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Resonants: Alfheim pt. 2
Date of Scene: 12 August 2022
Location: Alfheim, The Wild
Synopsis: The heroes participate in the hunt and acquire a trophy as well as the favor of the Queen!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Lara Croft, Zatanna Zatara, Thea Queen, Sif, Caitlin Fairchild

Thor has posed:
    Alfheim is beauty.
    It is gorgeous colors spread out in a tableau of wondrous terrain that captures the heart and mystifies the mind. It is as if one would consider what world could be seen beyond shadows on a cave wall, or perchance embracing some philosopher's ideal then made this imagining reality. Vibrant, alive, even if it is just the brush of gentle winds causing the branches of trees and green leaves to flutter as if some great hand caressed the world in adoration.
    And then there are the people in the storybook castle whose spires reach to the sky. Friendly and magical for the most part with beauty of form and warmth of smiles a seeming ubiquitous thing shared between the souls there. And like the land itself it stands out in the minds who have not spent much time there. Though as one stays longer there are the smallest of hints of shadow beyond the light. Of edges to words even spoken with smiles. For there is danger in Alfheim for the unwary.
    Which might be why each day on the morn when the heroes of the delegation would arise Thor would make sure to engage those around him before they would wander out. Conversations to make sure they remembered why they were there, to remind them how many days it has been since they arrived. Which on this day it would be... their eighth.
    For all too often it is a common thing even when in such wonderful circumstances... for the days to blur. For the beautiful to become commonplace. And for one to get lost in the moment. The danger is there, offering that life forever, a life where days turn to months, months to years, and years...
    Thus the caution.
    Yet those earlier seven days had been rather similar. Gatherings, banquets, parties at night. During the day each soul was given their run of the grounds and the castle. Guards and servants were in attendance and true to Queen Aelsa's words she hid nothing from them. Which led to some of the heroes finding out more of Alfheim and the Elves of Light. Friends were made and for the task they were there for... progress was as well.
    This day! However. Was different. For the Court had decided on a hunt. A hunt that saw the castle coming to life in the wee hours of the morning. A train of luxurious carriages and wagons was readied. Mounts were given to those who wished to have them or to partake in the hunt, though the traveling entourage of the Queen did not move faster than walking speed so all were encouraged to join with them.
    And such a procession. White carriages being led with an honor guard of mounted cavaliers. The sidhe in their beautiful artificer's armor with their sleek steeds stood guard. Troubadours followed, mummers entertained, mimes danced silently, and jesters offered what passed for wit.
    Once they reached the desired camp, a beautiful clearing amongst gigantic pines, the entourage made ready as a pavillion was constructed. It was there now that the worthies had gathered, even as pixie and brownie and piper and redcap all worked to raise the works that would house Queen Aelsa in the evening.
    Then the Huntmaster in her dark green and tan armor appeared, barbed spear in hand and her long golden hair pulled back into a braid. She called out, "Worthy guests! I call those of you who would participate to the hunt! A friendly sport, honor to the victor! The challenge will begin at the baying of the hounds."
    And as she announces that she gives a nod to one of the brownies who stood off to the side. A nod which was returned quickly as it turned, loping off in the direction of one of the wagons. At first there was silence, then suddenly barking, loud barking as no fewer than six beasts all call to each other, then suddenly grey wolfhounds rush past in a hurry, darting in between wagons and guests and creatures all. Hurtling themselves into the forest as they seek their pray, all a blur of grey and black until suddenly they are gone. Still barking, still calling to each other.
    But now on the hunt.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had spent the bulk of her 8 days locked away in the library. She'd been one of the least likely to partake in the revelry of parties, and socializing. She didn't want to waste any moments enjoying what knowledge she could gleam from the dusty old books in that fantastical hall of wondrous writings...

But even she could be lured out sometimes. Such as last night. She'd participated in the gala event of the night before the hunt. There'd been an archery competition, in fact, and Lara had taken a place within it. She's quite the archer, having delved in to it in her youth, on up in to her teens as she trained to hunt with her former mentor.

After the competition, Lara had been given a set of hunting attire, as a reward for her surprising skills with a bow. This is what she wears today, mounted on a chestnut horse, Lara wears a leather bodice wrapped over a forest green tunic with loose fit sleeves around the elbows, that dip beneath leather bracers over her forearms. She has her hair tied back, with the ponytail laying down around the quiver of arrows attached to her back, along with the hunting bow supplied to her by some of the hunters from last night's archery affair.

With dark green trousers, and leather boots, Lara looks the part of the local hunters here today, happily spending the ride chatting with many of them about her adventures back in Midgard.

But as they neared a campsite, Lara was quick to find a place to hitch her horse, and aid in setting things up where she would be allowed to...

A Duchess of Britain back home, Lara doesn't let it stop her from mixing in with those who may be considered lesser in the nobility here. She does her best just to help where able to.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
     This morning, like others, a complete ensemble of clothes awaited Zatanna's pleasure. The clothes laid out today were different, less festive - a divided skirt and fitted jacket in a sturdy fabric that flowed like silk and a hat with a jaunty plume of feathers, all in deep green. At the foot of the chest was a pair of black boots that made her feet appear dainty but were fit for riding.

