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Wonderland: They Went Gallumping Forth
Date of Scene: 01 July 2022
Location: Wonderland: Looking Glass Land - by the Woods of No Names
Synopsis: The aftermath of the battle, and the preparation for the final showdown. Also, there's a land shark, and the second most-unlike-Colette Colette that Terry has met yet.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Madison Evans, Michael Hannigan, Kate Bishop, Nadia Pym-van Dyne, America Chavez, Kaida Connolly, Colette O'Connail

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Someone has eaten Jonathan Sims.

Well, that was the news that the most depressing Newsboys in history gave. It's not Madison's fault, though, someone /did/ eat Jon.

The Jabberwock.

The news cast a damper on what had been an otherwise significant victory for the Titans and the Wonderlanders- the Jabberwock's army had been decimated and the Chrch of Alice was now... well, if not standing by Nadia fully, it was unsure enough of its own position not to tilt at the Titans.

There were wounded to take care of, too. "You'll be right as rain, Theophilus," Terry says, as the Mad Hatter gets a liberal amount of bandages applied to him. "We'll get you a new tea set, just don't push yourself, ok? We've nearly won."

Terry stands up and watches as Gar zips off to get more medical supplies from the Tower, via the portal Raven is maintaining, and exhales, leaving the makeshift medical tent behind as he walks across the field, looking for his friends. He's still bleeding from that forehead ding, but that's not nearly that important at the moment. They need to confer.

"Meeting time!" he calls out, "Titans!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison dashes over at the call to 'assemble' - a worried, anxious look on her features. "He told us to run! But- but I wanted to go after him, but then I'd forget, and I didn't have the vial, and how come he remembered we were even there? Shouldn't he have forgotten? And is the Jabberwock trapped in the woods not remembering now and do think we can save him or is he already-" She doesn't say the word. She doesn't even want to //think// the word as tears well up in her eyes.
    She looks desperately between the other, more experienced Titans, seeking answers - and reassurance.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick doesn't have a mark on him. But then again, after bringing people out of the dream, they may have been unphantasmed but he remained as is. In a way he's trying to save what energy he's got for whenever this breather's done with.

They sure as HELL are not done with Jon's situation. He just got some hope back with one lost friend, he's not dropping it for another. "We'll get him back." Nick states to Madison as he gathers in, not really feeling the need to argue semantics with Terry's call. He's not sure how they'll get Jon back. But they'll figure out something. It's a place of the impossible after all.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    When Gar goes flying through the portal for Medical supplies, he is replaced by a wild Archer as Kate steps through, geared up for a fight but having missed it by helpng hold down the real world.

    Yup she thinks of their world as the real world and Wonderland as, Unworld. Unreal. Something that definitely isn't very real at least. Even if it can be deadly.

    "Well.. looks like.. we won. I say that with the complete understanding that things often are topsy turvy and deceptive around here. So whats the sitch?" as she approaches Terry and his call for a meeting.

    She glances Madison up and down. "Okay... what's wrong?" because something is clearly amiss.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    In the aftermath of the fighting, Nadia in her Alice attire is surveying the field. She seems to be looking for something or more accurately some/one/. Marching over to where the mauled Bishop the Aurgh is and somewhat heedless of his injuries she reaches down and hauls him up, demonstrating the easily forgettable fact that she is indeed stronger than she looks. It is further made easier by the fact that one of the Wonderlanders took the liberty of tying him up.

    "I am have so many questions for you. SO MANY. But let's start with what happened to Mary Ann? Where is she?" She asks glaring at the man. After she just literally erased his partner in crime not long before, it might be a bit intimidating.

    But then the other party is returning and Madison is yelling about someone having been eaten. It is enough to split her attention, particularly when Terry calls for a meeting, but she is still listening and waiting for Bishop the Aurgh's answer. He is definitely not off the hook as she drags him with her over towards the others.

America Chavez has posed:
    America did a quick survey of the field from above looking for stragglers of the enemy or or wounded allies before she returns and lands next to Terry with a quick displacement of dirt and wind. "I think that's everyone" she says looking to the ginger haired young man she calls her friend. "A few didn't..." she hakes her head. "Well... war is war."

    At the emergence of Kate her eyes widen. "Kate! Nice to see you again!" she says offering the archer a wave. "Been a hot minute hasn't it?" We'll catch up after the briefing." She turns to Terry and the others. "Sim's is missing?" she asks for clarification on the situation.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Breathing heavily, Kaida comes walking over to where Terry called from and yes, she did walk. She's looking rather dizzy and she's holding on to a small pack and shaking it as she looks at it and then she flops down and lets out a long sigh.

"Anyone got any food?" She asks of everyone there and lets out another breath, rubbing her head and looking around, "I ran out and I kinda lacked the space for my usual pack by bringing the fire bombs."

She then blinks at Madison and then at Terry before closing her eyes and blinking several times.

"What's going on? WHere's Jon? Didn't he already...like wasn't we both..." She then flops back on her back and closes her eyes slowly, "Hungry..."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Wait, this lot are Titans? Since when?" asks... no, it's not Colette. Yes she does resemble Colette, but there are differences that are visible on closer inspection, even behind the domino mask she wears. She's got blonde hair that looks like natural, unbleached. She speaks in a French accent, and she has sworn, but only in French so far.. She's also dressed a a purple-trimmed white costume that says 'superhero' loud and clear, which Colette would never, ever do. She joined in the battle eagerly, and she flies. These are all very not-Colette things. Whoever this is, she doesn't resemble Colette as closely as the doppelganger did.

