12786/Resonants: Niflheim, Pt 2
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Resonants: Niflheim, Pt 2 | |
Date of Scene: | 07 October 2022 |
Location: | Niflheim - Asgard |
Synopsis: | The Asgardian-Midgard recovery party seeks their prize in Helheim. Cleverly avoiding harassing Garmr and a conflict involving many mortal kings and mesmerism, they confront the horrors of Hela's puzzle-trap. A trial indeed is a trip through Hel, and they come back the richer with a piece of the Black Bifrost. |
Cast of Characters: | Hela, Thor, Thea Queen, Colborn, Zatanna Zatara, Sif, Steve Rogers, Vintridr, Stephen Strange |
Tinyplot: | Resonants |
- Hela has posed:
Niflheim, Part 1, as told by Modgud on the River Gjall.
Some Asgardians bearing gifts dragged a few mortals to the most splendid bridge in Nine Realms. The Bifrost brightened up my day holding vigil at the Gjallarbru since things were dead boring (get it?). We don't get visitors much this way ever since the Lady of Helheim stopped being the lady. They almost fell in the Gjoll and got distracted by the ice. Can't reckon on sense or logic up there, can you?
I had a good time of it. Almost shot the breathing, hot-blooded archeress they tried to sneak past me. Almost convinced Lady Sif to trade Thor to me. Almost tossed two smelly wizards off my bridge.
But I'm a giantess who looks on the -bright- side! Enough almosts, let's talk dids. Nice fellow gave me his death tags, and I let him through, isn't that thoughtful? The wizards gave me mead! The dead one looked at me proper askance, reckon she knows my business and won't try to flee off to Vanaheim like that other brat. Ugh, the worst. Thor, shamed by not being sold, offered a day's boon for what passes as an ode and a mead in Niflheim.
Goes to show they hear naught in Asgard but the flapping of their own mouths, as they knew naught of Helheim. (Truly!) Who was I to fail them? I spoke the facts true as they are. That my proper lady doesn't seat the throne and now everyone upjumped draugr and rotting jarl, thane, and king makes to sit his arse at her table. Only proper a wit such as I thought to demand they win the right, as proper monarchs do, and now they've to capture the realm's heart. That insufferable contest that holds them all entranced. Not a single one has come within a finger's breadth of claiming Helheim.
Now comes entertainment, my dearest audience! The Asgardians went on their way some pounds of apples and mead lighter to go find a treasure for their quest, and I get to see the backsides of them.
That's /Asgard's/ arse.
- Thor has posed:
For indeed the half-cloak does have its benefit.
Thor had led the way with the crew of heroes only with a few ne'er-do-wells tagging along. Which was unto which difficult to tell for sure, but as a group... all honorable souls.
Helheim was their destination and it was a journey of some effort. Chill in the air preyed upon comfort and the dour surroundings likely would take to task the morale of some. Yet there was an energy to the moment, a purity of potentiality that seemed to grow the deeper the heroes wandered into the Realm of the Dead. And when Thor glanced to the side at his life-long friends and good comrades...
He could not stop himself from lightly bumping Steve's shoulder and stealing a smile at the man. Then giving a look to Sif. To the crew in general he announces. "I know it dares fate and fortune for me to say..."
He announces to the crew, then adds. "But I have a good feeling about this journey."
- Hela has posed:
Niflheim, aptly named the realm of mists, makes for a lackluster journey. Three features remain persistent in the shifting curtains of cold, clammy vapours. Modgud's warning to stay on the road at all costs is easier said than done when visibility is so reduced.
The first, the River Gjoll slides past in a dark cacophony of clashing ice and groaning noises akin to the sounds men make when gutshot. Shapes emerge among the water, limbs or occasionally bodies of elves, dwarves, men, the odd troll or giant.
The second, the Helheim Road they have travelled to find the singular way into Hela's domain. Interlocking black stone sometimes turns grey, treacherously slick underfoot. Their very bodies feel heavy and ponderous on that path, and the mired slush around their ankles grows to mid-calf after hours of walking. Hours, minutes? Here, time is no friend.
Except Jane, for no apparent reason, who can walk like Legolas atop the mess and seems more lightfooted with each passing league.
Good feelings, in Niflheim, come with a price tag...
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Serves her right..." Thea is murmuring after they are off listening distance from Modgud, "After all the stunts she tried to pull out, good riddance from being a monarch..." is there resentment on Thea's voice about Hela? Well, yes. Seems like there's past grievances between the two. Well, for Thea really because while for Thea it was a shattering experience when she got to *see* Hela for the first time for Hela it was just another Tuesday.
