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Latest revision as of 23:51, 22 June 2022

Placements on the Board
Date of Scene: 21 June 2022
Location: The Inner Sanctum - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Blake Riviere chooses to accept promotion to Squire of the Black Court.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Tessa, Susan Richards, Blake Riviere, Elektra Natchios

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The Chamber of the Council of Cardinals is in session. Seated upon the Black Throne, Sebastian Shaw gazes out over the floor, his thoughts drifting in his head. "I believe this one has much potential and merits serious consideration for promotion," he murmurs to Tessa as he awaits the start of the meeting.

He had sent a message to Blake Rivière requesting her presence. It was a simple message - "I would like to discuss your position within our group. You have impressed me." With a time and a place.

He had also invited the White Queen, Susan Richards. It was time for her to become more familiar with the operations of the Hellfire Club, after all.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa, as ever, stands to Sebastian Shaw's right. She's dressed for formal business, which is to say that she wears her hair in a Victorian bun, and her attire consists of an ornate purple corset with merrywidow-like garter attachments, and a matching thong. Dark stockings, boots, and gloves go along with the outfit, and a choker circles her neck. She looks both of a piece with the Hellfire Club's Victorian-sybarite aesthetic, and yet also stands out, with the royal purple color rather than black or white. When Shaw murmurs to her, Tessa glances to him and issues a single, silent nod. Her hands are folded in front of her lap as she stands.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan has, in fact, shown up for the meeting to come to grips with the more day to day and less 'dramatic reveal from invisibility of the new White Queen' activities of the Club leadership. Of course, she's still wearing the rather revealingly cut white bodysuit she debuted as part of her ascension to the throne... one doesn't get such an outfit for just /one/ occasion after all. It is, in its own way, a uniform.

And so, she does her best to balance an aura of imperious rule and casual welcome as she crosses her legs at the knee and observes quietly, glancing over to Tessa and Sebastian and offering a nod, and even the slightest hint of a crooked smile.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake did indeed arrive, herself summoned and seemingly someone who was quite able to make her way over rather quickly....or maybe the woman had simply been downstairs when the message came.

Regardless, the raven-haired woman in her dark backless gown made her way into the chamber, a 'Pawn' she may be, but the woman simply carried herself with the air of confidence likely oh-so-natural to many within the club.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Sitting on the White Court's side is Elektra, the assassin currently dressed in a laced white gown that flows all the way to the ground, a cut on the side revealing of a toned leg. To complement the white dress there's a sash of a blood red color and no weapons are in sight, even if considering who this is one would be surprised to not have the woman be carrying any.

There is a curious expression to her while she waits for the summons to be answered, one arm folded over her front while the other is propped up and holding her chin, fingertip lightly tapping the cheek while waiting.

All in all a rather relaxed posture. She inclines her head at the others present before her focus then goes to study Blake when she makes her way in.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Blake's arrival is rewarded with a smile from Sebastian Shaw. "Ah, Ms. Rivière."

He raises a hand in some form of greeting, and then looks to the others assembled - first Susan, and then Elektra. Tessa earns glances often enough to hopefully not feel excluded either.

"I wished to give you an opportunity to present yourself in a more personal setting to the White Court." He indicates the other side of the room.

"Ms. Rivière has joined us recently and made quite an impact. She provided us with critical intelligence and set in motion a very lucrative opportunity, as well as protected an extremely critical resource for the Club which Ms. Natchios helped in securing."

He leans back in his seat. "She ranks now as Pawn, but I wish to submit her for consideration of promotion, and as much as I value you her I wish to give her the opportunity to select her color if she wishes to take the white."

He leans back and nods to Blake. "Tell them what you wish to share of yourself, please. They are not as intimately familiar with your capabilities as I am."

Tessa has posed:
Tessa remains in place. Elektra and Susan are greeted with deep, respectful nods, but she doesn't speak. Her eyes then settle on Blake.

Tessa has a strange quality to her. She's like a Stepford Wife, kind of -- she doesn't seem blatantly /robotic/, but everything about her has a bit of that Uncanny Valley vibe, like she's just too... perfect to be real. Every motion is completely controlled and exactly what it needs to be. She never fidgets.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan lets out a soft noise, one eyebrow lifting, gaze sharpening a touch, sweeping over Blake far more appraisingly in the wake of Shaw's announcement. She murmurs out softly, "Well, I'd certainly agree that a promotion of /some/ form is in order. After all, rewarding important contributions is only logical."

