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|Quote="Seriously. That weapon you call 'high tech' is so primitive. If you want I can explain in more detail."
|Quote="Seriously. That weapon you call 'high tech' is so primitive. If you want I can explain in more detail."
|DOB=14 Apr 470
|DOB=14 Apr 470

Latest revision as of 04:57, 20 July 2022

Colborn (Scenesys ID: 4266)
Name: Colborn Gustafson
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Eternal
Occupation: Metalworker
Citizenship: Unknown
Residence: New York City
Education: Highly Educated + Hard Knocks
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Godlings
Apparent Age: 30 Actual Age: 1553
Date of Birth 14 Apr 470 Played By Frank Grillo
Height: 5'11" Weight: 195 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UrLSxcVOTY

Character Info


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Colborn is a young Eternal (only 1500-ish), yet has all of the basic abilities Eternals possess. Power Cosmic, Low-End Psionics. He is also a skilled melee combatant and metalworker who makes all of his own weapons and armor. He is capable of augmenting the tensile strength and durability of most metals beyond their normal level.


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470: Born among the youngest generation of Eternals in Titanos. Benefited from education opportunities growing up among his own kind.
490: Discovered a love for creation and fabrication. Began studying methods used by humans.
510: Began traveling to various lands to learn from local craftsmen. Learned from Persians, Romans, Egyptians, Gauls, Germanians.
704: Made his way to the Danelands, or Scandinavia. Found local craftsmen who he shared collected skills and knowledge with while at the same time learning from them.
900: Having moved through the Viking world and passing himself off as a simple traveling metalworker and merchant, Colborn had plenty of opportunities to learn to -use- his weapons too.
1000: Discovered how to harness Power Cosmic to manipulate the molecules of metal and improve the durability and flexibility of his creations. Began focusing his power on that more than anything else.
1200: Began wandering the world once more. Ended up in Russia for a time before wandering further East into Asia.
1275: Arrived in Japan, began learning from local swordsmiths. Used cosmic glamour to blend in as a local.
1450: After traveling as a weaponsmith and a ronin, left Japan and ended up wandering China, and then to India.
1665: Ended up in Spain, where he boarded a ship to the New World.
1776: Began crafting musket barrels and bayonets for the Continental Army.
1900: Dawn of the 20th century, travelled home to catch up with fellow Eternals, to share what he had learned and pick up knowledge from others.
2020: Began working on his masterpiece. (Still not finished). Incorporating Eternal / Celestial level tech into a blade of his own creation. Taking his time.
2022: Purchased through intermediaries, a metalworking studio in New York City in order to be back in America and also to be closer to the new 'Age of Heroes'. Moving day coming up.

IC Journal

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As a young Eternal, he is a loner from the far ancient ones of his own kind. His skill set is seen as something archaic and not of interest, and he is far too old to be a figure amongst humanity. So he is of one world that cares little for him and another she is far too removed from to fit in.

As an Eternal craftsman, Colborn is mostly focused upon his work. He spends little time socializing or interacting with other beings unless he has to. Other people make him uncomfortable, and they take time away that he could spend on forging. So he is emotionally distant and isolated, and does not interact readily or naturally, and will often be introverted and stiff. He does not make friends easily nor does he go out of his way to encounter more people.

Colborn has a tendency, like all good craftspeople, to focus on the task at hand. When he is working on a problem, working metal or whatnot, he tends to focus and -lose- focus on everything else. Tunnel Vision.

He is like the metals he works with and forges. Repetitive, dutiful, obedient. When he has given his word and his loyalty, he keeps them as best he can. But in turn this can lead to him being stagnant, difficult to compromise with, and unwilling to adapt. He will stay within his comfort zone of existence most of the time rather than expand it if left to his own choices.

Character Sheet


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Colborn is capable of unassisted flight through his innate telekinesis. He can top out around 500 mph with this for short bursts. He has exceptional maneuverability but poor acceleration. Colborn's maximum lift is around 1000kg and his airspeed and acceleration drops significantly with extra weight.