     Raven hair back in an intricate braid that would make an Amazon proud, the magician joined the others on a horse that a stable elf held waiting.

    The horse, a dappled mare with a dish-shaped forehead and large sensitive nostrils, danced eagerly under her and responded to the lightest touch of her knees or reins.

    Head high, Zatanna, ignoring all the lore she knows about the Sidhe hunt, is as eager as her pretty mare to join.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea had been part of the delegation visiting Alfheim, lured by promises of them having the best archers in the ..., well, should she say realms? One supposes so. It's the kind of one in a lifetime opportunity that one doesn't miss and young Frikke was doing fine enough back in Asgard that she could go and visit. And even if he wasn't doing well ..., he'd understand. Right? Right?

And of course that she had fit right in. Not in spending in some dusky old library finding secrets about the faeries. Nope! She was too much of a free soul for it! (And also not that much help in those even if she did hear of a certain spider). Instead she had spent it learning the culture, learning new techniques of the bow and even finding a couple new friends in some elves of the Light. And it had all culminated in that archery event she had participated in as well..

And now a hunt! Thea was present because how could she not. And she did have a shiny new bow to use, it's appearance certainly simpler than the ones she normally uses but the craftsmanship she knew was better than any mortal hands could hope to create.

"I hope they let us keep the bows.." she whispers to Lara, noting she has a similar bow and grinning.

Sif has posed:
The stay had been pleasurable. Their hosts made certain of that. Though by the time they returned to their shared suite in the evenings, she was exhausted mentally. Due to the challenges of not commiting a verbal faux pas, she was just happy when she was able to speak freely amongst their own group.

Her days had been spent mainly with the various guards and soldiers, practicing with them in their training area. Listening to tales and telling some of her own. They practiced swords, spears, a wide range. She had not joined in the archery contest, leaving that to her compatriots.

For the hunt, she was dressed in her own armor. Not that she was expecting anything amiss, it just felt right. All the time spent in the clothes provided by their hosts had her wanting to get back to Asgardian garb. Thus, she was in her red and white armor, with the silver accents. Her sword was at her side, merely because she wasn't going out without it. She had a bow that had been loaned to her by one of the guards she had befriended. Not the fancier ones that the high court used but something quite functional. He had owed her by teaching him a sword technique he had not seen, thus no favor was due back him for the loan.

She was mounted on a dapple gray mare, bow currently hanging from the spot for it on the saddle. She had not participated in a hunt in this realm before and was curious how this would go. As the hounds were loosed, she held her position with an easy hold on the reins.

Thor has posed:
    As the cavalcade traveled there was no shortage of the 'lesser' fae that would take the time to spare words and chat with the Duchess from the sceptered isle. Then when they were in that broad clearing the pavilion was constructed, parts taken from the backs of wagons. Some of the pixies used a casual wave of wands to get some elements to float across the distance, other more burly types of commoners hoisted parts on their backs and trudged off into the clearing.
    It was all in preparation for the hunt, for that pack of Sidhe standing there astride their horses. Almost all white uniform in color save for the black mount that belonged to the armored Liam Thorns. The hunts-master took several strides and mounted her own stallion, swinging an armored leg over and drawing rein. For now an occasional bark is heard off in the distance.
    Amongst the delegation, Thor was amongst the part that was not astride horse. Though he had his place near the Queen's carriage, arms folded as he stood beside one of the other fae who seemed to be speaking with him quietly. Too quiet to be discerned from afar, yet it was clear the man's brow was furrowed and growing heavier as time passed.
    One of those archers who had competed against Thea and Lara rode up with a slight clip-clop as his mount stirred. Teagan North had been his name and he said everything with a smile, even when he was being sharp about their techniques. "I hope you both practiced. The things on a hunt you shoot at tend to actually move around, might be new for you."
    That smile. The bastard.
    Though he does greet Zatanna and Sif with that same smile and a wiggle of fingers.
    Likely there might be more words due, though it's at that moment that there's a call from off in the distance, the hounds all raising their voices in a cacophonous cry then howling as they bark their signal to the Lead Hunter.
    Which is when she raises her horn to her lips and sounds the call with a loud, 'BAWHAA BAWHAA!' That is picked up by other riders of the Sidhe as they shout, "Ihela ihela!"
    Suddenly there is the thunder of hooves as each rider dashes forth toward the woods, hurtling in this sudden chaos, a mad rush that is not just for the Sidhe on their beautiful mounts. The other Fae leap and rush and run across the clearing, running at speed as the crowd of the fair folk fall upon the forest with what can only be called a primal abandon.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara stood off to the side to help unload some items from some of the carriages, but when Thea spoke to her, she shot her brown eyed gaze over to the woman, and then smiles warmly toward her. "I would say you certainly earned it, after your skill display last night." She says in a calm tone, while she hands off a box to one of the burley types.

