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Latest revision as of 04:12, 3 August 2022

Carousel of De-Light
Date of Scene: 02 August 2022
Location: A Carnival in New York City
Synopsis: When a carnival ends up being more than what it seems -- a trap for those seeking releif from the heat of the New York Summer, several heroes come out of the woodwork to provide escape and thrilling heroics!
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Bart Allen, Vivian Vision, Tabitha Smith, Greer Grant, Austin Reese, Cinque Evers

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The sun is shining as it sinks below the New York City Skyline on its way to mid-afternoon in LA, light, puffy clouds dot the darkening blue as it burns to reds and violets to the west, and through the air around a park, calliope music floats cheerily froma merry-go-wrong. Now, what is a merry-go-wrong, you might ask?

    Instead of having colorful horses in various livery that rise and fall to the sound of waltz music, this contraption has a collection of dark horses, nostrils and eyes wide with rudamentary saddles and reins. Some of the eyes instead of black pupils have red lines, like those of a cat. There are giant lizard on this ride with their tails curling upwards into the rafters, providing a swinging motion instead of a rocking motion. There are sea horses with dragon-like heads that are a little more challenging to climb up into the saddles in a variety of dark jewel-tone colors, bulls with the reins painfully passed through their noses and attached to other bars, giant rabbits whose front legs have been replaced with claws and talons like a hawk, wings folded up behind the seat, skeletal swans and last but not least, unicorns chained to the floor of the carousel -- the chains rattle in the movement of the ride as the carousel shudders and comes to a stop to let the riders off and new riders on.

    There are other staples as well, a small feris wheel with cars that hold three (if you don't mind getting close), trailer-pulled fun houses and haunted houses, a small midway with games of skill and games of chance hosted knock-off plushes of major super heroes (the Batman especially looks sketchy and very suspect).

    There is also a veritable smorgasboard of fairground foods -- deep fried chicken, french fries in paper dog bowls, and a booth promoting 'healthy and manly' Rocky Mountain Oysters.

    It does not say what they actually are.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is walking along looking at the place, he already has stopped to get three different food on a stick, He walks along with a drink in one hand and alternating bites from the three items. He stop at the Mountain oyster book, and watches them for a moment, as he munches away on his bacon s'mores on a stick, and seems to be pondering it.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Ah the fair. A location often featured in various areas of pop culture and yet pretty far removed from the life of a highschool attending superhero. But being a synthezoid is all about understanding the Human experience. And that means going out to do Human things!

Like going to a fair to ride the rides and see the sights. (Although there's no amount of wanting to understand Humanity which will get her to try the food.)

Vivian Vision, the worlds only synthezoid teenager, is for now at least blending in with her perfectly normal Human holographic disguise. Green hair that looks dyed, brown eyes and a very Human skin tone compared to her usual pinkish red. Of course she's still wearing her typical yellow cargo pants and green top combo. So it's not a disguise which would fool anyone that knows her.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha has not had a good recent history with fair grounds. Last one she went to she almost ended up as pig feed and had her sense of initiative and fight or flight drugged out of her.

That said. This is a fair and she goes to a school that has kids that might want to actually go to one. And to be on the safe side, before the van is ever loaded up with kids. The blonde woman might just be double checking that the place is safe. And maybe work off her current dislike for fairs in general.

Having commuted in from taking her shiny new motorbike for a spin. Gives an excuse to bust out the leathers. Red racing jacket unzipped to show a pink tank top while a pair of olive green skinny jeans with motorcycle boots, a spiky leather belt and choker and some cate eye frames on her nose all in red. The woman's hair left loose and wild down her back.

There's a look of amusement on her face when she spies the carousel and a chuckle. "That shit is sooo metal!" she comments playfully and throws up some Dio style metal horns. The noise of the people at the fair pretty loud for her but she'd doinbg her best to try and manage listening for surface thoughs carefully. She's gotta practice that more and more and making sure things like the food and the rides are safe enough to bring kids is probably a good way to do that.

A cute girl with green hair that doesn't ping to the novice telepath at all gets a very interesting hmm sound as they pass by each other.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra debated whether she should visit the fair in her civvies or as herself, and eventually decided to go as plain ol' human Greer Nelson, wearing a loose t-shirt, denim shorts, and sandles that can be easily kicked off, just in case though. Events like this can sometimes be overwhelming to the senses, even those without enhanced ones, so she decided to play it safe. Well, sort of safe, because on an impish impulse, she's tried some of the "manly" oysters, resisting a joke about them putting hair or chest.