    Although she does answer to the name 'Colette'. Also she seems to know some people. Kind of. The 'kind of' a point that is reiterated when she makes her way over the battlefield from where she has been helping the wounded to join the assembly, and once more calls Terry 'Keith'. "You okay Keith? Looks like a nasty cut on your head." She looks genuinely concerned! It can't be Colette.

    "This lot are Titans?" she repeats, staring at the assembling crowd and looking distinctly amused. "Keith, have you been recruiting without asking of me or Court? Where /is/ Court anyway? Or Suun and Supergirl, could have used them here for this battle. Have you seen Kate? I got separated from her a while back. I think about... since six weeks ago? We thought we'd found a way into Wonderland, but when we stepped through the portal we ended up both in different places. I arrived at a world where everything was green. It was so DULL! The weirdest thing though, it didn't stop people painting their houses. There was like this whole thing. Everyone wanted to paint their houses like /all the time/, like it was this big contest. Except all the houses were green, and the only paint you could get was green anyway. People there were kinda crazy. Anyway, it wasn't Wonderland. But Kate didn't come with me, she must have ended up somewhere else. I've been worrying about her. I was... oh doesn't matter, anyway, I met this group of like... I dunno, I guess they were that world's equivalent of a super team? Real serious though. Kinda like the Batmen. I bet they broke SO many skylights. Anyway, they... And where is Req? Has anyone seen Req?"

    Colette, or not-Colette, doesn't seem to bother with things like conversation. It's obvious she is more than capable of holding a conversation with herself, except that she probably speaks to fast and excitedly to keep track of the flow of her own monologue.

    "Anyway, has anyone seen Req? Where's Req?" She turns away, cupping her hands to her mouth to call "Req! Here Req Req Req! Here boy! Tch tch tch! Where did you go to?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"She has been deposed and witten-up," the Bishop speaks in a petulantly as Nadia drags him bodily to the meeting, "And she is no more than a footnote in the great history of the Church of Alice now!"

<<Gar, bring some provisions for Kaida while you're over there, her tank's running on empty,>> Terry comms over. Thank goodness for that portal, right?

"Alright, people..." he pauses and stares at Colette. "Supergirl is back at the- wait, /who/ is 'Suun'? Colette why are you not making any sense and why are you dressed-" the redhead blinks, and says to Kate, "Hawky can you make sure she doesn't have an ugly bump on the head or something? She's doing this stream-of-unconsciousness thing that is /very/ unlike her an she seems to be remembering a version of me that's called 'Keith' and that's just obscene. Maybe she got concussed... and who is 'Req'?"

He exhales and glances back at the team, nodding at America's report, grimly. He glares at the Bishop that Nadia is wrangling about, "You opened fire and killed some of your fellow Wonderlanders. You, Bishop, are to be sent to Whitehall and be sentenced by the White Queen. Once we are done with this."

"Doctor Sims has been... taken by the Jabberwock. We need to rescue him. We may have the Red King, but the real threat is the Jabberwock..." he glances at the Woods of No Names. "And right now, it is lost in there, not knowing its name so it doesn't know what it's looking for."

He frown and rubs the black mark on his bicep, the wound the Jabberwock gave him.

"Okay, we need ideas. Brainstorming, let's go..."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "He's not //missing// he's //eaten,//" Madison informs America urgently. "Do we still have the vial? If- if there's enough drops, we can all drink a drop, and remember who we are in the woods and the Jabberwock won't so- so- I mean, we can beat it easy like that, yeah?" Madison asks - talking so quickly her words stumble over themselves as she shifts anxiously from foot to foot.
    She looks towards Nick next, but doesn't look at all convinced that everything is alright - that they'll get Sims back. Sometimes you can't get people back.
    But they still need to face the Jabberwock. Right?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"But I didn't see him chew." Nick points out to Madison, "So maybe we can go huntsman on that wocky's wolf. Or get him to throw him back up. It seems like a lot of time has passed but it hasn't. We can still do something."

He pauses, "Anyone know where we can get a giant size bottle of the Wonderlandian equivalent of ipecac syrup?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"I told that bastard he'd eat my steel..." Kaida raises up her blade from the ground, laying on her back with her sword held up, "...and he'll...get a tas...te..." Kaida's arm falls down and she looks up at the sky slow blinking.

"So like...a kit bar or a kat bar. Doesn't even have to bhe the whole kit kat...just one or the other would do..."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate raises a hand waving up to America "Sure thing!" then well she stops and stares at Terry, who seems to be bleeding, and Not-Colette. She just stares for a long quiet moment.

    "Fucking Wonderland." is what she finally surmizes shaking her head, not even bothering to point out to whatever or whomever that really is, that she is right here.

    Instead she focuses on Terry through his explanation and then at Maddison and then back to the others. "Well.." she digs in a pouch and tosses Kaida a couple of power bars without really looking just a "Food incoming." then frowns.

    "Okay so we have to defeat the jabborwocky... rescue Sims... and figure out what is wrong with Colette..." she looks at Colette.

    "Did you bump your head?"

