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Resonants: So Here's the Thing
Date of Scene: 02 July 2022
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: Thor has a gathering of worthies and sets matters in motion!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Jane Foster, Sif, Caitlin Fairchild, Zatanna Zatara

Thor has posed:
    There are many fine buildings in New York. Buildings with lovely architecture unrivaled, decor that is noble as well as refined. Yet there are few that can match the Villard House when it is set for matters one could consider official.
    It is the combination of the Asgardians' talent for such things and combined with the setting of the Villard that when the place is prepared just so few other places can match. And those other places? They don't have fully armored guards with shields and spears.
    But this is not an entirely formal event, for word had spread through channels of those who might be so inclined or interested that Thor had taken an idea to others and come away with a course of action. An idea he wished to share with those he has worked with before and thus...
    A meeting was called in the study of the Asgardian Embassy. Though not Loki's.
    It is there in the semi-informal atmosphere of a library with over-stuffed heavily cushioned seats turned to form a circle that the gathering has been called. The ubiquitous Asgardian Drink Cart is present with a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages on hand. A small tray of cheese and meat rests on the wooden coffee table between them. Everything was in place and all one needed to start the meeting was...
    Thor walking through the door in his Asgardian princely garb. "Ah, good of you to come!"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She's here because she's GIRL's security expert. And this is going to be nightmarish - as much as anything else can be. So Natasha Romanoff is here to keep track of things for the inevitability of when the children under her care and protection get in over thier heads so she can be there ot help as best seh can. She's got her arms folded behind her, and is leaning against one of the walls in the library. She has a rather neutral expression on her face and a datapad up and out. She's going to be recording hte back and forth conversation for later analysis.
    At the very least Fitz will enjoy it.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Multidimensional people" literally includes one Doctor Foster, woman who makes black holes. The other truth of the matter, her coterminous existence between planes, doesn't need commenting upon presently. Loki already gives her enough side-eye as it is without adding his curiosity into the mix.

The brunette comes bearing gifts, at least in the form of tasty cakes with a buttercream and raspberry coulis filling. The offering goes upon the Asgardian Not-Drink Cart, not quite heaving with food, ere giving the greetings to the Asgardians present. Finding a seat will be along the last matters at hand for the unchanging astrophysicist.

"Talk about feeling underdressed. Though borrowing a dress from one of your people's tailors seems unlikely," she adds. Something about being under six feet tall limits options unless Jane wants to look like a stripling youth. No thank you. She doesn't look surprised by the redheaded Russian, acknowledging Natasha with a friendly nod and not a great deal more. Yet.

Sif has posed:
Sif wanders in just a moment before Thor. As always, there were things needing attention when she was here in the Embassy. She'd pushed them to the last minute. She's dressed in full armor with her cloak in place. Formal attire for "work". Down to the sword sheathed at her left hip.

She glanced over those gathered, scanning each briefly, before giving a brief smile. She didn't speak since Thor was right behind her making his greeting.

Then she simply headed for the Asgardian Drink Cart <tm> and poured herself a good measure of Asgardian ale before finding a spot off to the side. The scabbard was pulled from her belt so she could take a seat easily, laying the weapon across her lap as she sat.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin rarely passes up an invitation to the Embassy. The host always makes sure to lay out a good spread of food, which is frankly one of the surest ways to win Caitlin's friendship. She arrives just a few minutes early, garbed in a modest purple dress suitable for a Sunday service and with a large laptop tote that proclaims 'Columbia Med' in shiny new vinyl. Even in flat-soled slippers she's comfortably in the scale of the Asgardians.

Of course, that's the other thing Caitlin likes about Asgard: giant-friendly furniture. The chairs are all at the correct height for someone of her size and built to hold the likes of Volstagg himself. She smiles at Jane briefly and wiggles her fingers at her colleague, mouthing a 'hello!' at the astrophysicist. When Thor arrives, Caitlin stands out of polite consideration until he greets them, then takes her seat again after an awkward few seconds pass (during which she's side-eying others to try and figure out when manners dictate what to do next).

