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Resonants: Alfheim Pt. 3
Date of Scene: 26 August 2022
Location: Alfheim, Fortress Featherwine
Synopsis: The heroes enjoy their time in Alfheim and emerge with the boon of a queen and the artifact so needed.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Zatanna Zatara, Sif, Lara Croft, Caitlin Fairchild

Thor has posed:
    The mood in Alfheim upon the day the delegation for Midgard is to depart is difficult to read. For it is a sad day to some, though the tears are mixed with happiness. There is no shortage of weeping as the fair folk move about Fortress Featherwine with a speed and diligence though a sadness permeates their every moment. For the Fae are a people of strong emotion and the time that they have shared with their visitors has left many an impression.
    In the morning there were haunting songs voiced winged Pixies that were light and gentle about the sadness of an empty house but the joy in preparing for the morrow. The Brownies had a song of work and how good memories make the days pass. The Sidhe, however, put their hearts and voices to a song of mourning about how bleak the world can be after seeing such light.
    The morning meal was a large event. The night before had been an almost excessive celebration with much drinking and much fine food. But the morning seemed to have the sentiment of preparing the travelers for their journey. They were encouraged to take dried foods for travel, as well as skins of wine and water.
    Yet it wasn't until they had broken their fast that the knight in black made his appearance, standing at the double doors behind the tables that held the heroes as well as the fae that served them. His voice was rich and clear as he raised it, but only after they had seen their fill and had availed themselves of any of those food stuffs they wished to take with them.
    "The Queen!"
    Was all he said at first. Those two words serving as a clarion call before he added, "Shall hold court this morn, to speak with her visitors and bid them farewell."
    Then Liam of the Thorns turned, uncurling a black gauntlet to the side as he gestures to the double doors that lead out into the hallway. "I imagine both those from Asgard and Midgard shall follow me?"
    And with that he turns to walk out those doors then down the hall at a leisurely pace.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
     Zee is nothing but stalwart considering the amount of alcohol and food consumed the night before and then the gargantuan breakfast served them. The Mistress of Magic had had the best of tutors and save for the Asgardians, few can drink her under the table. Both John Constantine and Giovani Zatara had made sure of that. But, unlike John, she pays a price for her drinking skill. A fizzing physic quickly drank before coming to the table was her answer.

    At the Prince of Thorns bidding, she rises from the table and twitches her long skirt into place to follow the train of visitors ready to bid their farewells to the Queen.

    There were still last minute preparations to be made for the final decision on what object or objects would have the proper resonance to set up a portal remained. The search had continued since their arrival, interrupted only by feasts and hunting.

Sif has posed:
Though the visit had been pleasant, for the most part, it was soon time to go home. Sif was ready to be somewhere she did not have to guard herself against the beauty and temptation of this world, being lulled into that sense of friendship and comraderie. Sometimes people forgot themselves here. Thankfully, she had not suffered that fate. Nor had she managed any faux pas in speech that left her in debt. Though that? That got more challenging as time went on.

Besides, she missed home. Found herself wanting to get back to not only Asgard but Midgard as well. Was this how Thor felt? Why he was so attached to that world?

She was dressed as she had been upon arrival, back in her armor. Instead of the lovely clothes she had been allowed to wear that blended with the Alfheim styles. Her bag was packed and she was prepared for the Bifrost journey. Though first, there were even more celebrations in the form of their breakfast and now Court? Just make it for one more day.

She glanced to the others then rose to her feet to follow the black knight.

Lara Croft has posed:
As ever, Lara had a pair of books resting beside her at the table, with one of them open. Her eyes had been going to it, and bouncing back up to those around her that she was speaking with casually. She was dressed in the local attire now, another outfit designed, and gifted to her. A loose black top with a dark brown leather bodice worn over it, an aesymetrical black dress with the right side hanging down longer on her legs than the right side, and a pair of dark leather boots that go up past her thighs under the loose dress. Her dark brown hair partially braided in some parts around her face, while the back remains loose to lay down behind her shoulders. It's the fanciest of outfits that Lara has worn since arriving, as she's grown more acustomed to the type of attire since being here.

When the others start to rise up though, Lara smiles and closes her book up, she gathers the other one up also, and stuffs them both in to a small leather satchel on her left hip.

