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Happy Harbor: School Assembly
Date of Scene: 19 July 2022
Location: Theater - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Duncan introduces the replacement director of Happy Harbor to the students. It's just Morrigan back from the dead though! And it's very weird!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Xiomara Rojas, Belinda Gutierrez, Madison Evans, Michael Hannigan, Keli Quintela

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
School assembly in the middle of Summer break is probably uncommon, but, it's probably a much needed thing. No one has to where uniforms and it's rather informal for the most part. Students, faculty and others are asked to meet in the theater at Happy Harbor. Rides were given to those that normally couldn't get to school without one given Summer scheduling is a headache.

Duncan is currently up on stage at the podium waiting for everyone to get in and get settled, "We'll get going in just a minute all. Thank you for coming." the man tells them. The curtains behind him are closed, not an odd sight really.

"If anyone needs a drink or anything just let us know." he adds. The twins, Declan and Delia are seated with Tyler, because if the three of them were parted that would be something to worry over. The exhange students are in attendance as well, probably enjoying break before heading back to their respective homes.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush still lived in the dorms, so coming to the theater was an easy thing to do. She was curious as to what would lead to an assembly in the middle of the summer, had even taken the day off from work to be certain she could be there.

Dressed in her usual jeans and tank top, with the thick black chain around her waist, she finds herself a place to sit in the back and settles in. She'd brought her own large bottle of water, which she was sipping while waiting.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda Gutierrez almost did not come. Almost-- since the harrowing events of Egypt, Belinda has been semi-reclusive-- seen in classes and around the school, then vanished against without trace. But to skip an assembly, even in the middle of summer? Unheard of!    
She lurks in the back, enjoying the shadow's coolness (and the air vents!) -- an easy break from summer's infernal heat.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison was here - with her her mother, hanging back at the back of the audatorium. Gladys wouldn't normally have come back- Madison had been //avoiding// her school since the school trip, and the woman was worried about her daughter.
    She makes her way in, towards some of the empty seats closer to the front, while offering the occasional smile or nod to students she knows. She's, for once, //not// wearing a Star Wars themed shirt - but instead, has on a T-Shirt with the the TARDIS' doors opening on the front - and the 'The Future is Female' in big sparkly letters in the middle admidst all the light spilling out.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Along with the uncommon assembly timing comes along one of the many uncommon people that visits Happy Harbor for various reasons. Except for attending class or teaching it. The school's liaison to the Entertianment Industry has also made an appearance. While within the industry he's known by various names, today he's keeping it simple by just going with his legal name of Michael Hannigan. Also simple would be the basic jeans and tee he chose to wore.

The musician was quiet with his entrance. And he has apparently already gone by the refreshment table and collected a bottle of water. The still as yet unopened bottle accompanies Mike in the quest for a seat.

A glance of those who have chosen the back prompts him to reconsider. It appears various faculty are already clustered to the back area, already expecting something. Beeeeessst balance out the room a bit.

Mike heads down the aisle, eventually picking an aisle seat in Madison's row. "Hey Mads." Mike greets, giving a small smile.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli didn't go back home for the summer, because she doesn't entirely have a home to go back to, and staying around Happy Harbor was a much better idea. She can work on some robotics projects and maybe do an internship! She's been down at GIRL HQ though, when she's not holed up in her dorm, so not a common site around campus. And anyway, the school's been kind of subdued lately.

    She's wearing green, but not anything that screams 'Green Lantern,' and she's left her gauntlet and backpack in the dorms for once. Who needs it at an assembly? Spotting Madison, she heads toward the girl and her mother, giving them both a friendly, if kind of hesitant, wave. She hasn't actually /met/ Maddie's mom, but she bakes good stuff, right?

    She goes to give Madison a hug and a pat on the shoulder. "Hey, how you been, chica?" She eyes Mike for a moment and then gives him a smile too. "Buenas tardes, senor. Any idea what this is about?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Duncan gives a look around and when students and others are settled he gives a clearing of his throat, "I realize that with the incident that happened in Egypt that things have been thrown off kilter more than they have before. Some of our counselors are going to be permanent once the school year starts back up." he tells everyone. "Also, if you need things beyond crisis counseling, please let us know and we can do what we can to provide it." the man adds.

"I know you're all wondering why there is an assembly in the middle of Summer, but this situation calls for the unusual gathering." he comments. "I don't want to drag this out more than we have to. We're going to be introducing you to the Director for Happy Harbor once the new school season starts. Which we are going to delay a few weeks so that those that need more decompressing and time away can take it." he explains to them all.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
A quiet snort is all Crush offers, eyes on Duncan as he speaks. No one could replace Ms. MacIntyre, not even him really though he'd been trying. The whole thing in Egypt had almost lead the Czarnian to leave the school entirely. Had she not made the promise to the spirits of her adoptive parents that she would in fact get a High School diploma, come hell or high water, then she would have.