"Though, I certainly am not going to speak as to how willing to give away such beautiful weaponry our hosts may be... Trust me when I say I would love to bring mine home as well though..." The British woman says, with a glance down to the well oiled leather strap that wraps around her torso from the gear that hangs upon her back.

She's about to say something further when the horns sound, and the calls to the hunt go off. Lara looks up then, before her eyes skip to some of the rallying members as they start to ride off. She looks toward Thea, then toward Sif, and of course... rushes toward her horse again.

Mounted quickly, with the squeaking of the leather saddle beneath her, Lara smiles toward Zatanna. "Ready?" She asks, her eyes shooting toward the man who'd teased them about shooting at moving targets, he just gets a smirk.

With a motion of her hands, and a squeeze of her legs, Lara is off to the ride with the others!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    Zatanna is falling into the dream and losing track of time. She studiously goes to the library every day, but the beauty outside the windows draws her attention. She would often look down at the book opened before her and be surprised at the page she didn't remember reading.

     Like the others, a quiver full of arrows rattles attached to the saddle with a beautiful bow, strung with golden hair. Zatanna's skills were unproven to the Elves, so she does not sting under Teagan's barbs.

    As eager as she might be to hunt, the horn bawling wakes her from thoughts that she immediately forgets. Her grey mare hardly waiting for the pressure of her knees to spring forward.

Thea Queen has posed:
Like Sif Thea had went with what was her usual. At least where it came to ACTION. And that meant her black and red leather outfit that identifies her as the red arrow. Without the domino mask, and keeping her hood down, shortish bob hair free. It's not like it was much of a secret anymore that she was a Starling City vigilante, at least to the group that had been part of the quests to get the objects from the various realms. Lara and Zee were sort of new in a way though, even if they had had some time mingle in these seven days. And Zee she of course knew from her brother and his stories about the Justice League which she often heard with unmasked jealousy!

"Maybe we can smuggle them out..., but I think we'd just be cursed and--" Look, there's Teagan coming. She fingerwiggles back at him, "Hello, Teagan.." yes, she singsongs at him. Minx that she is. But at least she doesn't wink (this time).

"I will be honest though.." This still said to Lara, "I think we only looked good because Sif didn't participate." she grins Sif's way and is about to say something else when there's that damnable horn!

She mounts up quickly and off she goes after the others.

Sif has posed:
"We all know that isn't true," came the comment from Sif as she glanced over to Thea. "I have no doubt that you both could teach me a few things about a bow."

Her mount was already starting to dance when the hounds began to sound in the distance. Obviously the beast was used to hunts. It knew what was about to happen and was preparing.

She kept the mare in check then the horn sounded. A tightening of her knees was all it took. No need for heels with the gray. The horse dug in and joined the primal mass charging into the forest.

Thor has posed:
    Teagan North returns the smirk with that wild smile, though he cracks his reins and his own mount surges to life in that mad chase into the woods. For those astride their horses it is a wild time, rushing headlong into the forest. At first they rush past those on foot, brownies and redcaps and wild stone creatures all loping and hurling themselves ahead. Quickly the heroes outpace them while the Sidhe on their beautiful steeds split like water passing over the stones in a river, their mounts taking the dangers of the forest effortlessly and flowing so beautifully like a hurtling charge of cavalry seeking its enemy.
    Distantly there are baying sounds, the hounds calling out their warnings and alarms. But then there is suddenly another cry of barking and baying that rises far to the West and deeper into the forest, as if the dogs split up. Perhaps more than one prey has been found and pursued, for the elves take this in stride, some rushing in one direction and then another...
    But when the third call of hounds is heard, howling to the sky it sounds as if there is even more of them...
    Far more than the six that rushed into the woods at the Huntmaster's behest. Yet there is no stopping the rush as the Fae charge forth, something of a wildness seen in their eyes. Even Teagan's as he rides past. Yet as they spread apart, some heading towards the East, others the West, a few to the North where that last group was heard, the sounds of the chase become less and less as the groups thin while the hunt presses forth. Still the sun is high in the sky, still there is the touch of its warmth, but the woods do have that feel of chill in the offing.

Lara Croft has posed:
Once Lara's horse, Numa, gets to full stride, the rider reaches behind her back to brandish her bow, holding it down at her side for a moment before she slides it in to the holster mounted on the side of Numa's saddle. She rides hard along with the pack of hunters, though she lets the more experienced Elves in the front be her guides for this kind of exercise... it isn't her homeland, after all.

In fact, as three different groups start to form, Lara slows her mount to take a moment to watch them parting through the forest. She looks toward the other riders with her, until she sees the mouthy Teagan ride past. With a word spoken to her horse then, Lara sets off after him, the hooves her mount kicking up earth and foliage behind it as she stands upon the stirrups and leans forward, her long hair trailing behind her shoulders in the wind!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    They flow like a silver stream through the wood. Hair blowing in the wind, nostrils flaring as wide as the hounds quick on the scent. At a stream, Zee's horse takes a jump that feels like they are hurtling over the moon. When they finally land, she sees Thea, Sif, and Lara nearby.