Tucking some of her hair back behind her right ear then, Lara moves to trail after the others, her eyes wandering some before looking ahead toward where they are to go next.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Much like Sif, Caitlin is dressed to travel; her Amazon armor is much comfort as protection. Her gear is embellished with a few trophies of their time in Alfheim, including adding a hood and cowl to protect against the rain and the addition of fur wrapped around her calves and hanging from her shoulders. A short number of fangs hangs from a loop around her left shoulder.

She rises with the others and makes for the Queen's chambers, her weapons and backpack left stowed where they are and ready to pick up and make a forced march on a moment's notice.

She spots the look of discomfort and relief on Sif's face, and gives the woman's arm a gentle pat to go along with a flashing smile of reassurance. "Home soon," she promises Sif in a whisper, and falls in step as they head to the chambers.

Thor has posed:
    "As you would, Sir Knight." Thor says as he turns away from the table that holds those dried goods and travel food. Two small pastries, that look suspiciously like pop-tarts yet seem entirely over dressed with icing and berries, are held in one hand even as he turns to give Liam a nod as he looks to the others. Though he waits to make his way along with until each of them are underway. He takes a bite of one of the pastries then wraps it in a small hand-cloth and tucks it in a pocket for later.
    After that he lightly dusts his hands free of crumbs and then falls into step with the party heading out of the dining hall and into the winding wooden natural halls of the fortress.
    Liam Thorns remains silent for the walk, one hand lightly upon the pommel of the broad sword at his side. His half-cloak sweeps to the left and right with each stride as he strolls. They only have to take one turn before they find the central corridor and then head along its length toward the grand double doors that lead to that throne room where they spoke to the Queen upon her arrival. Around them a few pixies flutter along, one flittering close to Zatanna and offering her a berry she may have left on her plate. Some hunched over brownies trail in their wake, leaning around corners and peeking after them.
    Then they're through the doors...
    And the Throne Room is not as they remember. Before it had seemed gentle and elegant with tapestries on the walls and no other soul there save the Queen who had emerged from behind the throne. Now? It was filled with the Sidhe who stood there in their ranks. There was no space against the wall that was empty as each had several of the elves there watching. An elegant crowd, beautiful as only the elves in their environment can be. Even the three balconies above had images of beauty made manifest in the features of those elven souls who looked down upon the arrival of the delegation.
    Yet the most startling change was the Queen. For her hair was a raven's black, dark and mysterious. Her eyes were not as bright, but cold and blue. She sat upon her throne with her back straight and rigid, hands perfectly set upon the arms of her seat. When the heroes arrived she lifted her chin slightly in acknowledgment.
    Liam stepped to the side and announced, "My Queen I announce the arrival of your guests!" He swept a hand before him to present them to the suddenly... long... long... so very long rug-covered emptiness of a path that leads toward the dais and the throne.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    The constant strain of watching her every word has worn on the magician. She is weary of Sidhe beauty, and yet the pixie hovering with a berry to pop in her mouth made Zatanna smile. But now, it seems all of the Sidhe nobility in their glory were on hand to witness their last words with the Queen and bid them farewell. One last effort then on the visitors part to show their gratitude to both the Queen and her court and not walk blindly into a pact that would be hard to keep. But not just farewell, but a new venture between Midgard and this realm.

    The Queen looks like a judge about to pronounce a sentence. Were the songs of farewell and the banqueting not a sign of them being in the Queen's good graces, Zatanna would be dismayed at the spectral icyness of her demeanor. She drops into a deep curtsey when they arrive before the throne, wondering what words they are about to hear.

Sif has posed:
Feeling that light pat, Sif glances over at Caitlin and returns a brief smile. "Soon," she agreed then shook it off. Time to put back on her game face and hide everything away as they moved toward the Throne Room. Once there, she was glad she had taken those few moments.

Sif was no stranger to court. Be it in Asgard, Alfheim, or even other realms. It was a place she had been trained to survive in, despite the fact she'd have rather been in the stables or off training with her sword. But the time spent in her youth had paid off more times than she could count over the centuries. It served her well as she pasted on that half smile upon seeing the huge crowd in the room.

Was the room bigger? Despite being more full of people, it felt larger. It might just be perceptions. Or perhaps the elves had magic involved. Though was the magic this time? Or was their first visit here the illusion? Impossible to tell.