Life's unfair like that sometimes.
"Also, I think she's checking your arse.." This said after she looks over her shoulder at the oggling Modgud. But whose arse though? Thea doesn't say. Because she's very polite. But then again Midgard's and Asgard's behinds are walking side by side. Porque no los dos?
And then Thor goes and jinxes it? Thea just adjusts her hood and goes silent, keeping an eye out on their surroundings. There is no good feeling about this journey.
- Colborn has posed:
Lagging behind was par for the course for Colborn on this trip. His primary use was as a craftsman. But yeah, he's been studying things, observing things, and mainly just along for the ride. The more he watches, the more he learns, the better he can help if and when the need to help arises.
Though currently, he finds himself still following behind everyone. He's been taking stock of his dimensional storage space and the armory he tends to keep in there. He even has Mother Box primed to boom tube out of here and back to Midgard should the need arise.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna snugs her fur hood closer around her neck as she walks past Modgud, thinking she had named the giantess well. Troll, she repeats to herself. Then, with an insincere bow of her head, the mage passes the giant woman, eyes fixed on what lies ahead - seeing naught but fog and cold.
A few quick steps bring her abreast of Sif, "Is he often like this?" Zee nods at Thor and nearly pays for her moment of inattention with a slip on the icy stone.
- Sif has posed:
As tends to happen in these situations, Sif gives Thor a look that says she really wishes she /had/ accepted the bounty on his head. Because they both knew saying such thing on their various adventures rarely led to freeflowing ale and a warm fireplace.
No, it led to sludge. Which seemed to get worse as they walked through. Sif did find herself glancing curiously at Jane Foster, wondering at her ability to work through this so well. It was curious. Confusing.
At Thea's mention, Sif too glanced back toward Modgud then back to the party they traveled with. Which arse? That was indeed the question. Why not both indeed!
"Thor, if your words bring darkness upon us, I will beat you myself upon our return to Asgard." Which meant she believed they would return no matter how bad it got. Ever the optimist!
- Steve Rogers has posed:
As Thor bumps against his shoulder, Cap glances about at their dreary surroundings. "Not exactly the land of rainbow bridges is it?" he asks the Asgardian. "Remind me to take you down to a few parts of the Bronx when we return as payback," he says, the look in his eyes and the curl of his lips at the end adding the evidence of jesting.
Steve Rogers keeps a close eye on the surroundings, his shield worn on his arm rather than on his back. His gaze takes in his companions as well now and then, making sure none are struggling through the sometimes deep slush.
At one point his eyes fall on Red Arrow, a thoughtful look coming over the sky blue orbs. "I find myself wondering... why Red Arrow? Just the contrast with your partner? It's just, I'd have thought you'd want something a little more camouflaged like him?" he asks Red Arrow.
- Vintridr has posed:
... And then a particularly solid swirl of mist shifts and turns out to be a familiar form wearing a gray-and-blue cloak that's surprisingly effective camouflage.
Vintridr looks the group over, nodding at each in turn. "Odinson; Lady Sif; Young Queen; brave warriors. Welcome to Niflheim, such as it currently is..."
She half-turns to indicate the road ahead. "Valkyrior are... Not exactly welcome here, but our duties require us being granted passage, in normal times -- and right now, anyone potent enough to bar our entry is too busy vying for Hela's throne."
"I've scouted out a route that should lead us around the major conflict areas for now; I'm afraid I cannot guarantee we'll evade all the stragglers, however..."
She looks at the mortals in the group. "Do not stray from the path unless you absolutely have to. This is a realm of the dead, and it resents your very presence."
- Thor has posed:
Receiving the sidelong glower of Sif, and the wry comment from Steve, it draws out an apologetic shrug from the man as he gestures to the side, "What? where is the harm? Simply my feeling. We have a collection of fine warriors and brilliant minds. We should not hold fear nor trepidation in our hearts..."
Though last time he spoke so was likely some good years ago and ended with Frost Giants venting their ire with large spiky clubs.
Though he gives a nod to Steve, "Of course, show me the Bronx as you would. I have been there once. A fine zoo." That said he gives a nod while walking, his boots crunching and scraping at points as he moves forward along the road maintaining his balance passingly well.
Shortly later Vintridr makes her appearance and gains Thor's attention, his focus snapping to her quickly as he listens to that report. A precise nod is given as he murmurs, "Excellent work, if we can avoid most of them would be for the best. Lead on, we will follow." The Asgardian prince nods and gestures forward as he turns and pauses for a moment, looking at each person in turn and making sure they haven't lost anyone to the mists.
