite sure you had a good reason for..." he glances to Alex. It is probably his fault, somehow. "Jean, should we move him to the infirmary?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean looks at Alex, hmming a bit, "Might not be a bad idea... I didn't think there was any physical damage, but with the amount of repair that was needed..." She pauses, and gives Alex a sympathetic look, "Probably best that we keep him close, so if I need to go in again I can do that. Everything seems okay for right now, though."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma grimaces. "If that bastard damaged him, I don't care if he fancies himself powerful: I'll reduce him to a drooling vegetable," she says icily. She sits down beside Alex and slips her hands around one of his, squeezing lightly.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hey, Alex," Hope says slowly, quirking a brow when he seems to pass out. The urge to borrow some of the psychic powers in the room and peek at what exactly happened to Alex is strong, but she resists. Given who the psychics and the other people in the room //are//, chances are she wouldn't get anything out of it anyhow.

Tucking the tools and the note in her back pocket, she moves to stand over by Laura, sticking her hands into her front pockets. The other brow rises at Emma's words. "Wait, you mean someone else-" She starts, then stops herself, clearing her throat. "He have too much to drink and get in a bar fight or something?" she tries to cover.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex holds up a hand and says in a quavery old man voice. "I'm not dead!" He snickers a bit to himself, then sort of leans until his head is on Emma's shoulder, before he sighs, then opens his eyes, peering up at Emma, then Jean. "...you should tell him what you saw." he says more quietly. "I'd so it but it's all...jumbled still. "

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "Tell me if you need me to kill whoever hurt him." Laura shrugs one shoulder, turning and heading off towards the kitchen. Her job here is done, Mystique is not here, and she's kinda hungry. ...Okay, scratch that, she's very hungry. Someone'll yell if she's needed, right?

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott grabs one of Alex arms and pulls him up again, wrapping his own arm around his back to help him walk. "C'mon, lets get you to a stretcher and you can tell us what happened," or more likely, Emma will. Alex ramblings are amusing but not very informative. "No one is getting killed today," he notes to Laura. What is Logan teaching to his daughter?

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma follows in Alex and Scott's wake. "Some... silvery bastard telepath saw Alex's powers... when he used the the first time." She pauses. "Which was //not//, as you may think, a few weeks ago... but when he was a teenager." She bites her lower lip. "Someone died." Her voice gets colder. "He deserved it. But still. Dr. Franknfurter, whoever he was, blocked Alex's memory and implanted a false one of the incident. Said something about... possibly expunging the lesser genetic path..." she narrows her eyes. "He was still there, linked somehow, in Alex's mind. When I removed the block, he threatened me, told me to put it back. I called Jean to help heal the wound it left." And that was it.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex nods slightly in agreement with Emma, closing his eyes as he leans against Scott as he's helped back up, focusing on putting one foot ahead of the other as they head to the infirmary. "I didn't mean to." he repeats quietly."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope squints a bit at the description, following behind the group. "Did he...happen to have a red jewel of some sort on his forehead?" she asks, looking between Emma and Jean. She tries to keep her voice casual. Don't screw up the timeline. Don't panic people. Things don't have to be the same here as they were on her world.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma snorts. "Yeah. And some ridiculous black trenchcoat. Seriously, I think he got his fashion sense from Rocky Horror."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean glances over at Emma, "Well, if he starts singing, I quit." Quit what, she's not sure. But she'd do it, from the sounds of it. She then looks over at Hope, and nods, "That sounds like him, yes. You saw him in... your world, I'm guessing?"

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott falters at hearing the description of the one that messed up Alex head. "Sinister..." he mutters. "Also known as Doctor Milbury. Yes, we... know about him."

A bit too much to talk openly with Emma Frost present. But one does not need to be a telepath to see Scott's reaction. It helps to feel his hatred and fear of this man, which overrides his usually very strict control of his emotions and thoughts.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh comes meandering down the steps from the ..well the upstairs and his room. He is still really adjusting to life at Xavier's because it is always really strange.

Today looks to be the norm not an exception as well.

Spotting Alex in some distress though, because honestly he looks drunk or hungover. "Is Alex okay?" he queries as he walks over.