America Chavez has posed:
    America is about to ffer her solution before her eyes track to Colette. "One second..." she says, holding up a hand to forestall more brainstorming. She peers at the woman for a long moment and shakes her head. "Umm.... Terry..." she says hestitantly. "That's not your Colette; or at least, not entirely. There's a discrepency in her..." she makes a face. "Okay, I'm going to start sounding like her," she points to Nadia, "for a few minutes so bear with me."

    She sighs. "There's a resonance frequency that every universe gives off. It's different and unique to each universe. Like a fingerprint." She gestures to the majority of the group. "All of us, save me, have the same frequency. That of MU2152020. My situation is complicated and not important right now. She..." she points to Collete. "Has multiple frequencies. At once. Which, I don't have to tell you is usually -loco- and -muy mala- all at once."

    "Maybe it's this place," she says, looking at Wonderland with a sort of confusion in her features, "but in most situations like hers she would be causing temporal and spatial paradoxes without some sort of assistance. Like my proximity."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Not-Colette /stares/ at Terry. "Keith," she says slowly and gently. "You're the one with the bump on the head." She's not wrong. It's still bleeding a bit. "Suun is Supergirl's cousin, remember? From that city in Antarctica? Remember? We went and visited them and he came back with us to the Tower? And he's been a Titan since... two years? And I'm dressed like this because it's my /costume/?"

    She stares at everyone else, not knowing who to address, or how. "Uh. Anyone here do like... medicine? Vorp needs some head medicine. I mean we all know he landed on his head as a kid, but this is worse than normal. I mean I assume we all know that because you all seem to know him and that's like the first thing you figure out about him. Second thing. After the glitter and illusions. Which are probably the result of he landed on his head as a kid, yes? Well that and the whole Cheshire cat thing too, sure, but mostly the landing on his head."

    She turns back to Terry. "Req is the /requin de terre/. He follows me around. I never could decide on a name for him so I just call him Req."

    She turns back to the rest, her eyes going from face to face with no sign of recognition. "So. Uh. Hi!" she says with a cheery wave and a bright smile. "I guess Vorpal recruited you all? I'm Chance. I... wait." Her eyes narrow and she stares at America, then looks around rapidly. "Kate?" she asks, having apparently just caught up with the conversation from a couple of minutes earlier. "Where is Kate? Is she here? I didn't see her. So we've got the Red King back and it's time to kill the Jabberwock, yes? Did you recover the Vorpal Sword yet? I've been looking all over. Can't kill the Jabberwock without the Vorpal Sword, right? There was a rumor it could be found in OH MY GOD A MOUSE. Keith you recruited a sword mouse! She is awesome! Hello sword mouse! Can I take a selfie with you? I did not bump my head and there is nothing wrong with me! Oh wait, aren't you that Hawkeye, the other one? like Hawkeye mark 2? With the Avengers?"

    She seems excitable. Presumably she's not /always/ quite this bad, but given how she can switch subject and indeed conversation without apparently taking a breath surely can't be her normal state of being. She'd run out of air.

    "I'm not from the wrong universe, /you're/ from the wrong universe!" she responds to America, looking frustrated for about 1.4 seconds. "Oh wait I guess I could be. Maybe I came to the /wrong/ Wonderland? I guess that would explain why you all think you're Titans when I don't know any of you. Except Keith and Gar. And Hawkeye, who's an Avenger not a Titan. Or maybe not. You can't be sure. I mean that resonance stuff. Things like that /never/ work right on me. I got this whole thing. Tony Stark tells me I keep breaking the laws of physics and should be arrested. But he wears bunny slippers, do you don't wanna listen to him. I host a non-local eigenstate disruptor that compresses decoherent boundary conditions to reify novel iterations of implicate point structure which would provoke an irrational universal resonance. Totally true, I saw him do it once. I visited him at Stark Tower to warn him that he was gonna explode, and he was drinking this disgusting looking green stuff and wearing bunny slippers."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    "Deposed? That's something you have in common now. As for footnotes, I'm about to make you note my foot quite closely if you don't answer my question. You don't seem to realize the position you're in." Nadia reaches down knocking off all of the Bishop's hats. "Now, where is she?"

    NadiAlice drags the bishop to where the others are and stands there listening, well listening as best she can. She's trying, though hyperfocus keeps drawing her attention back to the Bishop and Mary Ann. "We'll see if he makes it that long." She glares down at the decrowned Bishop of Aurgh.

    The talk of the Jabberwock on the other hand does manage to draw more of her attention, maybe its the desire to punch something, or maybe the pills she took earlier have finally started working. "So we just need to 'erase' it before it can leave the woods and remember what it is and what it is after."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"So, America, what you're telling me is that this is /a/ Colette from some other unverse, who somehow knows /me/ except I am 'Keith' over there? But how do you explain the Cheshire thing? There's only ever supposed to be one of me!" Terry interjects, pointing out something that could probably be explained away by alternate universes happening at different times and therefore it was perfectly plausible for 'Keith' to have been the Cheshire at some point and for 'Terry' to be it later on, at different points in time and universe, while still being technically the same person, with Wonderland being porous to the multiverse due to its nature as part of Dream and Faerie and most decidedly NOT being an oversight by the creator of the character when merging different timelines and- wait. That line just got horribly meta. Who is actually writing this? Wade? Is that you?

