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Alias Investigations: Selina Kyle - A Charity for Cats
Date of Scene: 24 March 2020
Location: Empire State Building
Synopsis: Following the case given to her by Dick Grayson, Jessica uses fellow Defender Danny Rand to get into a gala charity for big cats in a gallery in the Empire State Building. She winds up learning everything she wanted on Selina Kyle. It may not have gone the smoothest, but at least it's one less case to worry about.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Selina Kyle, Summer Gleeson, Danny Rand, Sally Pride

Jessica Jones has posed:
Last week, Detective Dick Grayson of the Bludhaven P.D. hired Alias Investigations to check Selina Kyle, as he was worried for his adoptive father. Jessica is a serious detective and went straight to work. Okay, that was a lie. She went to Josie's bar, got shit faced, and collapsed in bed. But the next day she totally got to work!

Having gathered enough information she found a pattern, Ms. Kyle was a big contributor to charities involving felines, and there was one set for...some time that is now, at Empire State Building art gallery. Problem: it was a rich folk type events, because they were the one with the monies. Solution: tag on fellow Defender Danny Rand, because he's made of money.

The premise was simple, Danny Rand was pulled there by his kinda-sorta girlfriend, Alice, to help the poor cats. Besides, Selina wouldn't have a clue who Jessica, or rather, Alice were, but a bigshot like Danny Rand? If she really cares, she'll want to work his donation into her lineup.

Walking in on Danny's arm, in a dress, that, well, Karen had to let her borrow...(you're sometimes useful Matt!), she tried to stirr him towards Ms. Kyle, "remember Danny, we're dating, and I really am into cats, and I'm just dying to get you to donate, ok?" She whispers in his ear.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle was somewhat at war with herself and her desires. There weren't a lot of charities set for big cats. Most of them, at least in this part of the country, were organized by Selina herself. And, they all appeared legit from top to bottom. Following up on things, checking official records and all that, showed the proceeds did indeed get to where they were meant to go, whatever those proceeds were listed as.

But, someone else holding a charitable function centered around the felines? That got Selina's attention and curiosity, which is why she has shown up in a fancy enough black evening gown with tasteful footwear and jewelry, mostly diamonds, to go with it. She would be expected at something like this, and she's doing her best to give some time to every piece on display, whether it's a painting, a sculpture, even necklaces or earrings.

After all, Catwoman might be interested in some of these things as well, secondary to any fundraising going on tonight.

Selina mingles, a glass of milk in her left hand. Seems to be a thing for her. Opera gloves extend past the elbows.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
New York is far from her normal beat of Gotham City, but Summer Gleeson asked her producer to get tickets to this event so she could cover it. Part of her career track included doing reports outside of Gotham, both to gain exposure and contacts. And charity events are good fluff to start out on in a new city. So, instead of her more practical 'professional reporter' attire, tonight, she's wearing a slim, strapless cocktail dress in Kelly green to complement her perfectly coifed red hair. Her cameraman, Chuck, is also here as her escort, but is packing a simple digital camera instead of his usual video rig. And he's also in a (rented) tux that doesn't look too badly out of place here.

With a quick interview with an up-and-coming New York Assemblyman finished, Summer is mingling with the other guests, Chuck in tow, looking for her next snapshot. She does spot a semi-familiar face from Gotham; Selina Kyle who hosts benefits like this in Gotham from time to time. summer heads over to the raven-haired woman, giving Selina a little wave of greeting that sends sparkles off of the emerald and diamond tennis bracelet Summer is wearing. "Ms. ...Kyle, right?" Summer asks. "I think we've seen each other in passing at a couple of your Gotham events."

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny was dressed in his fine three-piece suit that makes him look like the millions of dollars he's worth. "Right, right." Danny whispers back, perhaps enjoying a little too much that he has Jessica on his arm. But he keeps a straight face as best as he can. "And your name is Alice, right?" He whispers to her as if to ensure that he has all the information he needs.

He is stirred towards Selina by Jessica's lead. "I feel like I should've brought a cat just to help it sell, but I guess I'm not too good at stuff like that." Danny is talking too much, though it makes somewhat sense. "Also, you look lovely in that dress." he compliments.