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A dimensional portal opens, a faint purple line expanding into a doorway not far behind the princely Thor. A high-heeled foot in a fashionable shoe appears, followed by a shapely leg. Zatanna never wears her iconic costume offstage; she prefers the latest off the Paris and Tokyo runways with a penchant for smaller designers just starting in the industry and, of course, the occasional grand dames like Chanel. The rest of the magician appears soberly dressed in a black linen suit and oversized white gauze shirt, modest under the jacket.

She waits for their host to enter before entering the room, dipping her head to unfamiliar faces.

"Who could ignore your summons, Thor." Though hardly close, Zatanna greets him with two light air kisses, betraying her European upbringing. "Thank you for the invitation."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, good, Jane! You made it." The Asgardian prince is garbed in clothes that were somewhat at ease for the setting. Supple leather boots, a pair of black and silver breeks, a tunic that as bound with a length of green leather. A hint to informality to steal some of the pomp of the setting. And when the Thunderer sets about pouring himself a drink... then inclines an eyebrow to his guests? That offer of serving them might also tweak the atmosphere to a more friendly one. He spares a nod for Natasha and a smile. Then when Sif saunters in he gives her a companionable /thump/ on the shoulder.
    "Can I get anything for anyone? Caitlin have a seat, do." His own drink is a brandy poured into a short glass that he takes up by the rim and carries with him while he moves toward a seat. With a small protest the chair accepts his weight, exhaling as he crushes some of the cushions out of shape and settles in for the discussion ahead. Then Zatanna appears with that tell-tale flourish of magic, "Excellent, welcome Zatanna."
    "Thank you all for your time and presence, I am pleased. Some of you know the whys and the hows of this meeting, so I ask for your patience as I relate them to those that do not. The gist of the matter is thus."
    The Asgardian smiles as he looks around then he takes a deep breath and on the exhale he begins. "So of late something has tasked me. We all likely have encountered such a situation. Where we rush to a scene of some curiousity. Some visitor from the other or another realm emerges and is brought forth somewhere upon Midgard. At times this leads to havoc. Others misunderstandings. It was after such a one where I nearly assaulted a soul that might have been considered innocent that I felt..."
    A look around, "That there had to be a better way. Thus, I consulted with good Lady Jane and the Doctor Strange. Fortunately in his wisdom... there is a possibility of us making matters easier. Hopefully safer."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would give a nod over to Jane, "Doctor Foster." While going to watch at things. Caitlin's presence was also noted. This meant that Nadia would be hearing about everything from someone that understood it as much as she did. So Natasha wouldn't have to worry about playing relay on things that were beyond her general understanding. That was what experts were for! The Red Room Assassin would turn back over to Thor attentively.
    She would go to speak up, "Odinson, do you mean ones from other planets or the nine realms? Or something beyond that?" She would inquire to try and get a better idea of things. "For those of us that aren't fluent on the background can you give a quick elaboration of that isn't too distracting?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Rather terrible if I didn't, all things considered," Jane replies dryly, brushing the sweep of undeniably glossy chestnut hair off her temple in a casual flick of her fingers. Smooth strands play under her lightly callused fingertips, a familiar contrast that never varies despite the amount of product she does or doesn't use. Her hand drops idly against the halter neck of her long embroidered top. Loose the cigarette pants and she might just have a fashionable cocktail dress there.

She drops into a seat to Thor's general right, clasping her hands over her knee. Note-taking here will be audio-driven with a small device pinned to a pocket, something not to worry about or detract. "Ms. Zatara, what a delightful surprise!" A smile to the magician is extended over to Caitlin. "And Dr. Fairchild, good to see you again. I trust all is well in your neck of the woods?" The niceties extend to Sif, though she nods rather than drag them all through the round of hellos, his, and how are yous. Thor is speaking, after all. Her heel bounces, leg crossed, and she stays quiet to hear the responses to the idea teased out. The Crown Prince knows how to pull an audience, no one can deny that.

Sif has posed:
When the portal appeared for Zatanna's arrival, Sif didn't visually tense. They were used to portals. Many of them used such abilities, from Loki to herself. Yet, others like Amara would also use them so it was always better to pay attention. Seeing the magician arrive, Sif sipped her drink and went back to focusing on the meeting.

She kept her attention on Thor as he was speaking. They had spoken briefly about this in passing, nothing in depth. She shifted her focus to each person present as they spoke but held her tongue. For now.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"A glass of red would be perfect, thank you." She finds a comfortable chair near Dr. Foster, whom she had met the year before, and returns the greeting with a warm smile. "Too long. It is good to see you again."