In any case, "But... okay, then, any Colette is a friend of mine unless she's evil, so that adds up. She did give us the Boojum that helped Nadia deal with the Pope-" and speaking of the devil-

"She. got. written. UP!" the Bishop hollers, and produces a thick book out of his robes, threatening to smack Nadia with it, "In /here/!" he thrusts the book at her, in the hopes that she will let him go and he can run away.

"In... in any case, we're getting sidetracked," Keep it on track, O'Neil. He is aware that he is expected to take the lead because this is his home. In a way. He has to provide an example... by being clear-minded, thorough and focused. In short, the total opposite of your standard wonderlander.

"The Jabberwock is in there-" there is a faint sound of crashing in the distance, like a tree toppling over. "Yep. Still in there. Unaware of what it is. Which means we have the advantage. We can either lure it out into an assault, or we can go inside there and take the fight to it... do you still have that solution you were talking about?" he glances at Madison and America, "How much of it is there left?"

"Alternatively, I could see if I can lure it to us by having Gar give me the Cheshire and me using my powers... that's what brought it to me last time. Because I am marked by the Jabberwock... and I'm pretty sure the need to chase me when it feels me 'light up' is close to instinctual."

He glances at the team and crinkles his forehead. He wishes Donna were here. Donna would help him and guide him. But Donna wasn't here, and it was up to him not to screw it up.

"I... talked to Raven and she thinks it could work. You can use me as bait to lure the Jabberwock out." He gives a little smile, "I know you'd have my back, so I'm not worried about getting swallowed. I trust you. All of you. Nobody's faster than Kaida and Irie. Kate can load it with arrows, America can punch it to kingdom come and Maddie can force choke it. And Nick? Nick can take the fight to the dreamside. And, I mean..." he gestures to Nadia, "Nadia has an entire /cult/ behind her now."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "I am... indeed Hawkeye though not of the Avengers.. I'm a member of the Titans on our earth." she considers Chance, aka Colette from earth.. something or other designation she is sure. "I kind of like this Colette... maybe we could keep her and trade them our Colette."

    She is kidding, she doesn't actually want to trade Colette's she is fond of theirs. Even if she is curmudginly.

    She does listen to Terry's theory... well plan.... then clears her throat. "Chance." addressing not-Colette. "My name is Kate, I'm Hawkeye of the Titans back home. I need to know where the Vorpal sword is please so we can defeat the jabberwocky?"

    "Also what is /requin de terre/?" she puzzles for a moment "Land Shark?" after a moment, yes Kate goes to a prissy private academy. She has a smattering of french.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Vorpal! Force choke is //Sith// - and I don't know if we still have it, America took it - she should have it, why would you get RID of something like that? And does it matter if he's been swallowed whole if- if- I mean, can YOU hold your breath this long?!" Madison cries desperately.
    He's dead. By now- he's- he has to be-
    "If we want to save him we have to go //five minutes ago//!"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"You don't need a vorpal sword..." Kaida rolls to her side and waves her hand dismissively, "Just lots of gusto!" She declares and then flops back over to look up at this odd Colette. She stares at her for a moment before considering.

"Sure, why not? Do you happen to have any candy or maybe a gum drop...something?" She asks and lays back and yawns.

"I think I'm gonna take a nap. Someone wake me up when there's food and a JabberJerk to slay."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Vorp mentions being used as bait, Nick starts to frown. Lips parting, he's about respond but ends up saying nothing. Not while Madison's panicking. Nick looks over to Madison. "Maddie. Don't count him out so quickly. We WILL get Jon back. He WILL be breathing. And until we see him otherwise, we will continue believing that. Whatever you do. Don't go into a fight already thinking you've lost. Impossible stuff happens here all the time. Why stop now?"

The side of Nick's lip curls up in a small half smile, "Time to live up to the Mad in your name."

The musician looks over to Terry, giving a nod to the Titan's suggested play. "You call it. We'll do it."

America Chavez has posed:
    America starts. "Oh you mean this?" she asks, reaching into her coat and removing a small glass vial with a murky silvery liquid in it. She's about to toss it to Terry when she stops herself. "Actually, you know what... here" she -hands- him the vial. With their luck the man might just bobble the vial and it would end up shattering on the ground and then where would they be.

    "Looks like maybe ten eyedroppers full... at a glance" she says with a shrug. "Plenty for you and others to be bait and draw him out for the rest of the crew to do what we do. Which is obviously, kick ass and save the day." She looks frowns for a moment. "As long as you're certain about this plan, I think we're all behind you in this Terry."

    She looks to Chance. "His name is Terry here in this place, not your Keith. Despite all the similarities. I think I know what's going on with you and I'm... more a than a little concerned about it" she mutters. "But we have a Jabberwock to Jabberwocky first and then we can deal with... whatever weirdness you got going on."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia drops the hatless bishop with a thud, looking visibly upset with him. She then places one of her shiny black Mary Janes on top of him and begins leaning her weight upon it as she flips through the book. "How do I unwrite her up then? Start talking before you get written out."

    She looks back to Terry while she waits for her answer. "The Church of Alice are not bad people, they were lead astray by this asshole and his friend." The foot is raised for a moment and then brought down hard. "I am sure the Church will help us. They want the Jabberwock gone as much as we do. The first thing they said to me was asking if I would face the Jabberwock for them. They just want to live their lives without constant fear of it."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Req! Where are you Req!" Chance (for that is her Superhero name and saves confusion to use herein) puts her fingers to her lips and lets out an impressively piercing whistle. "Silly puppy! Where did you get to!"