He notices Summer Gleeson as well, though he doesn't make a motion to greet her just yet, sticking to task.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Oh my god! Selina Kyle!? You're a big name in these charities!" Jessica coos out at Selina, as she drags Danny by his arm to follow her lead, closer to Selina. "Look at that, Danny," she tugs on Danny's arm for attention, "isn't it adorable? She's drinking milk at a feline charity! That's so in theme, think I could get a White Russian just to fit in?" She keeps using a high pitched cheerful voice that may be very foreign to Danny. "Ms. Kyle, you ever met, Danny Rand?" Alice asks excitedly, "I'm Alice McBeal, and he's totally my date for this evening! Lucky, right?"

Jessica is being utterly incorrigible, waltzing in there with Danny with total disregard to Summer and her cameraman, not minding at all if she sneaks in the frame of a potential interview. Heck, maybe Selina would use her and Danny as a lifesaver to get away from the media attention!

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle went about half an hour before someone recognized her. That might be a record. She'll have to consider going to more events outside Gotham City if this keeps up, but that thought is first shifted around as Summer approaches with some kind of cameraman. Obviously here to report on the event, that one.

Whether she recognizes the woman or not, and that is unclear, Selina still acts like she's familiar with the woman. Too bad she didn't give her name yet. That would have made it easier to respond beyond the basics. "Ahh, yes. I do believe I've seen you about. Charmed."

She offers the right hand for a greeting, but the approach of Danny and Jessica, pretending to be someone else, soon captures another part of her attention. "Yes, I have a drive ahead of me and it would be irresponsible of me to go out impaired, wouldn't it?" she answers, though she does not /seem/ to recognize either of them. "I may have seen you around once or twice," she says to the man she's brought with her. But, the overdone attitude from Jessica/Alice already has her deciding it might be best to watch what she says around that one. There are bubbly personalities, then there's that.

"I couldn't pass up coming to see the artwork and considering how much to give. What about you all?" There, a conversation starter.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
"Charmed," Summer agrees to Selina. "Yes, the art on display and for auction here is amazing. New York certainly knows how to put on a chairty event in their own right. And best of all..." Summer gives Selina a conspiratorial look. "No psychotic clowns or other homicidal maniacs to crash the event." Yes, Manhattan definately has one-up on Gotham in that regard. "And I'm afriad that my attendance is a bit more...self-interest, than altruism," she admits. "Sort of, spreading my wings outside the Gotham market. But I will be making a donation to the charity, of course. It's a worthwhile cause and I'm happy to help out."

The arrival of Jessica and Danny causes Summer to evaluate the pair. She's not as sure about the Manhattan social scene as she is Gotham's, but she can't help but feel that she's seen the blonde man before. "Danny Rand, correct?" she asks him. "Lost heir to the Rand Corporation." She smiles and holds out her hand. "Summer Gleeson; WGBS, Gotham City. I'm covering the event for my station."

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny puts on his best 'rich playboy' look as he's forcefully tugged along by Jessica. "Very, very ironic, wouldn't you say?" He lets 'Alice' (JJ) introduce him to Selina Kyle, he nods to her. "A pleasure miss Kyle, its wonderful to see you at this charity in all of your feline glory." He gestures to her milk and he chuckles.

Of course, Danny questions is Jessica is hitting the bubbly personality a little too hard, and hopes it doesn't blow her cover. He offers his hand to Selina all the same for a handshake.

Though Danny's attention is swiftly stolen by Summer Gleeson. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Gleeson." He gives her hand a firm shake in greeting, eye contact wholly established. "I hope you have a bit of a good outing tonight, many big names here, including myself." Danny finds it hard to play arrogant, but the sacrifices he has to make for the mission!

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is utterly stunned when Selina seems suspicious of her at first glance, woman must be sharper than your average socialite and that in itself was suspicious. Maybe Detective Grayson was right to think she ought to be investigated. Strange, nothing about her profile gave Jessica any flags prior to this evening. More surprise still was her lack of recognition of one of the richest men in the area, in Danny Rand, she was sure that would score an easy ice break by turning the situation on its head, making Selina more interested in conversation than they supposedly would be.