    Hallooo," she calls and signs that she will follow them. The magician remembers Thor admonishing them to stay together and something else, which she promptly forgets as they hurdle a log.

    Trees fly past, low branches sweeping low to catch her. Still, the grey mare is valiant and canny and keeps her in the saddle.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea has been having her lessons astride the horse, specially with all the horsing around they have been doing as of late in the various realms. It still doesn't make her anywhere close to the skill of the other riders but she compensates it with her nimbleness and ..., her wildness. It's been that wild streak on the younger Queen that often defines her..., and also gets her in trouble. You know, like actually hanging with Asgardians.

But so, she rides. And rides! She even lets out a 'WOOOO!' as the pacing picks up. And being the one that is a bit lagging behind due to having too much spirit but not much skill in horseback it means she follows the group. And north it is! After Teagan North, that is. She has no idea whether she is going east or west or whatever.. She's no bloody compass!

Zee's calling has her turn her ice-blue eyes to the woman, letting another 'Woo!', wild grin to her lips as she ducks close against her horse, holding tight so she doesn't fall off.

Sif has posed:
For a moment, Sif had started to pull up her horse's breakneck race through the woods as the groups start to split off. Something about this. Something...off. She had seen the hounds charge off but now there were sounds like far more?

Only the thought was lost an instant later as Lara chose a direction. Charging off in the direction Teagan had taken, along with several other elves. She turned her mare's head that way and urged the beast forward again.

There was something about the hunt that didn't feel the same as those she had experienced. There was a wildness to it. Something that was felt at primal level by those participating. It urged one to release all those parts of themselves that were cultured and polite.

Thor has posed:
    The archer with the smile and the wild eyes has not stopped, all this while he hurtles past tree and brush, his mount /leaping/ across a rivulet that wends its way through a low ravine. He rides to the North, ahead, perhaps some insight held that leads him that way, or perhaps he simply gives his mount free rein. Yet whatever it is, he seems to exult in the moment.
    And as for thought he might spare for the others, he does look over his shoulder catching sight of Lara in pursuit and he _laughs_, a beautiful sound from a lovely voice yet seeming so eerie in the forest as they rush ahead and the darkness grows.
    No longer are the hounds heard. Save for snaps and short barks at least letting those in the woods know that they still live somewhere, though there is a hint of confusion to their tone. Not quite whining, but not the righteous rampant and raucous roars they had been offering in testament to the grand hunt.
    Bowyer Teagan's laugh is heard again as he rises up on straightened legs, balancing so as he crests a rise near a tall old oak that lets him look down upon those who follow. His mount twists and chuffs as he's silhouetted high above them as he calls out. "Trading upon my luck! You mortals are wiser than I thought!"
    His smile is bright in that instant.
    The same instant the gigantic boar explodes from the underbrush.
    It happens in the span of a heartbeat. Great and black with mottled hide, a creature that was ripe with the greenish ichor of corruption and with twin yellowed tusks the size of claymores, the monstrosity is larger than any horse seen, standing shoulder and spine above Teagan's mount as it exploded forth.
    The horse has no time to cry as the horrible monstrosity blasts into it, the collision vicious as the poor creature's ribs are collapsed from the impact and its bowels suffer when those tusks gore. Red cascades upon the monsters scarred and disease-riddled face as hit shakes its head trying to tear apart the entrails that hook upon its tusk, sending Teagan's mount to the ground as it /slams/ to the loamy dirt of the forest floor and lands hard on Teagen's leg with a resonant crack.
    Though the sound is likely lost in the /WHNEEEEEEE!/ of the pig monster's cry as it spins, kicking out with its hind legs and slamming them into the old oak, stamping the ground in blind rage.
    There had been no warning, no scent of the monster, no shying of the horse. It is almost as if the creature had been hiding in the underbrush.
    Or else it had not been there... and then it was.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes had shot over to see Zatanna clearing the water, she raised a hand up to motion her toward the direction that she was headed toward, while then sparing a glance back over her shoulder to see Thea, and Sif. Sif was doing what a good caretaker of the foreigners would, it seems, watching all of them collectively. Lara tries to pick pathways that won't cause Thea to be overwhelmed with a pretty intense ride too, doing her part as she cuts a swath through the forest, chasing after Teagan and the others.

She lost him as he made that cut through the ravine though, and as she comes to an eventual halt to let her ears pick up on the sounds of the hounds, it sounds like they've spread out.

Lara breathes some of that cool forest air quickly through her parted lips. She remains standing over her saddle as her hands clutch the leather reigns attached to Numa's bridle.

When the others catch up with her, Lara looks back over her shoulder. "Something is off about this. I did not expect us all to separate like this..." Croft notes, moments before teagan's voice chimes up.

Lara's eyes raise up to look upon the Elf, she exhales a sharp breath, just as the Boar makes itself known. It's shocking, to say the very least, but Lara reacts by reaching for her bow, and an arrow over her shoulder. Snapping her weapon up, Lara knocks an arrow, and aims down its wooden shaft to try and gain a sight upon the beastly Board.