    She grins wide at Kate and nods her head. "Ah! That explains. Not my Kate. When I heard your name before I thought someone was talking about Katey-Kaboom. Uh. Who you've probably never heard of. Hello Kate who is also Hawkeye. We met before once, remember? In Gotham, when it was destroyed that time and the... oh wait, that wasn't you was it? Or was it?"

    Chance frowns briefly, but the frown quickly passes. "If this is the wrong universe I need to get back to the hunt. I've been looking for Keith for /months/, so of course because he is the chaos cat when I find him, he is not properly Keith. The Jabberwock is chasing him. I guess that's a different Jabberwock. But he got caught in Wonderland when he was using one of his..." she glaces towards Terry. "Do you have Rabbit holes also? Rabbit holes are so much fun. Kate made a device that tries to mimic the Rabbit Hole, that's how I got here. Our Kate. I mean my Kate. Not your Kate. Not Hawkeye Kate. Katey-Kaboom. Science Kate! But it's not as much fun, and it keeps going to the wrong place." Another momentary frown crosses her face. "No matter. You have a Jabberwock also to kill, yes? And a friend who has been eaten by the Jabberwock to get back? He is not a Wonderlander friend? Or is he? If he is not then the Jabberwock cannot truly eat him, at least not permanently. But I don't know how to make him... un-eaten. Perhaps once it is slain. So... you need the Vorpal Sword! Where did Req get to? Here Req Req!"

    Chance nods her head to Kaida. "Don't need the sword? Tiens donc! Pouf. Of course you need the Vorpal Sword to kill the Jabberwock! It is in the poem. Have not you all been following the poem? It is... prophecy. The Manxome foe, the Vorpal Sword, the uffish thoughts... all these parts are entirely necessary according to Keith. Tell them, Keith! Terry. I mean Terry." She gives a nod to America. "Terry. Huh. That's... that does not suit you, Ke... Terry. Vraiment, tu es un Keith, not a Terry." She looks thoughtful. "Maybe a Tommy. That could work hein? Terry, you should change your name to Tommy. Or Keith. Oh right, the Vorpal sword. I heard it was nowhere, but I went to Nowhere to look and there was nothing there. There was a rumor it was to be found on the island in the Dismal Mire, but I found nothing there also. Someone told me it was at Tulgey down, in a house that was made of string, in a room filled with angry ladders, in a box made of the dreams of houseflies. But the person who told me that lies a lot and I think that means it is not there. But now I don't know. Perhaps all that is true in my universe but not in this one. That is possible also I think. Perhaps here to slay the Jabberwock it is necessary to fight it while standing on one foot, wearing a cake on your head and singing the Eritrean national anthem backwards. Or maybe there's like a special gun, a Wonderland gun that fires instead of bullets further guns, and those guns fire an axe that cuts off its head. Pretty much anything is possible, I guess."

    Chance gives a distinctly Gallic shrug. From behind Kate, about the level of her ankles, comes a happy "Mrrrrr." The land shark has reappeared at last, with a stick in his mouth that appears to have come from one of the destroyed Jabberwock-possessed trees.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I d-don't know!" the Bishop says, "The Pope came up with the way to do it! I d-don't know how to bring her bac, it was he who did it, not I!"

Terry stares at Colette, at once familiar and completely alien.

"You know, I could get used to this Colette, if we weren't... you know, in the middle of an emergency. But see..."

He reaches over and places his hands on Madison's shoulders. "Maddie. Listen to me, hon. Jon is not just even a normal human. Jon is the avatar of Ma'at, there's a /goddess/ in there. And it is not the first time they have been dead- they died before you met them, went to Duat, all of that. The Archangel Michael couldn't keep Jon down, you think some dusty old creature of trauma is going to? Please. So take a deep breath, and instead prepare the speech you are going to give them for putting himself in danger and the whap over the head you're gonna give them. Okay?" He says, reaching out to pat Madison's hair, "I promise you. We'll get Jon back even if we need to ask Raven to tear the Jabberwock from the inside out like an overstuffed pinata."

He glances around, "Jon had a theory about what the Jabberwock really is. Which... sort of matches up with what the Lampad told Donna..."

He grows somber. "The solution won't be enough for us /and/ the Church of Alice." He glances at the solution that America handed him and frowns. "So nine or ten of us will have to go in, and they can wait out here in case... we don't make it. Or if the fight spreads to beyond the woods."

Colette's rambing takes him out of his thougts, "Wait... I've /been/ the Maxome Foe already. So does that mean we need the sword? But... I don't /have/ the Me Sword. I create something like that when I'm ... not right in the head, but that's the Maxome Foe's sword, not ..." He purses his lips. "I'm at a loss. I don't know where to find the Vorpal sword. And we need it, don't we?" he says, beginning to panic. He was screwing this up. He should know this. Donna would know what to do. "Well... we're just going to have to... do without. Professor Uffish?" Terry calls out to attract the scientist's attention, "Could you... just in case, modify your device in a way that might point us in the direction of the Vorpal Sword?" he gestures to the device they used to track the king. "It might help... if this goes bad."

