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Taking a Page from...
Date of Scene: 31 July 2022
Location: Gotham Public Library - Upper West Branch
Synopsis: When a trio of amature ghost hunters disappear after accidentally crossing a threshold Event Horizon created by an odd, magical, book that brought out a swamp hag and a Mirkwood spider. While Jim Gordon has the steel nerves to flick a car-sized spider and find out that the creature was constructed of paper, and Thomas Blake finds his knife slices through a paper witch, the group including Balm (Phoebe Beacon) and Michael Hannigan rescue the three teenagers and return them to the library. Balm makes sure to return Jim's lighter.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Jim Gordon, Megan Gwynn, Michael Hannigan, Thomas Blake, Zatanna Zatara

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Cecelia Gomez
Clara Manning
Luke Miller

Three amature ghost hunters and volunteers at the Gotham Public Library - Upper West branch. They had gotten permission to stay in the library overnight to investigate if the cold spots and reported aparition that started affecting patrons was indeed supernatural and not just an effect of the ancient air conditioning that the building was retrofitted for in the mid 80's. They entered into the library at closing on the 30th and planned to spend the night. The security cameras that cover the main hall had them on camera walking through with recording equipment and cell phones glowing and going towards the reference section. No exterior cameras caught their exits. No interior cameras caught them again.

Their cooler was found in the foyer, where it was agreed they could eat and drink, still full of high sugar, energy drinks, sandwiches and freezer blocks in need of refreshing. Clara's car was still in the parking lot, and their phones last pinged in the library itself, where all three had suddenly dropped off the library's wifi around 9:30 at night.

They have been missing for twenty-one hours, no calls out, no messages received by their phones. The librarians who opened in the morning reported the disappearance. There was no sign of a struggle.

The library was, though, unusually Cold.

The building is old, having survived the flood and No Man's Land, and commands a modicum of respect.

(https://i.imgur.com/GVIpnl4.jpg example library)

Jim Gordon has posed:
Missing kids are a personal thing. A pain that everyone in Gotham knows all too well. It's something that the Commissioner feels is his personal burden and his personal failure. So he's there along with some of the officers that are present reviewing the evidence they have. Gordon looks exhausted but is there and giving his his full attention. The area is taped off and the police are going over everything with a fine toothed comb, reviewing everything they can. Currently a couple are working with people from the library to see if there are any nooks and crannies that they might have missed.
    Gotham is full of holes and tunnels. A more enterprising officer is digging through archives looking for tunnelplans from the last time the library was renovated just to cover things.
    Jim is already working on downloading all the information to an encrypted drive.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is not police, nor is she a professional ghost hunter..But she IS a member of JLDark Soo..Maybe that helps? Besides she's like obviously mystical and she happens to find ghosts especially cool. Which is why she's here. So there! The place might be taped off but it doesn't stop the fairy girl from snooping around. Hey she's even dressed in her official blue and gold Xmen uniform so hopefully that helps her look more professional! She's got her magic senses peeled for the slightest disturbance - Assuming she isn't instantly shooed away by police officers.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike had been in town for work related matters but with that stuff concluded, he should have hopped the next train back to New York. And yet, he is now at the library. Mike's not sure why. But there's just something about Gotham that tends to send the musician through a loop whenever he returns here and the last few things he was thinking about were some stirred up memories of someone he'd often come to this branch with.

Blame it on nostalgia perhaps?

Not here in an official capacity and more of the accidental sort, there's nothing to really identify him as being part of a group. The best form of visual identification is his face which looks supiciously like one Nick Drago. If Nick Drago walked around in Goodwill's finest.

As the door to the library opens up, Mike starts to refocus. Upon seeing the police, and Megan in a uniform, the performer pauses. Well. He can probably guess what this means. "...Fuck."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is neither police nor a hero. However, his news app mentioned something at the library. Some of the people looked familiar and well the amber alert hit a nerve. Disappearing kids meant you put and crimes on hold and lent a hand. Missing kids was just wrong. Some people helped out because they revved the cops up and made everything difficult. Thomas was one who just helped. At the moment he lurks somewhat near Pixie and not making his presence known. She's the professional. He sees Zatanna and them Mike.