- Hela has posed:
Not long after Vintridr makes her timely appearance, the endless chilly tramping with no sense of progress winds down to a conclusion.
The lonely road terminates abruptly at a colossally high wall, that kind of monumental architecture that makes Babylonians or Sauron have a serious case of wall envy. Mists swirl around the jagged onyx-hued base arising smoothly from the ice-speckled, slippery landscape. Onyx and alabaster fade into a variation of grey, imposing as mountains but utterly devised of human make. Crenellated peaks and wildly interesting, improbable arches and gulleys abound, but the road leads to up to an outcropping the size and shape of an outhouse. It even has a brown door hanging off rusted hinges, creaking as it rocks back and forth. Steve would have trouble shouldering his way in, and he'd have to duck to do it.
Nothing else to be done for it.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Vintridr." For perhaps the first time since they started this voyage there's a warm smile appearing on the Red Arrow's slim features and she approaches to greet the warrior by clasping her arm like warriors do, "It is good to have you with us." then a look at Thor with some new measure of respect. He was right about having a good feeling about this journey apparently! With Vin here the Young Queen certainly felt better.
The threat Sif offers Thor in case this trip goes wrong gets an amused look out of the hooded one but she doesn't comment, just watching their interaction until she finds the Captain's eyes on her. Oh, he's talking to her isn't he?
"I don't want to be a copy of him.." Is there some history there? By her tone it looks like it. "But ..., my last codename used to be Speedy." she confides with Steve. "So Red Arrow was .., certainly an upgrade when I took it."
"It's what happens when you don't get to choose your codename. Did you choose yours, Captain?"
- Colborn has posed:
The gunk of the tar is annoying, and as it starts to affect and slow down Colborn, he simply levitates himself up so that he is not trudging -through- the gunk. I mean it's less about wanting to avoid getting dirty, than wanting to avoid being slowed down if things get weird and funky and combaty.
Speaking of the potential for combat, his prized sword... Sjarnbrandr, materializes in his right hand, ready for battle should the need arise. "Odd that there is so little wood or metal in the vicinity, but that door is wooden."
- Hela has posed:
Jane, thoroughly enveloped in her heavy coat, grows quieter. The silence hangs heavy in the air. Prancing down the Helheim road was never going to happen for her but even this is the marked look of someone taking in the monotonous landscape with disquiet. She breaks into a wan smile when Colborn floats up, but her attention has been largely on putting one foot ahead of another.
Vintridr speaking up just about has jumping out of her skin. The pauses multiply, the stretch of watchful looking about lengthening. "I'm hardly a warrior," she murmurs to the Asgardian woman. "Scientist, though this defies..." A hand waves lightly at the shack against an enormous wall. "Go ahead."
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Vintridr's warning does not fall on deaf ears. Zatanna has walked the paths of the dead once before and scarcely relishes the idea of doing it again. But she knows she is in the best company for braving the mists of this cold land.
The mage looks at each of her companions, knowing she is likely the frailest, at least in body. They trudge for what feels like hours. Finally, she casts a spell to keep her feet warm and walks with her gloved hands in her pockets, risking balance for warmth.
Through the cold mists, another sensation reaches her, a sense of power. The wall looms into view as the swirling fog parts briefly. One wrong step would be perilous around that power.
Expecting a great gate in the towering wall, the little door creaking in the wind can be nothing but a trap in her reckoning.
"Let me say the obvious. It looks like the outhouse of no return. But to be more precise, I am almost certain it is a portal into the lands beyond."
- Sif has posed:
People cheating all over the place. Sif continues to soldier on though the appearance of Vintridr out of the mists has her drawing her sword immediately. She lets out a puff of air which condenses in the cold to mist. The sword is put back into place and she gives a nod to the valkyrie's words. Such help is definitely appreciated.
She pauses as the wall is suddenly there. The mists had done well to obscure it until they were very close. She stared at the door then looked to her companions.
"I believe this is our path. I can take point as we enter." That way if there is a guardian, she will be in the line of fire.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers's reply to a Thea is a shake of his head. "No I didn't actually. It was a member of the Army's Public Affairs Office," Steve says as they walk along. His voice turns a bit wry. "They had me doing shows promoting buying war bonds at first. Dancing girls and a Hitler look alike. And they figured 'Captain America' had the best ring to it. And of course they made sure my rank matched. Bucky used to say it was too bad General America didn't roll off the tongue a little better," he tells her with a self-effacing grin at the end.
His voice trails off as they approach the small outhouse-sized building. One of his eyebrows goes up slightly as he walks over to the door and eyes it. He reaches out, fingers touching part of the door. "Well if it's an outhouse apparently it's the elk outhouse and not the men's or women's," he comments. Those who look closely enough can maybe spot the badly carved head of an elk or reindeer there where he touches.