But there is a silverlining in this, her lack of familiarity with Danny suggests she really didn't keep attention of Fortune's Richest Men Alive lists. So, unlike initial suspicions, maybe she really wasn't all about the money. A gold digger would certainly know the who's who of the world's richest.

"Ms. Kyle, I've recently started dating Danny, here," Alice coos as she leans at Danny's side, giving him an affectionate caress in the process, "and lucky me, he's what you might call, 'well off'." Alice winks winks at Selina, "and since he loves me, I figured why not get him to invest in something I earnestly believe in...as an expert in the field, which charities do you think best deserve Danny's support?" Alice does offer a hook for Selina to take, she's interesting in helping big cats, Danny got the money, she's pulling him to donate, but is desperate to donate for a real cause and not a scam.

"Oh, Summer Gleeson!" Alice sure seems excited once she realizes who else is nearby, especially so as her recognizing Danny Rand, might help with what she initially tried to accomplish with Selina. "One and the same, and I'll have you know, Summer, that thanks to 'moi'," uttered with absolute lack of French skill, "Mr. Rand is considering making a significant donation to the cause. We have to save these majestic creatures!"

Sally Pride has posed:
A charity for 'big cats' has drawn out possibly one of the more suitable of visitors after Ms. Kyle herself. Not that it was obvious. With a pair of dark sunglasses over her eyes, a slightly oversized hat to cover her ears without stifling her hearing too much, and the collar of her jacket pulled up Sally could hope to at least keep from being noticed as something other than another browser. It's the sort of thing people do when they don't want to be noticed in public, famous or not. So it should give her at least long enough to see what this charity is all about even if it wasn't really her sort of crowd.

For as little of her time as a normal animal that she can recall, Sally knows things weren't always that great for her kin. Poaching is a thing. Obnoxious tourist safaris are too. Don't get me started at the humiliation of being put on display in a zoo, or worse yet, forced to perform at a circus. Shiver inducing to think about. Her tail would twitch if it wasn't stuffed under her clothes somewhere to keep out of sight.

Though at the moment she sees more 'fat acats' than she does big ones. But that's the kind of attention you want, isn't it? At least it would be going to a better cause than blowing it on their second penthouse or third yatch or whatever rich people dump large sums on with little proclivity.

She catches the conversation over her shoulder but doesn't quite turn to look, letting it seem like most of her interest was in the paintings being offered. Even if the concept of 'high art' is lost on her practicalities. "There is quite a selection to see, that much is certain. Hopefully it does well." She smirks a little when someone refers to them as majestic creatures, though. "Yes, yes w-they are."

This disguise nonsense is annoying, but she'd probably freak people out if an actual 'big cat' showed up, walking and talking as the other humans did... No, she's not been exposed to nough to learn there's weirder things out in the world yet.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle graces Summer with a kind enough smile. "Even if people can't attend, it's important to have someone there to document things for others. One person giving ten thousand dollars is great, but five hundred giving twenty dollars each is just as good and they might encourage friends of theirs to give as well." The math even checks out! She makes a bit of a face at the talk of some of what Gotham City can produce for trouble, but she says nothing of that.

There is a moment of quiet as she considers Danny and 'Alice,' leading to her saying, "We've probably met once or twice. There are so many names and faces to remember, and I'm here more for other reasons rather than networking all night long. You understand." That free hand waves at some of the paintings nearby of tigers, lions, panthers and more. "I'd be happy to give you a list of my favorite charities before the night is over." More hands are shaken as called for, but her attention is diverted for a few seconds.

It's Sally Pride, or whatever is beneath that disguise, which seems..somewhat effective for the most part so far. However, there is something about the attendee that has Selina's interest sharpening as she focuses on the figure.

Still keeping at least one eye on the one who's caught her attention, she leans closer to 'Alice' and whispers into an ear, "Honey, you are trying entirely too hard, unless this is your normal."