Is he a little protective of the faerie? Nah, of course not.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    Homo magi have nothing against enthusiasts or amateurs. Great discoveries have been made by these very people in the past - Viking gold caches, spots on Jupiter, Ithaca...Now, the magical accidents, the ones who fell into demon traps, into magical pits, ad infinitum and never returned seldom come back to the land of the living or make the news.

    A 'friend' in the Gotham police department tipped Zatanna off. And being insatiably curious about Gotham where Shadowcrest now makes its home, she decides to go to the Library.

    No one would recognize her by her dress, stage costumes are just for that - the stage. She wears a boxy jacket over wide-legged linen pants, topped with a gauzy white shirt, perfect for the sultry weather in Gotham and exploring the unknown downtown. Decidedly, she is not the only one.G

    Getting past the tape might pose a problem until she sends word into the commissioner. She tags an officer and enlists his help, then saunters through the tape anyway. Presto change-o. The magician is not above using a little illusion.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Commissioner's phone might beep from an unknown number.

    (They're with me.) reads a text. The easiest way for her to communicate at the moment.

    And that's when one of the other Bat-associated heroes arrives, black hooded, gray domino'd with blue lenses, seen patrolling with Red Robin on the odd occasion, but definitely Bat, and definitely someone who cares about Gotham. She was refered to as Balm.

    She rescued a pair of GCPD officers from a dark magic staircase some weeks ago.

    She shifts her weight uneasily as she looks around the library room, takes a breath, and lets it out slowly, giving a nod to Megan and Zee, and a curious look to Mike and Tom before she looks at Gordon, and motions to all of them, and points to herself. She keeps her shoulders square and her expression serious.

    Those who can sense magic can feel the cold creeping about their spines. Gordon might feel a tingling sensation, the pricking of hair along the back of his neck.

    Four books from the Non-Fiction section to the side tumble off the shelves.

    'The Art of the Inferno'
        'A Guide to Portal II'
            'Behind Enemy Lines'
    Some Kind of Magic: A Novel.

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would turn over to Balm and let out a sigh, "All right, so you're the one that I'm going to be working with here?" He's long since gotten used to this sort of thing. He's not going to say anything about who it is. Megan Gwynn in her costume is given an unusual glance. "Are you with the Titans, Miss?" He would go to fold his arms over while looking about.
    "And Sir.." He's heading for Michael, "This is a closed area for an investigation. Are you a friend or a relative of one of the missing individuals? Or are you a witness and are you availble to make a statement?" He maintains his passive look. "If not, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
    Gordon might not be able to sense magic, but a veteran police officer's isntincts are enough that he can tell when something is up. And Zatanna.. Gets his attention, right over as he disengages from MIke to approach her. A gesture given at Balm to come along with him.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grimaces a bit at Gordon, trying to think of a good answer. Fortunately Balm is there and she nods brightly to her. "Yeah! What she said! Plus, I'm a magic sensitive so you might just need.."

She blinks and shivers, feeling suddenly cold, teeth chattering, peering towards the non fiction book as those four see,imply unrelated books fall to the floor. "Wait what?" No way that's random. The faerie picks up one of the books and frowns, "I think those kids got kidnapped and taken through a portal to another dimension.." she shivers at the third book. "Okay I have a baaaaad feeling about this. I could port us there, if I knew where 'there' is.."

She picks up the last book, wondering if it might reference any spells..

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Thomas comes into view, Mike furrows his brows in consideration for a moment. But, considering Pixie's here, it's not too far of a reach to expect Blake as well. He does have the sense to look away before too long, lest he draw attention over to the man.

Besides, as the masked figure enters into the library, Mike can't help but to look over that way. The domino mask is quite the fashion statement during operation hours. Even if it might be close to the tail end of them. Seeing the gesture as she indicates to each of them. The musician's head tilts. So, maybe this is why he ended up here?

Being essentially called over by the one in costume, he starts to take a step forward before Gordon's calling out to him. He turns his head. "It appears I've been summoned to work with them." He gestures over towards Balm and the others gathering around her.