The change in the queen was stark. Jarring. Something that made the hair at the nape of her neck stand on end. Yet, there was no real reason for it. But it was just more proof this place was never what it seemed.

With head up and shoulders back, she braved the long walk with her companions.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara observed the faeries delivering the little treats, and ambience to their walk through the natural wooden corridors. She smiled at a few of them who peaked at their group moving toward the throne chamber. Her eyes roamed over the others with her, but she just hooked her hands under the leather strap that crossed over her torso and trailed in to the room filled with the Sidhe onlookers.

This was all taken in, along with the changes to the throne room, as they made their way to the dark haired Queen now. Lara's brown eyes stared up at the ruler, and she bowed softly toward her out of respect, a great deal of it having been earned after this wonderfully gracious amount of care that they'd been given since arriving here.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's not the most astute of people, but she's been in the hero game long enough to recognize that unexpected changes are rarely a welcome thing. It doesn't take precognition to recognize the ominous chill in the air, or the way the Queen's demeanour has so radically changed.

She glances at Sif again, then casually adjusts her path so she's behind Lara and in arm's reach. The redhead flashes a reassuring smile at the archaeologist, but her eyes flicker to the balcony as if looking for an ambush from above.

Just in case.

Thor has posed:
    Thor bowed before the Queen as well though it was not long before she gestured for them to rise. Her features might be cold, and her smile thin, but her voice had a warmth to it that hearkened back to the Summer as she spoke, "Rise, please. Friends."
    Just three words, yet at the last it seemed to ease subtle tensions that had been felt between the Sidhe and those before them. There were the faint sounds of people relaxing, or stances shifting. Then she spoke again.
    "You have pleased us with your presence, been mindful of our ways." Then she smiled and turned her head slightly to glance up to one of the balconies, "And have even exceeded us in some ways if what good Teagan has told us is true."
    Then she looks back to the heroes, "We are saddened to hear that you must depart. Though we know the draw of responsibility is great to souls such as yours." Then she falls silent.
    Which is when Thor speaks, "I am sure there are those in our company that would love to spend further time here, Your Majesty. Yet as you speak you speak true, for we have a quest before us and must see it through to the end."
    It was as Thor spoke that the doors opened behind the heroes. No light crept in from without, however, as the door was blocked entirely by a large figure that moved heavily with slow deliberate motions. A creature composed of earth and wood and stone that rose up nearly ten feet tall and proceeded to rumble forward while the Thunderer gave words. Just steady thumping footsteps as it pulled along... a cart.
    It was when the tall being paused behind the heroes that the Queen spoke again. "Ah, our Seneschal Rhuathu. Thank you."
    She turns her head back to look at the others, those icy blue eyes falling upon each in turn. "A journey is before you, no?"
    "Aye, Queen Featherwine." Thor answers.
    "Then it is important you are supplied well, for it would not do for visitors to our court to be set forth into the realms unaided. We would not have ill said of our guest rite."
    Rhuathu paused as its large head swiveled left and right, a small turtle sitting on the side of its head apparently serving as its eyes while several frogs croaked a greeting. It then rumbled and stepped back, gesturing with a large branched and wooden hand gesturing to the wagon.
    Which allowed the heroes to see that wagon, filled with golden hay that seemed perfect and clean and healthy, like a thing from a storybook. But upon that hay were items that at a glance might well seem like supplies. Though should one look closer upon them would see that their make and design were... exquisite.
    There were several messenger bags that had a light brown leather strap carefully hand-crafted... for what good were supplies without a thing with which to carry them. There were three quivers of arrows that had the white arrows that the Queen's hunters had used. There were small blades perhaps six inches in length that had sheaths crafted from the horn of some great buck. There was a pair of scroll cases that had a jaunty feather attached to them only for it to be realized it is a pen and nib tucked within the case accessibly.
    Supplies, given in such a way. Not gifts of course.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    Hiding her relief on hearing the warmth in the Queen's voice, Zatanna steps to the side of the wide aisle, careful to not turn her back on the Queen. Wonder makes her smile at the creature trudging toward them. With an effort she drops her eyes from his face to look at the parting gifts, both practical and almost too elegant for everyday use.