The carousel drew her attention early on, not with an interest to ride it, almost never fun to do solo, but because of the...intensity of the various steeds, reminding her a bit of a darker Alice in Wonderland, and that makes her think of looking glasses, and she steers her steps towards a fun house, snorting amusement at Tabitha's "metal" comment.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin is, at the moment, trying to enjoy going to the fair. Fairs are, after all, supposed to be fun! Austin, for his part, has opted to try to win a couple of those knock-off superhero plush toys, primarily by using the skills he's gained in order to game the games. After all they can't rip him off if he's actually skilled enough to win the rigged games, right?

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers is sitting at a bench with the food that he has gathered from the local vendors. He start to pour some hot sauce, then he sprinkles some Old Bay seasoning on his Rocky Mountain Oysters After taking a quick drip of water from a thermos he brought with him, he begins to eat. A soft sigh escapes his lips as he begins to enjoy all the amazing sights, tantalizing aromas, interesting sounds, and even the delicious tastes. All of these things he witnesses becoming moments that he will carry with him forever.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe was chilling with Austin tonight, not really one for trying to game the system, but she was carrying a 'Robin of Indescernable Identity' under one arm good naturedly as Austin tries his luck.

    He's suspiciously good. Definitely much better than the average Joe who might try the bottle stacks or dart tosses. She's wearing a sleeveless top with an athletic sleeve over her left arm, her orange sunglasses pushed up to her forehead and a plain, wide black choker necklace surrounding her neck as she quietly regards the crowds around them, keeping a watch for pickpockets.

    The fun house also looks pretty suspect; this one is based off the 1001 Nights, with a painted-on likeness of the Will Smith Genie in violet on the side, holding a monkey and a flying carpet with a harem-panted girl waving on it, and the guy in the stained wifebeater collecting tickets or cash for entry seems Unhappy at best.

    Tabitha, as she passes by, might pick up the surface thoughts from the people running the rides and attractions -- they're mostly blank. They mostly have little things like 'Smile More' or 'let the girl in the pink shirt on without the height requirement' -- very plain and boring thoughts.

    Another group is let onto the Merry-go-Wrong, and the calliope music starts up again.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will finish his food, and continues walking about when he sees Phoebe and Austin, he will wave to them starting to walk over and then he sees another he knows, so he waves to the totally not synthetic girl, as well. He watches the games for a moment and hmms a bit "Wonder if they have an arcade too."

Vivian Vision has posed:
The green haired girl does indeed not register to telepathy. An inorganic mind is a wonderful thing at times. Not that Vivian is thinking anything alarming. Just that she's considering getting on some of the more extreme looking rides.

After all no matter how a wrong a Merry-go-Wrong can go it's unlikely to be able to hurt her.

She joins the queue for now and gives Bart a wave back. Her holographic disguise can't fool anyone with the speedforce. So why bother to try pretend?

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The thoughts about smiling more make Tabitha cringe. But the idea of being let on a ride despite height restrictions. She's five foot five herself. So either she's too tall or too short and she'll find out when she gets to line up to get on the thing.

"So guess I'll find out if I need to duck or if I'm gonna end up upside down hanging from a restraint." she mutters to herself. The bland thoughts in head get some concern but she hasn't figured if that's nefarious or just people really bored at work. Even Carnies get burnout after all.

Greer Grant has posed:
Maybe she should try the harem pants look, Greer thinks to herself. Could provide freedom of movement, like her usual outfit does, and stylish in a different way. On the other hand, she's pretty sure Tony would change her Avengers computers username to be the same as the tiger in Aladdin if she did.

She fishes out the cash to hand over to the gatekeep, not having gotten any tickets yet. "Cheerful," she murmurs to him, reading his mood. "It's not forever." And then she'll step in to brave the fun house.

Cinque Evers has posed:
After finishing up his oysters, Cinque dumps his trash in the nearest receptacle before exploring the fair in greater detail. Cinque looks at the various lines for the rides and decides against going that route. Cinque decides to try to win some prizes to take back to the shelter. Cinque places a couple dollars down at the water pistol race booth.