Scanning the other faces in the room for a moment, she looks back to Duncan and takes a sip of her water. Who ever was being introduced, it didn't really matter to her, they wouldn't be right for the job.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda almost wilts at the simple announcement. Almost-- internally bracing, she leans forward against one of the aisle seats, grasping the back of the chair with a tightening grip. Rumbling air conditioner. Bodies, scents, all mingled. And ears almost perking at the faint, briefly heard snort.    
Bel fights the urge to grin weakly as she gives her head a shake, focusing on the coming words. Not about to back down and slink away now!

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh. Uh - hey," Madison greets both Michael and Keli, giving them each a brief nod. She shoves her hands deep into her pockets, and it seems clear enough from the way the teen's shoulders hunch in that the usually bubbly girl is having a difficult time just being on campus. "I've been alright. Uhh- became a Titan, you know? So. That's pretty cool."
    As Duncan begins to speak, she hastily nods her head towards the seats on her right, and hastily slides in, moving over to make room for anyone else who slides into the row after her.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike hmms at Keli's question. "I could guess but it might be better to see for ourselves instead."

They don't have to wait long as Duncan gets to the topic that's most likely on a lot of minds. Egypt. And what happened with the school director. Judging from some involuntary sounds floating from some nearby seats, it is a fresh wound.

And yet the musician is taking this topic rather calmly. Perhaps it's because he neither studies or teaches here.

Madison's posture isn't lost on him however. Leaning over, Mike offers Madison the unopened bottle of water.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli bobs her head enthusiastically at Madison, though there's a faint frown on her features--but she turns to pay attention to Duncan as he speaks, and slides into a seat, fiddling with the hem of her shirt idly. The frown deepens as Duncan speaks. Hmm.

    "Well then wh--" she cuts herself off from her whisper and glances around at the others nearby. Whatever she's thinking, she keeps it to herself, for now.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Duncan steps back from the podium and then towards the part in the curtains, poking his head in between the fabric to talk to someone for a moment. There's the sound of a bark that comes from behind the curtain, which takes some people by surprise and a few of the students laugh, trying to crane their heads to see where this dog is.

Then they get to see it! The big black dog might get mistaken for a Newfoundland, but he's a Tibetan Mastiff that got no other colors. He's wearing a service dog safety harness, given he's the size of a small horse there's a real question of /WHERE/ did they get that. A horse show?

Then there is a rather familiar looking redhead that steps out with her hand on the handle of the harness. This being blind thing was thankfully temporary...we hoped. "Don't you walk me off the stage." she whispers to the dog as he leads her to the podium.

That is definitely Morrigan. Her hair is just a little brighter. Skin's a bit paler and well...she's still wearing her sunglasses. "They really were going to get another Director." she comments. "I can't see any of you. So I apologize for that in advance, in my time healing my sight has refused to come back." she tells them.

"But, that is not why we are here. We are here because about a month and a half ago I did die. But...obviously things sometimes do not stay dead and that might freak people out." she points out. Then she waits for the reactions. Because she was hoping no one was going to throw a chair at the stage.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush is no longer sitting. Even as the curtain opens she is standing up and a loud, "What the fuck?" escapes her before she reigns that in to listen to what is being said.

Whether or not she should, as Morrigan is talking she is walking toward the front of the room. She could see perfectly fine from the back, but she needed to see the woman up close, just to make certain she was seeing correctly. That is about the time Morrigan mentions she can't see at all, which for some reason causes the Czarnian to stop and sit back down in another seat.

"Some people are just hard to kill," she offers, thinking of someone specifically but not about to mention any names. "But... you're alright?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, uh- thanks," Madison says, accepting the water. She holds it in her lap, her gaze dropped down towards it - and she's staring down at her lap when murmurs and cries of surprise go up. She looks around, before she actually looks up - her gaze locking onto the stage before she lets out a strangled sound. That's- that's not possible. Is it? That's- But she was there! She saw-!
    Without even saying a word, Madison abruptly bursts into tears in her seat.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As far as reactions are concerned, Mike's is not quite to the caliber that are being displayed by select students. Instead he smiles to the director. And remembering the whole lack of sight thing, he raises his voice, "Welcome back M-!"

Mike pauses as Madison starts crying. The smile dies away. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a tiny travel pack of kleenex, also unopened and offers those over to Madison as well.

"Happy tears, right?" Mika asks, assuming that to be the case but just wanting to be sure.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli blinks rapidly at the woman on stage and then grins widely. "Oh there have /got/ to be shenanigans going on. Is she a superhero? She /must/ be a superhero. I wonder which one she is?"

    But even in the midst of her excited babble, she reaches over to offer Madison a hug. "Hey, chica, que pasa? What's wrong? Or you just happy she's back? It's good, yeah?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan can hear the sounds of startlement, then the crying. It stabs her in the heart really. Making the students cry was something she'd never wanted to do. It is definitely a myriad of reactions. So far no one has screamed she's a witch, burn her!