No mental shields on this kid, he is full of many thoughts. Like are his parents finally going to call and get over their issues. Do any of these psuedo-adults know how he arrived here and is the other shoe going to drop on his head. Should he try to heal Alex. That kinda stuffs if anyone is reading the room by habit.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yep," Hope nods to Jean, grimacing. "He was weird. He had this whole...clone thing going on? And a //weird// thing with genetics. Particularly..." Holding one hand in front of the other to shield the action, she points a thumb toward Scott. "Not the kind of guy you can actually put down. Always had an out."

Hope with the mission-critical summary.

"Nate mentioned him when he showed up, too, so it sounds like him being a weird douche is a universal constant." Belatedly, she gives Emma a searching look. "Uh. Thanks for the cupcakes, by the way." Testing the water. Still, Josh at least gets a small smile.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "So...this guy is fuckin' with me because of some genetic shit?" Alex grunts. "Why me? He said I was the lesser gentic line or something..." He shakes his head a bit, reaching up to scrub his face with a hand. "That means he was waching me before it hapepned..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's nose wrinkles a bit in disgust, following Hope's thumb jerk. "Oh." She says flatly. "Well, he sounds //charming//." She reaches out to Alex, putting her hand on his arm. "I didn't think that manipulating mutant genetics was a particularly... wise thing to do. My understanding was that generally leads to non-viable genetic material." She lifts a brow, shrugging. "Just... we've recently been looking to acquire some biomedics companies. Some of them have had some... interesting but as-yet non-functional biostudies."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean pauses, then sighs, "Mystique told me... well, she found out that Sinister was in some way behind Genosha as well." She glances at Scott, then the others, "She might have bad information, but //she// believed this was the case. And she's pretty good at finding out these things, so I'm inclined to believe this." She frowns, "But why... if you're interested in mutant genetics, why kill so many mutants???"

Scott Summers has posed:
"Sinister is a murderer," comments Scott, finally reaching the infirmary and dropping Alex in the closest stretcher. "Extremely dangerous, and usually has superpowered servants to do the fighting for him." He looks at Emma. "You should avoid tangling with him. He killed hundreds of mutants already."

And Mystique thinks he was behind Genosha's attack? That is a theory of some merit. But there were Sentinels and some kind of strike from orbit. It doesn't seem Sinister would have those resources. "He killed the Morlocks," he reminds Jean. "But no... not with Sentinels. Still might be a good idea to check the leads."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh offers Hope a smile back then goes back to watching the 'adults' talk about some dude named Sinester and Genosha and stuff.

He edges over to Alex and then pauses "Alex mind if I touch you, just want to see how you are doing?" vibe check time.

Hope Summers has posed:
"That seems weird for-" Hope starts to echo Jean, then nods when Jean asks the question. "For someone who finds the whole genetics of mutations useful, attacking an entire island of them is a weird choice. Maybe he was just taking advantage of the destruction to gather..." Pausing, she considers her audience. "Raw materials?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives Josh a healthy bit of sideeye... who is this child, and what are he trying to do to Alex? Jean may sense Emma start reaching out with her telepathy towards Elixir-- but suddenly pull back, as if she thought better of it. Which she has. For the moment. But the urge to give a mental swat that sends the child packing is quite intense, and easy to read.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex grunts as he's laid back, shifting as he wiggles on top of the cot, sighing. "...guy sounds like an asshole." he mutters, then focuses on Josh. "....uh...sure?" As he has no idea what Josh can do really, but if he wants to help, why not, right? "Maybe he was...culling genetic lines. Wants to have only certain mutant lineages breed true, so he removes the others."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean gives a look at Emma, mentally communicating with the other telepath, <<It's alright. He's a healer. If there's some physical damage we missed, he'll be able to take care of it, I think.>> She flashes Emma a reassuring smile, then looks at Hope, lips curling into a frown, "That, might be the case. Or he might even be pruning 'unnecessary genetic lines,' because he's just that much of a vile being."