    She murmurs to Thor, "Tell the Queen how much we appreciate her generosity, please." The knives and the bags particularly catch her eyes.

Sif has posed:
As the door opens to permit the treelike being, Sif turns partly to see what is happening. It was interesting how the atmosphere of the room had chnaged with a few polite words from the Queen. Even the Sidhe had known this could go many ways. Even now, things were not etched in stone. It was more like water flowing down a brook. Or perhaps more the air as it danced in zephyrs and whorls, difficult to predict and more dangerous than one might imagine when it turned into a storm.

She found herself admiring quite a few items there but she resistsed the urge to touch any of the 'supplies'. Instead she turned back toward the Queen, a glance to the others in the process of that turn to see their reactions.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara caught Caitlin's smile, and returned it. But she also caught that glance up to the balcony level. She paid a glance of her own in the same way, before her eyes dropped down to the Queen. She stared at those ice blue pupils up until the doors opened, and that large, turtle-adorned figure began to trundle its way in to the room. This gets Lara to take a step back to the side, not quickly, just measured and making sure to pay the big beast its fair due of extra space.

Her eyes look to the cart that he pulls with him, before she regards Thor, then the Queen. Supplies?

"This is most gracious of you, Your Highness." Lara softly tells the now dark haired woman before she looks back to the gear upon that golden hay. Is she drooling? Of course not! Don't be silly. She's a Duchess! She's trained in etiquette! Her fingers are totally squeezing that strap of her currently worn satchel though...

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin had been admonished-- repeatedly-- about the dangers of accepting *anything* from the Sidhe. Everything had been carefully negotiated by Thor on behalf of their little expedition, and Caitlin has a strong belief in the chain of command. Thor will tell her what to do, when something needs doing.

Which is not to say she's not eyeballing those arrows. The redhead is a bruiser first and foremost but a fearsomely effective archer when occassion calls. One can see the math churning in her head as she tries to estimate weight, arrow flex, flight time....

Thor has posed:
    The Queen lifts one hand as acknowledgment for Lara's kind words as she meets the Tomb Raider's eyes. She gives a nod to her as her smile lifts at the corners just a touch.
    Thor gives Zatanna a nod then turns back from the creature of moss and stone. He smiles and lifts his voice, "None would dare say such ill things of the court of the Queen in my presence. Her generosity is evident to all those who know her." That said he lowers his eyes and touches a hand to his waist as he bows partially.
    To which the Queen merely smiles.
    Rhuathu shuffles back and starts to turn the cart around, making ready to draw it back out through those doors though he waits until bidden. The attention of the court once again turns to the Queen.
    "Now before you leave us, we are told..." She says with a small thin-lipped smile, her eyes drifting over toward Lara, then Zatanna, and Caitlin. She lifts her chin almost imperiously though still smiling, "You are due a boon for such bravery."
    Aelsa quirks an eyebrow at Thor and lets her gaze linger...
    Thor coughs after a moment.
    She looks back, "We would have you know this is no small thing. It comes to so very few mortals and then only once in a lifetime."
    Leaning forward in her throne, hands tightening upon the arms of the seat as she finally shows her teeth in that smile. "What would you have of the Queen in Winter?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Surprise slips past Zatanna's guard. Her expectation was that the Boar's slayer would be gifted with a boon and that they would be sent on their way. A hundred ideas flit through her head, that she discards as rapidly as they come. There is little in the way of material objects that the magician needs for herself. She was born to wealth and magic.

After a moment of silence that seems to stretch for an eternity. Zatanna turns and sinks into another curtsey then rises, her eyes fixed respectfully on the Queen.

    "Your majesty, we came seeking an object that would resonate between your realm and Midgard." She extends a hand to Lara, saying, "Our Ms. Croft found a list of objects that Odin brought to this realm from Midgard. Would you grant the boon of using an object brought here from Midgard to create a connection between our realms? I had thought of a necklace set with emeralds that was brought here."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes are torn from the cart of goodies as she looks toward Zatanna explaining their findings. This gets the Briton to react by reaching in to her small satchel on her hip to pull out a scroll that she'd taken from the library. After Zatanna explains, Lara steps forward and offers it to one of the Queen's court attendees. "The necklace is what we have decided would likely be the most simplistic for what we are looking for." She notes as she hands off the list to be taken to the Queen, should she desire to read it. "But, we came across a rather bountiful cache of items that King Odin had once brought to your realm from Midgard. If there is something you would prefer us take over the necklace, well... clearly it is at your descretion to choose something better."