While Jim gets distracted by another, Mike uses the moment to calmly walk over towards the gathering. The prickling sensation he just experienced yesterday evening soon comes back, causing for him to give a headshake. "Can't even wait a day to pull this shit." he mutters to himself.

Mike takes a moment, looking to the titles. Giving a soft hmm. Pixie's spoken theory gets some consideration. When he's near the others, he comes to a stop. "I'm really hoping the first book is not a Dante's Inferno or Hell reference. But I could probably rule out one realm. Anyone have any pictures of what they look like?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake removes the mask. Why did he wear it? Old habits. He walks toward Gordon. "You know me, Commissioner. I don't have anyone who'd vet me. I'm betting you have enough wisdom to tell, I want to help and I can help. So let me or removing me will be a harder than you think. Let me help. I'm the best tracker you'll find, decent muscle and I have experience with magic. I'll find these kids." Having said that he sort of idles near the Faerie, as if waiting for instructions.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It is, in fact, an art collection of variations of Dante's Inferno; on the cover was a Delacroix image of a perilous boatride: https://i.imgur.com/y9FpJug.jpg

    Balm seems less impressed by the people she's allowed to accompany her, and she gives a very questioning glance to Megan as Thomas speaks up. There was a definite feeling of trepedation there as she regards the other Outsider in her colorful primary work-duds, and her head tilts again. There seems to be a moment of conversation as Zatanna disappears, and then the bat-domino masked teen returns to Jim Gordon's side.

    And she signs:

    -It does seem like the three teenagers disappeared over night, and I agree that the books are an obvious message. Maybe too obvious.- she fingers fly, and she chews her inner cheek a bit, not realizing that most people can't... read sign language.

    She then points in the direction of the reference room, turns, and stalks the path where the trio had tred.

Jim Gordon has posed:
The others get a nod from Jim, "All right, come along." He would nod over at Phoebe then and follow along what she was doing then and nod over at her. "Come on. If you need me to translate for you.." He moves to go along with Balm. When one of the officers handling things glances up at him in confusion, the Commissioner goes, "It's all right, they're with me. This is a bit outside of our jurisdiction, so we're having some outside help on the matter."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at Thomas' presence, a small smile slipping on her features. Trying to be professional, which is suddenly very hard with him standing there. "Oh. Heey!" she nods and smiles to Mike as well but her attention is on the Inferno book now, frown deep ending, "Geez, don't tell me we're looking at a hell dimension..I hate hell dimensions..But people can't just vanish unless they either cast a ritual spell to open a portal or someone dragged them there." she takes a couple books with her, still looking for evidence that a spell was cast, and with a sigh she follows after Balm to the reference room.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Oh dammit.

Well. Let's hope it's not the real message then.

With no idea what the teenagers look like, nor there being any effort to correct that, Mike is left to follow along as Balm gestures towards the reference room. Megan's comments about how someone can vanish does get a glance but he opts not to comment on the matter.

Jim's offer to translate is overheard, causing for Mike to look over to the silent Phoebe. "Probably better you do." He allows. There is definitely a good chance someone here doesn't know what the hell Phoebe just said.

Yes, that'd be Mike. But there might be others. Never know.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake passes an officer with a neat beard and mustache. He pauses and says, "Officer Ramirez. I see you got out of Corrections and into the GCPD. Congrats." The officer looks a little perplexed then just nods. "Blake."

There's not much to do, yet but, "Perhaps I could go in first and see if any traces remain of anyone or anything passing?" There's probably little or no chance but you never know.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -Yes please translate. Much magic interferance. Like static.- Phoebe signs as they step into the reference area.

    The reference room was where the card catalogue lived, until it was removed and the pieces sold off to instagram furniture restorers and collectors of Gotham memorabelia. Where the massive catelogue occupied is now empty -- but the room is abuzz with magic. It rings in the ears of those who are sensitive. It makes itch the skin of those who are not, and there is just the barest whiff of something earthy in the room, like someone had left a muddy footprint before they came in. Petrichor -- the smell of rain.