Scott Summers has posed:
"He is a madman," concludes Scott. "Whatever he told you, Alex, it will be lies and manipulation with only a sliver of truth to make it plausible." He sighs, trying to think. "Just get better soon, and we can talk. Jean, please, monitor his mental state the next couple days. Mr. Foley, we are grateful for your offer, but I believe until you have a better understanding of your abilities you should avoid experiments."

He heads out of the room, "I need to check a few things. I'll see you in the evening. Ms. Frost, if you wish to stay for the night, I will arrange a guest room is available. A pleasure to meet you, I wish it had been in more normal circumstances."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Welp Josh has no idea how much trouble he is in danger of being in, he is just trying to be helpful. He is totally about to vibe check Alex and be helpful... and then Scott shuts down that little experiment.

Josh steps away and looks disappointed and gives a shrug walking oer towards Hope. "Not sure how Iam supposed to figure this out at all if I am not allowed to experiment at all... " is the mutter towards Hope.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope considers for a moment, then wrinkles her nose, shaking her head. "Mutation's not reliable like that. I mean, it's random by its nature. If you cut lines, you cut the chances of spontaneous generation of exactly what you're looking for."

She pauses, looking around after her oddly scientific explanation. "I've gone through a //lot// of testing," she offers in weary explanation, eyes rolling. At Josh's comment, she reaches over to give his shoulder a pat. "It's okay, you'll figure it out. I'd offer to let you test me, but I'm a terrible baseline."

Emma Frost has posed:
<<Right. Mutant...>> the mind-feel of the word 'cult' grazes that thought, but <<Institute. I'm not usually surrounded by others with powers, especially not... diverse ones.>> Not to this degree, at any rate. Emma sighs a bit, then looks to Scott. "If he had anything to do with Genosha... well, he's a monster more times over than just what he's done to Alex. And I'm... not particularly comfortable with this talk of 'lineage'. Sounds... a bit medieval if it comes down to it. Or like eugenics. And eugenics and mutants... well." She shakes her head. "There's a reason I don't advertise what I am." Maybe Scott might be a little less concerned about her outing the school, eh? She nods to Scott. "Thank you, Mr. Summers. I may take you up on it." She doesn't want to go too far until she's sure Alex isn't going to have an anuerysm or something.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex sighs out, resting his hands on his stomach. "I'm fine Emma, I"m just...a little fuzzy. I'll be fine with some rest." he murmurs, trying to reassure the blonde telepath. "And I'm sure Jean can give you a pass or something for here, if you need it..." He closes his eyes a bit, saying to Hope. "Maybe he doesn't know that yet...you're from the future, he's here. The testing to determine that might not have happened yet."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods and looks over at Emma, "Well, you've been a friend so far, and I think you're alright, Emma." She smiles a bit, "So I don't have a problem signing off on you being here. But if you give too many cupcakes to the kids here, I'm sending you the dental bills." She then pats Alex on the shoulder, "And you, take it easy. I'll check in on you tomorrow." With that, she waves to the rest, telekinetically lofting herself into the air since... well, where's she's going she doesn't need stairs.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh looks over at Hope and tilts his head. "Well I mean I'd still hold your hand and feel you if you would let me." pause "Okay that sounds totally wrong but that does seem to be how it works... I figure if I try to get a baseline for each person that would be good long term so I can tell when stuff is wrong... or hell maybe not."

There is a shrug "I am still muddling through this."

Hope Summers has posed:
"If I understand right, that guy's known all about genetics and mutations for way longer than most people," Hope shrugs to Alex. "But the last time I saw him he was ready to get the whole planet wasted to get his ultimate goal, so...you can't really reason with crazy."

She tries and fails at holding back a laugh at Josh's comment. "Yeah, that came out wrong," she agrees. "But sure, go for it," she says, holding out a hand.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex hehs at Joshua, nodding. "It's cool kid, dont' sweat it. I'll be okay with some rest, I'm sure. It's just.." He frowns a bit. "it's just all a bit of a shock, and I"m already blitzed after what happened the other night, so..." He shrugs his shoulders, huffing out, then watches Jean...fly away. "...wait, she can /fly/ too? Man, why didn't I get /that/ power?!?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma seems a little jealous of the display of telekinesis as well, though she shakes her head, a half smile touching her lips as she recieves a telepathic message from Jean (and replies). She leans down and kisses Alex on the cheek. "Well, yours is a little more explosive."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh nods to Alex "Okay man, just wanted to help. Also flying does seem like a pretty awesome power.. also exploding things too. That is awesome."

