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Latest revision as of 06:15, 30 March 2020

An Asgardian Angel in Midgard's Court
Date of Scene: 25 March 2020
Location: Times Square
Synopsis: Angela arrives on Earth. She's not happy. And she ruins Heidi's day. But Diana and Naomi help make it better!
Cast of Characters: Aldrif Odinsdottir, Naomi McDuffie, Lois Lane, Heidi Ingerdottir, Diana Prince

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
New York City, Times Square. While the world hustles and bustles around the world's largest tourist destination, gawkers are at Planet Herowood hoping to catch a glimpse of an actual real life hero. Traffic in the square is brisk and robust, the usual menagerie of cabs, trucks and other cars. All and all, it's a normal day. At least it is until just in front of the large televiewer that is in the middle of the screen there is an ominous crack of thunder.

Suddenly crashing down into a cleared off area that was being used for maintenance by Con-Ed. A giant head of a beast, it's eyes staring out lifelessly slams into the utility truck with a sick plop, the demonic creature's visgae over fifteen feet tall.

It's apparently recently been decapitated. Green blood spills out from it and into the sewers, it's tongue hanging out of the side of it's mouth.

And standing on top of the creature's head, there is a six-foot tall plus redheaded woman. A large spear is held in her hands, her golden chest armor and pale skin covered in the same green blood, red hair twisting in the wind as a pair of ribbons flare about angrilly from about a large leather belt at her waist.

The woman looks around, fustrated, confused... and then angry.

"What sorcery is //this//?!" she calls out in a demand to the hot dog vendor who is staring up at the woman in nothing more than a bikini's worth of armor. "Why have you summoned me from my HUNT?!" she demands loudly.

"Lady I just sell hot dogs, lady!"

It takes a few moments for the translation to hit and then Angela's eyes narrow. "Dogs are majestic hunting companions, NOT FOOD!"

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Naomi really couldn't afford to eat at Planet Herowood but she was wanting to check it out. She was down here taking a look at it and enjoying the sights when she got hungry. So, she went out and got something that was vastly more her speed. Namely, a hot dog. She picked one up from the stand, gave the man some money and then started walking away shaking her head, "Really can't afford hot dogs either, apparently." She grumbles, "New York is freakin' expensive."

And that's when all that other mess happened. She halts as she hears the noise, hear's the shouting woman, and then slowly turns her gaze back over toward the weird head of the creature and then up at the strange woman. She slowly sighs out and hten looks at the poor hot dog guy.

"Hey, lady!" She calls out, "It's not really dogs. It's just beef. You know, cows?" She holds up the hot dog, "It's just a name." Internally muttering the whole time <Come in peace, come in peace, come in peace>.

Lois Lane has posed:
It's pure luck, misfortune, or coincidence that Heidi happens to be near Times Square at the time. Exploration had led her through New York's streets and eventually the smell of food had lured her towards the square. While she hadn't quite decided what to get or where to go, the sight of the bodiless head is enough to have her take a few steps backward. She blinks, trying to get her bearings as to both the head and the figure atop it.

"Uh, hail and well met, friend! I am assuming your intentions were not to be here?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela wipes the blood from her face as she dismisses her dimensional lance. She looks around her, this alien world filled with metal and concrete, and the woman's hands go to her sides, where a pair of viscious looking scimitars sit as Naomi starts to speak to her. "What manner of world is this? What are you? Why do you call it a dog?" she growls low in her throat.

And then she is being hailed. The lift of her head raises her pupiless eyes to focus on Heidi. Taking in the strange manner of their dress, she responds to the Asgardian. "I am Angela, Hunt-Mistress to the Queen of Heven, hunter of the fields of Elysium, seeker of bounties. Who are thee?!"

She sounds Asgardian, certainetly. The All-Speak is spot on. But there's a word out of place in all of that greeting."

Heven. Heven or Heaven doesn't exist. On Asgard it's a myth, a story told to children to scare them of winged warrior women that snatch their children and steal them into the night.

But Angela doesn't have wings.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A blink as Heidi shows up and she stares for a moment. What is this? The gathering of the tall? Either way, she looks back to Angela in time to hear her very long winded and verbose explanation of who she is before she looks to Heidi again and then back to Angela. She considers just walking away but then that might piss the lady off so she chooses instead to continue to call attention to herself. So far, so not violent.

"We're on Earth. By the way. Humans live here." She gestures, "And I have no idea why they call it a dog. They just do. Oh, and I'm Naomi McDuffie, Student of High School, worker at a cafe, seeker of coffee." She takes another bite of her hot dog while keeping her eyes on Angela.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi's eyes go to Naomi for a moment, a look of amusement on her features. Seeker of coffee? A noble title if she'd ever heard one. Her attention is drawn back to Angela, however. "I am afraid, friend, that I am unfamiliar with your origins..." Not that she hadn't heard of them. "I am Heidi, daughter of Inger, of Asgard. This is Midgard, one of the Nine Realms."

There's a long pause as she contemplates. "It is also home of many powerful warriors."