She looses the arrow, causing its white feathered fletching to hum rapidly through the sky as it whizzes toward the big target!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The dogs' eager barks change and seem far away as the group diverges to the north, plunging after the beautiful Teagan, whose laugh penetrates to the marrow and whose tongue could flay the bark off a tree or an unsuspecting mortal from Midgard.

     Zatanna is third in line behind Lara, entering the clearing where the ground already drinks the blood of Teagan's horse, screaming in pain. Her mare skids to a halt.

    The sight of blood, the carrion smell of the boar shock the magician awake for what feels like the first time in days. Not once has she used magic since coming to this realm, courtesy, and caution staying her hand.

    "!ecreip sworrA" (Arrows pierce!) She commands, rising in her stirrups and pointing at the beast.

    The spell meant to speed the arrows of her companions deep into the beast. She takes up her bow and lets the golden hair wing another to join Lara's.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Off?" Thea comments, having caught up with them. Her blue eyes are wide now, chest heaving up and down in that kind of exhilarated manner that she only knew when she was high on drugs a long time ago, "This is fantastic!" she can almost feel it. The scent of the hunt, the wildness of it all. Letting go. She should do so again, letting go of who she is now and become wild again---

It's all until she sees the boar striking out at Teagan's horse. That sense she has gained over the years. Responsibility. Protecting others. "Teagan!" she shouts. So almost without thinking she knocks one arrow on her golden-stringed bow (It's funny how the strings are all golden) and loosens it towards the beast.

The arrow is shot, a silvery sound following it as Zatanna's magic enchants the arrow while it flies with sharp accuracy towards the creature.

Already another arrow is being knocked into her bow.

Sif has posed:
And everything goes to Hel.

That was not a beast Sif had expected to see. It was far beyond the scale and scope of any she had seen. The fact there had been no noise, no warning. Something truly was amiss but there was no time to consider that.

Like the others, she drew forth her bow and fired an arrow in the direction of the beast as she put that gentle pressure to the right side of her mount only. Which is when she remembered this was not her normal horse. It was not trained for reins free maneuvering. Or if it was, those commands differed from the ones Sif used.

She used her free hand to guide her horse in the direction of Teagan then leapt down beside him. The bow was still in her left hand, the quiver upon her back full of arrows. She fired a second arrow at the boar then looked to Teagan. "Are you alright? Can you move?"

Thor has posed:
    Even as the Boar Horror thunders its hooves up and down as it leaps it seems to have no mind of its own, no awareness that what it is doing is tearing apart the horse's carcass that has Teagan North pinned. Or perhaps more accurate to say it cares not at all. It is lost in the wild and the hate and the need to tear and rend and kill.
    Until a hot blaze of pain stabs into its hide, under one of the large spurs or... horns? That rise up from its back. Pain. That hide seeming so rugged and thick, only now the arrow stabs in cleanly. All it knows is something attacks it and its beady sickly eyes swivel back and forth with madness as its foamy mouth opens as it spits a cry of another loud, FWHNEEEE!
    It squares itself in the space of one second, then starts to charge forth, hurtling itself bodily toward the other riders, knowing that /one/ of them at the least harmed it. Saplings bend and snap as it crashes through the brush, smashing into the rivulet and splashing water into the air as it tosses its head, spittle flying from its maw.
    Then suddenly another arrow /slices/ through the air as the dire pig creature hurtles itself forward only to find its home in the right eye of the creature with a sick /schlunk!/ of impact. It stops on the edge of the river to toss its head as it shakes its great hide trying to somehow break free of the pain that agonizes it as another arrow slices in and stabs into the other side of its great hide, burying itself to the fletching. It smashes the ground with two quick slashes of one hoof, trying to find what harmed it as its good eye swivels and it turns its head...
    There. Zatanna. That was what harmed it. The pig monstrosity charges her with a wild rage rushing forth.
    Yet up on the hill near Sif, Teagan's smile is still there... albeit strained.
    "Oh, Lady Sif. So good to meet you." For he had not made her formal acquaintance. "I seem to have... fallen down." He gives a tiny laugh but it's a bleary thing as he groans when he tries to move and get out from under the horse's carcass.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's horse is not very keen on one of her friends being gored to death just mere meters away. It makes it fairly hard to control the mount, as it tries to turn away and gain some distance from the fight, which allows Lara not to fire a second arrow immediately. In fact, she has to turn with the horse, and rearrange the reigns so that she can get the animal facing in the opposite direction now, which has Lara's shooting angle just 'off' as the Boar comes rushing down toward them all.

With a loud shout, Lara gets Numa moving again, until she's right there with the Boar, her bow down at her side again, while her right hand snaps down to her saddle once more where she slips a silver bladed knife from a sheath upon the saddle! With one quick throw, Lara sends the knife tumbling end over end toward the beast, hoping to get it right in the neck!

All the while, Numa is making it very challenging to stay on the saddle, but up is far better than being down on the ground right now!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    Oh, when the unwounded red eye finally finds its quarry, hunter turns into prey. Zatanna's mare trembles under her and sidesteps with a nervous whinny. The great beast tears up earth, throwing rocks and branches into the air in its eagerness to take its revenge.