Turning her attention back to Hope he nods. "I'm not always that bad talking, promise." and he takes her hand in his and closes his eyes just trying to understand everything he is sensing now.

Hope Summers has posed:
"It's not really flight," Hope notes to Alex. "It's part of the TK package. And it's a weird thing to figure out. Like...imagine physically picking yourself up. Weird to wrap your head around, right?"

As Hope warned, Josh's scan will reveal a myriad of unusual things. She's healthy enough and in good shape, sure. But there's evidence of several old broken bones, healed wounds, and a history of malnutrition among the things that stand out.

She turns her attention to Emma and Alex again, giving the woman a long look. "So, uh. Not to be weird or anything, but you should probably be careful about whose brains you peek at around here. Lots of people with...stuff you don't want to trigger."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "It really does..." Alex murmurs, getting a more thoughful look on his face, before peering at Hope. "Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck..." he comments, shrugging. "Flying around, effectively." He gets a meditative look now. "I wonder....Iron Man, he flies around with jets coming from his hands and feet...." Oh dear. Alex has had an idea. "I bet I could do something like that..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma replies dismissively to Hope, "Jean just told me." Since no one //heard// Jean doing so, it's pretty obvious the two women have been in telepathic communication. "She told me whom I should avoid that with, as well."

She swats Alex lightly. "I will remove that idea from your head," she mock(?)-threatens.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
While everyone is in here doing their thing, a pleasant little humming comes heralding Gabby's entrance. The scar-faced girl that was becoming a familiar sight around here makes her way inside only to pause at the sight of everyone. Her gaze skims over Josh, Hope, Emma and Alex before she asks, deadpan, "Uh, did I miss something? I was gonna check on Bellona's results, see if anything was figured out yet..." Oddly, this is one of the more relaxed and more serious moments for Gabby. It didn't SEEM as if anyone was hurt, though she lets her gaze linger on Hope being checked by Josh.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh lets go of Hope's hand and opens his eyes blinking.

Alex is the one in the infrimary bed really.

"Huh.. okay I mean I don't quite know what all that means but I think I got a pretty good read on it." he pauses thoughtfully and then asks Hope. "Did you break your arm and a leg one time...?" hesitates "I mean it feels sort of like Duncan's broken ribs..."

He glances over "Hey Gabs"

Hope Summers has posed:
"More than one time," Hope smiles ruefully to Josh, just in time to hear Alex's brilliant idea. "I don't know that there's a place where it's actually safe for you to do that," she chuckles, shaking her head.

"Hey, Gabby," she tips her chin to the other girl. "It's all good. Alex had a bit of a thing. Miss Frost here brought him back." Sure, the words sound like she's supposed to be grateful for such a kind act, but she's watching the blonde. Watching.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex looks aggrieved. "I gotta practice projecting energy, right? I could find a quarry or something no one is using somewhere for it..." he protests a bit to Emma and Hope. "If Iron Man can do it, I should be able to, it's the same basic idea. Shoot projective force out of your feet and palms." He sounds a little stubborn about it now!

    He does pause to nod as Gabby come sin. "Hey Gabs. Your sister was around, I think she went to the kitchen for something." He sighs. "Yeah, I just had some mental fuckery in my head that Emma and Jean dealt with, just a bit fuzzy at the moment." Alex does not believe in self censoring around young people, apparenly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives Gabby a half-smile for a moment in greeting, returning her attention to Alex. She tsks at him for the language, but otherwise seems to be... well, slightly aloof, but genuinely concerned and focused on him.

I mean, have you //seen// Alex? Pretty good looking guy.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh, okay, good," Gabby has to agree when she gets the OK about Hope. Not that she wasn't worried about Alex too! It takes a moment for everything to sink in. "Which sister?" She asks, but she has a good guess. Likely Laura. Bellona prefered to hang out by herself even more than Laura did, and was probably off loitering around the cabins or something.