Cinque points playfully to his eyes then towards the teenager sitting next to him that is also going to play the water pistol game. Cinque's pointing illicits laughter from the teenager.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin is doing his best to have fun with Phoebe, and make sure she has a totally normal day at the fair. At the moment he's at the baseball toss, lining up a shot on the stacked bottles and hurling the ball with ace precision, knocking them all over with the throw, "Let me get that Batman one." He says, motioning to the knock-off Batman. To go with Phoebe's knock off Robin.

"Man they never have an Osprey one." He says to her as they walk off, "You wanna get something to eat maybe?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -And Balm changes costumes too much to have one. I'm not sure which Robin this even is.- Phoebe signs to Austin as the game runner hands him the knock-off Batman. It's cross-eyed, and the 'bat' symbol has feathery antenae -- so... a moth man?

    The Merry-Go-Wrong shudders again, and there's some bluish-gray smoke from the top. From the top of it rises a figure in a tattered red jacket, a Tim Burton-esque level top hat, and a gaunt, skeletal face. A grin draws over its thin lips as it raises its hand, holding one of those long-handled horse whips from bygone years. The merry-go-wrong shudders harder, dislodging a couple of the riders who ca n't see what's popped up from the top of its roof.

    "All people of this carnival fair, prepare to wail and tear at your hair! A trap was laid on the grounds here to capture those who wandered near!" it cackles dryly with its creaking voice like the screaming of rusted hinges as its boney hands grasp the side of the top of the carosel's pavillian.


    The creatures that are untethered on the carosel begin to break free from their moorigns. First the dark horses with the red eyes breath flame and snort smoke from their nostrils, and turn and grasp on the pants of their riders and carelessly toss them into the barriers around the ride. The lizards dislodge from their holdings, tails whipping about.

    One lizard grabs onto a teenager and begins to drag it towards the mechanical workings, sharp teeth biting into the shorts-clad leg as the boy screams. The dragon-faced sea-horses flop, their tails uncurling as they tribod-floop like seals, lengthy tongues whipping out to try and ensare others.

    The skeletal swans snap their bony beaks and flap their broken wings, screaming like hellcats instead of their normal bird-like sounds.

    The rabbits hop, and then one begins to flap its wings and takes off with a screech as it belches noxious gas, the other two rabbits-with-hawk-claws snarling and beginning to chase people from the french fry line.

    The only animals not able to leap off the platform were the trio of unicorns, who were chained to the ride. They scream and stomp their cloven hooves and whip their lion's tails as they try to pull from the chains.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and blinks a bit at this. He steps behind one of the games and a second lady there is a blur. First thing he does is head for the kid who is being munched on. He will move to grab him, and with some concentration phase the boy and himself to try to get the kid loose, and take him to Balm.

Vivian Vision has posed:
There's a pause at first. For Vivian Vision, who has never really visited this sort of fair before, there's a brief moment where this could just all be part of the show. After all people pay good money to be scared all the time. And generall speaking Humans are /weird/.

But when things suddenly start trying to /kill/ people. That's what it hits that this is a little unusual. At least for fairs. It's far more common for superhero trips out than she'd prefer.

Her mind forks off into a thousand subdivisions so she can gain access to as many cellphones as possible. Each individual virtual Viv using the hacked phones to give people instructions to try guide the guests out of the park. While she calls for emergency services and updates them on the situation. Chances are they won't be here in time to do more than clear up. But when crowds stampede people get hurt and it's a good idea for hospitals to be aware as far in advance as possible.

She doesn't seem to physically move for now. Largely unafraid of the risk she's in standing in the queue for one of the rides.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby was following the voice to get on a ride. Turns out it was just the Merry-Go-Wrong. She's new at the whole psychic thing and chuckles when she's led into a loop back to the carosel.

The laughs and smiles disappear when she gets pounced by a lizard and slapped across the head by it's tail and the thing tries to pin her down.

If that didn't annoy her enough the voice rhyming badly gets a grown while she kicks and knees up at the animated ride trying to haul and maul her.

"You are such a goddamn tryhard! I've seen scarier performances at my last goth music festival!" she yells and taunts.

The lizard might not understand but maybe pissing off the big bad of the now might disrupt a spell. Not much room to BOOM just yet while there's unpowered people in danger that haven't yet cleared off thanks to Vivian's techno witchery.