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer is pretty observant as well; comes with being a reporter. Alice and Danny, for all she knows about the man, really don't seem to match up. She looks at Alice. Then at Danny. Back to Alice. Back to Danny. 'Okay...' Summer says under her breath before bringing her smile back up. "Well, I'm sure that Mr. Rand's contributions will be greatly appreciated," she replies to 'Alice'. "He has been rather outspoken about many environmental causes, if I remember correctly?" Summer pauses and looks at Danny for confirmation. "In fact, I'd love to do an interview with him sometime on responsible corporate environmental policies. Down in Gotham, I think I've worn out my welcome with all the CEO's there. And it would be refreshing to interview someone with an apparently different mindset and approach to corporate policies." Eylashes batted, smile wide. "Should I have my producer contact your people, Mr. Rand? It would also alow you to give a positive message to Gotham citizens looking to a change in pace from 'business as usual' as well."

Danny Rand has posed:
When Jessica/Alice decides to cozy up next to him, Danny leans against her in return and even tries to plant a kiss on the corner of her lips to help sell it. Chances are, he'll get clocked for that one later, but he's gotta help sell it! Plus flirting is fun. "-very-, well off." Danny further tries to saythat he's very rich. Though he does seem to smile a little bit. "Oh, more than likely, I never forget a face. Was wondering why you looked so familiar." He teases just a moment before he nods. "Excellent. The majestic cats must be helped."

He notices Selina leaning in to whisper something to Alice. Are they in trouble?

He does keep his attention on Summer then a moment. "Absolutely. If we don't take care of our environment, the environment surely isn't going to take care of us for very long. If you would like an interview, I think that can certainly be arranged, Miss Gleeson. Its not all about the money, its about doing whats right, right?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
When Danny leans in for a sudden kiss, Alice doesn't even flinch, she looks quite bright and pleased as she wraps her arms around his neck and draws him in further. It turns into a slightly prolonged kiss, before she lets him go with a peck on his nose, and then turns to Selina as she approaches her.

Feigning perfect ignorance of the source of Selina's warning, Alice's eyes grow wide with concern, as she leans closer to Selina and whispers quietly, "...you think Danny noticed? It's a rare shot to land such a golden whale, I've done my research, and this is what guys like him look for in a trophy wife, isn't it? Happpy, preppy, and air-headed with token good-will interests? I mean, I thought saving big cats would endear him on me, and well, put out money for a good cause over a golden yacht, y'know..." Alice looks utterly crestfallen from Selina's warning that she's trying too hard, pleading with her for a tip, as she asks, "what should I do better? Help me not fuck it up." Maybe Selina's initial impression wasn't completely accurate, but she's definitely spotted something. Looks like Alice might be more of a gold digger than a sincere saviour of big cats everywhere. But there's still use for that, if she can get the heir of the Rand fortune to donate to the cause, isn't there?

"I'm sorry, but I need to go powder my nose, feel free to join me if you can spare a tip," Alice invites Selina, before turning towards the ladies room.

Sally Pride has posed:
It's a good thing there's art of actual wild felines. Because Sally glimpsed at some of the other more abstract art on her way in and frankly couldn't see what the big deal was.

She gets that feeling of being watched, and turns her head just enough to glance in Selina's direction. Tilts her head a little to the side. Even with the sunglasses obscuring her eyes it's not hard for the feline afficinado to see the cat-like 'what are you looking at?' expression in the gesture, before she turns back to look at the painting.

Though over the next few moments she's noticably drifting closer to the small gathering. -Something- in that woman's attention got hers. As much as she's unfamiliar with big groups of humans there's something oddly... soothing about Selina's presence.

Though she's also caught enough of the environmental part of the conversation to perk her curiousity farther as well. She knows first hand, more than she would ever really want to, how some big corperations don't care about environmental issues than how much cash flow they can make off of it. How many animals did Null pull from perfectly content lifestyles to do their dirty science? She can't count. And really doesn't feel like getting into a bad memory that might hackle herself enough to blow her cover.

"It would be nice to see more companies be responsable." Sally doesn't quite join the group, but she's there on the edge of it now, closer to Selina than anyone else. "Too many of them either don't know what kind of an impact they actually make... Or care." Behind the sunglasses her eyes narrow a little, as if trying to regard how this Danny fellow feels on the matter.