Diana Prince has posed:
Since the majority of the vehicles (and the tourists / citizens) in this area have come to slow their pace at the sight of what could be trouble in the form of the new arrived warrior woman - and her kill, have made things start to draw to a halt to observe it all.

There comes the sound of horse hooves on pavement. Rapid, repetitive, growing louder.

Between the yellow cabs, Uber cars, service vehicles and civilian autos, a large dark brown horse comes in to view and upon it rides a woman in a royal blue cloak! With her hair down, loose about her shoulders, Diana Prince rides on to the scene from the northwest split in Times Square's roads.

Why she's on a horse, and how she got here so quickly, is anyone's guess!

But, as the horse and it's rider draw near, they come to a stop and the big beas does a full circle while tipping its long nose up into the air and neighing loudly. Diana's eyes are on that of Angela... she adjusts her gaze as her horse moves until it settles and calms itself.

"What is going on here?" Diana calls out to those gathered, her eyes going to the corpse left upon the ground now. It doesn't look good.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:

Nine Realms?


Both blades are drawn from the woman's waist as Angela stares down at the blonde, eyes narrowing. "Heidi, daughter of Inger, I hope you have made peace with the evil that your father has worpshipped..." she snarls as she grips her weapons to prepare to go on the attack. The warning about powrful warriors on this world is recognized. But to Angela it is the empty threat of a child of evil.


"There is no such thing as Midgard. This is sorcery, some sort of trick to muddle my mind!" she declares at Heidi - it is VERY CLEARLY her fault that she is here. "Whatever nefarious purpose you have summoned me for, Odinspawn, you will not survive this day! Send me back to Elysium now, or face my wrath!"

Naomi is looked at. "You attempt to make Midgardians in your image?" she demands of the blonde. "Witch." she snarls.

And then there's another. Is Diana yet another Valkyrie? "Are you summoning your forces to battle me, Asgardian? My blood will not come cheap!"

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Then that lady starts spouting off about devils and evil and snarls about magic and witchery and pulls a weapon and crap. Naomi isn't sure who this Heidi lady is but she's not sure if she's got this. Hell, Naomi herself isn't sure if she's got this. She looks down at the hot dog and then takes two quick big bites to finish it off and then she whips her backpack around. She's already reaching into to grab something from in there and then...oh thank god. Wonder Woman is here.

"Wonder Woman!" Naomi declares with a smile. Surely, Wonder Woman will handle this and all will be fine and she won't have to risk getting kicked out of school on her first week.

She still starts inching back through the crowd though toward a nearby couple of cars all the same. Ya know, just in case.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Would I be your enemy, I would be armed!" Heidi makes it a point to show both her hands. She's not enjoying the sight of blades in front of her, but she's also not backing down. "And would I have reason to lie to you? What would I gain?" Her eyes go towards Diana just to be certain that should things /seriously/ sour there's some assistance there.

"I am afraid there is little I can do to help you with your problem without you first perhaps speaking amicably?" And there's her smile.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had heard enough about the conversation on her approach that she got the jist of who this person was and where she might've come from. Asgardian in nature, to some degree at least. But upon arriving she settles her horse and faces the woman like so many others around here are doing right now, Heidi included.

The call out of her name from Naomi doesn't go unheard either. Diana's eyes glance in Naomi's direction and she watches the young woman slip back into the crowds with the others. But she just places her stare ultimately back upon that of Angela.

"There is no need, desire, or purpose to fight here today." Diana replies to Angela, her voice smoky and laced with a foreign accent to both this city and to Angela's own. "I am a protecting of this city, of this realm, as are many others here and should you attack anyone here, you will be stopped. Without hesitation." Her stare is leveled directly upon Angela's own eyes.

"We only desire peace here, I assure you." The Princess from Themyscira adds, not wishing for violence or destruction of any form. Her cloak gently whips about her body though, and as it does so the armored boots of her feet and legs are visibly glinting in the light, along with the weapons and shield on her back and mounted to her horse's saddle.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"Wonder Woman?" Angela echoes the words from Naomi. It's clear that has no idea who Diana is. All she sees is another woman. In armor. And weapons. And declaring that she will protect the Asgardian. Peace?

That was never an option.

And just like that, Angela moves. Ribbons and red hair whipping around her, the Hevensent is suddenly upon Diana, both Ichor blades drawn. "One does not bring weapons unless prepared to use them!" she declares, both blades flashing in the sunlight as she brings down the blades in an attempt to strike at the Princess!

One of the ribbons slips out, grabbing one of the cars that Naomi was trying to slip between. Clearly she is trying to flank Angela, another Asgardian spy, assisting the two warriors.

"I will deal with your falsehoods after I deal with your battlesister, Asgardian! Prepare to be met by your own shieldmaidens!"