Lara steps back then, returning her hands to the strap across her chest, her eyes going to Caitlin, and Sif then, before back toward the Queen.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin seems to understand how things are playing out, and simply nods in vigorous agreement with Lara's request. Thor's still up front being the diplomat; Zatanna and Lara, being effortlessly gracious in a way that aristocracy seems born to and to which Caitlin will always fruitlessly aspire.

But she doesn't volunteer her own opinion or request, either. The redhead is neither of means nor refined breeding, unlike the aristocrats around her. She's just a ginger girl from Iowa. And though there is much the Elves *could* do for her, she's smart enough to sit back on her heels and not get enmeshed with a Fae gift that comes with more than its tithe of strings attached.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah yes!" The Queen says brightly, lifting her head as her cold blue eyes drift from face to face. She gives a nod, "Such time ago before when he graced our court. A visit not unlike yours."
    Though that is the moment when Lara produces the scroll and extends it to the dark knight who advances the step needed to examine it. He gains a smile of his own, barking a single short laugh as he lifts it toward the Queen. "It is as they say,"
    Aelsa pauses, eyes unfocusing briefly then narrowing abruptly at Thor. Though after a glance to his comrades the Thunderer returns her gaze steadily his own smile an easily given one but peaceful and reserved. While looking to Thor she says, "It is a fine adornment, crafted well. Have it brought to them at their point of departure."
    Though at Liam Thorns' laugh she frowns most pointedly.
    Liam keeps his smile and then hands the scroll back.
    "A bond then." The Queen says, "Between Asgard, Midgard, and Alfheim. Fitting."
    The Queen of the Aelves lets silence reign for a time, one finger tapping once upon the arm of her throne. Just loud enough to make a faint 'click' of sound before she says. "Very well. Let it bring us together as kingdoms and a people."
    Her smile spreads, "Perhaps a step to the future, when we ponder other ways our people could become one. You may leave us now."
    "Your Majesty is too kind." To which Thor lowers his head, coughs once. Then retreats backward, making sure not to turn his back until the needed five paces before turning and... following the tall creature of stone and wood and loam.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Liam's laughter freezes the magician as she is about to make a final curtsey to the Queen. Following Thor's example, she backs away from the throne to follow the cart and the others from the hall. Clearing her throat and raising her chin to cover her reaction she passes the man and nods with a courtly smile that does not reach her eyes.

    Increasing her pace, she catches up to Lara's side, noting quietly when they are abreast, "Well done with the list and scroll. I wonder who will bring us the object?"

Sif has posed:
Sif had managed to hold her tongue the entire time. She even managed to keep her face straight. There were thoughts, questions, things that had come to mind. But in such a situation where every word could be a gaff and lead to someone trapped in Alfheim for eternity--or far, far worse.

As Liam laughed, Sif stiffened. There could be nothing good about that. Especially when the queen gave him that look. It wasn't that Sif was paranoid but she had lived a long time by trusting her instincts and she knew Liam had a dark sense of humor about him. Likely it was nothing but she watched him carefully until the deal was made and the scroll returned.

As they departed, she too followed decorum of not turning her back until an appropriate distance away from the Queen. Then that long, long, long walk to the exit. Which didn't seem quite as far away as when they arrived.

Once in the hallways, she breathed a sigh of relief. "That went well. The supplies were unexpected."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara received the scroll back and tucked it once more in to the satchel on her hip. When Thor bowed, Lara mirroed him... save for that rude cough.

Then she raised back up and afforded the Queen another warm smile. "It has been an experience of a life time." She said before turning with the others, and starting to walk off. Once they made it in to the hall, Lara looked over her shoulder to Zatanna. "It seems we chose well then." She tells the magician before smiling to Caitlin. "All is good, yes?" She asks of the Hammering One. "I saw you ... searching around some, giving the place an occular patdown, so to speak." She jests, clearly in a good mood before her eyes went to the cart of supplies gifted unto them.