Though Selina's presence keeps tugging at her too. Though Sally isn't sure just why she feels a little more at ease having shifted closer to her.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Whatever 'Alice' is playing at, it doesn't seem to impress Selina very much. Maybe it's part of what she's trying to learn about the socialite, but Selina's reactions to the gold-digging talk leads to more of a disinterested expression and a desire on the Gothamite's part to distance herself from the conversation. "Yeah, I'll let you know if I think of anything useful, but it sounds like you're on the right path if that's what you're after," she says, flashing Danny a briefly sympathetic expression. He'll figure it out, or he won't. If this is even legit in the first place. "But it sounds like you're in good enough shape to make a sizable contribution. I was planning on a good sum to help them along."

Unfortunately for the others - and it remains to be seen how this goes for her new focus - Selina's attention is shifting more squarely toward the approaching Sally. There's a close look, a lifting of a brow at some of what she's picking up on both visibly and in some other way, and she sips from her glass of milk just to buy herself a few more seconds. There's /definitely/ a feline around, and it seems to be right there nearby! But how can that be? "Yes, you're right," she begins, scratching lightly at the side of her cheek in thought. This is confusing, but this world has a number of oddities in it. This could just be another.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer nods to Daniel Rand as he confirms the idea for a future interview "Sounds perfect. My producer will be in touch tomorrow..." And there's a quick pose and a camera flash as a Picture of Summer with Danny Rand is taken by Chuck. Then, Summer starts to mingle with others whom she recognizes as important figures.

Danny Rand has posed:
The full on lip-lock from Jessica/alice is completely unexpected from Danny, though he does enjoy every second of it and gives it feeling. When the kiss is over, Danny looks a little enchanted and he smiles to himself a little bit. "See you in a few." He tells Jessica, before he looks at Summer. "Absolutely, I look forward to it." Danny gives a thumbs up to the camera-man as the picture snaps, before he stands up straight. "Alrighty, until we meet again, Miss Gleeson."

He does look at Selina a moment and he gives her a smile, ignorant of the conversation until that point. "That is the intention. Not to worry, I will try my damndest to outbid everybody and their mother." He winks.

"But I have a few more people to shake hands with. If you'll excuse me." He does overhear Sally's words though. "Thankfully, we have our flaws but we try our best to do our best when it comes to the environment. Would love to talk to you about it in a bit." Danny gives thumbs up to everyone and he's on his way out of the group to shake hands with other big names that are present.

Sally Pride has posed:
There is a small but noticable shift to the side as Sally notices the camera coming up and not wanting to be caught in the edges of the picture. Or maybe she's just being polite to not accidentally photobomb. Danny's response gets a nod. "Another time, then. Don't let me keep you from ensure a lot of money goes towards the project."

These humans are.. actually pretty decent. If a little too much into themselves and their efforts at finding a mate (or at least that's what she thinks 'Alice' was trying to do).

"Well, that was a thing that happened," she finally murmurs, shaking her head a little. Now it's just her and the woman she's been getting that odd yet comfortable vibe off of.

Selina Kyle has posed:
People begin to drift apart after farewells and excuses are made, which leaves Selina still looking curiously at Sally, perhaps too curiously. She motions over toward a quieter area of the space set out for the displays, which happens to be near more paintings of lions and tigers. They have hefty price tags, but she plucks both of them in order to claim them for purchase before the night is over.

"You're an interesting one," she says, that perception coming into play again as she openly reaches closer to see if she can't lift those sunglasses up a bit. There's no sense of ill will from her, just that generally comforting feeling that seemed to draw Sally closer in the first place. "Let me see your eyes?"

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride is still watching the others depart, if only to observe how they shift so smoothly into other groups. But she's drifting after Selina as the latter moves to a less congested area to claim a couple of paintings. She turns around to say something about being 'interesting' but Selina is quickly reaching for her sunglasses.

There is a notible tensing, just out of bad memories of being reached for like that by very less than pleasant people. But she doesn't actually lash out, or even stop the woman from lifting up the glasses to see the yellow-green eyes with cat-like pupils. And without the bridge of the glasses obscuring it a lot more obvious how her nose is structured more like one of those big cats in the pictures on the walls than a humans.