    There was a lot of magic that passed through this room, and not just the regular kind that books naturally bring.

    -Please ask Mr. Blake if he has anything to make a circle show, or what happened in the past.- she signs, looking to Gordon, and then she looks purposefully to Pixie.

    The mental connection 'knocks' on her mind, followed by the whisper from Phoebe of: <Friends of yours?>

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would go to as they went along to translate for Balm. "There's magic interference, like static. And.. Mister Blake? Can you do something to make a circle show? Or what happened in the past?" He would move to look about the room carefully. "Smells like mud." Mud, peatmeal, moss..
    He would go along right after Mike. "I'll go in front just in case there's something nasty waiting for us." He was stubborn. Whether or not there was anything, he was still the cop and these were all people volunteering thier own time to rescue kids.
    He would do his damndest to try and make sure that none of them had anything happen to them while he was around.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at Phoebe and will have to ask what happened to her this time to make her deaf anyway. But in the meantime she grimaces slowly at the mental suggestion. "Er..Yeah, yeah they are. You can trust 'em." she nods to Mike and Thomas. "Magic circle you mean? I can do that too..If that's what you mean but.."she arches a brow as she specifically asks for Thomas to make a circle *show*. And of course with her magic sensitivities she'd likely pick up on that magic static as well as anything else magically inclined as well.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike watches as Phoebe signs something towards Gordon and waits patiently for the general response. As they enter the room, the musician gives a frown. He's not overtly sensitive but ... sometimes. It's just there. Gordon's insistence of going first gets a look. There's a sigh before Mike gives a nod, using a couple fingers to wave him on. Sure. He's a guest after all.

Mike looks over to Megan, "...Like for a search spell?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake has no mystical senses, but in the wild, the most subtle of clues can make the difference between life and death. He looks around, sniffing. Demons leave a scent: burnt matches, cinnamon, and crushed hopes. He has a keen sense of smell, for all that it's usually the human animals least used senses. He casts about now, like his life does depend on it.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    For someone with no mystical senses, Thomas would also pick up on the scent of rain, the sniff of sulfur, the dampness of Earth.

    The chill of a graveyard.

    The wetness of a storm.

    Those with magical senses can feel the nearly electric energy crackling in the air, and Balm looks up and about the room, pulling away a moment. She holds up a sign.

    <Like a search spell> she mentally replies to Megan, though she draws down and brushes her gloved hand against the ancient wood floors. How much knowledge and panicked study has this research room seen?

    She breathes out.

    And faintly, beneath the static, beneath the whirring of the fans overhead, a girl's voice screams out


    She sits up again, and she signs -I need a lighter. Matches. Anything that's not magic but can give me a flame.=

    And Megan's mental link would spark up with <Megan, I need you to do the talking for this. How's your Latin?>

Jim Gordon has posed:
The talk of 'lighter' gets Jim Gordon, heavy nicotine addict to laugh. "Going to fumble around in his pocket for a lighter, he goes to pop i ta few times until it stays up. "Don't do what I do." Is all the veteran policeman that's smoking himself to an earlier grave than he would normally have advises them as he would look around warily.
    "Can you tell them that we're here to help or are they not in a state they can get such concepts?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns and shivers, "So much static everywhere, hard to focus..But my dagger can cut through magic, and it has a way of sensing other bad stuff..Maybe I can.." she pulls it out of her chest, probably used to the pain it causes to rip a piece of soul out each time and it springs to life, a brilliant pink glowing dagger which she waves about, trying to clear the air.

To Phoebe she smirks, "Heh, not perfect but all those magical texts I've been studying in Latin have got to pay off." she frowns suddenly at the scream for help, stiffening. "Oh great don't tell me I gotta talk to demons. Again." still, if it'll help. She sighs and nods, trying to figure out where the voice is coming from..And likely the demon too.

"Umm..What shall I say..?" she nods to Gordon, "Salve? hic sumus ad auxilium!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The musician is quiet, glancing around the room trying to think out a few things. Mike does not read sign language. Mike is not a tracker. Mike is not a smoker. And he's not -

Why did he end up here?-

"You were a lot more talkative at the warehouse." Mike murmurs to the quiet Balm. -

The shout from nowhere causes for Mike to glance in the direction he first picks it up from. Seeing nothing. -

Why is he here?