"Those are superheroes, which I am not one." Morrigan chuckles to that. "Sometimes the universe has different plan and in our world there are things at work that are outside our scope of understanding. This is one of those situations." she tells them. "I'm not a zombie, I'm undead. I am alive. So there is no need to start calling removal teams. I've been cleared by a few places for returning." she states.

She hears Madison crying and there's a deep frown that crosses her features, "Madison I'm sorry." she tells her. "I'm sorry for everyone that was hurt by this. I did not expect to be standing here. However unwhole I might be. But if you all want me to continue as your director...I'm here. If not, I will quietly take my leave and let the powers that be take over." she states.

"We've all got a lot to work through either way and I want to be here to help." she tells them.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison leans into Keli's hug, and rubs at her eyes - first with the back of her hands, and then with the Kleenex's from Mike. She sniffles, and tries to get her tears under control.
    The whole things was //confusing,// and it was hard not picturing everything that happened in Egypt that night - but she tries to shove the thoughts aside.
    "I'm okay, I'm okay," the girl insists in a quiet voice as the wave of startled, and confused tears slowly begin to ebb.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing Madison say she's okay is somewhat comforting. He'll take that as happy tears. "Okay. Good." Mike replies, glancing around to the remaining students, guaging their reactions as well.

HE CAN go out to the lobby and fetch another water bottle after all.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli pats Madison's shoulder, speaking in a low tone so only those nearby can hear. "Okay, maybe not superhero stuff but it's still, y'know--these things happen. Which is weird to say, but it's true! Superman died and came back, you know, and the Avengers have an an actual /god/ and--stuff's weird! You sure you're good?" She smiles for a moment, then gives the girl another pat an pulls away.

    Then she raises her voice to call, "But what /happened/?! Are you a secret Amazon? Or, oh, are you actually an alien??" She coughs, and flushes a bit darker. "Ahh, I mean, lo siento, ma'am, I don't mean to be rude. But I bet other people are curious too."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Sitting quietly, just listening as Morrigan explains a little, Crush takes another drink from her water bottle before standing up. Being an alien to this planet, she had the basic knowledge that weird stuff just seemed to happen. Dead, undead, mostly dead, not dead... it was all part of living in this universe these days. It didn't make it easier to understand, but it was a part of existing.

"I'm glad your back," she states with a nod. "I'm glad you're mostly alright, and hope it gets better."

That's it, all the words she'll offer for the time being. What she might be feeling, she'll keep to herself. She never talked to a counselor or anything like that, and wouldn't start now. Morrigan was alive, sort of... she was there, where she belonged.

Turning away from the stage, she walks back up the side isle, heading to the exit and out of the auditorium.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's head turns from place to place, listening since she can't see. This was difficult. And she didn't like being blind. "I can't promise everything will be fine. This has effected everyone and I know that people will need time to heal. It's why we're still going to be offering counseling and I will also be willing to talk to people about things." she states to the audience.

"I think I'm a little short for an Amazon." she muses to Keli. "Sorta like a storm trooper. I think they all start at statuesque and move up the chart." she smiles to that. "No, I'm not a secret Amazon. But that would be a cool set of powers to have. For the most part I've retained all my sorcerous abilities. If I've gained anything from death it is still being elusive." she explains. "This is Riordan. He is acting as my eyes while I'm not able to see. He's very friendly." she tells them.

"As I get more information on what has happened I will let you all know. I don't want to keep anyone in the dark." she admits.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Really weird," Madison agrees. She finally cracks open the water, taking a long drink before lifting her gaze towards the stage, studying the woman there for a long moment in silence.
    "You really think she's okay?" she whispers quietly. "I mean, I- I thought-" Well, of course the thought, everyone thought. She crinkles the water bottle restlessly - the crackly noise it makes more than a little annoying.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"She's ok." Mike offers up in assurance to Madison's question. "She's a quick healer." And so conclude's tonight's segment of 'Michael Hannigan's Statements of the Obvious'.

A glance is giving to the departing Crush. Remembering the difficulty it took to remove her from the blast zone, he frowns slightly. "The important thing is she's back. Uh-excuse me." Mike adds as a parting thought before he steps from the aisle to head towards the exit.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was going to try to keep herself from crying until she was out from in front of the teens and others. "I'm going to be in my office the next few days. If anyone wants to come talk, just let me know. Don't let the blindess bother you, I'm not going to let it change anything about life for the moment unless it is a permanent thing, then we'll have to get some things talked on." she mentions.

"For now, I want everyone to take time to decompress. Try to talk to one of our counselors if you need it. If you don't trust the new ones then I'm sure Mister Wilson and others can set time aside." she offers.

"We can get through this." she nods to this. Then she steps back and lets Riordan guide her down the stairs of the stage to talk to people without being up on the stage.