Steve is already moving to the doorway as Sif volunteers to go first. Steve stops though, head tilting as if he's looking at something inside. "Well hello there boy," he says, looking downwards as if at something that is maybe waist high or even less, and in a voice that people usually reserve for talking to a pet. "We're seeking a way inside. Maybe you'll let us pass through?" he asks, leaving room that something inside could pass out.
- Hela has posed:
As Steve pulls open the door, the scent of wet dog and something ferrous bubbles out. The uncomfortable interior amounts to an upright, confined chamber with a stony ledge where a rather large, fluffy dog sits. His paws alone are the size of saucers. Slightly reflective red eyes peer up and the dog's tongue lolls out of its mouth. <<Woooof?>>
In Dog, that means "Woof." Or "Whaaat?" translated into Aesir.
Thump-thump-thump. His tail sets off vibrations hitting the wall. Beside him, and really taking up quite a bit of the floor, is a dark, dark hole that tunnels down into the ground. Instead of sitting, one can drop down into the tunnel where... it's an outhouse. Seriously.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr smiles back at Thea as she returns the greeting. "Well met once more, Young Queen. Would that we had fairer sights to show you." With that, she turns and leads the party along until they reach the wall.
A slightly pained sigh escapes her as the destination comes into view. "Reality in this place is... Mutable, at the whim of whoever holds authority and can force their will. Some of them even believe they have a sense of humor."
Regardless of appearances, this is the entrance to the Gnipa cave, where the Valkyrior deliver the dead who have not earned Valhalla. It has looked more dignified, in the past..."
- Thor has posed:
Interrupting Thea and Steve's conversation, Thor offers. "You should hold no shame for such a name as Speedy." A gesture is made as he walks a bit, indicating Cap. "His partner was named Bucky." Which gains a solid nod as if that should solve all such hesitation in using a name like that.
When the wall comes into view, and that small outhouse-like outcropping, Thor quirks an eyebrow toward Vintridr in that silent inquiry for information before he looks around. "This is Gnipahellir... I believe. Home to the hound that guards Hel."
He holds a hand out as if to stay others from entering it. "Garmr stands vigil, but I see him not. So bide." As he says that he unslings Mjolnir from his belt and takes it in hand only to tilt his head at Steve as the Star-Spangled Avenger swings the door open...
And voila, puppy.
"Oh there he is. Ho there, Garmr. Is this the path to Helheim?" Which depending on the puppy's answer if it is... well with no hesitation Thor moves to drop down into that tunnel. Because not every adventure can be sharing mead with triple-jointed elves in Alfheim.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Well, what name would you had chosen for yourself if you had the choice..?" Thea finally asks Cap before Thor comes in and burns Bucky like that. And the problem is he actually clueless of the burn! Maybe. Thea isn't sure. So she narrows her eyes at Thor in thought. Maybe he's as crafty as Loki!
She expects Garmr to be ..., perhaps more imposing. And Garmr? "He totally looks like a Nifles, not a Garmr. And he's such a sweet boy. Aren't you? Hmmm. Aren't you?" she grins, leaning forward, hands resting on her knees as she grins at the doggo. Look, she likes dogs! And this one reads like a sweet little thing. Even if in the midst of such a dreary place!
"I was expecting more of a three-headed big dog of hell. Or am I mixing up my mythologies?" then a grin to the dog again. "Wanna come along boy? It's adventure time!" but she is following the others to the hole to follow after. Maybe not jumping in right after Thor did but once a few more do she does the same! She's the archer. She needs good, sturdy bodies in front of her!
- Colborn has posed:
I mean, who expects a woofy dog behind a door to the outhouse at the end of the universe? Colborn certainly does not. His sword has started to glow golden at the runes and in the fuller... obviously he was anticipating something more... immediately threatening.
When the doggo of the outhouse just woofs, he lifts both brows. "Well, there is something you don't see every day." he remarks.
- Hela has posed:
Garmr cocks his head, ear lifted in a fuzzy arch that leaves the coppery gleam of his fur brighter. He whuffs, sniffing with that great black nose. Sensitive noses, dogs have, more helpful for identifying people and things than anything other than that toothy mouth. <<Me! I am. Garmr and a sweet boy, that's me. It is.>> He agrees with a plain happy thud of his tail, throwing a few wet drops onto the walls.