Maybe to hedge the bets a little?

With nothing else to do, Mike finds his own way of helping. Head bowing down and eyes close. With the voice lowered he starts to murmur something that was written awhile ago. With some adjustments as he focuses on missing teens.

'In you my trust is known,
As they sail through the quarreling storm;
Let the right path be shown,
And good judgment take form.

It's a long journey and,
though they may roam;
Carry them Saint Christopher,
And bring them safely home.'

Dammit this would have been much easier if someone had given him a photo when he asked for it.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake's hand reaches for the concealed blade at his back. He spares Megan a glance, a faint smile. Then he's in the game, a hunter. He's killed or come close to killing a few demons. This one will not get away. As for Hell, that's often other people. He doesn't give it much thought. He's thinking short term, guard. Prepare to attack. The scream got a slight twitch out of him. But he'd gotten used to people and sounds coming out of nowhere.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm gives an almost manic smile as she catches the lighter from Gordon, and she gives him a salute with the hand that caught it -- she can't promise that. Too many bad influences -- but it was Michael that caught her eye next, her brows knitting when she points at him meaningfully. Yes. She was much more vocal. Screaming, in fact, at one point.

    <With any luck at all it won't be Demons. Try 'Aperi portam -- coram nobis -- et pone nos -- in via quam -- videmus!'> Phoebe replies to Megan, spacing the words out so that she can repeat them -- and she adds fire to the mix.

    She pulls out a little bit of cotton cord from her backpack and lights it. The static in the area begins to clear. Magic enegy is building. It crackles along metal edges in the room.

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would to just watch now as the magic starts to happen. The old cop stands over at the ready. He's here to do his part.. Or if something nasty happens, try to get in the way of it and slow it down so they can get the kids back.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, watching Thomas carefully, thoughtfully, nodding slowly. If anyone can detect the demon, he can..Not quite in the way she would have done it but she has come to respect his unusual abilities. Mike is also given a nod, although she's not quite familiar with that spell.

With Gordon's lighter keeping the room a bit brighter she puts away her dagger now that she's created a clearer bubble of energies around her, not wanting it to interfere with her portalling spell.

"Okay then..Here goes nothing...'Aperi portam -- coram nobis -- et pone nos -- in via quam -- videmus!'" she traces a runic shape in front of her, trying to focus on..Where er that voice came from, and hoping the Latin words will guide the portal in the right direction. "Sihal Novarum Chinoth.." her hands glow bright pink, trying to open the portal to....The inferno? Or something.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    From there, Phoebe lowers the cotton cord downwards, lit by Gordon's lighter.

    And around them, spinning in all directions in front of her was a swirling labyrinth of aqualine symbols, spiraling, swirling, flowing into one another. The smell of rain gets stronger, the floor beneath them softening to mud and soft moss.

    The spell -- Open the gate before us and set us on the path we seek was the Latin phrase -- and Mike's prayer to bring the ghost hunters home brings them closer. Hunters ready to hunt, protectors and guardians ready to protect are set on the path through a misty wetland, heavy with a damp chill and thick with magic. Will-o-wisps flit in the distance. Ancient trees loom overhead.

    The library is gone.

    "Help us!" comes a plaintive cry off to the side, and in a cage fashioned from the roots of a tree, three teenagers -- muddy, soaked to the bone and chilled but still very much Alive -- try to get their attention.

    There is a rattling in the branches.

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would go to start to rub towards the teenagers as fast as he could, "Come on. We're getting you out of here." Jim Gordon likes to think of himself as a brave man. No matter what is going on here, missing kids are in danger. That takes priority over everything else. He'll do his own part to help save them as best he can. Where the voices are calling from, he goes to head in that direction.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Contribution made, Mike opens his eyes. Getting a sense that he was being looked at, he turns his head to see Phoebe pointing at him WITH FEELING. Seems he might have done something wrong.

But what did he do this time?