She motions to them, before looking to Thor. "Was that expected?" She asks of the Asgardian Prince.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I'm fine," Caitlin assures Lara-- after also checking that they're all out of earshot. Even then, she pitches her voice low. "I've had some bad run-ins with monarchies offering presents with strings attached," she explains. "Given the briefing we had on the way here, I figured anything I could ask for would end up being as much a liability as a gift."

She does sigh a little. "Not that I wasn't tempted," she admits. Caitlin looks at Zatanna and uplifts her chin. "I saw you thinking; what would you have asked for?" she inquires, curious.

Thor has posed:
    Though Rhuathu seems to move slowly, his gait is so long that he keeps up a good pace. Then once the others have passed by Liam steps away from his place near the door, stepping to take one door then the other in hand and close them elegantly behind him. It's only once the door is closed does he turn to walk after them though a good ways behind so as to not offer the impression of eavesdropping.
    The cart rolls ahead of the tall tree man, the little turtle on his head turning to look at the heroes gathered all while he pushes that large wooden wagon ahead. There are tears and soft sobs coming from the other fairies that flutter and flit around, following after the delegation while they depart.
    Thor offers, "That did go well, aye." Though the Thunderer frowns for a moment and spares a glance behind him. Which causes Liam Thorns to smile openly. Which has Thor turn back and grumble. "This Liam Thorns mislikes me, reminds me o'er much of mine brother." As to which that likely is evident.
    At Lara's answer Thor gives her a nod, "Mostly." He rubs at the stubble on his chin with a thoughtful glance the raider's way, "The Sidhe are a complex people. I believe we have been fortunate, and as Caitlin says what is more we have been wise." Though the way he says that, he seems to be reserving judgment. If only for now.
    Then they reach the large double doors that lead out of the fortreess and to the courtyard. They open brightly, light shining from the sun in the sky though there is a hint of chill in the air when the wind picks up briefly. The ground is still marked there where they arrived, and outside on the walls of the ramparts many of the Fae's people stand, less the nobility and more the fair folk they met and who served them. There are calls and waves, and even the skittering of many legs as a large spider-being in a leather vest lifts her forelegs to offer her own waves of departure.
    Then the hunter that joined them, Teagan North rushes from the crowd carrying a satchel of his own. He laughs and breaks through, bright green eyes shining as he intercepts the delegation and moves to Lara. "I outraced them all, slow stepped fools that they were."
    And as Teagan says that he extends the satchel to her, "Your boon." He offers it to Lady Croft, then adds. "And mine."
    Which is when he leans in for a parting kiss that is gentle and affectionate, albeit brief as he steps back. "Until next time."
    Then he's rushing back into the crowd.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    Zatanna shrugs wistfully and sighs, "For the devil's gift." Eyebrows raised, she nods emphatically to Caitlin, "Something that might have conditions that would make me regret stepping foot here." One side of her mouth quirks wryly, "Immortality. But thank all beneficent beings I didn't think of it for more than a second."

    "What would you have asked for if.." she looks at Thor, "...it hadn't been thought wiser to not ask for more?"

    The rush of feet behind them breaks into the conversation and she looks back in time to see Teagan arrive to give his gift to Lara. She laughs aloud at the kiss, calling to Lara, "We will call you the Heart Hunter now, Lara. A boar and a conquest!"

Sif has posed:
To Sif's credit, she doesn't keep checking behind them. She knows Liam is there but he is keeping a polite distance, allowing them to speak privately. Then there is the huge Seneschal who is still pushing that cart of goodies. Although, why do they need an entire cart? Maybe it's just their way of presenting it until they move to depart. Though it seems the fae have thought of everything for, though they weep at the departure of their guests, the belongings having already been brought forth and held for them so they can be claimed before departure.

As Teagan rushes up to give Lara a gift then claims a kiss for his own boon, Sif cannot help but smile. "It seems someone has gained an admirer as well, Lara Heart Hunter."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had given a quick nod to Caitlin's response. "Well, with you and Lady Sif at our side, I have only ever felt safe here." She'd replied before stepping up toward the cart to pay the large creatuer pulling on it a smile, and one given to his Turtle friend as well. A passing pixie is noted, its sobs ringing through Lara's mind as she raises a hand up to offer a light finger tip stroke across the pixie's head to try and reassure the little creature, even if just a little.