Even her phone goes off too.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Told you to cheer up," Greer says to the gatekeeper in wifebeater. ""Because it can always get worse." She reaches up to grab her amulet through her shirt and in a twinkling Tigra's kicking off her sandals and leaping over the railing to the funhouse.

Right, monsters attacking from the carousel, but not all of them, she realizes quickly. The unicorns are chained in place and might just be as afraid as the civilians are. She darts forward, dodging and twisting to try to get past people and monsters both, swatting out at the latter as necessary, trying to get to the unicorns to try to break their chains.

Austin Reese has posed:
"Oh come on!" Austin swears he was planning on this being a normal day with a friend at the fair.

It's not that he's not taking the threat seriously, as he drops the knock-off plush and turns around to grab the basket of baseballs from the counter, turning it over and grabbing three of the baseballs in his left hand, quickly whipping one of them at one of the dark horses, trying to smash it with the ball in the head.

He's working under the assumption that they're still made out of plastic and wood, and not actual flesh and blood. He just hopes it's not the wrong thing to assume.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Oh great, another nighmarish thing I am never going to forget. I have been having the worse luck lately, Cinque shakes his head a few times in disgust. Cinque tells the teenager next to him to get up and run towards the exit. Cinque takes the briefest of moments to observe the scene.

He lets out a frustrated sigh as he bites the corner of his lip and thinks to himself ()--- I really need to come up with somewhere to be able to bring my costume and a few toys with me. --() Cinque decides quickly that the best way for him to help during this chaotic event is assist in crowd control. cinque begins directing people towards the exit.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Bart is a good egg, and with his quick thinking he tends to the teenager who was becoming lizard chow! The teenager looks up at him and cries out 'Help me!' before Bart grabs him, and with SpeedPhasing he's able to get the lad out, and bring him to Balm.

    Balm quickly raises her hood and pulls out a domino mask from its pocket (don't leave home without it!), and slips it on, paying attention to the feed. Emergency crews have been notified, hospitals are put on alert for incoming injuries -- someone is on top of things, she notes!

    She establishes a magic peremeter around herself, rose-gold light coming up from beneath her as a magic circle is cast, the lazily spinning eight-pointed star beneath her showing, as she prepares to provide support, her hands rising up as her eyes narrow behind the domino.

    Tabby gets lizard'd! The lizard snarls and snaps its needle-tooth laden maw, trying to rip at her face -- and gets a knee to its stomach for its trouble! The twelve-foot long lizard emits a frill -- that is, skin from around its neck flaps up into being as it rattles, and it turns to try and get a better vector of attack against Tabby!

     Tigra tries to get to the unicorns, but is blocked by the sealdragons. The three of them flop about; and one is caught by her movement. It turns, and bellows in the sound of an animated kaiju, and begins to quickly flop-floop its way over to her, its long, prehensile tongue snapping out to try and grab at her ankle!

    Austin had the luck to get the Batman (now sticking out of Phoebe's backpack with Robin), but now is faced with one of the dark horses -- who gets bonked on the head with the basketball. Its head snaps to the side as it's struck -- but now Austin is a target. The horse snorts, its nostrils widenening and smoking, and then it bellows flames at Austin!

    Yes, incredibly nightmarish things that no one should forget. THe Merry-go-wrong creatures are causing everyone to scatter away, not only making room for a boom for Tabby, but also focusing on some of the more helpful members of the audience -- one of the hawk-rabbits has Cinque in their sights, and it screeches and begins to charge him, wings flapping as its buck teeth gnash and taloned feet strike out, trying to grab at Cinque to take off with him!

    Another rabbit grabs a different civillian, and takes off as well, sky-bound!

    "Fight it all as you well may, save it for another day! Join my carnival of dread and let yourself have an empty head! My thralls and minions of the night -- at the command of the Carousel of De-Light!" the 'Ringmaster' sing-songs atop the carousel itself -- a door opens, and one of the horses tries to drag its rider, an older woman with a flowered dress, into the darkness!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has learned magic stuff from Phoebe and the others, well at least one thing, and Bart is off to the Pretzel guy, and sticking his fingers in bag tasting this and that "Flour, baking soda, sugar, Aha " He says after trying a forth one and is back towards the carousel of doom. He then starts pouring a ring of salt around the carousel, saying the magic words "Please let this work, please let this work, please let this work...krow siht tel... Wow thats harder than it looks "Please let this work hocus pocus."