Either way the scenery changes and now is not the time to figure that out. No longer in the library. With the sound of something ominous in the distance there's a slight change to Mike's features. The scar on his right forearm migrates to his left.

Mike turns his head, looking over to Thomas to gauge his reaction.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn swallows as the room shifts and changes, and then they're in a swamp of some sort. "Ewwwww, I'm sooo glad I wore these boots at least!" still it's kinda humid. Brr!

Well anyways, there's no better way than forward. But what's with all those times? And those kids are...? "Wait, is this some sort of a trap? Careful.."

She flies off to circle the tree, looking for traps..Did she hear movement in the branches over there..?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake stands bolt upright. Now there is a wicked collapsed blade in one hand, a curved throwing weapon in the other.

"Trap! Gordon, hold back! We need to go slow." He fiddles with the balisong knife, it clickity clacks out. His eyes sweep the area for attackers and then settle on the tree above.

"Pixie... can you port them to us?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There didn't seem to be any sort of trap, not yet anyway. Balm teeters a little bit on her feet. Pixie had been kind enough to provide the hocus, but Phoebe provided the pocus of that magic act, and transferring so many people on a circle that wasn't hers? Oooh that sucked.

    She lands on her bottom in a puddle, holding her head a bit.

    Gordon reaches the teens first; they appear to be the Gotham kids in question, they're weaing Gotham Library T-shirts.

    "Oh my god did they hear us?!" Cici Gomez asks, wrapping her arms around herself. She's got a nasty gash on one arm.

    "You're Commissioner Gordon aren't you? What... are you doing here?!" Luke asks. He's got a bump on his noggin.

    Clara is silent, watching upwards as something begins to descend, slowly, on a strong thread the size of a pair of thumbs, its spindly eight legs slowly reaching downwards. Its fangs glisten in the filtered twilight from the canopy.

    And along the shadows, blue, clawed, webbed hands scrape against the trunks of trees.

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would call out, "Kids, stay calm. We're here to get you out of here." He takes note as the shadows seem to go towards them. "Just stay calm." He goes to look over at the thing advancing from the shadows with a bit of a glare. He doesn't bother to draw out his service pistol. It's not going to do any particular good here. Instead Jim Gordon goes to ever, ever so carefully take out a cigarette from a pocket, goes to draw it up and over towards his lips.. Lights it and watches as the -thing- goes to descend. Then he goes to ever so deftly using thumb and forefinger flick the burnt out end to try and hit it right in the center torso in mid motion.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn licks her lips as she stares up at the rapidly descending Mirkwood spider. "Port em out in a place like this? dunno but here goes...Sihalnovarumchimoth!"

She yells, one hand pointed at the kids to open a pink portal beneath their feet, another hand pointed several meters away from the tree root trap to open a second portal for them to emerge out of, assuming magic works the same in this crazy place cuz you never know!

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The change to Thomas's posture is confirmation enough. But the added vocal warning of the pending trap is helpful as well. Mike's head turns to look towards Gordon as he approaches the kids.

And then there's the movement above the kids. But no fear! For Jim Gordon's going to ...flick a match at it.

Ok fine it looked cool but he's probably going to die.

Mike looks over to Thomas, and in the brief milisecond of eye contact something's decided on. The pair soon bolt forward towards the threats, Thomas's balisong glistens with what lighting there is bouncing off of it as he goes after the owner of the blue clawed webbed hands with a vicious ferocity.

Comparitively speaking, Mike's advance is a lot less impressive looking. He's smaller and thinner than Thomas but when he leaps, getting some questionably long and very unnatural airtime, he kind of makes up for it. As he descends towards the gigantic spider from above there's a momentary pause as he grabs a branch. Yanking it down with him. With the general intent to use it to impale the giant arachnid.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Bless you?> Phoebe replies to Megan.

    The kids are swept out of their cage to the pink portal exit, where they kind of flop all out at one another, and gather each other up, scrambling against a tree.