Colborn's body is difficult to injure. He is superhumanly durable, and capable of ignoring most conventional small arms and blades. He is not however, capable of ignoring the sort of advanced weaponry that the world has developed in recent times. He has learned in the past few decades that humans have built weapons that can actually hurt him. So he has even more respect for their warriors than he did back in the day.

Molecular Conversion:
Colborn specializes in taking normal metals and significantly improving their various metallurgical properties. Over a period of hours or even days, he can refine meteal into new alloys that are harder, stronger, more flexible or with better thermal resistance. Refining something to the level of adamantium is a significant investment of time and energy that would take weeks or months of work to achieve. His typical products are melee weapons and are considered the finest weapons available in the communities of Titanos or New Genesis.

New God Physiology:
As one of the New Gods, Colborn's body is the apotheosis of human evolution. His physical traits are on par with the magical Godlings, with increased strength, durability, immunity to most toxins and diseases, and high resistance to natural extremes of heat and cold. Colborn can endure immenses atmospheric pressure and the vacuum of space. For limited durations he can use the Power Cosmic in lieu of biological needs like food, water, or air.

Power Cosmic:
All Eternals have the ability to channel cosmic energy/ionic radiation through their bodies and use it to perform a variety of tasks in limited duration. It empowers their telekinesis and telepathy, as well as physical traits like increased strength, durability, and regeneration. Colborn also can discharge powerful beams of heat, light and force projected from his hands. At maximum effort, these beams burn at 1650C and impact with ~1.8 bar of force over a blast radius of around 5m. With concentration, fine control of this power can scale it down significantly.

Superhuman Strength:
Due to the cosmic energy infusing his body, and his total control over that body, Colborn is quite strong. He is capable of lifting up to 25 tons without pushing himself beyond his limits. He has never really made a regular practice of charging his body to get stronger, but that is something he would be capable of doing in theory (He could push his limits for plot or story requirements if it fit the plot runner's ideal.)

Colborn has an innate capability for telekinesis. He can lift around 2000lbs, with a range of around 20m. He can target either a dozen or so objects of varying mass, or an area of around 1 cubic meter.


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Given his nature, Colborn is a natural athlete. Even despite his superhuman physique, he takes good care of himself, is nimble, acrobatic, and lithe.

Combat Training:
Colborn has had literally centuries of experience in combat. He is very skilled at the use of almost any melee weapon from swords to hammers and clubs and staves. It even applies to unarmed combat and pretty much any form of combat that does not involve modern weaponry such as firearms of energy weapons. He does have -some- experience with those types of weapons, but even with less experience, he would still have a passable level of expertise. After all, Eternals are a high tech society.

Having lived through a lot of the world's history, Colborn has accumulated a lot of knowledge of things that happened. He has recorded those histories in his own memories. While he does not have an encyclopedia of all history in his brain, he has specific information. A lot of that has to do with the American revolution and American history up to the early 1900's. As well as Viking culture and history, and that of feudal Japan.

Colborn has had centuries to improve his skill at working metal with his hands. While most times he uses his ability to manipulate molecular structures to help work the materials that he uses. Though his mundane level of skill is still astounding given his breadth of experience.

For centuries, Colborn lived off the land, and wandered from land to land. He became very good at following tracks, hunting, identifying safe plants to eat, and all of those good skills that help in the outdoors situation.


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Colborn has a rather extensive collection of weapons and armor that he has fabricated over the years. All of the gear that he uses is augmented to be far more durable than the normal steel materials used in the modern world. His weapons could survive being used by some of the strongest individuals without breaking, and his armor can soak up and incredible amount of damage. Sadly, no material that he has been able to work with can fully absorb the concussive impacts of attacks. So while the armor may hold against a powerful attacker, the wearer of that armor will still feel much of the force transmitted. But any damage suffered would be far less than without the armor.