With a pleasant open expression, the magician notes the names of the others as the astronomer greets them. Then turns her attention to Thor, laying out his concerns.

The red-haired woman voiced her first question. Eyebrows raised in anticipation of his answer, she brushes back a truant lock of raven hair and awaits his response.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Dr. Foster," Caitlin says, beaming a megawatt smile right back at Jane. "It's going great! I got accepted into Columbia Med," she says, and flashes her new tote at Jane. "I need to do some residency time, but they said I've got enough carry-over from my doctorate work that it'll be probably just two years to get my MD." She says this last bit in a fast, hushed voice, a little too gleeful to be able to suppress it but not wanting to distract from Thor's speech!

Thor has posed:
    In answer to Natasha, "The Nine Realms and beyond. Although!" He holds up a finger, "As you shall see at first it may be best to address the Nine Realms. For their connection to Midgard is strong." Yet when the agent asks him for further detail he gives it.
    "We had an incursion some weeks ago regarding Trollheim and its King. The first encounter was semi-peaceful. The second less so. And then more recently I met a visitor from Muspelheim who had no desire save to visit his niece. I almost smote them. So I thought that if there was some way to channel or funnel some of the travelers who would seek peaceful interaction between the realms... perhaps we could provide it."
    A glance is given to Jane as she was there for this part of the plan, so he gives a nod before he elaborates. "I spoke to Doctor Strange and Lady Jane. And we came up with an idea together. We could create a location similar to Diana's Starport. A place where beings from other worlds could come and pass between the barriers of worlds peacefully. It is impossible to stop all ways from one realm to another. But what we can do is to make it easier for those who wish to do so politely."
    A deep breath is taken, "However, this is... quite an undertaking. To create this focal point, to connect the realms, to establsh the magicks needed. An undertaking indeed."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod over at Thor at his elaboration, "Thank you Odinson, your explanation is appreciated." She would fold her hands together behind her back. Diplomacy was something she could understand. As Caitlinw ould pipe up she would smile, "Congratulations, Caitlin. You've certainly earned it." Rare words of praise from her. Now on with the ceremony.
    "So would we be hopefully coming up with a mix of diplomatic personnel or negotiators toh elp with facilitation?"

Jane Foster has posed:
A certain movie quip pulls Jane's attention away from flashing a quick thumbs-up to Caitlin on news of her medical residency. "Remember to sleep," she mouths, though the Amazonian might not actually need to worry about such things. The sentiment comes with all the congratulations and friendly warning that any med school student would normally deal with.

She doesn't prevail on anyone to bring her a drink, far more engaged in listening. Her fingers fan out across the mount of her knee, hitching her leg lightly. "Similar to Diana's starport, the idea of a standing dimensional gateway provides numerous benefits to Earth. Looking beyond security, we can liken it to a border. Exactly." She nods to Natasha. "We can assume many interdimensional visitors hold particular beliefs about Earthly society, technology or culture. If these are incongruent with actual fact, a gateway provides an ideal opportunity to establish positive relations through diplomacy or simply -- and forgive the banal comparison -- a tourist information centre specially designed to anticipate unusual needs. It's superior to crash landing in a desert and hoping the locals will be friendly." Clearly something she knows absolutely nothing about whatsoever. Not at all. "His Highness was very clear, and Doctor Strange agrees, we start with the assumption visitors are not hostile. And should they be, built-in precautions will be somewhat easier to streamline or coordinate a response. I would much rather we focus on a positive, proactive reception instead of a defensive footing, personally."

Sif has posed:
There was a nod to the suggestion from Natasha. "Security personnel as well," Sif added as she considered. She pressed her lips together tightly then continued. "It would need to be determined what sort of facility as well. Should it be more governmental in feel? Or should it be less formal, allowing for sharing of food and drink? Or a combination. Like your travel centers here, such as airports, where there are many offerings in addition to the travel aspect."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
While listening intently to Thor's explanation, a faint smile lifts the corners of Zatanna's mouth, overhearing Caitland's excited whisper to Jane. Nodding to herself, she chews her lower lip and lowers her eyes, considering his sweeping plan and the possible difficulties it could encounter.