    The spider as it descends, is close to the size of a volkswagon bug. Its long legs spread out, hovering until its midsection is struck by a lit cigarette, and Mike's strike, the branch ripped out impales its considerable abdomen as the spider begins to light up. It gives an inhuman scream, hissing in concern at the sudden ashy burning on its back, and then breaks apart, catches even more on fire, the fire spreading rapidly as the pages catch, and the spider turns into a fireball, curling up on itself as it falls to pieces in papery ash!

    The owner of the blue hand hisses, curling about and countering with a spear with a stone head lashed to it, black eyes narrowing, needle-like teeth grimmacing as the bog hag attempts to counter Thomas's blow.

    <... it's a book?>

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would quip, "So if we're living in someone's nightmare or fantasy, can we try and do something to suck all of the creativity and trauama out of it?" Gordon attempts to add some levity to the situation. "I can start reciting the penal code if that might help." Trying to get the kids to laugh.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is not a very offensive blaster type of fighter, and once the kids are clear of the cage, she runs to them helping them up, assessing their injuries, "Hey are you all ok?" the arm wound and head bump are noted with a frown.

She quickly rips off a piece of fabric and ties it around the arm wound, hovering protectively over the kids and ready to defend if necessary.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Once the branch imbedded itself into the spider, Mike pushed off of the body, moving away from the quickly forming fireball as he comes in for a landing. His challenge out of the way, the musician looks around quickly to track where Thomas has gotten himself off to. The expression betraying concern.

Such concern is likely not necessary as the career combatant is holding quite well against the creature he ended up confronting. The honed reflexes make for an easy time avoiding the jab of the spear as he turns his upper body. The spear finding no resistance in the air travels forward. The non-knife holding hand grabs onto the shaft. He tugs it further back, aiming to pull the hag right into the waiting knife.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Life of the Swampwife is Ended by the Tom's Knife. She also breaks down into paper.

    Phoebe breathes out, and she narrows her eyes. The Hag and the Spider are done. The kids are saved. She signs to Gordon -Pretty sure it's a shared halucination... with multiple users.-

    Yes. That is a joke.

    Megan may recall that one of those books was not like the others. What book wouldn't have been found in the Non-Fiction section?

    There is more rustling in the trees, and Phoebe siddles up to Gordon, intent on looking out for him too.

    She also gives him his lighter back. Those are precious to a mage, you know.

    -Thank you-

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would take his lighter and nod, "You're welcome. I'd much rather not be faced to face with another freakish monster from what delves beneath. Let's get these kids out of here and safe." He's still putting himself in a position in front of Balm and the others. "And then do what we have to to close that book for good."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn watches the fight with a little laugh as they turn to..paper? "Heh, that's some kind of magic...!" oh wait, was that another clue? the non fiction book? She had read through some of it searching for clues but.."Wait was this all just some weirdo story being played out? ..Well darn, forget that, let's just get out of here!"

She motions for everyone to come in close so she can port em all out, will it be easier going out than in?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike watches as the hag turns into paper. "Huh." Giving a shrug, he starts to head back towards the group, giving a glance around for any other possible threats.

Thomas follows along, likely doing an even better job of looking.

Eventually they get back to the group. Mike appears to be back to normal and the scar has relocated back tow here it is supposed to be. He looks over to the kids and smiles, "I'm a little curious to what you guys did. But, that's probably something that can wait til we get back."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "We didn't do anything!" Luke states.

    His bump is healing. Cici's arm is also healing, as Balm comes within proximity. She looks mildly sheepish, bringing her right hand over her left wrist, and looking up. She looks to Megan, and gives a nod.

    -We return to the library, we'll destroy the book.-

    <Once we get to the library, can you pocket the book somehow so I can study it?> Phoebe asks of Megan, not looking at her, keeping the mental link between the two.

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would let out a sigh, "Come on kids, let's get you home and make sure this is one less nightmare in the city." He gives a glance over to all those whom came ot help. "And thank you for heping these kids get home."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Phoebe. "Um really? you want a creepy cursed book? well..Have fun with that..." she makes a face but once everyone is gathered together, she makes a dramatic sweep of her hand, "Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" and away they go...Hopefully back home!

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing Megan, Mike blinks and looks over at Phoebe, "You w-?"