Soon there-after though they are out within the yard, and Lara spots Teagan making his approach. She has a smile cross her features again, as she takes her hands from the leather strap across her chest, to accept the satchel from him. The kiss is well received, and returned to the fellow hunter. "Be careful, in the hunts to come, and mind what lies behind the shrubbery." She softly chides him before she hears the words from the others, and looks back to them, offering a laugh to roll out from within her.

"I don't entirely dislike that nick name. So... I accept it, with some minor amounts of caution... however."

The satchel given to her is held against her stomach now, clutched within her arms as.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Flying," Caitlin admits to Zatanna, almost instantly. She winces a little at the admission, one shoulder shrugging awkwardly at the magicienne. "I'm the only Titan who has to jump and run everywhere. It's the one thing I miss, from the... whole thing, with the ange--"

Her explanation is cut off by Teagan's sudden rush, and Caitlin laughs merrily at Lara's reaction. "Oh my goodness!" she says with a giggle. "I think he's sweet on you, Lara," she ventures at the Brit. "Shall we look into getting him a visa to come visit Earth sometime? Er, Midgard?" she amends.

Thor has posed:
    "Mmm?" Thor says as Zatanna asks him that question. Then he tilts his head to the side and murmurs, "What would I have asked for?"
    The Asgardian Prince smiles a little sadly even as he lifts a hand to wave to some of the fae that are waving to him. He smiles a little at the brief interplay with Teagan and Lara, then takes a deep breath as he moves out into the middle of the courtyard.
    "Forgiveness." He finally says, even as Rhuathu wheels the cart around behind them and their belongings, then starts to shuffle oh so slowly away.
    "Are we set? Everyone with everything they need?" Making sure their gear is brought forth and settled. Some of the Sidhe can be seen in the high windows of the castle looking down upon the courtyard. Some are smiling. Others are not.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    The magician lifts her hand to let the pixie perched on it for a last goodbye rise into the air. Her mouth opens at Thor's reply and closes on a quiet indrawn breath. Who among them does not need forgiveness?

    "We are set, I think." Looking from Thor to Lara, "The boon?"

Sif has posed:
The answer from Thor has Sif looking at him sidelong. Yet, she does not ask. If he wished to elaborate, he would. And there is always later when she can inquire if she feels it is right.

Yet, she also recognizes that such things are sometimes private. So perhaps she will wait. If he is ever ready, she is one of his friends so mayhap he will seek her out for that conversation. If not, so be it. All respect given.

For herself, she wonders what she would have asked. Honestly, there is little she lacks that she might wish. Though there are possibilities that spring to mind but they too are her own.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara laughs at what Caitlin suggests for Teagan as she sweeps that satchel around to hang it over her right shoulder by the strap connected to it. She spares a glance over her shoulder to where the Fae had gone that she'd shared the kiss with, before she looks back once more. "Yes, disappoint him, just as I have every suitor who has tried to swoon me in to something intimate. I'm sure it would not result in an awkward arrangement between our realms." She notes before she steps up to the cart, and then pulls herself up on to it.

Once upon the cart, Lara steps to one of the wheel covers to sit down upon the bench there. She looks around at those who've come to see them off, and offers a gentle wave of her hand before she glances down at the items within the cart, and reaches to done of the daggers.

Needless to say, it is unsheathed and the gleaming blade is inspected by the weapon-obsessed young woman...

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's a diligent soul, and since she's the youngest-- and it'd be unseemly for Sif and Thor to do it-- she steps to the front of the wagon and grips the cart handle. With no visible strain she starts hauling it along in the wake of the rest of the party.

She does flash a symapthetic smile at Lara; the redhead certainly understands how awkward persistent suitors can be.

"Well... guess it's time we're home," she declares.

Thor has posed:
    The blade catches the light of the sun as Lara looks upon it, the pattern on the blade seeming to dance like a flame. Yet it is simply in the layered construction of the small weapon. A well made thing, all the same, much like the other gear in the cart.
    Distantly the small pixie waves toward Zatanna trying to catch her eye.
    Thor glances toward Sif and gives a smile that says much and yet nothing even as he turns to look at the others, then gives a nod of thanks to Caitlin. "I believe we're set. Let's go home."
    And as he says that the Bifrost surges through the sky above, blazing past the sun as it shines down on them, engulfing them in the power of Asgard...
    Even as the world around them fades.