Mother Box:
A Mother Box is a sentient entity, a virtual intelligence secured in a crystalline computer. Each 'personality' is unique and bonds to only one living creature in its lifetime. The Mother Box follows the user's commands to the best of it's ability, and is capable of multiple functions. Colborn keeps his motherbox distributed across his person disguised as small tools and a well-made wristwatch.

Boom Tube: The Mother Box is capable of opening Boom Tubes, stable interdimensional wormholes that permit travel across Yggdrasil's realms and into alternate dimensions. These portals are generated with a loud 'boom' sound and emit energy across multiple wavelengths, making them detectable, but nearly impossible to trace once the tube has closed.

Translation: The Mother Box can translate the words of the user for any language in its database. It also offers low-level assistance with telepathic communications.

Storage: The Mother Box houses a small dimensional pocket in her systems, allowing the use of quick access to storage space. Weapons, armaments, and provisions can be stored in the mother box's space. Typically a Celestial 'Flight Disk' is kept here as well.

Energy Storage: The Mother box can store ambient ionic radiation and deliver it to the user for a short burst of cosmic power to enhance their abilities beyond their normal limits, even if empowered by their own cosmic energy.

Self-Repair: In the event that the Mother Box becomes damaged, the technology can restore herself to maximum functionality, which can be assisted by positive emotions of the holder, such as love and hope.'

Name means: Star Blade. A weapon made of old school methods, cosmic molecular manipulation, and Celestial / Eternal level technology. Filaments in the grip channel cosmic energy generated in the hand and focus down the same filaments that run down the fuller in the blade. This makes her blasts more potent than normal when focused through the sword. If power channeled into the blade, but not fired out of it the blade will be more powerful on its own. Somewhere between supersteel blade and lightsaber. For the record, the blade is transparent aside from the filaments but is as hard as the strongest alloys of steel ever produced.


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Emotionally Distant:
Colborn has seen people grow old and die while he stayed eternally young. He has learned to keep folks at arm's length emotionally. This could work against him in the long run as some people will not understand his reasoning, or will disagree with it. But it is an ironclad part of who he is. He does not -want- to care as much about some people as he knows she likely will.

Honor and Duty:
A part of Colborn's upbringing, and some things he learned out in the world, was to always keep his word, never use more force against a foe than is needed. Only try to kill those foes who are trying to kill him. And that there is no honor greater then doing his duty to her people. This is the guiding light of his existence and what keeps his on track.

It is not that Colborn thinks that he can do anything, handle any threat. It is that he tends to reflexively think of mortals as just -not- able to do as much as he can. For the most part, he is right but he respects their accomplishments. He has a kneejerk reaction of dismissing the threat level that mere mortals can offer him until and unless proved wrong (usually in a very inconvenient manner).

Reverse Anachronism:
Despite his love for old school smith-work, Colborn is used to a certain level of technological sophistication. Eternals tech level is quite beyond what the majority of Earth possesses. They have devices that can utilize their psionic or cosmic energy for a variety of effects. Being forced to work with existing Earth level human tech will frustrate and confuse him. It would be like someone who knows how to use an iPhone being stuck in the 19th century trying to figure out a telegraph system.

Subject To Orders:
As an Eternal, and one of the youngest ones on Earth, Colborn is beholden to the elders of her people. If they were to give him a direct order, he would have very little choice in the matter. His ironclad sense of duty would mean that he would have to do as he was told, even if it was to the detriment of a nominal ally.