And then, glancing at Colette again, he says "I am not sure I am exactly as you think I am in your world. Okay... this Keith... did he..." he scratches his chin, "Okay, did he date Gar? That's an easy one. In any case."

He glances down at the land shark and smirks "Looks like Kate has a friend."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate is following along, or at least nodding along, with Not-Colette as she explains everything. About Katie Kaboom the Science Kate. Wormhole generating Rabbit Holes trying to mimic the chaos of Vorpals wonderland Trick. "I mean... trying to replikate." yeah she did that on purpose "With science what Terry does with magic is bound to be a bit chaotic and random on the destination." she muses.

    "Also.. having the vorpal sword as she says would be very useful fighting the jabborwocky." it is true to be fair.

    All attention is right out the window when something by her ankles goes MrrRrr and she looks back and down and squeeks. Not of terror, but a very surprisingly un-Kate-Like squeek. It is familiar to those who were in the tower the last time the dimuniative shark showed up "Ohgod Cuteshark" yup that tracks. She crouches down and peers at it. "Hello shark friend with the mighty stick" then death glares at Terry "I will shoot you in the knee if you make him vanish again Terry!" there is a cautious tug at the stick. "What's your name?"

    The fact Kate's dad never let her have a pet anything shows.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison looks between Terry, and Nick, and Terry again. She forces herself to take a few deep breaths to calm herself, reaching up with her hand to wipe at her eyes. Panicking was doing no good. Crying wasn't helping either. Maybe they were right, maybe Grand Moff Sims would be alright? "O-okay," she agrees. "Okay. Umm. We should write a note that says 'drink one drop and then someone needs to walk in carrying it, so we- we call know to drink, otherwise we'll forget that too. I wish I had my lightsaber ready, but-" Soon, maybe?
    And then her thought process is abruptly derailed by- "OH. EM. GEE, LANDSHARK!" She squees. Literally. Outloud - while bouncing up onto her toes - before forcing herself to recall that they have A Job To Do.

America Chavez has posed:
    America's seen landsharks before. Yes, they're cute. Yes, they're better than most dogs--at least until they become 20 foot monsters that like to eat people. Her focus is instead on the task at hand. "Terry... can we try something... I know we were thinking it could be used as a weapon. But... if I think on this You Sword hard enough and you Rabbit Hole into the star portal I make... maybe, just maybe we can get it. Right here and now?"

    "Look... I'm with Chance and Kate here. If it's prophecy, we gotta have it" she says. "Worth a shot right?" she asks with a grin. She steps a few feet away from the group and waves a hand to clear a space. "Might want to stand back some... I'm not sure if this will do what we want or explode dramatically in our faces. In any case, it's going to be interesting."

    With a shout and a kick, she shatters the fabric of reality; reavealing a blue-white opening in the shape of five pointed star. "Alright... I'm focused where I need to be... it's all on you now, Vorpal" she says her expression hard and determined.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Oh em gee, Keith needs to shut up about dating Gar!" Chance tells Terry, laughing and rolling her eyes. "Yeah they dated for like /five minutes/ one time. They are totally not right for each other, but Keith moped about it for /ever/. Gar's kinda got a will-they-won't-they thing with Terra in my world. Do you have a Terra? She's kinda... So I mean yeah, they did date, but not for long. I think that was right before that business with Namor. Or was it after? I'm not sure now. Do you know Namor? Fish guy, got wings on his feet. Do you have one at your world? From Atlantis. Did he kiss you on the nose? Terry was totally going to date him even though he's like a million years old, because he wanted to be a princess of Atlantis. No wait, he wasn't, that was just what I liked to say to tease him. I remember now. He was kinda like... this guy's hot, but he's also old, and anyway cats don't like water. But then there was that whole business with Thesmi... Themscir... Themys... Amazon land. So after that... Oh, there he is!"

    Madison and Kate aren't the only ones to be distracted by the cute baby landshark, and Chance hops over to greet him too, but she's entirely capable of being momentary distracted from her momentary distractions, so there's a brief "Oh em gee did you just like... /kick/ a hole in space? That's so cool!" in America's direction, before LANDSHARK distraction reasserts itself.

     The landshark growls at Kate for a moment or two when she tugs at the stick, but then he drops it at Kate's feet and looks up at her, panting happily.

     "He doesn't have a name," Chance says. "I call him Req. But that's just short for requin. Shark. I am meaning to give him a name for a while, but I am not good with coming up... with... names. He has been following me around for a while."

     She smiles at Madison, and gives her an encouraging nod. "Don't worry, you can pet him. He's very friendly. I will miss him when I go to find Keith at some /other/ Wonderland. But... ca vient. C'est la vie. Probably on my next stop there will be like... an elephant the size of a cat who has feathers like a peacock for his tail, and his trunk has like a star-shape on the end he can use to pick things up with and he likes waving flags. Or a flying cat who swears a lot and wears a big floopy hat. Floppy hat. Floopy is a better word than floppy. It should be changed. Ke... Terry? Who can we petition to change the word from 'floppy' to 'floopy'? This is a much better word. Or maybe in your world it is already 'floopy'?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"If you want to change a word, Lettie," yes, because he's now fallen into the groove of thinking of this as yet another Colette, "Humpty Dumpty's wall is that-a-way, but you ight want to be careful... he'll change your name and you'll be Coulotte or something of that sort." Dear god, she's contagious

At America's suggestion, Terry seems to think for a second, and then assents.