The dog stays on his sturdy stone shelf, flopping his body back to the wall. He has glowing red puppy-dog eyes, but they are still effective in conveying his satisfaction at compliments from Thea and Steve's friendly posture. <<Have a most welcome sojourn, as you would.>> He sniffs again and dignifies himself by not sneezing or licking someone. Like Colborn's sword. It may be very cool and glowing, but not for pupper mouths.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Crowding up behind the others to get a glimpse of what is behind the door, Zatanna understands the trick some joker is playing on them.
"Are you sure your brother, Loki hasn't gotten here first? Nothing like mutable reality," the illusionist sighs.
"So -this- is Gnipa cave and -that- is the fearsome Garmr. She reaches out to give the dog a caress then reconsiders. Less intrepid than Thor, frowning Zatanna crouches on the edge of the hole and drops into it.
- Sif has posed:
Sif was a bit surprised that Cap just walked up and opened the door. She was used to working with Thor and some of the others now. Cap was new. Someone she knew that Thor respected greatly. Sif just hadn't expected him to just walk up there like that. It was impressive.
"Garmr." A nod of respect is given to the oh-so-cute-doggie! But he is a guardian here and Sif will give him his due. At Thea's question, she does glance over. "Indeed, that would be the Olympians' guardian. Garmr is far better."
And with that she moves to the hole. The proper due is given to the canine, if it is allowed. In the form of pets and rubs of his ears. Then she draws her shield, just in case, and drops into the hole. The sword remains sheathed in case she lands atop one of the others at the end of the path.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Before Thor and Thea have gone and jumped in the hole, Steve replies to the young woman, "You know I've never really given it any thought. I'd have just told people to call me Steve, I imagine. But what they came up with seems to have worked out."
At Thor's comment about Bucky, Steve raises a hand with an index finger raised, but Thor drops into the hole before he can comment that's his nickname not a hero name. Steve just shakes his head, used to such moments, and follows the others over into the outhouse when it is his turn.
"Thank you," he tells the dog, giving Garmr another smile and then looking down at the hole. "Next time, accompany Banner instead," he mumbles to himself, before stepping forward and dropping into the outhouse hole.
- Vintridr has posed:
"A sweet boy and a dutiful guardian, you are," Vin acknowledges to the dog, reaching out to scritch behind his ears. "Have you heard any good rumors?"
She nods at Thea as several others leap down. "Go on ahead; this isn't a good place for a mortal to hold up the rear. I'll be right behind you."
- Hela has posed:
Epics and skalds contend the terrors of the Gnipa Cave, a place that birthed the cosmos or a corner that sees to its still, fraught end. The last ride of any living soul must cross that black barrier, an irregular hole strangely less fragrant than one might fear. Tight, yes, resisting anyone trying to initially push their body through, though Modgud's blessing helps just enough for them to crash into the darkness.
A harrowing travail of three meters or three years ends as abruptly as it began on a round flagstone floor. Here the artistry of basalt and granite, polished alabaster and greenish peridot spread out in a pattern visible only from above. To anyone with a vantage above, it's their own lifecycle etched out in rock. Darkness cloaks the perimeter, a weighty and breathless veil beyond which life is surely snuffed out.
Two opposite pillars stand in detail, taller than a frost giant. One carries runes in sharp detail top to bottom. The other is nearly featureless except for the image of an antlered crown.
- Thor has posed:
For Thor the transition from one place to the next has its own wildness to it. For the dark often reflects back upon oneself, when one cannot tell if their eyes are open or closed they tend to see much of their thoughts and concerns given back to them. And for the Thunderer it serves to darken his mood for however many years he falls.
But then he alights upon the stone, landing with a low /kathoom/ of roiling thunder somehow distant even as he straightens up. Hammer still in hand, expression stern he takes in his surroundings in this portion of Niflheim. Stone floor and distant unseen walls, but two pillars seen. It serves to draw the eye and attention.
When the others start to appear he steps to the side and moves to help their arrival should footing be awkward or people be affected more ill by these travels. He greets them by name, trying to gain their attention and make sure everyone has passed through alright.
- Stephen Strange has posed:
And what does the Sorcerer Supreme have to say about the situation?
Why...Stephen Strange hasn't said much of anything, to be honest. Fawning over the guardian to Helheim? Not really Strange's style. Though, honestly, the dog is certainly cute. Not that he will actually admit to any of that. No, he was being careful. Quiet. And alert.
After all, Stephen remembers all too well the last time he wandered through the realms of the dead. And yes...it certainly was an experience.
When it came to jumping into dark holes....the sorcerer dropped in. And, lands, his feet striking the flagstone floor. Which prompted perhaps the first thing the wizard said since the bridge.
"Well, that was certainly easier this time around."