She narrows her eyes slightly as her gaze flicks to Shaw and she grins a touch wider, "And I'd say protecting a Club asset /and/ introducing us to a lucrative opportunity more than deserves being allowed to choose which side of the board she gets to ascend to."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Susan was a new face, but Blake wouldn't be quite as good at her fields if she couldn't do a little information gathering and between public heroics and knowing it would be improper not to know a leader of a Court. Elektra she'd seen before and Tessa she'd worked alongside, the latter offered a light flick of a smile from her painted lips before Shaw announces her and she speaks up.

French-accented tones color her words as she sweeps her gaze over the others. "I am Blake Riviere. Some of you know what I am, but certainly you may have red what I am capable of. I bring knowledge, connections to the beings neither human nor mutant that have lived alongside both for quite a long time in the night...I am capable in my craft, dangerous and precise when needed, a beguiling voice whispered in the ear when called for. To simply speak it is to limit what I am able to do."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The mention of those critical resources bring a faint smirk to the assassin's lips. Yes, she remembers it. And she restrains herself from rolling her eyes at it. Still, the smirk remains as Elektra continues to listen. She inclines her head briefly. "And getting rid of some of our enemies." she says in relation to the mission she took due to the information provided.

As Blake then speaks of her capabilities Elektra looks towards Susan for a brief moment, then back to Blake. A moment later and she makes a sweeping gesture with one hand. "Then show us." she says in invitation.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is a smile on Sebastian's lips as he watches Blake present herself. It broadens considerably at Elektra's request.

He settles back in his seat, eager to see what Blake delivers.

If she looks to him for any sign, he will nod to encourage her to do it. But absent her looking to him for guidance, he makes almost no other motions.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa is studying Blake. She's not making a secret of it, either. Tessa functions by accumulating data. Relentlessly, completely. Every last detail of Blake is absorbed by the woman. The way she carries herself, the way she speaks, even how rapidly she blinks. No detail will escape the Black Herald.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan Richards shares a glance with Elektra, and her lips quirk in a little grin as the woman speaks her own thoughts before she can. Hands clasp on her knee and Susan's gaze drifts back to Blake as she murmurs out, "Oh! Yes, do show us something of what you're capable of. I'm sure we'll all find it most enlightening." She narrows her eyes slightly and murmurs, "Of course, being able to provide contacts within that particular... subset of society is not something to be overlooked."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Some secrets could only be secrets for so long after all, and after what she'd demonstrated? Well, she knew at least two in the room knew what she was. Instead, the woman nodded lightly, stepping towards Elektra, one than another...yet as she walked the shadows themselves seemed to creep over her, leaving the figue a silhouette before the next step brought her out, revealed to be an apparent perfect duplicate of the assassin. Right down to that smirk.

"We are all capable here," she begins, mimicry of Elektra's voice offered before there was a rush of motion far faster than a human could manage and the figure seemed again a formless silhouette before this time it was the White Queen herself duplicated before the other woman. Apparently Blake intended to let each one she copied 'inspect' themselves even as she talked.

"All talented, all powerful in our own ways. To brag of lethality sounds pointless," she begins before turning, that last rush completed with a flourish of the silhouette turning back to the Vampiress proper complete with her gown. "I am stronger, faster, I can take the form I wish when needed and I have learned many skills in my...long years."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The interest in Elektra's gaze turns to one of attention when those skills are put in display and Blake reveals her ability in mimic'ing others. A finely-trimmed brow arches in amusement but she inclines her head, "No one that sets foot in this room can be less than their best in their own fields." she agrees, "Or they may find themselves being eaten by someone more capable." such are the harsh realities of this court.

"To be able to mix such abilities but also a sharp mind is certainly something our Courts would welcome though." Elektra's gaze going to Shaw, "Seems you have found an interesting prospect, Black King. Not that I ever doubted." another brief smirk on her expression.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa steps forward. "Most impressive, Miss Riviere." Her voice is encouraging and pleasant. It sounds like a genuine compliment. At the same time, Tessa comes across like the Platonic ideal of customer service.

"It feels prudent at this time to inquire as to whether there are any circumstances or factors of which the Club should be aware." Tessa's brows lift. "I speak of things like conflicts of interest, potential antagonists, personal situations that may affect your ability or availability..."

Tessa keeps her hands folded in front of her lap. She doesn't seem to be put off at all that she's having this conversation in fancy lingerie. "You may volunteer whatever information you find pertinent. Its secrecy will be maintained. Please note, however, that anything withheld from the Club /will/ eventually be learned."

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan Richards quirks one eyebrow high at Blake's demonstrations, lips pressing into a thin, tight line... disapproval? An attempt to mask delight and /much/ approval? It's certainly an attempt to control some sort of reaction. She clasps her hands together with a thoughtful, low murmur as Tessa speaks up.