"It is quite the undertaking. Permanent portals -can- be put in place. Dr. Strange and I could ensure their stability, I believe."

I concur with Dr. Foster about it serving as a center where visitors can orient themselves. And, I think that the idea of a proactive positive reception will be very telling to visitors."

After a nod to Sif, "Unfortunately, though, I am perhaps not as optimistic about the intentions of the potential visitors. I imagine that you and Dr. Strange also discussed security measures. I can't help but think of the Shi'ar and their empire-expanding orientation."

Thor has posed:
    Taking a sip of his drink, Thor sets it aside for now on one of those many side tables set near the chairs. He uncurls a hand in Natasha's direction. "We will need to decide on a location, some place suitable and along a place of power. Leylines and what have you."
    Were Loki here he might be entirely tickled at the way Thor speaks toward his own bailiwick. Or deeply offended.
    "Security likely will be needed, indeed Sif, hosts? Ambassadors possibly?" He then looks toward Sif since she had been of a mind about such, and when Jane contributes her insight he gives a nod and points toward her.
    Then he spreads his hands, "As for the aesthetics or the focus of such a place? Peace assuredly, but there are minds keener than mine who will likely be able to come up with some fair compromise."
    When Zatanna speaks, Thor's attention focuses fully on her. He nods a little, "I think this will be less permanent portals and more..." He looks again at Jane since she was there when speaking witih Strange. "Creating an affinity between the realms. For when someone wishes to come through it draws them to this place. It is impossible to make it so all transitions from one realm to another goes through it, but for the less powerful, or accidental it will be easier. We were thinking of starting with linking the Nine Realms as there is already an affinity there. Beyond that perhaps we gauge with success or failure of our efforts."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "It's going to need some sort of setup for how to process.. Guests and to accomodate them. Particularly from the other realms. I think this is best served th rough one of teh embassies. Perhaps a coordination of them?" She would muse. "Among Wakanda, Themyscira, and Asgard hopefully most of the bases could be covered?" Not that she's in any real place to volunteer any of them, but the logistics are what comes first to her mind. Logistics, security, and..
    SHe means 'process them' for a reason after all.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane raises her hands in mock defense against Zatanna and Sif. "One could argue quite reasonably for or against. I'm wedded to neither alternative. But there is a world of difference being received in a welcoming space compared to a sterile concrete one where every guard has an AR-15 or a Kalashnikov tucked under their arm. Having been a stranger in a strange land in both situations, I can tell you the beauty of Amsterdam or Singapore's green sparkle far and away exceeds negotiating with border control in Uzbek or Kahndaq territory. First impressions count. Do we want to design for the exception -- the Shi'ar, though they'd likely go by spaceport -- or the rule?"

Time to go after one of those slices of meat and cheese, and she leans forward to apply a small round of both onto a cracker. The little meal looks rather modest but appealing. "Layered protections, both from a magical, engineering, and scientific standpoint, would probably be ideal. But there's something to be said that a lot of visitors are not inherently out to conquer the place. Those which are probably need a proper reset and evaluation. Possibly with a hammer."

Hammers don't solve all problems, but they solve a lot. "Wakanda would be a start, exactly. Atlantis, potentially. I know one or two groups that prefer to remain relatively private who could contribute. We also might want to address the Latverian elephant in the room preemptively now."

Sif has posed:
"Once it is established and working properly, perhaps it should be promoted to the Nine Realms as a place that those who wish no harm are welcome. To spread word on both sides." Sif thinks about that a moment. "For those who arrive accidentally, allowing it as a funnel of sorts for their arrivals would be helpful. They can be vetted as non threats and welcomed to Midgard officially."

She sipped her drink before contining. "Though I doubt threats would use such an official channel, it is possible those who are not as skilled at traveling realms may end up caught in that funnel, thus the need for being safety minded. Being as I am, I tend to lean toward the less..." She searched for the word. "Polite options. Though I recognize the need for them."

She does not know all the various powers in Midgard so falls silent again, allowing for those with such knowledge to add to the conversation.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna sits back in her seat, tapping her chin as she digests the idea of the Nine Realms being linked and where the ley lines would be at their strongest for such an endeavor. She exchanges an amused glance with Dr. Foster and shrugs, "I am not the militant sort at heart. I believe that our host has seen far more battle than I have. Still, I'm not opposed to spells and spears, if you will, in the background for protection. The iron fist in a silken glove."