"I don't know how you could tell," Sally finally mutters in a low whisper, "But don't make a display out of it, please?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle has her peek, and there's a brief shift in her expression that ranges from surprise to confirmation before she lowers the glasses back into place. As her hand leaves the area, the fabric of the opera glove slides almost imperceptibly against Sally's cheek before returning to Selina's side, back within her personal space. "Oh, I have my ways. Just something about cats that fascinate me, and they seem to like me as well. Don't worry. The last thing I'm going to do is make a scene out of you, but you are a beautiful one. I've never seen anyone like you before."

She knows there's a story behind it, but she is taking care not to pry too deeply straight away. "Do you have to hide yourself often? You shouldn't have to, but I know the way the world works."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride lets out a soft small sigh of relief as Selina lets the glasses back down without making a big public fuss over it. Though being referred to as something other than a freak, much less 'beautiful', does catch her a little off guard.

"Yeah, the way the world works," she murmurs, as if that is an explaination enough to why she's trying to go incognito. "I... haven't gotten amongst the social very often," she admits. Then finally a bit of a smirk returns to her expression, and Selina would probably notice the bit of her fangs showing between her lips for a moment. "Guess you could say I was observing the people as much as I was curious in the other relative interest."

Jessica Jones has posed:
By the time Alice returns with an evident fresh coating of makeup, to the sharp eye, and a touch of an alluring perfume which was no doubt sold to her as an aphrodisiac for men, she looks distraught. Danny Rand moved on without her! Gasping, she slowly works her way inbetween Sally and Selina.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she offers in a far less cheerful tone than earlier in the evening, clearly the absence of Danny Rand made her drop her entire act, which Selina was rather quick to see through. "Look, I'm sorry to bother," Alice murmurs at Selina, "but I have to bother you one more time...I think your observation was spot on, because Danny Rand left the scene without me..." she actually sounds genuinely upset. That sort of lowkey about to cry, but struggling to keep herself together while still in public. "I may have fucked up my shot with him, but...if tabloids are correct, they say you're in the circle of people who actually know Bruce Wayne, the billionaire from Gotham...? Any chance you could introduce me, or at least offer a good word about me? If it helps, I can do anything in the bedroom, I'm adventurous and not scared..." Alice certainly seems the girl all about the old money. "I mean...it's my one shot, I don't have a college degree or nothing, I can't afford that stuff, heck, this dress was loaned to me...I don't own anything fancy. I absolutely need...a sugar daddy at the very least."

Selina Kyle has posed:
As far as strangers to meet, Sally could have done worse than the woman who already carries an almost catlike way about her. The way she moves, the way she speaks, she could be the walking, talking embodiment of a cat in most ways except for the one Sally's got covered: the physical.

"You must have a remarkable story," she says, assuredly catching a glimpse of fang. "My name is Selina, and it's truly a pleasure to meet you. I'm not going to push you for details, but if there's ever a time you feel like sharing, I--"

'Alice' chooses that moment to make her return.

There comes a look of exasperation and annoyance when the woman interjects herself back into the conversation, and Sally might read in Selina an impatience that grows toward outright distaste. "What a terrible shame," she begins, the words heavy with sarcasm. Sally has her sunglasses to hide behind. Selina's green eyes reveal the depths of a sudden coldness. "You sure know how to pick them, if you can't go ten minutes together without being stood up." Here comes the Bruce Wayne question, one that is not altogether unexpected considering they've been seen together at charitable functions before, though there hasn't been much mention beyond that.

Laughter follows, short and sudden. "Oh, my goodness. Let me stop you right there before you go into details I really don't want to hear anything about. Look, I think Bruce Wayne is a nice guy and I tried a date with him a couple times and they kind of fell flat, but you can take my word for it when I say he's not going to be interested in someone like you if all you're after is a cheap fuck and some hush money afterward. Now move along, honey. I'm trying to have an actual conversation with my new friend here."

Sally's not the only one with claws.

Sally Pride has posed:
What a moment for Alice to make a sudden charge back into the conversation, cutting off any reply Sally would of had to Selina about her possible story.

Sally doesn't know a lot about humans. But she reconizes the sudden coldness that comes over Selina, that 'I want nothing to do with you' nonhumorous laugh and verbal dressing down that is very much cat-like, and as sharp as any predator's claws. If words could kill, 'Alice' would be eviscerated on the floor.