    Rooted to the saddle, the magician struggles to bring her horse around, she wills it to stay in place and not leave her companions. Oddly calm in what could be the last moments of her life, she holds up a hand, thinking: in for a penny, in for a pound as she casts again,

        "!nepo tiP"

Thea Queen has posed:
It's only instinct that's keeping Thea atop her horse now. Instinct and balance! It helps that the horse is stationary too because good luck in firing a arrow out of a galloping horse, Thea. Baby steps, Thea. Baby steps. But mental note, she does need to get some lessons from Sif.

After surviving this, that is.

She readies another arrow, calming her breath for the split of a second and releases once again..

Cover fire to both Zatanna and Sif who are literally in the middle of danger!

Sif has posed:
While the other three of the boar distracted, Sif focuses on Teagan. "Yes, you have," she verifies, going with his lessening of his predicament. The horse was no longer suffering thankfully. Which left Teagan with a whole lot of horse weight on his broken leg. Or it had sounded like it broke in the fall, so that was the presumption Sif was going with.

"Let us remedy that and get you up." Not that she expected him to be standing on that limb. But it sounded better than 'watch you hop along on one foot while trying to pretend you aren't hurt rather than accepting help and potentially owing someone'. Shorter too.

"Be ready to move." And with that, Sif moved to position her arms under the body of the horse. Then she lifted, the Asgardian strength making the horse weigh little to nothing for her. Thus lifting the weight off Teagan's leg so he might be able to draw free. She didn't lift too high because ew with all the damage done the beast, but it would be enough for the Sidhe to escape.

Thor has posed:
    The blind side. Lara has it and can ride up alongside as that horrible creature charges toward her friends. Its hooves are like thunder, pounding the earth and its smell is a pure corruption that assaults the senses. There is that momentary flash of silver as the blade is drawn then she sends it spinning into the side of the creature's neck, slicing open the rotting flesh of its neck and finding purchase in the folds of skin. There is a gushing gout of diseased crimson from the boar as it instinctively turns with a sharp jerk of its head trying to gore whatever just struck it, yet Numa's aware of this horror and avoids with a single leap to the side...
    Which is fortunate for in the next moment the ground /parts/ with a loud /rumble/ stone and dirt and earth spreading at the behest of the Mistress of Magic, causing the charge of the boar to be broken as its legs collapse under it and it _impacts_ hard with the far side of the pit, smashing its face into the wall of earth and stone.
    It falls, landing /heavily/ upon its back and side in the depths of that pit which is when Thea lines up that perfect shot, drawing the arrow back against her cheek. Then there's the moment when the arrow tells her to release it silently, that feeling that archers just know when a hit is a telling hit.
    She looses.
    And that arrow sinks deep under the arm of the Boar Horror into that small path that leads straight to the heart, disappearing into that cavity and triggering another spout of blood that sprays the inside of the pit...
    It's enough to cause the creature to thrash and rage against the fate it finds itself in. Yet its rage seems to calm. Slowly. So slowly... it stops thrashing as the blood loss from the slice in its neck and the arrow in its heart...
    Then silence as the great creature stills. Its broad chest rises and lowers twice more. Then stops.
    It was in that quiet that Sif was able to get Teagan to his feet and he accepted her aid full well, for the Sidhe might be loathe to accept debt too easily. But this... this was debt well-earned. Even as he shuffles down the hillock toward where the fallen boar and his saviors stand. He has that same smile, though it's twinned with pale features and a hint of sweat on his brow from the pain he must be feeling.
    "My friends," His voice is a little quiet, "You enjoy my thanks for what you have done." Though he turns his head and looks off... a little sad at his fallen mount, then back to them. He smiles.

Lara Croft has posed:
Once the Boar goes down in to that pit, Lara swings her right leg up, and drops down off of the saddle of her horse, as it starts to run off toward the trees again. With her bow in hand, she notches another arrow, and strides across the damp forest floor to stand beside the pit.

The sound of her golden strung bow creaks with strain as the Britain Duchess aims another arrow down in to the pit toward the bleeding board...

Lara just breathes, heavily, her heart pounding inside her chest, as her dark hair flows against the skin of her brow.

She doesn't fire the arrow, she lets the string slacken again, as her eyes look up to Zatanna, and then to Thea.

"ARe you two all right?" She asks, with concern laden within the pitch of her voice, her eyes then looking toward Sif, and Teagan.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin has three things going for her. First: she's incredibly smart and is picking up the oral and written language of Asgard fairly quickly. Second: she's a fantastic researcher, an often-underutilized skill. Third: she has a *really* good written language translation program. She's been making use of all that to help the scholars dig through the Royal Archives and other historical collections, to deduce should be used for the artifact. It's been a fairly spirited debate, Caitlin's literal genius at odds with the Royal Historian's millennia of experience.