Her focus returns to Thor, "I like the idea of Wakanda or Atlantis, for what it's worth. Who will foot the bill, so to speak? And yes, the good doctor is right, Latveria is to be reckoned with."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Um..." Caitlin raises her hand a little shyly and waits until she's acknowledged to speak up. "Well... security is something I'm curious about," she admits. "I've been working with Nadia Pym on her Zeta Beam teleporter. We haven't cracked the code on sending travellers to coordinates without a landing pad. I've got some ideas about how to detect those arrivals," she says, "but it's a lot of physics, and honestly Dr. Foster, we might need your help with that," she asides to Jane.

"Er, that said, how do we-- um, make sure that they all come to the right spot? For some reason a lot of visitors land in Central Park. Is that something with... magic, like... ley lines? Those are a thing, right?"

She gives Zatanna and Thor a nervous glance; she clearly knows Thor, and the Titans share a common database of dossiers with the Justice League. If anyone would know, it's likely Zatanna would, too!

Thor has posed:
    "We are going to be limited in our choices, however. For this will be an edifice that can only be built in a handful of locations." Thor says as he nods at those around the room, hands on the arms of his chair as he leans to the side. A lean that causes the chair to creak with the shift of the tall man's weight.
    But then he lifts a hand as if to stay discussion for a moment, or rather guide it. As he says, "However, whatever we may decide. It will be some time before ground can be broken, and before the enchantments can take place. There will be efforts needed, tasks set before us that we will have to conquer. Of challenges? There will be many."
    That said Thor then uncurls a hand. "The ones before us are thus." He takes another deep breath, and then says. "First off, research shall need to be done into what places will be suitable. This is no small task. For places of power often already are occupied or built up through the centuries either from neglect or more malicious measures. Perhaps there is some golden candidate out there suitable for our purposes, but we will need a list so compiled. As good Caitlin says, leylines and what have you will need to be measured?"
    Loki, once again, likely would not be entirely pleased with Thor's views on magic.
    Another look around, "Next, to connect each realm for such an enchantment we shall need to find unique artifacts. Not necessarily powerful in magic. Items that resonate not just with their homeland, but with the realm we wish to connect. This may be difficult. Asgard and Midgard will be the easiest of course. But the other realms? It will take time to find these things. If even such exist!"
    Then he finally reclaims his drink and takes a sip. "The last? The groundwork to be lain for the acceptance of this plan by the people of Midgard. For it may raise difficult questions."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod over at Thor, "And I'm sure that all of those realms might not necessarily want to have a permanent network setup. And ti means having to assemble something for protection and fortified on those ends as well for handling transit. All of thsoe come with problems inherent to them as well and logistics." She trusts those tuned in magic and technology for thier aspects. "I'm sure a great many would find them mostly useful as never ending invasion gates."
    What else would the Ice Giants enjoy the most? Even if that means the Asgardians would enjoy just asmuch having more of them invading often to be smited.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane only needs the slightest suggestion of a hook -- physics -- to pretty well RSVP to that invitation. She glances from Caitlin to Natasha and back. "Of course. Calibrating that might give us additional options to work with beyond the magical ones, which I trust Doctor Strange and Ms. Zatara can cover. Or other able sources." These are not named because who knows what green-eyed monsters could be listening?

She settles her heel against the ground, unfolding her legs in an easy expression of comfort. "Central Park is an odd focal point. There could be an advantage to accommodating larger numbers, but we're also talking the main greenspace in the city. We might gain by sticking them in Long Island or Yonkers. Less traffic." That is a joke delivered in the driest of tones, but kind all the same. "More pedestrian space for people being bled dry in a city by insane real estate prices. It certainly puts less danger on the most densely populated corner of the country." With a quick grin, she disputes the notion of being entirely serious by popping the cracker into her mouth and taking a small, thoughtful succession of bites. Truly, excellent manners that hopefully Frigga herself wouldn't find fault with.