"Alright-" he taps his comm. "Hey, green, striped and beautiful, I need a Rabbit Hole, But I want you to focus on what I am going to tell yo-- no, it has to be you. If I Rabbit Hole down here with the Cheshire, the Jabberwock's gonna try to eat me, and we're not /there/ ye- yes, okay, so picture this--"

And soon, a Rabbit Hole appears within the star portral. It is green, and while inside the star portal it seems to emit an iridescent corona that colors the trees and the foliage and the grass around them, even in broad daylight.

His hand reaches into the Rabbit Star and pulls something out. It is a blade, but it seems to be made of something other than matter. It is iridescent, its hues cycling from green to purple to orange and all the colors in between as it moves, and it leaves a trail of after-images as it moves, like a bruise on reality itself- even this UnReality.

He glances at the sword, "Well... I didn't expect that to- I mean. I think... " he glances at the team, "I think we've got what we need? We should start our preparations, go over our plan, and then rush in to rescue Jon and..."

And then, a strange expression appears on his face, something like a steely melacholy, "And then we will put an end to this once and for all. Any last minute ideas, suggestions, warnings or just random stream of consciousness?" This last one goes to Colette.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "His name is obviously Sir Chomps 'n Gnash Waggles Fin Requin the Fourth, Fetcher of Sticks," Madison declares abruptly and firmly. "Chompie for short. But he's- not really yours? He doesn't go back with you to your reality?" She leans over to pet the shark then adds in a wistful tone, "Does that mean I can keep him?" She takes a moment to look for an ear to scritch behind - there isn't one - and scratching undner its jaw seems... risky. So she settles for simply stroking the creature, before turning to stare at the strange rabbit hole and the sword. "Whoooooa. Okay. That... was pretty cool."
    She pauses only a moment before, "Okay, who brought pen, paper, and tape? We need to put a note on the vial."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate considers the statement that Chance has been calling the adorable little shark, shark just pretentiously in french.

    She carefully but with confidence she can escape with her hand reaches down and gives him a head rub considering Madison then shakes her head. "I saw him first, dibs, and I think I am going to call him Jeff." she looks back down towards the shark. "Do you like Jeff?" she mms "Jeff the Land Shark." she keeps up the head pets then offers the stick back. "Want to go on an adventure Jeff?"

    Yup Kate is lost. Hopefully they don't need to shoot an arrow at a jabberwhocky.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia's weight shifts even more on to the loafer atop the bishop. "Well, figure it out or you might be the next footnote, a forgotten note under my foot. Terry! Do you know how to get someone out of a book who has been written up? Just in case the second Bishop needs to be erased?" Is she kidding, it is rare for Nadia to be so violent, but she seems serious.

America Chavez has posed:
    America smiles at the weapon in Terry's hand. "Wow... that... that actually worked?" she asks. "I mean... of course it did." She coughs and waves a hand dismissing the star portal with a miniscule effort of will. She smiles. "I think we're ready. No need for paper and pen, Maddie. I'm taking the first drip before stepping in. I'll disperse it from there."

    She turns to the forest and nods. "Just say the word Terry" she uses the palm of one hand to crack the knuckles on her other with a roll and a smirk plays on her features, "We'll go get ourselves a Jabberwock's head and an Archivist in the process. A vertiable two for one special."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Wait what no. Is that IT?" Chance says excitedly, springing to her feet to abandon land shark distraction for glowy swishy sword distraction. "Just... just like that you found the Vorpal Sword? I have been looking for it for /months!/. Probably now it means I have wasted by time because Terry already probably has the Vorpal Sword from my universe. If only it needs a Rabbit Hole to be opened inside a..." she gestures at the star portal. "A one of these portals also. Katy's portal device! If he opens a Rabbit Hole inside a one of those, then perhaps he can get the Vorpal Sword too. Perhaps Court or Karin has already found Terry and they already have the sword! This is excellent news, I think."

    She circles Terry, admiring the sword, before dragging her attention back to Madison and Kate. "What? No, he's not mine, he just follows me. He is from this reality, I guess. I think if he comes to my reality he would... snap back. Katy explained something to me about this. How the portal should always take you to your own reality because there is a... some science thing. Like your friend said about resonances? If you do not resonate in the same way, it is hard to stay. Probably I only can stay here because my powers do odd things."

    Jeff "Mrrrrrs" some more and rolls on his back for tummy rubs before hopping to his feet again when offered the stick. He gives it a playful bite, but doesn't take hold of it. Instead he backs away, "Mrrrrr"ing excitedly and watching the stick closely."

    "I think it is too late to adopt him," Chance suggests. "He has adopted you already, no?" She gives 'Jeff' a few scritches and gets her hand rather thoroughly licked for her troubles before she stands up and stretches."

    "I can think of no other things Ke... Terry," she replies. "Except what I said before... the Manxome foe, the uffish thought, the Vorpal Sword." She gives another Gallic shrug. "I think you are on top of things, yes? I should move on and try again to find my world and my Keith. This knowledge of how to get the Vorpal sword is something he has much need of."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"N-Nadia, let's not go stompy murder just yet. Tell you what.... why don't you toss His Bishoprick in our holding cell at the Tower and put the book next to the safe with the Regalia. When all of this is done... I'm pretty sure things will be resolved one way or another."