Vivian Vision has posed:
The time for playing at Human seems to be over now. Vivian drops her holographic disguise and, against her better judgement, begins queue jumping for the Merry-go-wrong. But they're not the typical dainty footsteps of a synthetic teenager. Her density increases up to fifty tons and each step hammers into the ground with an almighty THUD.

Even as she strides towards one of the areas where danger seems to be focused she glances left and rights.

Emitting controlled blasts of energy from her eyes as she goes. Machine precision allowing her to fire with pinpoint accuracy to protect the innocent people trying to flee.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby's does her best to just not get her head bitten off. It does result in a few chomps taken out of her jacket. The leather padding thankfully taking enough to only leave the blonde with some nasty bruises and a few scratches. The claws probably will leave worse where they pin her less padded areas.

As people leave the area, tabby does get a sense that anyone remaining may or may not want to fight.

This gives Tabby what she needs and there's a grin that could almost be called manic as the Lizard suddenly starts to glow. "Hope you got insurance!" she yells out and gives as big a shove as possibe and lets the plasma boom out in an upwwards stream and a roar of concentrates and repeated BOOM!

If the lizard doesn't move it's about to go for a ride. And maybe also become arson damage as the

"I've cooked bigger lizards! And it was a delight to get them burning so bright all goodamn night!" she's rhyming too.

The Horror.

Scarier yet is the rising column of superheated gasses being directed at the other rhyming entity.

She's spent enough time around magic useers to guess that you cack the caster, you cack the spell and things go back to non animate critters.

Greer Grant has posed:
"I think they may be people," Tigra calls out to the other heroes. "Maybe previous riders!" Oh, hell no, she thinks as a tongue gets shot out at her, she's seen this anime. She leaps upward, trying to play jump rope and dodge the tongue, and then come back downon it with the heel of her foot, hard. "Try not to hurt them permanently!" Said after stomping on a tongue, yes. She'll try to grab that minikaiju and throw it at the horse carrying the woman towards the darkness.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin realizes he should have probably used something harder, like a brick. He rolls to his left as the horse breathes fire at him, feeling the heat but managing to avoid getting singed. Catching sight of Phoebe, he quickly grabs the mask of his own out of his pocket and slips it on in order to bring up the HUD.

Austin quickly grabs for the flaming horse's neck, trying to swing his leg over it and mount up, "Whoa! Easy boy! Whoa!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Bart's begun to circle the carousel with salt -- how much salt is this much evil going to require? Oh, what's a little sodium between friends, right? Another lizard comes about and tries to interrupt Bart's salting of the parking lot by attempting revenge of its boom-de-lizarded as the lizard gets toasted, and falls off to the sid ein so many lizardy parts.

    The lizard also slings salt through the air at Tabby, trying to interrupt her with several pounds of hot, coarse salt at the Boom Lady.

    Vivian is spotted by the third doom bunny. The Doom bunny squeaks out a warning, and then charges at the suddenly supermassive synthetic teen from behind -- only to ram into her and smoosh its face! It's dazed as it sits on its hind quarters and tries to shake it off!

    Tigra now has the attention of all three of the seal-dragons, but her pick up and delivery of the minikaiju slung at the dark horse indeed frees the woman in the floral dress as she tries to get away from the carosel as fast as her legs can carry her!

    And then there's Austin. Austin had no brick, but he did have balls. That he slung at the horse. Basket balls. Not like everyone else who had the 'rocky mountain oysters'.

    The horse does not appear to have entertained the fact that Austin tries to ride it. Cue the following:

    The horse (which is just big enough for Austin to ride) begins to do its best bucking stallion impression, whirlling and bucking, screaming out.

    (https://youtu.be/c8rssNUEGn0 for Austin)

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will swat the lizard across the nose, it may not do much but he accompanies it with "Bad Lizard Monster Bad lizard monster. " He considers trying to rattle the thing apart but the tiger lady said they maybe past riders. So he side steps to the strength test and grabs the hammer to shove in the lizards mouth, and trys putting a circle of salt around the lizard itself see if it stops it from messing with his circle.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision largely ignores the poor doom bunny with the sore nose, it doesn't seem able to harm her even when it's trying, and steps up onto the Merry-go-wrong. Where her massively boosted mass will likely bring her straight through the surface.