"Here's where, again, Wakanda, Themyscira and the like could help. Make this a byproduct or an outreach of the United Nations. Bit hard to say it's an unsanctioned effort if you can convince the majority of nations in the General Assembly to support it." Right, like just pop over to the UN right now and make a speech? Apparently so.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Intrigued by the challenges that Thor evokes, Zatanna straightens in her seat, nodding at each point.The mention of Central Park as a magical locus provokes a small sigh from the magician. She shakes her head, silently at New York real estate prices and visitor's first impressions being Yonkers.

"First, let me thank you again for the invitation to participate. I would gladly work with Dr. Strange on magical considerations, Thor. Politics are outside my realm - I can't contribute to getting the UN to agree to the endeavor." Her glance sweeps over the others and stops first on Dr. Foster, briefly on Sif, then back to their host.

"Finding the materials that will resonate with each realm is a fascinating challenge. Again, I hope I can contribute to it."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Well, I can talk to Diana, obviously," Caitlin offers, and taps a fingertip against the gold bracer on her wrist. "I'm sure she'll be amenable to the idea. Or at least, I can make sure she knows to come talk to you with any questions she might have."

"Nadia will probably want to take point on, er, science-y means of ingress," she adds. "That's really her bailiwick. But with Dr. Foster's insights, and maybe some donations from Wayne Enterprises or Stark Industries, we can definitely sort out some kind of... off-target alarm system," she proposes. "So if someone ignores our beacons, we'll at least know about it."

Thor has posed:
    "Oh that is one positive thing!" Thor says as he replies to Natasha, "The other realms need not be troubled. It is not... a mutual agreement. It is more Midgard funneling the arrivals to a place. The travelers from other realms could come from wherever in their realm. So on that end we are at ease. Though, in all honesty, this will not stop those of powerful magicks being able to open their own paths. But this might at the least curtail some of the dangers and misunderstandings."
    As the conversation goes his eyes follow along from person to person to person, smiling at points such as when Jane mentions Wakanda and Themyscira. Or when Zatanna offers her aid. "Right now, I feel... our next course of action if you are willing to help... is we need to learn more. To go out and find these things as we can. I shall return to Asgard and talk with those who might be able to tell us more. Then as we gain this knowledge we can direct our efforts further."
    At Caitlin's insight, however, Thor seems curious as she brings up aspects he had not thought of. "A way of being aware of travelers avoiding our efforts would be of great value indeed. Doing both, however, would make sense."
    At that he spreads his hands and declares, "Though there we have it, now what say you? Is this a noble endeavour?" And as easily as that Thor asks of them for their assistance.

Jane Foster has posed:
"All the input will no doubt lead to some evolutions in the planning and execution stages, you can guarantee that. However we want to approach gauging interest or acquiring resources, I'm pleased to see we are of a mind this can be done." And Yonkers can be the proper gateway because any city named that must be deemed too silly to attack, right? Jane shakes her head, that dry sense of humour managing to retreat back into a stately affair. "Very well done," she adds to Thor. "You have set excellent groundwork for this to grow from."

Her palms rest on her knees, crossed neatly. "Yes. I do think it valuable to proceed. It has my support."

Sif has posed:
"I have little I can offer to help this endeavor outside my sword should it be necessary," Sif admits. She hasn't magic abilities to help with leylines and location. She is not involved in Midgardian politics. She's a simple warrior.

"I will be best utilized when we reach a point for gathering items in other realms. I would be glad to travel and explore on such journeys. Who knows what tales we might gain to tell in the great hall." A hint of a grin since such things are the life blood of Asgardians.

Then a nod to Thor. "I am ever in your service." Which is kind of tongue in cheek since she will be a pain in his side whenever it suits her. Though she is loyal to her friend, to a fault.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin nods along with the others. "Count me in. On the research and, um, active side," she tells Thor. "I'm not great for picking up on stuff being magical unless it's glowing. But I pack my own meals out and I'm good at wrassling anything that picks a fight over it. I can at least get started with Nadia right away, working out some angles. It might take a little time to build a functioning prototype-- let alone a full-on detection network-- but if we secure some funding and some assistance from the right people..." She looks over at Jane, nods once at her in affirmation of the cause.

"We can make this happen," she finishes.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The homo magi spreads her hands and smiles at Thor's question, "Undoubtedly, we will make this happen. I'm in. Let me add fascinating to noble for its mix of hard science and magical science." The smile broadens as she looks in Dr. Foster's direction and sobers somewhat as she regards the others in the room.