It's enough that even Sally, the one here who's still one of those predators in many regards, that is taking a step back. If just not to be in the path of this turning into a real catfight.

Sally can't even say something snappy about Selina being mad. Because that wasn't mad. That was pure feline 'I don't care enough to waste it being mad at you, go away'.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Alice was fully expecting Selina to help her, after all, it wasn't like Selina was called out for being Bruce Wayne's main squeeze in the tabloids, they just mentioned them being seen together all professional like. But the fact that Selina would go to such length of not only denying her, but undressing and smacking her verbally, brings tears to Alice's eyes, "I thought you were someone who understood," Alice whimpers, "thanks -a lot- for your help," she's trembling and looks at a loss for action. She's clearly a scaredy cat and won't dare lay a finger on Selina, even though she looks like she wants to slap her. But she probably sucks at any kind of confrontation, as she wails, "I hope you have a bad luck with the guys too! I've had it with deadbeats, I just want a sugar daddy of my own, is that such a terrible thing to ask for?" In a hissy feat, she storms out of the gala, unfortunately failing in all she was hoping to achieve.

Jessica Jones on the other hand, got every last thing she was hoping to get, and she can finally close the case that was the lowest on her priority list due to some real pressing issue. If anything, she was glad there wasn't something deeper to dig into in this exchange. All in all, Selina seemed like a terrific woman, and someone Jess wouldn't have minded to have as a drinking buddy. Though all told, she suspects Selina is the classy sort that doesn't do the bar scene.

Either way, back to Alias to wrap it up with Detective Grayson.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"Yeah, buh-bye now. Try not to stumble across any unprotected dicks on the way out," Selina practically hisses. "Wouldn't want you to have to figure out how to support a kid or two in nine months." 'Alice' has certainly got on her bad side, staring daggers at the woman's back on her way out.

That leaves her to turn her attention back to Sally, practically wiping away the catty look she showed. "Sorry you had to see that. Now where were we?" Talking to a cat-person? Much more preferable.

Sally Pride has posed:
The 'unprotected dicks' comment goes over Sally's head. Until the line about kids comes after it, and she at least partially gets what it's referencing if not the actual terms. It's enough for her to cover her mouth with one gloved hand and stifle the snickering that follows.

It does seem to get Alice to leave though, and the two of them are left to themselves again.

"Eh, I've seen worse. That she wouldn't of been walking away from so easily." But enough about that. Where were they... Oh yeah. "Name's Sally. Let's... just say I haven't had the typical life, as you can probably tell." She's still a little wary of saying too much, even if they have isolated themselves from the groups talking, just because it's the way it works. The militaristic training she was put through was very much 'only give details as necessary'. Her demanor does relax a bit again though. "It is nice to meet someone that.. appreciates who this event is really for, Selina."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle shrugs as far as 'Alice' is concerned. "She just sounded like she was after a quick fuck and some money. I don't have time for people like that. You don't think I was too harsh with her, do you?" She asks this with a smile that is perhaps a little too playful, as if she isn't sorry one bit for how she handled it.

"Sally? All right, then. How did you hear about this? I enjoy doing charitable work for big cats. Sanctuaries, rescues, education. Did you know there are more tigers in captivity alone in the United States than exist in the wild?" Selina rattles off a fact she's aware of, then she lowers her voice. With her back to the wall, it lets Sally face her without all of her features being obvious. "You look more like a lion to me. This is still very different, talking to someone like you."

Sally Pride has posed:
"Quite the contrary," Sally replies as she watchs the last glimpses of 'Alice' disappear into the crowd. "More people should be willing to say what needs to be said if you ask me."

She shakes her head a little and turns back to Selina, appreciating being able to keep her back to the majority of the gathering. "It's a big city. Word gets around. Places it probably wasn't meant to. I didn't realize it was so," she makes an upward waving gesture, indicating the high society nature without really having a term for it, and finally settles on "Classy until I got here. But, some personal interest, so..." She shrugs a little. The tiger fact doesn't surprise her, really. "Yeah. Lioness. At one time I was," she gestures a thumb over her shoulder towards one of the art pieces that is lion themed. "like those."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle remarks, "I was going to say 'fancy,' but 'classy' fits just as well." And there she is, looking dressed up as if she was going to a Broadway show. "I hold things like this myself from time to time in Gotham City." The close proximity to Sally means she can take more of an opportunity to study little details about the..well, yes indeed, lioness. The admission is what has her even more curious. "I didn't even know something like that was possible."