Well, if anyone would have an intimate knowledge of the difficulty of balancing the world of the Court and a public life, it would definitely be Mrs. Richards.

And as Tessa speaks, Susan nods in silent approval... of /course/ Tessa would be the one to bring up such important and carefully considered subjects.

There /are/ reasons she's so indispensible to the Club after all.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake's own lips pull to a line at Tessa's comments, a little nod of her head even as she does tinge to a smirk. "There are those who would hunt me for what I am. Those 'lesser' cousins of me who might bare grudge if they sought greater power and wished to retaliate for our actions, as hollow as that would be....but beyond that? Nothing specific comes to my mind in this moment."

A little pause, that partial smirk moving to a more complete amused smile. "And those I feed on? I leave them alive, albeit many with a more hazy memory. I prefer a 'willing donor' after all, so I am not one to create a mess that might inconvenience the court."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The smile that was on Sebastian's face turns to one almost resembling pride as Blake makes her presentation. He nods towards Elektra. "No one who sits in this room does so without having cultivated an eye for talent." Sits is certainly a key word in that sentence.

He nods with appreciation towards Tessa as she advances a most critical question, and then follows Blake's answer.

Finally, he looks to Blake herself. "Ms. Riviere, I believe that you have adequately impressed both sides of the board with your cunning and abilities, and so I do not think it is bold of me to suggest that you have a variety of options available to you for your promotion." His gaze is steady. "As you know, we have added roles beyond that of Pawn. I would offer to you any of those that you wish of the Outer Court if you wish to remain with me on the black side." He turns his gaze towards Susan. "Is there an offer as well from the White side?"

Tessa has posed:
Tessa looks to Shaw, and nods. She glances to the White Queen as well.

But Tessa's eyes settle back upon Blake in the end. She continues approaching, until she's standing right in front of the vampire. "While the White Queen considers," Tessa says, "may we see a further demonstration?"

A demonstration of /what/ exactly becomes clear when Tessa slips the long glove off of her left arm, and offers her wrist up toward Blake.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan's head bobs as that thin, controlled line splits into a somewhat less controlled grin, "Oh, absolutely. I'd hate to think I'd be so foolish even as new to my own position as I am to let you have /such/ a fine operative on your side without offering the hospitality of the White court as a temptation!" She quirks an eyebrow slightly and flashes an even broader grin to Blake. After all, while the Court might be full of rivalry, there's no reason it can't at least nominally be /friendly/, or wear the appearance of friendly rivalry.

Susan's eyebrows lift and she murmurs out dryly, "Oh, but don't let my answer preclude any further demonstration if you're wanting to give one."

Blake Riviere has posed:
The offer of the wrist brings a light chuckle, Blake drawing nearer to Tessa and gently taking the offered wrist...only to release it and gently press it against her cheek with a light grin before releasing it. "Perhaps another time, while I am not shy you might find the experience more 'intense' than expected."

With the offer made by Susan there is consideration of course, a smile to the praise before she bows her head. "I appreciate the offers of both the White Queen and the Black King...but if the role is mine to claim, than I will take my place as Squire of the Black Court. After all it was the court that drew me in to the circle."

Besides, black was far more her color if her attire was anything to go by.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The ever broadening smile of Sebastian Shaw seeks to burst. "As Black King, I graciously accept your decision and do hereby immediately name Blake Riviere to be Squire of the Black Court." There is a look towards Susan. She knows what it means. Then he looks towards Blake, and inclines his head to her.

"We shall speak a bit later, of course, of many things. I welcome you to the Court." He nods to Tessa. "The Black Herald shall handle the presentation of gifts, and then our formal business is concluded."

Tessa has posed:
Tessa is physically fit, but totally relaxed in Blake's gentle grasp. She allows Blake to move her arm however Blake likes, before it's released. "As you wish, Miss Riviere," Tessa says. She steps back and slides her glove back on.

"Hunting on the Club's premises is generally discouraged," Tessa notes. "It can lead to unnecessary complications. However, if you find yourself in need of sustenance, arrangements can and will be made to provide you with it." She walks away, but not back to Sebastian's side. Instead, she walks over to one side of the room, where she opens a drawer and retrieves from it what looks like a gift box for clothing.

Bringing the box back to Blake, Tessa holds it outward. "Welcome, Black Squire." She's smiling. She goes from inscrutable to genuinely personable on a dime, like she flipped a switch within herself. Inside the gift box: the traditional Hellfire Club lingerie outfit, fitted to Blake's size. Gloves, boots, corset, thong, cape, the whole set. Tessa is nothing if not prepared!