Her eyes shift over to Emma once she realizes *that* is who this woman is. "You're Emma?"

Oh no. Attention drawn. Target aquired.

Gabby's smile grows larger as she crosses over to Alex's bedside to stand next to Emma, bouncing on the balls of her feet energetically. "Oh! Alex was super touched that you remembered his birthday and thank you for the cupcakes! I never had cupcakes before they were delicious! I'm so glad to meet you!" And she was. She honestly was. No one had ever taught this child telepathic shielding. Every thought, every emotion, was bubbling happily at the surface of her mind open for even the most casual of viewing. She was genuinely *happy* to meet Emma--And not because she was rich, or beautiful. But because she made Alex happy. And she got to try cupcakes.

All of this is just brimming over in her thoughts as she steps in to wrap Emma in a hug provided no one shoos her away in time.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh notes towards the Alex is pretty good looking. "Eh he is all right." teasing lightly. Then he looks back to Hope "That is a lot of breaks, that had to really suck?" understatement of the millenium, but he doesn't have an inkling about how bad Hope has had it really.

Then he looks to Gabs and Emma "It was really good pizza and cupcakes."

Hope Summers has posed:
"No offense, Alex, but I feel like Iron Man //probably// has a better grasp of physics than you do." Is it an insult if the point of comparison is a genius billionaire capable of building a high tech suit of armor from scraps in a cave? Hope doesn't seem to think so, smiling faintly as she watches Gabby go in for a hug.

She waves off Josh's concern, shrugging. "We did okay. I mean, I'm alive, so we did good enough, right?" Hope's bar is very, very low.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "I can figure it out! I mean, physics is in geophysics." Alex grumbles. "I totally could do that." Yeah, he's one step from 'hold my beer' here, but he's definitely got the idea stuck in his head now as an idea to try. He pauses as Gabby gushes at Emma and goes for the hug, his lips twitching up in a smile as he watches her reaction to the compliments and affection.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma blinks, a little overwhelmed at the sheer ferocity of happiness oozing from the young girl, even without Emma using her powers to actively read her. She "oof"s as Gabby crashes into her for a hug, awkwardly patting the girl on the back. The frosty telepath looks more like a deer in the headlights for a moment than anything else. "Ah... yes, you're all welcome. I didn't think it would be entirely fair for Alex to get cupcakes on his own."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney doesn't seem to notice the overwhelmed reaction. There was one thing she was good at, better than the rest, and it was giving hugs. Even if people awkwardly patted her back in return. Realizing she might be making her uncomfortable though she steps back again, still grinning broadly in spite of it. "Yeah it's really great to meet you! Did you and Alex have a good booty call? I told him to be responsible," she adds shooting him a glance.

"And if you try that I have to be there to see it. Though he might have a bit more control over his output," she reasons before leaning over the bed to give him a hug, too. Gingerly in case he really was hurt in more than his brainpan.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Commenting about Emma as Gabby hugs her like that. "Well Frost seems pretty cool.. thoguh don't think she ever got hugged by a kid before." yeah that aside is solely for Hope but can probably be overheard easily enough. He isn't really good at all the intrigue and skullduggery thing.

Then he looks fully at Hope "Well I mean you are safe her now right, probably a lot less chances for broken bones and everything... and well if you do get one broken I can fix it right."


"I wonder if I could fix where the breaks healed so it is like new.."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex blinks at Gabby. "Wait, what are we...oooh, right. The flying. Yes. Definitely." he says, patting her on the back at the hug. "Well, it might hurt a bit to fix bones. I mean, you have to rebreak them first, right? To get them to heal..." He's not entirely sure how Josh's powers work really.

    He's just gonna scoot right over mention of the booty call though. He's pretty sure that part of it is all over school by this point. Sigh. Eh.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Broken bones heal stronger," Hope shrugs to Josh. "As long as they heal clean, that is. So you could in theory, but it wouldn't really make things //better//, technically." She doesn't mention that he's fixed her breaks before. Or rather, a future, alternate version of him did. He doesn't seem to be quite ready for those sorts of revelations yet.