Which is why when the others head out, she stays behind, working with the Elves to dig through their extensive magical and historical knowledge. But when she hears the tumult and shouting from the fight, Caitlin drops what she's doing, grabs her bow and arrow, and takes off at a sprint that churns up the soft ground in her wake.

It doesn't take long for her to reach the others, the *thudthudthud* of her feet quite audible for a good distance. She breaks into a jog to slow down and stops when she sees everyone's more or less in one piece.

"Aww, I missed the fun?" Caitlin says with a look of dismay for the handsome boar they've put down.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Bow forgotten in her hand, Zatanna is unsure she could dismount without her legs turning to water. Locking eyes with Lara, she nods mutely and takes a deep breath before, saying, "Right as I can be. You?"

Angling her mare toward Teagan, "How is he doing? How do they manage injuries in this realm, Sif? You've been here before."

Sif has posed:
Once Teagan was clear, the horse was laid back down. Then she helped him gather anything he might want before offering a shoulder. Nothing verbalized. Just if he wanted someone to lean on, she was available.

Once they had gotten to the others, she gave a nod at the question. "Various ways. They have their own medical practice, along with strong herbal remedies and salves from things we do not have in Asgard." Or she guesses Midgard but her knowledge of that realm is limited so she does not wish to misspeak. "Sometimes they will use a bit of magic but I do not know what they use to determine if it is valid under a circumstance." She glanced at Teagan since he would know best. She also asked him. "Will you be able to ride to get back to the camp?"

Thor has posed:
    "One of you," Teagan says, still smiling, still pained as he shakes his head. "Should perhaps get the tusks or the spines. The meat is foul and the hide horrible. Yet you have succeeded in the hunt, a day's honor is yours." He winces as he tries to set his weight on his leg but there is likely no chance of that. For at a glance it looks like the limb is broken in the thigh in two places at the least, though fortunately no bone has splintered nor penetrated the skin.
    His smile is given first to Lara, then Zatanna as he waves off the concern as he tells them, "I am fine, my ego is a touch tarnished and my leg hurts but..." Of course he looks sidelong to Sif as she holds him up and murmurs, "Better now."
    When Caitlin arrives she is greeted with the sight of the poor dead steed, the monstrous boar in the pit, and poor Teagan North, Archer Extraordinaire who definitely has seen better days. His smile remains, perhaps broadens a little as he eases off of Sif's shoulder and rests a hand on Zatanna's mount since she is still in saddle. "I am sure I can make it back if given aid by the sorceress."
    And at that point they should be able to gather themselves together and make the trip back to the camp and the pavilion. Though distantly there is still the occasional sound of the hunt, hounds in the distance, the horn sounding far off twice.
    Yet the mayhem is ended for now. At least... in their neck of the woods.

Lara Croft has posed:
A quick nod is given to Zatanna, Lara exhaling again in relief as she lets her eyes look over to her right to see Numa, her horse, having stopped to eat some tasty forest foliage. Then, the sounds of the thudding footfalls from Caitlin has the Briton looking toward her with a moment of wider eyes again.

Oh, it's Caitlin. The woman's question has Lara showing a weary grin. "Oh, the fun is far from over..." She assures the warrior woman. Her free hand goes to Teagan, who needs help, then a nod is given down to the boar. "Fine... fine, I'll... see what I can do." She says as she sets her bow down, and tentatively drops down in to the pit...

A second later, and Lara is yanking her thrown saddle knife from the side of the beast's neck, following it with a voiced sound of disgust at the smell coming from the dead creature. Lara's arm covers her mouth and nose, as the dead boar pours out foul blood from the gash she'd ripped the knife from.

More noises of disgust are soon to be heard from the pit from the Archaeologist...

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin wiggles her fingers at Lara, but her focus is immediately drawn to Teagan and his visibly broken leg. "Holy smokes," she mutters. "I can-- um, I can at least stabilize the break, but a break like this could call for some surgery. Do you have healers who can fix it with a, um, little...?" she wiggles her fingers in a gesture that's supposed to look mystical. "I haven't exactly done this procedure in med school yet."

She looks to the others. "Hey guys, at least let's get his leg stable. A litter would be the safest thing to put him in."

She does what she can before they head out, and spends most of the trip back fretting over Teegan and trying to keep him from getting furthur injured. Do Elves even go into shock? Caitlin's not entirely up on mystical medical practices, but until someone tells her otherwise she's clearly going to treat him like a wounded mortal!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    Zatanna looks warily down on the wounded elf, balancing a hand on her her mare. No comment has been made about the magic she used in their defense but the day has hardly begun and already the ground is awash in blood. Though far from squeamish, she doesn't offer help to Lara, prized as the tusks would be. She did not make the killing shot, let the prize go to another.

    Caitlin's arrival is a welcome change of focus and her good sense gets Teagan on his way. "Good work, Caitlin. Glad you caught up with us."

     Let him bath in the attentions of the others, Zatanna is preoccupied by the fog she has walked in for days. The blood letting has woken her up. She rides in silence back to the Queen.