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
She had heard the rules at the school and really didn't have time to make anything...better. So, she made something makeshift. She looked around to make sure no one was looking only to focus and slap her hands together. Then one of the cars is grabbed that she is in between and she knows that time is short. So, she pulls the bandana around her head and winces as she has to cover her hair but it should be ok. Probably. The eye holes are adjusted and then with incredible speed she shoots up high into the air, a streak of bright light and she clears 100 stories in roughly a second. Only to flail and spin around in the sky a couple of times.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Stop!" She slows and whips around before starting to fall back down, "Crap...I practiced this..." She then flails more and carefully comes to a halt about 30 foot above the battle with a breath before she points down in her armor and bandana at this invader, "Stop there!" She calls out in a deeper voice, "Your actions are not welcome upon this world! Stand down now and..." She stops a moment, looking to the side, "...may be a chance for...umm...peace!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Being prepared and /acting/ upon their usage are two different things!" Heidi looks around for a moment, making sure to position herself somewhere that people weren't just rubbernecking around in. If Angela were to come at her, she's giving plenty of space so that no one else would be caught up in it. Safety first!

She's unarmed, at least physically, but it doesn't mean she's not acting. "Friend, you said you hail from Heven? I have always been told such a place was a myth, a story to scare children." Well, the scaring children part of things seems to be working. "Yet you said I lied when I said this is Midgard. But perhaps /neither/ of us are the liars here."

While she is unarmed, she's still keeping a careful eye Naomi just in case.

Diana Prince has posed:
With Angela choosing her as the first target, Diana reacts in defense of herself by raising her forearms up with her leather wrapped hands clenched into fists. Each of Angela's blades will come down upon her and impact with the bracers of Submission and each metal on metal contact will result in a sudden flash of sparks that blossom out in all directions between the two women!

Diana's horse then lurches up onto its hind legs, the Princess upon him rolls her body backwards and in one smooth motion she unsheathes her sword and snatches up her round shield from the leather saddle's sides! Tumbling backward in a reverse somersault, Diana ends up on the pavement on her armored booted feet with sword and shield in hand and a much more unpleasant expression upon her face.

The horse starts to ride off in fear, Diana's cloak lay in a heap upon the street now, and the Princess is ready to defend herself further.

"Enough!" She tells Angela, trying yet another attempt to stop the fight before it gets worse... with all the civilians around.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
This is a fight that she was unprepared for. As Angela's blades slam into Diana's bracers, the spray of sparks is obvious. It rains down on the street, highlighting the two women for a moment.

As much as Angela wants to engage the raven-haired woman in intense personal combat, the two cruel scimitars are held out to Angela's sides.

Why isn't the Asgardian engaging? Perhaps she is a witch of some kind. But at the same time, perhaps there is wisdom in Heidi's words.

This is not the Asgard she was told about. This is a mess. Chaos. Unorganized, under-developed. This is madness.

The unpleasant look from Diana is returned by Angela. The Angel considers for a moment. She just finished a battle with a creature.

"I am not allowed to hunt you." she growls. "Today you are fortunate."

With that, the redheaded Hevensent is jumping backwards, landing on the head that brought her here. "I will be ready the next time we cross paths, daughter of Inger."

With that, she's leaping high into the sky, taking flight as she rockets into the upper atmosphere.

Leaving behind far more questions than answers.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A slow blink and then Naomi lets out a slow sigh and then shakes her head, "Well, what was that about." She asks of no one in particular before looking over at Diana and then at Diana before giving a wave, "So, great job, you two." She nods her head, eyes peering out from the makeshift bandana mask which looks...completely out of place on her otherwise spotless armor. She settles down on the ground like someone trying to balance on a balance beam before she walks over to them and looks up before looking back at them.

"Anyone care to fill me in on what that was all about?" She looks back up in Angela's direction and then looks down at the demon head thing, "Oh and...I'm not cleaning that up." She states simply enough.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi watches for a long moment as the redhead retreats into the sky, eventually turning her gaze earthwards to look towards Naomi. "I am afraid I cannot explain it fully. The land she claimed to be from is a myth, or at least assumed to be. The fact that she claimed to be there and also did not seem to know Midgard, this realm, lends me to believe /someone/ out there is not telling the whole truth to anyone."

Her gaze shifts over to Diana, giving her a small nod. "Thank you. I am grateful for the assistance. That could certainly have gone badly."

Diana Prince has posed:
When Angela departs, it takes a moment to settle down again, but when she does so, Diana raises her sword up and slips it back inside the leather sheath on her harness behind her shoulders. Her shield is swept around to join it and she turns to look to Naomi who approaches. "That was brave of you." She tells the young woman, offering her a soft pat to the left shoulder with her right leather wrapped hand. "This could have gone much worse, I think."

Diana turns then to look at Heido and she nods softly to her. "At least she left. Hopefully for good. I will... remain close by though, just in case."

The Princess looks to the 'mess' and she too grimaces at it. "We will get that cleaned up."

In situations like this the NYPD is never far away, they just usually begin to setup a perimeter and try to get civilians out of harms way and in this instance there are many of them already doing that. "I should speak with them Officers." Diana says then before nodding to the two who'd confronted Angela. "Thank you both for your part in getting her to yield."

Diana turns then and starts to move toward to Police Officers who are already moving to speak to her to get info on all of /that/.