No explanation. Just a cryptic comment and nothing more. Typical...
- Colborn has posed:
Like the diametric opposite of Thor, Colborn descends and instead of landing with a *thud*, he merely stops a foot or so off the ground. A bit of the muck he was walking in before drips down off of his boots as he lifts his blade to shed light ahead.
"Thor." he says simply, "Can you make out these runes?" he asks, gesturing to the runes on one of the columns. "They are of a dialect that I have not read for centuries... something to do with honor.'
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
No heroic landing for the mage. Nothing meets Zatanna's expectations, neither the short drop nor the chamber she falls to her knees in. She unfolds her arms and levers herself up off the cold stone, absently brushing her knees. All of her attention is on the towering pillars facing them.
Addressing the Thunderer and her fellow sorcerer, "Which way do we go?
- Sif has posed:
The landing for Sif is nothing fancy. Just her boots thudding onto the floor and then her stepping to the side immediately. She scanned the area they had appeared in for threats before turning back to the opening. Thor was helping those arriving so she continued to keep watch, moving a little around the chamber to examine those pillars.
"These runes are ancient. Before our time," Sif admits as she looks them over. "I believe they predate Odin." She glanced to the others in the group that might be in the know, to see if they agreed.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers lands lightly, eyes swinging about to take in the sights of where they landed, before looking up to help the arrival of anyone after him who might need assistance.
Once everyone is down he strides forward slowly, gaze swinging about again. "I don't know if the the antlers on the crown have a specific meaning. But the door had the elk or deer or something on it," he comments. Steve waits for those more familiar with the realm to lead on, then falls into step with them.
- Vintridr has posed:
"As to Valhalla is honor, to Hel is trials," Vintridr intones as she reads the runes, then turns to the group to explain. "Those of the Fallen who earned their place go to Valhalla; so Niflheim is the destination for those who... Did not. Occasionally, however, someone fails to attain Valhalla, but by their actions merit a chance to prove themselves; or someone whose final actions are worthy of Valhalla, but whose character in life was... lacking. It pleased Lady Hela to place tests and trials before them to prove their worth or lack of it..."
She turns to Steve and Thea in particular. "Despite the similarity in name, Helheim is not Hell as the Christians envision it; it is the final destination most of the virtuous and the sinner alike; one merely has to fail to qualify for Valhalla."
- Hela has posed:
Fear is the first trial in reaching the unknown. A jump through a hole. A landing in that inglorious, dark space. The assemblage of brave souls numbers all their original host but one: a missing astrophysicist, replaced by Stephen Strange. No sign of Jane there. Probably a better trade all considered. Thea stays among them, absorbed in thoughts of Nifles. No sign of the hole they entered from.
The dim green glow shimmers over the space, the two pillars silent and equidistant. Carved of the same stone of the floor, the runes or the engraved antled helm shed a soft light when approached. Being made of rock, they are unable to contribute meaningfully to the conversation.
- Thor has posed:
Straightening up, Thor turns at Colborn's behest to look upon the pillars. His eyebrows lift as he reads them then nods as Vintridr gives them voice.
A pause then he murmurs, "Tis old, these runes, from when there were the first kings in Asgard." Which is indeed some years ago. Resting a hand on his hip he considers the pillars, the one with the many runes, then the other with the crown. His brow furrows.
"If this is indeed some connection to mine brother, and he set this before us as a test... he likely would assume I would naturally seek the crown for that is how he views me through the lens of his own ambition." Thor considers that antlered crown, then shakes his head as he motions to the other. "Only by such reasoning would I choose the other. Though I would hear other arguments for mine is come to by impulse."
A glance is given toward Steve, "Hm, I didn't see the emblem. You think that's enough to go on to choose the crown then?" He turns his head to the side and says over his shoulder, "Jane have you any thoughts on the..."
Which has Thor turning around and frowning. "Jane?"
- Stephen Strange has posed:
Mystical lines of eldritch energy trace through the empty space before Stephen. With no words spoken as Strange draws his spell, there is little in ways of information as to what exactly he seems to be doing. As far as the runes go, he sees exactly what Vintridr has stated. The translation holds true. And...as far as the penchant for trials? Yes...that is par for the course, too.
However...can he see just what each path holds?
The sigil of light hovers in the air for a moment or two, before the sigil dissipates into nothingness. It is then, and only then, does Stephen speak...and even so, it is mostly to himself, as he sounds out what is going through his mind.
"The runes speak truth. This is a trial...even now. The trial seems simple. Which path to take? Yet....it isn't as easy as choosing the left or the right. We....should divine what we already know." As Strange speaks....he actually turns to face the group. That slight shift in position is enough to signify that he is no longer speaking to himself...but now addressing the group.