Instead, she continues to keep an eye on Gabby and Emma. Although Gabby's affection seems to have sufficiently disoriented the woman.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's pale cheeks flush a bright pink, and she glances to Alex. <<Really, Alex? You told the /kids/? And we didn't even-->> she sends to him with a sigh. <<I /was/ thinking of dragging you into a mindscape later tonight, but I think you're sleeping on the... cot.>> She continues to awkwardly pat Gabby's back until she breaks the hug, and then gives the younger folks another glance.

Alex Summers has posed:
    //I had nothing to do with it, she grabbed the phone when you texted about coming over before she took the picture then asked if I was going to use protection for my booty call in front of everyone.// Alex thinks defensively.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's face looks entirely too calm and icy. <<The Cot.>>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is apparently completely unawares she ruined Alex's night. Or Emma's really, as well, with that innocent question. *cough* Remember that sugarfueled selfie of Alex and cupcakes and the dark haired kid in the corner though? Those barettes in Gabby's hair look a lot like that picture.

Releasing poor Alex she steps away to give the couple a little space, and glances over to Josh and Hope with a little frown. "Don't bones get stronger after they heal from a break? Fixing it now might not be good. I mean if it was set wrong I could see, but..." she shrugs. "I've broken plenty of bones and healed them fine. ... Granted the labs usually did make sure they were clean breaks on us so they could monitor our healing progress..." Here she pauses with a thoughtful frown. There was a LOT the labs did, really, she'd rather not get into. Even with her rambling mind.

"Still need to hunt them down. I was hoping we'd figure out what they put in our heads that was killing us first, though."

Joshua Foley has posed:
"I didn't know that.. man I feel like there is a ton I probably need to learn about how bodies work given ...well what I can do vidently."

"Wait what.. .put in your heads that was killing you?" he was just half listening to Gabby because honestly she has a really weird upbringing but that part sunk in. "Is it out of your head?" worried about her really now.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Probably keep it safer, yeah," Hope nods to Josh with a rueful smile, stepping away from Alex's bed. "Gabby's stuff is a long story, Josh," she adds with a significant look in Gabby's direction and a slight tilt of her head toward Emma. You know. Easy on the secrets.

"We should probably let Alex and Miss Frost talk things out before he passes out," she suggests, starting toward the doors. "Glad you're doing okay, Alex."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex signs inwardly. //This is totally not my fault and I didn't tell you because I didn't want to embarrass you that it was going around.// he grumbles. "Uh, I'd recommend find like...an old bone or something to practice on. If you can do that. One that's not attached to anyone, I mean. Unless it has to be a loving bone. Er, a living bone!" he corrects himself quickly. He looks all puppy dog over at Emma!

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sighs again, chuckling softly. "Alex, seriously." She leans down and gives him a brief kiss. "It's all right... Hope, was it? I should let him have some rest too. He's had a hard couple of days." She shrugs. "Besides, I'm apparently staying for the night... so I should go probably see about this guest room." And besides, she hasn't exactly had a great couple of days either. Hope's seen enough trauma and stressful situations to recognize someone who's exhausted and almost to a breaking point. "Feel better, Alex." <<Besides, I'll see you again in a little bit.>> So maybe she changed her mind.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What? Oh." Gabby catches Hope's gesture and nods a single time only to clear her throat a little. "No, but it's okay, it didn't kick in till my sisters were older." Wait what? Okay? "I'll tell you all about it some time," she assures with a flash of a grin to Josh. When Emma says she's staying the night she perks up again. "Oh! We're having eggs in a basket for breakfast tomorrow! I don't know what that is but you should join us!" With that she hops over to give Hope a quick hug, and Josh a little pop to his shoulder in a friendly manner. "Okay, I'm gonna go hunt down my sisters and make sure they ate. Though if it's Laura she probably did. Byyye!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh isn't the fastest on the whole skullduggery which was said earlier of course, but he does pick up what Hope is putting down there. Nodding softly. "Right." he looks to Gabby "Sure that sounds great Gabs."

Then he blinks "What.. okay now I got to google that... " he pulls his phone out walking out of the infirmary as he looks up what an egg in a basket is.