Terry is silent for a few moments, and then says to Colette, with a quiet expression"Are you sure you want to move on before the story is done? Keith can be your friend forever, but I'll probably only know you this once," he says, and then he looks around, "We already have had our share of Uffish thoughts," he gestures to the scientist, "And they have been very useful. Maybe speak to him for a bit?"

He exhales, and smiles, "Alright, Titans. Take ten- Nadia, go lock up that man and come back here. We'll feed Kaida and then we'll group and get ready for the assault. If you see Kid Flash in there, tell her she will be needed." Vic would be monitoring communications and sending in any backup as needed, if needed, through the portal.

"Alright, let's reconvene in ten to kick some Jabberass. No, make that wenty. I have some arrengements to make at the tower real quick before we start." He raises the sword to the sky, "Titans Together!"

Unfortunately for him, fabulous secrets are not revealed to him on this day, and do not transform him into a Princess of Power. Which is lamentable, as he feels he could really use the upgrade right now.

"I'll be back in twenty!" he calls out, heading for the portal up the hill. Once again, it was time for him to record something.

Deja Vu.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison goes from scratching at the shark's belly - to staring at America. "Uhhh. Do we know that taking it BEFORE talking into the woods protects you from the effects of the woods? We don't have //any// guarantee it won't wipe that upon entering just like it wipes our knowledge. It might be an instantaneous effect, not a lingering one. You know? I'd feel better if- TERRY. Bring us back a sharpie and paper and tape! Kthnxbye!"
    That said - she can spend the next twenty minutes playing with the shark. Score!
    At least it keeps her mind //mostly// off th idea that that's twenty minutes where Jon is suffocating in the belly of the beast, being digested slowly over a period of a thousand yea- oh, wait. Wrong property.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Tummy scritches for sharks. Then she straightens holding the stick and wiggles it before tossing it, but not too far.

    Honestly she is trying to figure out if the smol shark wants to play fetch. It was a look like he wanted to play fetch maybe.

    Finally she looks up and around "Taking twenty for what?" she has totally lost the thread now.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia looks down at the Bishop of Aurgh and back at Terry and back at the Bishop. She closes her eyes for a moment and takes a breath almost is if willing her brain chemicals to realign through sheer force of will, though the pills she took earlier probably also helped. "Let's go." She says the the bishop when she opens her eyes, hauling him back to his feet. "Terry will be sad if I hurt you too much, but don't think for a moment you're getting away until Mary Ann has been Written Down, out of the book and is safe." The book is hefted up as well, and with that she begins dragging the bishop back towards the tower and a holding cell.

America Chavez has posed:
    America shakes her head. "Before we go Jabber-hunting, Kate" she says with a laugh. "Look, see if your pet will go back to the tower and get someone to look after him while you focus on making sure you got a quiver and a half ready of your strongest."

    She doesn't really need to do much to prepare so she instead hovers next to Chance and asks, coversationally. "Tell me about this world of yours... maybe I can help you get back to it. Seem's a bit further than I'm used to travelling... but... I'm up for a challenge. In for peso, right?"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Chance stares after Terry, then stares in the direction of Quinton Uffish, when Terry gestures that way. Then stares back at Terry as he makes his way to the portal.

    She has no idea what he's talking about.

    Chance tilts her head in America's dimension. "I mean... it's pretty much like this one. Well not this one this one. Not Wonderland. Except that it has a Wonderland in it. Which I assume is like this one, but I guess I've never actually been there. Except, you know, briefly. Cos the Rabbit Holes go via Wonderland. So I've kinda seen it a /bit/ you know? And it certainly looks like this Wonderland. But it could be a completely different Wonderland. After all the Cheshire Cat here is called Tommy instead of Keith. Terry. Although he's like... very similar in other ways. Though maybe a bit more serious? Is he normally serious like that? Anyway, that's like... /Wonderland/. My world is Earth, not Wonderland. And it's like... I dunno. I mean how do you describe a world? That'd take ages. Oh! It's got like... well it got invaded by /another/ other Earth. But we sorted that whole mess out. And well... I'm in the Titans there. And you're not. But you didn't know that, so you probably don't know where my world is."

    Chance pulls a small box out from a pocket and shows it to America. It has a digital display on it showing sixteen digits, a keypad and a red button marked 'GO'. "I should be able to get to my Earth by dialing in all zeroes and hitting the button. But it's the Wonderland attached to my world that I want to get to, and all I'm certain about that is that it starts with 47779. So that's like... so many options. Oh and it ends with four zeroes. But that's still billions. There's meant to be a way you can tell, like some of the numbers light up, but I didn't really pay attention to how that works. I was travelling with Katy, and she invented the things so I figured I didn't really need to learn. "

    "So honestly, I was gonna just try something random..." she types a random set of digits in, though it does start with 47779 and end 0000. "And then when I get there, I look at the numbers, see if there's like a pattern of lights, and write them down, right? Then I go to another place..." She taps in another number to demonstrate. "Compare! Then depending on which of the two seems more like my Wonderland, I can figure out what color means it's right, and what color means it's wrong, and then I can..."

    The endless flood of Chance's monologuing ends abruptly in a flare of green light, as she accidentally brushes the red button and vanishes.