"Modgud had already told us the answer. Do you remember? She said that Hela is not on her throne and so the mighty bicker for her position. Meaning they are clamoring for the throne. If we were to take the antler path, that will lead to the throne and directly to that very power struggle. However, regardless of Hela not being on her throne....this is *still* her realm. It is still her trial."
A pause. "To prove ourselves worthy, we should not go on the antlered path. We should take the runed path. By not craving the power of the throne will we be deemed worthy."
- Hela has posed:
Thus, the runed pillar. Vintridr and Stephen Strange's wisdom imparted, it takes but a single touch for the plucky group to find themselves suddenly transported. It may not even feel like travelling for the walls merely turn, and the floor rotates as though to flip them over. All, surely, an illusion.
They find themselves in a chamber built on a grand scale from basalt and peridot. The heptagonal walls scale fifteen feet high, capped in a pointed ceiling split by a barred window. A shaft of pale light pours down onto the polished flagstone floor amidst a twisted design that resembles branches or antlers.
Four large statues stand facing one another: a carnelian wolf, a peridotite serpent, a kneeling soldier made of labradorite, and a thulite woman in the garb of a scholar or poet of some kind. Each has exquisitely crafted features.
The inscription spanning three walls behind the group is made of glowing green runes in a shade instantly recognizable to anyone who has dealt with Hela's fire.
- Colborn has posed:
Well, runes are knowledge, and Colborn tilts his head to one side as his computer pings audibly. PING. DING. PING. What? It actually means something to him. "Skald. Something about performers or chanters. Be judged by the dead?" he inclines his head to the other side and then shrugs, "Either way, I feel that I am getting merely a partial translation. The wielders of magic are far more knowledgeable than I am when it comes to things such as this."
- Sif has posed:
For a long time, Sif stares at the runes. "It...is difficult. As it is so old. But it is possibly from the time of Bor himself."
She shakes her head and looks around the chamber a moment. "Ancient Aesir. And Jotun words as well?" A moment as she skims then she reads slowly.
"To know the name of a god, man must be judged by the damned
so says the man
skald of black thulite, judge my vow
the skald judges the vow pure
but the name of a god is unknown."
Then she moved a few steps, pointing to runes that are on the floor as well. "These match the inscriptions." She glances from them to the walls then back to the gathered heroes. "I know not what this means. Perhaps those among you with more skill than I can interpret."
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna turns to look at the Thunderer. Jane's disappearance oddly does not surprise Zatanna, but she doesn't understand the why behind it. She walks forward to the pillar of runes, naturally drawn, or at least naturally for her, toward the written word. Yet, the others gravitate toward the crowned antler.
Magic glows in the air when Strange casts his spell, illuminating the runes to her eyes.
"Modgud mentioned the hunt in her cryptic message. And the fight for the crown that none had won," she ponders aloud to those within hearing.
To her gratification, the group takes the path of the runes.
Eyes closed, the sorceress listens raptly to Sif's translation, nodding at times in agreement. The statues draw her forward; she stands as close as possible to each in turn without touching them.
"Spirit animals, fylgja, is one word that comes to mind. Witches often have them. Wolf for Odin, Serpent for Loki, perhaps the soldier is for the Valkyrie, though..." she hesitates, clearly not sure of how to read the scholar.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers moves in a slow circle around the area, looking at everything, but mainly staying out of the way of mages and the Asgardians that might be able to make head or tails of the runes. He has seen a few runes like that before, on a mission to Norway. But unfortunately they were just symbols on some stones said to be magic, but otherwise without meaning to him.
Continuing his slow circuit, Steve is keeping an eye out for anyone else while the others have their attentions occupied. Though as Sif speaks of struggling with the inscription on the floor, Captain America pauses there, looking down at it.
"Well, if it might be the answer... it might make sense that it wouldn't just be written out. I mean, that wouldn't be much of a trial, right?" Steve offers after a few moments thought. "The Germans had all sorts of ways of encrypting their messages. They had an Enigma machine, but also employed a number of cyphers that Howard Stark, Peggy, and others were able to break on occasion. Could it be something like that? A cypher that holds the answer to the rest?"
- Colborn has posed:
Peering at Sif, Colborn lifts a brow. "Mother box translated that as judged by the dead. Are you -sure- that it is the damned, and not the dead?" He shrugs though, and steps off to one side to let everyone else get their own takes on things.
"I have no answers sadly."