Sally Pride has posed:
"Science. And corperate greed," Sally replies in low, and extremely dry, tone. "So.. perhaps you see more why I was curious, besides having a personal connection." She glances over her shoulder for a moment, just at the crowd in general. "I'm sure some of these people are just looking for something to do with their money to feel good about themselves... But it is nice to see not all humans are like the scumbags I've had the displeasure of dealing with." Her attention turns back to Selina again. That cat-like outburst, as harsh as it was towards the other woman, has helped make her feel more comfortable around Selina as much as the empathic presence did. There's a similarity, despite being different species. "Or scientists."

Hell even the one human she does have experience with outside of Null's operations is stilly very much a scientist more interested in her work. And giving Sally crap for her 'token human' jokes.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle tugs the gloves so they fit more snugly again. No evidence of 'claws' for her with those on. "Oh, corporations. Say no more, even if this is beyond anything I've ever heard of them doing before." A gesture made toward Sally, to indicate the idea of turning an animal into something humanoid. "I'm still thinking I should be pinching myself here, because it doesn't feel like it should be possible. But.."

She again reaches out, this time to see if she can get a better look at one of those ears by shifting the hat around. "If you don't mind," she says while already in the midst of doing it. Chances are she has not heard of the people who made Sally what she is. "I've had dreams of being a lion, or a tiger, but that's a lot different. Everyone dreams."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride is more than happy to leave that topic where it is. She dislikes thinking too much about the bitter past, even if it is part of what pushes her forward. She's seen what dwelling on it too much can do to other mutants. "They've done a good job of keeping it hushed", is the only other thing she has to say.

If it was anyone else she'd probably be twitchy about it, just out of the same bad memories. But Selina has proven herself to not mean any harm by it, and Sally even tilts her head a little to it's easier to shift the hat and get a look at the pierced lion ears underneath. She smirks a bit again. "Well you put that other girl in her place as good as any dominate female."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Those are definitely more feline ears, no doubt about that. The empathic link Selina shares with all felines keeps her subtly in the know when it comes to what Sally is feeling, but there is the sense this one still carries strong predatorial instincts, or at least the potential for them to come more to the forefront at a moment's notice. "Places like that usually do when it's clandestine, experimental shit," Selina remarks with a frown.

A wry grin forms as 'Alice' is brought up one more time. "The bitch deserved it. I don't play around when it comes to fools, and she was definitely one." As far as being the top cat goes, she is number one in her own world. Where that relates to the rest of what's out there is secondary. "But what about you? Are you safe? Do you have a spot somewhere to call home that's secure?"

Sally Pride has posed:
"Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing special but its home. And I'm not alone either." Wait, does that mean there's more like her? She did say she had very limited experiences with other humans. But she doesn't elaborate on that.

"Others that are probably going to wonder where I am, at that." Once Selina is done with her curious inspection she stands upright and readjust her hat into a proper position again. "I should probably get going before they worry too much. Take care, Selina." She turns away to leave, but pauses for one more glance over her shoulder, smiling. "They may not be able to express it like I can, but I'm certain those cats appreciate what you do for them."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle mulls over what she's being told, including the fact Sally is not alone. What /does/ that mean? Best not to ask too many questions too soon. Time may reveal more. "I see," she finally replies, still thinking over the whole situation by the time Sally's talking about getting out of here. "Mmm? Oh, yes. You watch your back, and if you ever show up around the south side of Gotham City, I might just find you."

She's left to think of the idea that there's appreciation for this from the big cats out there, though some doubt exists in her mind as to them knowing anything about her and her donations. She doesn't get the chance to see many of them. The thought counts, and after a few more of those run through her head, she goes over to pay for the items she wants, arranging for them to be delivered to a place in Gotham where she can pick them up later, and she is gone.

Sally Pride has posed:
South side of Gotham City.

Sally hasn't ventured far from New York yet.... But if she ever gets that hotrod fixed up to the point she can, that might be enough to give this Gotham a look.