This makes it slightly tougher to approach the central workings. Where one might logically assume any mystical core might be located. But not impossible.

She simply powers through the physical structure like it's not even there. Smashing the thing to bits. All the while her subdivided mind directs people to safety.

"Does anyone know what we should be looking for to de-activate these magical effects?" she wonders. Using her holo-systems audio generation to broadcast her question to every hero in the area.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's another lizard and Tabby has to roll and scramble and dodge as best she can to dodge most of the sodium. Mostly because the stuff is murder on her clothes. The heat itself not so much a problem for her. A second stream is sent right back.

Tabby skidding on her knees with a wince and that will definitely need some disinfectant whioh will sting like mad when she gets home.

"What's the matter, run outta rhymes? That's a shame. You shouldn't a came, you ain't got nothing. But you can get roasted! By my words and my flamne!" she taunts at the top of her lungs as she blasts the salt launching reptile with a more verticle direction as she rises to her feet. Girl is straight filthy right now.

Bart's fast. He should be able to avoid getting BOOMed. Tabby making sure as best she can see the speedster as the plasma stream waves and diverts mid flight at Tabby's psionic direction.

"Nail the caster, the spell dies faster!" so says the freestyling blaster when Vivian calls out for possible solves.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra got the attention of all three of them, but at least one got tossed away, to good effect as the woman gets clear. Right, she still thinks the chained unicorns are important, but these critters aren't going to make it easy. She lets loose with as primal a roar as she can and slashes out with both hands, claws out, aiming for their snouts to try to get them to back off enough to get past them. "The unicorns, Haggard! Get the unicorns!" No rhyme from her. She's no poet, and she knows it.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin isn't the best rider of a horse, but he does still manage to hang on as it bucks. He tries to direct it back towards the Merry-Go-Round proper, since that's where all these things seem to be dragging people. He's going to use it's own magical instincts against it. And if he gets lucky, bail at the last second before he makes it crash.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Time begins to slow around him as the hawk rabbit begins to approach him. Cinque quickly process the speed of the hawk rabbit versus his ability to dodge out of the way. His mind realizes the probability of him being successful in his dodge attempt will increase if he provides a slight distraction as he starts to dodge out of the way. Since he is without a holy hand grenade, Cinque smirks as he prepares to throw his thermos at the hawk rabbit as he dodges out of the way.

Cinque is already thinking about his next moves if he is successful in dodge attempt. He is remembering all the different areas of cover, and any item that might be turned in a makeshift weapon.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The lizard hisses at Tabby, but Bart swats it across the nose! Bad lizard? Bad lizard INDEED. It shakes off the noseswat, and gives a low, dangerous hiss and lunges at Bart --

    Only to have its mouth wedged open by a large novelty mallet?! It blinks in confusion, attempting to close its jaw, but finds it's a little in need of help. It hisses, and tries to go after bart again with its whip-like tail!

    Vivian doesn't so much step onto the platform as step through. The fact that she doesn't seem to be affected by the bunny was disconcerting enough!

    "STOP STOP! This I command -- take yourself from this fairground land! Abandon your quest to see within -- computerized girls cannot comprehend the sin!" the ringmaster bellows out at Vivian -- the Unicorns, in response to this unknown entity begin to buck and pull harder at the chains that bind them in place.

    The ringmaster whipcracks in the air -- the remaining dark horse begins to charge at Viv, snorting and snarling and blowing smoke. The bunny's shaken off, and it tries to grab at her to pull her away!

    The remaining two seal-dragons pause at Tigra as she roars, and then lashes out at their snouts. They hiss and snarl, and make their watery garbled noises -- and go after easier prey, heading towards the kiddieland carnival rides!

    Austin stears his horse towards the carousel itself, and the horse begins to buck and spin its way over to it, and then begins to gallop head-long, thinking it's going to drag Austin into the dark!

    As Cinque calculates his probability, the hawkrabbit is thinking about dragging the man into the dark and accomplishing its goals -- but he dodges neatly. The teen he was about to squirtgun challenge is not so lucky; he's slowly being flown over to the carousel overhead, yelling and struggling to escape the claws in spite of the fact that he's fifty feet in the air right now!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks at the critter and dodge out of the way of tail and booms. He will look around and heads off for a moment to find the supplies for the fair, looking for the extra cable for securing rides, and if he finds it, he will head to secure two seal dragons before they get to fat after the kids

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It sounds an awful lot like you don't want me breaking this," Vivian muses loud enough for everyone around to hear over the crashing and smashing of metal and wood. The rabbit approaching behind her might think she's unaware with all the commotion going on. But the synthezoids senses cover the area around her and the moment it steps within arms reach her snaps backwards with one of her hands.