Sif has posed:
Once Teagan is under the tender care of Caitlin, Sif takes that opportunity to go find her mount. The beast was nearby, following Numa's lead and nibbling on a bush. She caught up the reins and brought it back over near Teagan. He could choose who to ride with or he could just lean on her again. Either way was fine.

As Lara moved to the pit, she glanced that way and made a little face. It was going to be disgusting and she did not envy the archeologist. The trio of friends were the ones who had felled the beast, so they deserved the reward. Be it as it may.

She would help Teagan onto her horse, if he was agreeable to such. Then Sif offered to Cait, "You can take my horse with Teagan. So you can keep an eye on him. I'll meet you all back there." Meaning she intended to walk.

Thor has posed:
    Those tusks are gained at such cost. For what poor Lara must endure to acquire them is no small thing. Whatever had tormented this creature so, poisoned it, inflicted such illness... there is little evidence, but it is clear that there is something putrid about whatever it suffered.
    "You are very kind," The archer says to Caitlin as she tends to him and he seems not at /all/ reluctant to be the center of attention to such a lovely cadre of mortals. Though he does mention lest she worry, "We do have strong healing arts, and I likely shall be fine unless my good Queen decides I have embarrassed us somehow."
    Tusks secured, however, would serve as proof of their victory though it is doubtful the Sidhe would gainsay them with the honorable word of the others there. Once the tusks are secured and Teagan is given a place suitable to travel from, then it is back toward the camp they go.
    Thankfully the journey is without event, and when they appear there is a surge of awareness from the fae that remained in camp. The pavilion has been built and Queen Aelsa is reclined upon her throne, settled on a series of dais and with members of her court around her. Several pixies flutter over toward the party of mortals carrying a small lace banner that they present to Zatanna as she bares the tusks.
    "Is it so?" One of the troubadors calls, "Do the mortals succeed?"
    Music begins to play, bright and cheerful and exultant as the 'lesser' fae dance around with a brilliance of happiness.

Lara Croft has posed:
It wasn't pleasant, getting the parts of the Boar that were meant to be saved. But, Lara had done many similar things before. Generally to healthy animals though... thus it was the SMELL that made her struggle the most with this stripping.

When all was said and done, Lara had it out of the pit, stuffed in to a bag on her horse, and the fangs handed over to Zatanna. Her knife had been wiped on her pantleg, and her hands on a slip of cloth from her pack also on her saddle.

"Teagan is with me?" She'd asked, accepting it if so.

Either way, when returning to the caravan, Lara is a mess of mud and blood. But she's still smiling either way. She dismounts her horse, and looks toward the others. "Well, that could have gone far worse, I think. It will most assuredly be a memory I won't be letting go of any time soon either." She says, following her words with a melodic laugh as she greets some of the others back at the campsite next.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin keeps up with Teagan until the elves take him back into their custody; a little worry is on her face, but after all, he's with his people. They have vastly more knowledge about healing their own that the redhead does.

She sits down on a bench and starts trying to undo the braid she's twisted her hair into. "Looks like you guys really did a number on that boar," she bids her friends with a smile. "I'm sorry I missed it. Boar are a real challenge to hunt, y'know, even the ones on Earth are, like..." she blows her cheeks out and frames her arms in a circle, thews flexing. "Huge!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The curved tusks barely fit into the quiver and rode home stained with blood and winking in the sunlight when the sun shone through the thick canopy of leaves. The magician keeps her surprise at being recognized neatly under a gracious bow of her head. Slipping from her horse, she pats the horse's neck and thanks her.

A breath of air flutters against her cheek and she accepts the banner from the pixies and holds it aloft for all to see then with a wide gesture of a hand indicating Lara and Thea. "Without them, none of us would have returned whole, Your Majesty."

TShe then loosens the tusks from the quiver, and holding them in the flat of her hand, paces ceremoniously to the Queen to present them. "For your graciousness in having us to the hunt, Your Majesty."

Thor has posed:
    As the team returned, the good Queen Aelsa rose from her seat, laughing happily as she clapped her hands, surrounded by her followers and the curving canopy of the forest around them. Dressed in a nearly diaphanous white gown that flowed with her movements, she seemed so entirely pleased. "Oh they did it, so good of them. Is it not good, Thor?"
    Which is when they might see the Thunderer standing upon the second to last step on the dais, his hands on his hips and his garb the whites and greys of the local Alfheim denizens. A deep breath is taken, though he smiles as he looks across to them. Something about what they've done clearly seems to please him, as if a worry or a load has lifted off his back.
    "I daresay it is, Queen Aelsa." Though his eyes do furrow slightly as he espies the bows wielded by each of the travelers. Shaking his head slightly he looks back to the Queen of the Court.
    "They shall have a boon then. Tell them, Thor. Tell them to think on this boon. Oh it's been so long since we've given such to those from the far worlds." She looks down at the tusks so presented and then lightly crinkles her nose, yet she does not let the nastiness of those trophies darken her spirits, "I am very pleased."
    "Of couse, Queen Aelsa." Thor says as he looks to the others, then says. "I will advise them as to the seriousness of the matter."
    And likely... he shall.