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Colborn has 31 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Noise, Noise, Noise November 15th, 2022 The Saga of Luis Camacho, Freedom Fighter
The Forge is becoming popular! November 1st, 2022 People come to visit the forge. Superman shows up with an odd blade for Colborn to examine.
Sword Shopping with Kurt October 22nd, 2022 Measurements taken. Order placed. Weapon being made!
Meanwhile, back at The Forge... October 17th, 2022 No description
Resonants: Finale Pt. 2 October 15th, 2022 The battle with Malekith raged, and in the end the heroes were victorious. But at a cost as Mjolnir was destroyed. And Thor lost.
Resonants: Finale Pt. 1 October 14th, 2022 The Ritual is enacted, only it does not go well as the party is crashed.
Resonants: Niflheim, Pt 2 October 7th, 2022 The Asgardian-Midgard recovery party seeks their prize in Helheim. Cleverly avoiding harassing Garmr and a conflict involving many mortal kings and mesmerism, they confront the horrors of Hela's puzzle-trap. A trial indeed is a trip through Hel, and they come back the richer with a piece of the Black Bifrost.
Back to work September 18th, 2022 No description
Resonants: Nidavellir pt. 3 September 14th, 2022 The Dwarfs along with Colborn and Zatanna craft a suitable artifact for the bond between Midgard and Nidavellir.
Night at the Museum September 8th, 2022 A trip to the museum erupts into chaos complete with frost hounds, ghosts, and a cursed helmet!
Resonants: Nidavellir Pt. 2 September 7th, 2022 The delegation and the dwarfs discuss the form of the artifact to take and make plans for the crafting of it.
Resonants: Jotenheim Part 1 September 6th, 2022 The next step in the Resonants plot is Jotunheim! There the heroes are challenged to the most deadly of combats: The Tug OF WAR!
Forging the Flameblade... finally September 4th, 2022 Blade is finalized for Alexis. Flameblade lives.
Resonants: Nidavellir August 31st, 2022 The heroes make it to Nidavellir and meet King Eitri. Festivities are had.
Evening shift at The Forge August 20th, 2022 No description
Morning at The Forge August 18th, 2022 Conversation leads to charity work. Yay!
Working the Forge together. August 2nd, 2022 Colborn talks about making Red Sonja's bikini.. oh, and tells Kora that Thor invited him for a quest.. all casual-like.
That time Thor went to Queens. August 1st, 2022 Thor comes to recruit Colborn and gets assaulted by his sister. In the end, Mother Box separates them and shop repairs begin.
Aftermath of the Amazon vs Armored Car Event July 30th, 2022 Ice Cream and Mythstory! Histhology? Oh skip it.
Skate Tiktok with a Twist ending July 29th, 2022 Great friends were made, forged in battle!
Daisho - Hai! July 29th, 2022 Daisho forged. Cosmetics handled. Fun had!
Kanga Court July 29th, 2022 A Kanga Court is held at the Themysciran Arts Center ARena. This is the training of new Kanga Riders who were interested in experiencing a little more Themysciran culture! Who knows, maybe they'll become totally Pro Kanga Riders some day!
Work in the Modern World July 28th, 2022 Kora's horizons broaden at Colborn's forge.
This one day at Band...er... at the Embassy July 23rd, 2022 Colborn visits the Embassy and meets Diana. Social interactions ensue.
Meanwhile, back at the shop. July 22nd, 2022 Forging Tik Tok Time!
Discovering The Forge July 22nd, 2022 Offering a job to an Amazon. Go figure.
What do you mean you want a chainmail bikini July 20th, 2022 It's not armor if it doesn't cover you. Okay.. I'll make it.
Sometimes You Guesstimate Wrong July 19th, 2022 A foolish Skycrane pilot nearly ruins a Naval Air and Sea show when Hulkling with some help from Colborn saves the day. Kaida also was there, ya know, doing mouse stuff.
Neenja goes sword shopping July 19th, 2022 Yet another satisfied customer. Models who are also Samurai. Yay!
Grand Opening of The Forge July 18th, 2022 Hired for a special order. Yay! Similar to my own project too!
Newcomer to New York. . . again. July 16th, 2022 New guy bumps into a kid and finds a place to stay. Yay!


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Colborn has 31 finished logs.

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Colborn has been credited in 0 shows.

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Colborn has been credited in 0 albums.

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Colborn has authored 0 books.

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