Her motion is quick, efficient and inhumanly precise. Snagging the rabbit, hauling it up into the air, and throwing it at the dark horse. Use one foe to deal with another.

The longer she remains inside the Merry-Go-Wrong the more damage she's doing. Stomping this bit and ripping apart that bit.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
With Bart taking the lizard's attention. Tabby spots the unicorns and makes a rush. Climbing up onto the carosel with a skid as she takes aim at the restraints.

The next BOOM. It's a couple aimed at the chains them. "I ain't the sort a girl unicorns normally go for but no way I'm letting you guys put up with this cruelty! Man wouldn't stand a chance in a rap battle." The plasma bombs booming the chains and leaving links slagged and glowing. "Lemme guess. Mystic batteries. They just keep going and going and going if you don't keep them down." she yells up and out.

Though she does have to try and not get hit with debris from Vivian hitting a mofo with another mofo near by.

"Shall I aim myu next BOOM upwards?" she asks the synthezoid woman with a loud voice and a huge grin as a ball of plasma starts glowing bright in her palm.

Greer Grant has posed:
Yeah, that's more like it, Tigra thinks, as the sealbeasts recoil from her and then turn away. She starts to turn abck towards the unicorns, when she realizes just where the sealdragons are heading. No, no, that's not more like it, not at all! "Polar bears hunt seals, not tigers," she growls to herself, dashing off after them to help Bart run them to ground before they can get at any kids.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin uses the horse's speed to his advantage, as he jumps up and leaps off the horse as it rushes to the dark. He lands and rolls, picking up a wrench from the ground that's used to build rides, and calls out to the horse, "Hey! I got something you can eat!" and then attempts to smash the horse with it once it turns back around to try to get at him again,

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Feck me! Feck me!" Cinque watches the teenager in the grasp of the hawk rabbit and starts to JJrun towards the ferris wheel. Cinque grabs the hammer from the strength tester game as he quickly jumps on a booth next to ferris wheel. The minute his feet touches the booth, he is dows a flip towards the ferris wheel.

As he balances himself on the feris wheel chair, Cinque launches himself swinging the hammer with one hand at the hawk rabbit, and preparing to catch the teenager with the other hand.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Bart and Tigra both go after the flooping sea-dragons, and between Tigra's herding and Bart's cable usage, the seal-dragons are largely contained though they snap and try to catch things on their tongues still -- most everyone is out of reach. One tries -- repeatedly -- to snatch Bart, though the speedster is just Far Too Fast for the creature to snatch!

    The carousel continues to get wrecked. At the threat of Tabitha's Boom to make it go all to pieces, the ringmaster decides that cutting his losses may be the better part of not-valor, and snarls in response:

    "The last of me this world has not yet seen, for those who idle and their feathers preen, this victory short-lived will seem all but a fleeting happy dream!" he promises, and the carousel -- and the rest of the fair! -- shudders and quakes.

    The trio of Unicorns bound to the ride are in a panic, frothing at the mouths, eyes rolling and wide as the booms echo around them -- and then, with the weakened structure and the breaking of the panels beneath them, they are FREE -- the chains rattle as they rear back, and split up, each running in a different direction!

    Austin's steed attempts to throw him again, but Austin jumps before it happens, and the horse gets smashed with the wrench, crying out, screaming in fact, gnashing teeth, before it breathes a flame that smells like the stinkiest rotten egg fart, and then retreats to the darkness.

    Cinque heroically grabs the second hammer from the strength game, and hops from the booth to the ferris wheel, and from the lower rungs to one of the chairs. His specaticular leap lands true, the hawk rabbit giving a screech as it's struck and tumbles down -- though Cinque extracts the teenager easily from its claws.

    "Back we sink into the dark, away from this accursed park, but mark my words you have not seen the last of this enemy keen!" the ringmaster howls, and the whole of the park appears to curl in on itself, folding like a putrid flower in reverse until it sinks into the ground, leaving only dust and a smattering of fairground foods.