- Thor has posed:
Arms folding over his broad chest, Thor hovers around the middle of the crowd as they ponder the runes and the meaning thereof. His brow knits in concentration, expression distanced as he chews his lower lip so very deep in thought.
Another glance is spared over his shoulder, as if half expecting Jane to leap from the shadows with a tidbit of wisdom only it is not to be. Instead he focuses on each speaker in turn, listening to their point of view and their thoughts until he shakes his head.
Then he says, with some calm wise manner that might almost make him seem learned. "I hate riddles."
- Hela has posed:
Jane is not emerging from any of the statues. The fiendish serpent or the lurking, growling wolf are not about to pounce her. Neither has her quiet presence been overlooked. She simply isn't there. Thea goes about examining the runes, staying in Vintridr's arm's reach, and looking worriedly at Thor now or then. Or maybe she's looking for Garmr, the goodest boy. He probably knows what's up with this wall!
The statues do not respond to Thor's displeasure.
- Sif has posed:
Sif continued to examine, squatting down to look at the stones on the floor. "These depress. It will be a matter of standing in the right spots."
She glanced over at Colborn's question and gave a nod. "I am unsure if your MotherBox is old enough to understand it fully. The word is as I stated. Jotun dialectics on Aesir words, it's damned, with that particular choice of futhark runes. Dead would be slightly different syntax."
And how does Sif know all this? Blame her family for making her study a lot as a child. Even if she had turned her back on it as much as possible to go practice with the sword and become a warrior instead, it didn't mean she had failed utterly in her training as a Lady.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A smile lights Zee's face for Sif erudition, there is much more to the warrior than she shows or wants known.
"Probably they should be pressed or stood on in order," she says to the group.
The magician steps over to the K than should be read as an N. "I'll take this one. We need someone to cue us so we keep the order. Perhaps Thor?"
She raises her eyebrows at him, "We are spelling out: U-N-K-N-O-W-N."
- Stephen Strange has posed:
Strange eyes the inscription...and then to the stones on the floor. "If the stones depress....then I would wager that we need to most likely spell out a word in order to continue onward Now....as far as that word could be." Stephen takes note of the runes on the floor...and then the runes on the inscription as Sif has translated it. "Well....it says to know the name of a god, one must be judged. Then asks to be judged...and ends with saying that the name of a god is unknown. So...yes. Makes perfect sense."
The sorcerer walks over to claim a letter. Looks like the O, in this case. "Ready when you are."
- Thor has posed:
Mildly suspicious as to perhaps accidentally settling on an erroneous letter, Thor looks as others begin to claim ones for themselves. He walks over, points at one and looks sidelong in Sif and Steve's direction in case they wanted to offer advice. Or in case he had the wrong one and they'd erupt into sudden shrieks of 'Thor no!'
Yet luckily it is not an incorrect letter as he steps forth and onto his proper place, making sure not to cross over onto any of the others. He stands there, looking down, then back.
- Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers picks up the rune stone and carries it over with the rest. If Tony Stark were here there would probably be some comment about Vanna White and buying a vowel. Which Steve would have not get. So maybe there are some advantages to traveling with Thor instead.
He moves over into the proper spot then. "You'd think I'd be better at this after years of the New York Times crossword," he murmurs loud enough for the others to make out. Thea chuckles, probably.
- Hela has posed:
That leaves Thea and Vintridr to take up their letters in order, though the flagstones make a most satisfying click when they land. Weight of an Aesir or not, they sink down. Any out of order cast off a horrific green blast of energy, good reason to get the spelling lesson completed properly.
U. N. The rest fits together until "Unknown" is complete.
The thulite, that dark gemstone, cracks around the skald standing facing the others. Fine chips cascade off the woman's shoulders and along the sleeves as she is forced to reach down. The rest of her petrified lower body barely moves, only allowing her to swivel or stoop. A hand touches the ground between the quartet. White light pouring down from the roof glows along a crack, and then ceases to illuminate anything at all when the protective ward falls. There lies an utterly dark chunk of what looks like glass. An item no larger than a flagon of mead radiates such malevolent intensity, even the average person would recognize its foul magical origins.
Their prize Stephen Strange knows intimately, Zatanna possibly, and Thor or Sif only by dim experience: a shard of the Black Bifrost.
- Thor has posed:
At the revelation of the shard illuminated by the petrified figure, and when the magical bonds fall only to reveal... that sliver of the dark? It is a moment that causes Thor's breath to catch oh so briefly, his brow furrowing. His mouth close and the tendons in his jaw bunch as he frowns most severely. Shaking his head in the depths of the land of the dead, the Mighty Thor murmurs quietly, simply.
"This bodes ill."